Notes from Civil War Tennessee,
April 15, 1861-1865.
15, Governor Isham G. Harris' reply to President Lincoln's request for Tennessee militia to support the Union
Executive Department
Nashville, Tennessee
April 15, 1861
Hon. Simon Cameron
Secretary of War
Washington, D.C.
Your dispatch of the 15th Inst. informing me that Tennessee is called upon for two Regiments of Militia for immediate service is received.
Tennessee will not furnish a single man for purposes of coercion but 50,000 if necessary for the defense of our rights and those of our southern brothers.
Isahm G. Harris, Governor of Tennessee
Messages of the Governors of Tennessee, Vol. 5.[1]
15, Campbell county Confederates and Bloodhounds
The Dogs of War.
Among the astounding developments of the last few months is the following advertisement taken from the Memphis Appeal. Its brands and ear-marks are well known in this community who have had a chance to read it in papers nearer home:
"Bloodhounds Wanted.
"We, the undersigned, will pay five dollars per pair for fifty pairs of well bred hounds, and fifty dollars for one pair of thoroughbred bloodhounds that that will take the track of a man. The purpose for which these dogs are wanted is to chase the infernal, cowardly Lincoln bushwhackers of East Tennessee and Kentucky (who have the advantage of the bush to kill and cripple many good soldiers) to their tents and capture them. The said hounds must be delivered at Captain Hanmer's Livery Stable by the 10th of December next, where a mustering officer will be present to muster and inspect them.
"F. N. McNairy,
"F. H. Harris
"Camp Grinfort, Campbell co., Tenn., Nov. 16. [1861]
"P.O.—Twenty dollars per month will also be paid for a man who is competent to train and take charge of the above named dogs."
Gallant Col. McNairy! Chivalric Capt. Harris! Brave, noble, manly! Five dollars a pair for "fifty pair of well bred hounds"—fifty dollars for "one pair of thoroughbred bloodhounds that will take the track of a man!" Capt. Hanmer's Livery Stable! Recruiting service most honorable! Headquarters most fitting! Recruits most select; none but well bred and thoroughbred need apply! Time is precious—opportunity short. It is now the 16th of November; by the 10th of December they must be delivered or the door of Capt. Hanmer's Livery Stable will be forever shut! Thrice happy they who come in time—lucky dogs! A mustering officer, kennel inspector awaits your coming, to welcome you into the ranks of the chivalry, the wellbred; the thoroughbred! the flower of our youth! Paradise of caninity! No common dogs there! Curs and spaniels and terriers and pointers and setters and the "bull pups" shut out! They can't come in! Tray, blanche, and sweetheart, be off! Get out tiger! You cuff! twenty dollars a month, secesh money to a competent drill officer! Hardee's tactics, dogmatically displayed! Magnificent corps, fifty pair of well drilled hounds, that is a hundred, rank and file! One pair of thorough bred bloodhounds, that is two, for the staff! One hundred and two dogs, besides Colonel McNairy and Capt. Harris, one hundred and four in all; not counting Captain Hanmer, not the mustering officer, nor the drill master, "competent to train and take charge of the above named dogs!" Go where the field of glory waits you! Not damsels distressed, nor martyred saints, nor the Holy Sepulchre, shall exhaust your noble championship! Yours is a sublimer mission, a far higher pursuit; "to chase the infernal, cowardly Lincoln bushwhackers of East Tennessee and Kentucky!" Fortunate if you catch them; thrice fortunate if they don't catch you! Whatever laurels you win, by Cerberus, save your dog skin! Greatly will your puissant leader value that; if it were not for aught else it will make him a winter cap and some boots to save his own! But the poor, cowardly East Tennesseans, alas! alas! Their offence is rank, it smells! Taking advantage of the rush not only to kill, but to cripple "many good soldiers!" There is no hope for such miscreants and cowardly too, not thorough bred they, not even well bred! common, very! Woe betide them! chased to their tents, captured, dragged to Camp Crinfork, Campbell county and then—horror of horrors! O murderous McNairy, O maddened McNairy; O mighty McNairy; O monstrous McNairy! O marvellous McNairy, O mysterious McNairy, O multitudinous McNairy, O magnanimous McNairy, O mellifluous McNairy, O meritorious McNairy, O merciful McNairy, O Mister McNairy, O McNairy dry so! dog on it, don't!
