Contraband Conundrum: 1862-1865. A Documentary Narrative.
By James B.
Jones, Jr. ©
Of the many commonalities shared in the southern states
during the Civil War was that of the contrabands. These were essentially
runaway slaves, who, upon learning of the close proximity of the Union army,
would leave their life as enslaved peoples essentially freeing themselves from
chattel slavery. Instead of waiting for Abraham Lincoln, or Federal armies to
set them free from enslavement, they took the opportunity and freed themselves.
That is, the slaves freed the slaves. One example, the story of “Peter”
demonstrates the harsh punishment of slaves and their eagerness to take on
contraband status:
my master’s name was Jim Brazier, and’ I lived eight
miles from Tullahoma. My mother was sickly a long time, and missus wouldn’t let
her stop workin’ no how. An’ one day wen’ she’s so weak, she let a big pitcher
fall ont’ de floor and brokt it, and master sent her to de whippin’-house, and’
she died that night. I slept wid’ her, an’ she told me wen she comed to bed,
dat she t‘ought if she went to sleep shed never wake.
An’ in de morning’ wen I waked, she was stone dead.
Dey neber said anything to me ‘bout what killed her, de knowed berry well dat I
knowed de reason. Atter de war brokt out, de telled me that I mustn’t go near
the Yankees, for dat dey “had horns,”
[sic] just as if I’d not sense ‘nough
to know better nor dat! [sic] An’ dey tole me I must keep ‘way
from dem, else dey’s cut off my ears and hang me on a tree. But arter dey’s
whipped me and hung me up by my thumbs, for bitin’ missus, when she had me down
on de floor an’ was poundin’ me ‘cause I didn’t sweep clean, I runned away”
“I’d been wid master three times wen
he’d been to camp to sell apples and things to the Yankees, an’ so I knowed whar to go. [added] So one
night I tuk one o’ masrster’s hosses an’ put a bridle on him, an’ rode him most
to camp, so near, I could hear de pickets; den I fixed up de bridle, arater [sic] I got off, an’ set him off on a right
smart trot toward home, an’ hid in de bushes. Den I waited till mornin’ which
comed pretty soon, and I tole de picket I wanted to come in camp. He let me in,
and’ I’se roun’ two or three days, wen Dr. Woodward said he’d see me to the
keep on me, an’ he has ever since. He brought me here [to the Nashville
contraband camp]. He allays been right good to me an’ nerer gin me a cross
….One morning, soon after, Dr. W. announced to Peter
that his former master had just been hanged as a guerrilla. The account was in
the morning paper.
“Glad of it,” said Peter, emphatically; “I’d a be glad
ef dat ar’ had a happened afore. He made me carry letters to the rebels tellin’
‘em all ‘bout whar de Yankees was, good
‘nough [sic] for him.”[1]
would “hang on” to Union troops, offering to work for soldiers, yet there was a
problem. They were considered property and Union officers had no idea what to
do with them, were they slaves, still the property of a plantation master, or
free people? To put a name on them they were called contraband, although not
regarded as citizens or freemen but runaway slaves. Was the army responsible
for keeping them, feeding them, clothing and housing the contrabands? Certainly
the worth of these disposed people would be realized in terms of fighting with
the Federal armies as United States Colored Troops (USCT), cooks, teamsters and
hospital orderlies. Nevertheless there were more of them than could be employed
or enlist by the army. In time they would congregate near cities and would be
fed with US army rations, which put a drag on the Federal army’s own logistical
issues and local governments. What, aside from the outstanding work done as
USCT, did they do during Tennessee’s participation in the Civil War?[2]
As early as 1861the the Federal Government recognized the
problem freed Negroes could have on Union troops. On August 6, 1861 it passed
the Contraband Negroes Act August 6, 1861 outlawing ”the use of slaves…for
making war against America.”[3]
The two Emancipation Proclamations (September 22, 1862 and January 1, 1863)
announced that all slaves in Confederate territory were free. Those Negroes
under the control of the Union were still enslaved. [4]
By the time of the 1862 proclamation bondsmen in West Tennessee were declared
no longer considered constrained by enslavement.[5]This,
along with the close proximity of the Union arm, gave plantation slaves a green
light to abandon their homes and head for the city of Memphis.
August 1862… so many destitute fugitive slaves surrounded (Grant’s) army that
he ordered Chaplain John Eaton to establish a contraband camp system throughout
the Mississippi Valley to house, feed, and put them to work on abandoned
lands.” Eaton established the first Tennessee contraband camp at Grand
Junction, Tennessee, and in 1864 there were large contraband camps at
Clarksville, Pulaski Hendersonville, Murfreesboro, Edgefield, Nashville,
Knoxville, Chattanooga, Memphis Summerville, Shiloh, and Brownsville,
Tennessee. The ‘Shiloh’ contraband camp in Memphis alone had over 300 log
cabins and 2,000 residents.”[6]
It was characterized by broad streets “and a much healthier climate.”[7]
By July 5 Grant had contrabands working on the erection of Fort Pickering,
South of Memphis.[8]
What should be the policy for these ex-slaves? Were they
under the definition of freedmen or property? The
first official authorization to employ African Americans in federal service was
the Second Confiscation and Militia Act of July 17, 1862. This law allowed
President Abraham Lincoln to receive into the military service persons of
African descent and gave permission to use them for any purpose thought by
military commanders to be best for the public welfare. However, the President
did not authorize use of African Americans in combat until issuance of the
Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863. Runaway slaves, thousands
in numbers, fled from rebel held territory, upon their own volition, to Memphis
after learning of the Proclamations ending slavery.
There were
too many ex-slaves to sustain. In 1863, Major General S. A. Hurlbut in command
in Memphis wrote to President Lincoln that he was “embarrassed with the
runaways from their Tennessee masters. They come here in a state of
destitution, especially the women and children. He cannot send them back, and I
advise their employment as far as possible by the quartermaster, and the
general is authorized by Gen. Grant to hire them to citizens who will give
proper bonds.”[9]
He wrote to
President Lincoln: “I avail myself of the fact that Mr. Leatherman, a prominent
citizen of Memphis, is about to visit Washington, to lay before the
Commander-in-Chief the serious difficulties which embarrass the citizens of
this region, as well as the army, in relation to negroes. There are within the
limits of my command about 5,000 negroes, male and female, of all ages,
supported by the Government, independent of those regularly organized and
employed as teamsters, cooks, pioneers, &c., and enrolled as such. Most of
these, say, from two-thirds to three-fourths, are women and children, incapable
of army labor-a weight and encumbrance. In addition, there is a very large
number, not less in Memphis alone than 2,000, not supported by the Government,
crowded into all vacant sheds and houses, living by begging or vice, the victims
of fruitful sources of contagion and pestilence. Pilfering and small crimes are
of daily occurrence among them, and I see nothing before them but disease and
death. “At the same time many valuable farms and plantations within our lines,
despoiled of fences from the necessities of a winter campaign, deprived of
customary servile labor, stripped of horses and mules, either from the needs of
regular service or by marauding guerrillas, lie waste and desolate. The owners
are ready to cultivate, but have no labor. It is spring, the time to put in
crops, either of cotton or of corn, or, what is not least in a military point
of view, those garden vegetables, the free use of which is so singularly
beneficial to the health of an army. None of these things are done, except on a
limited scale. “The land is here, ready, the labor is here, but I know no
authority which I possess to bring them together. There are many who point out
and desire to hire those who were their slaves. I have no power to permit it,
or, rather, none to enforce the contract if entered into. ”There were neither
civil nor criminal courts, and, hence, the responsibility of the commanding
officer, already burdensome enough, was heightened by the want of aid from
legal tribunals. Hurlbut continued:
I believe, from careful examination and partial reflection,
that the condition of the fugitives would be improved in every respect by
causing them to be hired, either for wages or for clothing, subsistence, or an
equivalent in the crops, to such persons as would give bond to take care of
them, and put them at such work as they can do, and enforcing the contract of
hire on the parties. It is, however, not to be denied that a very serious risk
must be run in so doing. The spirit of marauding and robbery, which gave rise
to guerrilla parties, grows by use, and there is danger that they may be seized
and run off to some portion of the South as yet not under our control, or it
may be that parties obtaining them may misuse their power over them, although I
feel less apprehension of the latter. If the fugitives now lurking about
Memphis could return to their homes in the city and vicinity, and their former
owners would receive them and treat them kindly until the final determination
of their status, much of the misery and vice which infest the city and vicinage
would be removed.[10]
In the then
current anomalous situation of the State of Tennessee--neither exactly loyal
nor altogether disloyal, but yet wholly deprived of all the machinery by which
civil government operated--it was impossible for any one to say whether the
state of slavery existed or not. According to Hurlbut: “The laws of Tennessee
recognize and establish it, but the law is in abeyance; no judges to interpret
and administer, no sheriff to execute, no posse to enforce. The State is
exempted from the effects of the proclamation, but the military authorities,
both from choice and under orders, ignore the condition of slavery. If they
come within our lines, we allow them to do so, if they voluntarily go out, we
allow; and all this works no difficulty when troops are in the field in their
limited camps; but when the lines inclose a vast space of country, or fence in,
as here, a great city, this incursion of ungoverned persons, without employment
and subject to no discipline, becomes vitally serious. Especially the police
and administration of justice are thrust upon officers of the army. The evil is
pressing, the necessity for prompt action paramount, both from feelings of
humanity to the people around us and to relieve the army from this burden. I
have not considered myself at liberty to adopt any course. It is difficult for
me to reach my department commander, and it is doubtful whether his pressing
duties would leave him time to decide. It was hoped Congress would adopt some
plan of the kind. This has not been done. The question is one not purely
military, and I respectfully submit to the President the establishment of some
general rule by which this difficulty may be overcome.”[11]
Some seventy percent of Tennessee’s Negroes lived in West
Tennessee, and headed to Memphis, then under control of Grant’s army. Thousands
of former slaves teemed into the Bluff City. “In August 1862… so many destitute
fugitive slaves surrounded his army that Grant ordered Chaplain John Eaton to
establish a contraband camp system throughout the Mississippi Valley to house,
feed, and put them to work on abandoned lands. Eaton established the first
contraband camp at Grand Junction, Tennessee, and in 1864 there were large
contraband camps at Clarksville, Pulaski Hendersonville, Edgefield, Nashville,
Knoxville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Summerville and Brownsville, Tennessee. The
‘Shiloh’ Contraband Camp in Memphis alone had over 300 log cabins and 2,000
A report in the Chicago Times
of June 8, 1862, painted the following picture of the swelling contraband
population in Memphis:
Numerous specimens of the darkey [sic] tribe are afloat in the vicinity,
the majority of which are runaway slaves. The officers are well waited upon at
a small expense, as the darkeys [sic],
ignorant of the value of their services, are willing to serve an indefinite
time, with the prospect of being their own master by-and-by. Little
counter-jumping warriors, who never dreamed of such distinction while plying their
trade at home, are waited upon by ebony servitors who quake with fear at the
sound of their voices, and stand in perpetual dread of being hung up by the
neck or flayed alive for petty misdemeanors….None of them have any idea of the
North, except that it is not the South. I asked one how many slaves his master
had, and he said "fifteen or forty."
his reasons for joining the army, said his ‘massa done run'd away, an' he spec
he scare to def, so he clar'd out fur de Yankees.’ One bright and shining
light, conversing on the subject, remarked that ‘White folks have to look out
mighty sharp for dem niggers. Either got to feed 'em a heap of vittals, or
dey'll steal, eberyting yer got.…De good niggers [sic] stay to home.’....Almost all who get into the army are induced
to enter the line of march by tired soldiers, who, seeing a stout nigger [sic]
by the roadside, cannot well resist the temptation of loading their knapsacks
and guns upon him, and trotting him along as a pack-horse. Once away from their
masters they keep with the army, and will eventually escape.[13]
One Federal
private, Cyrus F. Boyd, from Iowa left comment on accommodations at the Memphis
camp in late January, 1862: “Saw a camp of Contrabands containing old and young
1500 [sic], and they were packed into
a building about 200 X 150 feet[.] They were a mass of filthy and abandoned
He wrote:
Contrabands, (a new name for the negro slaves) are
building forts around here and felling trees across the road to keep the
enemy’s cavalry from surprising us. A good many soldiers and people are
bitterly opposed to having “niggers” take any part in the War. I am not one of
those kind of people. If a culled [sic]
man will dig trenches and chop lumber and even fight the enemy he is just the
fellow we want and the sooner we recognize this the quicker the war will end.[15]
Just how anxious enslaved African Americans were to be rid
their situation can be seen in another observation in the Boyd diary:
A large foraging expedition composed of the 16th In [sic] which has been gone four or five
days returned last evening and brought back with them 400 “contrabands” 30
mules, 12 wagons and a large amount of other captures[.] This morning the camp
was alive with colored men and women and children hunting situations in the
Brigade as cooks or any kind of servants for “de [sic] Union boys [.”] Our company took three big strong darkies [sic] to cook[.] But one of them ran away
before noon and the other two look as if they would run any time[.] They were
too much overjoyed [sic] at the idea
of being free and well they may be….[16]
That the
slaves were not loyal servants of their masters is seen in the following
description from a house servant at the time of the Great Panic in Nashville
(February, 1862), as Federal forces approached to occupy the city. Aunt Nanny
gave the following description of the scene at a banker’s house at which she
worked as a house servant. She spoke to a white school teacher, Elvira J.
