28, Call for public assistance for the families of Confederate volunteer soldiers
Families of Volunteers.—In most cities a generous patriotism has liberally provided for the families of those whose devotion to the southern cause leads them away from wife and children. This subject must not be lost sight of in Memphis. Men who pour out their blood in our defense must not have the ardor of the battle damped with a fear that their loved ones are a prey to want. What says our city council on this subject, and what say our citizens generally. Let us have appropriations, and subscriptions.
Memphis Daily Appeal, April 28, 1861
28, Pikes and the Methodist Publishing House
Publishing House-The Nashville Book Concern.-Our Nashville correspondent gives a sadly graphic account of the doings of the Methodist Publishing House at Nashville in its efforts to add fuel to the flame of rebellion. Under the pretext of serving that God whose son was given to the world as the harbinger of "peace on earth and good will toward man," its officers have converted its rooms into armories, and we have now in our office one of the tracts which they were preparing to send out, in the shape of a pike, which was seized, with five hundred others of the same sort, on its premises. The exposure of our correspondent is crushing, and the effrontery of the Concern, in asking facilities from the Government they have abused and imperiled, exceeds anything which ever came under our observation.
Louisville Daily Journal, April 28, 1862. [1]
28, General Joseph E. Johnston's continued anxieties relative to procuring food for the Army of Tennessee
TULLAHOMA, April 28, 1863
Hon. JAMES A. SEDDON, Secretary of War:
SIR: I have had the honor to receive your letter of the 17th instant. The difficulty of procuring subsistence stores in the country is increasing fast. Corn is still abundant 40 or 50 miles to the west, but its transportation requires much time. Meat is procured in small quantities beyond the enemy's flanks, but at great risk, over routes lying near his positions. This risk is becoming greater daily, the enemy's entrenchments and superior numbers enabling him to make detachments safely. The large Federal force now approaching Decatur will probably increase these advantages very soon.
It would be very difficult I think, to make purchases in Kentucky with cotton, on account of the long distance from our railroad to the Kentucky line. Where that exchange is permitted, it should be under such circumstances as to enable the Government to keep it out of the hands of individuals. That trade has subjugated our people where-ever the they have engaged in it.
Should this army be compelled to abandon Middle Tennessee, its position for the defense of East Tennessee will be extremely unfavorable, as its communications will be from the flanks instead of to the rear. Such a defense would be impossible against an enterprising enemy; hence the great importance of Gen. Bragg's holding his present position, and hence my applying, more than once, for re-enforcements for him.
I have been informed that a considerable quantity of bacon may be procured for sugar. An officer has therefore been sent to attempt to make the exchanges.
In writing to the President on the 11th instant, being then, as now, unfit for service in the field, I suggested that if conference with Gen. Bragg was still desired, a confidential officer should be sent to his headquarters for the purpose.
* * * *
Most respectfully, your obedient servant,
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 799.
28, "Clairvoyance for One Week Only."
Madame Cora James will be found at her rooms on Second street between Madison and Monroe streets, where she is daily astonishing people of the highest rank by her wonderful predictions by clairvoyance in all things pertaining to the past, the present, and the future. All who wish to learn the final [sic] result of this war, and hear from absent friends, or investigate matters of importance, should avail themselves of this opportunity and come at once. Soldiers. Learn your doom! Don't defer so important a matter. – Madam Cora James' predictions are true and interesting. Rooms at (recently called) Bluff City House.
Memphis Bulletin, April 28, 1863
27-28, Small pox and vaccination, starving refugees, confederate prisoners of war, cowards and African American troops: the news from Murfreesboro and Short Mountain environs
Redoubt Johnson
Murfreesboro Tenn.
November 27/63
Fother [sic] and Mother
I received a letter from you a few days Since and have neglected answerin until now[.] My health is good and hoping these lines will finde you all well[.] Capt nut Started this Morning for Chattanooga to his Regt Lieutinant [sic] pool [sic] is commanding our company not the mail trane [sic] has not come threw to day[.] the word is now that wee have had another hard fight near Chattanooga I seen [sic] fifteen hundred Rebel prisoners to day Just from the battle field the cars halted here a few minutes to wood and water they are the Ragidest [sic] looking Set you ever Saw they are gone on to Nashville i [sic] Suppose there will bee [sic] More of them threw from all accounts[.] Wee have not learned any of the particulars yet Concerning the fight[.] there was a Nigro [sic] Regiment passed here this forenoon going on to the front I suppose[.] Some folks are opposed to arming them but i [sic] think it is only by those that are too big a Cowards [sic] to fight them Selvs [sic] [.] If an man would rather Soldiers than to See a negro at it down here is the place for him[.] Cowards are the greatest men to talk that wee [sic] have and know Just [sic] about as little for my part[.] i [sic] Say Make [sic] use of any and Every Measure [sic] that will crush the rebellion[.] let [sic] any man bee [sic] Jamed [sic] about over the Country as I and thousands of others have and he will Say the Same that is my notion about things[.] there [sic] is families pasing [sic] here all the time going north[,] they are the poorest people you Ever Saw [.] Some of them are going with a one horse wagon and some in ox carts and Some on foot[.] they [sic] Say they have nothing more to live on here[.] I seen a man to day that had Come [sic] from Short Mountain that is up South East of here near Mcmimille [sic] he Said [sic] he was Just Starved [sic] out and Couldent [sic] get away from here and he said [sic] there was any amount of families where he come from Suffering [sic] for Something to Eat and couldent [sic] get away[.] the Men are in the Reble army and they are left to do the best they can[.] Wee have had no new cases of Smallpox in the company[.] the [sic] ones that had it are well again it is not about Sunset and Supper is about Rready So I will quit for the present[.]
Saturday Evening Nov. 28/63
yours of the 22[nd] is before me now I received 4 letters to day….Wee had a very heavy rain here last knight [sic] and this Morning [.] it [sic] has turned very Cool and Still drizling [sic] the river is tolerable high I have not Seen any paper today I dont know what the news is you wanted to know if I had been vaxinated ][.] i [sic] was vaxinated last Spring [sic] [.] My arm was Sore all Summer and then it only left a blew Spot [.] the doctor Said it wasent [sic] the rite kind of Stuff [sic][.] there is a good many in the Company [sic] now that are vaxinated [sic] I believe I will try it agan and See [sic] what it will do[.] one [sic] of our boys Come [sic] back from the hospittle to day[;] he has Just got over the Smallpox [,] it has left a good many marks on him[.]….
J. H. Jones
Letter of James Jones, 57th Indiana Infantry.
28, The end of the war is accepted by a Madison County farmer
Lizzie came from school this evening says there is news in town. The substance as she gives it, is that there is to be no more [sic] fighting & peace is to be made. If true it would be glorious news, even considering the future is no easy one....
Robert H. Cartmell Diary
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
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