5, Leonidas J. Polk appointed to command of the Army of Tennessee to oversee the transition of the Tennessee Provisional Army to the forces of the Confederacy
ADJUTANT AND INSPECTOR Gen.'s OFFICE, Richmond, July 5, 1861.
Maj. Gen. LEONIDAS POLK, Commanding Military Department No. Memphis, Tenn.:
GEN.: In transmitting the inclosed copy of a communication to the governor of Tennessee, I am instructed by the President to desire that you will correspond with his excellency, and arrange with him the time for receiving the provisional forces of Tennessee into the service of the Confederate States in the manner indicated to him in the inclosed letter, and that you will detail from your command the officers necessary for that purpose.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector Gen.
ADJUTANT AND INSPECTOR Gen.'s OFFICE, Richmond, July 5, 1861.
His Excellency ISHAM G. HARRIS, Governor of Tennessee, Nashville :
SIR: Your letter of the 24th ultimo, covering an authentic copy of proclamation declaring the independence of Tennessee, &c., has been received by the President.
In respect to the steps necessary to consummate the transfer of the Provisional Army of Tennessee to the Confederate States, mentioned in your communication, I am instructed to inform you that in order to accomplish this object it will be necessary to transfer to officers of the Confederate States service, who will be designated to receive them, the muster rolls of the several companies, battalions, or regiments, as the case may be. These muster rolls of the troops shall be made at their several camps and stations, the Confederate officers verifying, and this will form the basis for future musters.
Maj.-Gen. Polk, who has been assigned to the command of the military department embracing part of the State of Tennessee, will be instructed to detail the proper officers for the muster of the provisional forces of Tennessee in the manner above indicated, and for receiving the same into the service of the Confederate States.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 4, p. 363.
5, Prominent Memphis citizens urge the appointment of Gideon J. Pillow as Commander of the Army of Tennessee
MEMPHIS, July 5, 1861
The undersigned have learned with deep regret, in an unofficial manner, that the forces and military command of this portion of the Confederate States has been tendered by the Government to another than Major General Pillow. We do not desire to reflect upon the discretion exercised by the Government in placing a distinguished citizen of Louisiana in command of the valley of the Mississippi, but we can not hesitate to express the satisfaction that it would have afforded the citizens and Army of Tennessee that this command should have been given to their own distinguished fellow-citizen Major General Pillow. His indomitable energy, his sleepless vigilance, his masterly ability, as displayed before our eyes since he took command of our army, has won for him the esteem of all, and we think fairly entitles him to leas the army which he has created. In a few weeks he has brought into the field a force of more than 20,000 armed and equipped, ready to meet the enemy. Taking command without ordnance, commissary, or quartermaster's stores, he is now fully prepared not only to resist but to make invasion. We feel than no eulogies that we could make would do justice to the services that he has rendered the cause, but we would simply and respectfully [want] to suggest to the Secretary of War, and through him to the President, that the appointment of Major General Pillow to the command of the active force on the banks of the Mississippi would be but an act of justice to him, and would give the greatest satisfaction to the force thus placed under his command.
(signed)William T. Brown, Smith P. Bankhead, P. Smith, M.C. Gallaway; Jno. D. Martin, Benj. S. Dill
MEMPHIS, July 5, 1861.
His Excellency JEFFERSON DAVIS, President, &c.:
SIR: I am presuming upon a slight acquaintance I had the honor of forming with you in this city several years since (and which it can hardly be supposed you can possibly recall in the midst of the constant labors and important events with which you have since been occupied), when I trouble you with but a word in reference to Maj.-Gen. Pillow, now in command at this point. Since he assumed his command he has been by no means free from criticism. Probably no man ever is under such circumstances. It is every day's experience that those who "never set squadron in the field," and are utterly ignorant of all military matters, feel themselves qualified to pass judgment upon the plans of the most experienced commanders. Possessing no military education or experience myself, it would be presumptuous in me to express an opinion, except upon such matters as may fairly come within the scope of the observation and judgment of all. And here I beg leave to say that since he has been in command here he has manifested a degree of energy and activity in organizing our State forces and in collecting the materials of war that has challenged the public approbation and called forth no slight expressions of praise. Hence I believe that the wish is pretty general that, having labored so energetically in the details of organization, he may be called into such more active service of the Confederacy as may be commensurate with his position and rank.
With highest respect, your obedient servant,
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 4, pp. 363-364.
5-7, Federal expedition from La Grange, Tenn.
GENERAL ORDERS, No. 65. HDQRS. RIGHT WING, 16TH ARMY CORPS, La Grange, Tenn., July 4, 1864.
This command will be held in readiness to march early to-morrow morning, July 5. The infantry and artillery of this command will be provided with three days' rations, commencing on the 5th and ending on 7th. Proper requisitions will be immediately made out and the rations drawn. The cavalry will be provided with five days' rations It is also desirable that as much forage (particularly oats) should be carried as possible. Additional orders will be issued later in the day for the order of march.
By order of Maj. Gen. A. J. Smith:
GENERAL ORDERS, No. 9. HDQRS. 2d Brig., 3d DIV., 16TH ARMY CORPS, La Grange, Tenn., July 4, 1864.
Cmdg. officers of regiments and companies will not permit any straggling from their respective commands on the march. The disgraceful manner in which our march was conducted on the day we marched to this camp must not be repeated. Cmdg. officers of companies will see that every man has his canteen filled with water before the hour of marching in order that the subterfuge of looking after water may be no excuse. Experience has proven to both officers and men that those who remain with their companies uniformly endure the march better than those who straggle. Firing of guns while on the march will not be permitted. Regimental and company officers will be held responsible for the non-fulfillment of this order, which will be published to each regiment before we enter upon the march.
By order of James I. Gilbert, colonel commanding brigade:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. II, p. 163.
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