Monday, July 29, 2013

7/29/2013 Tennessee Civil War Notes

29, Fayetteville Committee of Correspondence offers to furnish Confederate soldiers with winter clothing

Fayetteville, Tenn,. July 29, 1861

Hon. L.P. Walker

Secretary of War, Richmond, VA:


The undersigned have the honor to inform you that at and by a meeting of a portion of the citizens of the county of Lincoln on this day they were appointed a committee to correspond with you touching the matters embodied in the following resolution and proceedings, which were had and done in said meeting, which proceedings are as follows., to wit:

Resolved: That the chairman appoint a committee of three persons to correspond with the War Department in Richmond touching the following matters, to wit:

Can the said Department furnish all of our soldiers now in the field with shoes, socks, coats, pants, blankets, shirts, and every article necessary to constitute a soldier's winter dress? If not all of them can be so furnished, what proportion can be so supplied by the Department, and to what extent, with each of the articles making a complete soldier's dress? The object of our citizens being, if the Department cannot furnish all of said necessary winter clothing, shoeing, &c., to inaugurate a plan by which the deficit, if there should be a deficit, may be partially supplied.

Jas. G. Wood


Geo. J. Goodrich


Our citizens solicitude about our soldiers and their comfort during the approaching winter, and knowing that our ports were under a blockade, that our manufacturers of woolen goods are on scale of diminution entirely disproportion [sic] to the wants of our people and of our Army, and that our funding and financial system of government are yet without consolidation and organized system, we have apprehended that the Department would be unable to furnish all the comforts of clothing so necessary to shield the soldier from the blasts of winter. We therefore desired to know whether the Government wants aid and cooperation in the premises. If Government is unable to furnish all, we desire to know it an early day, that we may take such steps as to effect all that we can in the premises. From our wool we can make blankets, clothing, and socks, and clothe every man we have in the field (about 900) if necessary, and we trust that the Secretary of War may be pleased to inform us at an early day touching the above inquiries. The committee also respectfully suggests to the Department, if the Government has to rely upon private contribution, that some plan may be adopted at Richmond by the Department looking to the unity and cooperation of the people of every county in the South in the premises, and that said plan be published in all the papers of the South. Pardon the committee and those whom we represent for these suggestions, for, knowing that we are all animated by the one high and holy purpose of achieving and maintaining our independence, we thought we could do no less.





OR, Ser. IV, Vol. 1, pp. 506-507




29, Justification for the seizure of the Stevenson Mansion in Nashville

HDQRS. ARMY OF THE OHIO, Huntsville, July 29, 1862.

N. E. ALLOWAY, Nashville, Tenn.:

SIR: In reply to your letter of the 22d instant to Gen. Buell in reference to the Stevenson Mansion in Nashville I am directed to inform you that the property in question is not regarded by the general as confiscated, that act resting with the civil tribunals under the laws of Congress. Mr. Stevenson, however, the owner of the property, was, previous to the occupation of Nashville by the United States troops, and, as it is believed, still is, in arms against the Government; his property is therefore very properly seized, being necessary for the wants of the Government. The transfer of this property was made to you after the rebel army had commenced to evacuate Nashville and when it was quite plain that that city would fall into our hands, and it is therefore regarded as void.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Col. and Chief of Staff.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, p. 229.




29, C. S. A. orders security precautions in Cocke County during August 6, 1863 elections


Brig.-Gen. [A. E.] JACKSON:

GEN.: Information has been received at these headquarters that about 200 bushwhackers are expected to meet and control the election to be held an August 6 on the waters of Big Creek, southeast of Newport about 15 miles. The point is in Cocke Country, thirteenth civil district. The major-general commanding directs that you have a sufficient force sent secretly, if possible, to [such] person and prevent illegal voting.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

J. N. GALLEHER, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 936.




29, Report on One Lady's Retribution for the Murder of her Lover

A Woman's Vengeance.

The Nashville Times publishes a letter from a young woman, who tells how she pursued and shot a rebel to avenge the murder of her lover. The scene of the tragedy was Martin's Creek, Tenn. The woman's lover was a Dr. Sadler, whose Union principles had rendered him obnoxious to the rebel inhabitants, three of whom hunted him down, and killed him. The manner of his death is thus narrated by the young woman.

I had met Peteet, Gordenhire, and Turner on the road, and told my brother there that they were searching for Dr. Sadler to kill him. Sure enough they went to the house where he was; and strange to me, after his warning, he permitted them to come in. They met him apparently perfectly friendly, and said they had come to get some brandy from Mr. Yelton, which they obtained; and, immediately after drinking, they all three drew their pistols and commenced firing at Sadler.

He drew his, but it was snatched away from him; he then drew his knife, which was also taken from him. He then ran round the house and up a stairway, escaping out of their sight. They followed, however, and searched till they found him, and brought him down and laid him on a bed, mortally wounded. He requested some of his people to send for Dr. Dillin to dress his wounds. It is strange to me why, but Sadler's friends had all left the room, when Turner went up and put his pistol against his temple, and shot him through the head. They all rejoiced like demons, and stood by till he made his last struggle. They then pulled his eyes open, and asked him in a loud voice if he were dead. They then took his horse and saddle and pistols, and robbed him of all his money, and otherwise insulted and abused his remains.

 The young woman (whose initials "L. J. W." are only given) determined on revenge, but kept her resolution to herself lest she should be prevented; and on a subsequent day proceeded to a house where she learned Turner (against whom she seems to have especially directed her revenge) was stopping, and deliberately shot him dead. She thus tells the story:

I asked Mrs. Christian if Turner was gone. She pointed to him at the gate, just leaving. I looked at the clock, and it was just 4 ½ o'clock, P.M. I then walked out into the yard, and as Turner was starting called to him to stop. He turned, and saw I was preparing to shoot him. He started to run. I fired at a distance of about twelve paces, and missed him. I fired again as quickly as possible, and hit him in the back of the head, and he fell on his face and knees. I fired again and hit him in the back, and he fell on his right side. I fired twice more, only one of these shots taking effect. By this time I was within five steps of him, and stood and watched him until he was dead. I then turned round and walked toward the house, and met Mrs. Christian, and her sister, his wife, coming out.

They asked me what I did it for. My response was, "You know what that man did the 13th of December last—murdered a dear friend of mine. I have been determined to do this deed ever since, and I shall never regret it." They said no more to me, but commenced hallooing and blowing a horn. I got my horse and started home, where I shall stay or leave as I choose, going where I please, and saying what I please."

New Orleans Daily Picayune, July 29, 1864. [1]








James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-532-1550  x115

(615)-532-1549  FAX


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