February 2, 1861, "The Tennessee Convention."
The election, be it remembered, takes place on the 9th, and the Delegates meet in Convention on the 25th instant. If you desire to wait until you are tied hand and foot [sic] then vote for the men who advocate the "watch and wait" policy. If you think you have rights and are the superiors of the black man then vote for the men who will not sell you out, body and soul to the Yankee Republicans-for men who would rather see Tennessee independent out of the Union, then in the Union subjugated.
Nashville Daily Gazette, February 2, 1861.
2, The politics of secession in Jackson
Went to town before 12, heard Milton Brown and T. P. Spurlock speak. They are candidates in this senatorial district for the state convention. The course of Tennessee has been wanting nerve, wisdom, or anything to be admired. A firm course on the part of this state & the border states might have saved the Union. Brown's position is to make a demand in concert with the Southern States on the north, if refused, secede. Spurlock is the Union candidate….I shall support Brown, I say 1st Tennessee Go Out." [sic]
Robert H. Cartmell Diary.
February 1, 1862, "I feel some embarrassment with regard to the course to be pursued towards those privates absent without leave from this command." Gen. Crittenden's report to Gen. Johnston relative to defending the Upper Cumberland environs
Gainesborough, Tenn., February 1, 1862.
Cmdg. Department of the West:
SIR: I have the honor to inform you that I am unable as yet to make out and transmit to you my detailed report of the engagement on the 19th of January. This delay is owing to the delay of the officers of the command in sending up their reports.
I would suggest that this command be re-enforced by several well-drilled regiments at an early day.
Inclosed I send you a sketch of the section of the country. You will see that this position of Gainesborough can be turned by the enemy, and in many respects it is an unfavorable point. I cannot occupy Livingston or any point on the road from Livingston to the Walton road for want of transportation to carry supplies to the camp from the river.
I submit to you, then, the propriety of occupying Chestnut Mound. To that point supplies can be easily hauled from river landings, and it is connected with Nashville, and also with Carthage, by a turnpike. Supplies of corn are abundant on Caney Fork, and could be brought down to a landing on the turnpike near to Chestnut Mound.
I feel some embarrassment with regard to the course to be pursued towards those privates absent without leave from this command. The non-commissioned officer absent without leave I shall reduce to the ranks, and I will have the officers so absent proceeded against with the utmost rigor.
Capt. Morgan, a volunteer aide on my staff, bears this to you. He also bears an order from me, for publication in the journals of Nashville and Knoxville, commanding all absent from this command without leave to report themselves at these headquarters immediately.
Being fully aware of the charges which have been made against me by fugitives from this command I have demanded a court of inquiry, and feel satisfied that an investigation will establish the facts that the battle of Fishing Creek and the subsequent movement were military necessities, for which I am not responsible. I feel assured that I shall have no difficulty in defending my conduct throughout these affairs.
I remain, yours, &c.,
G. B. CRITTENDEN, Maj.-Gen., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 7, p. 855.
1, Catching Deserters and AWOL soldiers from General Crittenden's Command
Condition of Knoxville.-Capt. Monsarrat, commandant at this post, had adopted the most effective measures to gather the returning soldiers from Gen. Crittenden's command, and have them forwarded to his present headquarters. A guard daily travels on every train, going east and west, to preserve decorum and arrest soldiers who have not furloughs. The guards stationed at the several railway bridges, are charged with the same duty. Those returning from the scene of the recent battle, are ordered to report here, or be deemed deserters. Our city is under the guardianship of a military police force, and the most perfect order and quietude is maintained. During the time that so many troops are in the city the retail liquor shops have been closed by Capt. Monsarrat's orders; and these are not violated with impunity. The troops collected here are being rapidly sent forward to their commands, and vigor and energy are infused into every department of the service. Knoxville Register, January 26.
Memphis Daily Appeal, February 1, 1862. [1]
2, Skirmish in Morgan County
No. 1.-Col. D. Leadbetter, C. S. Army.
No. 2.-Lieut. Col. J. W. White, First Tennessee Cavalry [C. S.].
No. 1.
Letter of Col. D. Leadbetter, C. S. Army.
HDQRS., Knoxville, Tenn., February 5, 1862.
SIR: I send herewith an extract from a report of Lieut.-Col. White, First Regt. [sic] Tennessee Cavalry, from which it appears that a part of that regiment had a skirmish with the traitors of Scott and Morgan counties on Sunday, the 2d instant, capturing 1 prisoner, 4 horses, 2 Minie muskets, and 1 navy revolver, killing the enemy's leader (Duncan) and perhaps 5 others. I inclose herewith some papers found on the body of Duncan.
The cavalry, while expecting orders to join Gen. Crittenden, have been directed to scour the counties of Scott, Morgan, and Campbell, for the purpose of putting down rebellion, as well as to give prompt notice of any forward movement of the enemy's army. Half of the company of sappers and miners, organized by Maj. Lea, has been ordered to Cumberland Gap, while the other half, protected by the cavalry, will endeavor to obstruct the passes leading through the mountains from Kentucky to Jacksborough. I have no doubt that the enemy will attempt an advance on Knoxville at an early day.
Very respectfully, sir, your obedient servant,
D. LEADBETTER, Col., Provisional Army Confederate States.
No. 2.
Report of Lieut. Col. J. W. White, First Tennessee Cavalry [C. S. A.].
HDQRS. FIRST TENNESSEE CAVALRY REGIMENT, Camp Schooler, Morgan County, Tenn., February 3, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to report that a portion of our regiment engaged the enemy on yesterday at about 12 o'clock 13 miles northeast of this place. A running fight for nearly an hour ensued in the mountains. The enemy's force is variously estimated from 100 to 300, armed with Minie muskets and rifles.
We killed their captain, and, from the best information, 5 others; captured 4 horses, 2 fine Minie muskets, 1 Colt's navy pistol, a small quantity of ammunition, and 1 prisoner.
