Monday, January 7, 2013

January 6 - 7 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

6, Prisoner exchange and smuggling

A flag of truce was sent out yesterday by order of Gen. Rosecrans, to convey a number of ladies to the Confederate lines who desired to go South; also, the Rev. C. D. Elliott, who goes South for the purpose of effecting an exchange of Dr. Charlton, of this county, arrested some time since and paroled by the Confederates, for himself. If he succeeds in effecting the exchange, we understand he will remain in the South.
We understand a hack containing two of the ladies was brought back after having got out several miles, it having been discovered that a small box containing contraband articles was concealed under the seat. The driver—a colored man—subsequently admitted that he was the one who endeavored to smuggle the box through, and he was sent to the penitentiary to await further action in his case. The authorities having become satisfied that the ladies were innocent of any participation in this attempt to smuggle through contraband articles, sent them forward again under a flag of truce, so that the whole party is probably now in Dixie.
Nashville Dispatch, December 7, 1862.
7, Cavalry skirmishing near Clinch River
TAZEWELL, December 7, 1863--9 p. m.
Maj.-Gen. GRANT:
I have returned from the Clinch River where I expected to join a brigade of infantry and drive the enemy from the summit of Clinch Mountain, so as to play on the flanks of the retreating enemy with artillery; but the troops were so weakened by the one-quarter rations that they have had for some months that they did not get to the position in time. The cavalry have skirmished with the enemy all day. Upon my return here I find a dispatch from Gen. Burnside desiring me to join him with my whole force. This I shall do, as my force is too small to do much by itself. Gen. Burnside thinks Longstreet is not defeated, but is merely falling back to avoid Sherman.
J. G. FOSTER, Maj.-Gen.
(Same to Gen. Halleck.)
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 351.

7, Bombardment of Murfreesboro by Confederate artillery
No circumstantial reports filed.
Excerpt from the Reports of Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, U. S. Army, commanding Department of the Cumberland, relative to the bombardment of Murfreesborough by Confederate forces on December 7, 1864.
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Eastport, Miss., January 20, 1865
Gen. Rousseau.
* * * *
The enemy showing an unwillingness to make a direct assault, Gen. Milroy, with seven regiments of infantry, was sent out on the 8th [7th] to engage him. He was found a short distance from the place on the Wilkinson pike, posted behind rail breast-works, was attacked and routed, our troops capturing 207 prisoners and two guns, with a loss of 30 killed and 175 wounded. On the same day Buford's cavalry entered the town of Murfreesborough after having shelled it vigorously, but he was speedily driven out by a regiment of infantry and a section of artillery.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 36.

Excerpt from Report of Major-General Lovell H. Rousseau U. S. Army, commanding District of Tennessee of operations December 4-12, 1864, relative to the engagement at Wilkinson's pike (a.k.a. "Battle of the Cedars") and bombardment of Murfreesborough by Confederate force on December 7, 1864.
* * * *
Just before Gen. Milroy fell upon the enemy Buford's division of cavalry attacked Murfreesborough and entered the town, shelling it fiercely, knocking the houses to pieces. With a regiment of infantry and a section of artillery I drove the enemy out of the town, and I have not heard any more of them in my direction since. All is perfectly quiet here to-day, which doubtless resulted from the fact that the enemy was badly whipped. In these fights the troops have behaved with exceeding courage and I am glad to say that the new troops have not been at all behind the old in the exhibition of steadiness and courage.
* * * *
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 613.

A detachment of confederates [sic] make their appearance on the east and south east of town, coming within the [city] limits, planting some pieces of artillery and commenced a vigerous [sic] shelling of the place. It was said to be a Missippi [sic] regiment. They threw some forty or fifty shots in town in different directions, doing but little damage more than striking a few  houses. Two shots striking the court house. One or two striking Lawing Cabinet Shop. One near the Methodist church. Several others in this vicinity. None of the shells bursting. No one killed by these shots. The firing lasted in this direction for some time. This was a wanton piece of destruction. Nothing to be gained by the confederates [sic] in thus shelling the town. The federal troops were all at the forts. Nothing remaining in town but citizens and many of them at the forts guarding property.
In the mean time  Gen. Rousseau came from the fort with a detachment of artillery. During the shelling of the confederates, advancing up College Street. Planting his cannon [he] commenced returning the fire. In a short time the confederate battery was silenced, having one of the gun carriages disabled.
* * * *
Spence Diary.

Excerpt from the Report of Major-General Nathan Bedford Forrest, relative to the shelling of Murfreesborough on December 7, 1864.
* * * *
It is proper to state here that I ordered Brig.-Gen. Buford to protect my left flank, but he was so remote the order never reached him. While the fight was going on, however, he made a demonstration on Murfreesborough, and succeeded in reaching the center of town, but was soon compelled to retire.
* * * *
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, pp. 755-756.

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