Ha! do you say you are misunderstood? that you didn't mean the four-footed kind when you advertised for dogs; that when you said fifty pair of well-bred hounds you had an eye to the hundred members of the Legislature; that Capt. Hanmer's stable is nothing more than the building on Capitol Hill; the mustering officer to muster and inspect them, nobody less than the run-away Governor (Eureka, Eureka, Eureka,) the "one pair of thorough-bred bloodhounds," the two chief member of his Military Board (a second Daniel); and the man "competent to train and take charge of the above named dogs," found in the illustrious Major General of all our forces. Poor, miserable men of East Tennessee! How wretched is their lot! Well might they say, in view of this calamity impending, if you please, let it be the other kind of dogs!
Nashville Daily Union, April 15, 1862. [2]
15, Free rent in Confederate Nashville
Houses for Rent.
Gov. Johnson is frequently visited by poor women of the city, wives of soldiers in the rebel army, who have been thrown out of their houses; and are in rain seeking for shelter for themselves and children. For the benefit of that class of persons we republish several advertisements which have heretofore appeared in our city papers and we trust they will profit by their notice. A hint we trust will be sufficient.
Houses Rent Free.
Nashville, April 22, 1861.
Editors Union and American:
Please allow me to state that I will furnish house room to ten families, whose protectors join the companies and go to the wars now raging, rent free until their return home, or until the close of the war.
W. S. Whiteman.
Rent Free.
I have three small houses, five rooms each, which I will let to the families of those actually in service in fighting Lincoln's hordes, free of rent, till the war closes or till their return.
L. Powers,No. 34 Market street.
aprl25 '61
To Volunteers: I have charge of some 5 or 6 houses, the occupancy of which will be cheerfully given to the families of volunteers, free of charge during the war or period of enlistment.
James Corbitt, Corner Jefferson and Cherry sts. apl26 3t.
Nashville Daily Union, April 15, 1862.
15, Off Limits
We understand that Gen. Dumont is taking care to prevent his officers and soldiers from visiting improper houses in the city, by putting guards around such as the conduct of the inmates inculcate for them to resort to.
Nashville Daily Union, April 15, 1862.
15, The Memphis Vigilance Committee's Business Before the Board of Mayor and Aldermen
Board of Aldermen
Official Proceedings
At a regular meeting of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen held yesterday, April 15, 1862.
~ ~ ~
Ald. Townsend, Chairman, offered the following resolution:
Resolved, by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Memphis, that Mr. Copeland, suspended by the Mayor be, and he is, reinstated in his former position as policeman, the cause of suspension not being sufficient, in the opinion of the Board.
In cognition with the above, the following message was read, and upon motion of Alderman Tighe, referred with the resolution, to the Police Committee and Mayor, with power to act:
To the Honorable Board of Aldermen:
Complaint was made to me by a lady of discourtesy towards her by Policeman Copeland. I deemed it proper to suspend Mr. Copeland until an investigation takes place. I had a conference with Mr. Copeland today, and he refused an investigation and appeared indignant that he should be should be arraigned on account, so he said, of this lady's impure character.
