Saturday, April 26, 2014

4.26.14 Tennessee Civil War Notes

               26, Germantown Ladies organize to help protect the fatherland
The Ladies of Germantown.
Editors Appeal: We, the ladies of Germantown and vicinity, in consideration of the troubles that are brooding over our native land, have resolved to aid to the best of our ability our relatives and friends who shall engage in the approaching conflict. We, therefore, offer to the soldiers of Germantown all the assistance in our power with our needles, and promise also to aid in the care and sustenance of their families during their absence. And should the war approach our own homes, we will watch over the sick and wounded (though strangers) as our own brothers or fathers.
[Signed] Mrs. Maria L. Pettit, Mrs. E. B. Cornelius, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Moliter, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Boardman, Mrs. Burnley, Mrs. Goode, and many others.
Memphis Daily Appeal, April 26, 1861.

               26, Skirmish at Atkins' Mill
No circumstantial reports filed.
Excerpt from the Report of Brig. Gen. Gordon Granger, U. S. Army, commanding cavalry division, of operations from April 23 to June 10, 1862, relative to the skirmish at Atkin's Mill, April 24, 1862.
GEN.: The division which I have the honor to command is composed of four regiments of cavalry, of twelve companies each, comprising the First Brigade, under Col. J. K. Mizner, consisting of the Third Michigan and Seventh Illinois, and the Second Brigade, consisting of the Second Iowa and Second Michigan, under Col. Elliott.
* * * *
April 24.-Col. Elliott, commanding Second Brigade, with a battalion each of Second and Third Michigan, Second Iowa, and Seventh Illinois, proceeded to Greer's Ford. On the 26th Capt. Fowler, Second Michigan, while on escort duty with his company, was fired upon by the enemy's pickets, severely wounding Private John Foster, Company G. The enemy retreated, and the nature of the ground forbade much pursuit. Four companies, same regiment, under Maj. Shaw, drove in the enemy's pickets at Atkins' Mill. Had 1 man wounded. Col. Elliott's force for several days were continually scouring the country toward Monterey.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 10, pt. I, p. 727.

               26, Confederate imprisonment order for unionist W. H. Malone and release of John Patterson
SIR: By direction of Maj. Gen. E. Kirby Smith, commanding this military department, I have to request that you will admit into the prison in which the Union men of Tennessee are confined Mr. W. H. Malone, a gentleman who bears this communication and whose loyalty is indorsed by some of the best and most patriotic citizens of the State. Mr. M. proposes to enlist into the army of the Confederacy such of the prisoners as may be disposed and whom he may deem reliable for service without the limits of this department. The major-general commanding heartily approves the motive which influences Mr. M., and trusts that the object he would attain will as far as possible be advanced by the authorities who have the prisoners in charge. You will release John Patterson, one of the prisoners who was by mistake sent among the number.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
H. L. CLAY, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. I, p. 885.

               26, Confederate authorities give Mrs. Andrew Johnson more time to prepare for exile
April 26, 1862.
MADAM: Your note to Maj. Gen. E. Kirby Smith has been referred to this office and I am directed respectfully to reply in order to give you more time to make your arrangements for leaving. The time is extended thirty-six hours from the delivery of this second note when the major-general hopes you will be ready to comply with his request. You can go by way of Norfolk, Va., north, or by Kingston to Nashville.
Passports and an escort will be furnished for your protection.
Very respectfully,
[W. M. CHURCHWELL,] Col. and Provost-Marshal.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. I, p. 885.

               26, Confederate Newspaper Report on the McMinnville Raid
The Raid on McMinnville.
We have conversed with a gentleman just from McMinnville. He represents the outrages of the enemy in that quarter as surpassing any yet perpetrated in Middle Tennessee. His account is substantially as follows:
The enemy appeared on the Northwest side of the town at noon on Monday.—Tidings of his approach had been brought in an hour or two before, allowing the stray cavalrymen, convalescent soldiers and others a chance of escape. There was a company of Provost guardsmen present, who made a stand against the first advance for the purpose of giving our wagons, et cetera, a fair start. After a brisk skirmish of half an hour, overpowering numbers forced this handful of men to disperse. Some escaped and others were captured. There being no further obstacle the Federals proceeded at once to the public square. They were mostly mounted infantry, estimated at between six and ten thousand in number.
Their first business was the destruction of the large Cotton Factory, near the railroad bridge. It is one of the most extensive, and has been also one of the most useful in the South. It was completely destroyed. They then burnt the depot buildings, and adjoining houses, and the bridges across the Barren Fork….
–Chatta. Rebel, 26th.
Weekly Columbus [Georgia] Enquirer, May 5, 1863.[1]

