Thursday, December 18, 2014

12.18.2014 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        18, A visit from the Mayor of Shelbyville; Confederate politics in Bedford County

We had the pleasure yesterday of a call from our old friend, Major James Russ, the able editor of the Shelbyville Expositor. He is on a business visit to our city, having brought down with him ninety two splendid rifles for the State, which, in the hands of as many of our native marksmen will be put to good use in repelling the invaders of Southern soil.

We are glad to see it announced that Major Russ is the Southern Right's candidate for Register of the good county of Bedford. We have known Maj. Russ long and intimately, and we know that he is well qualified, in every respect, for the position, and are satisfied that they would discharge its duties faithfully and honorably. If there is a man in the county who deserves the confidence of the people, and their suffrages for the office for which he is a candidate, he is the man [sic]. As the editor and publisher of a newspaper he has done much to entertain the public, and to keep it posted upon all matters of interest; and, besides, was one of the first of the conservatives of Bedford to sound the alarm and warn his fellow citizens against the dangers which were foreshadowed in the election of Lincoln. We well remember his notes of warning were received, how many of his best friends regarded them as premature; and we also remember how the rapidly unfolding events which followed proved his sagacity and prudence. He was only a little in advance of the "grand army" of Tennessee which followed to his footsteps. We trust that he may be elected. He deserves that much, at least, of his fellow citizens.-Nashville Patriot.

We most cordially endorse what our Nashville neighbor says in the above relative to our clever Shelbyville contemporary. His long and diligent labor in the capacity of a journalist and his always faithful performance of the duties of a citizen and friend, will not soon be forgotten by the patriotic, Southern-hearted people of Bedford. Now that they have it in their power to give him [a vote?] of confidence that we can hereafter [illegible] fact they have done so. Mr. Russ has been a good and faithful Register [sic], editorially-he will be a good and faithful Register [sic] officially.

Nashville Daily Gazette, December 18, 1861.[1]

        18, "Procession Extraordinary."

A grand procession of fowling pieces, gun carriages and necessary accoutrements, was among the street incidents yesterday. The train of six-pounders, together with the large force of cavalry, that passed through our city, would no doubt cause a stranger to strongly impressed with the idea that the people in this latitude are preparing for war. If the Yankees while on their way to Nashville should happen to meet this little procession, they will find a slight obstacle in the road.

Nashville Daily Gazette, December 18, 1861.

        18, "Another Portrait."

Mr. William Cooper, the Artist, has recently executed another portrait of President Davis, which he has placed at the disposal of the ladies of the Tennessee Hospital Association. We understand the picture will be raffled off at an early day, the proceeds to be applied to comforting the sick soldiers. Those who desire to take chances can leave their names at Calhoun's jewelry store, where the picture can be seen.

Nashville Daily Gazette, December 18, 1861.

        18, Skirmish near Lexington[2]

No circumstantial reports filed.

TRENTON, December 18, 1862.


Six men of Col. Hawkin's Second West Tennessee Cavalry, just arrived from Lexington, report that they, with cavalry from Jackson, met the enemy at daybreak this morning near Lexington; that our troops, after a sharp fight, were repulsed and two pieces of artillery taken from us.

JACOB FRY, Col., Comdg. Post.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 432.

        18, Major-General U. S. Grant anticipates Confederate attack upon Jackson

GRANT'S HDQRS., December 18, 1862.


Col. Lowe is instructed to move from Fort Heiman with 1,000 to 1, 200 to get in rear of the enemy. Dodge will also be up with a force. There are now five light-draught gunboats in [the] Tennessee [river], so that if you get enemy on retreat and push them I except to hear a good account from Jackson to-morrow.

U. S. GRANT, Maj.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 431.

        18, Instructions to Colonel Lawler, commanding Post of Jackson

HDQRS. DISTRICT OF JACKSON, Jackson, Tenn., December 18, 1862.

Instruction to Col. Lawrel, commanding Post of Jackson, Tenn.

Place one section of artillery and 50 men at Mrs. Hays' house, near depot; 100 men in brick depot; 50 men in Tomlin's house; 50 men in G. N. Harris' house.

The officers in command of these parties will see that their men have 100 rounds of ammunition each on their persons, with an additional 100 rounds in boxes in the houses to be occupied; also four gallons of water to each man, with three days' rations of, at least, coffee and bread. Three crow-bars will be provided for each house.

The Negroes [sic] in town will at daylight be pressed into the service, and be employed in carrying stores within the inner line. They will also be prepared, under charge of a competent officer, to level the fences from Tomlin's house out. There will be in the court-house at least four gallons of water per man; also water with buckets in cupola of court-house. The windows and doors in front will be removed; the rear blockaded and loop-holed. Officer's wives and loyal ladies in the city will be prepared to leave town at a moment's notice. They will see that these orders are executed.

By order of Brig. Gen. Jer. C. Sullivan:

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 431.

        18, General Bragg issues regulations relative to impressment of supplies from civilians


Murfreesborough, December 18, 1862.

* * * *

IV. Commissaries and their agents will observe strictly the following regulations:

1st. The authority to impress supplies for the army is limited, first, to supplies by merchants and traders, and withheld from market for purposes of speculation on the future wants of the Government or people; second, to surplus supplies (beyond a full and liberal allowance for domestic use) in the hands of planters or farmers, who refuse to sell for Confederate notes, or from motives of hostility to the Confederate Government.

2d. In all cases of seizure it must be done by the commissary or his authorized agent in person, and not by employes in their service, and the supplies seized shall be paid for at the time at the established rates.

3d. Commissaries and their agents are prohibited from seizing and taking possession of stores bought by other purchasing officers and held at depots or in transit.

By command of Gen. Bragg

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 453.

        18, "The good Secesh of Hickman drowned old McGraw…." Jesse P. Bates to his wife in Hickman County

Murfreesboro, Tenn. Dec. the 18th 1862.

