9, Public school vandalism in Memphis
Shameful Outrages.—On two or three occasions lately, outrages of a scandalous character have been committed on premises occupied by branches of the public schools. On one occasion during the night, a considerable number of books were taken from a school room and thrown down the privy vault, and the ink was poured over the floor. On another occasion, filth was daubed on doors and forced into locks. These things have not been made public, as it was hoped, the proprietors would be discovered. Yesterday morning, before the arrival of the teacher, Mr. Fray, fifteen or twenty youths from Pinch appeared before the school house at the corner of Second and Monroe streets, and swearing they would clear the South Memphis boys out, they commenced an attack upon the boys who were about the school house, striking several and choking one. Sticks and stones were thrown at the windows, which were broken. The arrival of Mr. Fray put the young rogues to flight, when they proceeded to the Linden street school house. The boys there being in the grounds of the school house, they did not succeed in injuring them, but they swore they would come another day and clean out every South Memphis boy that could be found. The names of several of the assailants are known, and the police are searching into the affair. We learn from Superintendent Pope that he will certainly bring the guilty ones before the recorder, that the proper and highly necessary punishment may be inflicted.
Memphis Daily Appeal, April 9, 1861.
9, Preparing to receive the wounded in Memphis
Irving Hospital.—Under the care of Dr. C. S. Fenner, who was charged with the work by the military authorities, the rooms in the Irving block, lately occupied by the Southern Mothers, have been cleansed and fitted up with comfortable beds. Doors have been broken through to allow of complete communication between the suits of rooms. A large kitchen has been fixed up with the necessary appendages. There was but one patient there last evening, Lieut. Crawford, who resides fifty miles down the Mississippi railroad; he was wounded in the battle of Sunday last, receiving a bayonet stab in the eye. He is doing well, and will return home to-day. The hospital, when we went over it, was already favored with the presence of ladies—kind-hearted and compassionate matrons, full of the angel-like spirit of Florence Nightingale—who were waiting to bestow their soothing cares on the suffering soldiers, as soon as they should arrive. Under the care of Dr. Fenner, who is experienced, industrious, patient, and of kind manners, we expect to see the Irving Hospital well and satisfactorily conducted.
Memphis Daily Appeal, April 9, 1862
9, A Fair Squabble"
One of the most beautiful small-sized rows that has come under our immediate observation for a long time, occurred yesterday afternoon about 6 o'clock. A boy, whose name we could not learn, was making Flora Temple time, followed very closely by a Hebrew. The boy held in his hand a small piece of cotton goods, which the son of Abraham seemed intent on capturing. As the boy came near the corner of Main and Jefferson street, a gentleman ordered the pursuer and pursued to halt, at which both came to a sudden stop, as quickly as if they had been drilled by a regular army officer. The gentleman who gave the world of command, (also by the way, occupies a military position of no mean importance,) demanded of the gentlemen who gave chase what he was after the boy for. To which the other replied the boy had stolen some goods from him, and that he (the boy,) had them in his hands. The military gentleman asked if he saw the boy take the goods to which he received a negative reply. But another man then stepped forward and said he did. Orders were then given to arrest the man and host hold him as a witness to appear against the boy to-day. This changed at once the order of things. The would-be witness soon discovered he knew nothing about the affair. This dodging of an issue prejudiced great indignation in the breast of military friend, and to satisfy it, pitched into the first mentioned gentleman, with the express determination (or rather this our opinion,) of giving harm (or taking) a sound drubbing with his fist. When we were forced from the field to conflict by the immense crowd which collected, the sight of it arose to that dignified title, was all on one side; that is, _______[illegible] was decidedly in the ascendant. We understand the combatants were separated without much damage being done to either. Reader had you been where we were you would have laughed fit to split your sides. The whole thing was a splendid farce, but not much of a joke on our Hebrew friend.
Memphis Bulletin, April 10, 1863.
9, Communication relative to Federal security patrols and need to restrict passes for civilians drawing army rations in Cleveland environs
HDQRS. 1ST CAV. DIV., DEPT. OF THE CUMBERLAND, Cleveland, Tenn., April 9, 1864.
Brig. Gen. WILLIAM D. WHIPPLE, Chief of Staff, Department of the Cumberland:
I have the honor to report all quiet. My scouting parties are sent out daily on all the roads leading from this point. They find the enemy's pickets at the same positions as previously reported. I have inaugurated a system of patrolling at all hours of the day and night, by which I am persuaded a band of spies and mail carriers from the enemy will be either captured or broken up. I would respectfully suggest that the post commander be instructed to exercise more strictness in granting passes to citizens, as I am induced to believe that information is obtained by the enemy through persons who pass through here.
I have the honor to be, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
EDWARD M. MCCOOK, Col., Cmdg. Division.
[First indorsement.]
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Chattanooga, April 19, 1864.
Respectfully referred to Gen. J. B. Steedman, commanding post of Chattanooga, for his information and guidance.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Thomas:
WM. McMICHAEL, Maj. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
[Second indorsement.]
HDQRS. POST, Chattanooga, April 20, 1864.
Respectfully returned to department headquarters.
No passes are given to citizens by the post provost-marshal except to those who come in to draw rations and are known to be loyal.
JAMES B. STEEDMAN, Brig.-Gen., U. S. Army, Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, pp. 307-308.
9, Depredations committed by bushwhackers on Sugar Creek, and Wayland Springs
Brig. Gen. W. D. WHIPPLE, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Department of the Cumberland:
I have the honor to invite the attention of the major-general commanding to the following statement of facts, submitted to me by a citizen, in whom I believe reliance may be placed: On Sunday, the 9th instant, three soldiers, Brewer, and Kiddy by name, with two Confederates, who would not show themselves, and cannot therefore be identified, belonging to a company of the Second Tennessee Mounted Infantry which is stationed at Clifton, came to the house of Mr. William Johnson, living on Sugar Creek, some eighteen or twenty miles southwest of this place, and demanded of his wife, he not being at home, $12,000 She told them she had no money, when they hung her and her daughter several times, completing their diabolical work by each of them outraging the person of Mrs. Johnson. From Johnson's house these men went to the house of John. D. Wade, Johnson's brother-in law, living in the same neighborhood, and by the same process of hanging and threats extracted $50 from him. From Wade's the scoundrels went to P. P. Powell's, where they repeated the operation of hanging upon him. From Powell's they went to John Guest's, whom they beat nearly to death, and upon his entreating one of them by name to spare has life they, finding they were known, killed him; three shots were put into his body. From Powell's they went to Dr. James McDougal's, at Wayland's Spring; the doctor being absent, they demanded money of Mrs. McDougal, who gave them all she had, and they left, and are supposed to have gone back to Clifton. The full names of these outlaws as given me are Thomas Brewer, Wall Stutts, and Thomas Kiddy. It is stated to me that Lieut. James J. Brombley, of the company or command at Clifton, knows all of these soldiers and all of the witnesses by whom the facts can be proven, and that he discountenances, and so far as he may, represses all such proceedings. He is suggested as a proper person to be placed in charge of the investigation of the matter and the arrest of the offenders. The facts above recited can, I am informed, be established by the following witnesses: William Johnson, wife, and daughter, heretofore residing on Sugar Creek, in Wayne County, but now moving to Bedford County, between Cornersville and Shelbyville; John D. Wade, William Danley, John McClearin, James Guest (or Gest), son of the murdered man, Richard Olive, John Wash. Brewer, William Brewer, commonly called Budd Brewer; all living in the neighborhood in which these outrages were committed.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
R. W. JOHNSON, Brig.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, pp. 427-428.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
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