30, Newspaper report on the condition of the Confederate Army at Tullahoma after the Battle of Stones River
Tullahoma is a melancholy place. It is a little wayside depot, with a few squalid huts, a few framed housed and cottages, and a great many body lice-just now. It was once a famous locality for maple sugar and gin cocktails. Devilish little of both "at last advises." Camps, soldiers, and snow now predominate. The ground is covered with snow. It flies through the crevices of this tent, even as I write. A motley tent this, I tell you -- made out of a Brussels carpet and a coffee sack. Four of us occupy it and pass our time in martial meditations fancy free. Lord, if the General could only hear us! However, we regard this situation as a good one because it isn't likely to bring us into a fight shortly. Fighting, since Murfreesboro, is at a discount....
That Murfreesboro business was bloody, you can yet see the traces of it. An empty sleeve now and again, or two crutches, or a face with a big patch on the side of its head. But the boys are in good spirits, never saw them better. I meet many an old friend, "Well, how goes it old boy?" says he, "Sorry you were not with us down there, but-better luck next time Jolly old fight!" For endurance, personal daring and enthusiastic onset it has not been equaled since the time the war began. Here's a health to its heroes!"
(signed) "BUSTEMENTE"
Chattanooga Daily Rebel January 30, 1863.
30, Skirmish with guerrillas at Dyersburg
JANUARY 30, 1863.-Skirmish at Dyersburg, Tenn.
Report of Col. Oliver Wood, Twenty-second Ohio Infantry.
HDQRS. UNITED STATES FORCES, Trenton, Tenn., February 4, 1863.
SIR: I respectfully send you the following report of the skirmish at Dyersburg, of the forces under my command, with [W. A.] Dawson's guerrilla band:
The expedition, consisting of 100 of the Eleventh Illinois Cavalry, under Capt.'s Burbridge and Moffitt, and 38 of the Twenty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry, under Lieut. Whitehead, left this place at 2 p. m. January 30, in three detachments--the right, under Capt. Burbridge, taking the Newbern road; the center, Capt. Moffitt, the Dyersburg road; the left, Lieut. Whitehead, with mounted infantry, taking the Chestnut Bluff road--with orders to concentrate at Dyersburg as soon as possible.
Capt. Moffitt was the first to arrive at Dyersburg, and found the enemy posted in a house at the west end of the bridge across the Forked Deer River. The rebels had been in this position for some time during the day, skirmishing with a detachment of the Third Michigan Cavalry, under Capt. Quackenbush, to prevent them from crossing the bridge. It was near midnight when Capt. Moffitt arrived, and, finding where the enemy was posted, ordered his men to charge, which they did in gallant style, Capt. Moffitt leading the advance, completely routed them, killing 2, wounding 4, and capturing 17, when the rebels broke and fled in every direction. Capt. Moffitt was severely wounded in the thigh. This was the only casualty on our side. Capt.'s Bubridge and Quackenbush and Lieut. Whitehead arrived soon after with their commands, and were sent in different directions in pursuit of the fugitives. The country was completely scoured for several miles in every direction, and every ferry destroyed on the Obion and Forked Deer Rivers that could be found. The search was kept up for three days, when I ordered it discontinued, the men and horses being nearly worn down from hard service and exposure. We captured in all 30 prisoners, 25 horses, and 28 guns, of all kinds, calibers, and descriptions.
Every officer and man did his duty faithfully and with alacrity. Were I to personate [sic], duty would compel me to name every officer and man of the command. One incident will illustrate the temper of the men. Lieut. Whitehead, commanding the mounted infantry, swam his command across a branch of the Forked Deer rather than march 2 miles to a ford, fearing that he would be behind time. Many of the horses failed on the march, and I allowed the men to take the captured horses and remount. I have taken charge of the horses that had given out on the march and brought them to this place.
I regret to state that Lieut. Neeley, Third Michigan Cavalry, was accidentally, and, I fear, mortally, wounded in the thigh. The surgeon thinks there is but little hope of his recovery.
