23, News of Zollicoffer's defeat and death reaches Cleveland
....Heard this evening that Gen [sic] Zollicoffer's forces were defeated and he killed [sic] in Ky. The fight took place last Sunday, 19th. Mr. Bradshaw came down after dark to hear the news. The battle of Fishing Creek or Mill Spring was a complete rout of the Southern Army....
Diary of Myra Adelaide Inman, p. 128.
23, Newspaper Report on Pork Production in Tennessee
Nashville, Jan. 19.- There is some little doing in Bacon, though scarcely enough to furnish a basis for quotations. Dealers and consumers are waiting awhile to see what will turn up. We quote Shoulders at 16@ 60c, Clear Sides 22@ 14c, and Hog Round 17c,…Lard is quoted at 18 @ 20c, 9 lb in barrels, and 202, 22 ½ c in kegs.
The Pork trade is pretty well over. We hear of occasional small sales at 10@ 12cpr lb net. Large lots could not be sold at the outside figures. Many parties, who could not sell as high as they expected, have baconed [sic] their hogs, so there will probably be more Bacon for sale the coming season than has been anticipated. The Knoxville Register has some information as to the number of hogs the Government has purchased, and is having slaughtered and packed, in Tennessee, and gives the following approximate estimate: At Bristol, about 12,000, Morristown and vicinity, 20,000; Knoxville, 10,000; Loudon and Sweetwater, 12,000; Chattanooga, 20,000; Shelbyville, 50,000; Nashville, 20,000; Clarksville, 10,000; Other places about 16,000-making in all, 200,000. From these hogs the Government will net about twenty four million pounds of Bacon.
Good fat Beef Cattle find ready sale at 3 ½@ 4c pr lb. gross.
Charleston Mercury, January 23, 1862. [1]
23, Confederate official complains to Richmond about failure of conscription in East Tennessee
Hon. Ben. Hill, C. S. Senate
DEAR SIR: As you were on your return home from Congress last September I was so fortunate as to fall in with you and have a hasty conversation upon the state of affairs in East Tennessee, and the proper course to be pursued in this department. On that occasion I was pleased to find your mind open to the truth and capable of comprehending our peculiar political and social condition. As I was taking leave of you (as the train neared New Market, where I stopped) you told me that you would address the President directly upon the subject, which I have no doubt you did. I then hoped much from your action in the premises; but other counsels prevailed. Effects have followed causes, and developments have established the correctness of what I then told you was the condition of East Tennessee. I would not now trouble you with the affairs of East Tennessee if I did not feel constrained so to do by a sense of duty. It is to the calm, conservative patriots that the country must look, in this her darkest hour of trial, for deliverance. As such I have ever looked upon and now address you.
That I may the more clearly present and enforce my present views, I beg to recall to your remembrance the substance of the views expressed in the conversation referred to. On that occasion you will remember that I predicted disaster from the proposed conscription of East Tennessee. I told you that the people of East Tennessee were misrepresented and misunderstood, that there was but one single legitimate argument in favor of conscription, and that was that the men of East Tennessee were as much bound to fight for our independence as our own volunteers or the men from any other section, and that in view of moral obligation they were entitled to no peculiar exemption, and in that view the soldiers in the service had the right to feel that all should fare alike; but that being said, all was said. The end and object of the war are to preserve American institutions in their purity, defend the principles of the American Constitution, and as the only means of doing that, establish the independence of the Confederacy-whip Lincoln and his followers. To do this we must husband all our resources and bring out all our available strength; that if we found within our borders a section where the people were not politically with us, yet not our open, active enemies, it was the duty of our rulers to rise to the exigencies and importance of the occasion, take men as they were, and not as they should have been, and use them for the furtherance of the great end to be attained-the gaining of our independence-in such spheres as they could be made useful, and not with any narrow, contracted policy of political proscription decapitate or convert. I told you that East Tennesseeans [sic], as you and I had to be devoted to our Government, created by our State and Federal Constitutions. In the opening of the political struggle preceding the Revolution...all conservative men rallied around their institutions of Government, adapting the one word Union as the comprehensive indices by which was originally meant our constitutional Government as composed of our State sovereignties and Federal sovereignties as created by our constitutions, and under the ruling cry of Union formed a party, and as such party prepared to resist all political encroachments upon our institutions.
