Thursday, September 11, 2014

9.11.2014 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        11, A. J. Lacy's letter to his wife in Jackson County

State of Tenn. Overton Co Sept the 11th 1862 [sic]

My dear and affectionate wife

I seat my self [sic] this morning to let you know that I am well at this time and hopes that when these lines comes [to] hand that that [sic] it will find you all enjoying good health.

Our co [sic] and 2 others was [sic] in a fight the other day. None of our co was hurt. They was 21 lieu [sic] killed 2 privates wounded 2 missing. I saw our capt [sic] pick a navy ball out of one man [sic] side.

I must close. This leaves me well and harty [sic]. Write to me all of you\Good by

A J Lacy [sic]

Lacy Correspondence.

        11, Prohibition in Nashville

Headquarters, Provost Guard, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 9th, 1862.

From this date, the sale of intoxicating liquors, (spirituous, malt or vinus) wholesale or retail, publicly or privately, is forbidden in the city of Nashville and vicinity.

This order is positive, and applies alike to Hotel, Restaurant, Saloon, Bar room, Grocery and Groggery, and any violation of it will be summarily punished.

Alvan C. Gillen, Col. 1st Tenn. Infantry, Provost Marshal.

Nashville Dispatch, September 11, 1862.

        11, "Let something be done to induce the country people to bring in their supplies." Market difficulties in Nashville

It is remarkable how quick the necessities of a people are taken advantage of. For several days past there has been but a poor supply of produce brought to market by the country people. Yesterday the market was almost as bare of produce as Mother Hubbard's cupboard was of a bone on an occasions when hunger was pinching "the poor dog," and the consequence was, only a few were fortunate enough to get any thing; but they had to pay well for what they did get. Butter was selling at sixty cents per pound, Irish potatoes at seventy-five cents per peck, and other articles at equally high rates. Now, there is no reason why such prices as these should be demanded. There is nothing like a scarcity of produce, and nothing can justify such extortion. The poorer classes cannot pay these prices, and if the country people should keep their produce back for even a short time, there will be suffering in the city.

Wood has been selling during the week at from twelve to fourteen dollars per cord. There is plenty of wood near the city, but it is not brought to market in sufficient quantities to meet the demand.

We hear as a reason for the scarcity to which we allude, that many people who are in the habit of bringing their produce to market say that they have had considerable quantities taken from them by soldiers, while others express a fear that their horses will be taken or their teams impressed into the service of the Government. We are quite sure a misapprehension prevails in regard to these matters, and that it has been circulated for sinister purposes. There are probably those who would not hesitate to put money in their purse in this way. A few soldiers may possibly have overstepped the orders of their superiors and have taken some produce from marketers, but they would have been promptly punished had the matter been brought to the notice of the proper officer. The recent order of Gen. Halleck, which we print elsewhere, is very explicit and peremptory upon this point.

We trust the military authorities will take this matter in hand and give the people such assurance of protection as will induce them to bring in their produce. As previously stated, the withholding by the country people of their usual supplies of market [torn page] for a week or two would produce serious suffering among the poorer classes of the city, who are unable to send to the country for the supplies so necessary to their very existence. The prices which are [page frayed] now in the market for every species of produce, showed that something should be promptly done to relieve the poor.

It seems almost incredible to those who do not personally investigate the matter, that such exorbitant prices should be demanded for produce in a land blessed with plenty, as are now exacted in our market. Let something be done to induce the country people to bring in their supplies.

Nashville Dispatch, September 11, 1862.



        11, Recruitment of Army of Tennessee deserters in the Army of the Cumberland

CHATTANOOGA, September 11, 1863--2 p. m.

(Received 7.25 p. m.) Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War:

The number of deserters from the rebel army is great. Men who were conscripted on account of their loyalty, men who wish the lex talionis are among them. Applications are numerous for permission to enter our service. An immediate decision, if possible, by the War Department authorizing the enlistment of these men is desirable. They cannot follow the avocations of peace nor have proper protection at home, and will be soon driven by causes founded in human nature to some course prejudicial to the public interests. Please authorize me to use my discretion in the matter under such rules as care and War Department orders may prescribe.

W. S. ROSECRANS, Maj.-Gen.

WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington City, September 11, 1863--9 p. m.

Maj. Gen. W. S. ROSECRANS, Chattanooga:

You are authorized to use your discretion in regard to the enlistment of deserters from the enemy. I have been under the impression that this authority was given to you and Governor Johnson some time ago. On reference to the telegram of 29th August, addressed to you at Stevenson, Ala., by my order, from the commissary-general of prisoners, you will perceived that such authority was given, with suggestions for certain precautions to be observed in its exercise.

