Friday, January 9, 2015

addendum to 1.6.2015 Tennessee Civil War Notes

            6, U. S. Christian Commission, Memphis branch, report for 1864

[Mr.] M. H. Way of the U. S. Christianz Commission in Memphis reported that in 1864 it issued to U. S. troops:

15 blanket, 350 bed ticks, 12,849 shirts, 943 quilts, 3,459 pillow, 6,000 pr. drawers, 2,600 pillow cases, 1,353 sheets, 402 dressing gowns, 219 coats and vests, 4,303 towels and 683 prs. socks, 156 prs. slippers, 632 fans, 298 mosquito bars, 7,665 lbs of bandages, 1,829 cans fruit, 1,240 lbs. concentrated beef, 833 lbs dried beef, 245 ½ lbs dried fruit, 1,856 lbs. butter, 954 doz. eggs, 1,856 bottles wine and spirits, 3,319 cases concentrated milk, 30, 179 gal. pickles, 7,051 gal. suarkraut, 3,312 bush. potatoes, 4,203 bush. onions, 563 gal. of ale, 355 bush green apples, 3,605 lbs. farinaceous articles, 34,190 lbs. soda crackers, 1,993 lbs. crushed sugar, 2,243 lbs. corn meal, 613 lbs green tea, 88 ½ lbs. cod fish, 400 bottles relishes, 40 reams writing paper, 20,000 envelopes. At northern prices this amounted to over $100,000. Additionally, at "[the] Soldiers' Lodge on the bluffs...during...November and December 1864" 8,865 meals were served to disabled, furloughed and discharged soldiers going home.

Memphis Bulletin, January 6, 1865.

            6, Complaints about excesses of Captain Worthman's Union home guards in the Shelbyville environs

HDQRS. POST OF MURFREESBOROUGH, Murfreesborough, Tenn., January 6, 1865.

Maj. JOHN O. CRAVENS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Tullahoma, Tenn.:

MAJ.: I have the honor to report that complaints are almost daily brought to me of the conduct of certain men who style themselves "home guards," said to be organized at Shelbyville by one Capt. Worthman. These men go about the country and, without warrant, take from the citizens horses and mules and forage, without giving receipts or vouchers; enter houses, order their meals, search trunks and bureau drawers; all, I suppose, in the name of the Government of the United States. I am told that a perfect reign of terror exists at and in the vicinity of Shelbyville. I am further informed that the said Capt. Worthman, in less than three days, paroled about 150 rebel deserters, on his own authority and contrary to positive orders from department headquarters. I shall send a party to examine and collect evidence, and, if circumstances warrant, to arrest all the offending parties, when I will make a full report. A few days since Lieut. Sheets, acting assistant adjutant-general, arrested and sent to Tullahoma a man who represented himself as belonging to the Fifth Tennessee Cavalry, furloughed by his captain and surgeon; unfortunately, the names of the men-the captain and surgeon-were not taken.

H. P. VAN CLEVE, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg. Post.

OR, Ser. I. Vol. 45. pt. II, p. 528.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-770-1090 ext. 115

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