After Mr. Lincoln's first proclamation many of our best men, believing that the call for troops was only to defend the Capital against attack as threatened in the imprudent speech of Mr. Secretary Walker, again rallied to the cry of Union. And the[n] began the separation of friends in East Tennessee. At the time the separation was slight; on the stump the discussion became bitter. The breach was widened and culminated in the proposition to dismember our State. That passed away, and the great wrong to the people by the Union leaders was here committed of again rallying as a party under the cry of Union for the purpose of preventing men who had advocated the separation of the State from the Federal Union from being elected to office. Step by step (many steps taken in consequence of the rashness, not to say wickedness, of the men who claimed to control South whole counsels in East Tennessee) the people were led on until as a whole they took what they felt they had the right to take, the ground of neutrality, so far as active hostilities were concerned. This I tell you was the actual condition of East Tennessee when it was proposed to enforce the conscript law.
I told you that they would turn their strength against whichever Government attempted to force them from their position; that if the effort was made to enforce the conscript it would ruin us and greatly damage the Confederacy; that we would get no soldiers; that it would cause a stampede to Kentucky in part and a hiding out in the caves and mountains, and in the end the destruction of our section; that where we would get one man as a recruit we would send three to Kentucky and require the withdrawal of two soldiers from the army to protect East Tennessee; that we would send 10,000 men to Kentucky to the Federal lines clamoring for assistance to recover for them homes, from which they claim to have been driven; and that in all probability another effort would be made to invade East Tennessee. What I then predicted is now in part the history of this unhappy country. If you will require a report from the enrolling officer at Knoxville you will find that he has not added to the strength of the Army. He has not mustered into service as many men as have been taken from the ranks to hunt up conscripts and guard exposed points, the guarding of which has been rendered necessary by the excitement incident to this false move.
In addition to this a raid has been made upon our railroad, and every day the enemy receives full information of the state of our forces, and unless you can get the President to interpose and arrest the evil every man of the old Union party will leave. The expenses of the department are very heavy, an officer for every district in each county, any number of braided and brass-buttoned gentlemen who ought to be with their commands taking their ease as recruiting officers, besides the soldiers that are detailed to police the county and hunt up conscripts. It is now apparent to all (except a special few whose notions of a cleansing of the political sanctuary urge to seize upon the opportunity to drive from the country all who are not active political friends) that the effort to conscript East Tennessee is not only a failure, but a disastrous calamity to our cause. East Tennessee has been regarded as one of the most important sections of the Confederacy, not only on account of her geographical position and her connecting railroads, but on account of her stock and grain. Our Union men of East Tennessee did more to further our cause in 1861 by the supplies furnished than they could have done had they been zealous secessionists and in the Army, and so in 1862, though greatly interfered with by the State draft. And so now we need the labor of the farmers of East Tennessee upon their farms more than we need their unwilling service in the field, could we even get them into the Army. They are willing to work, and under the influence of Gen. Smith's proclamation of last spring were beginning to become interested in the success of our cause, as it gave to them so advantageous a market freed from the hitherto almost overpowering competition of Kentucky and the Northeestern [sic]States. When Governor Harris attempted to enforce his draft in East Tennessee last spring a fearful stampede commenced and was in steady progress. Gen. Smith by his proclamation stopped the execution of the law and invited the people to return. They did so by the thousands, not only those who had crossed the lines as citizens, but some who had entered the Federal service, some of whom are now in our Army as willing volunteers. Although the evil is in part beyond our reach, much can yet be done. If the President will under the act of Congress suspend the enforcement of the conscript law in East Tennessee and by his proclamation invite all East Tennesseeans [sic] to return to their homes, restoring them to citizenship and assuring them that during the present struggle they should [not] be required to enter the Army against their will, upon condition that they devote themselves industriously to the cultivation of their farms, all who have not yet left home will remain, all who are out in the caves, mountains, &c. (and their name is legion), will at once return, and so will every man in Kentucky who is not in the Federal Army, and all in the Army who can get a good chance to desert.
