Tuesday, January 6, 2015

12.26 & 27.2015 Tennessee Civil War Notes

DECEMBER 26, 1861-1864


        26, Distribution and capacity of Tennessee's military in late December 1861

NASHVILLE, TENN., December 26, 1861.


DEAR SIR: Since I wrote to you on yesterday Gen. Whitthorne, adjutant-general of the State has informed me that Tennessee has now fifty regiments of infantry in the field all duly organized, and that there are besides camp, or ordered to camp companies sufficient to form two regiments at Jackson, Tenn., two regiments at Camp Weakley, two regiments at Fort Donelson, one regiment at Camp Trousdale, one regiment at Knoxville one regiment at Columbus, Ky., making fifty-nine regiments of infantry from Tennessee. Gen. Whitthorne assures me that he will be able to report to the State Legislature when it reconvenes after Christmas holidays that Tennessee has sixty regiments of infantry in the field, besides twelve battalions of cavalry and two regiments of artillery. I may be permitted to say familiarly to you that I should be pleased, if the general could find it consistent with his duties in view of these facts, to recommend my immediate appointment by the War Department to the place for which I have already asked his recommendation. It seems the Department will wait till he indicates the necessity.

Yours, truly, B. R. JOHNSON.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. II, p. 245.

        26, Christmas for the Cartmell slaves in Madison County

….Taking Christmas, [sic] suits negroes [sic] exactly, [they get to] laze around. Their natural occupation if not interfered with….

Robert H. Cartmell Diary.

        26, Skirmish near Somerville

NOVEMBER 26, 1862.-Skirmish near Somerville, Tenn.

Report of Lieut. Col. Edward Prince, Seventh Illinois Cavalry.

HDQRS. SEVENTH REGT. ILLINOIS CAVALRY, Moscow, Tenn., November 27, 1862.

SIR: I report that in pursuance of the orders of the general commanding I proceeded (with the armed portion of this regiment which could be spared from camp, consisting of parts of Companies A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, and K, 300 men) on the evening of the 25th to Macon; thence on the morning of the 26th to Montague's Bridge, leaving Companies D and I at Macon; that from Montague's Bridge we proceeded to Cannon's Mill, 25 miles from camp, at which point we struck a fresh trail of rebels, being the fourth battalion, guerrilla Richardson's regiment, 100 strong, Lieut.-Col. Dawson commanding. Company E and a portion of Company I having been left at the bridge I picketed the crossing with Company G and pursued with Companies A, B, F, H, and K. We drove in the rebel pickets at charging step about 2 ½ miles from the crossing, when I found it necessary to detach Company A to protect the rear, by sending them on a road leading to our right rear; Company B, under command of Lieut. McCausland, was in the advance, and formed well and rapidly under fire; Company H, under command of Capt. Webster, was thrown far to the right, and afterward turned the enemy's left flank; Companies F and K formed rapidly, under a heavy fire from dismounted rebels. Observing that there was an apparently dry slough in our advance, and knowing the rebels would not dismount, except under good cover, I dismounted Companies K, F, and B, and they charged handsomely on foot, which together with the advance of Company H, on the extreme right, routed the enemy, intrenched in a very deep and steep-banked slough. The enemy fled in confusion, throwing away arms, blankets, and everything. Those most lucky in mounting horses and fleet of foot escaped; the rest we caught. We could not have had more than 80 men engaged. Maj.'s Nelson and Koehler were in the fight, who, together with the line officers, deserve honorable mention.

The only fault to be found with the command was a too great eagerness to get at the enemy. The officers and men betrayed no symptoms of fear nor sought any protection from trees. The firing of the rebels was very spirited, but wild. Casualties, 4 wounded. The rebel casualties, as far as names are known, are Capt. Moore, confusion of cranium, induced by head colliding with a white-oak tree in too precipitate a flight; wound dangerous; prisoner paroled. Private George Reynolds, thigh shattered; prisoner paroled. Some wounded escaped; others, more or less severe, names not known. Number of prisoners taken on expedition 37, including 2 captains (one of whom is the noted guerrilla Marshall) and 1 lieutenant.

* * * *

We captured two very handsome colors, one of them the colors of the rebel battalion engaged.

I am, with respect, your obedient servant,

EDWARD PRINCE, Lieut.-Col., Comdg. Regt. [sic]

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. I, pp. 526-528.

        26, Scouts in reaction to C. S. A. cavalry crossing Cumberland River on 25th

HDQRS., Nashville, Tenn., November 26, 1862.

Col. W. W. LOWE, Cmdg. Officer, Fort Donelson, Tenn.;

Twelve hundred rebel cavalry crossed the Cumberland at Harpeth Shoals yesterday. Be alert. Send out scouts and try to waylay and cut them [off] upon their return. Two infantry [regiments] go from here in wagons tonight in direction of Clarksville, and a brigade from Tyree Springs in direction of Springfield for the same purpose.

By order of major-general Rosecrans:

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. II, p. 100.

        26, Orders relative to small pox vaccination and policy on carrying side-arms in the Army of Tennessee

GENERAL ORDERS, No. 3. HDQRS. ARMY OF TENNESSEE, Murfreesborough, November 26, 1862.

* * * *

III. Corps commanders will, without delay, cause all persons within their respective commands to be vaccinated who have not previously been. Medical officers will report to the commanders when they have executed this order, which report will be forwarded to these headquarters.

* * * *

I. Hereafter the rank and file of the Army will not be permitted to carry other side-arms than those issued by the Government, or such as are appropriate to their arms of service. All side-arms now worn by dismounted troops will be turned into the Ordnance Department, for which a fair value will be paid.

By order of Gen. Bragg

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. II, pp. 425-426.

        26, "BY THE GRAPE-VINE AND OTHERWISE" by "Mint Julep"

From Middle Tennessee, Camp Near Murfreesboro, Nov. 20, 1862.

You will, perhaps recollect the promise I made, when you gave the last farewell grip, to drop in on you now and then, with a word from the camp, or if at leisure some wet gloomy evening, to "call" and whilst chasing the weary hours with fits of gossip and scandal, draw a fragrant cork, and mingle hopes and memories over the pure juice of the grain. This evening is surely wet enough and as gloomy as a raven could have heart to wish. The cork is drawn, and the juice sparkles as brightly as of old! Here's at you!

Rumors for a moment's chit-chat fly as thickly around me as leaves from the raven old oak, whose bare brawny limbs afford a breakwind to my sheeted wigwarm [sic], but they are all from the mysterious old grape-vine. For several weeks our camp has presented the same treadmill routine, without a single new feature to break its lifeless monotony.

The only orders of any particular interest that we have received are to cook two day's rations, which the boys fearing a scarcity of transportation, generally eat before the skillets are cold. I haven't heard a joke since the unfortunate rise of the whiskey item in the report of "Prices Current." Haunted with stray memories of the many old days, as the wind sings its llullably [sic] through the ragged tent cloth, I often peer through a hole into the moonlight, to see is some restless ghost of an old joke, is not paying solitary pilgrimage to its old haunts, but I turn in disappointment to the consolation of my blessed old pipe. I might if so disposed, very briefly and eloquently say it is profoundly sad. Now and then a bevy of pretty girls pay us a strolling visit, with a handsome friend at my elbow wreathed and glittering with gold lace, claims they have come to see him. At any rate, I can always tell when they are about, by his borrowing my white shirt. I never could persuade any of the dear creatures that I am handsome, and I don't know why. It is curious, very curious. Our Colonel, who is young, and thinks he is good looking, as cut loose from the Commissary Department altogether. Baskets and pretty notes are daily occurrences around his quarters. Byron says women are star gazers. [sic] I believe they are. They are perfectly voracious in their fighting propensities. And have no use for a fellow who survives the first fight. An ugly mess-mate of mine, says the reason they are so pugnacious is because they are all under conscript age, and the free who are not, rely upon their breast-works! [sic] The wicked fellows! God bless them. I love to see them anyhow-would be glad to see them all the time. (I never saw one all the time, but I imagine I would like it.)

The Conscript Fathers held a council of war at this place a few days ago. My invitations miscarried. Gen'l Remarks was there, and says they resolved to make a stand during the winter season, somewhere in this section, perhaps at this place, as a number of turnpikes from the North country concentrate upon the railroad at this point. The rumor has at any rate, dissipated much of the gloom that was gathering about the hearts of the desponding [sic] and kindled a happy feeling of gratification in every quarter of the country. The valleys nestling along the Harpeth and Cumberland are the granaries and larders of the State, and should be held if possible.

The news from about Nashville, is meagre [sic]. From the entire field I am unable to gather a single sheaf of interest. The place is besieged by guerillas [sic] and bush-whackers, rendering ingress and egress rather uncertain. Now and then an adventurer makes the trip, and brings the stereotyped tale of Yankee insult and oppression. Their hearts are in a continual struggle of hope and fear. Rumors of a retrograde move on the part of the Southern forces reach them, and the night of homelessness closes around them. Again the cracking of the guerillss' [sic] guns is heard, and they catch at a gleam of hope like the prisoners of Chillon at the struggling sunbeam that crept through a crevice of their dungeon. Carthago delenda est! [sic]

The number of butter-nut gentlemen and burr-tailed filleys [sic] that throng the road to McMinnville, revives many a memory torn from history, when a school-boy, of the faithful visiting Jerusalem. Their faces eclipse Webster and Cobb-Walker in their definition of devout and funeral.

A new grave-yard is the only simile at hand that furnishes any idea of the sorrow-steeped countenances. Weak-eyed, rheumatic, sickly-livered, government contractor, pueuralgic [sic],-O' niggers [sic] and the scald-head! [sic] A marching patent medicine advertisement! Now I appreciate John Wesley, when he "wonders that a harp of so many strings should keep in tune so long.

I met a discharged soldier this morning who had ingenuity enough to find his way through the labyrinthine technicalities and difficulties to the paymaster's office, and who had actually drawn his pay! If the poor fellow had health he deserves promotion. He was complaining that he was denied the bounty of fifty dollars. He vainly imagined that the Confederate Government spoke authoritatively when it promised the bounty to all soldiers who re-enlisted. He had not learned that General Bragg had repealed that provision of the law so far as concerns discharged soldiers. He was entitled to the bounty the moment he re-enlisted, and should have been paid then, but after serving eighteen months he ought not to have been wounded, and lost his health, and became unserviceable to the Government. I tried to convince him of this but he was incorrigible. The poor fellow, thin and pale from a wound received at Shiloh, maintained that a soldier who had given up his home and health, and everything, was cast off as utterly worthless and useless by the Government, was entitled to the county to support him in his helpless exile, and not condemned like a mule [sic] and turned out upon the highway to die. I reminded him that Gen. Bragg had repealed that provision of the law so few as discharged soldiers were concerned, and had so notified his paymasters and left him. Well, I have written enough. You can read this in broken doses. With many compliments and much respect.

Chattanooga Daily Rebel, November 26, 1862.

        26, Scout from Clarksville

No circumstantial reports filed.

RUSSELLVILLE, November 26, 1862.


From a scout I made to Clarksville I am satisfied there is a rebel force of Buckner's command near that point. Capt. James Burnman, of Buckner's staff, is now here, prisoner. He was captured only 5 miles above Clarksville, south of Cumberland River. They may intend to make their way into Southern Kentucky. It would be well to look into the facts.

S. D. BRUCE, Col., Cmdg.

HDQRS. FOURTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Nashville, November 26, 1862-9.50 p. m.

Col. BRUCE, Cmdg. Officer, Russellville:

You can retain the Fourth Kentucky till the rebel cavalry, reported by you, are captured or run back. Telegraph this to general Boyle. Every effort [is] being made to head off these rascals.

By order of Maj.-Gen. Rosecrans:

J. P. GARESCHE, Assistant Adjutant-Gen. and Chief of Staff.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. II, p. 99-100.

        26, Union families and resistance to the Confederate draft in Lincoln County

Sparta Illinois


Hon. Andrew Johnson:--

Sir: I wish hereby to pay before you the condition of my Union friends in Middle Tennessee, hoping that you will be able and disposed to something for them. They live in Lincoln Co. 8 to 10 miles west and north--west of Fayetteville, on the waters of Swan Creek. I have some friends too in Marshall & Bedford Counties. About 3 months ago a young brother of mine came from there,--run away by gangs of Guerrillas that infested their neighborhood,--and enlisted in 111th Illinois, raised at Salem, Ill. & is now in the army. A few days ago an older brother came-with a rebel conscript officer after him; but he made good his escape-reaching the Union lines in West Tennessee &coming north, via Columbus, Ky. He states that there were many union men-mostly young men, who were in great trouble, the rebel officers having conscripted them & told them they would send a guard or company of armed men after them. Some talked of hiding, others of resisting. He thought his only choice to escape being pressed into the rebel service, was to flee. He left his family, property--all.

Now I wish to say that I & your other Tennessee friends in this place & in Salem, Ill. hope you will use your power, as our army advances, to look after the safety of these and other union citizens. William Wyatt is one of the leading union men-a man of property & influence. Tates, Cakrey's, Blair's Taylor's & others are union. I have an Aunt Hamilton living two miles west of Fayetteville, who, with all her sons are rebels [sic]. My mother & brothers[1] live ten miles west of Fayetteville, on the waters of swan [sic] Creek. Mention names & places, that the authorities may retaliate on their the union citizens rebel neighbors [sic] if they have committed outrages on the peaceful union citizens of those localities[.] Thomas Montgomery & brothers in Marshall & Bedford Counties are personal friends & will use it [sic] to protect all union citizens in Middle Tennessee, I remain yours for the Union, the Constitution & the Enforcement of laws

John Hamilton

P.S. I hope in the name of heaven, you will run all rebels south out of Tennessee. Many of our friends there have lost property by the rebels -- they should be paid out of rebel--property.

Respectfully J.A.H.

Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, pp. 73-74.

        26, War weariness in White County

Mary and I have got some of our gray thread spun. I went up to Mrs. weaver's this morning. Mr. Eller happened in and said he was going to start into Ky. for salt. I came home and told Father and he went up and sent for some salt and some cotton cards. It has come to that. There can be neither cloth nor thread got. We thought it odd when we had to spin wool, but it will be something extra indeed when we have to spin cotton. There seems to be no prospect for peace. A great many of the people are badly dissatisfied.

Diary of Amanda McDowell.

        26, Major-General U. S. Grant's GENERAL ORDERS, No. 10, relative to appointment, powers, responsibilities and duties of district provost-marshals


LaGrange, Tenn., November 26, 1862.

I. A district provost-marshal will be appointed from these headquarters from each district in this department, who will have general supervision of all local provost-marshals in his respective district, and to whom they will make weekly reports of all arrests, seizures, and dispositions of all persons arrested and property seized.

II. District provost-marshals will receive their instructions from the provost-marshal general, to whom they will make semi-monthly reports of all arrests in their respective districts, stating the name, offense, officer by whom arrested, and the disposition made of the arrested party; also all property seized, by whom, and why seized, and the disposition made of the same, accompanying said report with a receipt from the quartermaster to whom the property has been turned over.

III. Local provost-marshals are prohibited from selling or disposing of confiscated property. They will turn all such property over to the nearest post quartermaster, and if there is no post quartermaster convenient then to a division, brigade, or regimental quartermaster, taking triplicate receipts therefor, two to be forwarded with report to the district provost-marshal. If property seized is such as is properly embraced in the commissary or ordnance departments the provost-marshal may turn it over to the proper officers of these departments instead of to quartermasters, taking receipts therefor, as provided in cases of quartermasters.

By order of Maj. Gen. U. S. Grant:

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 363.

        26, "But the most sickening effects of the war are visible among the poorer classes of the people." News from Nashville and environs on the threshold of the battle of Stones River

The melancholy appearances presented on all sides in the thoroughly rebellious City of Nashville, are enough to convince any one of the terrible consequences which a people can bring upon themselves by plunging into treason against their lawful Government. Palatial residences, once the abodes of those whose voices were most blatant in the general howl of "Southern rights are converted into hospitals for our sick and wounded, or occupied as headquarters by our officers, busily engaged in meting out rigorous justice to the people's oppressors. The churches, from whose desecrated pulpits a traitorous ministry used to send up blasphemous prayers to heaven for success of the rebel arms, are filled with sick soldiers. The commodious stores and warehouses, where wealthy rebels massed their ungodly gains, by carrying on a wholesale contraband trade with the South, are turned into depots for the storage of provisions, &c., for Gen. Rosecran's [sic] grand army. The extensive printing establishments, whence emanated such fulsome eulogiums upon the "Cavaliers" of the South, and such vindictive anathemas against the "Yankee hordes," are locked up, knocked into "pi," subject to the confiscation act. The wires of the once magnificent suspension-bridges that spanned the Cumberland, which were cut last Winter by Pillow's order, drag sluggishly in the bed of the river. School houses, asylums, manufacturing establishments, colleges and hotels are converted into military uses. The grand and stately Capitol building, of the purest Tennessee marble, from whose high lifted dome so long floated the rebel flag, bears strong marks of the effects of war. There, in the spacious room of the building, Isham G. Harris issued his infamous edicts; and there the rebel Legislature fulminated its decrees. Now, our cannon point from around the building. Gov. Johnson occupies one part of it, and words day and night to restore the civil laws of his State. The halls and vestibules of the tremendous edifice resound to the tramp of the sentinel on duty. Within, the building presents a scene of rare by sad interest. Sick soldiers are here, arms are piled there, knapsacks are jumbled yonder; soiled uniforms, torn garments, rusty weapons, bayonets, ram-rods, hats, caps, swords, and every article in a military line, are piled about in indiscriminate confusion.

But the most sickening effects of the war are visible among the poorer classes of the people. Their sufferings, particularly since Winter has set in, is extreme and acute. The commonest comforts of life cannot be procured at the enormous prices demanded. In fact, the necessary restraints which Gen Rosecrans has placed upon trade, to prevent contraband article from getting to the rebels, virtually stops traffic altogether. So wedded those of the city who have controlled the business of the place to the rebel cause, that the shipment of provisions has to be prohibited. Lest they be conveyed to the rebels. Among the poor, utter destitution prevails. There is a famine in the articles of food and fuel. Gov. Johnson has wisely levied contributions upon the rich rebels to relieve the poor. Prominent among those who have to pay the penalty of their treason, is W. G. Overton, to whose name is annexed the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars. One year and a-half ago Overton was reputed to have been worth five million of dollars. He authorized Isham G. Harris to draw on his estate to the full amount for the benefit of the rebel cause. His entire estate as well as those of his co-workers in treason, should not be seized and appropriated. Notwithstanding, however, the straits to which the people are reduced, there prevails scarcely any Union feeling. The people of the once fast city circled, moved and had their being intoxicated so long with the delirium of treason, that they still cherish a lingering hope that the eddying tide of events will yet bring them to the haven of their enjoyments.


Through the public prints, and especially through hasty and inconsiderate telegraphic dispatches, much has been said of late of a "battle imminent" near Nashville. At no time since our army have returned to Tennessee, and since Gen. Rosecrans established himself in Nashville, have there existed probabilities of a general battle near that city. There are but two contingencies that could happen, whereby the rebels could assail or forces near Nashville with any show of success, and both of those contingencies, I regard as impossible. The entire army of Gen. Grant would have to be defeated, and the rebels assigned to the defence of the Mississippi relieved to cooperate with Johnston and Bragg or Burnside will have to be so cripple that offensive operations will have to be abandoned by the Army of the Potomac, giving Lee a chance to reinforce the rebels at Murfreesboro. If either of these events happen, the rebels will assail Nashville. Otherwise, they will not. The immense army of Gen. Rosecrans is for the most part in the vicinity of Nashville, recuperated, and so consolidated as to guard all the approaches to the city, and prevent surprise from the southward. The several corps extend, in supporting distance, from the Lebanon road, on the east, across the Nolinsville [sic], the Murfreesboro, the Chattanooga, and the Franklin roads. Strong and heavy picket forces are thrown forward, and active cavalry squads scout the country. The Louisville and Nashville Railroad is better and more thoroughly guarded than it has ever before been. Every bridge, trestle, switch and tunnel is most vigilantly guarded. At many points, as the Green River Bridge, earthworks and stockades are constructed so that a small force can protect itself against a superior one. The road is strained to its utmost running capacity to furnish supplies for Gen. Rosecrans' army. The amount of shipments by the road is truly enormous. Gen. Rosecrans is getting everything ready, even to the minutest detail, for a vigorous and overpowering movement against the enemy. Nothing is now so much desired as a rise in the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers, which would afford unlimited facilities of steamboat and river transportation. You must be aware, that as we advance into the enemy's country, we have to rely upon transportation for everything – provisions, clothing, ammunition and forage. The Louisville and Nashville road, even though no accident should occur, cannot supply an army so vast, in a country where nothing in left. When these rivers rise, then look for a movement by this army that will overthrow the rebel power in the Southwest. Until then no great result or general battle is likely to take place. The several corps of the army have been reviewed by Gen. Rosecrans in person. He expressed the highest admiration at the evolutions and general appearance of his troops. The lamentable affair at Hartsville is a source of regret to all.[2] The moral effect of the business has, however, been much magnified. Hartsville is an isolated point. It has long been one of Morgan's favorite resorts, and used as a place for him to drill recruits. He knows the place and the whole country familiarly. The brigade sent there was not acquainted with the country. It was isolated in an insignificant town, surrounded by high hills not in supporting distance of any other troops. They were surrounded, surprised by near three times their number of the best rebel cavalry and infantry the have in the service. They were whipped, and surrendered. Without desiring to be their apologist, we will venture a doubt of the propriety of sending detachments to such points as Hartsville, and a still stronger doubt as to the propriety of branding all soldiers as cowards who may be overcome by twice and thrice their numbers. The pain of the Hartsville affair was somewhat relieved by the brilliant dash of Col. Stanley Matthews of the Twenty-third Brigade, Gen. Van Cleve's Division, upon Lavergne [sic], in which several of the enemy were killed or captured, and a quantity for forage secured with scarcely any loss to the brigade. The loss of the fifty-three Michigan troops some days ago was the results of sheer carelessness, and a gross ignorance of the rules governing bearers of flags of truce. Admitting the perfidy of the rebels in pouncing upon a body of men while awaiting the result of the interview of flag-bearers, a truce flag only protects the bearer and his immediate escort.