Dear wife, I take the present opportunity of writing you a few lines to let you know that I am well at this time and I hope that when you get this letter it will find you and our little children enjoying the same blessing. We come here the 5th of this month and we left McMinville [sic] on the 2nd one on the 6th. We went in about 10 miles of Nashville and we staid about there until yesterday. While we was [sic] out there, our cavalry captured a good many of the enemy. Gen. Morgan captured 1,800 up on Cumberland river. There has been no other fight near here. Father came to see me on the 29th of last month and he brought me one pair of pants, 2 pair of socks and one pair of drawers and a linsey shirt. The folks was all well. Sam had never been home since he was exchanged. He was down in Miss. Jo Beasely and Beverly is with the Yankees. Jo carried his family to Nashville and uncle John leans to the Lincoln government. Your mother lives near James and Tom is with her. Father could not tell me any other particulars about them. The good Secesh of Hickman drowned old McGraw and John McCaleb is not good Secesh and Will Wooten deserted and sold 2 horses that belonged to the government. Baird was well when I saw him this evening we come here. I wrote to you from Tullahoma and sent it by mail and I wrote to you from McMinville [sic] by N. F. Moore and I also sent you ($100) one hundred dollars which has had time to reach you, if it has had good luck.

And about coming home, I don't know that I'll get off, but I expect to get a furlough in about 2 weeks and I am going to try with all my energies. Dan and Jo and the 2 Morgans and Loflen are here and well. Tom Jackson is at McMinville [sic], I the hospital. He is discharged, but will stay at the hospital until he gets well. A. L. H., and Sexton and Lewis Miller is [sic] at Chattanooga. Sexton is at work and Aleck had got able to go about and Louis has got the dropsey [sic].

My love, I have but little of importance to writhe though if I was with you I could tell you a good many things that you would like [to] know.

My dearest earthly treasure, I know that you see a hard time, but we have to endure our fate and we ought to prepare for the worst and hope and pray for the best. Although the time seems long we must not despair, but continue to cope and pray. Honey, try to be a faithful Christian [sic] and not weep and give to excep [sic] Tell Frank and Sarah to be good children and help Ma and comfort her and kiss one another for me.

I sent your ma ($5.00) five dollars.

Give my love and respects to those that enquire after me and take my love to yourself.

I have nothing more to write at present only I remain your affectionate companion until death. So farewell my loved ones until I see or hear from you again.

Jesse P. Bates

Bates Correspondence.

        18, Picket duty at South Tunnel, bathing, coffee and crackers; excerpts from George F. Cram's letter to his mother

Camp of the 105th [Ohio], South Tunnel

….We were sent out day before yesterday to guard a bridge three miles from here. It was one which Morgan had burned and had been reconstructed. I was up four hours in the night. We built up large fires on each side of the bridge at night and established our headquarters off to the left about forty rods, posting the guards some ten rods from the fire in the forest so they could see every movement around the bridge.

It was the corporal's business to post the guard, keep up the fires and visit each one of the guards in succession to see that all was right with them. We had also a reserve of some twelve men at headquarters in case of an attack. I was up from either till ten from four till six. Nothing occurred during the night of any movement but in the morning our second lieutenant shot himself in the foot while getting over a fence. The wound disabled him for a time but is not serious.

Last Friday [12th] I was out also on picket and I had a glorious bath in a little brook nearby and my companion and myself succeeded by example and persuading in getting all but one of the other guards to wash themselves from head to foot. This is a historical fact and might almost be put on record for soldiers seldom wash more than their noses and fingernails. I certainly believe that one half of the deaths in the army are caused by filth. We have some even in our own company who only wash their faces about once in a week and who never [sic], wash their bodies at the same time. They just pour down the grease and coffee cooked in iron kettles which spoils it. I have stopped drinking coffee except when on picket and then we are allowed to draw it and cook it in our tin cup. I eat no more pork also that I can favorably help. But to do wholly without is impossible as we have nothing else most of the time but crackers.

* * * *

Letters of George F. Cram

        18, Death of Confederate Brigadier General J. K. Duncan in Knoxville

GENERAL ORDERS, No. 157. HDQRS. DEPARTMENT No. 2, Murfreesborough, Tenn., December 20, 1862.

The general commanding announces with deep regret the death of Brig. Gen. J. K. Duncan, chief of staff. He died at Knoxville, Tenn., on the 18th instant, after a painful and protracted illness. The army and the country will lament the loss of this distinguished soldier, at a time of life when he might, with reason, have looked forward to a long career of usefulness honor. An educated officer of fine attainments, he was among the first in this struggle to enter the service, and was content with a subordinate position. By his zeal, efficiency, and gallantry, he had so won the confidence of his Government and the admiration of his associates in arms as to attain a position second only in importance to that of commander-in-chief of an army. His heroic defense of the forts below New Orleans is known to all, and his name has gone down to history. Dead to his family and friends, he will still live in the hearts, of his country men as among the brightest and bravest spirits of the many who have given their lives to the holy cause of freedom.

By command of Gen. Bragg:

GEO. G. GARNER, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. II, p. 457.

        18, Promotions and a military board of examiners

A Board of Examiners consisting of the Major 2 Captains and two lieutenants has been appointed to examine the non-commissioned Officers of our Regiment as to their knowledge of Tactics [sic] and the latter are now busily engaged in the study of Upton[3] much against their will, but they are afraid to neglect the necessary preparation as the Board has authority to recommend or report against promotions. We had about concluded that precision in drill was something that belonged to the Home Guards-an ornamental affair to please the Ladies but of no use to scare the enemy. [emphasis added]

Diary of Lyman S. Widney

        18, Nashville's fire cracker ordinance

Fire Works.—Christmas time is drawing nigh, and children are already becoming jubilant over the anticipation of the "good time coming."  As a premonitory symptom, we notice that several traders have supplied themselves with fire-works of various descriptions, which our youngsters are already buying and exploding about the streets. With a view of preventing such breeches of the City Laws, the Recorder requests us to publish the following section from chapter 21, part 3, of the City Law:

Sec. 11. That if any person or persons shall fire any gun or pistol, cast, throw, or fire any squib, rocket, cracker or other combustible fire-works within the limits of the corporation; every such person, for every such offence, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars; and if a slave, he, she, or they, shall receive not less than five, nor more than twenty lashes; if any person or persons shall vend, manufacture, give away, deal in, or have in his possession any squib, rocket, cracker, powder, or other combustible fire-works within the limits of the corporation of Nashville, for the purpose of disposing of the same to minors or slaves, every such person, for every such offence, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars

Nashville Dispatch, December 18, 1862.

