29, 1861 - Excerpt from a letter by Robert D. Jamison of Murfreesborough relative to excitement surrounding secession crisis in Tennessee
... Uncle Atha is the most excited man I ever saw. He can talk about nothing else but the state of our country. Companies of soldiers are mustering at every point. They have two companies at Franklin, two at Columbia, one at Spring Hill, and one at Thompson Station. All of the schools have broken up around her except Uncle Atha's and Mr. Bond's.
....One of [Mr. Bond's]...scholars...has stopped and joined a company and I think some more will stop and join.
I never saw such excitement in my life. Everyone is trying to see who can do the most for his country. Mr. Bond is just on tiptoes. He has gone to Spring Hill to make a speech. The cry is heard on every side, "to arms, to arms."
Robert D. Jamison Papers, TSL&A.
29, 1861 - Mrs. Andrew Jackson Donelson appeals to General Winfield Scott to "arrest the civil war now begun."
Mrs. Donelson to Gen. Scott.—The following eloquent appeal to Gen. Scott from the wife of Andrew Jackson Donelson, we find in the Memphis Bulletin:
Memphis, April 29, 1861.
Gen. Scott—Dear Sir: I address you not as a stranger. I was introduced to you in 1834, at the White House, by President Jackson, as "my niece, Miss Martin, of Tennessee." In 1834 I married Louis Randolph, a grandson of President Jefferson. In 1837 he died, and in 1841 I married Major Andrew J. Donelson, whom you will remember. In 1852 I saw you frequently in Washington.
I write to you, Gen. Scott, as the only man in the country who can arrest the civil war now begun. When it was announced that "Gen. Scott had resigned," a thrill of joy ran through the South. Cannon told the glad tidings, and my heart said, "God bless him." Now it is said "you will never fight under any other than the Star Spangled Banner." We have loved that banner. We have loved the Union. But the Union is gone, and forever, and I wept as each star left the field of blue and set in night. Now we have another field of blue, and soon our fifteen stars will shine upon our right. The stripes are all that is left of the banner you have borne victorious in many battles.
Of you I may ask it, but not the usurper and his Abolition band, who now desecrate the honored place once filled by our Washington, Jefferson and Jackson—of Gen. Scott I ask it—STOP THIS WAR. Say to the North, you shall not shed your brother's blood. The sons of Tennessee and the South have buckled on their armor, and are ready for the fight. We will fight this battle, every man, woman and child, to the last cent in our pockets and the last drop of blood in our veins. The North boasts of its strength. If this boast be well founded, it were cowardice to destroy the weak. But "the race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong!" God will defend us when our husbands and sons go forth to repel the invaders of our homes, our rights, and our soil. Then count the cost, Hero of Battles, and let after ages bless you.
Daily Advocate [Baton Rouge], May 24, 1861.
29, 1862 - Skirmish near Monterey at Adkin's House
Report of Brig. Gen. Patton Anderson, C. S. Army, of skirmish at Monterey, Tenn., April 29.
ADKIN'S HOUSE, ON MONTEREY ROAD, TENN., April 29, 1862--12.45 p. m.
MAJ.: A few minutes after my last note was written the cavalry which had been left and Monterey came dashing through my lines a little beyond this, reporting the enemy in hot pursuit in largely-superior cavalry force and infantry; not known how many. Most of Lieut.-Col. Kelly's command were halted and formed in front some 400 to 600 yards; many, however, passed through and have probably gone to Corinth. My dispositions had been made. A few precautions were, however, added. The artillery (three pieces Washington Artillery) was in the center of the right wing, sweeping the road. Our cavalry was soon fired upon by large squadrons, perhaps 500 men, and, returning the fire feebly, fell back. The enemy came in pursuit, and as soon as his columns were unmasked, as previously directed, Lieut. Vaught, commanding the artillery, opened upon the head of his column with canister and round shot and soon put the whole to flight, killing one or two and several horses. I had not the cavalry to pursue vigorously, but sent 50 men, under an officer, to follow on and learn where he had gone. They followed to within 1 mile of Monterey and report infantry and six pieces of artillery there.