The rebels, though by a series of manoeuvres and cavalry dashes, they have created the impression on many that they have assumed the offensive, really have no designs of assailing Nashville with their present forces. Situated as we now are, awaiting preparations for a combined advance, they will aim to annoy us much in front but just as soon as we advance in force they will fall back to their main lines; nor will they give or accept the gauge of battle till their lines of communication are immediately threatened, at Tullahoma, Murfreesboro or Chattanooga. Their whole force may be estimated at near sixty-five thousand. Of these, from the best information I have been able to procure, Buckner and Cheatham has fifteen thousand at Tullahoma, the junction of the McMinnville with the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad; Hardee and Bragg have about the same number in the vicinity of Nolinsville [sic]; Polk and Breckinridge has twenty thousand around Murfreesboro, while there are ten thousand more at Chattanooga, and operating between the two points; Morgan has about five thousand, and operates on the rebel front. It is now thought that he is indeavoring [sic] to make his way into Kentucky eastward of this point, for the purpose of again destroying the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, again cutting off our communications. Besides these, there are smaller, but active cavalry forces, under the rebels Wheeler, Forrest and Scott. Wheeler figures on the Franklin road for the purpose of cutting off our foraging parties and capturing our wagon trains. Forrest is reported as having crossed the Cumberland, between Clarksville and Nashville, to operate with Woodard, Garth and Johnson along the Memphis and Clarksville road, and forage in the southwestern counties of Kentucky. The whole rebel force is under command of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, within Bragg second in command.

* * * *


It is wonderful with what rapidity Southern funds until lately had run up. The old Tennessee banks, and even Tennessee shinplasters, have been taken in Louisville at par. One year ago it was worth but 50 cents on the dollar; six months ago they were worth nothing. The value of Southern funds has been increased by cotton speculators, and not by any additional intrinsic value attaching to it.



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Correspondence of the Philadelphia Press.

* * * *

Father Brimwell, a German Catholic priest, was arrested on Thursday last and sent to prison. He had succeeded in obtaining a pass for the South, but his carriage was searched, and twenty pounds of morphine found secreted about it. Therefore, it was deemed advisable to send Father Brimwell to Rosecrans, and the General turned him over to the Provost Marshal, who sent him to prison.

* * * *

At a large Union Convention, at Trenton, in the Ninth District, at which every county of the district was fully represented, Alvan Hawkins, Esq., of Carroll County, was unanimously nominated for Congress. The nominee, being present, made a stirring speech, accepting the nomination, and expressing his determination to devote all his energies, if elected, to the maintenance of the Union and the preservation of the Constitution. He will be triumphantly elected. In the Tenth District there are numerous aspirants to Congressional honors – prominent among whom are Hon. B. D. Nabors, formerly Member of Congress from Mississippi, and now editor of the Memphis Bulletin – a thoroughgoing Union paper – Thomas G. Smith, Esq. of Haywood County, and J. M. Tominy, Esq. of Memphis.

In that portion of Middle Tennessee restored to Federal control, the most decided change of sentiment is taking place. The people are heartily sick of the war; even the leading Secessionists of this vicinity, wealthy merchants and planters, who were so prompt at the commencement of the rebellion to place there fortunes at the disposal of Gov. Harris, now cry out, "Give us peace – peace on any terms!" When the grand Army of the Cumberland moves forward, and loyal, but down-trodden, oppressed East Tennessee, is opened up to us, this State will be brought back into the Union by an overwhelming vote of her people. The Union sentiment in this State has been much stronger during the darkest days of the rebellion than is generally supposed. The large number of Tennesseeans [sic] who have left their homes, wandered across the mountains into Kentucky, enduring severest hardships, and now serving in the Union army, sufficiently attest the strong Union sentiment existing in this State.

* * * *

New York Times, December 26, 1862.

        26, "Substitute Wanted."

A substitute over forty-five years of age is wanted for three years or during the war. A liberal price will be paid. For further information apply at this office.

Chattanooga Daily Rebel, November 26, 1862.

        26, Intelligence from Murfreesboro

News and Rumors at Murfreesboro.

Cannonading in the direction of Lavergne yesterday indicated warm work in that region.

Thirteen Abolition prisoners, captured near Lavergne, were brought into the city yesterday.

Four Tennessee bushwhackers were brought in by a cavalry guard last evening. They deserve a short shrift and a long rope.

Maj. Gen. Butler reviewed the troops at Murfreesboro' on the 18th, in company with Gens. Breckinridge and Preston.

We had reports yesterday of heavy skirmishing towards Lavergne, and that our forces were falling back. Gen. S. B. Buckner went to the front yesterday. We may expect much from the counsel he will render our gallant friends who are leading the advance.

One by one the main avenues of railway and telegraphic communication which we enjoyed before the advent of Abolition rule are being reopened. The railroad line connecting this place and Huntsville, Ala., has been reopened, and trains are running daily.

Nashville Dispatch, November 26 1862.

        26-27, Reconnaissance and skirmish around La Vergne

NOVEMBER 26-27, 1862.-Reconnaissance to La Vergne, Tenn., and Skirmish.


No. 1.-Brig. Gen. Joshua W. Sill, U. S. Army, commanding division.

No. 2.-Lieut., Col. Peter B. Housum, Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Infantry.

No. 3.-Capt. Thomas E. Rose, Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Infantry.

No. 4.-Congratulatory letter from Gen. Braxton Bragg to Brig. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, C. S. Army, commanding cavalry.

No. 1.

Report of Brig. Gen. Joshua W., U. S. Army, commanding division.

HDQRS. SECOND DIVISION, November 27, 1862.

GEN.: Hearing some vague rumors yesterday concerning a heavy force of the enemy, reported to be at La Vergne, I dispatched Col. E. N. Kirk, Thirty-fourth Illinois, commanding Fifth Brigade, to make a reconnaissance in that direction. His report is herewith inclosed. Quite a heavy firing was kept up on both sides. There was also heavy firing on the Nolensville road, which occurred during a reconnaissance, made by a portion of Sheridan's command. Being averse to unnecessary expenditure of ammunition, and feeling sure that it might create alarm in the City, I particularly enjoined on Col. Kirk not to fire at all if he could avoid it. I think there was entirely too great a waste of ammunition. The reconnaissance [determined] the presence of cavalry at La Vergne, probably the same which has occupied that placer for some time under Wheeler. One of the prisoners states that on Stewart's Creek, some 5 miles beyond La Vergne, there has been an encampment of infantry; what force he does not know; thinks a brigade. Another prisoner states that, while the skirmish was going on, he saw a cavalryman of his company, who had just come from Stewart's Creek, and reported that their infantry was moving, and was within 2 miles of La Vergne. This is all I know of the approach of the enemy rumored in the City. The 3 prisoners will be sent you early the morning. One of the prisoners states that Wheeler commands six regiments, viz.,: the First and Third Alabama, Robertson's battalion, Faulkner's battalion, Douglass' battalion, Hagan's battalion.

In my letter of yesterday I referred to the great length of my picket line. It requires the best part of a day to make the circuit. My left is picketed quite close to camp; the front line extends to join Sheridan's line. Behind me, 1 ½ miles I understand that Crittenden's three division are posted, on Mill Creek, with another picket line. The total length of it does not, I suppose, equal that of my single division. I respectfully urge the location of this division to the right of the present position, nearer to Sheridan's; unless it be expected that we should meet the enemy on this road, when I would advise the selection of other ground farther to the front. I am not sufficiently conversant with the ground in front to venture an opinion as to where we could go with more advantage. It seems to me, however, that, in view of a certain contingency, some change ought to be made.

Before closing, I desire to be acquainted with the construction which I should place on that part of General Orders, No. 21, Hdqrs. Fourteenth Corps, limiting the supply train of a division to 50 wagons. My quartermaster seems to think that the 50 wagons include the ammunition train. Now, as my ammunition train numbers 35 wagons, I should have 15 wagons left for supply train. Is there not a mistake on his part?

In case a charge of location is to be made, I would like to know it early, so that the movement can be commenced by sunrise.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. W. SILL, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

No. 2.

Report of Lieut. Col. Peter B. Housum, Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Infantry.


CAPT.: In reply to Special Orders, No.-, of this date, asking why the detachments sent out on the left of La Vergne did not move up rapidly and charge the rebel battery, as ordered, I give you a statement of the operations of the Twenty-ninth Indiana Regiment, Maj. Collins, and Seventy-seventh Regiment, both under my command, until the detachment under Col. Dodge, Thirtieth Indiana, joined me.

After receiving orders to join the Seventy-seventh to the Twenty-ninth and assume command, I proceeded, as ordered, to take and hold the grove on the left of the Murfreesborough road, and keep the right a specified distance from the road. When in the grove, and in line of battle, the skirmishers thrown in advance from the Twenty-ninth Indiana Regt. [sic] became engaged in front and on the left. I at once ordered Company B, of Seventy-seventh, Capt. Rose, forward on the left of the line already deployed, with orders to advance as rapidly as circumstances would permit. As soon as deployed, he became engaged with the enemy, when I ordered the whole line forward to the bed of the stream, and immediately crossed, when it became necessary to march the line by the left flank to get under cover of the woods, and also to cross a ravine which was in front. As soon as a sufficient distance had been taken to the left to cover the troops I ordered an advance, with the injunction from Capt. Wagner not to advance too rapidly on the woods, or too close on the line of skirmishers. After advancing some distance, I was ordered to again move by the left flank to what I thought would be a point opposite the battery, and advance on it. After marching by the flank what I supposed a sufficient distance, I again resumed the march by the front, advanced steadily, under a severe fire, when I observed the enemy moving to our left, and supposing the object might be to outflank us on our left, their line in front already exceeding our in length or front, I ordered a halt, and sent Lieut. Walker, Of the staff, to the left, to notify the cavalry to keep a strict watch to prevent any attempt to flank us on the left, at the same time notifying Col. Kirk that probably an attempt would be made to outflank us. Lieut. Walker returning, I immediately ordered the men forward, when, from the maneuvering of the enemy in front, I ordered two additional companies forward on the line of skirmishers. At this moment Col. Dodge joined me on the right, when he also threw one company forward on the line of skirmishers; thus re-enforced, and the skirmish line strengthened, I ordered a rapid advance, clearing the woods of the enemy. Col. Dodge now came to me, and, as my superior officer, he assumed command and ordered me to change front forward on the left company. When the whole line was thrown forward in the new direction, he ordered an advance to the edge of the woods. At this point he ordered the Twenty-ninth Regt. [sic] forward, supported by the Seventy-seventh and Thirtieth, to charge the battery, while moving forward as rapidly as the ground would admit of, and obstructed, as it was, by a number of fences, which had to be torn down as they advanced, and also under a severe fire from the rebel battery on the hill in front. About the time the advance was tearing down a heavy fence, the firing of the battery ceased. We advanced to the top of a hill in the rear of La Vergne, when Col. Dodge received orders to return to town.

I thought at the time, and think so still, that our advance through the woods was as rapid as circumstances would admit of. The only time lost was when I directed the cavalry to reconnoiter on our left. Halting at that time was thought to be a necessity.

Hoping the above will fully explain the matter to in Orders, No.-, I remain, respectfully, yours,


No. 3.

Report of Capt. Thomas E. Rose, Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Infantry.

CAMP NEAR INSANE ASYLUM, November 29, 1862.

SIR: In compliance with the request of Lieut.-Col. Housum, commanding Seventy-seventh Regiment, I have the honor to make the following report of the part that I took in the skirmish near La Vergne, Tenn:

When the Seventy-seventh had formed on the left of the Twenty-ninth Indiana, I was ordered to take one company and deploy it forward as skirmishers, and join on the left of the skirmishers of the Twenty-ninth, which I did, and which post I had the honor to hold throughout the skirmish. After I had got my company into position, we were ordered to advance across the woods, and over a ditch, which was the bed of a small creek; thence across an open space to the edge of the grove on the left of the town. From the time I first deployed the company, the enemy had firing on us, and in a short time after we entered the latter grove the firing became quite heavy upon my position of the line. At this time the whole line of skirmishers was ordered to halt, and my little band sustained the concentrated fire of the rebels for a considerable length of time, when the rebels advanced us with a loud cheering, which cheering we as lustily returned. My portion of the command being at this time re-enforced, we charged upon them, and drove them back through the woods and across an open space to the next grove beyond, their officers using their utmost endeavors to rally them, which they partially succeeded in doing behind a fence on the opposite edge of the grove. They did not stay our progress, however, and one portion of the rebels returned pell-mell down the road toward the Lebanon pike, and the other in tolerable order toward the railroad. We were here ordered to move by the right flank, which we did for about 150 or 200 yards, and then advanced directly across the railroad at an angle first, and when the left of my line had passed over the railroad about 100 yards, I discovered a section of artillery belonging to the enemy a little to the front, but almost upon my right flank. I immediately signaled my skirmishers to change direction to the right, to gain the rear of the battery, which they did until we had wheeled about 30 degrees, when we encountered about 300 dismounted cavalry, which at first I took to be a regiment of infantry. We attacked them a loud cheer, and they immediately began to give way, but disputed the ground for probably 100 yards, when they fled precipitately to their horses, which were posted in the rear of the battery. We pushed at doublequick toward the battery, but, as soon as the cavalry reached their horses, both cavalry and artillery commenced a thundering retreat, and we continued in full pursuit, although we were a quarter of a mile in advance of our main reserve, until an orderly came up, stating that he was the bearer of an order from the brigade commander directing us to fall back, which we did until we neared the town, where I assembled my skirmishers and returned to the regiment.

Your obedient servant,

THOS. E. ROSE, Capt., Comdg. Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers.

No. 4.

Congratulatory letter from Gen. Braxton Bragg to Brig Gen. Joseph Wheeler, C. S. Army, commanding cavalry.

HDQRS. ARMY OF TENNESSEE, Murfreesborough, November 27, 1862.

Gen. WHEELER, Chief of Cavalry:

GEN.: The general commanding [i.e. Bragg] directs me to thank you for your successful engagement with the enemy to-day. He also desires you will express to the First Alabama Regt. [sic] (one of his old corps) his appreciation of their gallant conduct, not unexpected, which you refer to in your report. He further directs me to state that you expose yourself too recklessly in affairs of this character. I am, general, your obedient servant,

GEORGE WM. BRENT, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

NOTE ON ORIGINAL.-The line of skirmishers passed through a field on our left, and advanced through the woods in the direction of the hill on which the rebel battery was placed.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, pp. 15-19.

        26-30, Operations about Springfield

NOVEMBER 26-30, 1862.-Operations about Springfield, Tenn.

Report of Lieut. Col. Daniel F. Griffin, Thirty-eighth Indiana Infantry.


Edgefield Junction, Tenn., December 2, 1862.

SIR: In pursuance of your orders, of date November 25, I proceeded with my command and 22 wagons, leaving camp at 7.30 o'clock the morning of the 26th ultimo, arriving at Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee, at 3.30 p. m. of the same date. Immediately on arrival, pickets were thrown on all avenues of approach to the town, and Company E, Capt. William L. Carter commanding, placed on duty as provost guards. Immediate search was made for subsistence stores, as contemplated by your orders, and flour, to the number of 1,143 barrels, found stored. Of this I immediately had loaded 249 barrels on the wagons then at hand, and parked them for the night close to my command, sending at the same time a courier forward for further supply of wagons.

Examinations made on the 27th resulted in the finding of one lot of 106 barrels of flour, another of 40 barrels, and three lots of bacon-say something more than 3 tons-for correct statements of which I would refer to reports of Lieut. Hollister, acting brigade commissary.

On the evening of November 27, Lieut.-Col. Kell commanding Second Ohio Volunteers, arrived with his regiment and wagon-train, and assumed command of the post. From that date two companies of my command were doing provost guard duty, two on picket duty, and the others escorting trains, or such other duties as were required by the demands of the expedition.

On Saturday, November 29, I proceeded, with four companies of my command, under Lieut.-Col. Kell, Second Ohio Volunteers, to the Logan Mills, situated on Red River, Kentucky, 13 miles north of Springfield, on the old Russellville road, returning from there after dark, and, when about one-half mile from Springfield, the rear, or rather the straggling portion of the command (the march having been a very severe one), was fired upon by bushwhackers, wounding in the leg severely Joseph Candiere, Company B, of my regiment. Three shots were fired, and the wound inflicted with buckshot, evidently fired from a shot-gun. These facts coming to my knowledge, I immediately sent out a detachment of two companies, under Maj. John B. Glover, with orders to arrest all men found in the immediate vicinity of the firing, and to bring them and all arms found in their possession to camp. This duty was promptly performed, and 10 of the citizens living in the immediate neighborhood brought to camp and turned over to the provost-marshal, together with 3 shot-guns and 5 rifles. The citizens were held in custody until the next evening, when a court of inquiry, consisting of Maj. J. B. Glover, Capt. William L. Carter, Lieut. James V. Kelso, and myself, after a thorough investigation, being satisfied of their innocence, discharged them, retaining, however, their guns, which were brought to this camp, and now await your order as to what disposition shall be made of them.

Monday, December 1, a. m. my command was relieved by the Thirty-third Ohio Volunteers, and as soon as the companies then on picket could be called in, started for this camp, arriving here at 6 p. m., bringing with us 3 prisoners, who were turned over to us by the citizens of Springfield, together with 1 horse and 3 guns, which I have brought with me to this camp. Prisoners are members of Morgan's and Woodward's guerrilla bands.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

D. F. GRIFFIN, Lieut. Col., Comdg. Thirty-eighth Regt. [sic] Indiana Volunteers.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, pp. 19-20.

        26-December 1, Expedition from Edgefield to Harpeth Shoals, to Clarksville

NOVEMBER 26-DECEMBER 1, 1862.-Expedition from Edgefield to Harpeth Shoals, Clarksville, &c., Tenn.

Report of Lieut. Col. James S. McClelland, Twenty-fifth Illinois Infantry.

HDQRS. TWENTY-FIFTH ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS, Camp near Edgefield, Tenn., December 2, 1862.

GEN.: In pursuance of your order, received the night of November 26, I left camp at 11 o'clock with the Twenty-fifth Illinois, Maj. Nodine; Thirty-fifth Illinois, Lieut.-Col. Chandler, and one company of the Thirty-sixth Illinois Cavalry, Capt. Sherer. My instructions from Gen. Davis were to march to Harpeth Shoals, to intercept 1,200 cavalry (said to have crossed there), and, if possible, cut them up. I moved my command 16 miles, and halted for breakfast; rested two hours, and moved on near to Harpeth Shoals; encamped and sent out scouts.

Having received such information as convinced me that no enemy in any force was near, I moved at 8 o'clock next morning, 28th, to a camp 1 mile east of Coopertown, on the Nashville and Clarksville road. At 12 o'clock at night I received orders to march to Harpeth Shoals or Clarksville, to intercept a force said to be at Trenton, Todd County [Kentucky].

In obedience to this order, I separated my teams, and sent those already loaded, with the prisoners, under a strong escort, to a camp at Edgefield, and, with the balance of my command, left camp at 3 a. m., 29th, and arrived at Port Royal at 11 a. m., where I learned that no force was then Trenton, but that Woodward's command had crossed the Cumberland below and at Clarksville some time during the 28th. I therefore went into camp with my infantry force, and sent the cavalry on to Clarksville. They reported to me before daylight on the morning of the 30th that, on their arrival at Clarksville, they found the advance of Col. Bruce's command occupying the town, and that the enemy, 700 strong, was in camp 10 miles south of Clarksville, and they expected to make an attack on the camp at daybreak of the 30th. On hearing this, I left my camp at 8.30 a. m., and marched to Sycamore Creek and encamped.

December 1, marched at 8.30 o'clock and arrived in camp, near Edgefield, at 4.30 p. m. My march in a direct line was 97 miles in some less than five days, besides the scouting done by parties sent out for the purpose of obtaining information. The cavalry command labored faith-fully, and I cannot speak in too high terms of their promptness and efficiency, as well as good conduct, on the march. Great credit is due Capt. S. B. Sherer for the discipline he enforced.

During the march I captured on the road going south 3 wagons, loaded with 20 barrels of whisky, with the owner and his teamsters, and found on his person $3,080 of Confederate bills, in sheets. I brought in near 500 bushels of wheat, 150 bushels of corn, 16 barrels of flour, and 5 barrels of salt. I captured over 20 prisoners, 11 of whom I had turned over; 2 I paroled (they being sick and wounded), and the balance I released unconditionally for want of sufficient evidence against them. I also brought in 20 head of horses, 10 head of mules, and 6 guns. All of the above property was taken from persons known to be disloyal, and receipt were given by my quartermaster and approved by a commissioned officer in all cases where any owner could be found, or family of owner to give them to. Most of the property taken belongs to men serving in the rebel army. I found the roads leading from Robertson County across the Cumberland south bore evidence of being much used, and, from information received from citizens, large supplies of provisions and other supplies have been sent south through these routes. I found abundance of almost all kinds of supplies through the southern portion of Robertson and northwest part of Cheatham Counties, while the mass of the citizens are avowedly disloyal. Great care was taken by myself, in which I was aided effectually by the commanding officers under my command, to prevent any pillaging. A few mules and horses were taken by unauthorized parties. All such were promptly sent back to their owners, and the parties taking them punished.

I have to report the loss of Capt. Charles A. Clark, Company A, Twenty-fifth Illinois. He was division officer of the day, and while in discharge of his duty was shot by a private of Company E, Twenty-fifth Illinois, said private having been placed under guard for disorderly conduct. The shooting occurred while on the march and in the rear of the command, and was not brought to my notice for several hours afterward, or I should have had the criminal shot on the spot. I reported him, which two others implicated, under a strong guard. They are now in prison in Nashville. Capt. Clark was my most efficient line officer, and his death has created a vacuum that cannot be filled. The shot entered the brain, and death was instantaneous. He fell as he had ever lived during his term of service, promptly discharging his duties as an officer.

I took provisions for three days of all except meat, and for the supplies needed and used by the command I gave receipts.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. S. McCLELLAND, Lieut.-Col. Twenty-fifth Illinois Volunteers.

OR, Ser. I. Vol. 20, pt. I, pp. 21-22.[3]

        26, Scout on the Cumberland River [See November 25-ca. 28, 1863, "Anti-guerrilla scouts from Kentucky to south of the Cumberland River in Celina, Gainesborough and Lafayette environs" above]

        26, Skirmish at Charleston [see November 30, 1863, "Skirmish at Cleveland" below]

        26, Skirmish at Sparta

NOVEMBER, 26, 1863.-Skirmish at Sparta, Tenn.

Report of Lieut. Col. James P. Brownlow, First Tennessee Cavalry.

HDQRS. FIRST TENNESSEE CAVALRY, Sparta, Tenn., November 27, 1863.