        18, Skirmish at Rutledge

No circumstantial reports filed.

        18, Skirmish at Blain's[4] Cross Roads

BLAIN'S CROSS-ROADS, December 19, 1863.

I am here in force. The high water from rains and the state of the roads impeded operations very much. The men are suffering for want of shoes and clothing. Ammunition is also becoming scarce; of some arms entirely expended. Please to send by steamer to Loudon, as soon as possible, 5,000 pairs of shoes, 10,000 pairs socks, 5,000 shirts, 5,000 blouses, 10,000 overcoats, 10,000 shelter tents, 1,000,000 rifle cartridges caliber .58, 8,000 rounds for 3-inch ordnance field pieces, 4,000 rounds for 12-pounder Napoleon guns, 1,500 rounds for 20-pounder Parrotts, 2,000 rounds for 10-pounder Parrotts, 3,000 Spencer rifle cartridges, 6,000 Sharps rifle cartridges, 5,000 Burnside rifle cartridges, 6,000 Colt revolver rifle cartridges. We need all the above as soon as they can be sent. The appearances are that the enemy intend to try and hold a portion of East Tennessee. If this proves true, we have sharp work before us. The men and animals are in poor condition, which must be improved before I can move with the necessary effect. I desire that you will send up the camp and garrison equipage of Gen. Granger's two divisions, and also that you may give me the service of his third division for a little time.

I sent dispatch from Knoxville asking for medicines and hospital stores.

Skirmishing goes on almost constantly with little effect. Longstreet is near Rutledge.

J. G. FOSTER, Maj.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, pp. 284-285.

        18, Skirmish at Kingsport

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from the February 6, 1864 Report of C. S. A. Major-General Sam Jones, relative to cavalry skirmish near Kingsport on the 18th of December, 1863:

* * * *

On the 18th [of December 1863], 2,000 or 3,000 of the enemy's cavalry passed to my rear, by way of Kingsport, driving off the First Tennessee Cavalry (of Frazer's command, which had escaped from Cumberland Gap), and pursued it beyond Bristol. They damaged the railroad some distance on both sides of Bristol, and returned to Blountsville, 6 miles west of Zollicoffer, on the evening of the 19th.

* * * *

OR, Ser. I, Vol., 30, pt. II, pp. 604-605.

        18, Skirmish[5] at Bean's Station

Entry from the Itinerary of the 9th Army Corps, October 20-December 31, 1863, relative to the skirmish at Bean's Station on December 18, 1863.

* * * *

December 18, drove back the enemy 4 miles, and posted our infantry pickets and established the troops in camp.

* * * *

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 341.

        18, Federal forces in West Tennessee warned against pillaging and straggling

SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 324. HDQRS. SIXTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Memphis, Tennessee, December 18, 1863.

* * * *

6. Pillaging and straggling will be rigidly repressed and violence, house-burning, or other gross outrage punished by drum-head court martial. The troops must not unnecessarily injure peaceable citizens, but will take horses, mules, and forage, and, if necessary, provisions, giving vouchers, "not transferable, payable on proof of loyalty". None but commissioned officers will take such articles, of which they shall keep a record. Receipts or vouchers will be signed officially and state the command for and by which the articles are taken.

By order of Maj. Gen. S. A. Hurlbut:

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 443-444.

        18, GENERAL ORDERS, No. 3, relative to new foraging regulations in East Tennessee

GENERAL ORDERS, No. 3. HDQRS. CORPS, ARMY OF THE OHIO, Near Blain's Cross-Roads, Tennessee December 18, 1863.

As the troops of this corps will in a great measure, be obliged to depend upon the country for subsistence and supplies individual foraging is strictly prohibited, as it only leads to pillaging and plunder, and to economize the resources at hand, the following regulations are established:

Foraging details will hereafter be made by brigades and placed under the command of an energetic and intelligent officer, who will provide himself beforehand with blank receipts, filling in the name of the party from whom provisions and forage are taken; also stating the quantity. Individuals to whom these receipts are given will present them to the brigade quartermaster or commissaries (as the case may be), who will give in place of them the proper vouchers, certifying that the supplies will be accounted for in their returns of the current month, so that the holders may experience no difficulty in making the collection from the disbursing officers in Knoxville. In questionable cases as to the individual's loyalty the receipts will be referred to the division commissary of quartermaster, who will indorse the result of their investigations and direct the brigade commissary or quartermaster to give vouchers accordingly. Supplies and forage collected in this manner will be immediately turned over to the brigade commissary or quartermaster, who will make a pro rata distribution of the same to their respective commands on the regular returns and requisitions, and the surplus, if any, carried in the teams. While it is advisable to have supplies and provisions, it is important that only so much be pressed as is absolutely necessary for the commands. Officers in command of foraging parties will use their discretion in leaving sufficient supplies for the maintenance of families upon whom requisition is made. Division and brigade commanders and directed to see that this order is literally carried out.

S. D. STURGIS, Brig.-Gen. and Chief of Cavalry.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 441-442.

        18, Nathan Bedford Forrest's situation reports prior to commencement of his West Tennessee raid

HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF WEST TENNESSEE, Jackson, December 18, 1863.

Gen. JOSEPH E. JOHNSTON, Cmdg. Army of the Mississippi, Brandon, Miss.:

GEN.: From the movements of the enemy I am of opinion they are preparing to move against me and that they will do so by the 25th instant or soon thereafter. I shall have at least 1,000 head of beef-cattle ready to move south by that time, and I write to ask that Gen. Ferguson's and Gen. Chalmers' brigades be sent up without delay to aid in taking the cattle out and meeting any expedition of the enemy against me.

I can collect together in two or three days at least 100,000 pounds of bacon, and if wagons are sent over with the troops asked for, will load them out with bacon. If you can help me, general, for thirty days I shall organize 7,000 troops, besides getting out a great number of absentees and deserters from the army. Gen. Roddey has written me that he would move in from Tuscumbia at any time to my assistance. Have dispatched him to-day to come at once. With his brigade and the two above asked for can secure the cattle and bacon and hold possession against any raid they may send, and if dispatched without delay, that Gen. Ferguson and Chalmers with their commands will come, I will have boats prepared for crossing the Hatchie at Estenaula, and will have forage gotten up and ready for them.

