16, Expedition from Fort Henry to Waverly
Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.
16, Bragg appoints Pillow as chief conscript officer of the Army of Tennessee
HDQRS. ARMY OF TENNESSEE, Tullahoma, Tenn., January 16, 1863.
Under the instructions of the War Department of the 8th instant, Brig. Gen. G. J. Pillow has been directed to organize a volunteer and conscript recruiting bureau for the army. For the execution of this important duty, commanders of army corps and detached brigades and regiments will detail, upon his written application, as recruiting officers three field officers from each regiment, in their respective command, who shall promptly report for instructions and duty to Gen. Pillow. Maj. Cheatham, acting quartermaster, will report to him immediately. Maj. Guy, acting commissary of subsistence, will, as soon as he arrives, report for same duty. Gen. Pillow will select from the other officers, to report to him such as he may deem proper to serve on his staff or in his office. He will be allowed to receive volunteer recruits for existing regiments from all sections, who will be entitled to all allowances heretofore granted volunteers, volunteer companies from sections of the country occupied by the enemy, or from behind his lines or positions, and to enforce the conscript law in all sections of the country in our power, and from which we have, with the army existing, regiments, battalions, or companies. He will order suitable localities as rendezvous for volunteer recruits and conscripts, will observe as his guide the conscript law with all exemptions, and will be furnished, upon application, with surgeons for inspecting volunteers and conscripts. He will report his orders, instructions, and wants to these headquarters. Such force of cavalry as may be necessary will be placed at his disposal upon application. Commanders of corps having cavalry with their corps, and commanders of bodies of cavalry for local and temporary want, will furnish him with one or two companies of cavalry for service in the vicinity of the headquarters of such corps, upon his written application, who, when the temporary service is rendered, will return to duty with their respective corps. As fast as volunteer recruits and conscripts are in hand, and received, they will be reported to and turned over to commanders of corps. He will keep a record of all his orders and instructions in a well-bound book, with which he will be furnished by [the] quartermaster of the army, which book will be, when the service is performed, turned over to these headquarters. He will be allowed to have printed his orders and instructions on public account. He will cause to be apprehended and sent to their respective commands, under guard, all stragglers and men absent from their commands without proper orders, and, for the better execution of this, will invoke the aid of the civil authorities. His orders for transportation of himself and staff, recruiting officers, and recruits and conscripts upon railroads will be respected and obey.
By command of Gen. Bragg:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. II, pp. 498-499.
16, Notice concerning enforcement of Confederate Draft in East Tennessee
Notice to all Subject to Conscription
Office Commandant of Conscription
Knoxville, Jan. 16th, 1863
I am authorized by the commanding General to say that as soon as all the conscripts in the different counties have been called to the rendezvous, the railroad, provost and other guards, commanding officers of posts and detachments, will receive orders to arrest all male white citizens of conscript age, who cannot show a certificate of exemption from conscription, a discharge from service by reason of having furnished substitute in the army, or a detailed transcript of employment in the government service.
Hereafter all certificates of exemption granted by enrolling officers will be sent to me for approval. All claims to exemption under the law must be made to the enrolling officer of the district, who will refer the application with his endorsement, to me.
All persons who may be arrested after the call to rendezvous in the county, to which they may belong, will be tried for desertions.
Certificates of exemption on account of disability will be signed by the examining board.
E.D. Blake, Lt. Col., C. S. A., Commander of Conscripts
Chattanooga Daily Rebel, February 12, 1863.
16, Special Orders, No. 16, establishing military commission in Memphis
SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 16. HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE TENNESSEE, Memphis, Tenn., January 16, 1863
* * * *
I. A military commission, to be composed of three members, will assemble at Memphis, Tenn., at 10 a. m., on Wednesday, the 21st instant, at such place as may be assigned by the post quartermaster, to try all cases that may be laid before them by the department, district, or post commanders, the provost-marshal-general, or district provost-marshals.
The commission may enter any jail or place of confinement, talk to prisoners, examine their cases by taking oral or written testimony, and order the release of any such prisoners. They may also inflict punishment by fine or imprisonment, or both, or may sentence persons to be sent away North or South.
A correct record of each case will be made, and sent to the provost-marshal-general, and the judgment of said commission shall be subject to the approval of the general commanding the department.