COL.: I received your dispatch yesterday at 2 a. m. My scouts had a skirmish with the rebels yesterday within 2 miles of their camp, capturing 4 and killing 2. I have had 2 men slightly wounded. I also destroyed their salt-works, which were very extensive. Within 4 miles of this place there are six fine merchant mills, and within 10 miles there are fourteen. The rebels are threatening to burn them, but I can easily prevent it. The road is in very fine condition.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

JAS. P. BROWNLOW, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 574.

        26, Destruction of Confederate salt works near Sparta [see November 26, 1863, "Skirmish near Sparta" above.]

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 574.

        26, Skirmish at Pea Vine Valley

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from the Report of Colonel William Grose, Commanding the Third Brigade of the 36th Indiana Infantry, covering activities from November 23 to December 4, during the Chattanooga Campaign.

* * * *

On the morning of the 26th, our forces moved on the Ringgold road in pursuit of the routed enemy....We reached Pea Vine Valley about sunset, and the forces advanced cautiously through its mud and dense underbrush until the advance reached the La Fayette road, where it found a battery and train of the enemy moving. One volley, captured all, scattering the men therewith in every direction. Gen. Palmer's forces there took the Graysville road to the left. Our division moved forward out of the valley, ascended the hill, gathering up many scattering prisoners, and rested for the night 4 miles from Ringgold.

* * * *

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. II, p. 172.

        26, Skirmish at Pigeon Hills [a.k.a. Pigeon Ridge]

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from the Report of Brig. Gen. James D. Morgan, U. S. Army, commanding First Brigade, including march to the relief of Knoxville, relative to skirmish at Pigeon Ridge, November 26, 1863.

HDQRS. 1ST BRIG., 2d DIV., 14TH ARMY CORPS, Camp near Rossville, Ga., December 30, 1863.

CAPT.: In compliance with orders from division headquarters, I have the honor herewith to report the part taken by my brigade in the late successful and glorious campaign.

* * * *

At 2 a. m. on the morning of the 26th, at the right of the division, my brigade crossed the Chickamauga near its confluence with the Tennessee River, and commenced our march on Chickamauga Station in the following order: Three companies of the Twenty-first Kentucky as advance guard, two of them deployed as skirmishers and flankers, the remaining companies of the regiment on the right of the column; the Sixtieth Illinois right center; the Tenth Michigan left center, and the Tenth Illinois on the left. The advance met the enemy's pickets about 2 miles to the north and west of the station, and drove them steadily thorough the timber and across an open field to a ridge about 1 mile this side of the station. At this point, by order of Gen. Davis, the remaining seven companies of the Twenty-first Kentucky were deployed as skirmishers, and line of battle formed; the Sixtieth Illinois on the right, its right resting on the railroad; the Tenth Michigan in the center, and Tenth Illinois on the left. The skirmishing line was then advanced, assisted by two sections of Barnett's battery, the enemy giving way, but showing considerable resistance. Upon reaching the high ground a short distance this side of the station, and within easy range from the heights of Pigeon Ridge, the line was halted, and a reconnaissance being made, it was discovered that a battery of the enemy was in position at the foot of the ridge, which soon opened its fire upon our line. Our battery was rapidly brought forward, and getting the range in a short time silenced that of the enemy, the three regiments of my brigade pushing forward a line of battle and in most admirable order. The Tenth Illinois, Col. Tillson commanding, was then ordered forward to relieve the Twenty-first Kentucky. This fine regiment was promptly deployed as skirmishers, and moved forward, and upon reaching the line of the enemy's fire, with a cheer, in which the Twenty-first Kentucky most heartily joined, both regiments most gallantly charged up the ridge, and was soon in possession of the heights. Upon arriving at the station everything indicated a hasty retreat. The depot was in flames, with one or two other buildings containing commissary stores, but a large amount of commissary and quartermaster's stores fell into our hands, together with four siege guns, pontoon-boats, prisoners, &c. After a short halt, moved forward again, my brigade on the left. After advancing some 3 miles, the right became engaged, and, by orders from Gen. Davis, my brigade was deployed and moved forward in line of battle to the support of the Second and Third Brigades; bivouacked in line of battle and moved early next morning on Ringgold road, my brigade in the center, and bivouacked 2 miles east of that place, having marched 7 miles.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. II, pp. 495-496.[4]

        26, Federal orders to collect and bury the dead and to collect and preserve all captured Confederate battle flags

HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Chattanooga, Tennessee, November 26, 1863.

Maj.-Gen. GRANGER:

GEN.: The major-general commanding the department directs that you give orders to your corps to have our dead collected so that they may either be brought to this place for burial or buried upon the field. You will also cause to be counted and reported to these headquarters the number of dead rebels the parties collecting our dead may find.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

WM. D. WHIPPLE, Brig.-Gen. and Chief of Staff.

(Copy to Gen.'s Hooker, Howard, and Palmer.)

HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Chattanooga, November 26, 1863.

Maj.-Gen. GRANGER:

GEN.: The major-general commanding directs that you collect and preserve all flags taken from the enemy, and to ascertain and report as accurately as may be the circumstances attending their capture.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

WM. D. WHIPPLE, Brig.-Gen. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

(Copy to Gen.'s Hooker, Howard, and Palmer.)

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 253.

        26, Chief of Cavalry, Brig.-Gen., W. Sooy Smith's report relative to shoddy equine status of the Federal Army in Middle Tennessee [see also November 21, 1863, "Federal report on condition of cavalry horses, munitions and clothing" above]


Nashville, Tennessee, November 26, 1863.

Maj.-Gen. STONEMAN, Chief of Cavalry Bureau, Washington, D. C.:

SIR: Upon my assignment to duty as chief of cavalry in the Military Division of the Mississippi, I inspected the corrals in this city containing the horses sent here for issue to the cavalry of the Department of the Cumberland. I found many of them totally unfit for service from defects so manifest as to compel the conviction that purchasing quartermasters and inspectors are guilty of a fraud upon the Government, which would be consummated by permitting such animals to be issued. Many of them were over fifteen years old, some blind, and some badly spavined. Nothing but uniform failure could be anticipated from cavalry mounted on such animals. I reported the facts to Quartermaster-Gen. Meigs, and took Assistant Quartermaster Donaldson through the corrals, that he might see for himself. Many of the horses were ordered condemned at once, and efforts are being made to ascertain by whom they were purchased. It has been suggested that each inspector be required to brand a private mark on the hoof of every horse he passes, a facsimile of this mark to be sent to the headquarters of the department for which the horses were purchased. In addition to this, permit me to suggest that all inspectors shall be required to give bond in sums sufficient to make them responsible for any amount to which they might have it in their power to cover their frauds upon the Government. Then every horse passed by them and unfit for service by reason of manifest defects of long standing shall be charged back to the inspector, with all expenses named added.

Some such system as the one roughly sketched above will have to be adopted before such horses, and such only, are purchased for the cavalry service as are in every way fitted for it.

It is sufficiently difficult to compel volunteers to take care of good horses; those manifestly unfit for service in the beginning they will kill as soon as possible.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

W. SOOY SMITH, Brig.-Gen., Chief of Cav., Mil. Div. of the Miss.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 254.

        26, Report of Brig. Gen. Montgomery C. Meigs, Quartermaster-Gen. U. S. Army, relative to the battle at Missionary Ridge

WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington City, December 3, 1863--2.25 p. m.

(Received 2,35 p. m.)

Brig. Gen. M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster-Gen., Chattanooga:

Accept my cordial thanks for your very interesting report of the battle before Chattanooga. Various recommendations which you have made from time have been carried out. The considerations presented in your letter of the 21st, which is just received, appear satisfactory to me and the appointments recommended by you will be made accordingly. To avoid any omission, you had better telegraph to me the names of all whom you desire appointed.


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 314.


Report of Brig. Gen. Montgomery C. Meigs, Quartermaster-Gen. U. S. Army,

HDQRS. U. S. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT, In the Field, Chattanooga, Tennessee, November 26, 1863.

SIR: On the 23d, at 11.30, Gen. Grant ordered a demonstration against Missionary Ridge, to develop the force holding it. The troops marched out, formed in order, advanced in line of battle, as if on parade. The rebels watched the formation and movement from their picket lines and rifle-pits, and from the summits of Mission Ridge, 500 feet above us, and thought it was a review and drill, so openly, so deliberately, so regularly was it all done.

As the line advanced, preceded by skirmishers, and at 2 p. m. reached our picket lines, they opened a rattling volley upon the rebel pickets, which replied and ran into their advanced line of rifle-pits. After them went our skirmishers, and into them, along the center of the line of 25,000 troops, which Gen. Thomas had so quickly displayed.

Until we opened fire, prisoners assert that they thought the whole movement was a review and general drill, and then it was too late to send to their camps for re-enforcements, and they were overwhelmed by force of numbers. It was a surprise in open daylight. At 3 p. m. the important advanced position of Orchard Knob and the lines right and left were in our possession, and arrangements were ordered for holding them during the night.

The next day at daylight Gen. Sherman had 5,000 men across the Tennessee, established on its south bank, and commenced the construction of a pontoon bridge about 6 miles above Chattanooga. The rebel steamer Dunbar, repaired at the right moment, rendered effective aid in this crossing, ferrying over some 6,000 men. By nightfall Gen. Sherman had seized the extremity of Mission Ridge nearest the river, and was intrenching himself. Gen. Howard, with a brigade, opened communication with him from Chattanooga, on the south side of the river.

Skirmishing and cannonading continued all day on the left and center. Gen. Hooker scaled the slopes of Lookout Mountain from the valley of Lookout Creek, drove the rebels around the point, captured some 2,000 prisoners, and established himself high up the mountain side, in full view of Chattanooga. This raised the blockade, and our steamers were ordered from Bridgeport to Chattanooga. They had run only to Kelley's Ferry, whence 10 miles of hauling over mountain roads and twice crossing the Tennessee on pontoon bridges brought us our supplies.

All night the point of Mission Ridge, on the extreme left, and the side of Lookout Mountain, on the extreme right, blazed with the camp-fires of loyal troops. The day had been one of driving mists and rains, and much of Hooker's battle was fought above the clouds, which concealed him from our view, but from which his musketry was heard.

At nightfall the sky cleared, and the full moon, the "hunter's moon," shone upon the beautiful scene. Till 1 a. m. twinkling sparks upon the mountain side showed that picket skirmishing was still going on; then it ceased. A brigade sent from Chattanooga crossed Chattanooga Creek and opened communication with Hooker soon after nightfall.

Gen. Grant's headquarters during the afternoon of the 23d and the day of the 24th were in Wood's redoubt, except when in the course of the day we rode along the advanced lines, visiting the headquarters of the several commanders in Chattanooga Valley.

At daylight on the 25th, the Stars and Stripes were discerned on the peak of Lookout. The rebels had evacuated the mountain. Hooker moved to descend the mountain, and, striking Mission Ridge at the Rossville Gap, to sweep it on both sides and on its summit.

The rebel troops were seen as soon as it was light enough streaming by regiments and brigades along the narrow summit of Mission Ridge, either concentrating on their right to overwhelm Sherman, or marching for the railroad and raising the siege. They had evacuated the Valley of Chattanooga; would they abandon that of the Chickamauga?

The 30-pounders and 4½ -inch rifles of Wood's redoubt opened on Mission Ridge. Orchard Knob sent its compliments to the ridge, which, with rifled Parrotts, answered, and the cannonade thus commenced continued all day. Shot and shell screamed from Orchard Knob to Mission Ridge, from Mission Ridge to Orchard Knob, and from Wood's redoubt, over the heads of Gen. Grant and Gen. Thomas and their staffs, who were with us in this favorable position, whence the whole could be seen as in an amphitheater.

Hdqrs. were under fire all day long. Cannonading and musketry were heard from Gen. Sherman. Howard marched the Eleventh Corps to join him.

Thomas sent out skirmishers, who drove in the rebel pickets, and even shook them in their intrenchments at the foot of Mission Ridge.

Sherman sent an assault against Bragg's right, intrenched on a high knob, next to that on which Sherman himself lay fortified.

The assault was gallantly made, reached the edge of the crest, held its ground for what seemed to me an hour; but was then bloodily repulsed by reserves.

A nineteenth-century artist's depiction of the Federal view of the Battle above the Clouds.

A general advance was ordered, and a strong line of skirmishers, followed by a deployed line of battle some 2 miles in length, at the signal of six cannon-shots from the headquarters on Orchard Knob, moved rapidly and orderly forward.

The rebel pickets discharged their muskets and ran into their rifle-pits; our skirmishers followed on their heels; the line of battle was not far behind; and we saw the gray rebels swarm out of the long line of rifle-pits in numbers which surprised us, and spread over the base of the hill. A few turned and fired their pieces, but the greater number collected into the various roads which creep obliquely up its steep face, and went on the top. Some regiments pressed on and began to swarm up the steep sides of the ridge. Here and there a color was advanced beyond the line. The attempt appeared most dangerous; but the advance was supported and the whole line ordered to storm the heights, upon which not less than forty pieces of artillery, and no one knew how many muskets, stood ready to slaughter the assailants.

With cheers answering to cheers the men swarmed upward. They gathered to the lines of least difficult ascent and the line was broken. Color after color planted on the summit, while musketry and cannon vomited their thunder upon them. A well-directed shot from Orchard Knob exploded a rebel caisson on the summit. A gun was seen galloping to the right, its driver lashing his horses. A party of our soldiers intercepted him, and the gun was captured with cheers.

A fierce musketry fight broke our to the left, where, between Thomas and Sherman, a mile or two of the ridge was still occupied by the rebels. Bragg left the house in which he had held his headquarters and rode to the rear as our troops crowned the hill on each side of him.

Gen. Grant proceeded to the summit, and then only did we knows its height.

Some of the captured artillery was put into position, artillerists were sent for to work the guns, caissons were searched for ammunition. The rebel log breastworks were torn to pieces, and carried to the other side of the ridge and used in forming barricades across it. A strong line of infantry was formed in the rear of Baird's line, hotly engaged in a musketry contest with the rebels to the left, and a secure lodgment was soon effected.

The other assault to the right of our center gained the summit, and the rebels threw down their arms and fled. Hooker, coming in from Rossville, swept the right of the ridge and captured many prisoners.

Bragg's remaining troops left early in the night and the battle of Chattanooga, after three days of maneuvering and fighting, was won. The strength of the rebellion in the center was broken; Burnside relieved from danger in East Tennessee; Kentucky and Tennessee redeemed; Georgia and the Southeast threatened in the rear, and another victory added to the chaplet of Unconditional Surrender Grant.

To-night the estimate of captures is several thousand prisoners and thirty pieces of artillery. Loss for so great a victory not severe. Bragg is firing the railroad as he retreats toward Dalton; Sherman is in hot pursuit.

To-day I visited the battle-field, which extends for 6 miles along Mission Ridge and for several miles on Lookout Mountain.

Probably no so well-directed, so well ordered a battle has been delivered during the war. But one assault was repulsed, but that assault, by calling to that point the reserves, prevented their repulsing any of the others.

A few days since Bragg sent to Gen. Grant a flag of truce to advise him that it would be prudent to remove any non-combatants who might be still in Chattanooga. No reply has been returned, but, the combatants having been removed from this vicinity, it is probable that the non-combatants can remain without imprudence.

May I suggest that your visit to Louisville, with the measures there inaugurated, have done the cause in this quarter much good. It would be well to visit us here, and also for the President to review an army which has done so much for the country and which has not yet seen his face.

M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster-Gen.

Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. II, pp. 77-80.

        26, Federal raid on Cleveland

….A raid of Yankees came in this eve. They took two hogsheads of our corn this eve and are all over in everything else. We go to bed with sad hearts….We have heard cannonading all day. [sic]

Diary of Myra Adelaide Inman.

        26, "Colored Servants."

Persons desiring colored Female servants, can be furnished [with them] by calling at the Headquarters of the Commissioners for the Organization of United States Colored Troops, 38 Cedar street.

Nashville Daily Press, November 26, 1863.

        26, Captain Gershom F. Barber on the battle of Missionary Ridge; Excerpts from his Letter to his wife

Head Quarters O. V .S. S.

Chattanooga Nov 26, 1863

My Dear Wife

How little can we calculate for the events of tomorrow….

Last night sun set upon our splendid army in line of battle and on occupied by the enemy twenty four hours prior and facing missionary ridge to all human calculations this morning would be ushered in by the opening fire of the opposing armies. Judge of our surprise when Seven-o clock passed and all was quiet and then eight ----- What was the reason? Not even the customary picket firing disturbed the death like quiet which stayed along the whole line. The explanation given at mine was that Sherman had failed to cross. But [it] would be over by twelve when the ground struggle would begin. All eyes were trained in watching every motion up the river and every eye was picked up to catch the first sign that should be the signal for the advance. A single gun upon our right broke the stillness and its echoes died away. Crash upon crash of musketry followed in quick succession beginning at [?] the point of Lookout. Hooker was engaged. This was at eleven AM and for two long hours the most terrific battle raged that man well imagine. The suspense was terrible. Lookout was between us and Hooker and we could not reinforce him without twice crossing the Tennessee and the pontoons was destroyed [by] the firing [and] sank [so] to cross was impossible ---- At one o'clock moving masses of batteries came over the point of the mountains in full retreat cause but a few hundred yards behind the "Stars & Stripes" were home by the color sergeant a member of rods in advance of the line & as they passed over the point in full view of the entire Army such a shout went up as was never heard before in the valley of the Chickamauga. During this movement and until half past two, fog hung around the summit of the mountain shutting out the combatants below from those on the top. A little later and it settled down the mountain side in mist and rain [?] and during the rest of the afternoon we could hear the firing but the contending armies were invisible. It seems as if the very demons were at work. Our batteries from different points pounded a continual of shell into the rebel line but after passing the "while now" in the point near a half mile the reb [sic][s] were strongly reinforced and [illegible] down and was driven. Just at dark Palmer threw two divisions across the little Chickamauga at the base of the mountain and in half an hour they were engaged with the enemy. Night did not end the conflict. As day light faded the clouds disbursed and the full moon lighted the (houses?) almost broad as day and until after ten o'clock the battle raged. It is now Eleven and all is quiet. Hooker if he holds his position here won imperishable rewards(?). It has been the hardest "day fight" of the war and two thousand…kept the possession of Lookout [which] are the "Spoils". All is still as the ground on our left. And center. A stillness that is ominous of the terrible conflict that will rage in tomorrow. Sherman crossed the river about eight miles at the mouth of the Chickamauga….And all is ready for the great conflict…

* * * *

Barber Correspondence

        26, Fighting near Chickamauga Station; and entry from the diary of John Hill Fergusson, 11th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

on Battle Field Monday 26th

Our Brigade was aroused at midnight with orders to be ready to march at 2 o'clock A.M. a little coffee was soon made and with a few hard tack we soon made out what we call brackfast [sic] and at the houre [sic] appointed we were on the march we crozzed Chickamaga [sic] creek on a pontoon bridge followed the 2nd and 3rd brigads [sic] of our Devision [sic] our orders were to keep still as possible [sic] as we marched along

We heard it rummered [sic] that it was believed that the rebs were evucating [sic] and that our movement was a reconeisance [sic] to learn the fact about 5 o'clock we halted and stack [sic] arms near the creek we was not aloud [sic] to mak [sic] fiar [sic] until daylight although the morning was very cold and we suffered a good deal on that score before day light came as soon as it was day we had orders to make fiar [sic] and make some coffee & we wanted to stay there one hour in second brackfast [sic] was served after the manner of the first about 7 we moved a head [sic] again we son [sic] came within a mile or a mile and a half of[f] Chickmaga [sic] Station where our scouts run into the reb pickets skirmishers were then sent out and after advancing a short distance the pickets and our skirmishers began to pop it to each other pritty [sic] sharply our artilery [sic] was run forward to a little hill a head [sic] of us while we stood in the rear in line of battle. Shells were thrown into the woods where the rebs [sic] pickets were and soon disperced [sic] them we advanced again until we came near the station where 2 large forts were to be seen about ¾ of a mile off. And a large number of rebs standing in the works viewing us as we were advancing in line of battle there [sic] pickets were reinforced and fought wickedly the 21 [sic] Kintucky [sic] was out as skirmishers but could not make the pickets leve [sic] there [sic] puseation [sic] our Brigade was ordered forward and when we got in shooting distance the rebs opened on us with a battry [sic] we were then ordered back and marched some two hundred yds back. Our artilery [sic] was run forward and soon put in puseation [sic] and a regular artilery [sic] duel took place which lasted about half an hour at which time the rebel battry [sic] pulled stakes and skidaddled [sic]. Our regt was then ordered to deply [sic] as skirmishers. So forward we went the place through which we had to go was a perfect thicket of brush and trees choped [sic] down our regt pushed a head [sic] over it and through it jumping along as if we were trying [to see] who would be fardest [sic] a head [sic]. about the time we got within good shooting distance some one [sic] raised a yell which was quickly taken up by the whole regt we then started out on a regular charge the yell was kept up we passed out of the brush and into the wood passed the depot and charged up the hills and passed the fort we went like a percel [sic] of divels [sic] let off a chain and never stoped [sic] until we came out of the timber along the adge [sic] of a large clearing, where a Stave [sic] officer came gallaping [sic] along and halted us at this time the rebs were rushing cross the open field frightened almost to death, every man for himself without any particular regard to order the fields were covered with rebs like snow birds before a storm, driveing [sic] along as quick as there utmost speed could carry them all making for the big road by which there [sic] army had retreated on dureing [sic] the night

And a head [sic] of the flying rebs were [sic] a large waggan [sic] train and the drivers whiping [sic] and spuring [sic] and making the best of there time. When we came out to the road along the eadge [sic] of the clearing the rear of the rebs was not over 75 or 100 yds a head [sic] of us and some few stragglers were closer the head of there [sic] colom [sic] and the rear of there wagon train was scarely [sic] one fourth of a mile a head [sic] of us as soon as we were halted we opened a heavy fiar on them and pasted it to them until they got beyond the reach of our muskets-had our artilery [sic] been brought up at the time we might have sweept [sic] them down like wheat before a reaper the Bugle had been sounded 3 or 4 times for us to stop our charge but amongst [sic] the shouts and yells it was never heard but after Gen Morgan found out that we came all right he smiled and said he had seen many a charge maid [sic] but this was the first he ever saw maid [sic] by a line of skirmishers and said it was well dun [sic] and had the disiared [sic] effect from what what we saw of the rebs we estimated them at 6 or 8000 [sic]. here we had to stay until our other 2 brigads [sic] and the 15 [sic] Corps came up which delayed us some 3 or 4 hours it was between 2 or 3 o'clock before we started in pursute [sic] again this time the second brigade sent in advance and just as it was getting dark they came up with the rebs rear guard they formed in line and give battle our brigade and the troops in our rear duble [sic] quicked it and tried to swing around in both flanks and capture them all with there [sic] train but they kept retreating and fighting as fast as they could and as the night become very dark and we were in a swamp amonest [sic] brush creeks and stews [sic] we could not see how to stear [sic] for the best [sic] our right and left swung around and suposeing [sic] each other to be rebs fiared [sic] on each other, but it was soon found out and stoped [sic] it was about two hours after dark when we stoped [sic] our pursuite [sic] and went into camp for the night he have on the rise of 50 men wounded and 3 or 4 killed what the rebs lost I do not knowe [sic] but we have a few of them prisoners and a few of there [sic] waggans that they had to leve [sic] as they could not get them along fast enough

We have one man in our company wounded by the name of Eli Loyd he has got the tip shot off of one of his fingers The rebs left at Chicmaga [sic] station a large amount of corn meal in sacks and lots of other storeage [sic] that they did not have time to take along

John Hill Fergusson Diary, Book 3.