John Park, Mayor
~ ~ ~
Memphis Daily Appeal, April 16, 1862. [3]
15, "We found about five thousand rebels sick and wounded." A letter from the Third Ohio Regiment
Camp Andrew Jackson, Near Nashville, Tenn., Mar. 15, 1862
**We left Bowling Green and marched….That day we crossed the line of Kentucky and Tennessee. Upon arriving at camp, our company had only four men, a small squat out of 93 men. Even our stoutest men gave out, but 1, a small boy, with heavy knapsack always managed to keep up. We laid out that night again, having nothing but the canopy of heaven to shelter us. Persons who have never tried it, can not imagine what an effect it has in making him robust and strong.. We left the next morning, and marched 28 miles to a point four miles from Nashville. Loomis' artillery was ordered to the river, to protect our steam boats at Nashville, kept there to ferry us across. The rebels had not all left when the artillery went down-they sneaked up in the night, and burned two of the steamboats.[4] We left next morning and went into Nashville. It took us about three hours before we could cross the river. We found all the bridges burned as usual. Upon our arrival in the town we found all the stores closed, and business suspended, the streets crowded with people, and almost every building had a red flag upon it, which denotes a hospital of the sick. We found about five thousand rebels sick and wounded. The principal diseases that appear to reign in the Southern army are typhoid fever, measles and diarrhea. We only stopped a short time in town. We marched 3 miles out of and are encamped on a beautiful tract of land. We captured about five million dollars' worth of property, such as provisions, &c., which the reels had left, and a citizen informed me that we did not capture one-tenth part of what they had here, as they had a years' provisions laid in store, and to prevent us from getting all, they gave the citizens for miles a round, their smoke houses full o feat, and threw some I the river. We found a cannon buried in the ground about 7 miles from our camp,- A squad of secesh came within four miles out our camp ad took 40 mules and some men, and Gen'l Dumont's horse. We got all the men and mules back and not the General's horse. We took prisoners, killed two and put the others to flight.
**The Graves of the venerable Andrew Jackson and James K. Polk are about 18 miles from our camp. Some of the regiments and artillery went out to see the graves of those two honored men, and fired 22 guns over the graves. They have to most splendid monuments.
**We expect a great fight here before long, we are looking out for rebels that left Manassas to come this way, and show us a fight. The 3d is always ready whenever they are called upon to do their part. I think we will have no little trouble in cleaning the rebels out of Tennessee. The report is they intend to make a stand at Chattanooga, about 120 miles from here.
Columbus Gazette, April 18, 1862. [5]
ca. April 15, 1862, Confederate troops attack Union guerrillas in North Carolina
Fight on Laurel. From various sources we learn that a few companies of Confederate troops were sent from Knoxville the other day to "scour out" Laurel —a somewhat notorious locality in Madison County, N. C., about thirty-five miles North of this town. Laurel is a settlement in the "big mountains," heading close up to the Tennessee line, and for months past has been general headquarters and hiding place for renegades and tories from Tennessee, where they were cordially received and fed by their sympathisers and abettors living in that region. The Confederate troops, as we are informed upon undoubted authority, encountered a body of these tories at Clark's Mills, where a fight ensued, and several of the tories were killed. We shall probably get the particulars of the affair in a day or two.
It is a little singular that our State authorities have never felt called upon to "roust" this den of marauders out of North Carolina. For months past they have been committing outrages upon the citizens of our own State as well as those of Tennessee, and have until now escaped with impunity. We have repeatedly called attention to their outrages, and yet no effort has been made by our State to check them. It is well the authorities everywhere are not as hard to move as our own.—Ashville (N. C.) News.
Daily Constitutionalist [AUGUSTA, GA], April 17, 1862.
15, Confederates destroy railroad track north of Gallatin
No circumstantial reports filed.
GALLATIN, TENN., April 15, 1863.
Brig.-Gen. GARFIELD:
The freight train ran back with the news that the track is torn 5 miles north of here, and the rebels are at the tunnel. Shall leave here in fifteen minutes with 600 men on the cars.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 241.
15, Cumberland River expedition to recover remains of U. S. S. Sidell at Harpeth Shoals and capture of guerrillas
CLARKSVILLE, April 15, 1863.
Brig. Gen. JAMES A. GARFIELD, Chief of Staff:
I have barricaded the ferry-boat Excelsior with hay, and used it as a gunboat. Convoyed fleet above the Shoals with it; recovered the starboard gun from the wreck of the Sidell; dispersed rebel band at the Shoals, who were waiting to fire on unprotected boats. Captured several of the men belonging to Woodward's command.
S. D. BRUCE, Col., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 240.
15, Scouts, Franklin on Hardin Pike near Harpeth river, in search of Confederate cavalry
FRANKLIN, April 15, 1863.
