Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mollie’s Change of Heart

            28, Mollie's Change of Heart

An Important Letter.

The following letter was handed us for publication. It speaks for itself:

Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 28th, 1865.

Dear Brother Tom: I wrote you some six months ago, and feel quite uneasy about you, as not a line has reached me since you left last summer. I now repeat that matters and things about here are getting worse every day.

You will be astonished to hear that your friends of the female denomination are dropping off every day.

Yes, dropping too as willing victims into the arms of the ruthless invader: Just think of it! Mollie—the unconquerable--who used to parade that large Beauregard Breast pin, and who used to sing "Maryland my Maryland" with so much pathos, was married some four months ago to a Federal, with but one bar on his shoulder. Sally who used to sleep with the Bonnie Blue Flag under her pillow, looking daggers and pistols at the invaders, who would not speak to her school mates N. & C., because they received and treated Federal Officers with due politeness; she too has gone, she married a Federal Officer with two bars. She, the Historical one, who carried the glittering Stiletto in her belt, who was going to imitate Charlotte Corday and assassinate somebody for her country's sake, she too has gone the way of all flesh, and married an Officer with that detestable Eagle on his shoulders. And now pull out your handkerchief and prepare for the worst, my poor brother Tom. Your old sweet heart Anna; the one to whom you dedicated your sweetest verses and whose melodious voice so often mingled with yours in the days of yore--who defied generals and the whole 15th army corps, who was sent first to the North, but upon whose rebellious temperament no climaterial [sic] change could have the least influence; she too has hauled down the stars and bars, and is about to surrender at discretion. I should not have believed this, but to convince myself, I passed the house the other night with a gentleman--who protects us during your absence—on purpose to find out the state of her political sentiments, for a musical programme; take it like a man Tom, for I must tell you that I heard very distinctly the words of "Rally round the Flag" and the Union forever, sung in her best style, with a glorious tenor voice mingling with it. Poor brother Tom you know I considered her always the Gibraltar of the South, and now when she surrenders, I think that the Confederacy is gone up.

You had better come home immediately and look after your interests in that quarter, as perhaps, it may not be too late yet to procure a favorable change in your favor. Tell the boys down in Dixie if they do not return soon, they will not find a single girl or widow below Conscript age in these parts; as the watchword seems to be "Suave qui peut" which means marry who you can. My principles are unchanged and I am as true to the South as ever. We have a Captain boarding with us, merely by way of protection, who appears to be rather a clever fellow for a Federal Officer. He takes a sly glance at me, at the table sometimes, but of course I do not return it, you know me too well for that. Let me hear from you soon and believe me ever

Your loving Sister,


P.S. I. Do you think it would be a violation of my Southern principles to take an occasional ride with the Captain? he has such a nice horse and buggy. You know there can be no possible harm in that.

P.S. II. That impertinent fellow actually squeezed my hand as he helped me out of the buggy this evening. We had such a delightful ride. I want you to come home and protect me Tom--as I don't want to live this way much longer.

P.S. III. If ever I should marry a Yankee, (but you know my principles too well for that), I would do it merely as the humble instrument to avenge the wrongs of my poor oppressed country; little peace should he find by day or night; thorns should be planted in his couch, his dreams should be of Holofernes, and my dry goods bills as long as the Infernal Revenue Law.

P.S. IV. Come home poor Tom and take the Amnesty Oath for two months or thereabouts.

I was to tell you a secret; on due consideration, I have come to the determination to make a martyr of myself. Yes brother Tom I am going to marry the Captain on patriotic principles.


[Marshall] Texas Republican, August 25, 1865.[1]


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