I left three companies of the Eleventh Illinois Cavalry, under the command of Capt. Burbridge, at Dyersburg, to watch the movements of the rebels and report to me. If Dawson shows himself, we will soon be on his track.
Respectfully, yours,
O. WOOD, Col., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I. Vol. 24, pt. I, p. 335.
30, U. S. S. Lexington destroys storehouse used as a base by Confederates on Cumberland River and intelligence report on strength of Confederates near Harpeth Shoals
OFFICE MISSISSIPPI SQUADRON, Cairo, Ill., January 30, 1863.
SIR: In obedience to your order, I proceeded up the Cumberland River with the gunboat Lexington to Nashville, Tenn., and returned to this place last night [January 29]. Meeting with a transport that had been fired upon by artillery 20 miles above Clarksville, I at once went to that point and, landing, burned a storehouse used by the rebels as a resort and cover. On leaving there to descend to Clarksville, where I had passed a fleet of thirty-one steamers with numerous barges in tow, convoyed by three light-draft gunboats under Lieutenant-Commander Fitch, the Lexington was fired upon by the enemy, who had two Parrott guns, and struck three times, but the rebels were quickly dislodged and dispersed.
I then returned to Clarksville and, agreeable to the arrangement already made by Lieutenant-Commander Fitch, left that place at midnight with the whole fleet of boats, and reached Nashville the following night without so much as a musket shot having been fired upon a single vessel of the fleet. Doubtless the lesson of the previous day had effected this result.
From the best information to be had, it appears that the rebels have a number of guns with a considerable covering force extending along Harpeth Shoals, a distance of some 8 or 10 miles. This force can readily operate upon both the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers. Besides these guns the enemy also has several pieces about Savannah on the Tennessee. No steamer should be permitted to run on either river above Forts Henry and Donelson without the convoy of a gunboat.
Lieutenant-Commander Fitch has not at present an adequate force to protect Government transports upon the two streams, and I would suggest the propriety of sending him the Lexington. Her heavy guns have great effect with the rebels, and while they will fire upon vessels immediately under the howitzers of the light-draft gunboats, they will not show themselves where the heavier gunboats are. I have no doubt, with the aid of the Lexington, Captain Fitch will be able effectually to protect all the Government vessels in those rivers. I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
S. L. PHELPS, Lieutenant-Commander.
Navy OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pp. 21-22.
30, William Lacy writes to his son, Lieutenant A. J. Lacy, 8th Tennessee Cavalry
State of Tenn [sic] Jackson County Jan 30th 1863
Dear and most affectionate son,
It is with pleasure that I seate [sic] my self [sic] to try to wright [sic] to you a fiew [sic] lines to let you know that we are enjoying reasonable health at this time hopeing [sic] when these fiew [sic] lines comes [sic] to your hand they may find you enjoying good health. We received your kind letter dteed [sic] Jan the 7 which have us great pleasure to hear from you _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____[illegible] I have been trying to fix to come to see you but the weather has been so bad that it looks like it is to [sic] bad to leave your mother and Elizabeth to make fires and feed the stock I am not stout and bearing that was in the western district and then in Kentucky first one plase [sic] and then a nother [sic] I thought that I had better [illegible] coming to see you at this time unless you was stationed at one place so I would be searton [sic] to see you but I would ride that distance mighty cheerful [sic] if I knowed [sic] when I got to Columbia that I could meete [sic] you thare [sic] but it is so unsearten [sic] and my health is not very good.