Maj. Smith, commanding 150 mounted men, on his way from Corinth to Sand Hill, came up while the firing was going on and promptly reported to me for service. I ordered him to divide and form on my right and left and to send out small parties for observation, &c., all of which he promptly executed.
After the enemy's cavalry had retreated beyond the range of our artillery I ceased firing and occupied the position until half an hour ago, when I fell back through a boggy wood to this position, on the hill commanding Mr. Atkins' house.
I had expected the infantry and artillery to move up after the cavalry was repulsed; but waiting three hours for him, and finding this to be a better position, I crossed the creek near Adkins' and took the position I now occupy. I was much influenced in his move by a report which Lieut. Forrest, of Forrest's cavalry, made me after the repulse. He came, attracted by the firing, and reported the enemy moving up the Hamburg and Corinth road in a column of 10,000 infantry. He had been posted with 20 men on this road yesterday morning at a point near Babb's house. This morning he was driven in and cut off from his retreat to me and came back toward Corinth till he heard the firing and returned. If this information be true (and it concurs with former reports of scouts), it is important. That road (the Babb) intersects the Monterey and Corinth road 4½ miles this side of Corinth, at Shope's house.
The roads are in wretched condition. It is almost impossible to get our artillery through the mud with their weakened teams. A great deal of our cavalry cannot be got to make a stand from the same cause.
Lieut. Vaught and his men deserve much praise for the coolness, courage, and skill with which they handled their pieces. He was ably assisted by Lieut. Chalaron, who likewise displayed all the good qualities of an artillery officer. The infantry did not fire a volley, but stood coolly, ready to do so when ordered.
I would be pleased to receive any suggestions from the general commanding at all times in regard to my movements, and I shall endeavor to keep him informed of what I do.
I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Brig.-Gen., Cmdg. Outpost, &c.
P. S.-I have said one or two were killed, because the first officer who rode over the field reported to me two; one who subsequently examined said he could find but one.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 10, pt. I, pp. 800-801.
29, 1862 - Lack of confidence expressed in Memphis; contingency from the Daily Appeal's evacuation announced
The APPEAL will continue to punctually be issued in Memphis so long as the city is in possession of the Confederate authorities. Should it, however, be occupied by the enemy, taking a lesson from the despotic suppression of the Nashville journals by ANDREW JOHNSON, we shall discontinue its publication, here and remove to some safe point in Mississippi, where we can express our true political sentiments, and still breath the pure and untainted atmosphere of Southern freedom. We cannot do such violence to our feelings as to submit to a censorship under LINCOLN'S hireling minions that would deprive us of the privilege of depressing at all times our earnest God-speed to the progress of Southern independence, and write and speak what we think. Sooner would we sink our types, press and establishment in the bottom of the Mississippi river, and be wanderers and exiles from our homes.
Memphis Appeal, April 29, 1862.
29, 1862 - Female entrepreneurs in Nashville
New Southern, Straw Hat and Bonnet Manufactory.
The People of Nashville and vicinity are informed that they can be supplied with Hats and Bonnets from the production of their own soil—no way inferior, if not surpassing any English importation or any handicraft of the Northern States. Also, that their old Hats and Bonnets, however much soiled and out of modern style, can be made to compete with new ones, in shape and finish, at very short notice, and on reasonable terms. Hats and Bonnets are colored and finished in superior style.
Black lace Veils, &c., although reduced to an apparently worthless condition, may be restored to their primitive beauty in color and finish. Feathers colored white and red, and finished to equal new. All those who wish to see "old things pass away and all things become new" in the way of Hats, Bonnets, Lace, &c., will please call at No. 15½ Kirkman's Block, Summer street.
Mrs. Lloyd,
Mrs. C. C. Dow.