Nine-tenths of the producing labor of East Tennessee is white labor, hence, when by conscription or stampeding the men subject to military duty leave, the labor of East Tennessee is gone. There are within our borders at this time thousands of families left without any male members capable of labor. These helpless women and children are to become a charge upon the public, for whatever may be the sins of their husbands and fathers the Southern people cannot deal cruelly with them. Acts of vengeance to our women and children we must leave to our enemies with which to blacken the pages of history.
I commend to your consideration the views here so hastily and imperfectly expressed, and beg of you to interest yourself in behalf of East Tennessee. I of course do not expect my plan to be literally pursued. If any of my suggestions are adopted, all I desire is, all I seek to do is, to get before the President the true state of things in East Tennessee, relying upon his superior judgment to devise the mode of relief. Please excuse my intrusion and the length of my letter. I am not in the habit of inflicting such penance upon public men.
I am, sir, yours,
OR, Ser. IV, Vol. 2. 368-370.
23, Skirmish at Carthage
No circumstantial reports filed.
23, Skirmish on Bradyville Pike near Murfreesborough
No circumstantial reports filed.
23, Procedures and nominations for honoring gallantry in the Army of Tennessee at the Battle of Stones River [see also April 8,10, 1863, Brigadier-General George Maney expresses preferences for decorating gallantry in the Army of Tennessee at the Battle of Stones River below]
GENERAL ORDERS, No. 10. HDQRS. ARMY OF TENNESSEE, Tullahoma, January 23, 1863.
I. Corps commanders are directed to authorize the several regiments, battalions, and independent companies engaged in the ever-memorable battle of Murfreesborough to inscribe on their colors the name of that field. Such corps as distinguished themselves in brilliant and gallant charges on the enemy, resulting in the capture of his batteries, will be entitled also, in addition to the names, to place the cross cannon, inverted. Such corps, entitled to this distinction, will be reported to these headquarters.
II. Cmdg. officers are hereby reminded that it is their duty to report to these headquarters, as early as practicable, the names of such officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates who shall have displayed such "extraordinary skill and valor" as will entitle them to promotion, agreeably to the provisions of an act of Congress approved April 21, 1862. Such reports must show the facts and circumstances of extraordinary skill and valor" displayed by officers and soldiers.
III. With a view to carry into effect the act of October 13, 1862, which provides that the President may bestow medals with proper devices upon such officers of the Confederate States as shall be conspicuous for courage and good conduct on the field of battle, and also to bestow a badge of distinction upon one private or non-commissioned officer of each company after every signal victory it shall to achieve, the non-commissioned officers and privates of the company who may be present at dress parade may choose by a majority of their votes the soldier best entitled to receive such distinction, whose name shall be communicated to the President of the Confederate States; and if the award falls upon a deceased soldier, the badge thus awarded him shall be delivered to his widow; or if there be no widow, to any relative the President may adjudge entitled to receive it. It will be the duty of the several commanding officers herein referred to furnish reports of the officers who were conspicuous for courage and good conduct on the field of battle, and also to take immediate steps to ascertain in each company the soldier best entitled to receive a badge of distinction, agreeably to the provisions of the act, and report the same.
These reports will be passed through the ascending channel of communication to the commanding general, who will forward the same, with such remarks as he may deem necessary, to the Adjutant and Inspector-Gen., for the action of the President.
By command of Gen. Bragg:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 614-615.
23, Federal anti-guerrilla expedition ordered from Murfreesborough through Nolensville Hills
No circumstantial reports filed.
MURFREESBOROUGH, January 23, 1863.
Col. [J. M.] HARLAN, La Vergne:
The general commanding directs me to say that now is the time to send, say half a regiment, or even a regiment, if you think best, as skirmishers through the Nolensville Hills, to clear out the guerrillas, many of whom will be found disguised as farmers. Your men can look out for forage at the same time.
Very respectfully,
FRANK S. BOND, Aide-de-Camp.
P. S.-The general also directs that you pick up all of our horses that may be found in that region.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 6-7.
