Wednesday, September 10, 2014

9.10.14, Tennessee Civil War Notes

        10, President of the Nashville and Chattanooga railroad receives instructions relative to executing duties as Assistant Quartermaster General for Tennessee and adjoining states

RICHMOND, VA., September 10, 1861.

Maj. V. K. STEVENSON, Assistant Quartermaster, Richmond, Va.:

SIR: In assuming the duties of chief of the quartermaster's department in the States of Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, and Arkansas, Nashville, in Tennessee, is designated as the point at which your principal depot of supplies will be established and where you will be stationed. The objects confided to your supervision empower you to established sub-depots at the most eligible points within the district of country designated above for supplying the various divisions of the army in the field, as also the several military camps. The clothing for the army in sufficient quantities for the several commands is an object of the utmost solicitude, and to keep up the necessary supply you will please direct your especial attention. Tents, camp kettles, mess-pans, axes, spades, picks, crowbars, hatchets, &c., comprise the camp and garrison equipage that you will be called upon to furnish from time to time, and which should be renewed in anticipation of demands for it.

The item of transportation, so essential to the successful movement of troops on campaign, you should at once organize, by collecting at convenient points wagons, harness, and draft animals adequate to the magnitude of the military operations that will be conducted during the war. The cities of New Orleans and Mobile are now the depots for supplying large bodies of troops. At these points officers of the Quartermaster's Department are stationed for the purpose--Maj. I. T. Winnemore at New Orleans and Mr. Julius Hessee at Mobile. Should circumstances render it necessary for you to seek supplies in those markets, you should do so through the agents named. Maj. W. J. Anderson is the depot quartermaster at Memphis and Maj. George W. Clarke at Fort Smith, Ark. Maj. Clarke has been drawing supplies for Gen. McCulloch's command from New Orleans. In future you will supply them. From your perfect familiarity with the resources of the States in which your operations will be conducted, it is which the utmost confidence you are intrusted with the high duties of your office. Funds will be remitted you on your estimates for purchasing supplies and disbursement for hire of houses, labor, &c. Make your estimates in time, and designate how they should be sent and the kind; how much in Confederate bonds and how much in Treasury notes. Clerks are limited to $1,000 per annum.

A. C. MYERS, Quartermaster-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. I, pp. 142-143.

        10, Gender confusion in Memphis

In Pants.—Yesterday, the police arrested Ellen Bosquis, a fine, tall woman of five feet ten inches, on the charge of being in man's clothing. She had on pants that were full made and tied at the ankle, and a handsome uniform of the Confederate army. It proved that she was a vivandiere of the army, and had accompanied her regiment from New Orleans to Richmond, Va., at which place she obtained a furlough to come and see her friends in this city. Of course she was set at liberty.

Memphis Daily Appeal, September 10, 1861.

        10, Corks, Bottles and Mineral Water in Nashville

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Everything is scarce down South. The Nashville (Tenn.) Gazette contains the following advertisement of a manufacturer of mineral water in that city.-

"Notice. I hope my customers in the city of Nashville will be good enough to save all the mineral water corks for me as I cannot obtain a further supply, in consequence of the Lincoln blockade. Your attention to the above will oblige me very much, as corks are as essential to me now as the bottles.

N. B. I have also to inform my customers that through my inability to procure silver enough to make change for my customers, I have issued twenty-five cent tickets which will be redeemable at any time by the undersigned."

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Boston Herald, September 10, 1861.[1]



        10, "Rebel flags were hastily jerked down from chimney-tops and committed to the flames, and general dismay pervaded the entire rebel portion of the village." Confederates surprised by Federals in Columbia

The Columbia Panic.

We are told that when a body of Federal troops entered Columbia on Wednesday [10th], there was a tremendous trepidative panic, terror and skedaddle among the rebels. Some ran away in their drawers, some in their shirt and breeches, some bare-headed, and two or three fellows, who had been blustering loudly and largely for the Southern Butternuteracy, in puris naturabilus. They fled through cabbage-patches, through cornfields, through jimson-weed thickets, through dog-fennel meadows, and through brier-patches, with streaming hair and dilated eyes, and gaping mouths, and panting breasts. Good heavens! how the blatant, white-livered, black-hearted tatterdemalions were horrified. They ran like a puppy with a kettle on his tail, like a colt with a thousand yellow jackets on his hide, like a cow with a million buffalo-gnats buzzing around here, like a mouse pursued by a fierce tom-cat, like a miserable drunkard chased by the devils, witches and serpents of a raging delirium tremens. Rebel flags were hastily jerked down from chimney-tops and committed to the flames, and general dismay pervaded the entire rebel portion of the village. Several persons who had taken the oath of allegiance to the Federal Government, whilst General Negley was there, and after his [illegible] had thrown off the mask and showed themselves bitter rebels, hid themselves in sink-holes, in garrets, in straw-piles, and under beds. Instead of enjoying a triumphant entry with the guerrillas into evacuated Nashville, they were only doomed to behold the country swarming with Union troops, while private news from Louisville warned them that "three hundred thousand more" were marching down in Dixie, to punish false and treacherous traitors like themselves.