But I am still able to attend to our stock. We have nothing strang [sic] to wright [sic] but we still have good news of our sucsess [sic] in Misouri [sic] and Missipi [sic] and also in Tenn [sic] and Virginia. It chears [sic] me up to hear of your victorys [sic] you gained in scout [sic] in the western district but sory [sic] to hear that you lost your horse and sadle [sic] but when I look at the matter I want to be thankfull [sic] that it was your horse in sted [sic] of your self. [sic]
Loften came home this evening while I am wrighting [sic] to you. He says he wants to see you very bad. He says he would be glad you was up hear [sic] in their company to scout a long [sic] the border and be with him. G Gs [sic] hips hurts [sic] him a good [sic] but he is still able to scout and gather up conscrips [sic] which they have been at for some time. I want you to wright [sic] to us every chance and wright [sic] whether you got a letter and a pair of gloves [sic] that your Mother knit and sent to you. I taken them [sic] Mr [sic] John Bulingtons [sic] to get him to take them but declined going at that time and sent them by Mr [sic] Steven Davis. We wanted to know whether you got them or not. And I wrote by Mr [sic] Clinton and he turned back and you never [sic] got that letter. We have wrote [sic] every chance but we fear you never got all our letters.
My son my pen cant [sic] describe to you how bad we want to see you but we still hope that you will get to come home and see us before long but the time seams [sic] long to us.
Wright [sic] every chance and let us know whether your health is any better and how you are getting along and whether you neede [sic] any clothing or not. Give my respects to all the boys and reserve a full shear [sic] for your self [sic]. Little Wm W is a pourful [sic] peart [sic] boy. Grows fine. We want you to write every chance so I ad [sic] no more at present, but still remains your affectionate father and mother untill [sic] death.
Wm and Kezia Lacy to A. J. Lacy
Lacy Correspondence.
30, Capture of Confederates near Tennessee River near N&NW Railroad
CHATTANOOGA, TENN., January 30, 1864.
(Received 3 a. m., 31st.)
Maj. Gen. H. W. HALLECK, Gen.-in-Chief:
The report regarding Corinth was received from prisoners by Col. Miller. I do not consider it reliable. Brig.-Gen. Gillmer reports having sent parties out from the line of the Northeastern Railroad as soon as he learned of the rebels crossing the Tennessee River, and having returned with Lieut.-Col. Brewer, 2 captains, 3 lieutenants, and 20 men as prisoners. Work on the road is progressing favorably.
GEO. H. THOMAS, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. II, p. 264.
30, Report of Maj.-Gen. Rousseau regarding conditions in Middle Tennessee
The Report of Major-General Lovell H. Rousseau regarding conditions in Middle Tennessee at the end of January 1864 is remarkable inasmuch as it speaks to the effects of military rule in the area. The report provides a rare and striking glimpse into the social circumstances and change rendered by two years of war and military occupation.
HDQRS. DISTRICT OF NASHVILLE, Nashville, Tenn., January 30, 1864.
Brig. Gen. W. D. WHIPPLE, Asst. Adjt. Gen., Dept. of the Cumberland:
GEN.: I think it proper I should report to you touching affairs in this district generally, and I do so.
The troops are generally under good discipline and very well drilled; far better than I expected to find.
They are well equipped and in good condition, excepting of course the Fifth Tennessee Cavalry, Col. Stokes, and a few others who are neither well drilled, disciplined, or equipped.
It is proper for me to remark here that two battalions of that regiment will never be of service together, and I shall press upon Governor Johnson the suggestion of the general commanding the department to separate them.
Generally matters go on pretty well between the military and the people in the district, but with some exceptions. They have not gone so well at and about Gallatin. At other posts in the district there has been no real cause for compliant, the post commanders having been vigilant in suppressing the rebellion and just in their treatment of the people.
I call especial attention to the admirable administration of affairs in his command by Col. Henry R. Mizner, Fourteenth Michigan Volunteers, at Columbia. His troops, generally led by Maj. Thomas C. Fitz Gibbon, a very efficient and gallant officer, have captured, I believe, more armed rebels than he has men in this regiment.
The disposition of the people to return to their allegiance is general and apparent. I think that eight-tenths of the people of this district desire the restoration of civil authority and the old Government, and will say so when the proper occasion is offered. I have conversed with most of the leading and influential men of the district, and think I am not deceived.
The change is very marked and decided, and the general commanding himself would be surprised to see it.
The disorders and confusion incident to the war have caused great suffering, of which they are heartily tired, and are desirous of peace on almost any terms.