Inclosed I send you certain papers found by me on the person of their dead captain. It gives me pleasure to say that we lost only 1 horse killed and a few slight scratches. Our men all acted bravely for raw troops. I cannot forbear to mention the gallant conduct of Capt. Brown, of Company C, and Sergeant Reagan, of Company F.
I am satisfied that the Federal Army in force is approaching us; I think by way of Williamsburg, Ky., through Chitwood's Gap. It is raining and the waters are up, so we cannot well get out of here; but I will move Capt.'s McKenzie's and Gorman's companies, if possible, to-morrow on Jacksborough.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your, &c.,
J. W. WHITE, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg. First Tennessee Cavalry.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 7, pp. 118-119.
Lt. Col. White Among the Lincolnites.
A skirmish occurred in Morgan county, on Sunday [2nd], between Lt. Col. White's cavalry company of Hamilton county, and a body of Lincolnites.
From Lieut. Atkinson, who was in the fight, we learn the following particulars. About 12 o'clock a force under Lt. Col. White, of Tennessee cavalry, encountered a body of Lincoln infantry whose members were variously estimated at from one to three hundred. The enemy were on a mountainside and deemed themselves inaccessible. Lt. Col. White ordered thirty men armed with Tennessee rifles, to dismount and act as infantry. These led by him advanced first. Lt. Col. White ordered them to reserve their fire till very near the enemy. They fired two or three times, when our cavalry charged up the steep hillside.
Capt. Duncan, of the Unionists, rallied his men twice, but they finally fled in great disorder. Capt. Duncan was shot through the head by J. Roberts, a youth fifteen years of age, whose brother was recently killed in Kentucky. The enemy scattered among the woods and ravines, and finally reached inaccessible cliffs. Seven dead bodies of the Lincolnites were found. A negro [sic] named Jack, belonging to Capt. McClung, killed one of the enemy in the fight. We lost one horse, and have here in prisoner one of the enemy. We found letters which state that in twenty days East Tennessee will be overrun and desolated. Knoxville Register, Feb. 5
Chattanooga Gazette, February 13, 1862.
Skirmish in Northeastern Tennessee -- Probable Advance of Gen. Schoepf
The Norfolk Day Book, of Thursday, has the following:
Knoxville, Tennessee, Feb. 5.
On Sunday, Lieutenant-Colonel White's Cavalry encountered a force of Lincoln's Infantry in Morgan County, Tennessee, on the mountainside. The Lincoln force was estimated at from one hundred to three hundred. White charged upon the enemy. Capt. Duncan rallied his men twice, when he was shot through the head and killed by J. Roberts, a lad, fifteen years old. The Kentucky unionists were taken completely routed, and fled in confusion, leaving seven of their dead upon the field.
[From the above dispatch it looks as though the advance of General Schoepf's brigade had penetrated into Tennessee. The latest news from the West of movements in that direction is up to seven days, not to the date of the above rebel dispatch, at which time the brigade of Gen. Carter had left its position on the Cumberland River, in Kentucky, and had taken up the march for Cumberland Gap, and Barboursville while the brigade of Gen.'s of Gen. Schoepf was on the event taking up its line of march for Tennessee, via Monticello. It is quite likely that the advance of the latter column may have reached Morgan County. The rebellion in Tennessee is been pricked simultaneously at a number of points. Ed. Times.]
New York Times, February 9, 1862.
Skirmish in East Tennessee.
Knoxville, February 5.-On Sunday last Lieut. Col. White's Tennessee cavalry regiment encountered a body of Lincoln infantry in Morgan county, Tenn., estimated in force from 100 to 300, on a mountain side. Col. White charged the enemy. Capt. Duneau, of the Unionists, rallied his men twice, when he was shot through the head and killed by a lad fifteen years of age, whose brother was recently killed by a Kentucky Unionist. The Federals were completely routed and fled in confusion. Seven deal Lincolnites were found, and one prisoner was taken A free negro attached to McLeary's company killed a Lincolnite.
Memphis Daily Appeal, February 7, 1862. [2]
2, "We was without rations for three days, and when we did get something to eat, it was parched corn." Nobel L. Stone, Co. A, 37th Tennessee Infantry, C. S. A., in Jackson County, to Solomon Stone
A Friend
State of Tennessee
Jackson County
2 February 1862
Dear Father: I embrace the present opportunity of writing you a few lines to let you know that I am well and hoping these lines will find you enjoying the same blessing. I have nothing of interest to relate. I am quite well. We have had a hard time in our retreat from Mill Spring to this place. We lost a great deal of clothing, food, horses, wagons, and ammunition, and various artillery of importance-all to the hands of the Yankees. We was [sic] without rations for three days, and when we did get something to eat, it was parched corn. And then in another day or so we killed a beef. Everyone skinned his own piece and boiled it on the coals-eat hearty without bread, it being perfectly fresh without salt. I never did eat hearty before in my life. I can say I have seen the elephant. I thought I would tremble to face the broad mouthed cannon. I send you $5.00 by John Clark. If we stay here, which I have no idea but what we will, I want you to come and see me. It won't take more than $5.00 to come. You can ride here in three days. If you don't come, be sure and write, and tell Melviry that I am well. Tell her to write and write yourself.
N.L. Stone
To Solomon Stone
February 1, 1863, Observations relative to the Federal presence and occupation of Murfreesboro and environs
The Federal army continues to come in this place, in great numbers -- foraging going on in a regular way. They have got themselves pretty well settled in their quarters. A good many houses has [sic] been burned [sic], in the out skirts [sic] of town and the neighboring portions of the county. Others have been pulled down for various purposes by the army. If it should be continued any length of time, and become a general thing, it will take the country a long time to recover from the effect. So much property melting away-every week, of every species.[3]
Skirmishing parties are sent out every day, but they appear to effect but little in their trips.