Powers, sometime after the alarm. As the Union forces arrived the white masters
were on their way to church:
And the streets were soon filled with half-crazed people
flying here and there, women and children and even men running out of breath,
and screaming, “The Yankees are coming,” while the less excited ones were
securing every possible conveyance to use for flight.
“We colored folks,” said Nanny, “knew it in the night, and
all de mornin’ while de white ones was so quiet a putin’ on dere finery for
church, we knew it wouldn’t last long. An’ we was all so full wid de great joy,
dat we’se a sayin’ in our hearts all de time “Bless de Lord,” “Thank de good
God,” for de “day of jubilee has come!” [sic]
“But we was mighty hush, an’ put on just as long faces as we
could, and was might ‘sprized when they told us of it. An’ missus she come
runnin’ back from the street wid’ her bonnet on her neck, an’ the strings a
flyin’, and she come to the kitchen and put up both arms and she said:-
“’Oh, Aunty Nanny, we’ll all be killed! The Yankees are
coming! They’ll hang or cut the throat of every nigger [sic] that’s left here!”
“An’ after that she tried to have me go south with her, but I
told her I’d risk the Yankees a killin’ us, and I wouldn’t go.” [17]
A reporter for the New
York Times was struck by the sight of
the contrabands. They were an orderly, well-mannered people who worked
faithfully and made no disturbance. While they worked more steadily than white
workers they did not work as briskly. The officer overseeing large squads at
work on Nashville’s fortifications convinced him that they did quite as much as
any white laborers. The savings in pay, from the lower wages of the Negroes
over white labor, amounted to a thousand dollars a day to the department of the
Cumberland. It was a signal fact
that along with the occupation of the city by Union
forces, the Negroes at once began to open schools for themselves. I met
companies of the neatly dressed, bright little black children going regularly
to school. A bookseller says that he sold many more spelling books in a short
time than he has done before for years in Nashville.[18]
Ms. Elvira Powers remarked on the
progress of her contraband students at the Refugee farm The ages of the student body ranged
from four to thirty. According to her
the negro pupils were quite apt in their lessons and learning. Some had even
learned the alphabet in three days, others within a week.
….I will confess my belief that were I to teach in
this school very long, I might become so interested in some of my pupils I
should sometimes forget that they were not of the same color as myself, and
really believe that God did make of one blood all nations of the earth.
They present every shade of color from the blackest
hue to a fairer skin than my own. It is often necessary to find out who the
mother is before you know whether the person is white of black….
The progress of some is really astonishing. One little
black girl of seven years, and with wooly head, can read fluently in the Fourth
Reader, and studies primary, geography, and arithmetic, who has been to school
but one year. I inquired if any one taught her at home, if she had not learned
how to read before that time. “Oh, no, I learned my letters when I first came
to school, and I live with my aunt Mary, and she can’t read. She’s no kin to me,
and I haven’t any kin, but I call her aunt.”
Perhaps she never had any, or is related to Topsey,[19]
and if questioned farther, might say she “’spects she grew.” A boy about
twelve, who has been to school but nine months, and who learned his letters in
that time, reads in the Third Reader and studies geography. Some are truly
polite. The first day of my taking charge of one of the division, a delicate
featured, brown-skinned little girl of about nine years came to me and said
with the sweetest voice and manner: --
"Lady will you please tell me you name?”
I did so, when she thanked me and said: --
“Miss P_____ can you please hear our Third Reader this
morning.” It was not an idle question either, for the school is so large that
now, while two of the teachers are absent, from illness, some of the classes
are each day necessarily neglected. And
so eager are the generality of the pupils to learn, that most of them are in
two or three reading and spelling classes at the same time.[emphasis added]
One might now not only exclaim with Galileo, “The
world does move,” and we move with it. For though but a little time since the
negro dared to say :I think,” lest the master might exclaim,-- “You think, you
black neggar [sic]-never you mind
about that, I’ll do your thinking for you.” But would instead, say
‘deferentially, with bent head and hand in his wooly hair, “Wall, massa, I’se
been a studyin’ about dat dar,” is now learning to stand erect and confess that
he does think; as well as learn to read and write.
One of the more advanced pupils told me that her
father taught her to read and write before it was safe to let anyone know that
he did, or that he could himself read.[20]
Not all Tennesseans were enamored of the contraband schools.
Take for example an entry in Alice Williamson’s [Sumner County] diary
concerning a regiment of East Tennesseans (Union) billeted near her home
portrays the enmity some felt for contraband and their efforts to become
literate. She believed the East Tennessee regiment was composed of “the meanest
men I ever saw; but they have one good trait they make the negroes ‘walk a
They were “….behaving very well [and] I do not suppose the negroes think so
though they threatened to burn the old tavern last night (that like every thing
else is filled with contrabands) but the citizens told them if they did
Gallatin would burn; they let it alone but say if they get up a school in it
they will burn it and G[allitan], may go to H____ .” Nevertheless they did burn
a schoolhouse “last night it was a contraband school. They say they will have
none of that while they stay here.” She added that the next day: “A contraband
was killed today; he insulted one of Miss B’s scholars & a soldier being
near killed him. Go it my East Tenn [sic]” [22]
A New York Times reporter noted that “I regret to
hear from trustworthy sources, that the contrabands in the western part of the
State within our lines... are suffering much from want of proper food, medicine
and sanitary arrangements…. The enlisted Negroes fared better than did the
thousands of free but unskilled country workers in the contraband camps[23]
where “the Negro camps of refugees-women, old men and children-are in a sad
condition; disease and disorder prevailing, and the poor creatures dying by the
hundreds. No one seems to have any supervision over or concern for them. What
is needed to some sanitary officer, who should be authorized to compel a proper
camp police among the Negroes, and who could provide when needed suitable food
and medicines.”[24]
The 1863 Times report was
ISAAC G. THORNE, who has just returned from Memphis, visited the Contraband's
Relief Commission at their regular weekly meeting, last night, and gave the
following interesting statement regarding the general condition of the fugitive
blacks in the Department of West Tennessee: The number of contrabands at …
Memphis, 5,000, and constantly arriving, 2,000 more having come in, during the
late heavy snow-storm, in an entirely destitute condition. At Bolivar 1,100 are
congregated, where they are laboring for the Government….At Jackson about 200
are collected, shifting about under nobody's especial charge. At Memphis the
negroes [sic] are quartered in sheds,
tents and old buildings. The women and children outnumbering the men, two to
one….Many die from neglect, and it is evident some system of ameliorating their
sufferings should not fail to attend the policy which induces them to seek the
protection of our arms. [25]
was difficult for white soldiers seeking a place to establish their families in
Nashville because of the contrabands. According to James H. Kile, 1st
Sergeant, Tennessee Artillery, who wrote Military Governor Johnson:
I find that nearly all of the confiscated, as well as
individual houses are occupied by negroes, [and] poor white soldiers [sic] families are left out of doors,
more than once have I tried to rent vacant houses only to receive the assurance
from some rebel citizen that they were rented to negroes [sic], this being the case I would most respectfully ask that you
grant my family a pass to Charleston Tenn….[26]
seemed a bit better in Nashville, according to a lengthy article in the New
York Times in September, 1863. “The
colored Population of Nashville, since the city reentered the Union, has been
unusually exuberant. The place had long been regarded by the Tennessee blacks
as a sort of terrestrial Paradise.” Since the war a strong stream of contraband
had migrated to the Capitol City. “The city, therefore, though crowds have left
it, is anything but ‘deserted.’ Even without the convenient presence of Uncle
Samuel's sword-and-bayonet bearers, it would be, from the increase mentioned,
more populous than before.” Employment for contraband, held the article, was
easy to find:
At officers' quarters, at the
public buildings, at the fortifications, in the trenches, at the contraband
camp on the outskirts, where several hundreds contrive to live in spite of the
scantiest sustenance, at the drill rendezvous where an inchoate regiment or two
is beginning to show the fruits borne by Milliken's Bend, Port Hudson and Fort
Wagner -- everywhere, where hard, useful work is to be done, you will find the
descendant of Ham [sic] cheerfully
bending himself to his tasks, and helping forward the grand movement which is
to result at no distant day in the complete success of a long-struggling
Government to maintain itself and its integrity, in spite of rebel venom and
fury, and by the process, elevating himself into the stature of a man.[27]
Part of the
reason blacks took such physically tasking employment had to do with:
the cessation of compulsory labor for the benefit of a small
class -- of the lifting of labor from its degrad Manifestly the cessation of
compulsory labor for the benefit of a small class -- of the lifting of labor
from its degrading associations, and investing it with the real dignity that
belongs to it -- the throwing open its avenues to free competition, that the
masses may enter, sure to find the substantial rewards of industry. Laboring
associations, and investing it with the real dignity that belongs to it -- the
throwing open its avenues to free competition, that the masses may enter, sure
to find the substantial rewards of industry.[28]
The reporter
stated optimistically that:
A brighter period is opening before her. It is as certain as
any future event can be, that the day is near at hand when her 275,000 slaves
will be at liberty to diffuse themselves over her fertile acres, enriching them
and winning their own livelihood by compensated labor. She will range herself
among the great and prosperous Free States[29]
a year-and-a-half-later things had changed in Nashville. In March, 1864
Adjt.-Gen. Major General Lorenzo Thomas, when he entered Nashville found the
majority of his time was absorbed in making arrangements for “the vast number
of ‘contrabands’ congregated in our midst” issued a new policy toward the
contrabands. It gave assurance that the African Americans who sought freedom
and protection within the Federal lines the Cumberland area “will not be
permitted to suffer from want and destitution.” His plan was similar to the
views of Military Governor Johnson’s, namely to put contraband to work on
abandoned plantations and cease providing them welfare.[30]
Major General Thomas issued Orders No. 2, composed of four sections, with four
addendums, initiating the new policy for contrabands.
I. A camp for the reception of
contrabands will at once be established in the vicinity of Nashville Tenn. The
entire control and supervision of… the same will be under …, First Regiment
Kentucky Volunteers, subject to such orders as he may receive from the
Commanding-General of the Department of the Cumberland. The Quartermaster's
Department will furnish all the materials and supplies necessary to shelter and
protect the negroes destined to be located in this camp. If practicable, the
contrabands will be quartered in log houses, to be constructed by the negroes
themselves; but in the interim, tents will be furnished for their
accommodation. The several Staff Departments will issue all supplies necessary
for the wants of these people, on the requisition of the officer in charge of
the camp, approved by the officer commanding the nearest post.
II. A detail of eight subalterns
from regiments of African descent, will be ordered to report for duty … It
shall form a part of their duties to visit the plantations, farms, wood-yards,
and other places where negroes may be employed, for the purpose of inquiring
into their condition, and to see that the engagements between them and their
employers are promptly and faithfully carried out on both sides. Any failure on
the part of the employer to carry out his engagements will be immediately
reported to the Commanding-General of the nearest Military District, who will
at once take action in the matter.
The following regulations for the government of freedmen in the Department of
the Cumberland, are announced for the information of all concerned:
All male negroes coming within our lines, who, after examination, shall be
found capable of bearing arms, will be mustered into companies and regiments of
colored troops….All others, including men incapable of bearing arms, women and
children, instead of being permitted to remain in camp in idleness, will be
required to perform such labor as may be suited to their condition in the
respective…plantations or farms, leased or otherwise, within our lines; as
wood-choppers, teamsters, or in any way that their labor can be made available.
