Sunday, October 6, 2013

10/6/2013 Tennessee Civil War Notes

6, 1862 - Skirmishing near Fort Negley; pickets vs. guerrillas: an entry from the diary of John Hill Fergusson, 10th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Monday 6th; we went out on picket at 6 o'clock this morning we had no rations of any kind to take along only bread alone we have had no meat of any kind for nearly a week coffee and Sugar is played our long ago and every thing els [sic] that we used to draw; when on picket we fiar [sic] a little better we had about a 200 hog [sic] killed and cleaned before dinner and plenty of sweat [sic] pitatos [sic] and cabbage company B of our regt: have stood picket on our left sent out 7 or 8 of the boys to a pitato patch about ¾ mile out in advance of the pickets while digging pitatos a body of gurrillas [sic] 125 strong charged on them en [sic] full charge hallowing to them to surender [sic] it happened so that they ware [sic] close to a fence amongst the rebels raising a cloud of smock [sic] that hid them from the advancing enemy until they got a good ways of [sic] the enemy kept fiaring [sic] after them but luckly [sic] dun [sic] no harm some of the balls passed over whare [sic] we ware [sic] we fell in our company quick possible and took around an orchard fence on the run but before we go there they ware [sic] gone we could hear the horses feet just letting down to it and seen the dust rais [sic] like a clould of smock [sic] we had taken the rong [sic] corce [sic] had we taken to the left we would a [sic] been  there in tie it is believed that co. B boys killed one there was 2 of them wounded we ware [sic] told by some neigers [sic] that saw them.

John Hill Fergusson Diary.




6, 1863 - A conversation in the Sequatchie valley relative to foraging near Anderson's Crossroad; an excerpt from the diary of John Hill Fergusson, 10th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

*  *  *  *

I passed by a small house where an old widow wemen [sic] livedshe had a small field of corn, and some 10 or 12 of our teams were in it and a detail of soldiers were shucking it out the old wemen [sic] was crying and said that was all that she had to live on or depend on and they were takeing [sic] it all from hir [sic] I told hir [sic] it looked hard by hir [sic] own people compeled [sic] us to come here and as we had to come in such a hurry we had not brought forage and that we were obledged to have but told hir [sic] not to despair [sic] for government [sic] would pay her what it was worth and the quarter master in charge of the wagons would recept [sic] her for it before he went away

John Hill Fergusson Diary, Book 3.




5, 1864 - "Rebels About-Cattle Drove Attacked"

Lieut. Blizzard of the 4th Tennessee Cavalry, who was in charge of a force detailed to bring a large drove of cattle to this city from Johnsonville, reports that on yesterday he was attacked by about one hundred and fifty rebels within fifteen miles of this city (Nashville). His force consisted of about sixty men, one half of whom were killed or wounded and captured, the others making their escape and arriving here in safety. A general stampede occurred among the cattle, and a large number of them are straying through the country. Lieut. B. was fired upon twice, and his horse fell down with him....

Nashville Daily Press, October 6, 1864.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

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