After these fellows get through with the negros [sic], that is, offering them pay for their time and rations, they then commence enquiring about the master. First, is he a "sesesh," [sic] or a union man, has he got much money [sic], is he rich? Make enquiry about the quantity of stock. Has he any thing [sic] hid [sic] and where. All these questions are answered, quite promptly by the contraband as they are now called. The Yankees are disposed to believe the negros [sic] as to the truth of a thing sooner than they will a white man. They claim the negro [sic] to be their best friend.
The negros [sic] now begin to shew [sic] an indifference about home. When an order is given them to do anything, they go at in a slow, careless manner. Begin to be impudent and contrary. The next news we hear he, or she, is off at some head quarters as they call it. They have made an arrangement with some officer to wait on him at a price stipulated and when there [sic] can give a great deal of reliable information, and from it arrests can and is made of some one-how is this? Why, we get if from an intelligent, reliable contraband.
Well, let the devils go. They are now not worth the fire they warm by. Shall likely refer often of their doings in course of notes of the times, [but will] for the present stop.
Spence Diary.
1, Anti-slavery idealism and explanation for Federal confiscation amongst members of the 7th Kansas Cavalry in West Tennessee
* * * *
....An order was issued that all the slaves within any camp should be delivered to the owners if the owner should come for them, and that private property should not be molested. That order was obnoxious to us, not only because it was contrary to our principals [sic] but also because we regarded it as aimed at our regiment. Suffice it to say that no slave was ever recovered from our camp. Various means were used to protect them. One day a man came into camp inquiring of one of the comrades [sic] for his black boy who had run away. Another comrade at a little distance asked what that man wanted. "He wants his runaway black boy," was the reply. "Shoot him," shouted Comrade # 2 [sic]. Other comrades, hearing it, repeated the call and several of them surrounded the man with drawn revolvers. Of course they would not have dared to shoot the man, but he did not know that, and was glad to make his escape after a solemn promise to never show himself in our camp again, and he kept his promise. At another time a middle-aged colored woman came into camp. She happened to fall in with our teamsters. As they wanted a cook, they had her cook for them. They gave her a government uniform to wear as a disguise and named her Tom. She rode in one of the wagons on the march. One day her master passed the wagon looking for her but did not recognize her. It was well for him that he did not, for if he had, and had attempted a rescue, he doubtless would have gotten some bullet holes in his coat. Sometime latter [sic] Tom's husband and two boys, 10 and 12 years old, joined her....As to the property of rebels which could be used for the support of the rebel cause, we felt it was good military tactics to use what we needed and destroy what we could not use. Consequently, when we found a quantity of sugar and tobacco at Trenton, Ten. [sic], waiting for shipment to the Confederate army, we confiscated and destroyed it....The fact is, President Lincoln has emancipated all slaves and commands their protection by the army and navy and by all civil officers, furthermore, all rebel property is confiscated by our armies so far as is needed by us. Horses and mules four our cavalry and army wagons cattle, sheep and hogs for our commissary department and forage of our stock is taken whenever found. If owners are loyal to the Union, they are paid for their property, otherwise they are thus obliged to contribute to the preservation of the union....
* * * *
Pomeroy Diaries, February 1, 1863.
1, Brigadier-General Robert B. Mitchell harasses Confederate sympathizers in Nashville
"General Robert B. Mitchell, commanding...at Nashville...admiring the zeal evinced by certain secession families in administering to the wants and alleviating the suffering of the confederate wounded carried to that city, and 'desiring to give them still greater facilities for the exercise of that devotion which to-day led them through the mud of the public streets, unmindful of the inclemency of the weather, and desiring further to obviate the necessity of that public display, which must be repugnant to the retiring dispositions of the softer sex,' ordered his medical director to select forty five of the sick and wounded confederate [sic] soldiers, to be brought from the front and quartered as follows: 'Fifteen at the house of Mrs. McCall; fifteen at the house of Dr. Buchanan, and fifteen at the house of Mrs. Sandy Carter, all on Cherry street, immediately below Church street; each family to be held responsible for the safe delivery of the confederate soldiers thus assigned, on the penalty of the forfeiture of their property."-General Mitchell's Order.
Rebellion Record, pp. 41-42.
1, "It makes my Southern blood boil…." An excerpt from the Diary of Mary L. Pearre
* * * *
Many are expecting a cessation of hostilities and a reconstruction of the union. It is the height of folly to prate about the old Union and constitution. Both parties have trampled them under their feet.
Lincoln has violated the constitution at every step since he declared war.
It makes my Southern blood boil to hear these filthy Dutchmen boasting that they are fighting for "The Glorious Union." "Glorious Union indeed." Their emotions are not susceptible to simple emotions of liberty and equality. What care they, fresh from a foreign land for "The Union" indeed. Money and subsistence is the motive power that moves them to invade the South and rob southern women and children.
I desire peace. Yet I can never love the Northern people again. Never trust them as brothers. Have endured too many heart aches. Shed too many bitter despairing tears & followed to the grave too dear a friend ever to forgive and forget.
* * * *
Diary of Mary L. Pearre
1, Nashville Police Court
Police Proceedings.
Before Recorder Shane.—Saturday, Jan. 31st.—The Court opened business by calling the case of that expanding flower, Narcissus White, who is not white, but a woman of color. She was charged with entertaining slaves, for which she paid a fine of ten dollars and costs.
Mrs. Flaherty was found guilty of violating the tippling law, and she, too, generously contributed her mite of five dollars and costs to the city treasure….
Mrs. King, who aspired to be queen of the liquor traffic, was found guilty of tippling, fined ten dollars and costs, and sent down to reflect, for twenty days, in the seminary kindly provided for such young ladies by our city fathers.
Carl, a young man from Louisville, and a Mr. McLaughlin, from the Queen City, were found in Smoky Row, having a jolly time and bobbing around generally. They were brought before his Honor for disorderly conduct, and each paid a fine of three dollars and costs, and left perfectly satisfied with their sight of the elephant….