All civilians of known loyalty, having possession of plantations, farms,
wood-yards…may, upon application to the Commandant of the contraband camp, hire
such negroes, (including a fair proportion of children,) as they may desire, if
possible, for actual service. In all such cases, the employers will enter into
a written engagement to pay, feed and treat humanely all the negroes turned
over to them, and none shall be hired for less a term than one year, commencing
on the 1st day of January, 1864. Should it be desirable, and the employer,
furnish clothing to the hired hands, the same shall be deducted from their pay
at the actual cost price.
When found impracticable to find persons of sufficient character and
responsibility to give employment to all negroes liable to be employed, the
respective Generals of Districts may designate such abandoned or confiscated
plantations or farms as they may deem most suitable, to be worked by the
negroes, upon such terms as in their judgment shall be best adapted to the welfare
of this class of people -- taking care that in all cases the negroes shall be
self-sustaining, and not a burthen upon the Government.
4. The wages to be paid for labor
shall be as follows: For all able-bodied males over fifteen years of age, not
less than $7 per month; for able-bodied females over fifteen years of age, not
less than $5 per month; for children between the age of twelve and fifteen,
half the above amounts; children under fourteen years of age shall not be used
as field hands, and families must be kept together when they do so desire. The
employer also must furnish such medical advice as may be required, at his own
IV. In order the more fully to carry
out the requirements of this order, the Commanders of military districts are authorized
when necessary, to lease abandoned plantations to loyal citizens, on such terms
as may be equitable.[31]
contraband took advantage of their former master’s property rather than seeking
employment with the government. One reporter, for example, told of his visit
with former slaves at an abandoned plantation near Jackson, Tennessee,
energetically working, picking cotton:
I remarked to one of the "intelligent
contraband" that it was pretty hot work for such a day.
"Yes," said he, "but we's in a mighty
"What makes you in a hurry?"
“Cause we want's to get massa's cotton out of de way
so's we can gin on em. We's afeard dem Confederate soldiers is coming again,
and dey'll burn it all up. Does you tink dey's comin' soon, massa?"
"Guess not, my boy. How much cotton have
"I reckon we boys have about seven bales, and
we's mighty skeered that we shan't get it sold. When will dem Confederates be
"Not for the present. You will have plenty of
time to get your cotton off."
"Does ye think so?"
"Yes, certainly."
"Dat's good!"
And, evidently much relieved in his mind, he
commenced hurrying up the work. I thought, considering "massa" had
but eleven bales, that seven was a pretty good share for four "boys,"
and at thirty cents per pound,[32]
which it is now bringing, it would make them quite a handsome pile.[33]
Life for
contraband near urban areas was at first marked by confused federal authority
in Memphis. Indeed, Major General William T. Sherman’s June 4, 1862 report to
the Union command headquarters in Corinth that it was plain that the potential
for trouble could increase with the contrabands’ constant arrivals in Memphis
by steamboats, or by other means. He doubted that the policy of housing,
feeding and clothing the contraband, was sound, given the already crowded
streets of the city. It was a bad idea and he questioned
the policy of burdening ourselves with such, as we can
give them no employment and idle negroes [sic]
of either sex are of no use to us in war. If they seek refuge in our lines we
cannot surrender them or permit force to be used in recapturing them, but I
doubt the propriety of making them captive. We had over 1,300 negroes [sic] on the fort, but since I have
allowed the quartermaster and regiments to use contrabands the force at the
has fallen to 800. The enemy has made herculean efforts to prevent negroes [sic] getting to our lines, and they
partially succeed, but all say that the negroes everywhere are very saucy and
disobedient. I do not think it to our interest to set loose negroes [sic] too fast.[35]
A letter
noted that unforeseen social change arrived with the attendant increase of free
bondsmen, that contrabands were, as Sherman put it “saucy and disobedient.” The
correspondence written by Mary Judkins, in Clarksville, complained to her
cousin that “we are now truly subjugated by the negros [sic], we are not allowed to crop[36]
them, they will walk over you, if we resent it, they report and we are put in
Jail.” She continued to voice her concerns, saying in part:
there are thousands of negros [sic] here. The streets are filled with boys from 8 to 15 years.
They will knock a white child down and stomp on it, and we can’t say a word,
now where is a man that has one drop of patriotism in his veins, that would
submit to such, and they will, on trial, tell you they believed a sick negro in
preference to a white man. It’s a thousand wonders, they don’t do a great deal
worse, knowing the privileges they have. Mrs. Robb has suffered much. They
encamped near here.
Springfield has a negro regiment also when George was
reaping his wheat, a squad of negros sent out there, ordered the boys to stop
work and go with them, cursed George, he left them, went to a house and every
one of his followed him.
My negro man left me 18 months ago, he is loafering [sic] about town….Such insolence I have
to take from him I cant [sic] well stand, at the time I did not know how
I could possibly get along without his services, but I have considerably this
far. Medora and myself have been alone night and day, ever since her Brother
joined the Army, not even a neighbor. All the houses around me is [sic] filled with contrabands, we have
never been disturbed in the least, there are five thousand refugees to be
quartered here this winter, all spare rooms and vacant houses will be taken…. [37]
The number of contraband camps is unknown, although recent
research puts their number in Tennessee above 100.[38]
Regardless of the conditions in them Negroes were anxious to participate in the
political process, especially in urban areas. For example a notice appeared in
the Memphis Bulletin in October 1,
1864, about a Negro political meeting for purpose of advancing the political
ambitions of the race:
A large and enthusiastic
meeting of colored men, and colored men
only, [emphasis added] was held in Collins’ Chapel, Washington street, on
Thursday [Sept. 29], for the purpose of electing a delegate to the National
Convention of colored men to be held in Syracuse on the 4th proximo.
Speeches were made by Messrs. Rankin, Foster, and Motley, and resolutions were
passed expressive of their intention to co-operate with any measures that may
be adopted by the Convention for the advancement of the interests of their
race. Horatio M. Ranking was closed delegate by an almost unanimous vote. This
was an able, earnest meeting of colored men exclusively, not white men having
any connection with its management, and no women or children present. The
object of the Convention is to take measures in relation to the disposition
that shall be made of the freedmen who are expected to be liberated by the war.
A report of their meeting will be transmitted to the heads of the departments
at Washington the members of both branches of Congress and the governors of all
loyal States.
Mr. Rankin [sic] started on his mission Northward
In early August, 1864 a notice appeard in the Nashville which
promoted a mass meeting of all Negroes in the city. The advertisement, a column
long, gave a clear indication that Negroes, including contraband, were
demanding their rights as “citizens” and read in part:
Great Mass Meeting of Colored
By invitation of the citizens of Nashville, John M. Lanston, Esq. the patriot and eloquent orator, of
Oberlin, Ohio, will address them on the leading questions of the day, at “Fort
Gillem,” on Monday, August 15th, 1864, at 11 A. M
The citizens and public generally are invited to
attend. Let every Human Fredom [sic]
and Political Equality. Let every
one [sic] who values the glorious
future of our country-and the
future freedom of our race-turn out and honor the distinguished orator. Come man,
woman, and child come and spend one day in the cause of
one, come all. Let us have a grand rally four our
country, for the enfranchisement of our race, and for liberty.[41]
The “Meeting
of Colored Citizens” was held after a long procession weaved its way through
the city. According to a press report, the meeting was “very largely attended.”
The procession passing through the streets of Nashville was likewise “very
large, composed in part of a great number of hacks, filled with well dressed [sic] people….The assemblage at the grove
was immense.”[42]
The mass meeting demonstrated that contrabands and free Negroes understood the
nature of politics, and expected to obtain the right to exercise the ballot.
“Another Negro
Celebration” on March 25, 1865, was a demonstration echoing the procession of
1864 and the abolition of slavery in the Volunteer State.
The negroes old and young, of every hue, shade and
color, turned out yesterday to ratify the amendment to the State constitution
abolishing slavery in Tennessee.” Forming on Capitol Hill, at about 10
o'clock…”[it] came down Cedar street with streaming banners, headed by a brass
band, discoursing sweet strains to the slow and measured march of the
‘regenerated contrabands.’ A dense cloud of dust enveloped the procession and
it was only visible at intervals….The soldiers were in the van, followed by the
“Order of the Sons of Relief,” wearing “yaller [sic] regalias.” Next came the “free American citizens of African
descent,” in their Sunday clothes, followed by the female portion of the
colored procession. The juvenile darkies [sic]
brought up the rear of this moving panorama, and at intervals the air resounded
with shouts of glory from the enthusiastic crowd. The Marshals of the day were
mounted, and highly decorated with all the colors of the rainbow. Among the
devices or mottos [sic] born aloft,
we noted the following:
“Will Tennessee be among the first or last to allow
her sable sons the elective franchise?”
“United we stand, divided we fall.”
“Nashville Order of Sons of Relief.”
“We ask not social, but political equality.”
“We can forget and forgive the wrongs of the past.”[43]
“We aspire to elevation through industry, economy, education
and christianity [sic].”
After marching through the principal streets of the city, the
procession wended its way to Walnut Grove, in the western environs of the city,
where they were addressed by several able orators. The principal theme of the
different speakers was the elective franchise, which right they emphatically
claimed, and would petition the Legislature for it at its first session. If it
was not granted by that body, they would thunder at the doors of the Capitol
until their voices were heard, and the desire for political equity of their
race established.[44]
Aside from such naysaying, the growing urban contraband
community in Knoxville and Nashville, at least, began to congeal to the point
that social events were held. In Knoxville it was reported in the Knoxville Monthly Bulletin that: “[the]Yankees
have given several concerts in Knoxville. The front seats are consigned to the [45]
Another “Negro Ball a month earlier drew the attention of the Knoxville Daily
Bulletin. wenches of the city, who are
escorted to and to places
of amusement by Federal soldiers and officers. balls are frequent, in which the belles are
Ethiopian damsels, and Federal officers the gayest gallants.
Colored Ball-Quite a brilliant and recherché affair came off
among our Knoxville “citizens of African descent” last night at Ramsey’s Hall.
It was really a most admirable imitation of similar efforts at Terpsichorean
amusements of the part of their Caucasian brethren. The beauty and fashion
there collected was rather admirable; gay belles of every tint, from pearly
white to sooty, vied with their male gallants in white kids, gorgeous dresses,
and the pretty amenities of fashionable life. The music was excellent, and all
went smoothly and gaily on until the small hours. The lobby glittered with
envious shoulder straps, who, not being able to participate, could only admire.[46]
It was no
different in Nashville, where such dances were not uncommon. The following
article appeared in a Nashville paper dated March 6, 1863. The lengthy story
explained that black church attendance was low because many of the contraband
“boys and are afraid to [go to church] on Sunday, because many of them had been
pressed into Government service in their Sunday clothes and compelled to work in
them.” Nevertheless the contraband congregated at church on Sunday. When the
weather was good contraband couples would promenade in the city, and when it
rained “Hundreds of … be seen upon the streets all day Sunday, when the weather
is fine; and when rainy they may be found congregated in the various lodging
places, devoting the day to dissipation, debauchery, gaming, etc.” It was the
job of the provost marshal and negro preachers to keep the congregations morals
at a high standard:
According the article, however:
They being religious [sic] and regularly attending does not necessarily deprive them of innocent
amusements-indeed, it adds to their ability to enjoy rationally the social
gatherings they so much delight in-their balls and parties, which were formerly
conducted in the most unobjectionable manner by our Nashville boys, [sic] …. but many of which have the past
winter degenerated into places of assignation, drunkenness and general
disorderly conduct. So low, indeed, had they become, as we are credibly
informed, that few of our Nashville girls and boys [sic] would attend them.
On Wednesday last [4th] we were informed that the gentlemen of Nashville were to
give a ball on that night at the City Hotel, to which no “disreputable”
contrabands or soldiers were to be admitted and we determined at once to be
there to see how things went on. The following is a copy of the neatly printed
ticket:-“Cotillion Party, to be given at the City Hotel, on Wednesday, March
4th, 1863…No Ladies admitted without a Gentleman. Admission, $1.