Nashville Dispatch, April 29, 1862.
29, 1863 - Special Order [sic], No. 13
Office District Provost Marshal,
District of Memphis
Memphis, Tenn., April 29th, 1863
I.* * * * [sic] If, after ten days from the date of this order any house of ill fame, kept for the purpose of prostitution and lewdness, is discovered in this District, the inmates thereof will be arrested and sent North,[1] and their household furniture reported to the Commanding Officer for confiscation.
II. Any officer or soldier of the United States Army, who in this District should so far forget the respectability and dignity of his position, as to appear in places of the above named character, except on official duty, will, upon discovery, be reported with his name, and regiment, to the Commanding General.
III. Masters of steamboats are prohibited from bringing to this District and landing, as passengers, "prostitutes" [sic] or women of disreputable character. A violation of this order will subject the offender to arrest and fine.
The local Provost Marshals in this District will see that these orders are enforced.
MELANCTHON SMITH, Lieut. Col., and District Provost Marshal.
Headquarters District of Memphis
Memphis, Tenn., April 30th, 1863
By order of Brig. Gen J. C. Veatch.
F. W. FOX [sic], A. A. G.
Memphis Bulletin, May 1, 1863.
29, 1863 - "I rose up and fired one shot and fell back." J. M. Winn, Confederate soldier, to his wife in Robertson County
Camp 15 miles East [sic] of Carthage
April 29th, 1863
Dear Priscilla:
Learning that I have an opportunity of sending you a letter I proceed to write to you, hoping very cincearingly [sic] that it may reach you in safety & find you well and doing well. These lines leave me in fine health & the boys are all well so far as I know, (of our Reg[iment].)
Thos. R. Mason I learn is getting well of his wound. I haven't been in but one battle since I came out this time, that was at Snows Hill[2] near Smithville. I leigh [sic] under the Enemies' [sic] fire about ½ an hour, was then ordered to retreat. I rose up and fired one shot and fell back. Our company lost Lieutenant Ashbrook, wounded in the head he is getting well.
Puss I hardly know how to write for I wrote you a letter soon after I cam[e] through and started it by a man that said he was going through. Some of the boys say that he didn't go. This is the only chance that I have of sending a letter to you. I have been anxious to write all the time. I am very glad that I have this opportunity.
Puss, I expect when I hear from you, to hear that you have been confined, I hope as at any rate and hope that you[r] man have had an easy time of it. That you have brought forth[3] & that you both are doing well.
The boys see a tolerable hard time, everything is high out here. Corn is worth $10. per lb., Bacon from 25 to 35 cts. per lb. Horses are worth from 100 to 800 Dollars.
Write soon, write how you are & how you have been all the time, and if you have anything there say what it is and its name. Give all the particulars.
Winds of Change, p. 57.
29, 1864 - Special Orders, No. 120, expulsion of sutlers from the army in the field in East Tennessee
Knoxville, Tenn., April 29, 1864.
I. Until further orders, no sutlers will be allowed with the troops in the field. Division commanders will see that all sutlers with the army in the field are sent to the rear at once.
* * * *
By command of Maj.-Gen. Schofield:
R. MORROW, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 541.
29, 1864 - "…subject to bushwhacking rule…." An entry from the Diary of Eliza Rhea Anderson Fain
Night before last [27th Tuesday] a few minutes before one o'clock I was aroused I suppose by the barking of the dogs. I listened very attentively when one of the dogs make a noise like someone has struck it. I felt alarmed but did not get up A few moments afterward the report of a gun fell upon my ear. My heart rose within me. My first thought was bushwhackers at Sarah's are killing some of our men or being killed. I was soon out of my bed and awakened my praying child. In a short time the report of another gun reached us; we went upstairs to look and see if we could what was going on. We then came back to my room. I dressed myself and with earnest prayer prepared to meet what I felt would soon be our terrible fate, subject to bushwhacking rule, every moment for at least half an hour was one of intense feeling and one of prayer that my father would be a shield of fire by night round about us. Sallie lay down and as did I after awhile; but not to sleep. Sallie, Fannie and Nannie with myself were awake until after three.