Your dispatch of 12.45 this day, addressed to Adjutant-Gen. Townsend, has been referred to me. You are authorized to organize regiments and companies from loyal citizens of the States in which your army may be operating, for any period not less than one year, as they may elect. You will select competent persons to officer the forces thus enlisted, and upon reporting their names to this Department, they will be commissioned by the President and their commissions will be forwarded to you. You will make requisitions upon the proper bureaus for arming, clothing, and equipping such troops.

EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. II, pp. 529-530.

        11, 1863 "These are sad days for we secessionists," despondency in Cleveland

....We all got up with sad hearts, longing for the return of our army. Everything is so still, no cars and very few persons passing about. We look for them (the Yankees) every day and wonder what will be our fate. Numbers of southern families have left. Mother and Sister have gone up this morn to see Mrs. Hardin. Oh, it is so lonesome. We have no life about us, no encouragement to work. Do not know how long we will get to keep what we have even. We are needing rain very badly, everything is perfectly parched up. Aunt E. sent in work for us to fast yesterday but we did not. I have a slight headache and a sore throat and concluded to eat. I never felt so bad in my life, we hear nothing of our army, do not know what it is doing. We are cut off from all news....The Yankees' cavalry came in a while after dark tonight....These are sad days for we secessionists, but we hope for brighter. [sic]

Diary of Myra Adelaide Inman, pp. 206-207.

        11, 1863, "Memphis Gangrene Hospital."

The popular idea of a hospital, especially a military hospital, is that of a sort of golgotha, a place of horrid sights, sounds and fetor. In common with others, our reporter admits that he had participated in this idea, so far at least as to look shudderingly upon a hospital as he passed, and to hurry forward with accelerated pace. It was not until recently that so unworthy an idea was removed from is mind, and that was done by visiting them and inspecting for himself their appearance and management. He selected the Gangrene Hospital under the charge of Dr. Cleveland, for his first essay, rightly judging that the worst aspects of a hospital would be visible in the treatment of a disease always accompanied with horrid symptoms and so frequently fatal. The building occupied for gangrene and erysipelas is the Baptist Church on Second street. It is admirably adapted for a hospital, especially one where much fresh air is needed. The body of the church forms the hospital wards embracing fifty beds arranged in four rows. The pulpit, with a little shelving, makes a good pharmacy, the retiring rooms of the parson form private offices for the surgeon in charge and for his cadets and assistants and the cottage in the rear, formerly the domicile of the sexton answers admirably for dining room, etc. One report met with the greatest courtesy, both from Dr. Cleveland, who is Surgeon in charge and Dr. Weeks, who had just been ordered to the post of Medical Director of the Department of Arkansas. The modesty of Dr. Cleveland was with difficulty overcome in getting his permission even to mention his name in this article. The Gangrene Hospital was opened July 39th, by Dr. Cleveland and order being dated the 19th of the previous month. The greatest number of patients in the wards at a single time has been twenty-five; at present there are eighteen, mostly convalescing and doing well. The cleanliness of the rooms, of the outhouses and appurtenances, was a matter of surprise until our reporter learned that there was a man kept all the time whitewashing where the antiseptic could be laid on with a brush, there it abounds, and no hall or corner from roof to foundations stone is left to harbor miasmatic exhalations. The beds are models of neatness, and when the difficulty of keeping them so under the frequent dressings necessary in gangrenous cases is considered, it is really wonderful to behold. If the hotel and boarding house-keepers could take lessons in this respect from Dr. Cleveland, the comfort of their guests would be greatly enhanced. A great fact in the science of healing has been developed in this hospital, viz.,: that bromine is a specific in the treatment of gangrene. The experiments which led to this discovery, we believe, by Dr. Hammond, Surgeon General of the United Sates, and followed up by Prof. Brainard, of Chicago. But these gentlemen confined its application to the bites of poisonous serpents, in which it was found almost a specific. Dr. Goldsmith, of Louisville, and Dr. Weeks, to whom we have already alluded in this article, extended its use to the poisonous matter of gangrene, and the following is the result: Of 29 cases treated without bromide, 9 died, all of gangrene. Of 146 cases treated with bromine, 12 have died, only for of them of gangrene. These results will startle the medical world, and if the experiment can be sustained, will prove bromine to be as great a specific in this disease as quinine is in intermittents [sic].

The records of this hospital, made up daily monthly, are masterpieces of system and detail. Every indication is recorded and the results so thoroughly calculated as to afford permanent records for the medical profession of the highest value. Of the notes taken by our reporter, we may have occasion to make further use.

Memphis Bulletin, September 11, 1863.


James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

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