        26, Summary of Federal activities in East Tennessee


General Foster's Recent Operations in East Tennessee-Difficulties of Traveling-Pursuit of the Rebels at an End-The Affair at Kingston-Departmental Changes, Etc.

Knoxville, Dec. 16, 1863.- East Tennessee is a wonderful country, in one respect; it is the most inaccessible place it has ever been my fortune to inhabit. Inhospitable mountains, broad, swift-running, rocky-bottomed rivers, and roads presenting now the well-known aspect of the tract of any army, are the distinctive traits of all the routes I have yet tried. It is no wonder, then, that a man's dread of coming is only equaled by his dread of going away.

But in this, my last from this region, it is not my intention to growl about any person or anything, and am writing only to do justice to a splendid brigade, which did glorious service at Kingston, on the 26th November, which my isolation, in this beleaguered city, prevented me from noticing at the time.

Mott's Brigade of White's Division is composed of the One-hundred-and-eighteenth Ohio, Lieutenant Colonel Young; Eightieth Indiana, Col. Culbertson; sixteenth Kentucky, Col. Gault; Twenty-fifth Michigan, Capt. S.S. Demarst, and Elgin's Illinois Battery, with two guns of the Fifteenth Indiana Battery, all under Capt. Wood. This brigade was ordered to Kingston before Longstreet crossed the river, and was, consequently, cut off from the army when the greybacks came prancing up here on their Quixotic expedition. During all the siege, Mott was annoyed by constant attacks on his pickets, but it was not till the 26th that the Rebels appeared before aim in any force. On that day the Rebel General Wheeler came upon Mott with at least six thousand cavalry and eight pieces of artillery, for the purpose, to quote Wheeler's own words, "of taking him in out of the wet."  But Mott drew up his small force on the range of the hills to the west of Kingston, and when Wheeler came dashing up to the attack he was considerably surprised to find that our boys were disposed to fight.

So much were they in the humor that Mott commenced the fight by charging the Rebel line of skirmishers, in which the Sixteenth Kentucky was particularly distinguished, and in which we took over fifty prisoners. The Rebels, however, immediately came up to the attack in force, and the fight then began in earnest and continued for seven hours, ending with the total defeat and rout of the vainglorious Wheeler, with a loss of two hundred and fifty men killed, wounded and prisoners. Twenty-three of their dead they left on the field, in the words of Colonel Mott, "for us to bury, which we did on the very spot they had themselves selected."  Among the Rebel killed was Colonel Russell, of the Third Alabama, and they also lost two Colonels wounded, but their names have not been ascertained. Our own loss was but one killed and two wounded.

When the Rebel retreat began Mott followed with such vigor and persistency as to convince Wheeler that Granger's whole corps was after  him, whereupon he abandoned to us the eight pieces of artillery he had with him, and, reaching Loudon he tumbled several siege guns into the rive, and fled down toward Cleveland. From this short account it will be seen that Wheeler's benevolent intentions toward Mott were not fulfilled to any great extent.

Except to gather up what few fragments of information were overlooked while the great drama was played, East Tennessee is no longer a fruitful field for journalistic labor. After four and a half of the most active campaigning, the Army of Ohio is at last to be allowed a season of rest and recuperation. It is now covering a line drawn from Rutledge to Morristown, confronting the tattered remains of Longstreet's force; and unless that unfortunate Rebel chooses to entirely abandon Upper East Tennessee, our boys will probably remain where they are until the warm suns of spring shall make campaigning possible, and render comfort something more than a tradition. As Longstreet will not probably be sufficiently asinine to abandon a country that can support him during the winter months, and from which he is in railroad communications with Richmond, and as it is equally certain that we have neither the ability nor inclination to dislodge him at present, it may be safely said that the army is in winter quarters. This announcement will probably be frightful news to some theoretically bloody men comfortably fixed at home, but is true.

But it may be somewhat reassuring to these individuals to be informed that it is not proposed to sit down and do nothing during the coming months of mud and rain. General Foster took command of the Department of the Army of the Ohio on the 12th inst., and being a practical business man, proposed to do some things that ought to have been done long ago. Already the different spirit at the helm is manifest. General Order. No. 42, announcing the staff of General Foster, pithily says:-"Headquarters of the Department, at Knoxville, Tennessee."  Thus has the wonderful dual-headed exhibition been brought to a close, and we are no longer edified with the sight of a department head-quarters three hundred miles distant from the department commanders. As it is likely the Moguls at Washington abated this nuisance, I do not place it to the credit on General Foster, but he has done some things equally good. He has appointed a Quartermaster-in-Chief, and lets him alone. Lieutenant-Colonel Gouldin and Captain Morris, under the old regime, were as efficient officers as any in the service, but not allowed by the officers as any in the service, but not allowed by the General to do business in a business way; it is not strange that the Quartermaster's Department now is in wonderful contrast with what it was a few days ago.

Its new chief, Captain Huntington, knows that General Foster has put him in charge with the expectation that he will do its duties and be responsible for its working. Nor is the confidence of the General misplaced. All the energy and business aptitude of Captain Huntington is being put in requisition to finish the bridges of the railroads at requisition to finish the bridges of the railroads at Calhoun, over the Hiwassee, and at Strawberry Plains over the Holston. Those completed, we will have railroad communications via Chattanooga, with our extreme eastern lines in East Tennessee, and it will be possible Quartermasters to honor requisitions for clothing, and camp and garrison equipage, a thing they have not been able to do since we have been in the country. The time required to finish these bridges is difficult to estimate, but not that it is somebody's business to make them, they will be made. This reform in the Quartermater's Department is certainly General Foster's doing, and consists solely in letting it alone.

The General seems further of the opinion that making a race-course of a hundred miles of mudroad, alternately chasing and being chased over it, is more exciting than profitable, hence he takes a line of defense, fortifies it, and lets the Rebels do as they please beyond it, until such time as he shall be ready to drive them out so thoroughly that they will never come back, when it will not be necessary to announce once a week that "East Tennessee is once more clear of Rebels."  I might go on and enumerate other of these changes, but it is unnecessary, and I add, generally, that it is now the chief business of head-quarters, to so thoroughly open up communications with the North, that the army will not only be supplied, but a surplus accumulated here, so that when the spring campaign opens, East Tennessee can be used as a base, it desired, for movements further southward or eastward.

In addition to the complete repair of the railroad to Chattanooga as an excellent wagon road is being constructed to the mouth of the South Fork, on the Cumberland River, to which point supplies can be brought by steamboat in unlimited quantities, so far as navigation is concerned. Nor is this all. Unnecessary mouths are being sent away to places where it will be easier to feed them.

All the new regiments of Tennessee troops are now on their way to Camp Talbot at the mouth of Cumberland River, where they will be drilled, clothed and fed, and come out in the spring valuable, because efficient, troops.

All these common sense things being done in a common sense way, is rapidly putting a different and more hopeful phase upon things military in East Tennessee. The Rebels expelled from the major portion of the State, and our grasp firmly tightened upon all we hold, and our army leaving the field with the prestige of victory, it is certainly all we should ask that they should gird up their loins for whatever of danger or hardship the country may require of it in the future.

Philadelphia Inquirer, December 26, 1863.

        26-December 5, 1863, Federal orders for a joint infantry and cavalry anti-guerrilla, impressment and railroad deconstruction expedition, Somerville, Moscow, LaGrange and Hatchie River vicinity

SPECIAL ORDERS, NO. 296. HDQRS. SIXTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Memphis, Tennessee, November 24, 1863.

* * * *

V. Col. W. H. Morgan will move his brigade to Moscow and thence to Somerville with ten days' rations and 60 rounds of ammunition. He will establish his headquarters at Somerville and protect with his force the working parties engaged in removing the Iron and chairs from the Somerville branch. In the discharge of this duty he Will use all possible exertion to suppress guerrillas; he will take from the inhabitants all available horses and good mules, and as far as possible support and forage his command from the country. To men who claim to be loyal he will cause vouchers to be given, "not transferable and payable at the end of the war on proof of loyalty." From disloyal persons or those who are shown to have harbored guerrillas, necessary supplies, horses, and mules will be taken, giving receipts as disloyal persons.

Nothing, however, will be allowed to be taken for private use or as pillage, but everything of that nature will be suppressed by summary trial and punishment.

2. Col. Hatch, commanding cavalry brigade, will leave one regiment at LaGrange and one battalion at Memphis, and such camp and picket guards as are necessary, and will advance the others north of the railroad in separate columns, sweeping the country south of the Hatchie and reassembling at Somerville on the infantry.

3. All the spare cavalry from the brigade command by Col. Mizner will be assembled and move south of the railroad in force, driving in all parties of the enemy and pushing south as far as may be safe without risking the command. This movement must be sharp and active, and Col. Mizner will be charged with the execution of the same.

4. The cavalry expedition will supply themselves from the country through which they pass; mills where guerrillas assemble will be burned, horses and mules available for service brought In, and receipts given for property taken, "not transferable, payable at the end of the war on proof of loyalty."

5. The absolute destruction of the guerrilla bands north of the railroad is contemplated by this movement, and Col. Hatch will see to it that no misjudged clemency prevents such course and will receive further orders upon his report from Somerville.

6. Officers and men will be held responsible for difference between pillaging for private use and taking property for public service.

7. All these movements will commence on Thursday morning, 26th, at daylight, or as soon as practicable thereafter.

* * * *

By order of Maj. Gen. S. A. Hurlbut:

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 245-246.


Report of Col. Edward Hatch, Second Iowa Cavalry, commanding Second Brigade.

HDQRS. SECOND BRIG., CAV. DIV., 16TH ARMY CORPS, Collierville, Tenn., December 10, 1863.

GEN.: I have the honor to report that, in obedience to your orders, I moved with my brigade, with the exception of the Seventh Illinois Cavalry, on the morning of the 26th of November ultimo, at daylight. Crossing Wolf River near Germantown we moved in the direction of Covington, which place we reached on the 28th without meeting any obstacle.

Upon receiving information that Quinn and Sherrar's flouring mill on the Loosahatchie was keeping guerrillas, I burned it.

From Covington we marched to Stanton's Depot, about 12 miles north of Somerville, thence to the latter place, which we reached on the 2d instant.

During the entire expedition, which occupied six days, we saw no enemy, except small squads, which fled at our approach.

The result of the expedition was about 300 head of horses and mules, and 12 or 15 prisoners.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

EDWARD HATCH, Col. Second Iowa Cavalry, Cmdg. Brigade.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, pp. 582-583.


Report of B. H. GRIERSON, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg. Cavalry Division.


CAPT.: I have the honor to report that, in obedience to Special Orders, No. 296, from headquarters Sixteenth Army Corps, dated November 24, 1863, I ordered the brigade commanded by Col. Hatch to move on the morning of the 26th of November by separate columns north of the railroad, sweeping round and assembling on Somerville, for the purpose of covering the taking up to the material on the Somerville Branch Railroad. At the same time I ordered the brigade of Col. Mizner to move south from Corinth as far as was safe without risking his command.

Col. Mizner moved south about 40 miles, when he captured a number of the enemy, and ascertained that they were moving north in large force, evidently with the intention of attacking the railroad. Having received this information, agreeable to instructions from the major-general commanding, I immediately sent couriers to Col. Hatch with others to move as quickly as possible with his brigade to LaGrange. The enemy's advance were met by Col. Mizner and several times repulsed. They, however, overpowered and drove him back to Pocahontas, when they moved south, probably as a feint, and taking another road moved upon Saulsbury. Col. Hatch arrived at LaGrange, and was immediately ordered to move east along the railroad, scouting south toward Ripley. He met the enemy at Saulsbury, after they had succeeded in destroying the railroad at that point; and starting a portion of their command north, Col. Hatch fought and drove the remainder of the enemy some distance south and returned with his command to LaGrange.

The next morning I sent scouts south, and information was soon obtained that the enemy were moving west, evidently with the intention of again attacking the railroad. I immediately ordered Col. Hatch to move west with his command. He arrived at Moscow simultaneously with the enemy. Here a brief, but severe, engagement ensued, in which Col. Hatch was severely wounded. The enemy were, however, repulsed, and moved south. Their loss was probably over 100 in killed, wounded, and prisoners, they having left 26 dead upon the field. Our loss was 4 killed and 19 wounded. I beg leave, in connection with this engagement, to bear witness to the bravery displayed by the colored regiment under Col. Frank Kendrick, stationed at this point.

The enemy having moved south of the Tallahatchie, my command renewed their former status upon the line of the railroad. The force of the enemy, which had moved north from Saulsbury, proved to be about 1,500 strong, under Gen. Forrest, who had come north of the road for the purpose of conscripting in West Tennessee

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

B. H. GRIERSON, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg. Cavalry Division.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 578.[5]

        26, Action at Sugar Creek[6]

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from the Report Bvt. Brigadier-General John H. Hammond, commanding First Brigade, 7th Division, U. S. Army, on operations from December 15-27, 1864, relative to skirmish at Sugar Creek, December 26, 1864,

The next morning [26th], moving in pursuit at a rapid pace, the Second Tennessee, Lieut.-Col. Cook commanding, in advance, we drove the enemy out of his position five miles from Anthony's Hill, and pushed the rear guard back on the main body, posted in a strong position on the south bank of Sugar Creek. A spirited action followed, in which the Second Tennessee, supported by the Fourth, drove the enemy into his works. A charge was made in turn by two columns of infantry, with cavalry in the center, driving us back about 300 yards across the creek, where we rallied and drove them back to their works, holding the position until the afternoon, when the Fourteenth Ohio Battery shelled their rear guard out of log-work commanding the road, and pursuit was continued to this place.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 608.


Excerpt from the Report of Major-General Nathan Bedford Forrest on operations November 16, 1864-January 23, 1865.

* * * *

On the morning of the 26th the enemy commenced advancing, driving back Gen. Ross' pickets. Owing to the dense fog he could not see the temporary fortifications which the infantry had thrown up and behind which they were secreted. The enemy therefore advanced to within fifty paces of these works, when a volley was opened upon him, causing the wildest confusion. Two mounted regiments of Ross' brigade and Ector's and Granbury's brigades of infantry were ordered to charge upon the discomfited foe, which was done, producing a complete rout. The enemy was pursued for two miles, but showing no disposition to give battle my troops were ordered back. In this engagement he sustained a loss of about 150 in killed and wounded; many prisoners and horses were captured and about 400 horses killed. I held this position for two hours, but the enemy showing no disposition to renew the attack, and fearing he might attempt a flank movement in the dense fog, I resumed the march, after leaving a picket with orders to remain until 4 o'clock. The enemy made no further attack between Sugar Creek and Tennessee River, which stream I crossed on the evening of the 27th of December. The infantry were ordered to report back to their respective corps, and I moved with my cavalry to Corinth.

The campaign was full of trial and suffering, but the troops under my command, both cavalry and infantry, submitted to every hardship with an uncomplaining patriotism; with a single exception, they behaved with commendable gallantry.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 758.

        26, "Prisoner Escape"

One of the prisoners in the workhouse escaped yesterday by forcing the bars in the window looking on the river, and crawling down the tin pipe leading the water from the roof. Having reached terra firma, he crawled along by the wall until he reached the workhouse landing, when he put off for parts unknown at a 2:40 lick.

Nashville Dispatch, December 27, 1864

        26, "Wagon Upset"

Yesterday afternoon, while about one hundred wagons were waiting to cross the railroad bridge, a government wagon was capsized on the platform on the other side of the river, which damaged a load of Uncle Sam's crackers, and detained the train nearly an hour.

Nashville Dispatch, December 27, 1864

        26, "Interesting Event."

Some interesting ceremonies took place yesterday, at the Episcopal church, of which the Rev. Mr. Harlow is the "pastor." About one hundred and fifty children, members of the Sunday School, and fifteen teachers, met in the church yesterday afternoon for the purpose of receiving their Christmas presents. The church was handsomely decorated, a Christmas tree being in the center of the church, ornamented with flowers, and illuminated with wax candles; Dr. Harlow addressed the children, and after signing a Christmas hymn and chorus, Mr. George Hazlewood, the Superintendent, called out the names and distributed the premiums, consisting of toys, book-marks, candies, etc., the eyes of the deal little ones sparkling with joy, and betraying a gratitude springing from their very hearts. Mrs. F. B. Fogg, one of the oldest and most useful members of the Sunday School, was present, and was highly delighted at what she witnessed; indeed she was almost a child again, for her charitable heart and the child-like simplicity of her nature, compelled her to participate and sympathize with the happy little ones. After the distribution premiums among the children, one was presented by them to their benefactress, Mrs. Fogg, which she received gratefully, and seemed much affected at being so kindly remembered by the little ones. Mrs. Crawford was also present. It was intended to give an illustration of the wonders of the Magic Lantern, but the teachers were disappointed, and were compelled to deter this until next Monday afternoon. In the conduct of the Sunday School attached to this church much praise is due to Mr. Hazlewood, who took the school in charge when only ten scholars were to be found, and now fifteen teachers and about 150 scholars may be considered an average attendance.

Nashville Dispatch, December 27, 1864.



DECEMBER 27 1861-1864

        27, Letter from Henry Yarbrough, Big Bottom, Humphreys County, to his son-in-law, Christopher Corlew Cooke, of Montgomery County, relative to deaths due to disease, cheating the government out of slave labor for building fortifications at Fort Donelson, and a hunting trip

Big Bottom, Tenn.

Paid 5 c[ents]

Dec. 27

C. C. Cocke

Pleasant Mound, Tenn.,

Dec. 27/61


Our family is tolerable [sic] well. The boys (our negroes [sic]) have had chills, but I have missed them.

I wrote you the day of our drawing, but have not received your answer.

Our soldiers are at Fort Donaldson. [sic] Mike Hunt died at Fort Donalson [sic] on the 24th and was buried today at L. C. M. Lewis [sic] Esq. Patterson died at the fort the same day Mr. Hunt died.

Mrs. Reid Booker died Saturday before last, and today they buried Mrs. Jerrell. All died with pneumonia.

I expect Sally to come to Montgomery, so our place will be to let out.

I have just finished gathering corn, made the rise of 500 barrells [sic] by actual measurement.

I have not killed my hogs yet. Will kill next week if we have a spell to suit.

We have had a draft among the negroes [sic] here to go to Fort Donaldson [sic] to ditch. [sic] They made a call for 130 from this County, and when they were counted up, there was but 146 in the County. Esq. C. E. Harris detailed every negro [sic] in the County, leaving one at every place where they have negroes [sic]. So there was 3 of mine detailed to go. I was a little too sharp for them. I called in Dr. Wilkerson, gave them some physic,[7] and then gave me a certificate. I enclosed it to Gen. Tillman and kept my sick negroes [sic] at home, so you understand how that trick was worked off. There are some that begrudged us our negroes [sic] and would be glad they were all taken to the fort to die.

I think it will be about 2 weeks before Horace and Pleas come up, on account of shoes and clothing. Bryant has been making boots all the fall for soldiers, and our family with the rest of the neighbors is barefooted.

Billy Poyner is expected to die at the fort. Brother Sam is there now waiting on him. Harriet is but very little better, if any. Josia expects to come up in January. Hook is well, and got a bad case on hand, a woman in child-bed. She is so bad he has not been over this Christmas. He was to have been over on Christmas Day to go deer hunting. As it was, me and Billy drove the Gumpond drive and I went to the foot of Cyprus pond with my double barrell [sic] shot gun loaded with turkey shot, wadded with a rifle ball. He drove out 3, a 4 point buck, a doe, and a spy. They failed to run the gap, but came down the side next [to] the design. [sic] I saw them coming and I was in the wrong place, and my horse also was in the wrong place. I ran to my horse, and they never discovered me or my horse, at this time they were croping [sic] the end of the pond, going towards the by road. [sic] I was in about 50 or 60 yds. I cocked both barrells [sic], leveled on the buck and fired both barrells [sic] at once. Nobody could distinguish but one gun at the crack. I turned him over, shot 1 rifle ball and 3 shots through the lights, one shot through the spine. The other ball broke the fore leg [sic] bone through the knee. Charles had killed one turkey with her and Bob Dickson his dog. [sic]

Write soon as this come to hand.

H. Yarbrough

W. P. A. Civil War Records, Vol. 3, pp. 206-207.

        27, "SPECIAL ORDER NO. 1." [see December 30, 1861, "Confederate pressing release," below]

Clarksville, Dec. 27, 1861.

Captain Geo. D. Martin, Quartermaster C. S. A. [sic]

Captain Sayers, the Engineer in charge of the Fortifications at this Post, requires the following number of negro [sic] laborers and carts, viz.,: 360 men and 35 carts and mules, with a boy to each cart.-Having used every other method to obtain them short of an actual purchase, I have been ordered by Major General Wm. Hardee, C. S. A., to press [sic] them into service, and you are hereby ordered to see this order carried out to the extent of the force and carts above indicated. The laborers are expected to bring their tools, such as picks, grubbing-hoes, shovels, spades, axes, &c.; and such bed clothing as may be necessary to make them comfortable. In executing this order, you will use great prudence and caution explaining the necessity of the case to the master of the slave, and assure him that his property shall be cared for. Take from each owner so as to leave enough for the comfort and convenience of the family. In cases where the owner have, heretofore, voluntarily sent their hands to work, you will not press [sic] them, but urge them to continue to do so. In a word, make the burthen as equal, fair and just as possible. Do not fail to assure the owner than his negroes [sic] shall be well used and provided for, and when obtained, see that this is done; also assure each owner that he shall be paid for the services of his slaves.

