10, Plea for pardon on Confederate charges of treason
BLOUNTVILLE, TENN., January 10, 1862.
His Excellency JEFFERSON DAVIS, President of the Southern Confederacy.
SIR: I am charged with treason toward the Government of the Confederate States for which I make an appeal to Your Excellency for pardon. I will give you the details of my case in full. At the time of the gathering up of the Union men in Eastern Tennessee I went into camp and took the office of issuing commissary. I staid in camp two days when the regiment left for Kentucky, and I being unwilling to go with them started home, and on my way home I learned that some soldiers were lying in wait for me to kill me. On receiving this information I left in search of refuge. I went to Kentucky. On arriving there and finding out Lincoln's policy in full it became so obnoxious to me that I returned to Tennessee through not to my home.
I have turned aside to await an answer from Your Excellency. I have given you the case in full. You can examine it and see whether I am guilty of a crime worthy of death or not. If it please you to pardon me, I am then willing to take a position in your army; and if not I will again return to the North but I much prefer the South to the North. I await your answer with patience.
Your humble servant,
J. LOONEY TAYLOR, Hilton's Post-Office, Sullivan County, Tenn.
It may be well to consider the propriety of a general order or proclamation to cover such cases as this.
SIR: I have the honor to inform you officially that the Congress on this day (to wit, January 13) adopted the resolution a certified copy of which is herewith transmitted:
Resolved, That the President be requested to communicate to Congress by what authority and under what law citizens of Tennessee are imprisoned at Tuscaloosa or other points in the State of Alabama, and whether said prisoners or any portion of them have been transported beyond the limits of their own State without a trial, and whether in any instance the writ of habeas corpus has been suspended.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. J. HOOPER, Secretary of the Congress.
Secretary of War for report.
J. D.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 2, pp. 1412-1413.
10, Anti-Confederate-draft demonstrations and riots in West Tennessee
We regret to say that considerable evidence has been manifested in some of the counties in West Tennessee since the call upon the militia was made; one county (Carroll) having gone so far, we learn, as positively to refuse to submit to the detail. In Weakly county, also, we learn there was trouble on Monday last [January 6th], which led to the fear that serious difficulties would occur there; but we understand that matters were settled peaceably and without bloodshed, which was at one time apprehended. In McNairy county, however, the disaffection seems to have reached its highest point, as we see from the West-Tennessee Whig that it was found necessary to send troops into that county to arrest some of the authorities, and to send detachments of soldiers into some of the other counties for the same purpose.
Trenton [TN] Standard, January 10, 1862.[1]
10, Confederate postal policy and postage rates
The Post-office laws require that all letters be placed in the Post office for the mail or delivery, should be prepaid, except letters from soldiers in the Confederate service, and they must be endorsed with the name of the writer, the name of his Company and Regiment, and his official position in the same. Postage on single letters, for over 500 miles, 10 cents; under 500 miles, 5 cents, drop letters, 2 cents.
Clarksville Chronicle, January 10, 1862.
10, Report about Nashville Patrician Women Promote the Manufacture of Blankets for Confederate Soldiers
THE LADIES, GOD BLESS THEM!-We have been shown a specimen of Southern handiwork, the product of the skill and ingenuity of Mrs. Col. Erwin, of Nashville, which deserves to be mentioned and to receive the attention of those whose province it is to furnish our gallant army with comfortable winter clothing,. It is a large, heavy, and warn blanket shawl, made in the style of the Scotch and Bay Mille[2] article, and the materials are cotton and cow hair. This blanket was made in the house of the patriotic lady we have named, who has already sent several of them to absent soldiers. We are Informed that these shawls can be produced at a cost of not over two dollars and a half each. The specimen shown may be seen at the St. Charles Hotel.
Mrs. Francis B. Fogg, of Nashville Tenn., (who, by the way, we may mention is a lineal descendant of two of the signers of the Declaration of American Independence, Rutledge on one side and Middleton on the other[3]) has lately published for circulation through the Confederacy the following notice, which probably has reference to the article we have been describing:
["] Having discovered, on frequent application to the Quartermaster's Department, that there is a lamentable deficiency of blankets for the soldiers of the Confederate army in our midst, an experiment has recently been made, with the greatest possible success, in the manufacture of that indispensable article of comfort by a few patriotic and enterprising ladies, who are now ready to commence operations on a large scale the moment they receive contributions of a few bales of raw cotton: and also the manufacture of knit shirts and drawers for the soldiers through the machinery of an English weaving machine, as soon as they receive a few thousand pounds of wool from the South. All contributions to be sent to 'Mrs. Francis B. Fogg, President of the Ladies' Clothing and Blanket Association, Church street, Nashville, Tenn.' ["]
Such are our Southern women. Like her who is described by the wise man as "priceless above rubies," the "seek wool and flax and work willingly with their hands: they lay their hands to the spindle, and their hands hold the distaff: they look well to the ways of their household, and eat not the bread of idleness: man daughters have done well, but these excel the all."