If they cannot be sent in here, I ask that Gen. Lee harass the enemy as much as possible along the line of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad west of Corinth. Think I am able to protect myself against any move from Union City, but should they move from Fort Pillow also, shall have more than I can manage with the raw and unarmed troops I have, and especially so should they move from below at the same time.

If these suggestions or those made in my letter of 5th instant are adopted and approved and carried out, we can largely increase the army. I have reliable information to-day that they are pressing every horse in Memphis to mount infantry, and that nearly all the enemy's force at LaGrange has been sent down to Memphis and from thence up the river on boats. Their reported destination is Fort Pillow, from which point a raid under Grierson is to move on me. The troops which were at Eastport, and a number of boats loaded with supplies, have passed down the Tennessee and been taken to Paducah and Columbus, and they are moving up from Memphis to Fort Pillow and Columbus.

They are evidently preparing for a move from that quarter-north-or are fixing to establish a line of communication from Columbus to Tennessee River, and from Reynoldsburg, on Tennessee River, to Nashville; they have a large force completing the Northeastern Railroad from Nashville to Reynoldsburg.

My great desire is to get out the troops and hold the country, if possible; also the provisions necessary for the use of the army. If it can be done without detriment to the service, I hope, general, that you will send all the cavalry you can spare, and at the earliest possible moment, and with them any arms that can be obtained. Have not heard as yet from the troops sent out for arms, but hope they got them and are now on the way back.

There are several West Tennessee regiments of infantry in Gen. Bragg's army whose numbers range from 150 to 250 men for duty. If it were possible to get them ordered to you, am satisfied they could soon be filled up from this section. I am gathering up as rapidly as possible all the absentees and deserters from these commands, and will use them until they can be returned to their proper commands.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

N. B. FORREST, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 844-845.

HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF WEST TENNESSEE, Jackson, December 18, 1863.

Maj. Gen. STEPHEN D. LEE, Oxford, Miss.:

GEN.: I have written to-day to Gen. Johnston, and desire also to address you in regard to the state of affairs here, and urge the importance of sending, if they can be spared, at least two brigades of cavalry up here without delay. I have reliable information that every man that can be spared from Memphis and from the Memphis and Charleston road is being sent up the river to Fort Pillow of to Columbus. Two brigades that were at Eastport, Miss., have gone down the Tennessee to Paducah and around to Columbus, and from thence to Union City. Northern papers of the 9th report a rebel force, from 5,000 to 10,000 strong, as moving on Mayfield and Paducah. Every horse in Memphis has been seized and sent up the river on boats to mount infantry, and a raid is preparing under Grierson to move on me. From present indications Fort Pillow and Union City will be starting-points.

I will have collected here by the 25th at least 1,000 head of cattle, and if wagons are sent can send out 100,000 pounds of bacon.

If you come or send the troops advise me at once, and I will arrange for your crossing the Hatchie at Estenaula, and will have forage provided for the troops and the cattle, and bacon ready to be moved out. My scouts report yesterday the force on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad as follows:

At Corinth two regiments cavalry (500 men), one regiment infantry (white), and two regiments of negroes [sic]. At Chewalla three companies cavalry. At Pocahontas two regiments of infantry and one regiment cavalry. At Middleton 400 cavalry and about 400 infantry. Troops from LaGrange have gone to Memphis by railroad, except 300 or 400 men.

Forces at other points not known exactly, but are reported as small.

I regard it as of the utmost importance to hold this country. Think if I can have assistance that I shall have 7,000 organized troops in less than thirty days.

The supplies and provisions so much needed by our army are abundant, and ought to be secured.

I hope, general, that circumstances will allow the aid asked for to be sent me without delay. At any rate keep the forces on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad so engaged that they cannot move on me from that quarter.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

N. B. FORREST, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 846.

        18, Certificate of Loyalty for Mrs. Ann Wilkinson

State of Tennessee,

Executive Department,

Nashville, December 18th 1863

It has been represented to me by undoubted Union authority, that Mrs. Ann Wilkinson is a loyal lady, and in the occupancy of a house, the property of her son-in-law, S.A.G. Noel [sic] whop is absent from the City on account of the ill health of his wife who is represented by the same authority as a reliable Union man.

Andrew Johnson, Mil. Gov'r.

Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 519.

        18, "We have lived on hard bread and pork until I can squeal after the most approved manner of hogs." Frank M. Guernsey's letter to Fannie

Moscow, Tenn

Dec. 18th, 1863

Dear Fannie

Your welcome letter was received a few days ago and I will answer it immediately as I do not know when I shall have another chance.

It is very uncertain how long we shall remain in this place as we are now under marching orders. The Col. thinks that we shall leave within three days. I don't much care how soon we go for this has been one of the most unpleasant camps in this campaign. It rained when we came here and has rained almost every day since until yesterday when it cleared off very cold with a chilling north wind which nearly goes through a fellow. we [sic] are very poorly protected for cold weather, poor tents and no stoves or fireplaces with a few exceptions. our [sic] camp is on the top of a small hill with no woods to break off the cold wind so we just have to grin and bear it. Lieut. Wells has gone into Memphis to buy us some provisions and a stove etc. I expect him back to-day. We have lived on hard bread and pork until I can squeal after the most approved manner of hogs.

Our horses, or a part of them have at last arrived and Company "A". F.H & C" are to be mounted in the morning. I have selected a beautiful little sorrel Pony with white face and feet. He is a pacer and very fast. I wish you could see him. He is an excellent [sic] rider, it is great sport to see the boys when they water their horses. Many of them probably were never on a horse before in their life, and it was really amusing to see them get thrown off in the mud which was so soft there was no danger of their being hurt.

I expect that we shall now have lots of duty to do as we are mounted and can go through the country very fast compared to our former method of traveling on foot. It is reported that we are soon to march against Jackson Tenn. where there is quite a force of the enemy fortified. We were there last winter but since we left the place the enemy have occupied it and are preparing for winter quarters. They need not be supprised [sic] if we drop in on them some morning and eat their breakfasts for them.