               26, GENERAL ORDERS, No. 10 relative to Federal camps of instruction near Nashville and new disciplinary and travel policies
GENERAL ORDERS, No. 10. HDQRS. MIL. DIV. OF THE MISSISSIPPI, Nashville, Tenn., April 26, 1864.
I. There will be established, at or near Nashville, one or more camps of instruction, in which will be collected all regiments arriving from the rear which are not assigned to any one of the departments or armies in the field, all detachments or individuals who have got astray from their commands, and all convalescents discharged from hospitals. These camps will be under the general supervision of the commanding officer of the District of Nashville, who will assign to each a general officer, who will be instructed to organize and equip for service all such regiments and detachments and subject them to a thorough system of instruction in the drill and guard duties.
II. All officers, regiments, and detachments belonging to any of the established departments will, without further orders, be sent with dispatch to their proper posts; but such as are not thus provided for will be held in reserve at Nashville to re-enforce any part of the lines of communication to the front, and subject to orders from these headquarters.
III. Soldiers' homes are merely designed for the accommodation of men in transitu; and when delayed from any cause, the men will be sent to the camp of instruction. Officers and men also in and about Nashville awaiting orders will be sent to the camp of instruction.
IV. Maj. Gen. Carl Schurz is assigned to the command of one of these camps, and will report to Maj.-Gen. Rousseau for further instructions.
V. Patrols will, from time to time, be sent to collect men and officers who are in Nashville without proper authority. All who are not in possession of written orders that warrant their presence in Nashville will be arrested and taken to the camp of instruction, where they will be put on duty till forwarded, under guard or otherwise, to their proper posts.
VI. In time of war leaves of absence can only be granted, and that for limited periods, by commanders of separate armies or departments. Subordinate commanders cannot send officers or men away without such sanction; and therefore the numerous shifts of that kind will be treated as void.
VII. Staff departments, on proper requisitions approved by Gen. Rousseau, will issue the provisions, camp and garrison equipage, arms, and accouterments necessary to carry into effect these orders.
By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman:
R. M. SAWYER, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 505.

               26, Capitulation of the Army of Tennessee near Durham, N. C.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 47, pt. III, pp. 312-315.

               26, Anti-guerrilla mopping up initiative on East Bank of Holston River
HDQRS. DISTRICT OF EAST TENNESSEE, Knoxville, Tenn., April 26, 1865.
Col. J. H. PARSONS, Cmdg. Ninth Tennessee Cavalry:
SIR: If the Rogersville Branch Railroad is in such condition as to enable you to procure supplies at its terminus, I wish you to move with your whole regiment to the east bank of the Holston River. Arrived there, you will leave all your impediments on the east side, and with the mounted portion of your regiment you will cross the river and thoroughly scour and clear of guerrilla and other bands of outlaws all that portion of East Tennessee and Southwestern Virginia lying between the Holston River on the east and the Cumberland Mountains on the west. In the performance of this duty you are authorized and instructed to use the utmost vigorous and severe measures. The persons with whom you have to deal are outlaws so long as they are at liberty, and as such should be treated. When taken prisoners they must be treated as prisoners, and are entitled to trial, which takes time and entails trouble and expense. Give them to understand that no false mercy will be shown them and no prisoners taken, and that every man found in arms under whatever pretense, and acting without authority from Federal officers or the legally constituted authorities of the State of Tennessee, will be treated as a public enemy and an outlaw and killed like a mad dog by any one who meets him. See that your command does not interfere in any way, either in their persons or their property, with the peaceably disposed, and with those who stay at home and mind their own business. In case the railroad is not in running order to the Holston River you will make your depot camp at or near the Rogersville Junction, from which point you will draw your supplies. You will give all the aid and assistance in your power to all civil officers in the execution of their functions, and urge upon the people the necessity of re-establishing civil authority and the supremacy of State laws as soon as possible, and before the U. S. forces are disbanded or withdrawn from this section of the country. Make me, either by courier or telegraph, a daily report of your operations.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, &c.,
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, pp. 475-476.

[1]As cited in:

James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN  37214
(615)-532-1550  x115
(615)-532-1549  FAX

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