Daily Picayune, January 10, 1862. [4]
10, Nathan Bedford Forrest and Confederate guerrillas stifle elections in U. S. Congressional Districts in Gibson and Dyer Counties
[Trenton] January 10, 1863
I, Calvin S. Ezell, coroner of Gibson County, Tennessee, do hereby certify that I opened and held an election in said county on the 29th day of December, 1862, for the purpose of electing a representative to the Congress of the United States from the 9th congressional district, and that at said election Alvin Hawkins received four hundred and ninety-six (496) votes, and W. W. Freeman 5.[5] I further certify that many, more would have been polled but for the fact that the recent raid of Brigadier General Forrest threw the people into confusion, and the stringent, though necessary, picket regulations at Trenton, the county seat of said county, and other points along the railroad, prevented many persons from voting who were anxious so to do. I am satisfied that more than three-fourths of the voting population would have gone to the polls and voted but for the raid of General Forrest. I also certify that I received the vote from one district in Dyer county, as follows: Hawkins, 58; Freeman, 16; Johnson, 1. The balance of Dyer county was so infested with guerrillas as to render the opening and holding of an election by the people dangerous.
An election would have been held in this county on the 20th of January, 1863, but General Hurlbut's order[6] appointing that day was construed not to embrace the 9th congressional district, but only some portion of the 10th.
Calvin S. Ezell
Coroner of Gibson County
Governor Andrew Johnson
Nashville, Tennessee
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 112.
10, "The negro was condemned to receive thirty-nine lashes, and to remain in the work house until the property unlawfully taken be restored to its owner."
Recorder's Court.
A negro named Washington, a slave of Mrs. Chickering, was arraigned for disorderly conduct in abusing and cursing Mrs. Garrett, and taking from her house property belonging to Mrs. G. without authority. Mrs. Garrett was the principal witness, and testified that she owned the girl whom Washington claims for his wife, and that in consequence of his very bad conduct she had frequently forbidden him to enter her house. At length he demanded Mrs. Garrett's servant and all the clothing and furniture which he was pleased to call hers, and, after much cursing and calling Mrs. Garret a damned liar, he left and returned soon after with a wagon, a white man in Federal uniform, and a teamster, and took from the house beds, bedstead, chairs, clothing, bedding, and other property, notwithstanding Mrs. G.'s protestations. Mrs. Garrett's mother and Mrs. Thomas corroborated her statement in the main particulars. A witness, who belonged to Hospital No. 7, said he had charge of the hospital wagon, and that the negro had told Dr. Fletcher that he had been turned out of his house, and that his furniture was in the street, and asked permission to use the hospital wagon to have it taken away. The Doctor told witness to accompany the negro for that purpose, and he did so, but does not know where the furniture was taken to. The Recorder lectured the last witness on the impropriety of his conduct, but excused him from positive blame, as he acted only according to his orders. The negro was condemned to receive thirty-nine[7] lashes, and to remain in the work house until the property unlawfully taken be restored to its owner. Mr. Mr. Brien, Esq., for prosecution….
Nashville Dispatch, January10, 1863.
10, Major-General George H. Thomas suggests the reestablishment of civil authority in Tennessee to Military Governor Andrew Johnson
Head Qrs. Dept. Cumberland
Chattanooga Tenn. Jany. 9, 1864 [sic]
Gov. Andrew Johnson
I believe you can reestablish civil authority throughout Tennessee and it is my earnest advice that you do so-Confidence will be restored and many people brought under the constitution who are afraid at this time to exhibit their real sentiments. I ordered Col. Stokes [sic] to Nashville some time since to reorganize his Regiment, and when his Regiment was completely reorganized it was my intention to send it to Sparta to operate against Furguson [sic] and other guerrilas. [sic]
Please to let me know when the reorganization is completed. If you can do so I would advise a separation between Stokes [sic] and Galbraith [sic] making two Regiments. They will be more efficient than they are at present. I understand that General Rousseau [sic] has ordered Galbraith [sic] to McMinnville. He had no authority for doing so. The order for him to go to Nashville expressly stating that it was for the purpose of reorganization. Please show Rousseau this telegram and say to him that I desire him to countermand his order.