The bell had just tolled the hour of 9 p. m. as we
wended our way across the Square, and in fifteen minutes thereafter we
introduced ourselves to Mr. Thomas, whom we found guarding the entrance. Bill
Porter had just seated himself upon his elevated seat, and while tuning his
violin (a valuable one, by the way,) was informing an impatient youth that no
fashionable ball commences before 9 or 10 o'clock. Bill had two assistants-a
second and base, and discoursed music sweet, eloquent, and spirited, and all
being in readiness for the dance Bill called out-
“Gents will please take of dar has, and put ‘em in dar
pockets, or somewhar else. Better put ‘em in yer pockets; I see some white
gentlemen here. [Bill has considerable native humor in him, which he
occasionally dispenses gratuitously.]
The sets were formed, and all stood looking at Bill
with eager anxiety, waiting for the command-“First four right, and left-Back
to your places-Bal an ce [sic]-Turn
your partners -Swing corners and do
it good-Ladies chain-Half promenade,” etc. to the end of the
chapter, when Bill told them to “Promenade
all,” but before he had well got them in motion, he called out-“Swap partners, an’ get better ones,” adding, “You mustn’t dance
all night with one lady bekas shes putty. [sic]
During the dance and afterward, we had an opportunity
of seeing and observing nearly all in the room. There were nearly one hundred
present, male and female being about equally represented; all, or nearly all,
were dressed in their best, and all [sic] were clean. The boys [sic] were generally neatly attired; only
one being clad in that extravagant style so universally adopted by representatives upon the stage;
the one alluded to had on a neat black suit, with a full bosom ruffled shirt of
the largest dimensions, extending out in front several inches, and flapping
upon the right of his breast, on the left lappel [sic] of his coat he wore a white satin ribbon, of large dimensions,
not less that sixteen inches in diameter. The girls [sic] wore dresses of every conceivable variety, but white skirts
prevailed, with bodies (or waists [sic],
or whatever they may be called) of all shades, from drab to black, and
generally of silk. Some two or three wore their hats, and one wore a wreath of
artificial flowers....the best dancer was Lizzie Beach; she was dressed in
white muslin, without any ornaments but a neat pin, she is tall, graceful, and
danced an infinite variety of steps-enough to astonish an Elsaler, but all in
good time, and modestly executed. She had for a partner a boy [sic] in military overcoat, who seemed
well up in the Terpsichorean art, but was scarcely a match for Lizzie, we would
like to see them with the floor to themselves, and would expect a rich treat.
Time wore on, and several steles [sic] were danced, when Bill requested the boys [sic] to “Treat your partners, all you boys that’s got money; and you that
hasn’t, run you face [sic] Them that
hain’t got no money, nor a good face, can try if there’s a lady that’ll have
pity on ‘em, and dance the next [sic] quadrille. The aristocracy then
retired to supper, and the remainder kept up the dance.
The refreshment table was extremely neat, and well
filled with all the delicacies the market affords, and up to the hour our leaving,
there was naught but incessant mirth prevailing, echoed by the “had-had,
ha-a-a-hui!”[47] [sic][48]
Not all were amused by the newspaper story on the “colored
ball.” The complaint was that after 11 o’clock the party had become
disreputable and not a mere innocent pastime. It had “become so disreputable
that no [49]
Thus some contraband had established their own community in Nashville no doubt
having gained a new social status as a result of contraband camps. Such “culled
[sic] balls” were an indication of
growth of a small but cohesive African-American community at least in Nashville
and Knoxville.[50] having a particle of self-respect would attend them,
because, as we said in the article alluded to, they were made up exclusively of
soldiers, contrabands, and prostitutes."
The contrabands likewise formed churches and had formal
weddings and funerals, at least in the cities. One small notice, entitled
“Scene D’Afrique,” was printed in the Nashville Daily Press, and what it lacked in racial sensitivity it partially
made up in description of a contraband wedding party. The description indicated
a strong contraband identity had developed in the city by 1863:
We yesterday saw what we never before beheld in
Nashville-a nigger [sic] bridal
party, in carriages, inaugurating the honey-moon by [an] ostentatious drive
through the streets. The pageant was attracted great attention, and especially
did strolling contrabands gleefully show their ivory masticators at the immense
“spread” their newly-spliced African brother and sister were making. Of course
we took a peep at the veiled bride, and we thought she was the Queen of
Blackness [sic] incarnate. She and
her lord sat in the front carriage in all their native modesty and lovely
blackness doubtless exchanging many sweet syllables in the Ethiopian
vernacular: “Peace go wid dem niggers [sic].[51]
A comment on a contraband funeral was similarly flawed, yet
again demonstrated the strong black community was evolving in Memphis.
According to the notice entitled “A Contraband Funeral,”
We were forcibly reminded on Saturday last [19th] of
the uncertainties of life by observing a contraband funeral passing solemnly
down Front Row. The hearse was a light spring wagon, the body just long enough
for half of the body in the coffin, on one end of which was the driver. Behind
the hearse walked seven men, and in their rear, seven women. We could scarcely
forbear quoting the lines of Horace, so appropriate[:] Eheu Posthume,
Posthume!” as the lugubrious procession moved on.
“There is no hard work for poor Uncle Ned.
He has gone where the good niggers [sic] go.”[52]
John Hill Ferguson, a private in the 10th
Illinois Volunteer Infantry, took a Sunday to visit three churches in
Nashville, Catholic, Presyterian and contraband. On the latter he left this
we went down through the negro camp they were just commencing
[sic] meeting out in the hot sun. I
got up on a wagon [sic] close by
where I could hear them. I must say they had good ideas and seemed to
understand the new Testemant [sic] in
the proper light. Still they had an odd way of expressing themselves they lack
both in stile [sic] and education, of
what our white preaching have. Still I believe they are more sincere then our
own ministers are….[53]
In July 1863 the city of Nashville was heavily populated by
prostitutes. They were a threat to soldiers who were contracting venereal
disease at an alarmingly high rate. The “Cyprians” were summarily rounded up
and sent north aboard the steam boat Idahoe.
[sic] only to be replaced by hundreds
of contraband prostitutes who were making Nashville “a Gomorrah.”[54]
Miscegenation was not unknown as newspaper stories mentioned.[55]
A similar system was initiated in Memphis in September, 1864.[56]
disease was rampant in contraband camps and posed a serious public health
enigma. For example, at a meeting of the Nashville City Council the report of
Spencer Chandler, the City pest house agent was received. It was learned that
the small-pox was on the decline-the white patients being reduced from 18 to 7,
and the black from 18 to 16. These figures would be a cause of congratulation
were it not for one fact, “namely, that the slight reduction of cases among the
negroes [sic] is rather accidental
than as indicative of any real check to the progress of the disease.”
Mr. Chandler,
however, was seriously concerned there would be “an increase not only of small
pox, but of other diseases, among the contrabands, unless measures were adopted
by either the military or civil authorities, or both, to place the contrabands
in salubrious encampments, with “guards and overseers to see after their health
and morals.”[57]
In July, 1863
Chandler maintained the situation was critical.
These contrabands are scattered over the city and
suburbs, and are crowded together by dozens and fifties [sic], many of the men living in idleness, some by thieving, a large
number of the women by prostitution, and all in filth, breeding disease, which
will spread like wildfire over the city. So barefaced are these black prostitutes
becoming, that they parade the streets, and even the public square, by day and
An order has just been received notifying all the
white prostitutes to leave town immediately. Why not issue a similar order
against the blacks? If military necessity demands the removal of the first, it
certainly will require the latter, if the police and our own eyes are to be
Leaving morality out of the equation Chandler looked at the
problem from a public health standpoint. He quizzed the City Council that
whenever he found a case of small pox among the contrabands’ crowded conditions
he asked himself:
How many of these inmates of a filthy den have
contracted the disease? Among how many others will they spread it? How long [a]
time will elapse before it breaks out in camps, or in hospitals?- many of the
occupants of these dens spend their days in hopitals [sic]. These are questions to be reflected upon seriously by our
City Fathers, if they would preserve the health of the city[59]
Chandler had already consulted with Gov. Johnson on the
subject of consigning all contrabands in a healthy local camp, and was informed
the Chief Executive looked favorably upon the subject, and Chandler recommended
that such measures be taken.[60]
A good
description of a small pox hospital comes from a volunteer nurse on her first
day at work in Nashville. The small pox hospital was:
…about a mile out from the city, and near Camp
Cumberland. It consists of tents in the rear of a fine, large mansion which was
deserted by its rebel owner. In these tents are about 800
patients-including…contrabands….Everything seems done for their comfort which
can…be, with the scarcity of help. Cleanliness and ventilation are duly
attended to; but the unsightly, swollen faces, blotched with eruption, or
presenting an entire scab, and the offensive odor, require some strength of
nerve in those who minister to their necessities. There are six physicians each
in charge of a division. Those in which I am assigned to duty are in charge of
Drs. R. & C. There is but one lady nurse here, a side [sic] from the wives of three surgeons,-Mrs. B., the nurse, went
with me through the tents, introduced me to the patients and explained my
In Memphis on February 26, 1864, General P. M. Buckland
issued Special Orders No. 23. He was concerned with the prevalence of small pox
because of the inflation of the city’s population caused by foreign population
and ”contrabands in the city.” His plan was to appoint a physician to each of
the city’s wards and vaccinate all found without well marked scars. Moreover, a
new public health policy was initiated in the city:
Every contraband shall have the certificate of some
one of these physicians thus appointed, that he has been vaccinated, and has a
well marked scar otherwise be liable to arrest, until he has been properly
vaccinated. The city authorities will see that a proper Pest House will be
established without the city limits, for the treatment of all cases sent by the
ward physicians thus appointed.
In consequence of the increasing incidence of Small Pox,
amidst the flood of foreign population and contrabands in the city, it was
That physicians be appointed in each ward, by the city
authorities, whose duty it shall be to visit all of this class, each in their
respective wards, and vaccinate all found without well marked scars. Every
contraband shall have the certificate of some one of these physicians thus
appointed, that he has been vaccinated, and has a well marked scar otherwise be
liable to arrest, until he has been properly vaccinated. The city authorities
will see that a proper Pest House will be established without the city limits,
for the treatment of all cases sent by the ward physicians thus appointed.[62]
In this manner the army was not just protecting itself from
disease, but working as well to keep the city and contraband healthy.
A few days later, according to General James C.Veatch, in
charge of forces occupying the Bluff City, indicated that a new tax would be
levied to fund a general street cleaning with contraband and refuge white
labor. “The condition of the streets and alleys of your city demands our
immediate attention.” He required that the work be done at once.
A thorough Cleaning should take place, and all offensive
matter be removed; and such police regulations established as shall prevent in
future deposits of matter liable to produce disease.[63]
I have approved your levy of additional tax, as you will have
ample means at your command. I will also
give you control of all straggling contrabands within the limits of the city.
[emphasis added]
You will be required to have the work done without delay.
Allow me then to suggest that you at once employ all the available labor white
and black, and let the work commence and be carried on in each Ward, under
competent managers until it is completed.
Any aid which I can give you shall be promptly rendered.
On March 6 a communication to the City Council from General
Veatch was received. According to the General:
General Order [sic] No. 28
The taxes now levied in the city of Memphis having been found
insufficient to meet the public expenditures –
It is ordered that an additional tax of ten per cent. per
month on the amount of all annual licenses, be levied, and collected by the
Collector of Taxes on privileges, and that said taxes be paid quarterly in
advance, commencing without delay.
The special
committee appointed reported to General Veatch informing him that for the
purpose of improvement, the labor of one hundred negroes. To make this labor
efficient, and give all parts of the city the immediate benefit of it, the
committee recommended as follows:1)that the city be divided into five
districts, to each of which is shall be assigned the labor of twenty negroes to
work under the superintendence of an overseer. 2)That the Chairman appoint a
member of this Board to have special charge of each district who shall engage
an overseer at a rate of wages not exceeding two dollars a day, and provide
tools at the expense of the city. He shall also provide food and quarters for
the negroes, and direct the overseer in regard to the labor to be performed.
3)The Street Commissioner shall furnish carts and additional labor from the
force under his charge, under the direction of the Mayor. 4)The districts shall
be as follows:
1. From the
southern boundary of the city to the north side of Linden street.
2. From the
north side of Linden to the north side of Union.
3. From the
north side of Union to the north side of Court.
4. From the
north side of Court to the north side of Poplar.