It is reported that rebel cavalry are concentrating on Hardin pike, near Harpeth. I have ordered out scouts early in the morning to find out. It is possible they intend to make a circuit of our position, passing between Nashville, Brentwood, and La Vergne, and out toward Lebanon, intercepting and destroying the trains on both railroads.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 240-241.
15, Captured letter to home giving information on the strength of Army of Tennessee
* * * *
Our army at this place is Hardee's corps, with Breckinridge's and Cleburne's divisions; Breckinridge's composed of Adams', Brown's, Preston's, and B. H. Helm's brigades. Helm commands the Kentucky brigade, composed of the Second, Fourth, Sixth, and Ninth Kentucky Regt. [sic]'s, whose loss at the recent battle at Murfreesborough was heavier than any other brigade. It was commanded then by Brig. Gen. Roger [W.] Hanson. Cleburne's division is composed of Lucius [E.] Polk's, Liddell's, Johnson's, and Wood's brigades, making an aggregate of about 19,000 men. Polk's corps (Cheatham's, McCown's, and Withers' divisions) are at Shelbyville, about 15 miles west of this place. The two corps contain about 35,000 or 40,000 effective infantry. Morgan's command is at McMinnville, about 30 miles northeast, with 6,000 or 8,000 cavalry; Wharton's north, toward Murfreesborough, with about 2,000 at Beech Grove; Forrest and Van Dorn at Columbia with about 10,000, operating against Nashville and its envious and very successfully. Thus, you see, our army is not so small as some suppose it to be, nor have I overestimated the figures.
The troops are in good spirits, and are confident of success when an engagement takes place, and, if the weather continues good, we expect it soon, although the enemy have not yet advanced from their stronghold at Murfreesborough. Morgan's (assorted) command are still in Southeastern Kentucky. Pegram has met with indifferent success in his late raid there. The health of our army is good.
Your brother.
[Captain] C. F. SANDERS[6]
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 773.
15, Scouts on the Hardin Pike near Harpeth River
FRANKLIN, April 15, 1863.
It is reported that rebel cavalry are concentrating on Hardin pike, near Harpeth. I have ordered out scouts early in the morning to find out. It is possible they intend to make a circuit of our position, passing between Nashville, Brentwood, and La Vergne, and out toward Lebanon, intercepting and destroying the trains on both railroads.
GALLATIN, TENN., April 15, 1863.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 240.
15, "….[T]he man in the moon must hold his nose;" an excerpt from a medical report relative to the hygienic conditions of the Army of the Cumberland in Murfreesboro
Sickness in the regiment prevails to an alarming extent; average attendance at the sick call, 100, perhaps 100 more are not fit for duty. This army of 40,000 men is encamped on a space so small that it is utterly impossible to keep the camps clean. Thousands of dead horses, mules and offal of every description, literally cover the whole face of the earth inside our picket lines; and each emits a thousand stinks, and each stink different from its fellow. The weather for months has been almost one continual flood of rain, and now, as the sun comes up more nearly straight over us, and pours down his boiling rays on this vast, sweltering mass of putridity, the stinks are magnified, multiplied and etherealized until the man in the moon must hold his nose as he passed over this vast sea of filth.
McGee, 72d Indiana, p. 118.
15, George Kryder suffers diarrhea and his regiment ordered to make a five day scout
Camp near Murfreesboro Tenn.
April 15th, 1863
My dear and beloved wife
It is with great pleasure that I take my pen to inform you that I am yet alive but not as well as I was a while ago as I took a very bad cold on our scout to Liberty and I have had a severe cough ever since but it is getting better, but I have a diarrhea at present that makes me feel quite shiftless, but I am still able for light duty in camp.
The Reg. is ordered on a five day scout tomorrow, but I will not go out, as I do not feel well enough, though I hope it will not be so long.
George Kryder Papers
15, Skirmish near Greeneville
APRIL 15, 1864.-Skirmish near Greeneville, Tenn.
Report of Maj. Gen. John M. Schofield, U. S. Army, commanding Department of the Ohio.
KNOXVILLE, TENN., April 16, 1864.