Geo. H. Thomas, Maj. Genl. U. S.V. Comdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. II, pp. 64-65.[8]
10, A Warren County aristocratic woman's reflections on life
This is my first date for the New Year; because ever since the day before New Year I have been sick--have had two of my raging headaches, lasting for days, and leaving me utterly prostrated. I am only now partially recovered from the last attack--yet today I am up--heard the children's lessons, and got through my duties with much satisfaction. This is the first New Year since I can remember in which I have made no "good resolutions." I shall not make any either, I shall try to "do the duty nearest me" hoping fervently that "all the rest will follow," and by endeavoring earnestly to each day's duty, as it comes, possibly I may during the year accomplish as much as if I had planned great works at the commencement which "Circumstances that unspiritual god which turns our hopes to ashes" and over whom we often "have no control", rendered completely nugatory. As yet in the New Year I have done nothing. The weather has been--and is, intensely cold, reminding me of winters spent in old Pennsylvania and Va. I have seen nothing like it since I came to Tenn. On New Year's morning the thermometer stood at Zero at Dan [?]--here it was 6o. Since that time we have had snow and the trees, etc. covered thickly with frost, the mountains were beautiful, there was a cold blue mist or haze that "lent enchantment to the view," and I wanted to go right at painting some of the views in a "snow piece." For three days the whole mount-top was like a fairy land to look at, but so dead cold that no fairy could live in it; I did not even see a snow-bird. Today it is somewhat more moderate, the mercury went up to 28o. Yesterday morning it was at zero. The cold weather is not good for me,--yesterday I suffered intensely with headache. How ardently I long to be in "some bright isle that gem the oriental seas." A few days ago Dr. Paine examined me critically and he asserts positively that I am "perfectly sounds," [sic] that I have no local disease, only debility and those prostrating headaches which (he says) must be stopped. "Mountain Rumors" are all that we hear in the way, of news, and very meagre and absurd they are indeed. One that there is shortly to be an armistice--another that both armies are falling back, Grant to Murfreesboro and Bragg to Atlanta! So we go-we hear but very little here, and we believe nothing. I am so anxious, so very anxious that something should happen which will allow us to go home in the spring. Darlin [her husband] appears to contemplate remaining during next summer but I am very much opposed to it indeed, I want to get home once more and get what little I have left, (that is, if I have anything left,) gathered together again under my own roof--tree broken and wasted, as it is. If I am ever to be better in health any more, I think I shall gain it again at home. Our friends here are as kind as ever, but "enough's enough" of anything and I would do any way rather than trespass on the kindness of any one. [sic]....We have a comfortable house, good fires, and plenty of the "substantials" to live upon, also excellent warm clothing enough to make us comfortable. In addition to this we are all in good health and have, kind friend near us -ah! how thankful we ought to be! I am beginning to become reconciled to the continuance of the war--endeavoring to do every duty incumbent upon me, awaiting with patience the issues of this struggle....The Federals are recruiting negros [sic] in McM [sic] --taking off all boys 12 years of age!-----Last Tuesday was the 12th and our anniversary. It was the first time I made no preparations for a good dinner, there is no poultry, eggs, etc. to be bought, and what little of such things I could procure, I had used to fill a nice N. Year's basket....We did not forget our anniversary, but the usual dinner was only postponed until after "this cruel war is over." My health seems at last to be decidedly improving and I greatly enjoy the idea of once again becoming healthy and strong.
War Journal of Lucy Virginia French.
10, Skirmish near Mossy Creek
JANUARY 10, 1864.-Skirmish near Mossy Creek, Tenn.
Report of Col. Oscar H. LaGrange, First Wisconsin Cavalry, commanding Second Brigade, First Cavalry Division.
MOSSY CREEK, January 10, 1864. CAPT.:
I have the honor to report that a scouting party from the Second Brigade to-day surprised one of the enemy's outposts, on the Dandridge road about 6 miles from Mossy Creek, and killed 4, including 1 lieutenant, besides making 7 prisoners, without loss.
Very respectfully,
O. H. LAGRANGE, Col., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, p. 67.
10, "….I believe that the war will soon be over." Daniel C. Miller's letter home to his family in Cleveland, Ohio
Murfreesboro, Tenn.