5. From the
north side of Poplar to the northern boundary.
On motion
the report was adopted.[64]
Yet the plan
did not satisfy contrabands and the editor of the Memphis Bulletin whose editorial “Street Improvement” signaled as to why:
Some of the newly appointed district overseers got
their “contrabands” to work yesterday in the streets. As far as we saw the old
method of street cleaning was pursued, that is, the filth and dregs deposited
in the gutter and lying at the side of the streets was loosened by means of a
pickax, then shoveled to the center of the street…. Complaints are already
[being] made the negroes [sic] take
every opportunity that offers, to run away from the job. If their only pay is
two meals each, at a cost of thirty cents for both, we should think Sambo [sic] feels considerably like changing
his quarters when he gets a chance.[65]
Whether or not to continue feeding and sheltering the
contrabands was a difficult issue to solve. Military Governor Johnson opposed
creating contraband camps on the grounds that blacks would grow used to help
from the government. They would, in his opinion, do much better if put to work
on land carved out of vacant plantations.[66]
The first official authorization to employ
African Americans in federal service was the Second Confiscation and Militia
Act of July 17, 1862. This act allowed President Abraham Lincoln to receive
into the military service persons of African descent and gave permission to use
them for any purpose "he may judge best for the public welfare."
However, the President did not authorize use of African Americans in combat
until issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863: "And I
further declare and make known, that such persons of suitable condition, will be
received into the armed service of the United States to garrison forts,
positions, stations, and other places, and to man vessels of all sorts in said
It was not long before Federal authorities, stimulated by the
poor conditions in contraband camps and the need for more soldiers, began to
conscript Negro troops. Usually known as United States Colored Troops (USCT),
they proved a boon for the army and delivering pride in their race, and a
chance to fight the slave owning leaders of the Confederacy. As USCT they
guarded captured rebel and soldiers[68],
homes and property[69]
and railroads,[70]
served as police in the occupied cities[71]
built forts and defensive positions in the Volunteer State and earned a
reputation as fighting men. In all the U.S. Army recruited over 20,000 USCT in
At first it was thought that they would not stand and fight, but their training
coupled with the knowledge that once the war was over they would be rewarded
with their freedom. Their ability to
fight was noted. One example was the 1864 skirmish near Fort Donelson. In this
Federal victory their commander reported that: “As for the soldiers they behaved nobly.
There was not a single instance in which they did not surpass my expectations
of them….the One hundred and nineteenth Colored Infantry, Company I, who accompanied the expedition, were
conspicuous during the entire fight, and did their whole duty.”[73]
The Federal army had no deeply held prejudice against black
men joining the service. In Nashville, for example, on November 4, 1863,
Circular No. 1 was issued at the Headquarters Commission for the Organization
of U. S. Colored Troops. The proof of the pudding was that the memorandum
established six recruiting stations in Middle Tennessee at: Murfreesboro;
Gallatin; Wartrace; Clarksville; Shelbyville and Columbia. In addition it
specified that:
All claims by alleged owners of s who may be enlisted, will be laid before the Board
appointed by the President; that the Board would meet regularly to examine
recruiting rolls, and would be made public information. All claims by slave
owners that recruits were their propery had to be presented within ten days
after the rolls were published. No claims from any one who supported the
Confederacy would be honored “and all claimants shall file with their claims an
oath of allegiance to the Government of the United States.”
Claims must
be presented within ten days after the filing of the rolls, and to more easily
facilitate recruiting:
Any citizen of Tennessee who shall offer his or her [74] for enlistment into the military
service, shall, if such be
accepted, receive from the recruiting officer a certificate thereof, with a
descriptive list of such ,
and become entitled to compensation for the service or labor of such , not exceeding the sum of three
hundred dollars, upon filing with the above Board a valid deed of manumission
and release, and making satisfactory proof forever thereafter free.
thereafter recruiting for the USCT began with all obligatory timeliness. One
diarist from Murfreesboro, John C. Spence, noted that only a week after
Circular No. 1 was issued, contraband negroes and slave greenhorns were put
into a nearby camp of instruction. His lengthy observations of the recruitment
process are both lighthearted and insightful:
An order is out for recruiting negro [sic] soldiers at this place, and put
them in [a] camp of instruction.[75]
Although the Yankees profess not to press them into service, they operate about
this way-on Sunday evening a file of soldiers repair to the church door and
stand as the negro men come out. They take them in possession, put them in
confinement and any other they see about the streets.
They are taken through an examination, such as will
make soldiers are retained, the others are let off. They want devilish looking
and able bodied negros [sic] for this
When a sufficient number is obtained, [they] are put
in squads under drill by some qualified Dutchman.[76]
Passing one morning by one of the churches or
barracks, a squad was being drilled by a Dutch officer, who could not speak
english [sic] plainer than he should,
is marching the negros [sic] up and
down the room. Saying to them, [“]Marsh! lep-lep (meaning left foot) [sic]. No! te odder foot!-lep! lep! to
odder fot you po tam fool! If you tont lep when I tells you, I’ll prake mine
sword over you tam wolly head! Halt! Marsh! Now, lep! lep! gis see! You got de
odder foot. Take tat mit your tam nonsense [“] (strikes him with the side of
his sword). [sic]
Such is about the start with them at first. In a short
time they get in the way of keeping the step in marching and manouvering [sic]. To every appearance they make a
pretty good Yankee soldier when they are dressed in the “Loyal” blue, but
whether they can be made to stand powder and lead is another question. Should
not be willing to trust a chance with them, to go through difficulty. [sic]
Now and then [I] hear some of the younger [black]
chaps talking among themselves. [“]Bill! I’m quine to jine the rigiment next
week! What you quine to do in the rigiment? Quine to fite de Reb Sesesh!“
They appear as impudent and as confident of what they
will do in the army as many of the “Old Veterans,” as the Yankees call the old
soldiers that has [sic] been serving
some time.[77]
Military Governor Andrew Johnson admitted that African
American men performed much better than he had initially expected. In fact, he
held that “the[78]
One New York Times reporter writing
from Nashville in August 1863 held “the feeling of the army toward the Negroes,
I think, has reached as sound, healthy condition-that is, it is mostly
indifference, such as they might feel toward, white laborers and refugees. The
opinion of the army [is] that ‘Negroes will fight.’ How clear it is that the
only path of the Negro toward recognition of his manhood will be through blood.
Nothing but hard blows will do away with the vulgar prejudice against him, as a
creature without the courage or the nature of a white man.”[79] takes to
discipline easier than white men, and there is more imitation about them than
about white men.” After the mindset that existed between him and his erstwhile
master was broken, and they had white colleagues to “stand by him and give him
encouragement” and a government dedicated to their freedom, they “succeeded
much better than I expected and the recruiting is still going on.”
USCT also participated in conscript sweeps to replenish their
ranks. In March 1864, for example, orders from Chattanooga sent a force to
march up the Sequatchie Valley to Pikeville, then to Caney Fork and the
Calfkiller Rivers. The officer in charge of the USCT was told “not to
impress…Negroes [sic], but take such
as volunteer, and bring them to this place, and add them to the two regiments
now being organized at this place.”[80]
While conscript expeditions were legal, it does demonstrate that if contraband
did not wish to enroll he would not be forced to join. This, however, didn’t
always represent the truth of the matter. For example, protests aimed at the
Department of the Cumberland in September 23, 1863, in a lengthy report that
highlighted irresponsible methods of recruiting African American men for the
USCT was made to the Secretary of War, E. M. Stanton. The worry in Nashville
was that the imprudent method used the recruit blacks would do more harm than
good. If the “ men here are
treated like brutes” the report read, “any officer who wants them…impresses on
his own authority, and it is seldom they are paid. On Sunday a large number
were impressed and one was shot; he died on Wednesday.” One free black man
visiting Nashville from Zenia, Ohio, testified that:
I went to the
Methodist at 11 o'clock
a. m. on Sunday, September 20, 1863. After … [I] was stopped by a guard, who demanded my pass.
I handed it to them; they retained possession of it. They ordered me to fall in
among them and I was marched around from place to place till they collected all
they could get. We were then marched to a camp about one mile and a half and
delivered to some men, who
were placed on guard over us. They counted us and found they had 180 men. All
through the afternoon and evening they kept bringing in squads. They took the
passes of the men and after examining them burned them before us.
At dark they put a double around[81]
us and told us if we attempted to escape we would be shot down. We were left
that way, out in the cold all night, without tents, blankets, or fire, and some
of the men were bareheaded and some without coats.
This method
of enlistment to fill the ranks of the USCT units sparked the establishment
five new set of rules for recruiting contrabands:
Colored men in the Department of the Cumberland will be
enlisted into the service of the United States as soldiers on the following
First. All freemen who will volunteer.
Second. All s
of rebel or disloyal masters who will volunteer to enlist will be free at the
expiration of their term of service.
Third. All s
of loyal citizens, with the consent of their owners, will be received into the
service of the United States; such s
will be free on the expiration of their term of service.
Fourth. Loyal masters will receive a certificate of the
enlistment of their s,
which will entitle them to payment of a sum not exceeding the bounty now
provided by law for the enlistment of white recruits.
Fifth. Colored soldiers will receive clothing, rations, and
$10 per month pay; $3 per month will be deducted for clothing.
The new experience of a swelling black population led the
town fathers of Nashville to attempt a legal way to exert control of the
African-American population. In June 1863, the Nashville City Council adopted
resolutions to exercise jurisdiction over burgeoning black multitudes. A
separate resolution called for the control of “The Negro Question - Hacks and
Prostitutes.” The reasoning of the first resolution held that the great
majority of contraband in the city must be controlled, and the best way to
control the vagrant Negroes was for:
the President [to] call recruits and enlist negro
soldiers especially cause to be taken, receive, recruit, and enlist all negroes
belonging to [those] once claimed by rebels, and those opposed to the
Government of the United States, at least all those fit for service, wherever
and whenever it can be done; then to be officered and commanded by competent
free white men….
…. because there [is], a large, unprecedented
collection of runaway slaves, contraband s and free negroes, without profitable
occupations, or place of residence, and without means of subsistence…[who]… infest
the city and vicinity in gross violation of the State and Municipal law, [and
are] a source of [a] great annoyance to the citizens….we earnestly suggest and
request the military authorities to take charge of and control said negroes [sic], …[and] put them in the army, to
work on fortifications, in hospitals, on railroads, or some other public work
for the government, or suffer and permit the city and municipal authorities to
enforce the law in reference to said negroes [sic]; but not in such manner as to aid or assist rebel owners or
claimants in re-possessing themselves of said slaves, or their services, or
their hire.[82]
A Nashville
report noted in August, 1863 that at Decherd the recruitment of Negroes was
rapidly progressing and that seven or eight regiments of contrabands would be
in the field as rapidly as possible.”
At Nashville two regiments are being organized out of the men
who have been for two years at work on the defenses of that city. About 1800
men have thus been mustered into service at Nashville, and one or two parades
have been had. Here at the front the regiments are yet skeletons, but are
rapidly growing to be strong and important reinforcements to this army. All
contrabands in the army not personal servants of officers are being gathered
together for these regiments. The men go in willingly. There is no necessity for impressing them.[83]
[emphasis added]
Yet there
were still difficulties in recruiting. Contraband men were used to build and
maintain railroads. Which had the greater imperative, to use them as laborers
or as soldiers? General G. M. Dodge wrote to Major General U. S. Grant in early
December, 1863 that “the recruiting officers for [84]
claim the right to open recruiting officers along my line
if this is done I lose my negroes, which at this time would
be very detrimental to the service. So far I have refused to allow them to
recruit. They have now received positive orders from the commanders of for Tennessee to come here and recruit. I don't
want any trouble with them, and have assured them that when we were through
with the negroes. I would see that they go into the service. Unless you order
otherwise, I shall continue to refuse to allow them to recruit along my line.
approved of Dodge’s plan, and no conscription of negro laborers was allowed
along the route of the NW&N railroad, until after the road was finished.[85]
Nevertheless, USCT were used extensively in the construction of forts and
defensive positions in Nashville, Chattanooga and other cities in the Volunteer
were vital in the Union supply and logistic system and USCT were often ordered
to protect them from Confederate guerillas bent upon destroying railroad track.