Nashville Daily Union, September 12, 1862.



        10, "Condition of West Tennessee-Marauders and Guerrillas"

Correspondence of the St. Louis Republican.

Memphis, September 3, 1863.-The country surrounding this city, (I now speak of West Tennessee,) is not as quiet as the inhabitants would wish to see. Hardly a day passes that refugees do not come to the officers who hold the peace and quietness of this District in the hollow of their hands, and appeal to them, on their knees, for protection from the heartless bands of marauders who infect ever county in this State. At least, the counties in which your correspondent is acquainted. I know from personal inquiry, that Haywood, Fayette, Tipton and the counties in West Tennessee, are filled with a thieving set of fellow who seek everything in their power to carry away. Many of these fellows are Federal soldiers. They were thieves before they joined the army, and it is not expected they will be anything else now, with the demoralizing influences which surround them. Many of them, under the guise of carrying out an order of their superiors, seek the quiet homes of planters, and rob the inmates of everything of any value to them. When their thefts are inquired into, they tell their commanders the planter whom they have plundered is a "vile Secessionist," and on the division of the spoils they are released, and bid to very severe with all enemies to their country, whether with or without arms.

I saw a gentleman from Brownsville, Tennessee, but a few days since, who made application, among others, for guns with which to protect themselves from the prowling bands of villains who invfest [sic] his section of country. The gentleman is wealthy, and if I mistake not, once held a responsible position under Government patronage. He told the officer to whom he made application for articles of warfare that they could furnish any amount; of currency so far as himself was concerned but the men accompanying him were poor and could not furnish the sureties required, but for all of that they were honest men. The officer replied, he could not give the poor man anything with which to protect themselves, but he could have two pistols. The gentlemen, after some time, was successful in obtaining five additional guns, with which they went home. This man sent other men to make the experiment of trying to obtain guns, and by means which I do not propose to tell at this time, about 250 muskets, with about twenty rounds of ammunition, were obtained, but not through the ordinary channel.

In Tipton County, the ball was put just in motion, occasioned by the cold blooded murder of Mr. Davis by some of Field's men. The circumstances attending this atrocious act were of such a nature as to excite the people terribly. Many of the most respectable citizens of the country were the most active members of the new organizations for the preservation of the lives and property of the defenceless citizens against the depredations of the guerrilla thieves. The guerrillas understanding that the people were preparing to have vengeance for the insults which they had heaped upon them, thought that discretion was the better part of valor, and fled the country. At a later period, however, they returned to another part of the country, and signalized themselves by shooting three inoffensive negroes [sic] belonging to Dr. Robert Peete, who resides near the Memphis and Ohio railroad, between the Mason and Stanton depots. Finding, however, that their position, if caught, would be none of the best, they again left the country, leaving Tipton county comparatively free from prowling thieves.

In Haywood country, there were several small bands of thieving bandits who assumed to rule the county, and were amusing themselves by exercising the most outrageous insolence toward the people. Such a state of affairs could not last long-the citizens had borne with them till forbearance ceased to be a virtue. Several companies of home guards were organized, and went in pursuit of the bandits, of whom they captured three, when near the village of Cageville. It was thought these three men, whose names are Sam Grey, Alexander Waylor, and B. L. Bagby, who have made themselves notorious by their unbridled conduct, would be shot by the enraged home guard.

In Hardeman county they are having a rather troublesome time. There, too, the people had formed home guard companies for the purpose of protecting themselves against the guerrillas. Last week the guerrillas captured three of the home guards near the old battle ground, on the Hatchie, and shot them. This was the signal for the home guards to prepare to take vengeance for their murdered comrades. They went in pursuit to the thieves, of whom they succeeded in capturing six, of these, three who had rendered themselves particularly obnoxious, were hanged by the outraged citizens who has suffered so much at their hands.