Mary Stratton, a colored speculator, was charged with smuggling goods through from Cincinnati. Several fancy women—Mollie and Kate—shrouded in the midnight loveliness of a thousand clustering curls, were witnesses against her. But Mary wanted her sister as a witness in her behalf, and at the request of her counsel the case was laid over until Monday morning. .
Nashville Daily Union, February 1, 1863.
1-2, Reconnaissance to Franklin and Brentwood.
Report of Brig. Gen. James B. Steedman, U. S. Army, commanding Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps.
COL.: My advance, two companies of the First East Tennessee Cavalry, under command of Lieut.-Col. [J. P.] Brownlow, had gone forward before the order directing me to reconnoiter in the direction of Brentwood reached me. Col. Brownlow entered Franklin at 9 o'clock last night, and learned that the enemy had gone in the direction of Harpeth Shoals. The colonel lost 1 man killed by the enemy's rear guard. He captured 1 captain and 1 private of Starnes' command. I move this morning 7 o'clock in the direction of Brentwood. For some reason, to me inexplicable, Col. [J. T.] Wilder did not report to me, and waiting for him and Col. [J. T.] Croxton, after being satisfied Wilder was not coming, to get here, with the storm rendering the roads almost impassable, delayed me twenty-four hours. But for the unavoidable delay, I would have been in Franklin in time enough to attack the enemy, which I intended to do. I will, unless otherwise ordered, after making the reconnaissance directed in my last order, return to may camp on the Nolensville pike, at the crossing of Mill Creek, and furnish to Col. [W. P.] Innes whatever aid he may require on the bridges.
JAMES B. STEEDMAN, Brig.-Gen., Third Division.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, p. 30.
MURFREESBOROUGH, February 1, 1863.
Col. CROXTON, Cmdg. La Vergne:
Dispatch from Gen. Steedman just received from Mill Creek, near Nolensville, announcing intention of making reconnaissance in direction of Franklin. Col. Goddard has already informed you of Gen. Davis' movements in that direction, via Eagleville. The reconnaissance of Gen. Steedman should be rather in the direction of Brentwood or Lane's Store, with view of ascertaining where the enemy have gone. The "several" thousand spoken of does not probably exceed four. Inform Gen. Steedman of this dispatch, and that he is to be governed by it.
By command of Gen. Rosecrans:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p.32
2, Expedition from Forts Henry, Heiman and Donelson to vicinity of Duck River, and scout on Cumberland River to Palmyra environs
HDQRS. UNITED STATES FORCES, Forts Henry, Heiman, and Donelson, February 2, 1863.
ASSISTANT ADJUTANT-GEN., Murfreesborough, Tenn.:
Reports, confirmed by spy, that rebels have guns planted above and below near Palmyra, in a most eligible position, the country being broken and difficult of access. Have sent word to Col. Bruce that any move he may make will receive co-operation from Donelson, and, if possible, from this point. Rebels reported to have an immediate force of 1,000 and 2,000 within easy supporting distance. I think the number must be exaggerated. Are there any gunboats above?
W. W. LOWE, Col., Cmdg.
HDQRS. UNITED STATES FORCES, Forts Henry, Heiman, and Donelson, February 2, 1863.
ASSISTANT ADJUTANT-GEN., Murfreesborough, Tenn.:
I start an expedition to-night to the vicinity of Duck River. Sent reconnoitering party up Cumberland this morning, Col. Bruce having sent word that 900 rebels, with one piece of artillery, are near Palmyra.
W. W. LOWE, Col., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 35.
2, Federal scout from Clarksville across Cumberland River to Palmyra environs
We made a dash across river to-day. Captured 1 rebel captain and 12 good horses. They are throwing up entrenchments at Palmyra, 12 miles below here, to command river. Have four pieces of artillery, and, from best information, about 2,000 [men]. Forrest is with them.
S. D. BRUCE, Col., Cmdg. Post.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 967.
2, Supplying the Army of Tennessee with Clothing, Shoes and Tents
The Comfort of the Troops.-For several days past the quarters of Major Mason, chief quartermaster of Lieut.-General Polk's corps, have been the scene of unusual activity. Wagon after wagon, loaded with clothing, shoes and tents, have been dispatched to the various regiments and brigades. Our brave boys will soon be comfortably clad in new clothes, well shod with serviceable brogans, and protected by ample tents. The woolen mill at this place is daily turning out a fine supply of goods for the use of the army. Our troops indeed are rapidly being provided with all that is necessary for their comfort. Captain A. S. Camp, of Gen. Cheatham's division, has of course been actively engaged in supplying the wants of his command. He is never absent or negligent where the brave Tennesseans' wants are to be supplied.-Shelbyville Banner.
Memphis Appeal [Jackson, Ms], February 2, 1863.[4]
2, Re-establishment of gaslight in Nashville
Last night Nashville danced with joy at the reappearance of gaslight. The streets glittered and shone in the dazzling brilliance of a thousand diamond-pointed gas-jets; our business houses, saloons and hotels invitingly threw open their doors to the passer-by. Throngs of light-hearted citizens and soldiers tripped merrily over our pavements; printers bade a happy farewell to tallow-candles and greasy "cases," and all went "merry as a marriage bell." May Nashville continue thus until the millennium! So mote it be.
Nashville Daily Union, February 3, 1863.
2, Revival and conversion: war-time reports from the Morristown and Fall Branch circuits of the East Tennessee Baptist Church
Feb. 2, 1863
Our first quarterly meeting for this year was held in Russellville, and has just closed. Five joined the church on probation. We have been low down in point of religious interest at nearly every point on the Circuit. In fact, I never have witnessed such a general want of religious interest among the saints and sinners. I think, however, that I have discovered some little improvement of late. O that God would revive his work in the midst of these years of distress!