23, Daniel Ellis' account of the murder of James Taylor, Samuel Tatum, Alfred Kite, Alexander Dugger, and David Shuffield, East Tennessee Unionists seeking to escape Confederate East Tennessee.
....some of the men whom I had agreed to conduct through to Kentucky had the misfortune of being captured and cruelly murdered by the rebels. The infamous men who perpetrated these murders belonged to Folk's regiment, accompanied by some of the home guards of Johnson County, who had been ranging all over the country for conscripts, taking these home guards along with them for guides. The names of the poor fellows who were killed at the time were James Taylor, Samuel Tatum, Alfred Kite, Alexander Dugger, and David Shuffield. They were all together when the rebels discovered them, they being on one side of the Watauga River and the rebels on the other. When the first observed these men, they at once dashed across the river on their horses and surrounded them on a small ridge. Some of these men had arms, which, however, were nothing more than a pistol or a knife, which so enraged the rebel demons that they rushed forward like blood-thirsty tigers, and butchered these poor men in cold blood, without pity and without mercy. And if these black-hearted scoundrels had ever been unchained devils from the infernal regions, they could not have imbrued their hands in the blood of their innocent victims with more cool determination than they did upon this occasion.
When the rebels first fired, poor Taylor surrendered; they continued to shoot at him, while he begged them to treat as a prisoner, but instead of this, one of these incarnate devils ran up and soon silenced in, by shooting the top of his head off with a musket. Two of them then caught him by his feet, and pitched him violently over a large rock down a steep declivity, which bruised his body and broke his limbs in a most shocking manner; and, not yet content with this display of barbarity, they then threw great rocks upon him. They then took from his mangled person a very fine watch and a considerable sum of money. Tatum was killed nearly at the same time that Taylor was, he being first wounded in the shoulder, and then dispatched with great cruelty. The other three men ran some distance, while the rebels were shooting at them as fast as they could; at length they surrendered, and commenced imploring for mercy; but they might as well have asked for mercy from a gang of blood-thirsty tigers as to take it at the hands of these devils in human shape, for they were entirely heedless of their piteous cries and lamentations. In vain these poor supplicating prisoners told their reckless and infuriate[d] captors that they had done nothing deserving death, and were only trying to keep out of the Southern army. All their asseverations could not save them from the dreadful doom which their inflexible tormentors at once proceeded to assign them. Their hands were tied behind them, and they were taken to a bending sapling and hung. Some of the rebel soldiers took the ropes which they carried with them for the purpose of carrying forage on their horses, and tied them around the necks of their victims, while others would hold them up until the rope was tied to a limb, and then let them go. In this way all three of these poor men were hung up to torture, and suffer a thousand pangs of death; for they were hung so as not to break their necks, but rather to be choked by degrees, which was the refined and cruel mode of punishment which was resorted to by these inhuman murderers. Two of the poor fellow, before they were hung, begged hard for a time to pray; but even this privilege was not allowed them. The other one had been severely wounded in the beginning of the bloody affray, and was not able to talk. While they were suspended by their necks, and before life was extinct, they were treated with the greatest brutality, by their reckless murderers beating them with their guns. Captain Roby Brown, a citizen of Johnson County, Tennessee, and one of the home guard in that county, enjoyed himself very much at this miserable feast of blood. He had a complete frolic around them while they were struggling in all the agonies of a terrible death. He knocked them with his gun, and would then dance upon them, and turn them around violently, telling them to "fact their partner." He would say to them that "he did not like to dance with any person that would not face him;" while they, with their tongues as black as ink protruding out of their mouths, and their eyes bursting from their sockets, exhibited a spectacle of horror which was enough to strike terror to the very soul of any person who was not perfectly hardened in villainy and crime, and callous to the most wretched displays of human suffering, and steeped in the deepest depths of infamy. But I can not [sic] presume to say that this most desperate and incorrigible scoundrel, Roby Brown, was in the possession of a human heart; if he was, it was entirely impervious to human feeling and to human sympathy, and was as cold and hard as the glacier rock of Mount Jura's bleakest hill-top. He may rest assured that he will receive a just recompense of reward for his terrible crimes, both in this world and in the world to come, for an avenging Nemesis will pursue him with her terrible whip of scorpions around the whole orb of his earthly existence; and when the Dim Unknown shall unlock the casket which confines his guilty soul in its tenement of clay, and hurries it to appear before the great Omnipotent in all its naked deformity, there he will receive that just retribution which in iniquitous and wicked life richly deserves, in the "everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels."