I received a letter from my mother and one from Sister Teen a few days ago. Kate wrote a few lines in mothers letter and said she thought I had forgotten that I had a Sister Kate. I had not written in so long a time she made inquiries about Fannie and sent her love. She said they all loved Fannie very much and were very anxious to see her, no more so than I am I guess. It seems almost an age to me already since I was at home, but I suppose it will be a longer one before I can come again. Fannie since I commenced this, I received another letter from you written while you were at Nellies[sic]. I was very glad to hear from you I assure you, but I see my sheet is nearly full and I will close. Please give my best regards to all and remember me as ever

Yours only-Frank

Guernsey Collection.

18, Incidents of the Siege of Knoxville


Appearance of the City After the Siege-Depredations of the Rebels-Illness of General Burnside.

Captain H. C. Pike, Second Ohio Volunteer Corps, arrived in this city last night direct from Knoxville, which place he left on the 10th. At that date the main body of Longstreet's army was at Rogersville. Longstreet had, during his retreat. Lost about three thousand men in prisoners and detesters. There were swarms of fugitives from his ranks, a great many of them Georgians-the choice veterans of the Rebel army-worn out with hard service and quite disheartened. The retreating Rebels were suffering intensely for want of clothing and food, and were demoralized in an extraordinary degree by their hardships and disasters in East Tennessee.

Longstreet had abandoned his siege train consisting of six guns, and they had fallen into our hands. The carriages were burned before the guns were abandoned. General Foster arrived at Knoxville on the 10th, and assumed command. General Burnside was sick several days after the retreat of the Rebels, but was recovering, and would leave for home by way of Chattanooga. The boys of the army were very sorry to part with him, though General Foster's fame as a soldier was not unknown to them, and they had much confidence in him.

Captain Pike met two heavy supply trains between Cumberland Gap and Knoxville; the foremost was within twenty-four miles of its destination. They were loaded with coffee, sugar, salt, and hard bread. There were thirty days' supplies for Burnside's army in Knoxville when the Rebels retreated. The people of the surrounding country were destitute, the Rebel army having consumed everything eatable, and devastated the region to a deplorable extent.-Cincinnati Gazette, Dec. 16th.

Knoxville, Dec. 3, 1863.-Knoxville and its suburbs present the perspective of a wreck, the embodiment of a great disaster, a master-piece of ruin. The destruction of property wrought in and about Knoxville during the last twenty days, has not, I am informed by those experienced in other fields, been equaled during the war. Scarcely a fence is to be found in a circle of ten miles diameter round the town. Beyond our lines ruin is still in the ascendant. The Rebels, however, confined themselves to pillage indiscriminate and universal. The rifled every house within their reach. General McLaws' headquarters were at the palatial residence of Robert Armstrong, and, notwithstanding the protestations of the chivalry and promises of protection, the house was literally stripped of everything; clothing (male and female, children's and adults') was all taken.

The officers broke into Mrs. Armstrong's room, in which she had been permitted to place her clothing and a few valuables, and stole everything. Her garments were sold to Rebel families in the neighborhood. Her silk dresses were torn into strips and disposed of for aprons. The General's staff and nearly a regiment go uproariously drunk upon the contents of the wine cellar, which was well stored with foreign liquors and wine from Mr. Armstrong's own vineyard. All of Mrs. Armstrong's household stores, preserves, pickles, &c., were eaten and the jars broken on the spot. The grain, sugar, coffee and family provision were of course taken. On the morning after the evacuation I found Mrs. Armstrong, whose personal beauty and refined culture seem to be equaled only by her loyalty, eating her breakfast from a fragment of a plate, with a carving knife. It was all of her abundant plate left.

The garments they had on comprise the entire wardrobe of the family. The house exhibited the marks of the conflict. One shell had entered the turret, leaving a hole two feet in diameter. Ten galls had gone through the front door and hundreds through the windows and doors. Two passed through the piano. The bold of one of the Rebel sharpshooters was still fresh on the floor of the turret, where he had been killed during the memorable fight of Wednesday, in which Sanders fell. In fact, all the marks of musketry were made in that action.

From Armstrong's I visited Hazen's paper mill, where 130 of the Rebel wounded still remained. The mill is destroyed. Fifty thousand dollars will scarcely replace the mischief here. The wounded are in every house, and are taken a good care of as is possible under the circumstances. The Rebels left but few surgeons and no medical stores whatever.

On reviewing the Rebel works around the town, it is evident that they were intended for defense as well as offense. Continuous ranges of rifle-pits encircle the town, and on every hill are redoubts and forts, several of them exceedingly strong and well built. I saw marks of some twenty-five cannon at different points.

All that I can learn from their works and conversation with those within their lines confirms my belief at the time, that their assault of Fort Sanders was their very best. Three brigades of picked men made the assault; 25,000 men stood ready to follow up the success. The attack was made after the reinforcements of Williams and two brigades of Buckner's Corps, and the most complete confidence of success was expressed, and no doubt felt by officer and men. The bloody, unexpected and decisive repulse was a terrible and disheartening blow to them. This fact is confirmed by letter of officers and men in command, found in a Rebel mail captured by us. Their loss in that assault is also confirmed at about 1300.

Upon the heels of the Fort Sanders disaster came the news of the still more terrible and decisive defeat of Bragg, and promised reinforcements to us. Upon this evening the defeated Rebel raised the siege and departed, worse off by five thousand men, than he came, and by no means add into to his military fame by his utter failure in East Tennessee. He will be content hereafter with the light borrowed from Lee, and not again attempt to shine on his own hook. During the entire siege Generals Hascall, Manson, White, Ferrero and Shackelford have been indefatigable and vigilant. General White, by his gallantry and skill during the retreat from Loudon, has won the encomiums of all.

Philadelphia Inquirer, December 18, 1863.