The Third Indiana Cavalry, reconnoitering beyond Greeneville yesterday, surprised a party of rebel cavalry, killed 10 and captured 15, inclosing their leader, Reynolds. Nothing new relative to the movements of the enemy.
J. M. SCHOFIELD, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, p. 669.
The notorious guerrilla Reynolds, and his command, was surprised by a party of National cavalry, near Knoxville, Tenn., and ten of them killed. Reynolds and fifteen others were captured, together with their horses, equipments and arms.
Rebellion Record, Vol. 8, p. 64
15, Col. John M. Hughs deceives Federal command in Sparta; one woman's observations about the war on the Cumberland Plateau
....Col. Hughs sent [word] into Sparta that he was coming in to take the oath and bring his whole command, but he did it just to fool the Yankees. I say (I think) he acted the fool; the Yankees stayed several days longer than they would have done. Of course they will never put any confidence in what he says again. He thinks he is so smart. It will take hard knocking to knock the conceit out of him. I do not think the people are faring any better in some instances since the Yanks left than they did before, but it won't do to say. For some people would knock my head off in a minute. I can see as "fur into a grindstone" as any one else, I guess....
Diary of Amanda McDowell, pp. 234-235.
15, Bushwhackers perpetrate murder in Sumner County, in the Goodlettsville environs
On Friday night [15th], the house of Mr. Zebulon P. Cantrell, in Sumner county, about two miles east of Goodlettsville, was attacked by three robbers, and the good old gentleman, while lying on his bed, was shot and instantly killed. The fatal ball came through the window, the villains not daring to face an honest man whose hairs had become frosted by the winters of three score and ten years. Master Richard Cantrell, hearing the shot, leaped from his bed, and from the window fired three shots toward the assassins, when the fled, and have not since been heard from.
Blood, though it sleep for a time, yet never dies
The gods on murderers fix revengeful eyes
Mr. Cantrell was nearly seventy years of age. He was for a long time a merchant of this city [Nashville], in connection with his brother, the late Stephen Cantrell, under the firm and style of S. & Z. P. Cantrell. They will be remembered by the old citizens as occupying the old frame warehouse on the corner of Cherry and Deaderick streets, and afterwards the brick warehouse nearly opposite the wire bridge. For more than 80 [sic] years past he has been a citizen of Sumner county. He preserved his integrity as a merchant, and in all the relations of life, as husband, father, brother, friend, and citizen, he was faithful and honorable. He sleeps in his grave without a blemish on his good name.
Nashville Dispatch, April 17, 1864.
15, "Greene County Auxiliary Relief Association."
In compliance with the recommendation of the "East Tennessee Relief Association," recently addressed to the citizens of the various counties of East Tennessee, to form auxiliary associations, a portion of the citizens of Greene county met at Galbraith's store, in the city of Knoxville, on the 15th inst. For the purpose of organizing an auxiliary association for the relief of the destitute loyal citizens of said county.
Gen. Sam. Milligan was called to the chair, and A. Galbraith was requested to act as secretary.
The object of the meeting being fully explained and understood. [sic]
On motion of Mr. James W. Harold was unanimously chosen President, and W. B. Rankin, Vice President, and James A. Galbraith as Secretary and Treasurer of the Greene county Auxiliary Relief Association.
Geo. Jones, Sr., Geo. M. Spencer, E. B. Miller, J. G. Wilson, and Dr. Wm. West, were appointed Executive Committee, three of whom shall be a quorum to transact business.
Mr. H. B. Baker was appointed as receiving, forwarding and disbursing agent subject to the order of said Committee.
Upon motion the meeting adjourned to meet upon the call of the President, or any five members of the Association.
J. W. Harold, President
J. A. Galbraith, Sec &. Treas.
Brownlow's Knoxville Whig and Rebel Ventilator, April 30, 1864
15, A note on Confederate conscription activities by Forrest's forces in West Tennessee
Jackson, Tenn., April 15, 1864.
* * * *
....There are yet a large number of men in West Tennessee who have avoided the [Confederate] service, and there is but little prospect for adding to our strength by volunteering. Conscription, however, would, I think, give us from 5,000 to 8,000 men, perhaps more. I have not, from constant marches and active operations in the field, been able to do much in conscripting those subject to military duty but design doing so effectively whenever I can with safety send detachments in all directions to scour the country for deserters and conscripts.