The rebel soldiers remained where they hung these poor men until they thought they were quite dead, and then left the place. Some kind citizens, who had been watching the conduct of the rebels not far off, immediately hurried down to the place where they were hanging and cut them down, hoping to find that the spark of life had not fled from all of them; but they were all perfectly dead, and presented a sight too shocking to behold. Some of their ribs were broken, and their bodies were badly bruised, where the rebels had stuck them with their guns. They were not taken up, and were taken a short distance from where they were hung, and buried quite secretly and in a very rough manner, as the Union citizens were afraid to make any noise or display when they were committing them to their last resting-place. [sic] Taylor was a gentleman. He had been a recruiting-officer [sic] in the Federal army, and was captured by the rebels and put in prison. He had escaped from the prison...and had come into Carter County, on his way back to his command, and was waiting when he was captured....The other men who were killed were nice young men, belonging to our own mountains, and would have made good soldiers in the Federal army.
The massacre which I have detailed in the forgoing pages occurred on the 23d day of January, 1863.
Thrilling Adventures for Daniel Ellis, p. 107-110.[3]
23, Female confederate spies held hostage
A Hostage.—We are informed that Mrs. Judd was among the prisoners sent to Alton, Illinois, a few days ago, and that she is to be held as a hostage for Mrs. Carter, now a prisoner in Atlanta, Ga., charged with being a spy.
Nashville Dispatch, January 23, 1863.
23, Nashville's dancing school
Amusements in Nashville.—In ordinary times, Nashville possesses many sources of amusement, but at present our citizens are compelled to seek for pleasures under considerable difficulty. Our theatre is closed from want of gas to illumine the house, and balls and parties have been out of fashion since the war. Our custom being to see a little of everything that is going on, on Wednesday night we groped our way through worse than Egyptian darkness and pools of mud to the Dancing School of Mr. Goodwin, in Kirkman's buildings, corner of Summer and Union streets, where we found a number of young gentlemen practicing the Terpsichorean art—the new beginners exhibiting characteristic energy and nervousness, and older students displaying the grace and elasticity acquired only by practice and careful attention to instructions. Here we spent the evening pleasantly.
Nashville Dispatch, January 23, 1863.
23, Nashville by candlelight
Star candles, which were selling Thursday at 28 to 30 cents per pound, were held at 45 cents yesterday. The gas gave out yesterday morning, and candles were in universal requisition last night.
Nashville Dispatch, January 24, 1863.
23, Newspaper report relative to an attack on East Tennessee by Confederate forces near Fish Springs, Johnson County
Attack on Tories in East Tennessee.
A band of tories about seventy in number, under an outlaw names Taylor, were attacked on the 23d [of December, 1862[4]] in Johnson county, Tennessee, by forty of our men, under Colonel Folk.[5] A letter says:-
The tory cavalry and infantry were parading in a field near the Fish Springs[6]. Colonel Folk ordered his men to swim the river and charge them. The Tories seeing this, abandoned their homes and took shelter upon the summit of a huge ridge. Folk's men were then dismounted, and charged up the ridge, completely dispersing the tories. All of their horses were captured. Four of the tories were killed, and a number wounded and captured. They captured were immediately hung, by order of Colonel Folk. Taylor was killed.
Richmond Dispatch.
Philadelphia Inquirer, January 23, 1863.
23, Skirmish near Newport
JANUARY 23, 1864.-Skirmish near Newport, Tenn.
No. 1.-Brig. Gen. Samuel D. Sturgis, U. S. Army, commanding Cavalry, Department of the Ohio.
No. 2.-Col. Oscar H. LaGrange, First Wisconsin Cavalry, commanding Second Brigade, First Cavalry Division, Department of the Cumberland.
No. 1.
Report of Brig. Gen. Samuel D. Sturgis, U. S. Army, commanding Cavalry, Department of the Ohio.