January 10, 1864
Dear Parents, brothers, and sisters,
Received your letter and heard that all of you are well, so am I. This time I don't know any news except that we have enough to eat, as much as we need. Since Christmas we have hardly been able to do anything because of rain and snow. 4 days ago we had 4 inches of snow, which still has not disappeared yet. It was rather cold recently so that the snow froze again over night and we could not do anything because the trees were too slick.
….I believe that the war will soon be over because one sees that the people at home are more peaceful, they see that as long as they rebel at home there cannot be peace. I for my part would like to march 15-20 miles per day with knap sack and rifle if I could know that there will be peace in 4-5 months. Some at home can sit a long time in their warm rooms and make calendars and we are here like the wild Indians in the woods, who don't see anyone for weeks except our comrades. We have made out tents quite warm, we have ovens under out tents covered with big flagstones, so that they get almost glowing hot. We can sleep warm the whole night and get up in the morning without to rub an eye. [sic]
* * * *
The cottonseed [enclosed] I took from an old barn in which I found more than 50 bushels, it will rot if it does not get to a dry place. There are still large fields of it, which have not been picked. The plant gets 2-3-4 feet high, when it gets ripe and becomes brown like a chestnut. There are 10-20-30 seeds on one plant as large as an egg. They open when they get ripe, like a chestnut.
Miller Correspondence.
10, Sickness and a funeral in the 105th Ohio; an excerpt from the letter of George F. Cram to his mother
Jan. 10, 1864
* * * *
There is considerable sickness in the regiment now, the cold weather seems to be productive of disease when we are not sufficiently prepared against it. Small pox is alarmingly prevalent and scarcely any measures are taken to check or control it. Men just recovering are running at large over the whole regiment and those just taken down remain in their own tents, exposing their comrades, frequently several days before going to the sick house. I have been exposed several times but do not fear it. One boy in our company died with it a short time since and another is now sick. Other companies are worse, some having five or six sick ones.
* * * *
Day before yesterday I attended the funeral of Dr. [Horace] Potter's[9] little girl who died of diphtheria. She was a very bright intelligent little girl and her last words were, "If I die, shall I see anybody [?]" Our good Chaplain spoke very feelingly from those words at the funeral. Col. Dustin sent an escort of 50 men who marched to the grave with arms reversed, while muffled drums were beating. She was the Dr.'s only child and it seems to almost kill him. They buried her body in a vault, preparatory to conveying it with which I suppose they will do as soon as possible.
* * * *
Letters of George F. Cram
10, "The immediate object of this circulation appears to be to induce our soldiers to quit our ranks and to take the oath of alegiance [sic] to the United States Government." War of words between Longstreet and Foster
Flag of Truce from General Longstreet-He Objects to the Private Circulation of the President's Proclamation in His Lines-General Foster Consoleth Him by A Letter, and Sendeth Him Twenty Copies of the Obnoxious Docment for Public Distribution.
Knoxville, January 10th, 1864, The Rebel's never want a pretext for a flag of truce when they get very anxious about the position and strength of the Union army confronting them, and when they cannot obtain satisfactory information in any other way, they usually resort to that dodge.
On the 7th instant our pickets stationed beyond Bruins Cross Roads, upon the Rutledge Pike, discovered a small mounted party approaching with a flag of truce.
The party was halted, and the officer having in charge a communication addressed to Major-General J. G. Foster, commanding the Union forces, was conducted to the head-quarters at Major-General Parks, in the immediate command of the troops in the field, who received the officer with great courtesy, and extended to him those hospitalities which the laws of war and the civilities between gentlemen require. The messenger bearing the flag and the communication was assured that the latter would be immediately forwarded to the Commanding General of the Department, and the proper answer returned to the lines of General Longstreet as soon as it should be received from Knoxville.
General Parke forwarded the letter without opening it. Appended is a copy:-
Copy of a Letter Received from Lieutenant-General J. Longstreet, at Head-
Quarters Department of the Ohio, and Reply of Major-Genearl J.G. Foster, Commanding Department of Ohio, Knoxville, Tenn.
Head-quarters Confederate Forces East Tennessee, Jan. 8, 1864.-To the Commanding General United States Forces. East Tennessee.-Sir:-I find the Proclamation of President Lincoln, of the 5th of December last, in circulation in handbills among our soldiers. The immediate object of this circulation appears to be to induce our soldiers to quit our ranks and to take the oath of alegiance to the United States Government. I presume, however, that the great object and end in view is to hasten the day of peace.