The negro population is giving much trouble to the military, as well as to the people. Slavery is virtually dead in Tennessee, although the State is excepted from the emancipation proclamation. Negroes leave their homes and stroll over the country uncontrolled. Hundreds of them are supported by the Government who neither work nor are able to work. Many straggling negroes [sic] have arms obtained from soldiers, and by their insolence and threats greatly alarm and intimidate white families, who are not allowed to keep arms, or who would generally be afraid to use if they had them. The military cannot look after these things through the country, and there are no civil authorities to do it.
In many cases negroes [sic] leave their homes to work for themselves, boarding and lodging with their masters, defiantly asserting their right to do it. It is now and has been for some time the practice of soldiers to go to the country and bring in wagon-loads of negro women and children to this City, and I suppose to other posts. Protectionists are granted to some slaves to remain with their owners, exempt from labor, as in case of Mrs. Buchanan, relative to Secretary E. H. East, whose letter on that subject is forwarded with Thos. Gen. Paine has adopted the policy of hiring slaves to their owners by printed contracts, made in blank and filled up for the occasion, which, though a flagrant usurpation, I have not interfered with his action on that and many other subjects, preferring to submit such matters to the consideration of the general commanding the department, which I shall do in a separate communication forwarded at the same time this goes. Inclosed I send you blank contract used by Brig.-Gen. Paine.[1]
Officers in command of colored troops are in constant habit of pressing all able-bodied slaves into the military service of the United States.
One communication from citizens near McMinnville on that subject I have already forwarded you. Many similar complaints have been made.
This State being excepted from the emancipation proclamation, I supposed all [these] things are against good faith and the policy of the Government. Forced enlistments I have endeavored to stop, but find it difficult if not impracticable to do so. In fact, as district commander, I am satisfied I am unable to correct the evils complained of connected with the black population, and, besides, I am not without orders or advice from department headquarters. At best, the remedy would be difficult to find, and I suppose can only be furnished by the restoration of civil authority. By proclamation Governor Johnson has ordered elections in March of civil officers.
I desire to call attention to another matter. From impressments, legal and illegal, and from thefts, there are very few horses, mules, or oxen left on the farms, and the few that are left are almost worthless. At present there are many large farms without one serviceable work beast on the place. The farmers are afraid to purchase because of repeated impressments. Every mounted regiment that goes through the country takes what it pleases of stock, &c., and pays what price, or none at all, it likes. Between the loyal and disloyal no discrimination is made. Unless an order be made preventing future impressments and protecting the farmers, little or no crops will be produced.
When the civil authority shall be restored, assurances of protection from department headquarters to all persons who would take the oath of amnesty prescribed in the President's proclamation, in my opinion, would induce the community almost in a body to voluntarily take that oath and seek the protection of Government. At present that proclamation is of little practical utility amongst the people, as there is no person appointed by whom the oath should be administered, no place or time fixed for that purpose. It would seem that some importance should be attached to the administration of that oath to produce the effect designed, and should not be (as oaths heretofore) lightly administered.
The policy of seizing houses in Nashville in which to place commissary and quartermaster stores is bad for the Government and unjust to the people; it is done at an enormous expense, as rents average high here and the Government cannot afford to take a loyal man's store-house without paying him a fair compensation. A very small portion of the rents thus paid would be sufficient to erect temporary buildings, which would furnish ample room for all such stores. Several quite extensive buildings of the character indicated have been erected and others are nearly completed, but it would certainly be better if all Government stores were kept in Government buildings, as it would save expense of labor in handling the stores and placing them in and taking them out of upper sorties of houses, as well as of money in rents.
The building of the Northeastern Railroad is progressing pretty well. The following is a report of the present condition of the road:
From Nashville: Road in running order, 34 miles; ready for grading and iron, 20 miles.
From Tennessee River in this direction: Ready for iron, 18 miles; grading yet to be done, 6 miles.