18, "You will please excuse this scribbling for I am somewhat nervous makes a feller feel sort o queer to have the Johnny Rebs so close" Ira B. Conine's (Company G, 118th O.V.I.) letter home

Dec. 18 1863

Tennessee [Knoxville environs]


It is nearly two weeks since I wrote to you but I assure you it was no fault of mine I found my Regt Sabbath Dec, 13 9 miles east of Knoxville Tuesday we were moved 9 miles farther east Wednesday lay in line of battle all day Wednesday night the Rebels were driving out forces and our Brigade was ordered in front we marched 2 miles further east and our Regt was camped in a cornfield lay in line of battle all night commenced raining about 9 in the evening rained till 8 next morning you may guess what kind of a place we had to sleep water running in the furrow they commenced skirmishing about 7 A.M. 3/4 of a mile in front of our line heavy fighting commenced about 3 miles to our right 2 P.M. and lasted till dark about 7 P.M. we were sent out on the skirmish line all quiet through the night and no skirmishing to day as yet it is now 12 o'clock our skirmish line is about 12 miles long if I have known this was the way they was going to run me around I don't think I should have left Massachusetts we are living on something less than quarter rations They march us around from one place to another move us about 3 time a day and once or twice through the night There is a great many of our boys sick and one had died out of our Comp Anderson is well and heard he has'nt heard from Ham since he left Ky only the letter brought him the first mail they have received was last Monday I received one from you dated Nov 25 Anderson got two from home but none from Ham I received yours of No. 16 Wednesday Anderson received two or three from home but still he could'nt hear from Ham I hav'nt heard from home since I left I got a letter from Oscar and it was good one too but hav'nt had time to answer --- Anderson thinks unless he gets a letter pretty soon he will marry in this state as the government has commenced issuing tobacco to the soldiers and he does'nt use it he will marry a girl that can use it for him as there is plenty of the here You will please excuse this scribbling for I am somewhat nervous makes a feller feel sort o queer to have the Johnny Rebs so close But I guess I will get through I am not at all uneasy as yet I forgot to tell you Anderson got a letter from me thought I was'nt coming through did'nt know where to send it to me so he opened it and it was Julia Graul it was so heavy Anderson was afraid some one would get hold of it so he burned it O, yes Jennie I got to Knoxville Saturday Dec 12 saw one of our boys told me 65 Regt [?] lay about 1 mile from town I went over and stayed all night with John the first thing was how did you leave Jennie and when I did'nt tell him how I left you but told him I left the Third of Nov said he O. I have heard from her since then told me you was teaching he sayd Jennie writed such fascinating letters he cant help but answer but he says Ira now you must not get jealous because we are carrying on a correspondence for Jennie wrote to him first! I laughed and told him I though you was hard up for a correspondent He then went on telling me how he run the girls while he was home he says shoulder straps take pretty well to hear him tell it the girls fell to his feet and worshiped him when he came home I stayed with him till after breakfast he went with me over to town the balance of the boys was gone so I have to go out alone but I found them since then I have been seeing some pretty tough times yet I am well and should'nt complain --- As I received yours of Nov. 25 first of course I shall answer it first ---

You ask if I have forsaken you why should you ask such a question this is the ninth letter I have written to you since 4th of Nov. and as forgetting you there is little danger --- Jennie you described your school house which I think was very pleasant place --- would that I have just a pleasant a place and was capable of filling it you hope that will be your last school and ask me if it wont be if war should close in the spring I am sure I cant tell what you might do if should close But I'll tell you what I think you have got a good trade and you have better stick to it --- but as for you having any claim on me since the time you spoke of what has played out but I shall say no more about that as present we will settle that when I come home (if I ever do) If your letters are so very fascinating perhaps you can win those shoulder straps if you are faithful till his time is out I think from the gentleman talk you have gave him some reason for heading his letters with "Dearest Jennie" and then said to me that day when I showed it to you "What a fool" should'nt give a man such encouragement and then call him a fool for accepting it --- I am glad the Photographs suited you perhaps I will get some real ones you did'nt write what was the matter of Ande[?] you think you [?] bare the sickness than have me come away I would rather be here than have you sick and me at home you want me to write to you often I assure you I will write as often as I can and shall expect you to do the same you say Sallie ha one of her fingers taken off which one was it you told me you had been to the party but did'nt say where it was Oscar said George and John Shaw talked of enlisting have they gone? I have got any better written but when I shall get a chance to send it out I dont know for we are in somewhat of a precarious situation at present my love to all not more but remain yours

Ira B.Conine

Ira B. Conine Correspondence[6]

        18-31, Operations in West Tennessee


Dec. 24, 1863.-Skirmish at Estenaula, Tenn.

        24, 1863.-Skirmish at Jack's Creek, Tenn.

        26, 1863.-Skirmish at Somerville, Tenn.

        26, 1863.-Skirmish near New Castle, Tenn.

        27, 1863.-Skirmish at La Fayette, Tenn.

        27, 1863.-Skirmish at Collierville, Tenn.

        27, 1863.-Skirmish at Grisson's Bridge, Tenn.

        27, 1863.-Skirmish near Moscow, Tenn.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 606.

Report of Brig. Gen. Benjamin H. Grierson, U. S. Army, commanding Cavalry Division, Sixteenth Army Corps.


CAPT.: In pursuance of Special Orders, No. 324, dated headquarters Sixteenth Army Corps, December 18, 1863, Col. Mizner was ordered to move his command (except the Sixth Tennessee), in connection with a brigade of infantry and battery, under Gen. Mower, from Corinth north toward Purdy. At the same time I prepared to concentrate the rest of my command at LaGrange, for the purpose of moving north and operating in conjunction with Gen. Mower from Purdy, and Gen. A. J. Smith, [who was to move south] from Union City, toward the position of the enemy at Jackson, Tennessee Information arrived, however, that Gen. Smith was not yet prepared to leave; accordingly my movements were postponed, with the exception of Col. Mizner, who in connection with Gen. Mower, was ordered north to Purdy, there to await further developments.

On the 22d of December, however, I concentrated the rest of my command at LaGrange, for the purpose of moving north to Bolivar. Upon arriving at LaGrange, I was informed by Gen. Tuttle that a considerable force of the enemy under Gen. Chalmers was posted near Salem. This information having been telegraphed to the major-general commanding, it was thought best to remain at LaGrange for the present. Accordingly, at daylight on the following morning, I started Col. Prince with about 500 men of the Seventh Illinois north, with instructions to cover all the crossings of the Hatchie, and, if pressed by the enemy, to fall back toward Grand Junction. At the same time I sent 200 men south to feel Chalmers. Col. Prince proceeded to Bolivar, thence northeast along the Hatchie, destroying all the boats as he proceeded. When near Estenaula, he came upon a considerable force of the enemy under Richardson, who were crossing the Hatchie at that point.