SEVIERVILLE, TENN., January 24, 1864.
GEN.: I have just returned from Fair Garden and McCook's position near Dandridge.
Yesterday I ordered a party of 150 men under Maj. Kimmel to attempt the destruction of a pontoon bridge reported to be near the mouth of the Chucky. The party returned early this morning, having gone up the Chucky some 3 miles, but found no pontoon. The Chucky is very low and fordable at nearly all points.
Yesterday evening Col. LaGrange (First Wisconsin) was sent with his brigade to intercept a reported train of wagons (said to be 100) with infantry escort war Newport, and conveying forage to Morristown. The colonel has returned, but found no wagons. He captured 15 prisoners. Both these scouting parties examined the country with a view to its resources of forage, &c., going into and through the Dutch and Irish bottoms, and report that the forage has been nearly all hauled by the enemy to the north side of the river, where it is protected by strong guards of infantry. Col. LaGrange estimates that in what was reported to be the richest portion of the valley a division of cavalry could not subsist longer than three days. From these reports it will be seen that there is nothing left for this force but to settle about this place until it shall have exhausted the country, which will be but a short time. What is to do then it is difficult to say.
I do not know that it can be avoided, but I may say that It Is a pity that circumstances should compel us to entirely exhaust the country of these loyal people. If we remain here long they must suffer, and it will be impossible for them to raise anything next year. The necessity for pressing supplies leads so immediately to plundering that soldiers find no difficulty In taking the step from the one to the other, and In spite of all I can do to the contrary. It is distressing to witness the sufferings of these people at the hands of the friends for whom they have been so long and so anxiously looking. You cannot help it; neither can I, and I only refer to it because my heart is full of it.
S. D. STURGIS, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg. Cavalry.
P. S.-The enemy has made repeated attempts to cross to this side, but have been driven back in every attempt. The Infantry of the enemy was sent back to Morristown on Monday morning last [18th].
No. 2.
Report of Col. Oscar H. LaGrange, First Wisconsin Cavalry, commanding Second Brigade, First Cavalry Division, Department of the Cumberland.
CAPT.: I have the honor to report that the scout from the Second Brigade proceeded by way of Dutch Bottom through Irish Bottom to the house of William Jack, 2 ½ miles from Newport. At this point about 300 of the enemy were found drawn up in an advantageous position, and it being near night and our horses somewhat jaded it was not deemed prudent to attack him.
One of the enemy's outposts was attacked, 3 killed and 16 with arms and horses captured. No loss sustained by the scouting party. Only about 3,000 bushels of corn observed on the entire route.
Most respectfully,
O. H. LAGRANGE, Col., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, pp. 114-115.
23, Scout from LaGrange to Ripley, Mississippi
JANUARY 23, 1864.-Scout from LaGrange, Tenn., to Ripley, Miss.
Report of Col. Edward Prince, Seventh Illinois Cavalry.
HDQRS., LaGrange, January 23, 1864.
SIR: A scouting force of this regiment, just back from Ripley, captured 3 prisoners and lost 3, taken prisoners. May I send now flag of truce proffering exchange?
E. PRINCE, Col. Seventh Illinois Cavalry.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, p. 116.
23, Restrictions on the employment of private guards
Special Orders, No. 21
Headquarters United States Forces
Nashville, Tenn. Jan. 23, 1864
I. All soldiers permitted at any time by orders from commanding officers of this Post to go to private houses in or out of the city as guards or otherwise, will immediately report to Capt. Hunt, 1st Ky. Inf., commanding Convalescent Camps and Barracks.
Parties desiring private guards outside of the post picket lines, will apply to the Major General commanding the District.
By order of Brig. Gen. R. S. Granger
Nashville Dispatch, January 28, 1864.
23, "…there has [sic] been so many soldiers encamped here that the country has been overrun and almost ruined…." Frank M. Guernsey's letter to Fannie[7]
Lafayette, Tennessee
January 23rd, 1864
My Dear Fannie:
This is a beautiful spring morning and as warm as May at the North, one would hardly believe that one or two weeks ago, stern winter with his iron hand was dealing so roughly with us, but that is now past and gone and nearly forgotten by us in the enjoyment of the present, a soldiers [sic] dread is of the future not of the past. I think that we have suffered enough this winter from cold and exposure to be entitled to the pleasant weather we are now having.
