10, Guerrilla attack at Holly Tree Gap, near Franklin
Nashville Daily Union, July 12, 1862.
Franklin, Tenn., July 10, 1862.
Editor of Nashville Union:
Sir: As Mr. Barnett, wagon-master of the 69th Regt. O. V. I., and Capt. T. H. Reynolds, sutler of 78th Pennsylvania Regt., were returning from Nashville in an open buggy, last evening, about 8½ o'clock, they were fired upon at a point distance five miles from here, known as the Holly-tree Gap, by a number of guerrillas in ambush. Mr. Barnett, though severely wounded, will doubtless recover. Capt. Reynolds was killed instantly, being struck by as many as a dozen shot, several of them ranging towards the heart. Mr. B. having made good his escape by hard driving, informed the military authorities here of what occurred, who immediately ordered out all the available force of cavalry, with a wagon, to recover the body of Reynolds, and to find out the cowardly assassins.
They returned about 1 o'clock. A. M., without having obtained any clue to the perpetrators. Has it come to this, that a person dare not travel on the public highway for fear of being murdered by parties of white-livered scoundrels in cold blood, and in 13 miles of the Capital.
Such an act, as atrocious and so cowardly, demands a prompt and severe punishment inflicted upon guilty parties when found.
Yours, &c.,
Nashville Daily Union, July 12, 1862.
Bushwhacking.—Captain Reynolds, Sutler of the 78th Pennsylvania regiment, and a wagon-master of an Ohio regiment, while en route for Columbia, yesterday evening, were fired upon a party of bushwhackers, Captain Reynolds being instantly killed, and his companion receiving several shots from which he cannot recover. Capt. R., it is said, was pierced by at least ten balls. The wounded man was conveyed to Franklin, near which place they were assailed.
On Wednesday last, Capt. Wilkinson, Sutler of a Michigan regiment, met his death in a similar manner, in the same vicinity, about fifteen miles from this city. All of these officers were on their way to Gen. Buell's army.
Such intelligence as this can only awaken feelings of acute pain in every humane breast, and we sincerely hope measures will be taken to operate effectually against this system of warfare.
Nashville Dispatch, July 11, 1862.
10, The continuation of public education in occupied Memphis
School Visitors.
At a called meeting of the members elect of the new Board of School Visitors, at the office of James Elder, Esq. On the 7th instant, I. S. Clark, in the chair, the Board was organized by electing James Elder, President; I. S. Clark, Secretary, Sam. Tighe, Treasurer. Vacancies appearing in the Third and Fifth wards, T. B. McEwen, Esq., was duly elected to fill that in the former and, and Thos. H. Allen, Esq. the latter. The next meeting of the Board takes place at 4 PM at Mr. Elder's office, No. 4 Madison street. We are assured that nothing will be wanting on the part of the board to prosecute the schools for the coming year with the utmost efficiency. They will be thoroughly exacting in the competency of teachers, not only in scholastic attainments, but in a proper discipline; and it is to be hoped parents will co-operate in such measures as shall secure punctual and regular attendance on the part of pupils. Our common schools ought to take a high stand, and we are certain will, if those for whose benefit they are established will second the efforts of the Board and teachers.
Memphis Union Appeal, July 10, 1862.
10, Capture of outpost at Union City
JULY 10, 1863.-Capture of outpost at Union City, Tenn.
No. 1.-Brig. Gen. Alexander Asboth, U. S. Army, commanding District of Columbus, Ky.
No. 2.-Col. John Scott, Thirty-second Iowa Infantry.
No. 3.-Maj. Edward Langen, Fourth Missouri Cavalry.
No. 1.
Reports of Brig. Gen. Alexander Asboth, U. S. Army, commanding District of Columbus, Ky.
COL.: I beg have to report that, on the 10th instant, about 7 a. m., the advanced cavalry post of Union City was surprised by a rebel force 600 cavalry, under Col. [J. B.] Biffle. Our loss is from 90 to 100 men killed, wounded, and prisoners.
I immediately ordered Col. Scott, Thirty-second Iowa Infantry, with six companies of his regiment, by railroad, [added] to Union City, but the rebels had left the place an hour before his arrival. Inclosed please find Col. Scott's report, showing that the disaster was caused by the total neglect of the officers to follow even the ordinary military precautions, not to speak of my peremptory and repeated orders distracting the utmost vigilance.
As the rebel force is rapidly increasing in the District of Jackson, by recruit and conscripting, I requested Maj.-Gen. Schofield to reinforce me, and last night 600 men arrived from New Madrid as a temporary loan.
Feeling the great importance of holding our communications and river navigation open and uninterrupted, I again respectfully request that some additional cavalry and a battery of light artillery may be sent me, and now that Vicksburg has fallen, and troops can be spared from there, I ask that, if possible, Montgomery's brigade, comprising four of my old infantry regiments, may be ordered back to this district.
Should the general commanding direct Gen. Dodge to move force to Jackson and above, I would request to be informed in time, so as to be enable to co-operate as far as my limited force will admit.
Respectfully, colonel, your obedient servant,
ASBOTH, Brig.-Gen.
No. 2.
Report of Col. John Scott, Thirty-second Iowa Infantry.
HDQRS. THIRTY-SECOND IOWA INFANTRY, Camp near Columbus, Ky., July 11, 1863.
CAPT.: In obedience to the verbal orders of the general commanding, I have the honor to report that, on the 10th instant, with he effective men of my command (164 enlisted men, 9 line officers and 5 officers of the field and staff), I proceeded by rail to Union City, Tenn.