He attacked and drove them back until night compelled him to suspend operations, and he fell back to secure a safe position in which to encamp. Upon reception of this news I immediately dispatched Maj. Burgh, with the Ninth Illinois Cavalry, to re-enforce Col. Prince, and, it being the belief that the enemy would attempt to cross the railroad between LaGrange and Pocahontas, I disposed my command as well as possible to intercept him. That night Forrest succeeded in crossing his whole command at Estenaula.

To prevent being flanked, Col. Prince was compelled to fall back to Somerville; here he remained all day on the 25th, and communicated with me at LaGrange. I immediately ordered him to move east to New Castle, where Maj. Burgh had by this time arrived. He started on the morning of the 26th on the road to New Castle. About 4 miles from Somerville, he met the enemy in force and engaged them, but being attacked vigorously in the rear, his command was thrown into disorder and compelled to retreat. They arrived in LaGrange, as did also Maj. Burgh, the same afternoon.

On the morning of the 27th, Learned that the enemy had moved west. I telegraphed this information to the general commanding, and suggested the propriety of starting a regiment of cavalry west. This was approved, and Maj. Burgh was immediately ordered to, Collierville, with his regiment, and instructions to reports by telegraph to the general commanding immediately upon his arrival at that point. Scarcely had he started when the operator at La Fayette stated that the enemy were coming, and a few moments afterward the wires were cut. The bridge at this point had been repeatedly ordered destroyed, and when passing there upon the railroad on the 22d instant I sent a staff officer to inquire if it had been done. He was told by Lieut. Roberts, of the Ninth Illinois Cavalry, who was in command there, that it was entirely destroyed.

The information of their approach was received about fifteen minutes after 1 p. m. on the 27th. I immediately telegraphed Col. Morgan, who was at Grand Junction with his brigade and a train of cars, which he had been ordered to keep in readiness to move at a moment's notice, to embark his command and run La Fayette as speedily as possible, as the enemy had attacked that place. Considerable delay occurred before Col. Morgan left LaGrange, at least two hours being consumed in embarking his command and running 2 ½ miles. At this point I gave him written instructions to attack the enemy vigorously wherever he might be found, and sent with him Maj. Starr, one of my staff, for the purpose offending me information.

In the meantime I suggested to Brig.-Gen. Tuttle that the force of white troops under Maj. Henry, stationed at Moscow, be sent to Grisson's Bridge until the arrival of Col. Morgan. The suggestion was approved and acted upon. When Col. Morgan arrived at Grisson's Bridge he found Maj. Henry stationed there and his advance already skirmishing with the enemy. He (Maj. Henry) received orders to advance with his command, which he did with alacrity, and engaged the enemy sharply and I beg leave here to make mention of the bravery displayed by Maj. Henry and his troops upon this occasion. He drove them back, and Col. Morgan advanced with his train to within 1 ½ miles of La Fayette, where he disembarked and formed in line of battle, although Maj. Henry was still in his advance for some distance with skirmishers and reserves engaging the enemy.

Finding it impossible to get through the swamp in line, he formed column and deployed again into line three or four times. In this way at least one hour was consumed, during which time the enemy was fast crossing Wolf River, and succeeded in crossing his entire force before Col. Morgan had fired a shot. In the meantime Maj. Burgh, with the Ninth Illinois Cavalry, about 300 strong, marched by wagon road from LaGrange and met the enemy about 1 ½ miles west of Moscow. He skirmished with and drove them, in connection with Maj. Henry, until he arrived at La Fayette. Here the enemy divided, part going west along the railroad and the rest going south.

Maj. Burgh pushed west, and again came up with them near Collierville before midnight. He immediately dispatched Col. Morgan, who had into bivouac at La Fayette. At 3 a. m. on the 28th, Col. Morgan moved upon them, but before he arrived at Collierville they had gone. From this point he communicated with the major-general commanding, stating that his command were worn out, when they had marched but 8 ½ miles in two days and had not vet succeeded in coming within shooting distance of the enemy. He was ordered both by the major-general commanding and myself to start immediately in pursuit of the enemy. The last order he received at 6 p. m. on the 28th, but did not move until 3 o'clock the next morning. In the meantime, Col. Mizner's brigade had returned from Purdy to Corinth and was brought by rail to LaGrange.

On the morning of the 28th, I started the Second Brigade, under Maj. Coon, southeast to Mount Pleasant, thence to Hudsonville. As soon as Mizner arrived at LaGrange I proceeded with his brigade to Hudsonville. At midnight on the 28th, I started scouts to ascertain the whereabouts of the enemy, who had passed southeast from Hudsonville the morning before.

At daylight on the 29th, started the Second Brigade in pursuit. I soon received information from Maj. Coon that Forrest had been joined by Chalmers, and that another movement on the road was contemplated by the combined forces. Taking this information, in connection with a dispatch about this I received from the major-general commanding, with information that a considerable force of the enemy had crossed Coldwater north to re-enforce Forrest, I deemed it best to move to Mount Pleasant with the rest of my command, and sent detachments to Olive Branch and farther west, in order to completely cover the line of the railroad, and sent expeditions to all the fords and crossings on Coldwater, and one to proceed, if possible, as far as Byhalia.

The next morning (30th) I received information from all the scouts that the enemy had passed rapidly southward [sic], and a cold rain, accompanied by snow, setting in, Ordered Col. Mizner to proceed with his command, via Mount Pleasant, to LaGrange, sent the Sixth Illinois, via Olive Branch, to Germantown, and with the rest of the command fell back to Collierville.

I herewith transmit report by Col. Morgan of the part taken by his command in the late pursuit; also, extract from the report of Maj. M. H. Starr, acting assistant inspector-general of the Cavalry Division, who was present during the movements of Col. Morgan's brigade from LaGrange at La Fayette.

If Col. Morgan had evinced as much enterprise in pursuing and attacking the enemy as he in making excuses for his tardy movements, success would undoubtedly have attended our efforts.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

B. H. GRIERSON, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg. Cavalry Division,

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, pp. 607-609.