FEB. 1863
Mr. Editor: Notwithstanding the times are dark and gloomy the Lord has been pleased to bless us with a gracious revival of religion, at a meeting held at Horse Creek camp ground which commenced the 17th day of Jan., and lasted ten days, during which time seventeen professes religion and then joining the Baptist Church; Brother J. D. Smith, a Baptist minister assisted us part of the time.-How grateful should we fell to God that he is still willing to bless his people and convert sinners. Ministers should put forth every effort for the saving of sinners, at such a time as this, get to be religious, before they have to go into the battlefield, I hope that this revival may be the beginning of many more of this Circuit.
Holston Journal, February 12, 1863.
2, Expedition against R. V. Richardson suggested
LA GRANGE, February 2, 1863.
Col. Hatch has patrols out, making it impossible for [R. V.] Richardson to pass south between here and the Hatchie. He had information of where he was camped two days ago-36 miles northeest of here. Find out from Gen. Hamilton if he has information of his having left. Col. Hatch thinks expedition against him would be advantageous.
WOODWARD, Lieut. and Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. III, p. 31.
2-5, Reconnaissance in the vicinity of Saulsbury
FEBRUARY 2-5, 1863.-Reconnaissance in the vicinity of Saulsbury, Tenn.
Report of Lieut. Col. Edward Prince, Seventh Illinois Cavalry.
HDQRS. SEVENTH REGT. ILLINOIS CAVALRY, LaGrange, Tenn., February 6, 1863.
SIR: In obedience to orders of Col. Hatch, commanding brigade, on the 2d instant, Capt. Herring, of this regiment, in command of four companies, proceeded to Saulsbury, and reported to Maj. Coon, Second Iowa Cavalry, by whose orders Capt. Herring moved with his command 4 miles south, on the Ripley road, and encamped near the plantation of Mrs. Hines, scouting the country south and east for a distance of 5 miles, until the morning of the 5th, when he was ordered by Maj. Coon to return to camp.
Nothing worthy of note transpired during the expedition, except that on the 4th instant, about noon, Sergts. Daniel H. Dunbar and Edward M. Gibbs, and Privates Charles E. Smythe, Company I, and Samuel Buckingham, Company F, straggled from camp, and were surrounded by a band of men, under the guerrilla [S. G.] Street, 12 in number, to whom they surrendered without offering any resistance.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant
EDWARD PRINCE, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg. Regt. [sic]
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. I, pp. 339-340.
2–5, the 5th Iowa sent to Hardin County environs to stop Confederate conscription sweeps and to Fort Donelson
Today we got orders to be ready to march at 4 o'clock. Went on board the steamer Bon Accord at that hour and went up the river [i.e., south].
Feb. 3rd – [sic] About 2 o'clock this morning we landed about 70 miles up the river and then found that we were sent to break up a band of rebel cavalry that was employed in recruiting and enforcing the conscription act. They were reported five miles out and about 200 strong. This was about our own force. A union man living out half way was to be our guide. On reaching his house we found we had our labor for our pains, the rebels having left on the previous Saturday. Came back to the boat and were enjoying ourselves as best we could before our good fires by daylight [i.e., February 4th]. About noon having waited for our guide's family, we started down the river reaching home [i.e., Paris environs] just at dark. The day was cold and had some snow the night before. Immediately on touching the bank we were ordered to Fort Henry to be ready to march to Donelson which was attacked.
We crossed, land and fed our horses, and waited for orders, which did not come till next morning [i.e., February 5th], when we stated [for] and reached Dover before noon. The enemy had retreated having about 200 of his dead – some 40 of his wounded and one hundred others prisoners. Our company was sent to gather up some of the wounded and found 22 in three houses about a mile from Dover. The defence [of Fort Donelson] was one of the most gallant affairs of the war. Part of the 83rd Illinois Volunteers some 450 effective men and five guns defended the place successfully against some 2500 men and eight guns. The rebels were according to their own account 7000 strong and 14 guns, was half attacked the post the others moving west to stop our advance. They kept back the 13th Wisconsin and part of our regiment several hours, as they had to advance cautiously skirmishing a good deal of the way. Our loss was about 13 of the 83rd killed 2 of Flood[']s Battery – It certainly was a glorious victory as the rebels acknowledged a loss in all of 1000 men. Thank God for his goodness to us, surely the race is not always to the swift not the battle to the strong….There being no more need of us at Dover, as about 15,000 men were there who had come up before we got there, on their way to Rosecrans.
Alley Diary, entries for February 2-5, 1863.
February 1, 1864, Expedition from Knoxville to Flat Creek
FEBRUARY 1, 1864.-Expedition from Knoxville to Flat Creek, Tenn.
Report of Col. John R. Bond, One hundred and eleventh Ohio Infantry.
SIR: On the morning of the 1st of February I was directed by Col. Chapin, commanding brigade, to take command of an expedition toward Strawberry Plains, in pursuance of Special Orders, No. 12, from division headquarters.
At 8.30 a. m. the One hundred and eleventh Regt. [sic] Ohio Volunteer Infantry and the One hundred and seventh Regt. [sic] Illinois Volunteer Infantry moved from camp, proceeding up the track of the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad to the picket-line of the Thirteenth Kentucky and Twenty-third Michigan, where a halt was ordered for a short time, allowing the Twenty-third Michigan to move from camp and join the column.
I then threw out skirmishers in front, and proceeded to within 5 miles of Flat Creek, at a point on the railroad where the wagon road diverges from the track, where I ordered Maj. Wheeler, of the Twenty-third Michigan, to detach a portion of his regiment, ordering them to move up the wagon road on a parallel line with the head of the main column, rejoining us at Flat Creek bridge.
We arrived at the bridge at 2 p. m., when I sent Company F, Capt. Hill, and Company H, Capt. Smith, of the One hundred and eleventh Regt. [sic] Ohio Volunteer Infantry, on a scout in the direction of Strawberry Plains.
At 4 p. m. the scouting party returned, reporting that they had proceeded to within 2 miles of the plains, seeing no enemy, and from the best information which they could obtain there was no considerable force of the enemy at or near the plains, only 3 of the enemy being reported at that place.