* * * *
Nathan Bedford Forrest, Major-General
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, p. 612.
15, "Deserters still come fast – it was estimated a few days ago that the number coming in weekly at this place and Morris Town alone averages over 900."
April 15th 1864,
…We left out camp day before yesterday and are now in all old rebel camp about 2 miles father up the R.R….My partner and myself have a comfortable shebang closed at both ends. My old partner is still in the hospital but I am in hopes that he will soon be able to join the Regiment…We have been together nearly ever since we came out, without falling out which is more than can be said of many other bunkmates. Our Lieut. – Humason has been detailed in the Commissary Dept. at Knoxville very much against his and the company's wishes but such things can't be helped and he had to go. Fawcett is still at home I suppose, and I hope his anxiety for the welfare of this Co. will not bring him back until he is able…We are doing remarkably well without him. I think we haven't a commissioned officer with our Co. now.
Deserters still come fast – it was estimated a few days ago that the number coming in weekly at this place and Morris Town alone averages over 900. More than 2 good sized regiments and the number increases daily. This is very encouraging I think and if we can only hold this point for a few weeks the rebel army of East Tenn. will exist only in name. A good many of the deserters go into our army but the greater portion are tired of soldiering and want to go north. The poor citizens are nearly all leaving this state for Ill. and Ohio as they can't live here until they can raise a crop…
Bentley Letters.
15, Anti-guerrilla scout from Blue Springs to Allen's Bridge, East Tennessee
No circumstantial reports filed.
HDQRS. FIRST DIVISION, FOURTH ARMY CORPS, Shield's Mills, East Tenn., April 16, 1865.
Lieut. Col. J. S. FULLERTON, Asst. Adjt. Gen. and Chief of Staff, Fourth Army Corps:
Your order to send the teams to assist Tillson is obeyed. Maj. Cox has returned with the Eighty-fourth Regt. [sic] Illinois Infantry. Went to Allen's Bridge, found nothing, but has reliable information that from 200 to 300 guerrillas have their camp and place of rendezvous at Newport, on the French road, about twenty miles from here.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
N. KIMBALL, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 366.
15, Unsuccessful Federal anti-guerrilla scout to Johnston's and Allen's bridge over Chucky River
No circumstantial reports filed.
HDQRS. SECOND DIVISION, FOURTH ARMY CORPS, Blue Springs, Tenn., April 16, 1865.
Lieut. Col. J. S. FULLERTON, Asst. Adjt. Gen., Fourth Corps, Greeneville, Tenn.:
COL.: I have the honor to report that in compliance with the dispatch from the major-general commanding, dated the 15th, I sent the Twenty-fourth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Maj. MacArthur commanding, accompanied by a sergeant and twelve men of the Eighth Tennessee Cavalry, familiar with the country and people, to Johnston's and Allen's Bridge, over the Chucky. The major has reported that five guerrillas of Tulle's band, from Hamilton, Cocke County, Tenn., were at the bridge on Friday last. The party is said to be camped at or near Hamilton, and to number from 100 to 200. Johnston's two sons are said to belong to the band. One of them an officer. Johnston and Allen are represented to be rich rebels. The scout was not successful.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
W. L. ELLIOTT, Brig.-Gen., U. S. Volunteers, Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 366.
[1] Messages of the Governors of Tennessee, 1857-1869, Vol. 5, (Nashville: Tennessee Historical Commission, 1959), photocopy of original between pp. 272-273. See also: OR, Ser. III, Vol. I, p. 81.
[2] As cited in:
[3] As cited in PQCW.
[4] Most likely a reference to the February 26, 1862 Confederate reconnaissance led by John Hunt Morgan to and about Nashville that included the burning of but one steamboat, the Minna Tonka.
[5] As cited in PQCW.
[6] Cleburne's division: Sanders' Company Tennessee Cavalry (Buckner Guards). See OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 873.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Editor, The Courier
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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