CAPT.: I have the honor to report that, in obedience to Special Orders, No. 296, from headquarters Sixteenth Army Corps, dated November 24, 1863, I ordered the brigade commanded by Col. Hatch to move on the morning of the 26th of November by separate columns north of the railroad, sweeping round and assembling on Somerville, for the purpose of covering the taking up to the material on the Somerville Branch Railroad. At the same time I ordered the brigade of Col. Mizner to move south from Corinth as far as was safe without risking his command.

Col. Mizner moved south about 40 miles, when he captured a number of the enemy, and ascertained that they were moving north in large force, evidently with the intention of attacking the railroad. Having received this information, agreeable to instructions from the major-general commanding, I immediately sent couriers to Col. Hatch with others to move as quickly as possible with his brigade to LaGrange. The enemy's advance were met by Col. Mizner and several times repulsed. They, however, overpowered and drove him back to Pocahontas, when they moved south, probably as a feint, and taking another road moved upon Saulsbury. Col. Hatch arrived at LaGrange, and was immediately ordered to move east along the railroad, scouting south toward Ripley. He met the enemy at Saulsbury, after they had succeeded in destroying the railroad at that point; and starting a portion of their command north, Col. Hatch fought and drove the remainder of the enemy some distance south and returned with his command to LaGrange.

The next morning I sent scouts south, and information was soon obtained that the enemy were moving west, evidently with the intention of again attacking the railroad. I immediately ordered Col. Hatch to move west with his command. He arrived at Moscow simultaneously with the enemy. Here a brief, but severe, engagement ensued, in which Col. Hatch was severely wounded. The enemy were, however, repulsed, and moved south. Their loss was probably over 100 in killed, wounded, and prisoners, they having left 26 dead upon the field. Our loss was 4 killed and 19 wounded. I beg leave, in connection with this engagement, to bear witness to the bravery displayed by the colored regiment under Col. Frank Kendrick, stationed at this point.

The enemy having moved south of the Tallahatchie, my command renewed their former status upon the line of the railroad. The force of the enemy, which had moved north from Saulsbury, proved to be about 1,500 strong, under Gen. Forrest, who had come north of the road for the purpose of conscripting in West Tennessee

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

B. H. GRIERSON, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg. Cavalry Division.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 578.[7]

        18, Skirmish at Spring Hill

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from the Report of Col. Datus E. Coon, Second Iowa Cavalry, commanding Second Brigade, of operations September 30, 1864--January 15, 1865, relative to the skirmish at Spring Hill, December 18, 1864.


* * * *

December 18, moved at daylight, continuing the pursuit to Spring Hill, where we found a considerable force of the enemy, and fired but a few shots, when they fell back in confusion. Camped for the night three miles south of Spring Hill....

* * * *

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 592.

        18, Skirmish at Chattanooga

Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.

        18, "Conscripting-Losses by the People." [see also December 16, 1864, "Dodging the Confederate draft in Maury County" above]

We met Mr. Archer Cheatham yesterday, who was reported to have been conscripted by the Rebels, but the report was without foundation, as he succeeded in eluding the conscript officer. He was more fortunate in this than some of his neighbors, among whom were John H. Williams, Ben. Wood, Wm. Yates, Wm. Henry Smith, and _____ Raymond [sic], who were conscripted. Mr. Williams was not taken off by the conscripting officer when notified, and as he is now within the Federal lines, will of course stay here. It is reported that a considerable number of citizens of this county who were within the Rebel lines were conscripted, and either put into the ranks or sent off to some camp or post.

We learn from Mr. Cheatham that the two armies have swept his neighborhood of almost everything than an army could use, such as stock of all kinds, poultry, grain, etc., while fences have disappeared as if by magic. No houses were burned near him. The Rebels "pressed" nearly all the valuable horses and mules, and took whatever they could find for the support of men and animals, and the Federals took the balance. It is evident the loss sustained by the people residing on the territory occupied by the two armies and contiguous thereto, will amount to an immense sum, while the hardships resulting from these losses cannot be imagined.

Nashville Dispatch, December 18, 1864.

        18, "Marriage Licenses;" nuptials during the battle of Nashville.

The Clerk of the County Court of Davidson county issued licensed during the past week, authorizing the solemnization of marriage between the following persons:

[list of 18 couples follows]

Nashville Dispatch, December 18, 1864.

        18, The aftermath of the Battle of Nashville; one pro-Union woman's journal entry

Sunday again and with it peace and quiet. The battle is over. Confederates have retreated, General Thomas pursuing. Last night our army was at Franklin. Glorious Thomas! (I cannot speak his name without tears and from that I know I am pretty well shattered by all the recent excitement.) Countless blessings on his noble head!

Captain LaMotte and Dr. De Graw spend today with us – they had visited the battlefield yesterday, and described it as they saw it, still covered with dead and dying. I don't care to write or to think of what they told me of what they saw. I sicken to think of all the sad changes since I was at beautiful Belmont a few weeks ago! And now this terrible dread of who are lying dead out there on that battle-fields hangs over us! Van went out to the field yesterday – but he is sick at heart – boy as he is – and will say nothing but that he is haunted by the terrible sight, and would give everything to blot it out, and have his mind as clear as it was 24 years ago.

Journal of Maggie Lindsley.


[1] See also: May 26, 1862, "Notice of an errant Confederate; James Russ of Shelbyville renounces his support of the Confederacy." 

[2] Not referenced in Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee or the OR Index. For lack of a better designation this "sharp fight" is classified as a skirmish.

[3] Emory Upton, born in 1839. After graduated from West Point in May 1861 he was commissioned as a second lieutenant of the 4th US Artillery, he took part in the first battle at Bull Run where he was wounded. His use of nonstandard tactics resulted in a book on the subject written after the Civil War. However, his tactical skills were most likely well known to soldiers of the Federal armies via newspapers.

[4] Today "Blaine's."

[5] Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee refers to this as an action. There seems to be a dearth of information about this event. However, it did result in a skirmish of another kind, between Lieutenant General James Longstreet and Brigadier Generals J. B. Robertson and E. B. Law. See December 30, 1863 below.

[6] Center for Archival Collections, Ira B. Conine Correspondence, MS-673:

[7] Not indicated in Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-770-1090 ext. 115

(615)-532-1549  FAX


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