In executing this order you will apply to Lieut.-Col. Norwood, of the 42d Reg[iment]. Tenn. Vols., for such military aid as you may require, and only use force in cases of extreme necessity, or in actual self-defense.


Your obedient servant,

Wm. A. Quarles, Col. Commanding Post

Clarksville Chronicle, January 10, 1862.

27- January 6, 1862, Trial and Pardon of Harrison Self for bridge-burning.

KNOXVILLE, December 27, 1861.

Hon. J. P. BENJAMIN, Secretary of War.

SIR: Inclosed you will find the proceedings of a general court-martial held at Knoxville, Tenn., for the trail of Harrison Self, charged with burning Lick Creek bridge, and who was found guilty and condemned to be hanged at this place this day at 4 p. m., the execution of which was suspended by an order from you.[8]

Very respectfully,

W. H. CARROLL, Brig.-Gen.


Be it remembered that the following proceedings were held at a general court-martial sitting at Knoxville, Tenn., on the 17th day of December, 1861, and succeeding days; said court-martial being ordered, organized and held under and by virtue of the following orders, viz:

HEADQUARTERS, Knoxville, November 25, 1861.

A general court-martial is hereby appointed to meet at Knoxville on the 28th of November or as soon thereafter as practicable for the trial of such prisoners as may be brought before it.

Detail of the court: Col. R. F. Looney, Col. Moses White, Lieut.-Col. Bateman; Maj. D. H. Thrasher, Capt. J. A. Lea, Capt. Job Umphlett, Capt. J. D. Thomas, Capt. S. J. McReynolds, Capt. J. C. Carter, Capt. J. R. McCann, Capt. L. Guthrie, Capt. McClung, Capt. R. Roddey, Maj. T. J. Campbell, judge-advocate.

By order of Brig.-Gen. Carroll: G. H. MONSARRAT, Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 92. HDQRS., Knoxville, December 10, 1861.

The necessities of the service not permitting the absence of a greater number of officers from their respective commands the following officers are charged with the duty of remaining upon the general court-martial (commenced by Special Orders, No. 35) now in session in this city, viz: Col. Moses White, Lieut.-Col. Bateman, Maj. Lucas, Maj. D. H. Thrasher, Capt. J. R. McCann, Capt. S. J. McReynolds, Capt. J. D. Thomas, Capt. R. Roddey.

The officers thus detailed will constitute a court-martial for the trial of all persons who many be brought before them and will continue in session from day to day until further orders. Maj. T. J. Campbell will continue to act as judge-advocate.

By order of Brig.-Gen. Carroll:

H. C. YOUNG, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

HEADQUARTERS, Knoxville, December 11, 1861.

Of the above-named officers seven may sit upon said court-martial and their acts will be approved by the commanding officer.

W. H. CARROLL, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 100. HDQRS., Knoxville, December 14, 1861.

Capt. Cotter is detailed upon the general court-martial now in session in this city until further orders. He will report himself at the court-house in Knoxville immediately.

W. H. CARROLL, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 125. HDQRS., December 16, 1861.

Capt. Green is detailed upon a general court-martial now in this city. He will report to Maj. Campbell, judge-advocate, immediately.

By order of Brig.-Gen. Carroll:

H. C. YOUNG, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

And said court-martial being so in session on the 17th day of December, 1861--present: Lieut.-Col. Bateman, Maj. Lucas, Maj. Thrasher, Capt. McReynolds, Capt. Thomas, Capt. Cotter and Capt. Green, the judge-advocate, Maj. Campbell, and the defendant, Harrison Self, being also present-the judge-advocate read in the presence and hearing of the defendant the various orders concerning and constituting the court and asked the defendant if he had any objection to any member of the court, to which the defendant replied that he had no objection to any member of the court. The defendant made known to the court his desire to have the presence of Messrs. Haynes and Baxter, attorneys, to conduct his defense and said gentlemen were admitted to conduct his defense. The judge-advocate administered the following oath to each member of the court-martial present as above stated:

Oath.--You and each of you do swear that you will well and truly try and determine the matter now before you between the Confederate States and the prisoner to be tried and that you will duly administer justice according to the provisions of an act establishing rules and articles for the government of the armies of the Confederate States without partiality, favor or affection, and if any doubt should arise not explained by said articles according to your conscience, the best of your understanding and the custom of war in like cases; and you do further swear that you will not divulge the sentence of the court-martial until it shall be published by proper authority; neither will you disclose or discover the vote or opinion of any particular member of the court-martial unless required to give evidence thereof as a witness in a court of justice in a due course of law; so help you God.

Lieut.-Col. Bateman then administered to major Campbell, the judge-advocate, the following oath:

You do swear that you will not disclose or discover the vote or opinion of any particular member of the court-martial unless required to give evidence thereof as a witness by a court of justice in due course of law, nor divulge the sentence of the court to any but the proper authority until it shall be duly disclosed by the same; so help you God.

Thereupon the judge-advocate read aloud in the hearing of the defendant the charges against him. Said charges are hereto attached as a part of this record. The charges being read the judge-advocate thus addressed the defendant: "Harrison Self, you have heard the charges against you; how say you, guilty or not guilty?" Thereupon the defendant by his counsel filled the following plea the judge-advocate waiving all objection to same arising out of its want of form or that it was not only sworn to:

The defendant, Harrison Self, for plea to the charges exhibited against him says that he is a citizen of the State of Tennessee and of the Confederate States of America and is entitled to the protection of the laws and the constitutions of both; and that he is not now and never has been connected with the army of the Confederate States or of the State of Tennessee in any way; that the crime imputed to him is treason and that he is alone amenable to civil authorities for the same, whereof he prays the judgment whether they will take cognizance of this case as he prays to be discharged, &c.

Argument being heard and the plea being fully considered by the court the same is dismissed and overruled. Thereupon the defendant by his counsel entered the plea of not guilty. The court proceeded to hear the evidence, and the witnesses were severally sworn and examined in the presence of the court, the judge-advocate and his counsel, and their testimony reduced to writing and signed by the deposing witnesses respectively and said testimony so taken is hereto appended as part of this record.


CHARGE I: Against Harrison Self for bridge-burning.


Specification 1.--For that on the 9th day of November, 1861, he the said Harrison Self with divers other persons did set [fire] to and cause to be burned down the railroad bridge across Lick Creek in the county of Greene, State of Tennessee, belonging to the said East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad Company, which said railroad bridge was in the use and employment of the Confederate States of America for the transportation of arms, munitions, army supplies, troops, &c., and the said Self did cause the same to be burned down for the purpose of cutting off and preventing said transportation of arms, &c., and thus to enable the enemies of said Confederate States to prevent the war against the same in the existing difficulty between said Confederate States and the United States of America.


CHARGE II: Being in arms against the Confederate States.


Specification 1.--For that on the 9th day of November, 1861, he the said Harrison Self with divers other persons did make an attack armed with guns, pistols and knives upon Azer Miller, Barding, Treexell, Pugh and others, soldiers in the C. S. Army, whilst stationed at Lick Creek bridge of the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad for the purpose of guarding the said bridge, and so the said Harrison Self is guilty of being in arms against said Confederate States.




ISAAC N. HACKER, corporal in Capt. M. Live's company cavalry, C. S. Army, aged about twenty-four years, a witness in behalf of the Confederate States was sworn and testified as follows:


On the night the Lick Creek bridge of the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad was burned in the early part of November, 1861, I with six others was detailed from Capt. M. Live's company as guard at said bridge. Between 2 and 3 o'clock whilst five of us were in a tent near the bridge we were surrounded by a band of from forty to sixty men armed the most part of them with guns who, we in the tents being almost wholly unarmed, took us prisoners. The band was led by a man who called himself Col. Fry. After taking us prisoners they placed a guard around us in the tent and all but the guard went to the bridge and in less than five minutes the bridge was in flames. After the bridge was burned the band or a large part of them came to the tent, gave us of the guard our choice either to take an oath not to take up arms against the Government or to die right then and there, to be killed immediately. We took the oath. They took the names of the guard down. During the time Fry cursed and abused us of the guard; said, "That night three months ago you men or men of your sentiments ran me from Greene County, but now I have you under my thumb and will do with you as I please." He also said he had within the past week been all over the railroad from Chattanooga to Bristol, and that all the bridges between these places would be burned that night; that Jeff Davis and South Carolina had had possession of it long enough; that they were now going to take it and use it themselves. They represented that they had a whole regiment besides cavalry near at hand. Some one of the crowd said the damned wire was done telling on them now. A telegraph wire runs along the line of the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad. Some one of attacking party asked, "Where is Henry Harmon's gun." Some one else of the party replied, "I've got it."



Defendant declines to cross-examine.


JOHN W. MCDANIELS, witness on behalf of the Confederate States, aged nineteen years, sworn and testified as follows:

On the evening preceding the night on which the Lick Creek bridge was burned I was pulling corn in a field. Jacob Harmon and Jonathan Morgan came to the side of the field next to the public road when Harmon said he wanted us to come to his house that night and bring our arms. I told him I had no arms. He said he wanted me to come anyhow. Said he had seen Col. Fry from Kentucky and that they were to burn the bridge that night. I went to Jacob Harmon's house that night in company with James McDaniels, Hugh A. Self, Andrew Self, Cannon Hann and Harrison McDaniels, all of whom are young men unmarried but Cannon Hann. We got to Harmon's at about 9 o'clock, the time appointed by Harmon. I saw there on that night (in addition to those who went there with me as above stated), viz, Henderson Lady, John Lady, William Housewright, Jacob Myers, Jonathan Morgan, Harrison Self (the present defendant), Alex. Hann, Arthur Hann, Henry Wampler, Matt. Hincher, William Hincher (drinking), Thomas Harmon, Henry Harmon and Jacob Harmon. David Fry he was there when I got there. Defendant came there after I got there. There were several present whose names I did not know. We staid till about 12 at night. David Fry administered an oath. I think he administered it to nearly all who were there. Oath was taken by putting hand on a U. S. flag; swore to support the Stars and Stripes and not to reveal anything of what was done that night and to do anything pressed upon us that night to do. Harrison Self, I think, was in the room when some of them took the oath. I think he himself took the oath. After the oath was administered to the party the party went to Lick Creek bridge, took the guard in tents prisoners and then they burned the bridge. Crowd then dispersed. Harrison Self went with the party from Harmon's to the bridge. I saw him between bridge and Harmon's after the bridge was burned. Harmon on the occasion that I first referred to when I was in the field passed up toward the house of the defendant. I think Harrison Self's gun was there that night. Do not remember to have seen it in his house.


Cross examined:

I think I remember the fact that Harrison Self's gun was there that night. I heard some one of the crowd say that the defendant was going to fetch his gun.



THOMAS HARMON, witness on behalf of the Confederate States, sworn and testified as follows:

On the day preceding the night on which the Lick Creek bridge was burned Daniel Smith came to my father's house. My father was not present. Smith said that he had particular business with my father, Jacob Harmon. Said that Fry was to be there that night at my father's and he was going to tear up the railroad. Said Fry wanted father to come over to his (Daniel Smith's) house; the road was to be torn up that night. Father came back and I told him what Smith had said. Father went in the direction of Smith's. Said he was going there. I was slightly acquainted with Daniel Smith; have seen him since in the jail in Knoxville. That night at about 8 o'clock a crowd commenced assembling at my father's house. There came the following persons, to wit, John McDaniels, Harrison Self (the defendant)-he came in late-Andrew Self, Hugh Self, James McDaniels, Cannon Hann, Arthur Hann, Matt. Hincher, Henry Fry, Jacob Myers, William Willoughby, Granville Willoughby, Lazarus Rednens, another Rednens whose Christian name I do not know, James Guthrie, Elijah Willoughby and several others who were strangers to me. Jonathan Morgan was there; my father was there. Fry swore these men with the left hand on the flag (United States) and the right hand lifted up to secrecy and to do any and everything he impressed on them to do that night. Did not see him swear the defendant. After oath was administered they went on to the bridge; took the guard at the bridge prisoners then went and set fire to the bridge. I saw the defendant at my father's house and also in the company on the way to the bridge. I am well acquainted with the defendant. The interview with Smith at my father's took place at about 8 o'clock in the morning. Some of the crowd who were engaged in this matter were armed with guns and some not armed at all. Did not see the defendant have any gun.



Defendant declines to cross-examine.

JONATHAN MORGAN, witness on behalf of the Confederate States, sworn and testified as follows:

I was at Jacob Harmon's on the night the Lick Creek bridge was burned. The defendant, Harrison Self, was there that night. I went home between 10 and 11 o'clock that night. Did not see the defendant sworn. Did not see him take any part in the occurrences of the occasion. Simply saw him there. Recollect speaking to him. Think he said something about going home. He said he had a notion of going home or something to that effect. Do not know whether he went home or not.


Cross examined:

Defendant I think also said it was a bad business. Do not remember that he said he came down to stop it. He seemed to think it was a bad business. I did not see defendant do anything to stop it. He had a son about sixteen years of age there. Did not see defendant have any gun. Did not see him take the oath. I left before any oath was taken. Left when they were talking about the oath.



The judge-advocate announced to the court that he had no further testimony to offer in chief.


The counsel for the defendant said that he had just learned that Alexander Lowe is a material witness for the defendant and that he thinks said testimony is of great importance and that the attendance of said witness can be obtained by Friday morning at 10 o'clock, and the court adjourned the further consideration of this case until Friday, December 20, 1861, at 10 a. m.


KNOXVILLE, TENN., Friday, December 20, 1861.


At 10 a. m. court met pursuant to adjournment.


Present: Each and all the members of the court who on Tuesday last were sworn on the trail of this case; the judge-advocate, the prisoner and his counsel being also present, Lieut.-Col. Bateman presiding.

The defendant introduced ALEXANDER LOWE, private in Capt. Fry's company, Col. Powell's regiment, C. S. Army, who being first sworn testified as follows:

I resided on the defendant's farm at the time the Lick Creek bridge was burned, in Greene County, Tenn. Before the burning of the bridge on the evening previous to its being burned defendant said it was a bad thing to burn the bridge. On the evening before the burning of the bridge Jacob Harmon came by the field where I was pulling corn with John McDaniels and told us to come down to his house that night; that the bridge was to be burned that night. In the evening in question I went past the house of the defendant. Saw him; asked him if anything had been said to him about the bridge-burning; told him what had been told me. Defendant said he had heard about the same thing. Defendant said it was a bad thing. I asked defendant if he was going. Said he did not know whether he was going down to Harmon's or not. He did not as I recollect say to me for me to stay at home and that he would go down to Harmon's and prevent it. Something was said about my wife being sick but nothing about his going down for the purpose of preventing it that I now recollect. Defendant lives about three or four miles from the bridge. He said he thought it was a bad thing. Don't know that he said it ought or ought not to be done. I was not at his house. I passed on by. Saw him at the hog-pen. Went on home. Saw him about dark. Defendant has been strong Union man. Not been a fool about it. Never acted harshly or made any threats to my knowledge. Not hostile to soldiers of Confederate States. Sold them supplies once-some salt. Never heard of his refusing to sell supplies. He lives a little over one mile from Jacob Harmon's. He said it was a bad thing. Those are the only words of condemnation of the bridge-burning that I recollect of his using. I was not giving the conversation particular attention. I did not think the thing would be done at all.



Saw defendant next morning early at home. He said nothing concerning the bridge. I did not know then that the bridge had been burned. Saw defendant early in the morning. Told me nothing about it being burned. Nothing about his having gone down to prevent it. I talked with him a little. Do not recollect of a word being said about the bridge being burned.


Re-examined: Went by defendant's house early in the morning about sun-up. I had heard nobody else say anything about the bridge. I first heard of it from Etta Harmon. Did not tell me to invite anybody else or defendant to come down and burn bridge. Ever since Fremont's proclamation I have been a Southern man and openly said that when I fought I would fight for the South, and had talked thus to defendant before the bridge was burned and have volunteered. Defendant has heard me speak of my sentiments as above to defendant's counsel. Have talked with defendant about another army coming in here. He said it would make things worse here; that it would make the matter worse for another army to come in here but do not recollect that he ever said that if by volunteering he could prevent another army coming in here he would volunteer himself. Defendant is about fifty years of age. Has children grown and has grandchildren.

J. A. LOWE (his x mark).


The defendant through his counsel announced that he had no further testimony to offer. To allow the counsel for the defendant time to prepare his argument the court adjourned till to-morrow morning at 10 a. m.


KNOXVILLE, TENN., December 21, 1861--10 a. m.


Court met pursuant to an adjournment.


Present: Each and all the members of the court who were heretofore sworn for the trial of this case, Lieut.-Col. Bateman presiding; the judge-advocate, the prisoner, Harrison Self, and his counsel being also present.

The counsel for the defendant addressed an oral argument to the ear of the court to which the judge-advocate replied. The court was then cleared for deliberation and having maturely considered the evidence the court do find, more than two-thirds of the members of the court concurring in the finding, the defendant Harrison Self:


Of the specification of the first charge, guilty.


Of the first charge, guilty.


Of the specification of the second charge, guilty.


Of the second charge, guilty.


And for such his offense the court doth sentence the defendant to be hanged by the neck until he is dead.


T. P. BATEMAN, Lieut. Col. 11th Tenn. Regt. and President of the Court-Martial.

T. J. CAMPBELL, Judge-Advocate.


The court-martial as far as this case is concerned adjourned sine die, yet to meet on Monday next at 10 a. m., to continue the investigation of other cases.


T. P. BATEMAN, Lieut. Col. 11th Tenn. Regt. and President of the Court-Martial.

T. J. CAMPBELL, Judge-Advocate.


KNOXVILLE, December 26, 1861.


The sentence of the court-martial in this case is approved and the prisoner is ordered to be executed in accordance therewith at 4 p. m. to-morrow.

W. H. CARROLL, Brig.-Gen.


KNOXVILLE, December 21, 1861.

Brig.-Gen. CARROLL:


The members of the court-martial sitting for the trial of persons charged with bridge-burning and other offenses beg respectfully to state that they have just concluded the trial of Harrison Self, charged with having burned the Lick Creek bridge, and from the testimony in the case have found him guilty and under a sense of stern justice have sentenced him, the defendant, to death by hanging. The court is unanimous, however, in the behalf-from the testimony in the case, from the character of the prisoner, from what the members of the court know of his previous life and conduct, from his known kindness of heart and his standing in the community as a good citizen, and from many other circumstances occurring in the trial which cannot be transferred to paper-that this is a proper case for commutation of punishment. It is our belief that the public interest will suffer nothing from this course, but that on the contrary every object will be gained that can be attained by the extreme penalty of death.

T. P. BATEMAN, Lieut.-Col.



J. D. THOMAS, Capt.



H. W. COTTER, Capt.

T. J. CAMPBELL, Judge-Advocate.


KNOXVILLE, December 27, 1861.


My father, Harrison Self, is sentenced to be hung this evening at 4 o'clock on a charge of bridge-burning. As he is my only earthly stay I beg you to pardon him.



KNOXVILLE, December 27, 1861.

Hon. J. P. BENJAMIN, Secretary of War:

The execution of Self suspended. Guilty with palliating circumstances. Will forward papers in the morning.

WM. H. CARROLL, Brig.-Gen., C. S. Army.


His Excellency JEFFERSON DAVIS, President of the Confederate States of America:

The undersigned, officers of the C. S. Army, now on duty in Knoxville, Tenn., would most respectfully represent to your excellency that Harrison Self, condemned to be hung for participating in the burning of the Lick Creek bridge on the line of the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, is now held here in close confinement for execution. Already five persons have expiated upon the gallows for the burning of this bridge. The public danger which called for such punishment has in the opinion of the undersigned passed away and the crime itself has been sufficiently atoned for in the ignominious death of others more guilty than he whose punishment we seek to mitigate. We have heard and believe the fact to be true that Self who at first assented to the proposal to burn the bridge relented and abandoned the purpose; said it was a bad thing; and we have reason to believe that he tried to dissuade his comrades from the execution of their purpose but their stronger wills prevailed and he was thus dragged into a participation in it. In consideration of these facts we have understood that the court which tried him recommended a milder punishment than that of death. We respectfully join in this recommendation with an earnest hope that your excellency yielding to the dictates of mercy will spare this man's life.

JAS. W. GILLESPIE, Col., Cmdg. Regt. Tennessee Volunteers.

R. F. LOONEY, Col., Cmdg. Thirty-eighth Tennessee.

[And 25 other officers and citizens.]


KNOXVILLE, TENN., January 6, 1862.

Hon. J. P. BENJAMIN, Secretary of War:

There has been a recommendation sent to you by the court-martial sitting at this place to commute the punishment of Harrison Self who has been sentenced to be executed for being concerned in bridge-burning. I understand the recommendation to have been made unanimously by the court-martial to commute his punishment and I do not know that it would be of any use for me to say anything further on the subject to you. But as I have lived a neighbor to him and know him well I have been requested to write to you.

Harrison Self is a very good-natured, unsuspecting man, easily to be deceived, imposed upon or misled. I never knew a man that had a kinder heart. I cannot believe from what I know of him that he designed burning the Lick Creek bridge. I am indeed informed that when the plot was formed to burn the bridge he advised against it and would not go into it. That night he undressed to go to bed and finding his two sons gone, one sixteen and the other eighteen years of age, and fearing they had been inveigled into the conspiracy went in search of them and in this way he was present when the bridge was burned all the time advising the mad men who committed the act not to do so. I understand his sons were forced to go there and did nothing when they went. I understand his sons are both anxious if they will be permitted to volunteer. Previous to this they were young men of good character. The young men have been used as witnesses against the malignant plotters of the rebellion and arson and have not concealed anything but told the whole truth on all concerned. Would it not be best to let the young men volunteer and hold their father as a hostage for their good behavior? We would lose nothing by this course but we would probably gain much. Let us economize the muscle and sinew of the South and never let an opportunity pass to turn it to our account.

If examples are to be made let them be made of the leaders not of the unfortunate, the ignorant, the deceived. God it seems has prospered our cause and I believe He will to the end. He has put many of our enemies into our hands. Let us then exercise that highest attribute of God, mercy and show ourselves worthy of his continued favor. I think mercy in this case will strengthen our cause, and it will make our cause and our Government to be loved and idolized in the little circle of this man's distressed family where before they did not know the principles or appreciate the men who are the head of our Government.