The following detail is made for such commission:
Col. W. H. H. Taylor, Fifth Regt. [sic] Ohio Cavalry Volunteers.
Lieut. Col. Charles H. Adams, First Regt. [sic] Illinois Artillery Volunteers.
Lieut.-Col. [F. M.] Smith, Seventeenth Regt. [sic] Illinois Infantry Volunteers.
The senior officer of the commission will act as president, who will call for such orderlies, clerks, and assistants as may be required.
The commission will sit without regard to hours, and will make such rules and regulations for their own government and the disposal of the business as they may see fit, provided they do not conflict with department orders.
The commission has a right to summons and enforce the attendance of any person as witness within the department; also the right to enter premises and call for papers.
The commission will sit daily (Sundays excepted) until further orders.
By order of Maj. Gen. U. S. Grant.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. III, p. 1067.
16, Federal expedition, Fort Henry to Waverly
Report of Brig. Gen. Alexander Asboth, U. S. Army, commanding District of Columbus.
JANUARY 17, 1863.
* * * *
During the snow-storm yesterday Col. Lowe, commanding Fort Henry, sent out an expedition to Waverly, which captured 1 major, 2 captains, 1 quartermaster, 1 sergeant, and 7 privates belonging to different regiments of the Confederate Army, together with horses, arms, &c.
ASBOTH, Brig.-Gen., Comdg. District.
Maj. Gen. U. S. GRANT, Comdg. Department of the Tennessee, Memphis, Tenn.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. I, p. 798.
COLUMBUS, January 18, 1863.
Maj. Gen. U. S. GRANT, Comdg. Department of the Tennessee:
....During the snow-storm yesterday Col. Lowe, commanding Fort Henry, sent out an expedition to Waverly which captured 1 major, 2 captains, 1 quartermaster, 1 sergeant, and 7 privates, belonging to different regiments of the Confederate Army, together with horses, arms, &c.
ASBOTH, Brig.-Gen., Comdg. District.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, pp. 573-574.
16, The sniping death of one Federal soldier in September 1862, according to the testimony of Col. E. M. McCook, given on January 16, 1863, before A Military Commission convened at Cincinnati, Ohio, on the 27th of November, 1862, to investigate and report upon the operations of the army under the command of Maj. Gen. D. D. Buell, U. S. volunteers, in Kentucky and Tennessee
* * * *
Question. At what place was it that you attempted to burn the corn fields and at what time was it?
It was after we left Murfreesborough, at that place where one of the soldiers had been shot in a field. He had unbuttoned his pantaloons and sat down to relieve himself, when he was shot out of a house. I found his body lying there. I tried to burn the fields. Every person ran away from there; there were none but women left, no men.
I cannot fix the place, general; it was where we had to leave the pike. The bridge had been burned down, so we had to go off the road, and I found the man; he had not been shot more than five minutes. It was in September [1862].
Question. And was this man shot when you were encamped?
We were on the march; he was one of the soldiers who were in advance and had left the column.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. I, pp. 328-329.
16, Assessments for secret-service and hospital funds in federally occupied Memphis
GENERAL ORDERS, No. 5. HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE TENNESSEE, Memphis, Tenn., January 16, 1863.
Hereafter there shall be collected by provost-marshals for secret-service and hospital fund the following fees:
For each permit to buy cotton at any military post, whether as principal or agent, $100.
For each permit to trade at any military post where trade is not regulated by the civil authorities, $100.
The amount thus collected shall be reported and paid over by each local provost-marshal to the provost-marshal of his district at the time of making his weekly report, and by district provost-marshals reported and paid over to the provost-marshal-general at the time of making their semi-monthly report.
The provost-marshal-general will pay over said find to the chief quartermaster of the department who will hold the same subject to the order of the general commanding the department.
Each local provost-marshal will keep a duplicate of all permits granted under his order, and will state in his reports the name and residence of the party obtaining the permit and the date thereof.
All permits heretofore granted will be considered revoked and the parties required to comply with the terms of this order.
This order is not to be construed to remove any restrictions imposed by previous orders.
By order of Maj. Gen. U. S. Grant:
JNO. A. RAWLINS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 569.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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