26, Assessing aid to the poor in Memphis
Aid to the Poor.—Mr. Underwood, city almoner, had several applications at his office on Second street near Madison yesterday, for assistance. Nine persons received articles of food for which they appeared very grateful. Three were refused, having revealed that they were not in necessitous circumstances. One woman, on being offered a piece of bacon, turned up her nose with the remark that she did not eat the article. She was informed that she might call again when real necessity had made her less delicate. Mr. Underwood will evidently make a good almoner. He is kind without credulity, and firm without harshness.
Memphis Daily Appeal, May 26, 1861.
26, Excerpt from the Diary of Lucy Virginia French
....The Federals visited this place [i.e., McMinnville environs] again on Friday last [23d]-came, I presume, to look up resigned officers and disbanded men-but they found none. Contented themselves with stealing horses, watches, etc., and paying for forage etc. in counterfeit money. They did not molest us, however. There are informers among us who keep them thoroughly "posted"-as it is quite plain for us to see from their actions and inquiries every time they come....
Diary of Lucy Virginia French, May 26, 1862.
26, Expedition from Memphis toward Hernando, Mississippi
MAY 26, 1863.-Expedition from Memphis, Tenn., toward Hernando, Miss.
Report of Maj. George N. Richmond, Second Wisconsin Cavalry.
CAMP SECOND WISCONSIN CAVALRY, Memphis, Tenn., May 26, 1863.
CAPT.: In accordance with instructions, I left camp with my command, 200 men strong, composed as follows: One hundred men from the Second Wisconsin Cavalry, 50 men from the Fifth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, and 50 men from the First Missouri Cavalry. I proceeded, as directed, on Horn Lake road without encountering aught worthy of notice until I reached Nonconnah Creek, at which point the advance guard captured a member of Capt. Manning's company. About 3 miles south of Nonconnah Creek, on Horn Lake road, I turned from the main road to the left, in the direction of Hernando plank-road, governing my course so as to pass the plantations of Col. Blythe and Capt. Manning.
Nothing occurred of importance at either of these plantations. At what is called Horn Lake Crossing, on Hernando plank-road, I captured a man who had in his possession a discharge from the Confederate service, and who is now in charge of the provost-marshal, together with the first-named prisoner. At this point I also ascertained from citizens direct from Hernando that Col. Hatch visited that place yesterday with a cavalry force, and that an infantry force had arrived there today, 26th instant. I believe this information to be reliable. Judging from intelligence received from all parties with whom I conversed, I do not think it possible that any rebel force is north of Coldwater, except Capt. Manning's company, about 30 strong.
I captured several horses, mules, and some arms, but have received no report of precise number from detachment commanders. I will report all captured property as soon as possible. I arrived at camp at 5 p. m., after enjoying quite a pleasant scout.
I have the honor to be, respectfully, yours, &c.,
G. N. RICHMOND, Maj., Commanding Expedition.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24,t. II, p. 432.
26, Confederate guerrilla challenge in the Strawberry Plains, Bristol, Greeneville and Rogersville environs
Knoxville 26th May 1864
Govr Johnson,
Dear Sir
The forces of the Government, as you know, have for sometime, been withdrawn from the upper part of Eastern Tennessee. We now, have no troops above Strawberry Plains, leaving all the country from that point to Bristol in the hands of about Two Hundred and fifty Rebels [sic], who are ravaging the country at pleasure, committing daily robberies, and occasional murders. I learn to day, that they are pasturing our wheat fields. This is to be the ruin of the people, as our people in a great measure, depend on their harvest for the means of living –
I mention these things to you, as I trust you will do something to releive [sic] our part of the country. There are two squads of Rebels, who stay about Greeneville, and Rogersville. They do not exceed 150. men.
If you will have one good [sic] Regiment of East Tennesseans, sent to the upper country, you will releive [sic] us, and get the lasting gratitude of the people of that section. Unless you [sic] do something I feel that there is no hope, and therefore, in the name of your old neighbors, and in my own, I earnestly call on you, for prompt [sic] action. We want our own men, who know the roads [sic] & the fords [sic], & who feel an interest in the country and its inhabitants.
Please answer.
Truly Yr Friend
J Netherland
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 707.
27, "A Disgraceful Affair."
A soldier, whose name we prefer to withhold, entered a saloon on Jefferson street yesterday morning, and after bargaining for a cigar, presented a mutilated treasury note of a large denomination from which to have the price taken out. The proprietor naturally enough refused to take the bill in its mutilated condition, when the military gentleman became exceeding wrath, [sic] indulged in epithets profane and vulgar, called the gentleman a "secesh" and a d_____d rebel, and to further take revenge went out to scare up a guard who should shut up his [sic] (the saloon keeper's) establishment, and put him in the [Irving]"Block." Sure enough, a guard was brought and was, in connection with the bad-bill gentleman, about to take possession of the saloon, when they were prevented by certain officers present, and the would-be swindler reported to Captain Williams. According to Gen. Washburn's recent order, the guilty party will doubtless receive the proper punishment for his most inexcusable offense.
Memphis Bulletin, May 28, 1864.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
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Tennessee Historical Commission
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