If you think the evidence of what I have written will be worth anything in the decision you may make and if you shall want to know anything further of me than appears in this letter you can inquire of Judge Robert L. Caruthers, Member of Provisional Congress, Tennessee.

I am, most respectfully,

R. ARNOLD, Lieut.-Col. Twenty-ninth Regt. Tennessee Volunteers.

OR, Ser. II, Vol. 1, pp. 859 – 867.

        27, Skirmish at Franklin

No circumstantial reports filed.

        27, Skirmish, Stewart's Creek Bridge on the Jefferson Pike

Report of Capt. Frank W. Mix, Fourth Michigan Cavalry, of skirmish at Stewart's Creek Bridge, December 27.

HDQRS. FOURTH MICHIGAN CAVALRY, Camp near Murfreesborough, Tenn., January 8, 1863.

COL.: In compliance with your order, on December 27, 1862, I reported to Gen. Palmer with four companies of the Fourth Michigan Cavalry, Companies H, E, L, and B.

I was ordered to take the advance of a brigade of infantry and one battery of artillery and move off on the Jefferson pike, to take and hold the bridge over Stewart's Creek, about 4 miles east of Murfreesborough pike. I sent Company E into the woods, to the left of the road, as skirmishers, and Company H to the right. When about 1½ miles out on the road, our advance came upon their pickets. I immediately started with Companies L and B after them. We were then 2½ miles from the bridge. At every rod their number increased, so that when we came to the bridge we were chasing about 200 of them. Capt. Pritchard, with Company L, had the advance, and was so close to them when we crossed the bridge that some of them were pushed off the side of the bridge and taken prisoners.

As soon as we got possession of the bridge, I sent couriers back to hurry up the infantry. While we were waiting they attacked us in strong force, but our boys nobly stood their ground and repulsed them. We heard no report from the infantry. I sent another courier back, and he soon came back to me saying there was about 100 of them in our rear, between the infantry and my command. I then attempted to draw part of my command (Company L) back of the bridge, but I no sooner started them back than they came down on us like bees, yelling as if they had us sure. I had Company B, under Lieut. Carter, posted on each side of the road, where they had a good sight of them. Company L came back to the bridge on double-quick, with the enemy close at their heels. I ordered them to right-about, which they did handsomely, not a man flinching or wavering in the least. They immediately opened a fire upon the enemy, which soon made them leave for the woods.

I soon heard firing in my rear, and sent Capt. Pritchard, with his company, back to find out the cause. As I instantly expected an attack from that quarter, I called Company B in and placed them on the bridge. They again attempted to drive us from the bridge, but our boys were too much for them, and again drove them back under cover of the woods. Lieut. Leach now came in which Company H; he had run on the party in our rear, and with 20 men drove them to the woods, and joined my command. The artillery soon came up, and my trouble was over.

The officers and men of these four companies are deserving of great praise. With 50 men we charged and drove for 2 ½ miles 200 of the First Alabama Cavalry, and held the bridge for one-half hour against the whole regiment. The prisoners we took admit that their regiment was all there, and another regiment in Wheeler's brigade was 2 miles in the rear, on Stone's River.

I lost 3 men taken prisoners, between the infantry and my command, and had 1 slightly wounded. We took from them 9 prisoners, wounded 1 lieutenant and 3 privates, and killed 1 lieutenant and 1 private. We also took 4 horses; two of them the infantry took possession of. We remained on the ground over night, and were relieved by the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, when I immediately rejoined my regiment, all right, and perfectly satisfied with my trip.

I am, colonel, your most obedient servant,

FRANK W. MIX, Capt., Comdg. Detachment Fourth Michigan Cavalry.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, pp. 629-630.


HDQRS. SIXTH INDIANA VOLUNTEERS, In Camp near Murfreesborough, Tenn., January 4, 1863.

SIR: I have the honor to report the part taken by my regiment in the skirmish fight on the 27th; also in the battle of the 31st ultimo.

On the morning of the 27th, while on the march, some 2½ miles north of the village of Triune, on the Nolensville pike, we encountered the enemy near the intersection of the Bole Jack road and pike[9]. I immediately deployed in line of battle on the right of the road, my left resting on the road, being supported on my right by the First Ohio and the Ninety-third Ohio in reserve. I at once advanced, as skirmishers, Company A, Capt. Kavanaugh, and Company B, Lieut. McGannon commanding, when a running fight commenced, Capt. Simonson, of the Fifth Indiana Artillery, shelling the enemy from the hill tops, being energetically replied to by the enemy's guns. The fight continued until we arrived at Triune, where the rebels made a stand, when we charged double-quick their battery, and drove them from the field. We pursued them some 2 miles, they contesting each rod of ground, when they again made a stand. We again drove them from their position, in precipitate retreat. Night coming on put an end to our day's labor.

* * * *

Hagerman Tripp, Lieutenant-Colonel, Sixth Indiana Infantry

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, p. 339.

        27, Skirmish, Stewart's Creek Bridge on Murfreesborough Pike[10]

No circumstantial reports filed.

        27, Skirmish near Huntingdon [see December 15, 1862-January 3, 1863, "Forrest's expedition-West Tennessee" above]

No circumstantial reports filed.[11]

        27, Skirmish, Triune

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from the Report of Col. William B. Wood, Sixteenth Alabama Infantry, December 27, 1862:

CAPT.: In pursuance of the order to report the movements and operations of this regiment in the battles at Triune and Murfreesborough, on the 27th and 31st ultimo, I beg to submit the following:

On the 26th ultimo we were ordered to the front of Triune, to support Gen. Wharton and repel the advance of the enemy, who was reported to be moving in that direction with a large force. We remained under arms until late in the evening, when we were ordered to return and strike our camps, send the wagons to the rear, and take position on the hill near the Franklin pike.

At 4 o'clock on the 27th we were under arms and moved forward to take position on the hills in front of Triune. We remained in that position, deployed as skirmishers, until 9 o'clock, when we were ordered back to our position in rear of the town. My regiment was deployed as skirmishers just behind brow of the hill and awaited the approach of the enemy. Capt. Darden occupied the hill with his battery. The enemy an attempt to turn our left flank with cavalry, which was repulsed by the artillery and my skirmishers on the left, the enemy fleeing in confusion. About 1 o'clock a heavy rain commenced and continued for nearly an hour. As soon as it ceased, and we were able to see a few hundred yards to the front, we discovered the enemy advanced nearly up to our lines. We immediately opened fire upon him and held him in check until the artillery was drawn off, when we were ordered to fall back. As we were retreating, I discovered the enemy moving up on our right flank, but we were enabled to gain the turn in the road before they could cut us off. A piece of artillery opened on them from this point and checked their advance. Our lines was then formed on the pike and brought off without loss. Our casualties were 2 men slightly wounded.

William B. Wood, 16th Alabama

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, pp. 900-901.


Account of  Davis F. Simmons, Second East Tennessee Cavalry (U. S.)

….Dec the 28th came up with the enemy at Tryune we skirmished With them at enter vails[12] [sic] all day driving them 5 miles[.] We followed them until the sun was setting when we charged the camps routing them and capuring a conciderable amount of carne [and] 8 of the enemy together with their horses.

Diary of Davis F. Simmons, entries for December 27-28, 1862.[13]

        27, Action on the Nolensville Road

Reports of Brig. Gen. S. A. M. Wood, C. S. Army, commanding Fourth Brigade, including skirmish on the Nolensville road, December 27.


SIR: In obedience to orders from division headquarters, I submit the following report of the part taken by my brigade in the recent battles before Murfreesborough, Tenn.:

On the morning of December 27 last, Lieut.-Gen. Hardee, who was then in person at our advanced post at Triune, ordered me, in conjunction with Brig.-Gen. [John A.] Wharton, whose command was then within 2 miles of that place, to skirmish with the advancing columns of the enemy.

My brigade consisted of two companies of sharpshooters, the Sixteenth Alabama, the Thirty-third Alabama, and the Forty-fifth Mississippi Regiments; in all, about 950 men and officers.

The Forty-fifth Mississippi was posted at daylight about 1½ miles from Triune, on the Nolensville pike; four companies deployed as skirmishers on the right of the road, three supporting a section of Darden's battery on the left, and one deployed as skirmishers on the left flank. The enemy appeared at 9 a. m.; our battery opened on him. The enemy attempted three times to place a battery in position on a hill 500 yards from us, but was driven away by our fire. His cavalry now appeared in large numbers on both our right and left flanks, Brig.-Gen. Wharton, with his command, holding him in check. It was found necessary to retire our guns, which I did, and caused our skirmishers to assemble and fall back under the protection of our cavalry in return to our second line, consisting of the Sixteenth Alabama, deployed as skirmishers on the left of the pike in rear of Triune, the skirmishers, thrown forward on the left behind a stone wall, near the Franklin road; Darden's battery and Capt. White's battery, of two pieces, of Brig.-Gen. Wharton's command, were massed near the turnpike. The enemy soon possessed themselves of the heights near Triune.

In the mean time I had detailed 20 men to report to Capt. J. W. Green, of the engineers, of Lieut.-Gen. Hardee's staff, who had offered his services to me, and he had totally demolished the bridge across the stream just beyond Triune.

I am deeply indebted to Capt. Green for services rendered during this day, in every way evincing a zeal and knowledge, as well as courage, worthy of the highest commendation, bringing his men away from the bridge only when the enemy's shells were falling in their midst, the work having been accomplished.

The enemy's batteries, placed on the hill out of range of our pieces, now opened fire upon us. I ordered the guns behind the crest of the ridge. At this time large masses of cavalry appeared moving toward our left. They were fired upon by the six pieces which were rapidly advanced to the top of the hill. Many saddles were emptied and the whole thrown into confusion.

At this time a heavy storm of hail and rain beat in our faces, concealing the movements of the enemy. It had not abated before he was found to be advancing with a line of infantry extending a mile in length. Our skirmishers fired quickly upon the line, but seeing the overwhelming forces against us, Gen. Wharton and myself concluded at once to retire. The artillery was ordered off. One piece of Darden's had been sent to the left and was 400 yards from the pike. The enemy made great exertions to capture it, but the coolness and courage of Capt. Darden; the steadiness of our skirmishers on assembling and firing on the enemy; the gallant conduct of Capt. [B. F.] White, jr., in placing a piece of his battery in position on the pike, and firing so rapidly on the advancing lines as to check them [but, above all, the disposition of cavalry made by Brig.-Gen. Wharton], gave time to bring it off in safety. In consequence of the loss of the bridge, the enemy could bring no artillery to bear on us. One piece of Darden's was now placed on the pike, and, firing upon the enemy, permitted our whole column to retire in good order, covered by the cavalry.

We marched until dark and bivouacked 3 miles from the Eagleville pike, where I received an order to move at dawn to Murfreesborough, which I did. In this affair I lost but 6 men; as they were left behind, I cannot say whether killed or wounded. The enemy report their loss to citizens of Triune [and we also have it from prisoners captured at Murfreesborough] at 65.

It is now known that [Gen. A. McD.] McCook's corps, of three divisions, was assailing us on that day.

I am, general, with the greatest respect, your obedient servant,

S. A. M. WOOD, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, pp. 896-897.

        27, Skirmish at Knob Gap

No circumstantial reports filed.[14]

        27, Federal situation report, Brownsville, Cherryville and Sheron's Ferry and pursuit of Forrest

TRENTON, December 27, 1862.


I sent Capt. Silence yesterday to Brownsville. He has just come to me here and makes report as follows:

I arrived at Humboldt at 5 o'clock this evening. I went within 5 miles of Brownsville. Union men direct from there report no rebel forces at Brownsville. I spent the night on Forked Deer; had guards at Cherryville and Sheron's Ferry. Twelve mounted men with double-barreled guns crossed this way at 12 o'clock last night. I found the neighborhood filled with rebels, apparently on leave. I heard no definite, concerted move except that sent you last night.

NED. R. SILENCE, Capt., Comdg. Cavalry.

The captain also tells me that a report reached him that Van Dorn was expecting to hear of Bragg's forces moving on to Jackson and he was to act in concert with him. He perhaps means the late move of Forrest on Jackson. Re-enforcement question all right.

I. N. HAYNIE, Brig.-Gen.

TRENTON, December 27, 1862--11 a. m.

Maj.-Gen. GRANT:

Forrest has left for Tennessee River, supposed crossing at Reynoldsburg. I am pursuing on Huntingdon road. The Tennessee River has risen 2 feet since Sunday. I will not leave him until he is out of the district.

JER. C. SULLIVAN, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 498.

        27, Female smuggling on the eve of the battle of Stones River

Capture of Contraband Merchandise.

The Police Department of the Army has been extremely efficient of late. They have captured large quantities of medicines and merchandise, which women—ladies, forsooth—have attempted to smuggle into the lines of the rebel army. On Monday a woman who represented herself as a "lady of honor" and high respectability, procured a pass from the Provost marshal General, upon pledging her word of honor, sacredly, that she would in no manner attempt to evade the obligations imposed upon her to refrain from carrying letters or articles contraband of war through our lines. Circumstances caused Col. Treusdail, Chief of Police, to suspect her. Accordingly she was placed under surveillance, and before she reached the outposts of the army, she was arrested, and searched by a lady in the service of the Government. Mrs. _____, protested vehemently that she had nothing contraband concealed upon her person. Nevertheless, she was searched as respectfully as possible, and a number of unapproved letters for soldiers and officers in the rebel army were found concealed under her clothing next to her person. Of course, letters and articles contraband were seized, but through extraordinary clemency the "lady" was permitted to pass through the lines. This person had pledged her "sacred word and honor," that she would not deceive the military authorities. Do the ladies of Nashville permit their reputations to be thus libeled? Will ladies whom men respect because they are women, thus forget all claim to respect, and to the indulgence which common regard of men for women would extend to them cheerfully and courteously if they would not compel men to forget that they are women?

On Tuesday Mrs. Clara Judd, who represented herself as a "lady of honor" was arrested at Gallatin, while attempting clandestinely to go through the lines with a large quantity of quinine and morphine for the rebel army. Mrs. Judd is now before a Military Court Martial, as a spy. She may spend the time between now and the conclusion of the war at Alton Penitentiary.

The same evening another woman—who shall be nameless for pity's sake—was intercepted while attempting to pass through the lines, because she too, was endeavoring to evade orders from Headquarters, after she had pledged her "honor" that she would not take advantage of the favor extended her. She was searched by a woman, respectfully. One of her skirts consisted of heavy grey cadet cloth, partially made up for a rebel officer's overcoat. Large pockets, capacious enough to contain a peck of snuff, were found concealed inside of the "skirt." Two pairs of officers gauntlets were taken from her bosom, together with other articles contraband of war, and letters.

 Yesterday, still another "lady" was captured while wending her way, suspiciously across roads to the outposts. She, too, had procured a pass by pledging her "sacred word and honor" as solemnly as woman could. In her baggage was found one hundred and seventy-five ounces of quinine and other medicines for the rebel army. Quinine is worth $6.75 per ounce in Louisville, and $50 or $60 per ounce in the South. Besides medicines, this "lady of honor" was attempting to smuggle a large box of boots and shoes, assorted; rebel uniforms; men's clothing, etc., etc. When the lady was arrested, she sprang to the ground from her vehicle. The concussion was so great that a string broke, and two pairs of heavy cavalry boots which she had insecurely fastened under her skirts—one pair too many for such a place—dropped to the ground. All the foregoing articles were confiscated and turned over to the Post Quartermaster, who will sell them on government account.

In this connection it is earnestly suggested to the ladies of Nashville, that such practices reflect no credit upon them. Their sympathies generally are with their husbands, children and brethren, doubtless, but would they, if they are honorable men, justify their wives, mothers, sisters or sweethearts in violating their honor even to befriend them?

Furthermore, the Military Authorities [illegible] the ladies [illegible] States, with all courtesy due to women. They desire to be considerate and indulgent. They will extend to them every privilege consistent with the public service, if they (the ladies) will only be true to themselves. Nothing is asked of them as a favor. Everything womanly is desired in their deportment on their own account. It is folly for them to attempt to evade military regulations. While they are within the lines of the United States Army they are subject to its power. That power they shall not be made to feel beyond the requisitions of duty and the necessities of war, unless they provoke that power against themselves.

Nashville Daily Union, December 27, 1862.

27, Substitute for Oil Silk.

We commend the attention of our lady readers particularly to the following letter from Mrs. Butler, of Strawberry Plains. We have no doubt her suggestions are good:

Strawberry Plains, Dec. 27, 1861

Mr. Sperry:  Please call the attention of the ladies of Knoxville and vicinity, who wish to furnish packages for the soldiers, to the fact that a substitute for oil silk, which Dr. Ramsey pronounces admirable, is easily prepared in the following manner:  After hogs are killed and the leaf fat has become perfectly cold, take the skin off, whole if possible; scrape them well, and wash in hot water with soap, until clear of grease. If the water is too hot it will draw them up. Stretch them well on a clean plank or table, until dry—trim off the uneven edges, and they are ready for use.


Susan F. Butler.

Knoxville (Tenn.) Register, Dec. 28.

Daily Constitutionalist [AUGUSTA, GA], January 1, 1862.

        27, Skirmish at Franklin

No circumstantial reports filed.

        27, Skirmish, Stewart's Creek Bridge on the Jefferson Pike

Report of Capt. Frank W. Mix, Fourth Michigan Cavalry, of skirmish at Stewart's Creek Bridge, December 27.

HDQRS. FOURTH MICHIGAN CAVALRY, Camp near Murfreesborough, Tenn., January 8, 1863.

COL.: In compliance with your order, on December 27, 1862, I reported to Gen. Palmer with four companies of the Fourth Michigan Cavalry, Companies H, E, L, and B.

I was ordered to take the advance of a brigade of infantry and one battery of artillery and move off on the Jefferson pike, to take and hold the bridge over Stewart's Creek, about 4 miles east of Murfreesborough pike. I sent Company E into the woods, to the left of the road, as skirmishers, and Company H to the right. When about 1½ miles out on the road, our advance came upon their pickets. I immediately started with Companies L and B after them. We were then 2½ miles from the bridge. At every rod their number increased, so that when we came to the bridge we were chasing about 200 of them. Capt. Pritchard, with Company L, had the advance, and was so close to them when we crossed the bridge that some of them were pushed off the side of the bridge and taken prisoners.

As soon as we got possession of the bridge, I sent couriers back to hurry up the infantry. While we were waiting they attacked us in strong force, but our boys nobly stood their ground and repulsed them. We heard no report from the infantry. I sent another courier back, and he soon came back to me saying there was about 100 of them in our rear, between the infantry and my command. I then attempted to draw part of my command (Company L) back of the bridge, but I no sooner started them back than they came down on us like bees, yelling as if they had us sure. I had Company B, under Lieut. Carter, posted on each side of the road, where they had a good sight of them. Company L came back to the bridge on double-quick, with the enemy close at their heels. I ordered them to right-about, which they did handsomely, not a man flinching or wavering in the least. They immediately opened a fire upon the enemy, which soon made them leave for the woods.

I soon heard firing in my rear, and sent Capt. Pritchard, with his company, back to find out the cause. As I instantly expected an attack from that quarter, I called Company B in and placed them on the bridge. They again attempted to drive us from the bridge, but our boys were too much for them, and again drove them back under cover of the woods. Lieut. Leach now came in which Company H; he had run on the party in our rear, and with 20 men drove them to the woods, and joined my command. The artillery soon came up, and my trouble was over.

The officers and men of these four companies are deserving of great praise. With 50 men we charged and drove for 2 ½ miles 200 of the First Alabama Cavalry, and held the bridge for one-half hour against the whole regiment. The prisoners we took admit that their regiment was all there, and another regiment in Wheeler's brigade was 2 miles in the rear, on Stone's River.

I lost 3 men taken prisoners, between the infantry and my command, and had 1 slightly wounded. We took from them 9 prisoners, wounded 1 lieutenant and 3 privates, and killed 1 lieutenant and 1 private. We also took 4 horses; two of them the infantry took possession of. We remained on the ground over night, and were relieved by the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, when I immediately rejoined my regiment, all right, and perfectly satisfied with my trip.

I am, colonel, your most obedient servant,

FRANK W. MIX, Capt., Comdg. Detachment Fourth Michigan Cavalry.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, pp. 629-630.


HDQRS. SIXTH INDIANA VOLUNTEERS, In Camp near Murfreesborough, Tenn., January 4, 1863.

SIR: I have the honor to report the part taken by my regiment in the skirmish fight on the 27th; also in the battle of the 31st ultimo.

On the morning of the 27th, while on the march, some 2½ miles north of the village of Triune, on the Nolensville pike, we encountered the enemy near the intersection of the Bole Jack road and pike[15]. I immediately deployed in line of battle on the right of the road, my left resting on the road, being supported on my right by the First Ohio and the Ninety-third Ohio in reserve. I at once advanced, as skirmishers, Company A, Capt. Kavanaugh, and Company B, Lieut. McGannon commanding, when a running fight commenced, Capt. Simonson, of the Fifth Indiana Artillery, shelling the enemy from the hill tops, being energetically replied to by the enemy's guns. The fight continued until we arrived at Triune, where the rebels made a stand, when we charged double-quick their battery, and drove them from the field. We pursued them some 2 miles, they contesting each rod of ground, when they again made a stand. We again drove them from their position, in precipitate retreat. Night coming on put an end to our day's labor.

* * * *

Hagerman Tripp, Lieutenant-Colonel, Sixth Indiana Infantry

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, p. 339.

        27, Skirmish, Stewart's Creek Bridge on Murfreesborough Pike[16]

No circumstantial reports filed.

        27, Skirmish near Huntingdon [see December 15, 1862-January 3, 1863, "Forrest's expedition-West Tennessee" above]

No circumstantial reports filed.[17]

        27, Skirmish, Triune

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from the Report of Col. William B. Wood, Sixteenth Alabama Infantry, December 27, 1862:

CAPT.: In pursuance of the order to report the movements and operations of this regiment in the battles at Triune and Murfreesborough, on the 27th and 31st ultimo, I beg to submit the following:

On the 26th ultimo we were ordered to the front of Triune, to support Gen. Wharton and repel the advance of the enemy, who was reported to be moving in that direction with a large force. We remained under arms until late in the evening, when we were ordered to return and strike our camps, send the wagons to the rear, and take position on the hill near the Franklin pike.