Col. Innes, First Michigan Engineers and Mechanics, reports that he requires two more negro regiments, [with] which, in addition to some 300 of McCallum's men (he understands is ordered to report to him, and that if the quartermaster will send forward the iron he can get one or two more engines to send to the Tennessee River), he can finish the road ready for business in sixty days. Fifteen hundred tons of iron for that road left Pittsburg for this place three days ago. I shall endeavor to supply Col. Innes with the forces he desires as soon as it may be done.
The Fourteenth Michigan (Col. Mizner) is re-enlisting, and will soon probably go on furlough as veterans. Other troops will have to fill their place.
The road to Columbia, including bridges built, was repaired by men principally under my command. Some time since, as you were informed at the time, I sent a regiment of colored troops to guard at small bridges and to erect stockades. This I thought necessary, as squads of the enemy were going through the country and might interrupt transportation by the destruction of those bridges. When Gen. Ward's brigade, now ordered to the front, shall leave here, there will not be enough troops to guard the railroad between this and Murfreesborough and the supplies at this point. There will then be but four regiments left here-the Thirteenth Wisconsin, Seventy-third Ohio; one of them must be sent on the railroad toward Murfreesborough.
The Thirteenth Wisconsin has re-enlisted and will soon go home, thus leaving two regiments of infantry and Col. Galbraith's battalion of cavalry to guard this place. It seems to me that now one of the two regiments at McMinnville could be spared from that point-Twenty-third Missouri Volunteers-to this place, thus leaving Col. Gilbert, the more efficient of the two, in command of the post. It is hoped that the bridge now being built by him will be finished by the time the Twenty-third Missouri starts for this place, if you think it should be so ordered; but even the addition of that regiment will not afford a sufficient guard for the supplies here. I have telegraphed on this subject to-day. The Eighth Iowa Cavalry is on the line of Northeastern Railroad, and Gen. Gillem thinks it is needed there.
Respectfully submitted.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. II, pp. 267-270.
30-31, Federal scout and reconnaissance in Sevierville area
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE OHIO, Knoxville, January 31, 1864--9 p. m.
Brig. Gen. S. D. STURGIS, Cmdg. Cavalry Corps:
GEN.: Your dispatch of to-day is received.
The commanding general directs me to say that the information which he has received from scouts does not confirm your report as to strength of the enemy at Sevierville. A reconnaissance will be sent out to-morrow to ascertain the truth of these conflicting stories. After you have rested your horses for a day, and have sent the detachment on the expedition marked out in my last dispatch, you will keep your remaining force in the enemy's front to check him, and discover his strength and intentions.
We have trustworthy information to-day to the effect that all the infantry (rebel) which were over on the French Broad have returned to Morristown. The impression is amongst those who bring the news that Longstreet is satisfied with having checked our movement at Dandridge, and has gone again into winter quarters.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
EDWARD E. POTTER, Chief of Staff.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, pp. 137-138.
30, Censorship of the press in Memphis
WEST TENNESSEE, Memphis, Tenn., January 30, 1865.
Capt. F. W. FOX, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Department of Mississippi:
CAPT.: On the 24th instant my attention was called to certain seditious articles in the Memphis Daily Evening Democrat of the 23d instant, commenting unfavorably upon the orders and policy of Maj.-Gen. Dana, commanding Department of Mississippi, and Maj.-Gen. Canby, commanding Military Division of West Mississippi, and upon the officers and orders of the enrolled militia of the district. Also an article charging corruption on persons in high places. These articles, taken in connection, were evidently meant and intended to bring into disrespect the military authority, and to obstruct, hinder, and defeat military orders by exciting the citizens and soldiers within the command to disobey said orders. The publications above referred to have been cut from the Memphis Daily Evening Democrat of the 23d instant and are attached to this communication I directed the provost-marshal to arrest the editor of said paper and bring him before me. When he appeared I admonished him that publications reflecting unfavorably upon the character of officers in the military service or any discussion of military orders would not be allowed, and that in future he must abstain from such publications. I required him to give me any information that he might possess of corrupt or improper conduct of any officer or person connected with the military service within the District of West Tennessee, alluded to by him in said articles. He declared that he had no such information. I then required him to give me the name of any person who he had reason to believe possesses knowledge of such conduct or practices. He assured me that he had no knowledge of any such person. These questions were written down and read to him and ample time given to reflect upon and answer them. Copies of the questions and answers are hereto attached. When he denied all knowledge and information of the charges made and insinuated by him, I proposed to release him upon the condition that he would retract the statements made and publish the same in his paper of the 25th. He accepted his release from arrest upon the conditions imposed and promised that the proper explanations and retractions should be made in his paper of the 25th. No explanation or retraction was published in his paper of the 25th, but another offensive article, headed "Liberty of the press," appeared, in which he declared himself ready to prove all he had heretofore charged. The article alluded to is attached for this violation of orders and breach of his parole I ordered him under arrest a second time and placed him in confinement in the military prison. To-day he addressed me a petition, a copy of which is attached in which he retracts the offensive statements and pledges himself to abstain from giving offense in like manner again. Mr. J. M. Tomney, of the Treasury Department, pledged himself for his future good conduct and I immediately released him. I submit these facts and trust my conduct will meet the approbation of the major-general commanding.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
JAMES C. VEATCH, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.