I found on my arrival at that point, at about 3 p. m., that the place and Federal forces had been captured by rebel forces, said to be under Col. Biffle, of Forests' command, at about 7 a. m. It was a complete surprise, and no organized resistance was made. From information received, I may state the loss at 2 killed, 8 wounded, about 90 prisoners, 116 horses, and transportation and camp equipage at the post destroyed.
I estimate the rebel forces at about 650. They retired in the direction of Troy. At about 2 p. m. I found the citizens in burying our dead and caring for the wounded. The latter, except one man, not able to be moved, I brought to post hospital at this place. The former I left to be decently buried by the citizens.
The names of the killed are Henry Rosengoetter, private Company C, Fourth Missouri Cavalry and Henry Stribbers (or Strubberg ), private Company E, Fourth Missouri Cavalry.
The only mention that both officers and men of my command behaved well, and confidently advanced upon the town, believing it to be them occupied by a superior force.
You most obedient servant,
JOHN SCOTT, Col. Thirty-second Iowa Infantry.
No. 3.
Report of Maj. Edward Langen, Fourth Missouri Cavalry.
COLUMBUS, KY., August 8, 1863.
CAPT.: In obedience to orders from headquarters District of Columbus, Ky., Maj. G. Heinrichs, commanding post Clinton, Ky., ordered, on the 26th day of June, 1863, Company C, Capt. C. Rosa, and Company I, of the Fourth Regt. [sic] Missouri Volunteers Cavalry, both companies under command of Capt. C. Rosa, to Union City, Tenn., as advanced post, and continued there until the 10th day of July 1863, where we were in the morning between 9 and 10 o'clock surprised by a rebel force superior in numbers.
The rebels surrounded the place, and, after a short fight, in which 2 were killed and 8 men wounded, the whole command was captured, except 2 men, who escaped to Clinton, Ky.
All the camp and garrison equipage, books, and papers belonging to said companies were also taken and partly destroyed by the enemy, who, left the place two hours after their first appearance, taking along with them all the officers and men as prisoners except dead and wounded, the former unburied, the place. Brig.-Gen. Asboth sent, as soon as he heard of the disaster, re-enforcements by railroad, which found the place evacuated by the enemy, buried the dead, and brought the wounded to Columbus, Ky., in hospital of killed, wounded, and prisoners of both companies. [list not found]
Your most obedient servant,
EDWARD LANGEN, Maj. Cmdg. Detachment Fourth Missouri Volunteers Cavalry.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, pp. 822-824.[1].
10, Skirmish at Bolivar
JULY 10, 1863.-Skirmish at Bolivar, Tenn.
No. 1.-Brig. Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, U. S. Army.
No. 2.-Lieut. Col. James F. Drish, One hundred and twenty-second Illinois Infantry.
No. 1.
Report of Brig. Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, U. S. Army.
CORINTH, MISS., July 11, 1863.
GEN.: The force that went to Bolivar met the rebels and drove them out, killing 1 and wounding several, taking 1 captain and several privates prisoners. The force that went north to Purdy drove the rebels north toward Jackson. Newsom, Biffle, and Forrest are all raising regiments in that country. Richardson is said to be on Hatchie, near Denmark.
G. M. DODGE, Brig.-Gen.
No. 2.
Report of Lieut. Col. James F. Drish, One hundred and twenty-second Illinois Infantry.
SAULSBURY, July 10, 1863.
COL.: The Eleventh Illinois Cavalry, sent out from here this morning, met the enemy at Bolivar, and engaged them, and drove them across the Hatchie. They were about 80 strong, supposed to be Richardson's command. We killed 1, wounded several, and captured 1 captain and some men. There is no force of the enemy on this side of the Hatchie. Maj. Funke was in command of the force from this place.
The Second Iowa joined after the fight was over.
J. F. DRISH, Lieut.-Col., Commanding Regiment.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. II, p. 667.
10, "Sanitary Regulation."
The mayor has given notice to all owners or lessees of houses, sheds, inclosures or vacant lots in this city, to immediately remove all grass weeds and rubbish from the sidewalks and gutters in front of their premises, and to fill all holes in their lots or grounds which may collect water. Flatboats must be kept free from stagnant water or removed without the city limits. On Monday, July 18, and on such succeeding Monday the loose dirt and rubbish in front of each house or loft shall be cleared by the owners or lessees thereof to the middle of the street, and piles made of dirt near the edge of the gutters, where it shall be carted away at the expense of the city. The enforcement of this regulation is entrusted to the Police Department, the Street Commissioner and Wharfmaster, who will arrest and carry them before the Recorder of the city, all delinquents, who will be fined or otherwise dealt with as the offence may demand.
Memphis Bulletin, July 10, 1864.
10, "Dogs."
Our readers should bear in mind that by order of Lieut. Col. Harris, provisional Mayor of the city, all dogs found unmuzzled after Monday, July 13th, will subject their owners thereof to a fine of from five to fifty dollars each, according to the exigencies of the case, for the first offense; and for each time there after as the order may remain unheeded, a fined at the rate of one dollar per hour, will be imposed.
Memphis Bulletin, July 10, 1864.
10, "Hall-Thieves."
Citizens should keep their hall-doors locked, as hall-thieves are being heard from in every portion of the city. They assume the character of beggars, going from house to house, and stealing what ever they can lay their hands on without discovery. Night seems to be the favorite time for plying their nefarious trade, and hat racks are made the objects of special attention. It is said that there is an organized band of these characters, of both sexes and colors, with a head or chief, who, Fagin-like, receives and disposes of their booty. If so, the police shall devote a little attention to the matter and, endeavor to break it up at once, by bringing the offenders to justice.
Nashville Dispatch, July 10, 1864.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
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Nashville, TN 37214
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