Thursday, July 25, 2013

7/25/2013 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        25,  1861 - A note of thanks to the Southern Mothers

To the Southern Mothers.

With a heart overflowing with gratitude, I take great pleasure in bearing testimony to your motherly care, extended to the sick whom I recently brought to your rooms. Your noble deeds elicit my admiration. Be assured that your noble acts in the cause of freedom and humanity, will place your name in high esteem. You will be cited to daughters of succeeding generations, as examples of greatness and goodness worthy their imitation. Go on in your good work; you will cheer the suffering soldier, who is so unfortunate as to be taken sick, in camp, far from home. More especially let me express my unbounded thanks to Mrs. Mary E. Pope, secretary of the society, for her motherly care extended to Messrs. Barham and Bell, whom she so willingly and kindly took to her own private residence. Long may she live as a bright star of greatness and goodness, to nerve the brave soldier on to "victory or death." In memory's recesses will she ever live, as a kind and good mother.

Dear mothers, I wish you success and long life; you are exerting an influence that will animate and encourage all of us who have left our homes and firesides, that we may protect you and your daughters, or die in the attempt.

Hoping, should I become sick, that I may fall into your safe hands, I beg you to accept my most grateful remembrance.

W. B. Dickinson, Jr. 13th Regiment,

Randolph, Col. Wright, com. C. S. A., July 25, 1861.

Memphis Daily Appeal, July 30, 1861



25, 1862 - Federal anti-Semitism and cotton-buying in the Bolivar environs

BOLIVAR, July 25, 1862.


The cotton speculators are quite clamorous for aid in getting their cotton away from Middleburg, Hickory Valley, &c., and offer to pay liberally for the service. I think I can bring it away with safety, and make it pay to the Government. As some of the Jew owners have as good as stolen the cotton from the planters, I have no conscientious scruples in making them pay liberally for getting it away.

L. F. ROSS, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 120.




25, 1863 -  Measures taken to decrease deaths of officers in the Army of the Cumberland from Confederate sharpshooters

GENERAL ORDERS, HDQRS. DEPT. OF THE CUMBERLAND, No. 174. Winchester, Tenn., July 25, 1863.

I. In order to prevent the disorganization of the army its officers being picked off by the enemy's sharpshooters, the following badges of rank are recommended and permitted to be worn as undress uniform in all portions of this army when serving in the immediate vicinity of the enemy: Officers of all grades are authorized to wear single-breasted blouses directed in the Army Regulations, for the badges of rank worn on the epaulette. The rectangle of the shoulder-strap being too conspicuous on the field of battle, need not be worn. Second lieutenants will wear a single bar on the right shoulder only.

II. No private horses will be sent beyond the limits of the department without a special permit from the provost-marshal-general.

By command of Maj.-Gen. Rosecrans:

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 558.




25, 1863 - One White County woman's observations about the war on the Tennessee Cumberland Plateau

....the Yankees are getting pretty close. There were two Mr. Bakers [sic] at Mrs. Wms.' [sic] getting away from what they called the Bushwhackers. From all I can learn it is a part of Stokes' regt. [sic] who have got in there by some means and are after the Southern soldiers, &c., and being away from the Generals, they do as the Southern soldiers do a great many times, take revenge on those who happen to be of the opposite party. There are great tales told of what they are doing, but I have not heard of anything yet half as bad as Jack Ber[r]y's [sic] capers, who belongs to Hamilton's command,[1] nor even as bad as some of the recruiting officers and men done. [sic] The truth is each side, when it gets a little the advantage and gets of the opposite party trodden down a little, crows a little too big, and when the trodden party gets a chance to, [it] retaliates rather severely.

Diary of Amanda McDowell.



25, 1864 - Letter from William F. Testerman, on Remembrance stationery, to Miss Jane Davis. Testerman was a first lieutenant in Company C of the 8th Tennessee Cavalry

Gallotin [sic], Tenn. July 25, 1864.

Dear Miss,

I again take the opportunity of Droping [sic] you a few lines in answer to your kind letters which I received a few days ago one bearing date June "23" the other June the "24" it was a plesure [sic] to me to have the honor to receive a letter from as charming a young girl as the one whos [sic] name was asscirbed [sic] at the bottom of each of them I was glad to hear that you was well but I was more glad to hear you express your mind as fully as what you did this note leaves me well and I truly hope that this will find you in good health I can't say anything to you by letter more than what you have heard from my letters before. Jane I hope the time will soon come when I can get to see you again I can write many things to you but if I could see you I could tell you more in one minute than I can rite in a week The letters that you wrote to me has proved verry [sic] satisfactory to me if you will stand up to what you told me in your letters I will be satisfied which I have no reasons to Doubt but what you will but if you was to fail it would allmost [sic] break my heart for you are the girl that I am Depending upon and if it was not for you I would not be riting [sic]by my candle to night as you wrote to me that many miles seperated [sic] us in person if my heart was like yours we would be united in heart you kneed [sic] not to Dout [sic] [.] Though we are fare apart at present my heart is with you every moment for I often think of you when you are asleep when Travailing the lonesom [sic] roads in middle Tenn [sic] The thought of your sweet smiles is all the company I have I trust that you are cinsere [sic] in what you have wrote to me. Your sparkling blue eys [sic] and rosey [sic] red cheeks has gaind [sic] my whole efections [sic] I hope for the time to come when we shall meet again then if you are in the notion that I am we can pass off the time in plesure [sic] [.] My time has come for sleep and I must soon close I want you to rite to me as soon as you can for I will be glad to hear from you any time. Direct your letters as before and dont [sic] forget your best friend so I will end my few lines but my love to you has no End remember me as ever your love and friend. Excuse bad riting [sic].

William F. Testerman to Miss Jane Davis

Civil War Love Letters.[2]




25, Military posse in Perry, Wayne, Hardin, Hickman, Williamson and Maury counties

NASHVILLE, TENN., July 25, 1865.

Maj. Gen. JOHN E. SMITH, Memphis:

Send a force of 100 cavalry to hunt down and destroy a band of guerrillas now raiding over the counties of Perry, Wayne, and a portion of Hardin, and who make their headquarters in south part of Hickman County and near Williamsport, in Maury. Your force will remain west of the Tennessee and co-operate with a like force which Gen. Johnson will send out to scout the east of the river.

W. D. WHIPPLE, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 1090.







[1] According to Major-General George H. Thomas, in his March 18, 1864 report to Major-General William Tecumseh Sherman, Hamilton was one of a number of pro-Confederate guerrilla leaders on the Tennessee Cumberland Plateau: "Stokes' Fifth Tennessee Cavalry (U.S.) at Sparta, operating against the guerrillas, who, under Hamilton, Ferguson, Carter, Murray, and Hughs, have infested that country since the war commenced.OR, Ser. I, Vol 32, pt. III, p. 90.

[2] As cited in: 

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

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