27, Skirmish near Manchester*
MANCHESTER, July 27, 1862.
Col. J. B. FRY:
* * * *
Forrest appeared before me this morning and made a successful dash upon one of my reconnoitering parties, killing 3 and capturing 15 men. He was apparently withdrawn in the direction of McMinnville. I sent out a strong detachment a short distance to the front to ascertain his whereabouts. We must concentrate a cavalry force sufficient to chase him down before we can get rid of him. Will I be relieved by Gen. Wood? If so, when? I have the flour all safely stored in the depot.
W. S. SMITH, Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, p. 218.
*Ed. note - This event is not listed in the Official Records General Index and is referenced only in passing in the following report. The event was called a "dash," which here will be determined to be a skirmish.
27, Federal scout Purdy to Lexington* - capture of Confederate forces
Monday, July 27, 1863 -- We moved out at 5:30 A. M. to Jacks [sic] Creek 5 miles distant which is a very small town on a little creek. There we took the road to Lexington, Tenn., 18 miles distant. During the forenoon the 15th Ill. Cav. was sent off on the left flank and came suddenly upon the rebels under Col. Newsome 300 strong who fled without offering resistance. We reached Lexington at 3.00 P. M. It is the capitol of Henderson County. The courthouse was burned. [Emphasis added.] Soon after our arrival the rebel Col. Campbell of Brag's [sic] army with two commissioned officers and five soldiers approached our picket post thinking it was their own men. They were all captured. The citizens do not seem to like our presence in their town.[sic]
Pomerory Diaries, July 27, 1863.
* Ed. note - This event is found neither in Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee nor the OR.
27, "Excitement on the Square."
Last evening, about 8 1/2 o'clock, as the Provost Guard were conveying a number of offending soldier to the guard house, one of them attempted to escape by running off down College street, starting from near the market house, on the Square. The guard fired one shot at the fellow thus attempting to escape, which did no damage any way, and only had the effect to call together a very large and curious crowd.
Our friend Fred. Clark, however, happened to be passing near, and seizing the soldier by the throat demanded he should stop, which he was not inclined to do, but Fred., always ready for an emergency, thrust a cigar near his throat, which he made the soldier believe was a knife, and said ["]if you don't stop I'll cut your throat["], when he halted, and was delivered back to the guard.
Nashville Daily Press, July 28, 1863
27, "Facts for the Military Far [sic];" effects of occupation on Nashville streets
For the sake of our good city, and in justice to its officials and people, we desire to say a few words. Our City authorities have been condemned and our people censured, for the deplorable condition of our streets. After stating a few facts, we will leave the public to judge as to where the blame lies. Our City Laws [sic] authorize the employment of persons committed to the workhouse for misdemeanors, on the public streets; hence upon the labor of this class of persons, the city has mainly depended for keeping the streets in repair. In former times, the labor thus obtained was found to be abundant; since the occupation of Nashville by the Federal troops, however, the wear and tear of the streets has been a thousand per cent greater, while the means at command of the City authorities has been much less, mainly because the recruiting officer is, and has ever been, ready to pounce upon every inmate of the workhouse as soon as he becomes lodged there. Some few men thus obtained probably became good soldiers; but the large majority of those recruited from the workhouse are merely furnished with greater facilities for carrying out their vicious and wicked purposes, and thus become a disgrace to the army to which they belong, and a curse to society. Their whole time is devoted to robbery, pillage, and murder, and no portion of it given to the service of the country in whose pay they are. We therefore ask that the civic authorities be permitted to remain in their custody all vicious characters and persons guilty of felony, that may be put to profitable employment upon the streets. We may also state that more hands have been under the pay of the corporation since the Federals have occupied Nashville, than ever before, and still the proper officers are unable to procure sufficient to meet the wants of the Street Overseer.
Nashville Dispatch, July 27, 1864.
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