The practice became so common that Federal forces built block houses, or “bomb
proofs” to protect the railways. Many USCT used them as a base to protect the
railroads from Confederate assaults.
such attack took place on December 3, 1864 on the Nashville and Chattanooga
railroad, at bombproof No.2, just five miles south Nashville. It was a
coordinated attack led by Nathan Bedford Forrest’s units, as part of Hoods
attack on Nashville. As a train filled with members of the approached the bomb
proof and a bridge, Confederates, wearing Union uniforms, fired upon it,
immediately wrecking the train. The train’s cargo of some 350 USCT, members of
the Fourteenth and Forty-fourth USCT, managed to configure into
battle formation, the immediately sought refuge in Blockhouse no.2. There the
USCT’s shortage of ammunition was made up for by the 2,000 rounds the commander
of the blockhouse made available to them. As the Confederate forces continued
to shell the bombproof, doing considerable damage, the USCT kept up constant
firing on the enemy, forcing them to change the position of their artillery
frequently. Yet there was one rebel piece that was able, “due to the features
of the terrain [sic], to escape the
well-directed and withering fire the colored troops made upon the other cannon.
It was loaded under cover of the hill, pushed to the crest, sighted and fired,
and then drawn back to reload. The garrison was unable to force this gun from
its position. Firing was kept up continually from 10 a. m. until dark. Near 500
rounds solid shot and shell, from 10 and 20 pounder guns, were fired at the
block-house. The cannonade lasted from 10:00 a.m. to dark. At night the
commanders of the fortress found the block-house in ”a ruinous condition, the
north wing being completely destroyed, outside casing of west wing was badly
damaged, the lookout gone, two large breaches made in the roof, and one of the
posts-the main support of the roof-knocked out, while the other center posts
were badly splintered.” The best thing to do under the circumstances was to
reform on the outside. Knowing the attitude of Nathan Bedford Forrest’s troops
towards Negroes in Federal uniform, it was sagaciously decided to abandon the
blockhouse to avoid day light and possible retribution from the Confederate
order was given to retreat at 3:00 a.m., and the Federal troops abandoned the
ruined structure. It was later ascertained that an order for all blockhouses
from Nashville to Murfreesboro be deserted, had been made a full two days
earlier, but the message was never received by blockhouse No. 2. Blockhouses 1,
3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 were similarly attacked and prisoners were taken by Forrest’s
troops. The USCT at No. 2, with their white comarades, accomplished a skillful
and successful retreat, losing but one dead and three wounded, with no
prisoners taken.[86]
Confederate forces retreated, their railroad interference work for John Bell
Hood’s attack on Nashville being completed.
The operations of the Twelfth USCT
from December 7, 1864-January 15, 1865, during and after the Battle for
Nashville were nothing if not skilled and fearless. According to the Report of
Col. Charles R. Thompson, Twelfth U. S. Colored Troops,[87]
commanding Second Colored Brigade, of operations December 7, 1864--January 15,
On the 7th day of December I reported to Maj.-Gen.
Steedman, in accordance with verbal orders received from department
headquarters, and by his directions placed my brigade in line near the City
graveyard, the right resting on College street, and the left on the right of
Col. Harrison's brigade, where we threw up two lines of rifle-pits. On the 11th
of December made a reconnaissance, by order of the general commanding, to see
if the enemy was still in our front. Two hundred men, under command of Col.
John A. Hottenstein, pressed the enemy's picket-line and reserve to their main
line of works, where they were found to be in force. The object of the
reconnaissance having been accomplished we retired to our position in line by
the direction of the major-general commanding. This was the first time that any
of my [USCT][88] had
skirmished with an enemy, and their conduct was entirely satisfactory.
days later on the 13th of December, the Twelfth Regt. [sic] U. S. Colored Infantry and the left
wing of the One hundredth Regiment U. S. Colored Infantry passed to the left of
the enemy's works, during the battle of Nashville, making a sharp angle which
gave the enemy an opportunity to make a raking fire on rear of this portion of
the command. It being impossible to change the front under the withering fire,
and there being no works in front of them,
Thompson gave orders for that portion of the command to move by the left
flank to the shelter of a small hill a short distance off, there to reorganize.
The right wing of the One hundredth Regt. [sic]
moved forward with the left of the Fourth Corps, and was repulsed with them.
The Thirteenth U. S. Colored Infantry, which was the second line of his
command, pushed forward of the whole line, and some of the men mounted the
parapet, but, having no support on the right, were forced to retire.
These [89]
were here for the first time under such a fire as veterans dread, and yet, side
by side with the veterans of Stone's River, Missionary Ridge, and Atlanta, they
assaulted probably the strongest works on the entire line, and though not
successful, they vied with the old warriors in bravery, tenacity, and deeds of
noble daring. The loss in the brigade was over twenty-five per cent. of the
number engaged, and the loss was sustained in less than thirty minutes.
Twelfth was in pursuit of rebel General Lyons, “without blankets or any extra
clothing, and more than one-half the time without fifty good shoes in the whole
brigade, this whole campaign was made with a most cheerful spirit existing. For
six days rations were not issued, yet vigorous pursuit was made…”
Thereafter the 12th USCT
was thereafter transferred to Murfreesboro. Losses for the Second Brigade USCT
USCT likewise served in West
Tennessee. The Fort Pillow Capture/Massacre of early April, 1864, in which some
350 USCT were slaughtered at the hands of troops under the command of Nathan
Bedford Forrest, stands as perhaps one of the Civil War’s more prominent and debated
events. [91]
Yet there were other chances for USCT to be immersed in quarrels and win
laurels. One sterling example occurred at Moscow, in Fayette County, on
December 3-4, 1863, in the Action at Wolf River Bridge.[92]
The railroad bridge was a strategic point on the Federal supply lines.
Confederate forces attacked but, through much hard fighting, were repulsed.
According to the Report of Col. Frank A. Kendrick, Sixteenth Army Corps, made
on December 12, 1863, the Second Regiment of West Tennessee Infantry played a
vital role in the defense of the bridge. Col. Kendrick specially commended the
Second Regiment of the West Tennessee Infantry (African Descent), wherein he
praised the “soldierly qualities evinced by the Second West Tennessee Infantry,
(African Descent) in this their first
encounter with the enemy.”[emphasis added]
Major General S. A. Hurlbut was
delighted with the report on the behavior of the USCT and on the 7th
of December wrote from Memphis that the
affair at Moscow the other day [December 4] was more
spirited than I thought. The [93]
Our loss is 7 killed and about 40 horses-10 captured. We have captured in the
movement 54 prisoners; buried 30. The entire loss of the enemy cannot be less
than 150. Forrest is gathering the guerrillas together at Jackson. I shall move
on him from Columbus and Moscow simultaneously.
regiment behaved splendidly.
As a result General Hurlbut likewise issued General
Orders, No. 173:
CORPS, Memphis, Tennessee, December 17, 1863.
The recent affair at Moscow, Tennessee, [December 4]
has demonstrated the fact that [94]
properly disciplined and commanded [USCT], can and will fight well, and the
general commanding corps deems it to be due to the officers and men of the
Second Regt. [sic] West Tennessee
Infantry, of African descent, thus publicly to return his personal thanks for
their gallant and successful defense of the important position to which they
had been assigned, and for the manner in which they have vindicated the wisdom
of the Government in elevating the rank and file of these regiments to the
position of freedmen and soldiers.
from fighting in such larger engagements the USCT likewise fought at the
smaller level of the skirmish, overwhelmingly type of combat in Tennessee
during the Civil War.[95]
On September 19, 1864, near the Kentucky-Tennessee border USCT were sent to
ascertain a problem with guerrillas. When they found the guerillas
The [96]
chivalry immediately opened fire on the rebels, and stiffened three of them as
cold as a lump of ice. The other two, squealing with fright, looked over their
shoulders, and with hair standing on end, eyes as wide as saucers, cheeks as
pale as their dirty shirts, and chattering teeth, fled as if the everlasting
devil was after them. The guerrillas made as good time as ever a Tennessee
race-horse did. Of course the soldiers had to give up the chase, as there was
no use trying to compete with Jeff. Davis’s chivalry in a foot-race.
On September
22, 1864, Pulaski, which was partially garrisoned by USCT, escaped an attack by
Forrest due to the overall strength of union forces there.[97]
Later in October 1864 guerrilla
activity had become such a hindrance to daily life that General Thomas sent
troops, specifically USCT, to impede Confederate conscription parties in the
environs of Fayetteville, which they accomplished.[98]
the same month in 1864 the Fourth
Colored Artillery, and the One hundredth and Nineteenth Regiment of were involved in a major skirmish near Fort
Donelson. Ninety members of the Fourth Colored Infantry on a conscript sweep in
Robertson county, were attacked by a Confederate force of 250 cavalry who were
repelled in their initial assaults. Soon it was found they were nearly
surrounded and so they took refuge in a number of plantation log structures
sitting nearby.
Confederates dismounted and initiated a new attack but were beaten back by a
well-directed fire. The Confederates could not dislodge the negro soldiers.
Shortly after retreating to the nearby woods the rebels sent in a flag of
truce, which was “instantly fired on.” Although this was a flagrant violation
of the “usages of civilized warfare” it was deemed excusable because the black
soldiers “had no favors to ask nor none to grant, and knowing the treatment
which officers and men of [99]
regiments have generally received at their hands we believe we will not be
censured for firing on their flag of truce.” The Confederate cavalry withdrew
“leaving their dead and severely wounded in our possession.” Lieut.-Col. T. R.
Weaver, commander of the One hundred and nineteenth Colored Infantry acclaimed
the soldierly attributes of his Negro troops, writing “the soldiers…behaved nobly. There was
not a single instance in which they did not surpass my expectations of them.”
Aside from the
combat at Fort Donelson was the famous fight at Johnsonville, on the Tennessee
River, in November, 1864. It was the western terminus of the N&NW railroad,
and an important supply and logistical center for the Federal army. “Several
Negro regiments encountered the rebel forces under Forrest and others as the
Confederates sought to take possession of Johnsonville…the important
Northwestern Railroad…on the east banks of the Tennessee River.”[100]
Rebel forces were driven off by members of the 13th USCT, who were
in the process of building earthen fortifications around the railroad terminus
since July, 1864. The Confederate activity was part of Major General John B.
Hood’s middle Tennessee campaign of 1864, an effort to cut Federal supply lines
to Nashville. The 61st USCT, and the 113th Illinois
infantry, suffered from a terrible ambush on the river near Johnsonville.”[101]
Amore sanguine Confederate attack to dislodge Union forces from Johnsonville,
and other USCT troops were involved: the 12th, 13th, 100th
USCT, were under siege by Rebel forces. U.S. forces, however, arrived and
lifted the siege. “Afterwards, the Union Army decided to abandon the works and
set up defenses to meet Hood’s onslaught at Columbia, Franklin and Nashville.”[102]
Despite the
hardships the USCT faced as combat soldiers and construction workers and
guards, they did develop an esprit de
corps. On July 27, 1864 the first grand review of in Nashville was held in Nashville. A rare
account of the official gathering testifies to this corps cohesion:
The grand review of the [103]
Col. Thompson; 15th U. S. C. Inf., Col. T. J. Downey; 17th regiment U. S. C.
Inf., Col. W. R. Shafter; and 100th regiment U. S. C. Inf., Maj. Ford,
commanding. The band of the 10th Tenn. Infantry were present and discoursed
most beautiful music, and added much to the effect of the review. Col.
Thompson, Review Officer present, took command, and right well did he acquit
himself. The 12th regiment came upon a special train from section 26, N. W. R.
R. To say that the review as good hardly does justice to these gallant . We have been an eyewitness of
many reviews of veteran ,
but have not witnessed a more creditable review than that of yesterday. The
commanders of the different regiment[s] may well feel proud of their
commands-and those of our citizens-especially the galvanized portion-missed a
grand sight if they were not present; and we would advise them when next an
opportunity affords, to be present and see how well some of the sons,
grandsons, nephews, &c., of our F. F.’s.[104]
acquitted themselves as soldiers of the Union. We trust that these reviews may
be frequent hereafter, that our citizens may see that the “ ” [sic] can and will make as good a soldier as a white man. Gen.