HDQRS. DISTRICT OF WEST TENNESSEE, Memphis, Tenn., January 30, 1865.
Questions propounded to W. H. McClay, editor of the Memphis Evening Democrat, when examined on the 24th January, 1865:
Question. Have you any knowledge of the corrupt or improper conduct of any officer or person in or connected with the military service of the District of West Tennessee?
Answer. I have no such knowledge or information.
Question. Have you any information which leads you to believe that any other person, whose name you can give, does possess the knowledge of such corrupt conduct or practice?
Answer. I have no information of the name of any such person.
Question. What high places do you refer to in your article headed "Corruption," published in your paper of the 23d instant?
Answer. I did not mean any particular places. I had heard vague rumors, but I cannot give the name of any person who uttered such rumors, nor can I state what persons or places they referred to.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 48, pt. I, pp. 685-686.
30, Federal Scout near Warrensburg, Greene County[2]
From John K. Miller
He'd Q'rs Brig. Gov's Guards
Camp Near Knoxville. Jan 30th, /65
Brig. Genl. Andrew Johnson
Military Gov. Tenn.
I have the honor to state that I sent a dismounted scout of nineteen men under Command of Lieut. Bible Company "A." 8th Tenn. Cav. in the vicinity of Warrensburg where I learned there were some Reble [sic] scouts annoying the people very much. The scout returned on the 26th. inst [sic] bringing (13) Thirteen prisoners, killing two rebels.-Capt Armstrong formerly a citizen of Knoxville-a bad man. One private by the name of Jenkins of Polk County, Also Captured (14) fourteen good cavalry horses and equipments all their Carbines and Eleven good navy Pistols without the loss of a man on our side.
The Reble [sic] force now in East Tenn. Consists of small detachments and scouts prowling over the country robbing and stealing, murdering good citizens of the Country. Our command is in good health, fine Spirits, faring very well, have good quarters, sheds for the horses, our stock is improving very fast. Governor-we would be very pleased if a pay master could be ordered here to pay this command as the men have four months pay due them to Dec. 31st and they need money very much as a great many have their families near and a destitute condition and if paid now their families and friends could get relief and be benefited by the same.
I am requested by Capt. Hambright of Co. "A" 10th. Tenn. Cav. to send his compliments to you and say there is a vacancy in his Regiment for Maj. He would be pleased if you would take his name in to consideration and if you think him worthy and competent to fill the position of that rank he would be thankful for the favor. Capt. Hambright (has behaved) as a soldier and Gentleman since he has been in E. Tenn.
I also inclose an application for permission to raise a Regiment of Lt. G. S. Smoot's of N.C. I can say that I know Mr. Smoots. He has ever been a Union man of Wilkes County N.C. a Gentleman of good sense and popular and energetic, kept the old flag, the stars & stripes up in Wilkesboro the longest of any town in the State. He has brought a great many recruits out and as there are many more in that Country and a great many deserters coming through, He could recruit fast. He has some Sixty now in reserve if he gets the authority to raise a Regiment and I understand there is about Eighty coming from Asheville in a few days. The Regiment would be still the 4th. N.C. Infantry.