This evening I learned the cause of our great alarm. Four [Union] bushwhackers went to Mr. Sensabaugh's and demanded two rebel soldiers who had gone there to stay all night. Mr. Sensabaugh roused the men up, they came down and gave themselves up. They tied them and brought them down the road as far as the lane between Mr. Netherlands and brother Hiram, here they began their murderous work. They had left their horses there and walked to Mr. S's. The names of the two soldiers were Corriger and Southern. Corriger made his escape but Southern fell a victim to their wrath. Two of the bushwhackers left to go in search of a mule. Our men I suppose made some resistance and perhaps were gaining some advantage over the two when one of them knocked Corriger down with a gun. Southern started to run, they took after him and Corriger made his escape getting on his own horse. Southern would also have gotten away but the other two coming up at the time stopped him. They beat him with a pistol on the head bruising him so badly. They also stabbed him and then took him to Mr. Pryors and left telling Mr. P., so I understand, that he must send for a doctor and have him taken care of. If he failed to do it they would come and serve him in the same way.
A scout of some 20 of our men came down on Thursday [28th]. Cousin Bay and Stevens came by and took some supper with us. They intending going over the river but did not, I suppose, why I cannot tell. They took Mr. Southern with them on Friday [29th]. We were so rejoiced to see and know our men were coming back.
Fain Diary.
29, 1865 - Returning Confederate soldiers required to take the oath of allegiance in East Tennessee
CHATTANOOGA, April 29, 1865.
Brig. Gen. W. D. WHIPPLE, Chief of Staff:
There are large numbers of paroled rebel soldiers from Lee's army and Forrest's here and coming into our lines at all points, who are utterly destitute, and who will inevitably be driven to stealing and robbery, if not bushwhacking, unless they can be permitted to go to their homes or be provided for in some manner. What shall I do with them?
KNOXVILLE, April 29, 1865--12.55 p. m.
Maj.-Gen. THOMAS:
Your telegram received. Numbers of men have come into East Tennessee with authority from Gen. Grant to go to their homes, which are in East Tennessee. Do your instructions include such persons; and if so, shall they be sent without the limits of the State? There are others whose homes are in Georgia, Alabama, and the other Southern States. They are penniless and without food, and must live by begging or stealing. Can I issue such persons a limited amount of rations and send them by rail to Dalton and get rid of them; also obnoxious and troublesome characters?
GEO. STONEMAN, Maj.-Gen. of Volunteers, Cmdg.
Maj.-Gen. STONEMAN, Knoxville:
By decision of the Attorney-Gen., no Confederate is entitled to come into a loyal State on his parole. He will have to take the oath of allegiance to the United States to enable him to remain. You are authorized to give a limited amount of subsistence to such rebel soldiers who have to pass through East Tennessee to get to Georgia and Alabama. They must not be allowed to stop on the way.
1. GEO. H. THOMAS, Maj.-Gen., U. S. Army, Cmdg.
Send the above to Gen. Steedman and Gen. R. S. Granger entire. Send the first sentence to Gen. Washburn.
GEO. H. THOMAS, Maj.-Gen., U. S. Army.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, pp. 518-519.
[1] A similar action would take place in Nashville in early July 1863. The tactic of mass expulsion of prostitutes worked in neither city, leading to a martial-management strategy characterized by a system of liscenced prostitution and medical inspection, established in Nashville in the summer of 1863 and in Memphis in the fall of 1864.
[2] See April 2-6, 1863, "Reconnaissance, Murfreesborough to Auburn, Lebanon, Carthage, Cherry; Valley, Statesville, Snow Hill & Liberty," above.
[3] That is, given birth.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1550 x115
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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