Chetlain expresses himself highly gratified with the condition of the here, and we can only wish him
god speed in his glorious mission.
in this city took place yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A large concourse of
citizens and officers of the army were present to witness the first review of
this branch of our service, which has attracted so much attention and comment
from all classes. The Reviewing Officer was Brig. Gen. Chetlain, commanding the
[USCT] of Tennessee. The present were the 12th regiment
U. S. C. Inf.,
The different regiments escorted the 12th regiment to
the N. W. Railroad depot, and then marched through the streets. We regret to
record the fact than an officer of the Army Commis’y [sic] Dep’t., so far forgot himself as a soldier and gentleman to
give commands to the [105] as
they passed his office on Cedar street. We trust hereafter that he will
discontinue the practice of putting an enemy in his mouth to steal away his
brains. We would gladly give an account of the rise and progress of the
organization of in this Department but time
will not permit.
A good, but bleak summation for the future of the erstwhile
contraband, USCT, and freedmen in Tennessee appeared in an article in the Daily Cleveland Herald explaining the big picture as a matter of
moral vs. economic issues. The article was taken from a Knoxville newspaper,
January 21, 1865, and purported that economics must prevail over prejudice
against the contraband and freedmen. His argument furtively repudiated racial
prejudice and sidestepped the issues of education for freedmen. Instead it and
put forth an argument for an inclusive return of King Cotton, save for chattel
slavery, to be replaced by wage slavery and share-cropping. According to the
circumvention in the editorial:
One cold night last Nov. was heard a knock at my door, so
feeble that I doubted it were a knock, and there staggered in the doorway a
poor, outcast black girl, sick and weak to faintness.-Her owner, having now no
use for her, had cast her off to save the expenses of keeping her in food and
clothing. Slavery never taught her to provide for herself, and she now wandered
a beggar indeed. And no one often finds them here. She represents a large class
of this suffering people, wading thru’ deep waters out of bondage.- To any one
who stands here in Tennessee, and thinks-tho’ he have very little “nigger[sic] on the brain,” the great question,
“What shall a poor nigger [sic] do?”
is forced vividly into view. The conflict with slavery being now virtually over
[there arises] a new irrepressible in the question of the destiny of the
American blacks. Slaveholders have all along declared that the blacks could not
and should not remain here as freedmen.- Many Tennesseans, who are loyal and
who believe that the institution is dead, will tell you the same, because-some
say-of the mere prejudice against them,
which they believe can never be eradicated.[added] Others take a somewhat
better view that Providence has raised up this people that they may return
enlightened by their American sojourn, and help “Ethiopia stretch forth her
hands to God….That many blacks will in
time go to Africa voluntarily, … is not improbable.[added] But as to their
being driven out en masse by this omnipotent prejudice…. When our
country is grinding out History with a rapidity that outstrips the pen, when
the sentiments of whole States are being revolutionized, almost in a day, who
shall say that this “prejudice” may not be upset in the general overthrow?
But to us the economical view is the more significant. Not
that the moral is subordinate. But Providence employs the immediate
instrumentality of economical laws to accomplish more distant and grander moral
ends. The Almighty works out moral
problems by commercial figures. [added] Moral laws, though fixed, are too
general, of too wide a scope, for us to argue from them in this case with
certainty. For the present the rain falls upon the just and upon the unjust.
But we may argue from economical laws. They are within human grasp, and we may
be confident that this new irrepressible [conflict] will be settled in
accordance with them. Demand and supply of a staple article will “move
mountains”-of prejudice-or of anything else mundane. Cotton could sit upon a throne of tyranny, but now in a lawful way
cotton shall be King.[106][added]
This racist attitude was made tangible in the autumn of 1865.
Sadly the prejudicial prediction followed along the lines of the editorial.
While there was a period of freedom, political involvement, the ordeals of the
contraband, the military history of the USCT, and the formation of urban black
would end up bottled up in the near permanent policies of segregationist Jim
Crow laws and share-cropping that held sway until the 1960s. It is likewise
possible that by isolating the thousands of contrabands into corrals an urban
policy of segregation on the basis of race was initiated. The law of unexpected
consequences help assist the formation of vibrant African-American communities
in Nashville and other Tennessee cities.
In early September 1865, President
Andrew Johnson was upset that reports concerning the obstreperous behavior of
USCT in “acts of revenge and insurrection” at Greenville and Knoxville had
taken place. Major-General G. H. Thomas tried to explain to the President that
such reports[108]
that some whites were trying to foment insurrection and revenge among the USCT
were mistaken. In any event the President ordered Thomas to send the troops to
Georgia or Alabama, where they were more needed. His order was quickly followed
by General Thomas.[109]
In September 1865 there was a rash of burnings of Feedmen’s
schools in middle and east Tennessee. Worse than school burnings was a headline
in a newspaper report “REIGN OF TERROR IN EAST TENNESSEE, appearing early
September, 1865. “ According one commentary:
Daily reports from East Tennessee show a perfect reign of
terror in that section. Lynch law in its most revolting phases reigns supreme.
Lynch law, now excusable as personifying irrepressible outbursts of an
indignant community, maddened by outrages which the “strong arm of the law”
fails to redress or avert, but of lawless violence engendered by anarchy and
confusion. Proscription of the most intolerant kind is carried with so high a
hand, that murderous revenge and barbarous outrages are daily perpetrated with
the utmost impunity.
Gov. Brownlow was petitioned by some the most
upright citizens of east Tennessee, to use his influence for the restoration of
law and order. His reply, in an editorial article,[110]
in the Knoxville Whig was considered
characteristic of the man. It is deemed “unworthy a respectable editor, and
certainly unbecoming in a governor.” Rather than trying to assert his authority
to quiet the excitement “his published answer is only calculated to create
faction and fan the flames of discontent and dissatisfaction.”[111]
Another incident of a school-house
burning took place in in Decherd in early September, 1865. It was “about as low
down in rascality as dirty fellow can fathom” reported the New York Times. General C.B.
Fisk took a reasonable approach; rather than hunting down the perpetrators he
ordred USCT from Murfreesboro to Decherd to prevent any further indidences. Yet
he soon learned that where USCT had been removed “that at some points from
which the troops have been recently withdrawn the citizens have caused the
colored schools to be closed and the teachers ordered to leave.”[112]
In Tullahoma a razed school house was ordered by military authorities to be
rebuilt by its citizens.[113]
Demonstrating that the freedmen’s role had not virtually
changed were the list of conditions of work in Clarksville as reported in a
rare document dated in late September, 1865. It is difficult to see much
difference between slavery and contractual work freedmen and former contraband
entered into after the fighting had ceased. Authorities, in charge of the
Freedmen’s Bureau in Clarksville, adopted the following stringent rules for
1. One half of the wages of the
employee will be retained by the employer, until the end of the contract for
its faithful performance.
2. The employees will be required to
rise at daybreak, each one to feed and take care of the stock allotted to him,
or perform any other business that may be assigned to him; to eat their
breakfast and be ready for work at the signal, which will be given when the sun
is half an hour high. All time lost after the signal is given will be deducted.
3. No general conversation will be
allowed during working hours.
4. Bad work will be assessed at its
proper value.
5. For disobedience one dollar will
be deducted.
6. Neglect of duty and leaving
without permission will be considered disobedience.
7. No live stock will be permitted to
be raised by the employee, will be charged for.
8. Apples, peaches, and melons, or
any other product of the farm taken by the employee, will be charged for.
9. The employee shall receive no
visitors during work hours.
10. Three quarters of an hour will be
allowed during the winter months for dinner, and one hour and a half during the
months of June, July, and August.
11. Impudence, swearing, or indecent
and unseemly language to, or in the presence of the employer or his family, or
agent, or quarrelling or fighting, so as to disturb the peace of the farm, will
be fined one dollar for the first offence, and if repeated, will be followed by
dismissal and loss of such pay as shall be adjudged against him by the proper
12. All difficulties that may arise
between the employees shall be adjusted by the employer, and, if not
satisfactory, an appeal may be taken to an agent of the U. S. Government or a
13. All abuse of stock, or willful
breaking of tools, or throwing away gear, &c., will be charged against the
14. Good and sufficient rations will
be furnished by the employer, not, however, to exceed six pounds of bacon and
one peck of meal per week for each adult.
15. House rent and fuel will be
furnished, free, by the employer.
16. No night work will required of
the employee but such as the necessities of the farm absolutely demand -- such
as tying up fodder, firing tobacco, setting plant beds afire securing a crop
from frost, &c.
17. A cheerful and willing
performance of duty will be required of the employee.
18. Stock must be fed and attended to
on Sunday.
19. The woman will be required to do
the cooking in rotation on Sunday.
20. The employee will be expected to
look after and study the interest of his employer; to inform him of anything
that is going amiss; to be peaceable, orderly and pleasant; to discourage
theft, and endeavor by his conduct to establish a character for honesty,
industry and thrift.
21. In case of any controversy in
regard to the contract or its regulations, between the employer and the
employee, the agent of the Bureau for the county shall be the common arbiter to
whom the difficulty shall be referred.[114]
These harsh
and one-sided regulations may well have contributed to a riot that occurred at
Christmas, 1865 in Clarksville. A serious melee took place when a policeman
struck a member of the USCT with a club. He used his bayonet to register his dissatisfaction when a crowd soon
gathered. A former guerilla in the
throng drew. his revolver and fired two shots at the remaining USCT, who then
formed ranks and fired into the crowd. A crowd gathered, and Meck.
Carnly, formerly a notorious guerrilla, drew a revolver and fired two shots at
the soldiers, who then formed ranks and fired into the crowd. Two white men
were seriously wounded, and one black soldier slightly hurt. Major Bond, agent
of the Freedmen’s Bureau, promptly quelled the disturbance, sending the
soldiers back to the fort. All seemed to have returned to quite as it was
learned that Carnly astutlely absented the town. ”All has been quiet since, and
no fears are entertained of another difficulty.”[115]
The affair failed to explode into a full scale riot due to the timely
intervention of the Freedmens’ Bureau, yet is does demonstrate that as late as
December, 1865, hostility to the negro population, particularly USCT, had not
disappeared and racism was still strong in Tennessee.[116]
Through constant struggle against segregationist laws and
policies the victory was won in the form of the Great Society’s legislation
guaranteeing civil rights to all Americans. From contraband to USCT, the
Thirteenth through the Seventeenth Amendments to the U. S. Constitution and
citizens whose rights were won beginning in the turmoil of the Civil War and
constant protest, it took nearly a century for the civil rights of African
Americans to be forthrightly recognized and guaranteed.
[1] Elvira J. Powers, Hospital Pencillings [sic];
Being a Diary While in Jefferson General Hospital, Jeffersonville, Ind., and
Others at Nashville, Tennessee, As Matron and Visitor, (Edward L. Mitchel:
24 Congress Street: Boston, 1866) 116-117. [Hereinafter: Powers, Pencillings, etc.] For a more general
treatment of this topic see: Stephen V. Ashe, The Black Experience in the Civil War (London:2010), pp. 82-90; and
Bobby Lovett. Diss., University of Arkansas, 1978, “The Negro in Tennessee,
1861-1866: A Socio-Military History of the Civil War,” pp. 13-123.
[Hereinafter: “Negro in Tennessee.”]
[2] Bobby Lovett, ”The Civil War in
Tennessee: An African American Perspective.” Tennessee State of the Nation, eds. W. Calvin Dickinson and Larry
H. Whiteaker, pp. 105 -112, 2nd ed. New York: American Heritage, 1978, p. 107.[Hereinafter:
Lovett,“African-America Perspective.”]
[3] Lovett, “African-American
Perspective” p.107
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Lovett, “The Negro in Tennessee,” p.
[8] OR,
Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 82. See also:http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/blacks-civil-war/article.html.
See also Lovett, “Negro in Tennessee,” p. 25.
[9] OR, Ser. III, Vol. 3, p. 116.
[10] OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. III,
pp. 149-150.
[11] OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24,
pt. III, pp. 149-150. See also: OR, Ser. III, Vol. 3, p. 116.
[12] OR,
Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 82.
[13] Chicago Times, June 3, 1862
[14] “Madeline Thorne, ed., The Civil War Diary of Cyrus F. Boyd:
Fifteenth Iowa Infantry, (State Historical Society of Iowa, 1953), entry
for January 13, 1863. [Hereinafter cited as Boyd Diary.]
[15] Boyd Diary, entry for August 24, 1862.
[16] Ibid entry for August 30,
[17] Powers, Pencillings, pp. 14-19.