At 4 p. m., having loaded the train and accomplished the object of the expedition, the column commenced the march in return, and at 10 p. m. went into camp near Knoxville.
* * * *
JNO. R. BOND, Col. One hundred and eleventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, pp. 159-160.
1, Patrol on the Rockford to Louisville Road, and on all roads to Sevierville
KNOXVILLE, February 1, 1864--11 a. m.
Maj.-Gen. GRANGER:
Give instructions for Gen. Willich to watch all the roads from Sevierville to Maryville, and patrol the one by Rockford and Louisville; if he finds the enemy advancing in force on the latter road he will fall back to Louisville or some other secure position, so as not to be cut off. I have no information of any force being nearer to him than Boyd's Creek. I hope to attack this force as soon as possible. You will therefore order Hazen's brigade to march at once to this point, and Sheridan's division to march to Campbell's Station, and await orders.
Send orders to Gen. Willich to guard the fords of the Holston between this point and Loudon, in case he has to fall back; he will in no case, however, fall back farther than Louisville before he is forced back by superior numbers.
J. G. FOSTER, Maj.-Gen., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. II, p. 306.
1, Skirmish at LaGrange and the dispersal of McGuirk's Third Mississippi Regiment[5]
No circumstantial reports filed.
COLLIERVILLE, TENN., February 4, 1864.
[Gen. RAWLINS?]:
DEAR GEN.: I am deeply chagrined at the delay in our movement resulting from the non-arrival of the 2,000 cavalry ordered down from Columbus. They were delayed at the crossing of the Obion River, where they had great difficulty in getting over, and lost a considerable number of horses and men drowned. A portion of the command reached Bolivar on the 1st instant, Col. Shanks, of the Seventh Indiana Cavalry, in advance. He sent 70 men into LaGrange to communicate with us. Not knowing that the command from above would come by that roundabout way, we were expecting them in at Memphis, and LaGrange had been entirely abandoned by us, and McGurik's Third Mississippi Regiment, 300 strong, had taken possession and were having a good time of it generally, when the 70 men pitched into them and sent the whole regiment fleeing pell-mell across the Wolf River, killing 2, wounding several, and capturing 9 prisoners. I intend complimenting them in orders. I have sent three companies to communicate with Col. Waring, commanding the brigade, to bring them in with all haste. The moment they arrive I will be off.
* * * *
Very respectfully, your most obedient servant,
WM. SOOY SMITH, Brig. Gen., Chief of Cavalry, Mil. Div. of the Mississippi.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. II, pp. 326-327.
1, Skirmishes with guerrillas near Mt. Pinson [see January 22-February 27, 1864, Co-operating missions in West Tennessee, Union City to Collierville, associated with the Meridian Expedition February 3-March 6, 1864 above]
1, Federal officers engage in cotton farming in Middle Tennessee, an excerpt from the diary of John C. Spence
There is quite an excitement here, to raise cotton. There is [sic] quite a number of Yankee officers, renting farms from the citizens for the purpose. We see men anxious to engage in the business, who most likely has never seen a cotton stalk grow. They are paying three dollars per acre. There is great enquirey [sic] for cotton seed and paying the moderate price of one dollar per bushel, and will to buy all that can be found at that price.
I shall be pleased to know [where] they can get a good supply. Want every one that can produce a handful, to engage in the enterprise. No doubt they will make a good thing of it. They came to the country to make money, in some way, and cotton is one of the articles to produce the effect, among the other means. The price now quoted in Nashville in sixty five cents.
Operation-They propose, in the first place, to pay three dollars rent, do repairs on [the] plantation, to hire Negro [sic] men at ten dollars per month and find them in provision, or fifteen dollars, they to find themselves women, in the same proportion for their time. Pay half the wages each month, in cash, at the sale of the cotton crop.
A negro [sic] who is getting one hundred and twenty dollars a year, will having owing to him, at the end, sixty dollars.
Spence Diary.
1, Confederate News Concerning Knoxville
Affairs in Knoxville.
[From the Richmond Dispatch, (Jan.) 1st]
We have some interesting intelligence from Knoxville, furnished by a gentleman who has been in the town ever since its occupation by the Yankees, until a short time since, when he succeeded in affecting his escape. The severity of the Federal rule, he represents, has pretty affectively killed the intense Unionism of many of the citizens of the place, and more completely determined the Southern portion of the population to continue the weight of its influence in behalf of Southern rights.
When he left Knoxville a great deal of sickness prevailed, and there were over three hundred cases of smallpox in the city. The dead were being buried in yards and gardens, or wherever most convenient. Dead horses and mules were lying in the streets, and for more than a mile around the earth was strewn with decomposing carcasses. The beautiful ornamental trees in the streets and in the grounds of private residences have been cut down and even those in the Asylum grounds and been felled and consumed.
The oppression of loyal citizens is represented to be cruel and despotic. They are not permitted to follow their occupations, or to sell of buy without a permit from Gen. Foster, and this cannot be obtained without taking the oath. Some who have not the means of procuring food, have been starved into taking the oath in order to draw the scanty rations allowed their loyal subjects. These rations consist of a hard cracker per day, and all the blue stringy beef. A number of the citizens have been compelled to crowd themselves and effects into one or two rooms whilst the other parts of their large and comfortable mansions are appreciated for officers' quarters. The whole country around is a waste of ruin and desolation.
Later news from Knoxville asserts that the Yankees have evacuated it but that our forces have not entered the city because of the prevalence of the smallpox, there being now about six hundred cases. Our forces are said to be encamped three or four miles around the place.
Memphis Daily Appeal, February 5, 1864.[6]
1, On the Political Reorganization of the Volunteer State
Reorganization in Tennessee.
For nearly three the people of Tennessee have been deprived of all free, regular and legitimate civil government, and they are now without a Governor chosen in the ordinary way, Legislature, Representation in Congress, Courts, Judges, Chancellors, and authorized County officers. This is the fruit of secession and rebellion against the fruit of secession and rebellion against the Government of the United States.