Give the inhabitants of West Tennessee what they ask, in the way of guns, and in less than two months from this date there would not be enough guerrillas in the country to tell the history of the companies. Both kinds of these, those clad in blue as well as butternut, would pay the penalty of their outrages with their lives. The people have risen in their might, with a determination almost uncontrollable, to drive the last thief from the country.

The last guerrilla raid in West Tennessee was last Saturday [August 29], and the place selected was Brownsville. The band consisted of about fifty men, ten of home are known to be Federal deserters. They approached the town from the North, and almost before a citizen was aware of their presence, the town was filled with mounted men. As they rode up the street, they had the appearance of not being less than two hundred men.

The merchants in the town soon as possible closed their stores, and refused to allow a man to enter on any pretense by the door. Some, in order to prevent a disturbance, were out of the village. This greatly incensed the robbers, who threatened if the stores were to at once unlocked they would burned down the entire town. A fellow by the name of Tom Green, who it is said, lives in Indiana, told a merchant if he did not unbolt the doors to his store he would blow out his brains. This was a signal to compel the merchants to give the desperadoes free access to their stocks of goods. As soon as the stores were unfastened, the fellows rushed in pell-mell, taking everything of any value to them. After all the stores in the place had been robbed, the chief told the merchants to come forward and they should be paid for all that was taken, offering Confederate money. Some of the merchants took that in hope the fellow would at once leave the place. They remained all day and night, and then, after completely stripping the stores of every article which they could wear, departed.

Nashville Dispatch, September 10, 1863.

        10, "Where Are the Police?"

There is much complaint concerning "belligerent niggers" who are accustomed to exhibit their propensities nearly every evening on Beal and Wellington streets. They are in the habit of making use of any missiles which come handy, and sometimes appropriate bricks from the sidewalks for warlike purposes. It may be rare sport, but it is anything but sport to more sober people.

Memphis Bulletin, September 10, 1863.



        10, Skirmish at Woodbury

SEPTEMBER 10, 1864.-Skirmish at Woodbury, Tenn.

Report of Col. Thomas J. Jordan, Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry.

HDQRS. NINTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY, Woodbury, Tenn., September 10, 1864.

MAJ.: I respectfully report that at 2 p. m., as my command was approaching Stone's River, on the edge of Woodbury, that my advance fell upon a detachment of rebels under the command of Lieut.-Col. Anderson, Fourth [Eighth] Tennessee (rebel) Cavalry, numbering 150. The attack was made by the enemy, and was very spirited for a few minutes, till I could get my men in position. In ten minutes the enemy began to retreat in the direction of Auburn toward Lebanon. I followed them three miles, capturing 4 of the enemy, 2 of whom are very badly wounded. In the action I had 2 men wounded, 1 very badly, and 1 disabled by his horse falling on him during the charge. The prisoners say that they are detailed from Williams' division, and that they left the command as a scouting party and to communicate with Wheeler. They were within six miles of Sparta when detailed, and followed a road, leaving McMinnville to the left as they came here. They say Williams passed through McMinnville day before yesterday afternoon, and is now at Sparta. I will encamp on the Murfreesborough road, two miles from Woodbury to-night, and send back my wounded. The ambulances and detail will return, so that I can march in the morning, and will bring any orders you may have to send. There are several of the enemy badly wounded in this neighborhood whom I will parole to report to you at Murfreesborough as soon as they are able to travel.

Respectfully reported.

THOS. J. JORDAN, Col. Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I, pp. 501-502.



        10, "Lynch law in its most revolting phases reigns supreme."


Daily accounts from East Tennessee show a perfect reign of terror in that section. Lynch law in its most revolting phases reigns supreme. Lynch law, now excusable as personifying irrepressible outbursts of an indignant community, maddened by outrages which the "strong arm of the law" fails to redress or avert, but of lawless violence engendered by anarchy and confusion. Proscription of the most intolerant kind is carried with so high a hand, that murderous revenge and barbarous outrages are daily perpetrated with the utmost impunity.

Gov. Brownlow has been petitioned, by some the most respectable citizens of that State, to use his influence for the restoration of law and order. His reply, in an editorial article, in the Knoxville Whig is characteristic of the man. It is unworthy a respectable editor, and certainly unbecoming in a governor. Instead of endeavoring to "calm the troubled waters," to ally excitement and prevent strife, his published answer is only calculated to create faction and fan the flames of discontent and dissatisfaction.

The Macon Daily Telegraph, September 10, 1865.


[1] As cited in PQCW

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456

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