I am very Respectfully Your most obedient Servant
John K. Miller, Col. Comd'g Brig Gov's G's
Papers of Andrew Johnson Vol. 7, pp. 446-447.
30, Testimony relative to the arrest of two Franklin county bushwhackers
Jany 30, 1865
To the Provost Marshal General Tullahoma:
Sir, I sent tonight two prisoners who were captured this morning a little before day break at the house of one Kelly, about 7 miles beyond Winchester. Their names are John Ragan and Samuel Nance. They were according to all the information I can get among the murderers of the colored man Preston Pierce who was killed on the 22nd [of December, 1864]. Two others named Temple and Rogers were engaged with them. They admitted to me to day that they had been present with Temple and Rogers and that the latter killed the man, but that they were not present at that time. The real truth is they were all together according to the best information I can get. These men are also reported to be notorious bushwhackers and murderers before this last murder.
I send Kelly and his wife along, for the reason they were represented to me as voluntarily harboring and concealing these men. Some of their neighbors are ready to vouch for their loyalty, and claim that the bushwhackers forced themselves upon them. I leave that for our determination. The horses, harms, & accouterments of the bushwhackers were captured & brought in and will be turned over to the proper officers.
Byrin Paine Lt. Col. PRO VI, Comdt Post.
Testimony of Matilda Jane Kelly
I reside about six miles below Winchester in Franklin County Tenn. I am married. My husbands [sic] name is Luke Kelly. On or about sundown of the 20 of Jany 1865 two men named Reagan and Sam Nance rode up to the house dismounted and entered the house by the back door said they wanted to see Kelly to induce him to go see Mr. Gillespie to induce him to intercede for them to see if they could get out of bushwhacking. I told them Kelly my husband would not be at home that night. They said they were going to stay at my house. I answered they could not that my husband was not at home. They said they would stay. After Kelly came home they requested him to intercede for them in order that they might return to their home. They then laid down by the fire and remained in that position until the Federal soldiers arrived a little before day. They surrounded the house and told me to make a light. They then come [sic] in the house and asked if any Bushwhackers were in the house. I told them there is and they inquired where. I said the next room. The Lt [sic] asked me if I sick had taken the Oath I stated I hand not. The men who were in the house made some show of resistance but were overpowered by the soldiers. After doing this Federal soldiers asked if I could fix breakfast for them. I said I thought I could if they would help me. They assisted me in fixing the fire and such and that is all the conversation I recall at present as passing between myself and the soldiers mentioned. As soon as they took breakfast they left with their prisoners. They brought my husband and myself along with them. They asked me after I stated that Kelly was not at home for the Bushwhackers being there. That is all I remember of the conversation. Matilda Jane Kelly.
With Fire and Blood, pp., 147-148.
30-February 1, 1865, Scout, Pulaski environs
Pulaski, Tenn., January 29, 1865.
Lieut. Col. R. W. SMITH:
COL.: Gen. Johnson desires you to have a party of twenty men from your regiment made ready to go on a three days' scout, starting late in the afternoon on Monday. They will be placed in charge of an officer or non-commissioned officer of energy, vigilance, and first-rate capacity generally. As an officer is to go in command of a party from the Eighth Michigan, which will co-operate with them, it is not very important that you should place an officer in command, though it is desirable, if you have a first-rate one. Let the officer or non-commissioned officer who goes report here at 9 a. m. to-morrow for instructions.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
E. T. WELLS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
Col. E. MIX:
COL.: You will cause a party of twenty men, in command of an efficient, enterprising, and reliable officer to be made ready to go on a three days' scout, starting to-morrow evening. They will co-operate with a party of the same number from Sixteenth Illinois, going by another road. The officer in command will report here at 9 a. m. to-morrow for instructions.
This by order of Brig.-Gen. Johnson.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. I, p. 609.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 115
(615)-532-1549 FAX
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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