At 4 o'clock on the 27th we were under arms and moved forward to take position on the hills in front of Triune. We remained in that position, deployed as skirmishers, until 9 o'clock, when we were ordered back to our position in rear of the town. My regiment was deployed as skirmishers just behind brow of the hill and awaited the approach of the enemy. Capt. Darden occupied the hill with his battery. The enemy an attempt to turn our left flank with cavalry, which was repulsed by the artillery and my skirmishers on the left, the enemy fleeing in confusion. About 1 o'clock a heavy rain commenced and continued for nearly an hour. As soon as it ceased, and we were able to see a few hundred yards to the front, we discovered the enemy advanced nearly up to our lines. We immediately opened fire upon him and held him in check until the artillery was drawn off, when we were ordered to fall back. As we were retreating, I discovered the enemy moving up on our right flank, but we were enabled to gain the turn in the road before they could cut us off. A piece of artillery opened on them from this point and checked their advance. Our lines was then formed on the pike and brought off without loss. Our casualties were 2 men slightly wounded.

William B. Wood, 16th Alabama

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, pp. 900-901.


Account of  Davis F. Simmons, Second East Tennessee Cavalry (U. S.)

….Dec the 28th came up with the enemy at Tryune we skirmished With them at enter vails[18] [sic] all day driving them 5 miles[.] We followed them until the sun was setting when we charged the camps routing them and capuring a conciderable amount of carne [and] 8 of the enemy together with their horses.

Diary of Davis F. Simmons, entries for December 27-28, 1862.[19]

        27, Action on the Nolensville Road

Reports of Brig. Gen. S. A. M. Wood, C. S. Army, commanding Fourth Brigade, including skirmish on the Nolensville road, December 27.


SIR: In obedience to orders from division headquarters, I submit the following report of the part taken by my brigade in the recent battles before Murfreesborough, Tenn.:

On the morning of December 27 last, Lieut.-Gen. Hardee, who was then in person at our advanced post at Triune, ordered me, in conjunction with Brig.-Gen. [John A.] Wharton, whose command was then within 2 miles of that place, to skirmish with the advancing columns of the enemy.

My brigade consisted of two companies of sharpshooters, the Sixteenth Alabama, the Thirty-third Alabama, and the Forty-fifth Mississippi Regiments; in all, about 950 men and officers.

The Forty-fifth Mississippi was posted at daylight about 1½ miles from Triune, on the Nolensville pike; four companies deployed as skirmishers on the right of the road, three supporting a section of Darden's battery on the left, and one deployed as skirmishers on the left flank. The enemy appeared at 9 a. m.; our battery opened on him. The enemy attempted three times to place a battery in position on a hill 500 yards from us, but was driven away by our fire. His cavalry now appeared in large numbers on both our right and left flanks, Brig.-Gen. Wharton, with his command, holding him in check. It was found necessary to retire our guns, which I did, and caused our skirmishers to assemble and fall back under the protection of our cavalry in return to our second line, consisting of the Sixteenth Alabama, deployed as skirmishers on the left of the pike in rear of Triune, the skirmishers, thrown forward on the left behind a stone wall, near the Franklin road; Darden's battery and Capt. White's battery, of two pieces, of Brig.-Gen. Wharton's command, were massed near the turnpike. The enemy soon possessed themselves of the heights near Triune.

In the mean time I had detailed 20 men to report to Capt. J. W. Green, of the engineers, of Lieut.-Gen. Hardee's staff, who had offered his services to me, and he had totally demolished the bridge across the stream just beyond Triune.

I am deeply indebted to Capt. Green for services rendered during this day, in every way evincing a zeal and knowledge, as well as courage, worthy of the highest commendation, bringing his men away from the bridge only when the enemy's shells were falling in their midst, the work having been accomplished.

The enemy's batteries, placed on the hill out of range of our pieces, now opened fire upon us. I ordered the guns behind the crest of the ridge. At this time large masses of cavalry appeared moving toward our left. They were fired upon by the six pieces which were rapidly advanced to the top of the hill. Many saddles were emptied and the whole thrown into confusion.

At this time a heavy storm of hail and rain beat in our faces, concealing the movements of the enemy. It had not abated before he was found to be advancing with a line of infantry extending a mile in length. Our skirmishers fired quickly upon the line, but seeing the overwhelming forces against us, Gen. Wharton and myself concluded at once to retire. The artillery was ordered off. One piece of Darden's had been sent to the left and was 400 yards from the pike. The enemy made great exertions to capture it, but the coolness and courage of Capt. Darden; the steadiness of our skirmishers on assembling and firing on the enemy; the gallant conduct of Capt. [B. F.] White, jr., in placing a piece of his battery in position on the pike, and firing so rapidly on the advancing lines as to check them [but, above all, the disposition of cavalry made by Brig.-Gen. Wharton], gave time to bring it off in safety. In consequence of the loss of the bridge, the enemy could bring no artillery to bear on us. One piece of Darden's was now placed on the pike, and, firing upon the enemy, permitted our whole column to retire in good order, covered by the cavalry.

We marched until dark and bivouacked 3 miles from the Eagleville pike, where I received an order to move at dawn to Murfreesborough, which I did. In this affair I lost but 6 men; as they were left behind, I cannot say whether killed or wounded. The enemy report their loss to citizens of Triune [and we also have it from prisoners captured at Murfreesborough] at 65.

It is now known that [Gen. A. McD.] McCook's corps, of three divisions, was assailing us on that day.

I am, general, with the greatest respect, your obedient servant,

S. A. M. WOOD, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, pp. 896-897.

        27, Skirmish at Knob Gap

No circumstantial reports filed.[20]

        27, Federal situation report, Brownsville, Cherryville and Sheron's Ferry and pursuit of Forrest

TRENTON, December 27, 1862.


I sent Capt. Silence yesterday to Brownsville. He has just come to me here and makes report as follows:

I arrived at Humboldt at 5 o'clock this evening. I went within 5 miles of Brownsville. Union men direct from there report no rebel forces at Brownsville. I spent the night on Forked Deer; had guards at Cherryville and Sheron's Ferry. Twelve mounted men with double-barreled guns crossed this way at 12 o'clock last night. I found the neighborhood filled with rebels, apparently on leave. I heard no definite, concerted move except that sent you last night.

NED. R. SILENCE, Capt., Comdg. Cavalry.

The captain also tells me that a report reached him that Van Dorn was expecting to hear of Bragg's forces moving on to Jackson and he was to act in concert with him. He perhaps means the late move of Forrest on Jackson. Re-enforcement question all right.

I. N. HAYNIE, Brig.-Gen.

TRENTON, December 27, 1862--11 a. m.

Maj.-Gen. GRANT:

Forrest has left for Tennessee River, supposed crossing at Reynoldsburg. I am pursuing on Huntingdon road. The Tennessee River has risen 2 feet since Sunday. I will not leave him until he is out of the district.

JER. C. SULLIVAN, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 498.

        27, Female smuggling on the eve of the battle of Stones River

Capture of Contraband Merchandise.

The Police Department of the Army has been extremely efficient of late. They have captured large quantities of medicines and merchandise, which women—ladies, forsooth—have attempted to smuggle into the lines of the rebel army. On Monday a woman who represented herself as a "lady of honor" and high respectability, procured a pass from the Provost marshal General, upon pledging her word of honor, sacredly, that she would in no manner attempt to evade the obligations imposed upon her to refrain from carrying letters or articles contraband of war through our lines. Circumstances caused Col. Treusdail, Chief of Police, to suspect her. Accordingly she was placed under surveillance, and before she reached the outposts of the army, she was arrested, and searched by a lady in the service of the Government. Mrs. _____, protested vehemently that she had nothing contraband concealed upon her person. Nevertheless, she was searched as respectfully as possible, and a number of unapproved letters for soldiers and officers in the rebel army were found concealed under her clothing next to her person. Of course, letters and articles contraband were seized, but through extraordinary clemency the "lady" was permitted to pass through the lines. This person had pledged her "sacred word and honor," that she would not deceive the military authorities. Do the ladies of Nashville permit their reputations to be thus libeled? Will ladies whom men respect because they are women, thus forget all claim to respect, and to the indulgence which common regard of men for women would extend to them cheerfully and courteously if they would not compel men to forget that they are women?

On Tuesday Mrs. Clara Judd, who represented herself as a "lady of honor" was arrested at Gallatin, while attempting clandestinely to go through the lines with a large quantity of quinine and morphine for the rebel army. Mrs. Judd is now before a Military Court Martial, as a spy. She may spend the time between now and the conclusion of the war at Alton Penitentiary.

The same evening another woman—who shall be nameless for pity's sake—was intercepted while attempting to pass through the lines, because she too, was endeavoring to evade orders from Headquarters, after she had pledged her "honor" that she would not take advantage of the favor extended her. She was searched by a woman, respectfully. One of her skirts consisted of heavy grey cadet cloth, partially made up for a rebel officer's overcoat. Large pockets, capacious enough to contain a peck of snuff, were found concealed inside of the "skirt." Two pairs of officers gauntlets were taken from her bosom, together with other articles contraband of war, and letters.

 Yesterday, still another "lady" was captured while wending her way, suspiciously across roads to the outposts. She, too, had procured a pass by pledging her "sacred word and honor" as solemnly as woman could. In her baggage was found one hundred and seventy-five ounces of quinine and other medicines for the rebel army. Quinine is worth $6.75 per ounce in Louisville, and $50 or $60 per ounce in the South. Besides medicines, this "lady of honor" was attempting to smuggle a large box of boots and shoes, assorted; rebel uniforms; men's clothing, etc., etc. When the lady was arrested, she sprang to the ground from her vehicle. The concussion was so great that a string broke, and two pairs of heavy cavalry boots which she had insecurely fastened under her skirts—one pair too many for such a place—dropped to the ground. All the foregoing articles were confiscated and turned over to the Post Quartermaster, who will sell them on government account.

In this connection it is earnestly suggested to the ladies of Nashville, that such practices reflect no credit upon them. Their sympathies generally are with their husbands, children and brethren, doubtless, but would they, if they are honorable men, justify their wives, mothers, sisters or sweethearts in violating their honor even to befriend them?

Furthermore, the Military Authorities [illegible] the ladies [illegible] States, with all courtesy due to women. They desire to be considerate and indulgent. They will extend to them every privilege consistent with the public service, if they (the ladies) will only be true to themselves. Nothing is asked of them as a favor. Everything womanly is desired in their deportment on their own account. It is folly for them to attempt to evade military regulations. While they are within the lines of the United States Army they are subject to its power. That power they shall not be made to feel beyond the requisitions of duty and the necessities of war, unless they provoke that power against themselves.

Nashville Daily Union, December 27, 1862.

27, Substitute for Oil Silk.

We commend the attention of our lady readers particularly to the following letter from Mrs. Butler, of Strawberry Plains. We have no doubt her suggestions are good:

Strawberry Plains, Dec. 27, 1861

Mr. Sperry:  Please call the attention of the ladies of Knoxville and vicinity, who wish to furnish packages for the soldiers, to the fact that a substitute for oil silk, which Dr. Ramsey pronounces admirable, is easily prepared in the following manner:  After hogs are killed and the leaf fat has become perfectly cold, take the skin off, whole if possible; scrape them well, and wash in hot water with soap, until clear of grease. If the water is too hot it will draw them up. Stretch them well on a clean plank or table, until dry—trim off the uneven edges, and they are ready for use.


Susan F. Butler.

Knoxville (Tenn.) Register, Dec. 28.

Daily Constitutionalist [AUGUSTA, GA], January 1, 1862.

        27, Skirmish at Huntingdon

No circumstantial reports filed.[21]

        27, Skirmish at Collierville [see also December 27, 1863, Skirmish at La Fayette below]


Memphis, Tenn., January 1, 1864.

Lieut. Col. W. H. THURSTON,

Assistant Inspector-Gen., Sixteenth Army Corps:

* * * *

Touching the destruction of the railroad at La Fayette, on the 27th day of December, and the escape of the rebel forces under Forrest, I would report that the Third Brigade of this division received orders to move to La Fayette and attack the enemy wherever found; that ample time was given in which to move La Fayette before the enemy could have crossed his whole force; and, further, that no disposition was shown by the brigade commander to press the enemy while there was a probability of preventing the crossing and escape of his whole force. I would report Col. W. H. Morgan, Twenty-fifth Indiana Infantry Volunteers, commanding Third Brigade, Cavalry Division, Sixteenth Army Corps, as inefficient.

* * * *

Respectfully submitted.

M. H. STARR, Maj. 6th Illinois Cav., A. A. I. G., Cav. Div., 16th A. C.

No. 2.

Report of Col. Edward Hatch, Second Iowa Cavalry, commanding Second Brigade, of skirmishes at La Fayette and Collierville, Tenn. (27th.)

HDQRS. SECOND BRIGADE, CAVALRY DIVISION, Collierville, January 1, 1864.

Capt.: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the detachments of this brigade which were left in camp when the command was ordered out during the recent advance of the enemy:

At 3 p. m. on the 24th of December, 1863, in compliance with orders received from your headquarters by telegraph, I ordered a detachment of 30 men, under Lieut. Dunham, mounted on the wagon mules, to Macon, Tennessee They swam Wolf River about 7 miles northeast of this place, and proceeded to Macon, reaching there about daylight on the morning of the 25th, found no enemy in the vicinity, and returned to camp, arriving about 3 p. m., 25th December.

On the 25th December, received orders from Gen. Hurlbut to destroy all the crossings of Wolf River immediately. Telegraphed the orders to Germantown and La Fayette, and sent details from Collierville to perform the duty. On the 26th and on the morning of the 27th December, repeated the orders, and supposed that they were obeyed, but have since learned that the destruction of the bridge at La Fayette was only partial.

About half past 1 p. m., on the 27th December, received information that the enemy in large force was crossing the Wolf River at

La Fayette; that they had driven Lieut. Roberts, Ninth Illinois cavalry, with his command of two companies of the Ninth Illinois Cavalry, from the town, and were pushing him west on the State Line road. This information came by mounted courier. I immediately mounted every man that was available in camp, using the transportation mules for the purpose, and sent Capt. Foster, Second Iowa Cavalry, in command of the detachment, amounting to about 100 men, on the State Line road toward La Fayette. They met Lieut. Roberts, Ninth Illinois Cavalry, with his command, about 50 men, 2 miles west of La Fayette, and immediately joined with him and engaged the enemy; checked their advance. Drove it back half a mile, but heavy re-enforcements of the rebels coming up they again drove our men slowly but steadily back, pursuing them until within range of our guns in the fort at Collierville, which were opened. Our little detachment fought so stubbornly that it was after dark when our artillery opened.

The enemy, 2,000 strong, under Gen. Forrest, formed a line of battle three-fourths of a mile east of the fort, sending 400 west and 600 south of the town. The night was intensely dark, and it was raining. Before daylight on the morning of the 28th December, Gen. Forrest moved his whole command south on the Chulahoma road. Soon after daylight the Ninth Illinois Cavalry came into camp from the east; about 9 a. m. Col. Morgan's brigade arrived.

At 12 m. the Ninth Illinois Cavalry started in pursuit of the enemy, and at 3 a. m. on the 29th, Col. Morgan's brigade followed. The pursuit was continued a few miles south of the Coldwater, but the enemy having twenty-four hours the start of any considerable portion of our forces, of course the pursuit was fruitless.

The command returned to camp on morning of the 31st December.

The conduct of Capt. Foster, Second Iowa Cavalry, and of Sergeant Pullman, Ninth Illinois Cavalry, and most of the men of their commands, is highly commendable.

Our casualties are as follows: Two men wounded and 8 men captured. The losses of the enemy much greater that ours, and as far as known were 1 man killed and 7 men wounded.

I am, captain, your most obedient servant,

EDWARD HATCH, Col. Second Iowa Cavalry, Cmdg. Brigade.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, pp. 610-611.

        27, Federal Medical Report relative to the Battle for Chattanooga

Report of Surg. Ferdinand H. Gross, U. S. Army, Medical Director.

HDQRS. FOURTEENTH ARMY CORPS, MEDICAL DIRECTOR'S OFFICE, Chattanooga, Tennessee, December 27, 1863.

SIR: I have the honor herewith to transmit the report of killed and wounded of the Fourteenth Army Corps in the recent engagement in front of Chattanooga, and respectfully submit the following brief remarks, relative to the operations of the medical department during that short campaign:

On or about the 20th of November, I informed the division medical directors of the command that a general engagement with the enemy was expected to take place in the course of a few days, and that the division hospitals should at once be prepared, and all other necessary arrangements made for the reception of wounded.

The sick that were hospital cases were accommodated as far as possible in one hospital, under charge of Assistant Surgeon Benson, Tenth Wisconsin Volunteers. The building (an old frame hotel), having conveniences for heating and cooking, has been made, through efforts of the officer in charge, to answer our purpose quite well.

All our hospital (with the exception of temporary hospital depots) were located in Chattanooga. Those intended for the reception of wounded, consisted, for the First Division, of two churches, also quite well adapted for our use. In addition to these, a number of hospital tents were pitched in convenient localities, to be used in case of emergency. The larger of these churches (a brick building on Main street) I had prepared for the accommodation of wounded subsequent to the battle of Chickamauga, and required (aside from the removal of a few sick) no additional preparation.

Surg. E. H. Dunn, the officer in charge, with an efficient staff of operators and assistants, performed the business of the hospital in an admirable manner.

The smaller frame church was prepared for the occasion and placed under charge of Surg. R. F. Dyer, One hundred and Fourth Illinois Volunteers. The building and other necessary were promptly supplied, and the hospital conducted in a highly creditable manner.

The small number of wounded of the Second Division (Gen. J. C. Davis) were accommodated after their arrival at Chattanooga in the general hospital of the post. This division took its position on the extreme left of the line, fronting Mission Ridge, and was ordered to act as reserve to the Fifteenth Corps, under command of Maj.-Gen. Sherman.

For the particulars of the part taken in the engagement by the Second Division, and its subsequent expedition toward Knoxville, Tennessee, I respectfully refer you to the report of Surgeon Payne, the division medical director.

During that expedition, which lasted about twenty-five days, the troops had but a scanty allowance of food, and many of them were poorly clad, but notwithstanding this privation and suffering, there had been no death from sickness, and on their arrival at Chattanooga only a remarkably small number required treatment in hospitals.

An old brick hotel, which we have had in use since the battle of Chickamauga, constitutes the hospital for the Third Division (Gen. A. Baird's). A considerable amount of labor has been necessary to render this a moderately good hospital.

For a time we were required to crowd this building with a comparatively large number of patients. By sending the more slightly wounded to the rear, in accordance with orders from the department medical director, this inconvenience has been overcome.

Credit is due to Surg. J. R. Arter, the officer in charge, as well as to the other medical officers of the Third Division, for their activity and attention to duty.

For a detailed account of the part taken by the First and Second Divisions of this corps in the assault on Mission Ridge, and subsequent movements, and the operations of Gen. Carlin's brigade, during the capture of Lookout Mountain by Maj.-Gen. Hooker, I respectfully refer you to the reports of Surgs. B. F. Miller and R. J. Bogue, the directors of the respective divisions. From personal observation, I am enabled to testify to the promptness and efficiency of the medical officers of this corps.

The single exception of misbehavior on part of an assistant surgeon is already known to you, and his case being under consideration, it is deemed unnecessary to make any further reference to it at this time.

The following is a numerical statement of the casualties of this corps:

                              K     W    T

Commissioned officers           13    38    51

Enlisted men                        114          641       755

Total                                   127         679        806

K=Killed. W=Wounded. T=Total.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

F. H. GROSS, Surgeon, U. S. Volunteers, Medical Director, 14th Army Corps.

P. S.-The delay in forwarding this report has been caused mainly by the absence of the Second Division on the expedition toward Knoxville, Tennessee

OR, Ser. I. Vol. 32, pt. II, pp. 457-458.

        27, Patrols near and skirmish at Moscow

LAGRANGE, Tennessee, December 27, 1863.

Maj. Gen. S. A. HURLBUT, Memphis, Tennessee:

One of Seventh Illinois escaped from Forrest at Somerville last night and arrived at Moscow this morning. Reports the enemy left Somerville just before he escaped and moved west. I have sent for the man and will get further information and let you know more.

B. H. GRIERSON, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 517.



LaGrange, Tennessee, December 27, 1863.

Maj. COON, Cmdg. Cavalry, Grand Junction:

MAJ.: The telegraph will not work to Corinth. Patrols in from New Castle report seeing 25 rebels near there; think there was a large force. Dispatch from Moscow about an hour and a half ago states that the Ninth Illinois met the enemy 1½ miles west of Moscow, skirmished, and drove them. The enemy retreated south. You will send re-enforcements to the road crossing the railroad east of you, and keep your patrols running.

If nothing occurs will send your train to you in the morning. We were about to send you southwest to intercept the enemy, but think it best to hold you at Grand Junction since the news from New Castle. Keep vigilant and if you hear any firing send a force and pitch into it. Communicate by return courier any information you may have. Mower should have been to Grand Junction by this time; will probably arrive soon.

B. H. GRIERSON, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 514-515.

        27, Skirmish at La Fayette

Report of Lieut. Col. Jefferson Brumback, Ninety-fifth Ohio Infantry, of skirmishes at La Fayette and Collierville, Tenn. (27th).

HDQRS. NINETY-FIFTH REGT. OHIO INFANTRY VOLS., Camp at Collierville, Tenn., December 28, 1863.

SIR: I have the honor to report that yesterday the enemy, under command of Forrest, having crossed the Wolf Creek at La Fayette, approached this place, driving before them a few cavalry that had been sent out to oppose their advance and watch their movements. About dark they engaged and drove in my pickets, after a sharp skirmish. A few shots were fired by the guns in the fort. During the night the enemy attacked one of my picket posts, when a few shots were exchanged between parties. Beyond this, all remained quiet during the night, which was very dark, and in the morning the enemy had disappeared.

The casualties in my regiment are, 2 men missing, Corpl. George W. Corbin, and Private Barton Durant. Both were probably captured by mistaking, while falling back from the picket post in the darkness, rebel cavalry for our own.

I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. BRUMBACK, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg. Regt. [sic]

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 614.

        27, Skirmish at Talbott's Station [see December 24-28, 1863, Actions at Dandridge above, and December 29, 1863, Skirmish at Talbott's Station, below]

        27, Skirmish at Grisson's Bridge

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from the Report of Lt. Col. Jefferson Brumback, 95th Ohio Infantry relative to skirmish at Grisson's Bridge, December 27, 1863.