[18] New York Times, August 21,
[19] In Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Topsy is a
mischievous, clever little girl who hasn’t been raised with any moral or
intellectual instruction. In fact, was raised in complete subjugation, beaten
and whipped with any instrument that comes to hand by her heartless masters.
[20] Powers, Pencillings,
pp. 61-63.
[21] “Walk a straight line.”
[22] Alice William Diary,
entries for May 1-5, 1864. See also Ibid., entries for April 26, 1864, May 9,
1864, and August 15, 1864.
[23] New York Times, August 21,
[24] Ibid
[25] New York Times, February 15, 1863.
[26] Papers of Andrew Johnson,
Vol. 6, p. 684.
[27] New York Times, September 10, 1863.
[28] Ibid.
[29] Ibid.
[30] PAJ, Vol. 6, “Appendix,” pp. 762-763; also, Vol. 7, pp. 242-244.
[31] New York Times, February 22, 1864.
[32] A bale of cotton weighs about 500
pounds. At thirty cents a pound times seven bales they could profit
$1,050. Quite a hefty sum in 1862. See: https://www.cotton.org/edu/faq/.
[33] Chicago Times, August 19,
1862. As cited in: http://www.uttyl.edu/vbetts.
[34] Fort Pickering.
[35] OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, pp. 200-202; OR, Ser. III, Vol. 4, pp. 763-772
[36] That is, to hit them with a riding
crop as they commonly did before the war.
[37] David C. Allen, ed., Winds of Change: Robertson County, Tennessee
in the Civil War, (Nashville: Land Yacht Press, 2000), pp. 84-85.
[Hereinafter: Winds of Change.]
[38] I am indebted to Steve Rogers, of
the Tennessee Historical Commission/State Historic Preservation staff, and Dr.
Wayne Moore, Assistant Archivists, Tennessee State Archives, for this
[39] Memphis Bulletin, October 1,
[40] The free and contraband Negroes were
not yet legally citizens. Yet their use of the term gave their meeting a sense
of dignity and showed they were well aware of the future they could help create
through participation in the political system, even though had no claims to any
protection of their persons and property.
This would remain true until the passage of the 14th
Amendment in 1866.
[41] Nashville Daily Press & Times,
August 16, 1864.
[42] Ibid.
[43] Guerrillas attacked the Wessington
Plantation (in the Springfield environs) in December, 1864.Mrs. Jane Washington
Smith wrote to her son in Toronto, Canada, telling him of the horrid details.
Near the end of the debacle she wrote: “The fencing caught…fire and but for the
prompt exertions of Sergeant Jackson (a negro) the whole place would have been
consumed.” Surely Sgt. Jackson’s action was an example of such an attitude.
TSL&A, Civil War Collection, Correspondence by Jane Smith Washington,
Letter, December 18, 1864.
[44] Nashville Dispatch, March 25, 1865.
[45] Macon Daily Telegraph, October 26,
[46] Knoxville Daily Bulletin,
September 16, 1863. See also: Macon Daily Telegraph, November 27, 1863.
[47] The meaning of this exclamation is
not known. Perhaps “let the good times roll.”
[48] The
Daily Dispatch, March 6, 1863
[49] Ibid. March 10, 1863.
[50] Ibid.
[51] Nashville Daily Press, June 29, 1863.
[52] Memphis Bulletin, September 22, 1863.
[53] John Hill Fergusson Diary,
Book 3. May 3, 1863
[54] Nashville Dispatch, July 3, 1863; Nashville Daily Press, July 9, 1863. [In the end the white prostitutes were
returned to Nashville and a system of legal prostitution implemented by the U.
S. Army. See: James Boyd Jones, Jr., “A Tale of Two Cities: The Hidden Battle
Against Venereal Disease in Civil War Nashville and Memphis,” Civil War History, September 1985, Vol.
31, No.3, 270-276,]
[55] Memphis Appeal, October 22, 1861; Nashville Dispatch, August 4, 1864.
[56] United States Surgeon General’s
Office, The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, vol. 1,
pt. 3, ed Charles Smart (Washington, DC: GPO, 1888), pp 894-895. Also: Jones,
“A Tale of Two Cities,” pp. 275-276; and New
York Times, October 3, 1863.
[57] Guards were most likely posted to
keep the contraband in and so limit the spread of small pox.
[58] Nashville Dispatch, July 9, 1863
[59] Ibid
[60] Nashville Dispatch, July 9, 1863
[61] Powers, Pencillings, p. 42
Nashville Dispatch, July 9, 1863
[62] Memphis Bulletin, March 4, 1864.
[63] They were right, but for the wrong
reasons. Bacteria, or “animalcules” were known to exist, but the connection
between them and disease would wait until germ theory became the default
medical position in the 1880s.
[64]Memphis Daily Bulletin, March 6, 1863.
[65] Memphis Bulletin,
March 10, 1863.
[66] The
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Volume 6, 1862-1864, eds. LeRoy P. Graf and Ralph
W. Haskins, Patricia P. Clark, Associate Editor, Marion O. Smith, Research
Associate, the University of Knoxville Press, Knoxville, 1983, pp.. 488-492.
[Hereinafter cited as PAJ, vol. 6.]
Additionally, Johnson had no compunctions about freed slaves working on
military fortresses in Nashville. See: OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, pp.
242-243, and Monday Sept. 8th, '62 Memorandum of R. S. Dilworth Center for
Archival Collections Robert S. Dilworth Papers MS 800Transcript: Personal
Journal, April 3-May 12, 1862http://www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/cac/transcripts.
]Hereinafter cited as: Memorandum of R. S. Dilworth]
[67] See also:http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/blacks-civil-war/article.html
[68] OR, Ser.
III, Vol. 3, pt. II, pp., 840-84; OR,
Ser. II, Vol. 8, pp. 19-20; Memphis Bulletin,
November 19, 1863; OR, Ser. I, Vol.
31, pt. I, pp. 583-585; OR, Ser. I,
Vol. 32, pt. II, pp. 267-270; OR, Ser. I, Vol. 38, pt. II, pp. 494-497; OR, Ser. III, Vol. 4, pp. 763-772;
[69] Anecdotes, Poetry, and Incidents of the War: North and South, 1860-1865,
(NY: Publication Office, Bible House, 1867), pp. 451-452; OR, Ser. I, Vol. 38, pt. II, pp. 494-497; OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, pp. 219-220; OR, Ser. I, Vol.
30, pt. III, p. 61; OR, Ser. III,
Vol. 4, pp. 763-772; TSL&A, Civil War Collection, Correspondence by Jane
Smith Washington, Letter, December 18, 1864.
[70] OR,
Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 28; Dr. U.
G. Owen to Laura, January 21, 1864;
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 8, pp. 64-65; OR,
Ser. II, Vol. 8, pp. 163-164; OR,
Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I, pp. 464-465; OR,
Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I, p. 843;
[71] Nashville Dispatch, August 11, 1864
[72] Lovett, “Negro in Tennessee,” p. 50.
[73] OR,
Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I, pp. 857-858.
[74] Nashville Dispatch, November 19, 1863.
[75] That is, boot camp.
[76] That is, a German officer, from the
word “Deutsch.” Many Germans served in the Federal army. They were often the
target for derision.
[77] Spence Diary, entry for November 10,
[78] Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p.491.
[79] New York Times, August 21,
[80] OR,
Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 48
[81] One half of a pup pent,
[82] Insofar as the negro hacks
and prostitutes were concerned, the city fathers made “it now not lawful for
any hackman to drive, for pleasure or show, any woman of ill-fame through the
streets of the City.” Nashville Dispatch,
June 25, 1863.
[83] Nashville Daily Union, August 22, 1863.
[84] The Nashville and Northwest Railroad
(N&NW), then under construction. It would prove a major link in the supply
line from the Tennessee River at Johnsonville to Nashville to points further
[85] OR,
Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 366-367.
[86] OR,
Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, pp. 631-634
[87] Organized
in Tennessee at large July 24 to August 14, 1863 as 1st Alabama infantry
(African descent). Designation changed to 84th U.S.
Colored Troops, April 4, 1864.
Designation changed again the to The First U.S. Colored troops, and still later
to the to the 12th U.S. Colored infantry. Railroad guard and garrison duty in
the Dept. of the Cumberland till January, 1866 Mustered out January 16, 1866.
[88] OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, pp. 543-546.
[89] Ibid.
[90] Ibid.
[91] This event is
also widely known also as the “Fort Pillow Massacre.” It is listed as
“Massacre, Fort Pillow,” in Dyer’s Battle
Index for Tennessee. Many ardent devotees of Nathan Bedford Forrest disavow
the assertion that there was a massacre at all, claiming instead that either
Forrest was not there at the time, and so did not order such a bloodbath, or
that if there was such an incident it was because otherwise disciplined
soldiers became irrational after the fight due to presence of soldiers and so vented their
frustrations on the Federal soldiers that surrendered.
Major-General Forrest’s reports regarding the fight at Fort Pillow
indicate a massacre occurred, although he never used the word. See: OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, pp. 609-611;
Report of the Adjutant General, pp.
646-647; John Cimprich and Robert C. Mainfort, “Dr. Fitch’s Report on the Fort
Pillow Massacre,” Tennessee Historical Quarterly, Vol. XLIV No. 1
(Spring, 1985), pp. 27-39; Report No. 65, House of Representatives,
Thirty-eighth Congress, first session; and reports of Capt. Alexander M.
Pennock, U. S. Navy, in Annual Report of
the Secretary of the Navy, December 5, 1864. See also Lovett, “Negro in
Tennessee, pp. 59-66.
[91] There are a total of thirteen reports relating
directly to the Fort Pillow massacre, found in the OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, pp. 502-623. See also: James B. Jones,
Jr., Every Day In Tennessee History, (Winston Salem: John F. Blair,
1996), p. 75.
[92] Lovett, “Negro in Tennessee,” pp.
[93] No indication of which USCT organization
was involved. Lovett, “
Negro in Tennessee,”., identifies companies A, B, C, D, 61st USCT
infantry, the 4th USC Heavy Artillery, batteries A and D.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 577.
[95] James B. Jones, Jr., “The Civil War
in Tennessee: New Perspectives on Familiar Materials,” Tennessee Historical Quarterly, Vol. LXII, no. 2, (September 2003),
pp 168-170.
[96] Nashville Daily Times and True Union, September 20, 1864.
[97] Lovett, “Negro in Tennessee,” pp.
[98] OR,
Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. III, p. 172
[99] OR,
Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I, pp. 857-858. See also: Ibid., Vol. 39, Ser. I, pt. III,
p. 218. See also: Lovett, “Negro in Tennessee,” pp. 99-111.
[100] Lovett, “Negro in Tennesee,,” p. 94.
[101] Ibid.
[102] Ibid., 94-95.
See also: OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I,
pp. 868-872.
[103] 12th USCT, Organized in Tennessee at
large July 24 to August 14, 1863 as 1st Alabama infantry (African descent).
changed to 84th U.S. Colored Troops, April 4, 1864.
changed to 1st U.S. Colored troops, later to 12th U.S. Colored infantry.
guard and garrison duty in the Dept. of the Cumberland till January, 1866
out January 16, 1866. Cited in
[104] Most likely an abbreviation for
“Fighting Forces.”
[105] Nashville Daily Times and True Union, July 28, 1864.
[106] The Daily Cleveland Herald,
February 7, 1865. As cited in GALEGROUP
[107] Lovett, “Negro in Tennessee,: p. 37
[108] Some reports had reached
President Johnson that his home in Greeneville had been occupied by USCT and
turned into a “negro whore house.” He was decidedly upset. See: OR, Ser. I. Vol. 49. pt. II, p. 1109.
[109] OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49,
pt. II, pp. 1110-1111.
[110] Not found.
[111] The Macon Daily
Telegraph, September 10, 1865.
[112] New York Times, September 14,
[113] New York Times, September 15,
[114] Staunton Spectator,
September 26, 1865. As cited in: http://valley.vcdh.virginia.edu
[115] Philadelphia Inquirer,
December 30, 1865.
[116] For a cogent analysis of the
Governor G. W. Brownlow’s administration’s use of force to protect negro rights
and hold conservative white forces at bay see. Ben H. Severance, Tennessee’s
Radical Army: The State Guard and its Role in Reconstruction, 1867-1869,
(Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press, 2005).
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