I respectfully suggest, for your consideration, the propriety of communicating any views that your Government may have upon this subject through me, rather than by handbills circulated among our soldiers The few men who may desert under the promise held out in the Proclamation cannot be men of character or standing. In they desert their cause they degrade themselves in the eyes of God and of man. They can to your cause no good, nor can they injure ours.
As a great nation, you can accept none but an honorable peace; as a noble people, you could have us accept nothing less. I submit, therefore, whether the mode that I suggest would not be more likely to lead to an honorable end than such a circulation of a partial promise of freedom.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your most obedient servant, J. Longstreet, Lieut.-Gen. Command'g.
Reply of Maj.-Gen. Jno. G. Foster, Commanding Department of the Ohio.
Head-quarters Department of the Ohio, Knoxville, E.T. Jan. 7, 1864.-Lieut.-Gen. Commanding Forces in East Tennessee.-Sir:-I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated Jan. 8, 1864. You are correct in the supposition that the great object in view in the circulation of the President's Proclamation is to induce those now in rebellion against the Government to lay aside their arms and return to their allegiance as citizens of the United States, thus securing the reunion or States now arrayed in hostility against one another and restoration of peace. The immediate effect of the inclination may be to cause many men to leave your ranks, to return home, or come within our (NL), and, in view of this latter course, it has been thought proper to issue an order announcing the favorable terms on which deserters will be received.
I accept, however, your suggestion that it would have been more courteous to have sent these documents to you for circulations, and I embrace with pleasure the opportunity thus afforded to me those to you twenty (20) copies of each on these documents, to give publicity to the same among your officers and men.
I have the honor to be, General,
Very respectfully,
J.G. Foster, Major-Gen. Comd'g.
Copies of General Orders No. 4. from these headquarters have also been published for circulation.
Head-quarters Army of the Ohio, Knoxville, Tenn., Jan. 6, 1864.-General Orders. No. 4-I. To secure uniformity in the treatment of deserters from the Confederate armies, the following orders will be observed:-
Hereafter, when such deserters come within our lines, they will at once be conducted to the nearest Division or Post Commander, who being satisfied that they honestly desire to quit the Confederate service, will forward them to the Provost Marshal-General, at Knoxville, who, upon being satisfied of the honesty of their intentions, will allow them to proceed to their homes, of within our lines, upon taking the following oath:-
"I ____ _____, do solemnly swear, in the presence of Almighty God, that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Union of the States there under; and that I will , in like manner, abide by and faithfully support all acts of Congress passed during the existing Rebellion with reference to slaves, so long and so far as not repealed, modified, or held void by Congress, or by decision of the Supreme Court; and that I will, in like manner, abide by and faithfully support all proclamations of the President made during the existing Rebellion having reference to slaves, so long and so far as not modified or declared void by decision of the Supreme Court. So help me God."
2. Such deserters will be disarmed on surrender, and their arms turned over to the nearest Ordinance Officer, who will account for the same.
3. The Quartermaster, Engineer, Subsistence and Medical Departments will give such deserters employment when practicable, upon the same terms as the other employees in the United States service.
4. Such deserters will be exempt from the military service of the United States.
By command of Major-General Foster.
Henry Curtis, Jr., Assist. Adj.-General
Louis Fitzgerald, Aid-de-Camp.
That these wise measures of the Government, seconded by the General in the field, are having the desired effect when put fairly before the Rebels, these uneasy symptoms on the part of Rebel commanders are the best evidence we could desire.
Deserters are daily coming in, and a party arriving two days since report "great destination and suffering in the Rebel army." I put the sentence in quotation marks, as it is the stereotyped report of all deserters. No dependence whatever can be placed in their statements. Another characteristic of these deserting Rebels daily manifests itself. They do not regard their obligations to the United States Government, though taken under the most solemn forms. A party of eighteen ran away the other night, carrying with them stolen arms, and, it is presumed, whatever else they could conveniently lay hands on. They had given their parole of honor not to leave the lines until legally dismissed. The next day the entire batch of paroled prisoners in town were very properly sent to the lock-up! N.Y. Tribune.
Philadelphia Inquirer, January 26, 1864.