We are now encamped at or near the place where we had a slight skirmish with the enemy the last of December. It is not a very pleasant place, there has [sic] been so many soldiers encamped here that the country has been overrun and almost ruined, there is not a fence in sight consequently we have to cut our wood, a job which a soldier dislikes very much. I should think from the appearance of things that there was once quite a little town here, but all there is left now is two houses and one of them is good for nothing. I do not expect we shall stay here long, we have received orders to get ready for long and tedious marches, and to store at Memphis all our surplus baggage. I expect that we shal [sic] go to Memphis and from there perhaps to Vicksburg and then take it on foot, the good Lord only knows where, it may be that if such is the case you will not hear from me in a long time, but I shall write every chance I get, there is great preparations being made for a very active campaign in the spring so that you need not be supprised [sic] if you hear of something breaking loose in this Department
I received a long letter from brother George a few days ago and he scolded me as usual for not writing more often. He said Mib had gone east to see her mother who was not expected to live. He thought he should go home sometime this winter, they have filled their quota under the new draft. Mr. Gordon & Stevens have enlisted,--Glen received news from Ohio a few days ago of his Father's death, he thinks he shall try and go home, if he does you will probably see him in Weyauwega. I expect Fannie dear this will prove a very dull letter to you, for I have nothing in particular to write about, everything is in Status quo so you must excuse all deficiencies this time. Please give my regards to all and believe me as ever
Yours affectionately
Frank M. Guernsey
P.S. Fannie, won't you all step in and take dinner with me to day, some of my boys went foraging yesterday and made me a present of two chickens [sic] a nice duck [sic] and some honey. Fannie if you come I will let you cook the fowls aint that fair, or I will cook them myself just as you think best about that.
Guernsey Collection.
23, Federal military situation report for East Tennessee
KNOXVILLE, TENN., January 23, 1864--7.30 p. m.
Maj. Gen. U. S. GRANT:
The enemy has retired to Strawberry Plains, followed by our infantry, who have recaptured a portion of the drove of cattle. I apprehend no further movement of the enemy very soon. The troops are now preparing to go into quarters. They must have a month or two of rest, or they will not be in proper trim for the spring campaign. Gen. Sturgis, with his whole command, is above Sevierville. Col. McCook's brigade, of Gen. Elliott's division, has captured a rebel wagon train loaded with supplies, with an officer and about 80 prisoners. Gen. Sturgis has sent a force to destroy the rebel's pontoon-bridge near the mouth of the Nola Chucky.
J. G. FOSTER, Maj.-Gen., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. II, p. 218.
[1] As cited in PQCW.
[2] Robert McKinney Barton, 34th (Confederate) General Assembly representing Hancock, Hawkins, and Jefferson counties. His home, "High Oaks" was in Hamblen County. During the war he served in Abingdon, VA, as head of railroads.
[3] Daniel Ellis, Thrilling Adventures of Daniel Ellis, The Great Union Guide of East Tennessee for a period of Nearly Four Years During the Great Southern Rebellion. Written by Himself. Containing a Short Biography of the Author, Will Illustrations; (NY: Harper & Brothers, 1867; rpt, Johnson City, TN; The Overmountain Press, 1987), pp. 107-110.
[4] This date is an approximation. It might well have been November 23, 1862.
[5] Lieutenant-Colonel George N. Folk, commanding the Seventh North Carolina Volunteers, was ordered on October 13, 1862 by Confederate army officials in Knoxville, Tennessee, to "break up and suppress an organization of Tories from North Carolina and such other hostile bands as you may find." While a full report was to be made it was either lost, or never made, or not included in the Official Records. See: OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, p. 940.
[6] Perhaps a geographical mistake was made. There is today a Fish Creek community on the south side of Watauga Lake, then the river, located just across the lake from Johnson County, in Carter County, on SR 67.
[7] This letter concludes the Frank M. Guernsey collection.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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