* * * *

Arriving at Grisson's Bridge, distant from Moscow about 6 miles, and finding there detachments of the Eighty-ninth Indiana and One hundred and seventeenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, under the command of Maj. Henry, of the first-named regiment, and this location not being far distant from the proposed field of action, we ordered a halt to learn, if possible, the situation of affairs.

The major informed us that he had sent two companies of command along the road toward La Fayette, and that they had been skirmishing some minutes with the enemy, who was reported in strong force in their front.

It was still raining very hard, from our position on the locomotive it was barely possible to see distinctly anything at a distance beyond 200 or 300 yards. We concluded, therefore, that if this report of the strength of the enemy was correct, it would be to say the least, imprudent to rush blindly forward, or to move at any other than a reduced rate of speed. This conclusion became at once an imperative duty, when we took into consideration the probable condition of the arms on account of the rain, and particularly those in the hands of the men had been compelled to be transported on the roofs of the cars. Added to this was the cramped condition of the men within the cars. There was therefore but little hesitancy in determining the proper course to pursue. We directed Maj. Henry to leave two companies of his command of his command at the bridge, and with the remainder to proceed in advance of the train, prepared to resist and to give us timely warning of any attempt on the part of the enemy to draw us into an ambush. This order was promptly responded to by the major and his men, who in a moment were marching as rapidly as possible along the railroad toward La Fayette. The train was kept up, and every man in readiness to quit the cars at any moment the necessity required or the nature of the ground would permit. Any one familiar with the country along the railroad extending from Grisson's Bridge to La Fayette knows it is very low, flat, and swampy, and as a route for infantry is, at almost any season of the year, impracticable; and any officer with the least degree of military talent or common sense will, we think, agree with us that to have ordered the train, loaded as it was, rapidly forward, and this, too, in the face of an enemy reported largely superior to his own force, would have merited the severest censure to say the least. We, therefore, moved cautiously, yet as rapidly as was in our open from La Fayette not to exceed one-half mile when the men were ordered off and out of the cars and into line of battle. We were induced to do this from another report received, that the enemy was in force in front of us, which report was confirmed by the increased and rapid firing of Maj. Henry's command, deployed a short distance in advance. Our line being formed, we advanced or attempted to advance in this order, but found it wholly impossible on account of the swamps, underbrush, and down timber, and were therefore compelled to advance by the flank.

It should be borne in mind that it was now quite dark, and such being the fact it is probable that it will be conceded as another and very serious obstacle to a rapid advance.

Having marched a short distance in the order indicated, we were met by Capt. Blackburn, of the Ninth Illinois Cavalry, with the information that the enemy was still in very strong force immediately in advance of us. If this was correct, he was of course prepared to resist us.

The command passed again into the order of battle and advanced, with the expectation that the enemy would open on us every moment. We felt the importance of keeping the men well in hand in case of an engagement at that hour of the night, and exerted ourselves accordingly. We discovered in a little while, however, that our reporters had either been very greatly deceived or that the enemy had retreated precipitately. We continued on the march until we had reached an elevated position about one-fourth of a mile to the east of the village, and then bivouacked.

As my command was much fatigued, and all of us without horses, we did not think that much, if anything, could be accomplished by pursuing with infantry a well-mounted force of the enemy, and notified the division commander accordingly.

It affords me pleasure to be able to state that we here parted company with the distinguished (?) [sic] acting assistant inspector-general of the Cavalry Division. Taking the train upon which was the battery attached to this brigade, he returned, we believe, to LaGrange the same night, there to regale his commanding and superior officers with his exploits, and to assure them of his superior military talent by criticizing the operations of this brigade and by speaking disparagingly of it and its commander.

* * * *

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, pp. 617-618.

        27, Scout (couriers) Grand Junction to Bolivar

GRAND JUNCTION, December 27, 1863

Brigadier-General Grierson:

The two couriers that started from here at 9:50 p. m. reached Bolivar at 3 a. m. this morning. They attempted a crossing in a dug-out, leading their horses. The boat capsized and horses were drowned. They made a second attempt and came near drowning themselves. Came on foot back to Middleburg, where they pressed mules and came in. The two that started at 10:50 p. m. have not been heard of. The river is very high and wide. They saw nothing.

D.E. Coon, Maj. Second Iowa Cavalry.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 515.

        27, Patrols, LaGrange to Middleton and Bolivar

LAGRANGE, December 27, 1863.

(Received 9 a. m.)

Maj.-Gen. HURLBUT:

Nearly all of the Seventh Illinois have got in. Our loss in the engagement of yesterday small. The enemy lost heavily in killed. My patrols were moving all night on all roads running north between here and Middleton. No enemy discovered. Patrols went to Bolivar....

* * * *

B. H. GRIERSON, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 518.

        27, Continuous patrols initiated, Germantown, White's Station to Wolf River

LAGRANGE, Tennessee, December 27, 1863.

Capt. COKER, Comdg. Camp Sixth Illinois Cavalry, Germantown:

You will mount all your men on mules, &c., and keep patrols along Wolf River constantly. Notify Capt. Glass at White's Station to do the same. Forrest is reported to have left Somerville last night, moving west. Be very vigilant day and night.


Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 517.

        27, Skirmish near Morristown road [see December 24, 1863, Skirmish at Peck's House near new Market above]

        27, Apprehensions of a Confederate woman in McMinnville

The fates seem determined that we shall be stripped of everything we possess. Oh! when I see the ruin around me, and think of our wasted time and home, and know that thousands among us have lost dear ones of the home circle, as well as property,-words cannot express the bitterness of my soul towards those who have plunged our people into this needless and unnatural war. Everyday my whole head and soul cry out – "will it never, never end?"

War Journal of Lucy Virginia French.

        27, "…an order came for Company C to saddle up and return to the River…."

Oh, how fleeting are our joys in this wicked world of ours! Last night I was enjoying myself so well and felt so self satisfied as I saw the fruit of my labors and was just thinking I had taken a full measure of the god of fire and was about to resign myself into the arms of the drowsy god when an order came for Company C to saddle up and return to the [Elk] river to guard some wagons that were left behind stuck in the mud. Off we went not without some grumbling and I am sorry to say bad words. But in due time we found our wagons and it was to without some flounding [sic] in the mud ourselves we accomplished it and then myself and one man were sent back [to camp] to report so we made the camp again about three in the morning. Then came a couple of hours of sleep, reveille at five, and preparation to march again. We were soon on the road and a few hours brought us to Pulaski near which we camped where I was soon again as comfortable as canvas and fire could make me, and grateful to Providence that I was again able to lie down and take a nap.

Alley Diary

        27, Affair at Daniel's House, near Mossy Creek


SIR: I have the honor to make the following report of the affair of to-day:

In accordance with the general commanding, I advanced my division at 2.30 p. m. The First Brigade, Col. Campbell, on the left, and Second Brigade, Col. La Grange, on the right of the Morristown road.

The advance was but feebly opposed by the enemy, who made their greatest resistance upon the right. They did not open with artillery until our arrival at this place, and then with but two pieces, slowly served.

From the feeble manner in which our advance was opposed, I am satisfied that it was no part of the enemy's plan to fight us at this point.

I have learned that Gen. Martin, the rebel chief of cavalry, and Gen. Armstrong, were there in person.

So far as heard from the casualties are: Second Brigade, First Wisconsin Cavalry,2 enlisted men slightly wounded and 2 horses killed.

The lateness of the hour and the darkness prevent the procuring of more detailed reports from brigade commanders. I am induced to believe from my observation of the operations of the enemy, both to-day and yesterday, they desire and design to draw us into an advance upon this road.

I am, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,

EDWARD M. McCOOK, Col., Cmdg. Division,

Per J. A. S. MITCHELL, Capt., and A. A. D. C., in Absence of Col. McCook.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. II, pp. 634-635.


HDQRS. CAVALRY CORPS, Near Mossy Creek, December 27, 1863--7.30 p. m.

We attacked the enemy this afternoon at this place, and drove him from every position back to within a short distance of Talbott's Station, when, night coming on, we had to desist. Our troops went forward through the rain and mud in fine spirits. I have no particulars to communicate as yet. Martin's and Armstrong's divisions are both in our front. So far as I can learn, the telegraph wire is undisturbed between this and Strawberry Plains, and I would suggest that it be repaired at the river and an operator sent to me. That would save a great deal in time and horseflesh.


S. D. STURGIS, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg. Cavalry Corps.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, pp. 629-630.

27, "There is no suffering so intense as theirs." A dieing horse at Parker Gap; an excerpt from the diary of Brigadier General John Beatty

Our horses are on quarter feed.

Some benevolent gentleman should suggest a sanitary fair for the benefit of the disabled horses and mules of the Federal army. There is no suffering so intense as theirs. They are driven, with whip and spur, on half and quarter food, until they drop from exhaustion, and then abandoned to die in the mud-hole where they fall. At Parker's [sic] Gap [Hamilton County], on our return from Tennessee, I saw a poor white horse that had been rolled down the hill to get it out of the road. It had lodged against a fallen tree, feet uppermost; to get up the hill was impossible, and to roll down cer- tain destruction. So the poor brute lay there, looking pitiful enough, his big frame trembling with fright, his great eyes looking anxiously, imploringly for help. A man can give vent to his sufferings, he can ask for assistance, he can find some relief either in crying, praying, or cursing; but for the poor exhausted and abandoned beast there is no help, no relief, no hope.

Beatty, Citizen Soldier, p. 365.

        27, "A young man first in the bloom of manhood in the jaws of death." The Death of a Confederate Soldier in East Tennessee. An Extract from the Diary of Eliza Rhea Anderson Fain

~ ~ ~

Our soldiers are dying and I do fear we are not doing all we might do to impress them with the value of the immortal soul. I understand from Mrs. Rogan that two had died in the hospital (Heiskell house) last night. I feel so sad when I think of the dying from from their homes in a land of strangers. On last Sabbath (20th) a young man by the name of Coffee from Maury Co. Tenn. Who had been taken in by Eliza Ruth the Wednesday before died with no father, mother, sister or brother to shed a tear. No comrade soldier even to let anyone know anything particularly about him. When we got there Fain [Eliza's husband] came down and told me he thought he was dying and asked me to go up[stairs]. I went and what a sad sight met my eye. A young man first in the bloom of manhood in the jaws of death. I went up to his bedside and spoke but alas he was too far gone to give any satisfaction. I asked him if he had a mother. He answered Yes-she is just about your size I asked him when he had seen her last-he relied just now as you came in.,  Eliza Ruth had come in with me. I knew the mind was wandering and felt it was too late to gather anything which could give much hope.

Fain Diary.

        27-28, "Breaking the enemy's backbone is well enough, but I think it will do him equal injury to break his belly." Skirmish and Federal reconnaissances near Mossy Creek

HDQRS. CAVALRY CORPS, Mossy Creek, Tenn., December 28, 1863--9 a.m.

GEN.: The enemy is not in sight this morning. Reconnaissances are being made to find his position. About dark last evening the First Brigade, First Division, of Gen. Elliott, drove the enemy from his camp, capturing a few arms and their provisions, then cooking. Gen.'s Martin and Armstrong were both present last evening, with Harrison's, Holmes' (?) [sic], and McLemore 's brigades. The roads, and especially the fields, are very heavy this morning. I am not sure that I will move in the direction of Morristown. If we can obtain a good foothold between this and mouth of Chucky, their subsistence would be so completely cut off that I do not think they could occupy Morristown in force. Breaking the enemy's backbone is well enough, but I think it will do him equal injury to break his belly.


S. D. STURGIS, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg. Cavalry Corps.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 630.

        27- January 6, 1864, Anecdotes of a Tennessee cavalryman's life

On the 27th day of December, 1863, the 2d, 3d, and 4th Tennessee [U. S.] Cavalry regiments moved out from Nashville under Col. D. M. Ray. They were afterwards joined by the 5th Kentucky cavalry and 72nd Illinois mounted infantry. Passing through Hillsboro on the 28th, and on the 29th arrived at Duck River and bivouacked opposite Columbia. This was a damps, drizzly day until the afternoon, while the weather was rather warm for the season. In the afternoon Hugh C. Jeffries of Company A, and I went out to the country to get something to eat. Finding some sweet potatoes we bought a bag a full and started back to camps. We had gone without overcoats or blankets, and with thin blouses on, being quite comfortable, so far as the temperature was concerned. On our way back to camps the weather turned suddenly very cold, so much so that when we got to our place, throwing the bag of potatoes down, it felt like a chunk of ice, frozen stiff as a badger. We were almost in the same condition. The change was so sudden and the cold so intense it seemed almost impossible to keep from freezing through the night. Fences, boards, indeed, everything that would burn and give heat were rapidly consumed by the boys shivering, hovered around them. New Year, 1864, was so sold there was no stirring except for fuel. On the 2nd of January, late in the afternoon, the Third was miles on the Mount Pleasant pike. The pikes were covered with a thick layer of ices, so that it was very dangerous for the first company in marching on them. The horses were falling and tumbling in front almost all the way. But the first company cut the surface of the ice until it was not quite so bad for the others. January 3rd, we moved about five miles and stopped again. The weather continued extremely cold. On the 4th passed through Henryville. This again seemed to be the coldest weather we had ever marched in. Night came on at last. But, oh! What an uninviting night it was. Almost stiff with cold, the country nearly barren, but little hope to eat and nothing to feed our horses upon. At length we came near an iron foundry. The country nearly bare of vegetation – not even a shrub to hitch the horses to. Men and horses seemed to be sunk in gloom until it became comparatively a noisless [sic] march. Not a word was spoken – only the slow thudding of the horses' feet against the frozen ground could be heard. A had was made, and every man stood still in his place. Everything was quiet as death, when A. M. Rule, of Company A, began singing in a clear, yet solemn voice, to the tune of Lilly Dale –

"Oh, soldier, poor soldier, hungry and cold,

Therefore I'll return to my home far away,

So farewell to the brave and the bold."

Never did a thing come more appropriately; never was it more telling. It seems as if I can almost hear it yet. At length we stopped for the night. After so long a time some corn was found for the horses, but iron pigs were the hitching posts. To sleep on the frozen ground would only thaw it into mud, so some time was spent hunting for boards to sleep on. We existed [sic] the night and resumed the march next morning, passing through Waynesboro'. The weather continued to be cold.

On the 6th, we stopped at Savannah, on the Tennessee River. Alex. Kidd and the writer went out in search of food, but found none, save the house of a Federal soldier, whose family had barely enough to supply their wants, so as empty as ever we started for camps, but missing the road it was late when we got in, and so cold that the heat of a burning log heap could scarcely be felt for a long time.

On the 7th we crossed the river in the "Blue Bird," a little steamboat plying the river there. Here we took up the river, and on the 9th arrived at Corinth, Mississippi….

Knoxville Daily Chronicle, June 21, 1879.

        27, Federal orders to shoot or arrest stragglers

HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Pulaski, December 27, 1864.


Shoot all the stragglers you can catch in the act of plundering trains, and such as you do not shoot send back to Gen. Miller at Nashville.

WM. D. WHIPPLE, Brig.-Gen. and Chief of Staff.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. II, p. 386.

        27, Observations of Middle Tennessee During the Pursuit of the Army of Tennessee; Excerpts of Captain Gershom M. Barber's letter to his wife

Head Quarters O. V. S. S.

In the field

December 27, 1864

My Dear Wife

….We are now encamped at Pulaski but I suppose we start again tomorrow. For the next 25 miles we shall have dirt roads which at this season are nearly impassible….

Since my last we have crossed [the] duck [sic] river at Columbia. We were detained there one day the enemy had burned the bridge and our pontoon was a miserable affair [it] had to be repaired every hour while repairing the bridge which broke while our train were passing we fished up 3 pieces of artillery which the rebs [sic] had thrown into the water.

Christmas! How did it pass at home? Was there a vacant seat for me? I thought of it a good many times during the weary march of that day! Yes home and its customs was the banter of many a weary soldiers thoughts on that day. My men [?] however have a good Christmas supper on Christmas which our caterer foraged from the country and I guess most of the men faired nearly as well….At night we encamped in the woods at a place called Reynolds five miles south of Lynnville. The town of Reynolds consists of a wood station on the railroad a plantation about a mile away….most of the towns you will see on the map. Pulaski is a pretty little town about like Beria. So is Columbia. Franklin is a much larger place. The country in this part of Tennessee is the richest in the world. Is the best cotton country I have seen. There are thousands of acres that are unpicked for want of hands. An unpicked cotton field as this season of the year is a beautiful sight to northern eyes. I do not know which direction we take from this point. The rebs [sic] have divided into three columns on account of the condition of the roads and I suppose we shall do the same….I think the general intentions yesterday was to go towards Florence but I suspect he has changed his mind and will go to Decatur or Huntsville. So far as eatables are concerned we shall fair very well as we can forage for what we need. Which is cheaper and better than to depend on the commissary.

The men have stood the march well so far a few only having given in and been sent back. We had no mail for nearly a week and we get no papers we know little of what is going on in the world. We have a dispatch from the president that Savannah is taken. Sherman said when Hood was making his splendid flank movement to his rear "they may brag now but they will catch hell before Christmas" He has made his promise good.…

Barber Correspondence.



[1] Most likely Hamilton was making it a point to distinguish his Union supporting relatives from his Confederate relatives in the same area. See Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. Vol. 6, fn 3, p. 74.

[2] Not to Brigadier-General John Hunt Morgan!

[3] This information is not listed in the "Summary of Events."

[4] In the OR General Index Vol. 2, p. 766, Pigeon Ridge is referred to as Pigeon Hills, Tenn.

[5] Not indicated in Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.

[6] This was the last military action of Army of Tennessee in the Volunteer State. A sober and critical study of the retreats made by the Army of Tennessee could prove a valuable contribution to American military history. For a narrative of this otherwise insignificant action see: James Willis, Arkansas Confederates in the Western Theater, (Dayton, OH: Morningside House, 1998), pp 623-628. Willis has it that Forrest shot his own men who would not halt and form during the retreat from Nashville." Ibid., fn. 58, p. 623.

[7] A physic loosened the bowels. What was going on was that Yarbrough refused to assist his country by lending it some slaves to build fortifications meant, in part, to protect him from the Yankees.

[8] Order not found. Self's sentence was mitigated by President Davis, but the order cannot be found among the Confederate archives.

[9] Bole Jack Road was described by Major-General A.D. McD. McCook on December 28, 1862 as the road that went "by Lane's store, and crosses the old Shelbyville Nashville stage road at Wilkinson's 7 miles from Murfreesborough...."OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. II, p. 255.

[10] It is not clear if the skirmish on Stewart's Creek Bridge on the Jefferson Pike is the same or a separate incident. There is no report or reference in reports or correspondence to a skirmish on the Stewart's Creek Bridge on the Murfreesborough Pike. Yet there is some slight but ambiguous reference Stewart's Creek Bridge, Jefferson Pike, Tenn. Skirmish, Dec. 27, 1862, I, 20 OR General Index, Vol. II, p. 921. The two most likely refer to the same event but are given separate names.

[11] Forrest's General Report of January 3, 1863, in OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. I, pp. 595-597, does not specifically mention a skirmish near Huntingdon on the 27th of December, nor does the report of Report of Col. Cyrus L. Dunham, Fiftieth Indiana Infantry, of a skirmish at Huntingdon, December 30, and engagement at Parker's Cross-Roads in OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. I, pp. 579-585. Yet the index to Vol. 17, pt. I, p. 844 indicates information about the skirmish of the 27th can be found there. It is not known then, if there was truly a skirmish near Huntingdon on December 27, 1862. Perhaps information was obscured by "the fog of battle." Dunham's report is no less ambiguous in this regard. Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee has no reference for a skirmish near Huntingdon.

[12] It is difficult to treat this as one skirmish or several.

[13] Diary of David F. Simmons, entries for December 27-28, photo copy of original, used with permission of Joyce Minton, Contact Phone: (509) 884-0360,  jhtrich@yahoo.com. Hereinafter: Simmons' Diary

[14] Knob Gap was between the series of hills through which the Nolensville and Triune pike passed. Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee places this on the 26th, including it with the so-called "engagement" at Nolensville. However, see OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, pp. 279-283, the Report of Colonel William P. Cartlin, 38th Illinois Infantry which begins: "I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations since leaving Knob Gap, near Nolensville, December 27, 1862...."

[15] Bole Jack Road was described by Major-General A.D. McD. McCook on December 28, 1862 as the road that went "by Lane's store, and crosses the old Shelbyville Nashville stage road at Wilkinson's 7 miles from Murfreesborough...."OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. II, p. 255.

[16] It is not clear if the skirmish on Stewart's Creek Bridge on the Jefferson Pike is the same or a separate incident. There is no report or reference in reports or correspondence to a skirmish on the Stewart's Creek Bridge on the Murfreesborough Pike. Yet there is some slight but ambiguous reference Stewart's Creek Bridge, Jefferson Pike, Tenn. Skirmish, Dec. 27, 1862, I, 20 OR General Index, Vol. II, p. 921. The two most likely refer to the same event but are given separate names.

[17] Forrest's General Report of January 3, 1863, in OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. I, pp. 595-597, does not specifically mention a skirmish near Huntingdon on the 27th of December, nor does the report of Report of Col. Cyrus L. Dunham, Fiftieth Indiana Infantry, of a skirmish at Huntingdon, December 30, and engagement at Parker's Cross-Roads in OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. I, pp. 579-585. Yet the index to Vol. 17, pt. I, p. 844 indicates information about the skirmish of the 27th can be found there. It is not known then, if there was truly a skirmish near Huntingdon on December 27, 1862. Perhaps information was obscured by "the fog of battle." Dunham's report is no less ambiguous in this regard. Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee has no reference for a skirmish near Huntingdon.

[18] It is difficult to treat this as one skirmish or several.

[19] Diary of David F. Simmons, entries for December 27-28, photo copy of original, used with permission of Joyce Minton, Contact Phone: (509) 884-0360,  jhtrich@yahoo.com. Hereinafter: Simmons' Diary

[20] Knob Gap was between the series of hills through which the Nolensville and Triune pike passed. Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee places this on the 26th, including it with the so-called "engagement" at Nolensville. However, see OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, pp. 279-283, the Report of Colonel William P. Cartlin, 38th Illinois Infantry which begins: "I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations since leaving Knob Gap, near Nolensville, December 27, 1862...."

[21] This skirmish occurred exactly a year since the previous skirmish at Huntingdon. See above, December 27, 1862.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-770-1090 ext. 115

(615)-532-1549  FAX


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