10, "Murder, theft, falsehood and a black catalogue of crimes stalk unburdened as it were through the land since military law supplanted civil." An entry from the diary of Eliza Rhea Anderson Fain
Mr. R. in his sermon spoke of the desolations which we as a people are called upon to behold in our once fair and beautiful land. What desolation on the onward move of a terrible army can make in a few short months. Our country is laid waste, our servant are decoyed from us, our stock driven off killed and taken, our whole country demoralized men forgetting there is a God; and woman shall I say woman losing sight of all that has ever given her any position social life. Our schools all broken up for male education and but few, very few female schools still going on. The Sabbath has been desecrated. Murder, theft, falsehood and a black catalogue of crimes stalk unburdened as it were through the land since military law supplanted civil.[10]
Mr. R. spoke so feelingly of the desolated homes which this cruel was has made. The many hearts of wives, mother and sisters who were bowed with grief on account of its terrible demands. How many of those so loved have been gathered in the promiscuous heap and laid in trenches prepared by unfeeling soldier hands. Their bodies are then roughly handled and thrown in one upon another until one and another are forever hid from view, the dirt then lightly thrown upon them and they are left with a tear or a sigh unless some dear father, son or brother is there to weep and mourn for their loved dead.
Fain Diary.
10-11, Scout from near Dandridge to Clark's Ferry
JANUARY 10-11, 1864.-Scout from near Dandridge to Clark's Ferry, Tenn.
Report of Col. William J. Palmer, Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry.
HDQRS. ANDERSON CAVALRY, James Evans' Ford, Tenn., January 11, 1864--3 p. m.
SIR: I have the honor to report that a small expedition sent out by me last night to Clark's Ferry, 17 miles above this point, on the French Broad, has returned this morning with 7 prisoners infantry and cavalry, belonging to South Carolina and Tennessee regiments. Two of the prisoners (one a brigade forage master), belonging to Dibrell's brigade, of Armstrong's division and both on a separate examination, say that their brigade is at Dr. Boyd's, 2 miles from the mouth of Chucky, on the Dandridge road and within half a mile of French Broad River. They also say that the only other brigade in their division (Harrison's) is, they believe, somewhere near Dibrell's; also that their division left Panther Springs nearly a week ago, on Monday or Tuesday.
The forage master is quite well informed, and says he issued forage to 800 men for duty in his brigade; that there are but two brigades in Armstrong's division (Dibrell's and Harrison's) and two in Morgan's; that Harrison's brigade may be a very little larger than Dibrell's; and that one brigade of Morgan's division is not as large as Dibrell's; that his own regiment, the Eighth Tennessee has 140 men only; that their cavalry horses are In good serviceable condition, getting 24 ears of corn per day now, when on full rations; that all the forage about Panther Springs and Morristown and in the intermediate country to the French Broad and Chucky is exhausted, also on the banks of French Broad and Chucky on the other side, and that they are now relying for forage on this side of the French Broad and Chucky, getting it across by canoes and by fording. He also says that Armstrong's and Morgan's divisions of cavalry were both engaged in the last fight at Mossy Creek. One of the infantry prisoners was acting commissary sergeant of his regiment (the Second South Carolina Infantry, Kershaw's brigade, McLaws' division). His brigade and division were at Russellville when he left them day before yesterday, at which time Hood's division was at Morristown. He came across the river to run a mill near Clark's Ferry, the three mills their division had about Russellville not being sufficient. He confirms the report about McLaws being relieved and sent to Richmond.
I had the honor to send a report to Gen. Elliott yesterday via Hdqrs. Army of the Ohio, at Knoxville, it being impossible to get it across the river in consequence of the ice. In that report I stated that Armstrong's division of cavalry had probably three brigades. I now believe he has but two, and I do not think Martin's entire cavalry force for duty without Jones' to exceed 4,000, or with Jones' to exceed 6,000....
Very respectfully, &c.,
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, pp. 67-69.
[1] As cited in Rebellion Record, Vol. 4, p. 8.
[2] Perhaps a reference to the pattern found in the weave of the blanket.
[3] If Mrs. FoGALEGROUP - TSLA 19TH CN wasn't patrician she was hardly middle class.
[4] As cited in PQCW.
[5] Because of the presence of contending military forces, the election was declared void by the House of Representatives. See: House Report No. 46, 37 Cong., 3 Sess, 2, as cited by the editors of The Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 112, fn 1.
[6] General Stephen A. Hurlbut's December 24 proclamation listed Madison, Haywood, Fayette, Shelby, and Hardeman counties as areas in which a fair vote could not be obtained. His order, however, did not specify that a postponement would be limited to that portion of the tenth district but was so ambiguously worded that it allowed for differing interpretations. See Memphis Bulletin, December 27, 1862, as cited by the editors of The Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 113, fn 7.
[7] Forty lashes was generally considered a death sentence.
[8] This communication is dated Janury 9, 1864 in The Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol.6, p. 553.
[9] The regimental surgeon.
[10] And, that was the good news!
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 115
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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