Andrew Johnson, Military Governor of Tennessee, has commenced the work of civil reorganization. He has issued his proclamation ordering election to be held in the various held in the various counties on the first Saturday in March next for Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Constables &c. He takes the position that inasmuch as these elections are ordered in the State of Tennessee, as a State under the Federal Constitution, it is not expected that the enemies will propose to vote, nor is it intended that they be permitted to vote or hold office. The proclamation distinctly sets forth the qualifications of voters, and gives the gratifying assurances that the work of reorganizing the State will go on as rapidly as possible.
Scotio (OH) Gazette, February 2, 1864
1-2, Reconnaissance from Maryville to Sevierville
KNOXVILLE, January 31, 1864--7.30 p. m.
Maj.-Gen. GRANGER:
Gen. Sturgis is falling back upon Maryville with his whole force, on account, his quartermaster says, of starvation. Gen. Willich to-day gave him 6,000 rations. Longstreet's infantry is near and below Sevierville, but not advancing. Willich has 1,300 bushels corn and 30 cattle; thinks he cannot subsist his command longer then twenty days without having the cavalry forage on his ground.
R. O. SELFRIDGE, Lieut.-Col. and Assistant Inspector-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. II, pp. 274-275.
Brig.-Gen. COX, Cmdg. Twenty-third Army Corps:
You will send the reconnaissance ordered toward Sevierville at daylight to-morrow, with instructions to observe carefully the Trundle's Cross-road, with orders to report at once should they find any force has passed there toward Maryville.
By order of Gen. Foster:
J. F. ANDERSON, Maj. and Aide-de-Camp.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. II, p. 274.
FEBRUARY 1-2, 1864.-Reconnaissance from Maryville toward Sevierville, Tenn.
No. 1.-Brig. Gen. Samuel Beatty, U. S. Army.
No. 2.-Lieut. Col. James P. Brownlow, First Tennessee cavalry.
No. 1.
Report of Brig. Gen. Samuel Beatty, U. S. Army.
HDQRS. THIRD Brig., THIRD DIV., FOURTH ARMY CORPS, Maryville, Tenn., February 2, 1864.
CAPT.: I have the honor to submit the following report of a reconnaissance made under my direction, to wit:
At 2 a. m., February 1, instant, I received orders from Brig.-Gen. Willich, commanding Third Division, Fourth Army Corps, to take two regiments of my brigade, and with two regiments of cavalry and a section of artillery which were to report to me, to make a reconnaissance toward Sevierville to ascertain the whereabouts of the enemy. At 8 o'clock Lieut. White, commanding section of Bridge's Battery, Illinois Volunteers, reported to me, and I marched to Little River, on the main from Maryville to Sevierville, where I awaited the cavalry. Lieut. Col. J. P. Brownlow reported to me at 2 p. m., in command of the First Regt. [sic] Tennessee Cavalry and Fourth Indiana Cavalry, and I ordered the command to cross, and the advance of the cavalry to march to Trundle's Cross-Roads and half for the night. I halted the infantry at McGloskey's in bivouac.
At dawn this morning I ordered the command to advance. Col. Brownlow, commanding the cavalry, was ordered to advance to discover certainly the position of the enemy. At 8.30 o'clock I received the information from Col. Brownlow that the enemy, consisting of one corps of cavalry, under Gen. Martin (two divisions, commanded respectively by Gen. Armstrong and Morgan), and three brigades of infantry, under Gen. Johnson, were fortifying in the fork of the French Broad and Pigeon Rivers, 2 ½ miles west from Sevierville and about 14 miles southeest from Dandridge. The object of the reconnaissance being accomplished, I ordered the command to return to camp at Maryville, where I arrived at 4 p. m.
We had no casualties in the command.
Respectfully referring to the report of Lieut.-Col. Brownlow,
I am, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
SAM. BEATTY, Brig.-Gen. of Volunteers, Cmdg.
No. 2.
Report of Lieut. Col. James P. Brownlow, First Tennessee Cavalry.
HDQRS. FIRST TENNESSEE CAVALRY, Maryville, Tenn., February 2, 1864.
CAPT.: I have the honor to submit the following report of operations of my command from January 31 to February 3, 1864:
On the 1st of February, in accordance with orders from headquarters First Division Cavalry, Army of the Cumberland, I reported with the First Tennessee Cavalry and Fourth Indiana, Maj. Purdy commanding, to Brig.-Gen. Beatty, commanding detachment, who ordered me to advance as far as Trundle's Cross-Roads, 16 miles from Maryville, and encamped for the night, with orders to move in the direction of Sevierville next morning at 5.30 o'clock.
I moved promptly, in obedience to orders, as far as Boyd's Creek, within 8 miles of Sevierville, where I ascertained that the enemy (one corps of cavalry under Gen. Martin, comprising Armstrong's and Morgan's divisions, and three brigades of infantry under Gen. Johnson) were fortifying in the fork of French Broad and Pigeon Rivers, 2 ½ miles west of Sevierville and 14 miles southeest of Dandridge. After satisfying myself perfectly that the information was reliable, I turned to camp at this place without any loss.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
JAS. P. BROWNLOW, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, pp. 160-161.
1-7, Scout in White & Putnam Counties (5th Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry [U. S.])
FEBRUARY 1-7, 1864.-Scout in White and Putnam Counties, Tenn.
Report of Col. William B. Stokes, Fifth Tennessee Cavalry.
HDQRS. FIFTH TENNESSEE VOLUNTEER CAVALRY, Alexandria, De Kalb County, Tenn., February 7, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to state that, in obedience to orders from the major-commanding the district, I proceed with 150 of my command from Nashville on the 29th ultimo, and arrived at this place on the 30th ultimo, meeting a courier from Gen. Paine, with a dispatch stating that the expedition up the county was a failure, but requested me to meet him at Carthage on the 31st.
On my arrival at Carthage I found that Gen. Paine had gone up the river with about 300 men under Col. McConnell, and was to form a junction with Lieut.-Col. Johnson, Fifty-second Kentucky Mounted Infantry, who drove the rebels across the river at Flynn's Lick. I immediately sent Capt. Brandon in command of 30 men with a dispatch to Gen. Paine and Col. McConnell, stating that I would move my command of 200 men (Capt.'s Blackburn and Waters having joined me near Liberty) at once toward Sparta.
I moved out at 7 a. m. on the 1st of February, crossed Caney Fork at Pin Hook above Sligo, and encamped for the night.
Moved out at daylight the next morning. Upon arriving at Sparta, my advance ran a few rebels out, about 30 in number, some going north, others south from that place. I then turned the command toward Cookville [sic] and up Calfkiller River, near Yankeetown. I came up with a squad and killed 3. Bivouacked for the night 8 miles from Cookville [sic].
On the 3d, at 10 a. m., arrived at Cookville [sic], and found that Col. McConnell had left, going in the direction of Livingston. I immediately proceed over on the Calfkiller, and encamped near the notorious Champ Ferguson's [farm]. I found there some 20 or 30 rebels, who fled as usual at first sight.
From Ferguson's we moved down the river to Yankeetown, dividing the command into three squads, one taking the road through Sparta and Rock Island, another on the Nashville road, and the third on the right through Bunker Hill and Falling Waters to Lancaster. I arrived here to-day. The scout was successful.
We killed 17 of the worst men in the country, to wit, Capt. James Davis (chief of Confederate scouts, brother of A. L. Davis, of Nashville), who had on his person a pass with the oath indorsed; Capt. Conley, Jack Coger, Bill Allcorn, Milt. Hawkins, Neely, Dyer, Melton, and others. Most of these men are known to have been engaged in number, robbery, and rape; In fact, all were accessory to the outrages committed through this country. We took 12 prisoners, and captured about 20 horses and mules.
The people were very much excited, with very few signs of loyalty, yet I was assured be a few good citizens that on my guaranty to the citizens of protection they would submit, take the oath, and hence-forth prove loyal. They also stated that a number of rebel deserters would lay down their arms and quit, if permitted to do so.
Forage will be very hard to obtain near Sparta, it being very scarce and scattered. I will reach that point in a few days. It will take some time and continued scouting to break up these bands, but you may be assured no time will be lost and no effort spared to rid the country of them. I will add that the scout, under Col. McConnell, killed 23 and captured 40 men. From the best information I can obtain, the rebel force, when concentrated, will number 500 or 600 men, finely mounted but poorly armed.
I am, captain, very respectfully your obedient servant,
W. B. STOKES, Col., Cmdg. Fifth Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, pp. 162-163.
Excerpt from the Report of Major-General George H. Thomas, relative to the anti-guerrilla activities of Colonel William B. Stokes and the 5th Tennessee Cavalry in the Sparta environs.
* * * *
February 7, Col. William B. Stokes, Fifth Tennessee Cavalry, reports from Alexandria, Tenn., that, in pursuance to orders, he had recently scouted in the vicinity of Sparta after certain bands of guerrillas infesting that neighborhood, and had succeeded in killing 17 and capturing 12, besides 20 horses and mules. Another force, under Col. McConnell, succeeded in killing 23 and capturing 40 of the same gang. Col. Stokes ascertained that, when concentrated, the guerrillas in that section of the country will number 600 men, finely mounted....
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, p. 8.
A Successful Scout
Fifty Rebels Killed and Sixty-Three Taken Prisoners-Colonel Murray Among the Prisoners-Capt. Davis among the Killed.
From the Nashville Union, February 10th.
Some eight or ten days ago, a part of the command of General Payne (cavalry) left Gallatin on a scouting expedition through the counties bordering on Kentucky. About the same time Colonel W. B. Stokes' regiment of cavalry left this place to co-operate with them, and going by way of Alexandria, visited White, Putnam and Overton counties. The Gallatin expedition would start the game and drive it down upon their comrades from Nashville. Payne's men succeeded in killing thirty-three and capturing sixty-three Rebel guerrillas.
Among the prisoners was Colonel Thos. B. Murray, of Warren county, a politician of note, who was on the Breckinridge electoral ticket. He was conveyed with other prisoner, to Gallatin. Colonel Stokes Cavalry killed seventeen Rebels but took no prisoners. Among the killed was a steamboat man, who has commanded different packets on the Cumberland River. He had on his person a brace of revolvers, $3000 in Confederate money, and a copy of an oath of allegiance to the Federal Government, which he had taken, certified by Stanley Matthews, formerly Provost Marshal at this post. He might have been taken alive had he halted when so commanded. But to the command he replied," You had better find out you tell to halt," and he attempted to draw a pistol A command to fire followed, and he fell pierced by seven balls.
The daring villain Champ Ferguson, was closely pressed by some of Stokes' men, but he made his escape.
It is mentioned as a singular fact that none of the prisoners or killed were armed with guns. All had revolvers, some of them as many as three. Thus armed they could pass through the country and be citizens or guerrillas as they might choose.
The Federal scouts lost not a man during the expedition.
The splendid regiment of Colonel Stokes is now at Alexandria. It numbers between 1200 and 1500.
Philadelphia Inquirer, February 15, 1864.
2, Skirmish near LaGrange
FEBRUARY 2, 1864.-Skirmish near LaGrange, Tenn.
Report of Col. John McGuirk, Third Mississippi Cavalry.
FEBRUARY 2, 1864—5.30 p. m. (Via Waterford, 3d.)
Yesterday at 11 a. m., when I was about starting for Moscow, my scouts reported the enemy in force at [Grand] Junction. I went with my command to the edge of the place and offered them battle, which they declined, and remained in the fort. They were confined closely in the fort. I did not allow them to picket outside. At dark retired with my regiment and went into the fortifications at LaGrange, where I remained until sunrise this morning, when I moved out, being exhausted and horses without forage twenty-four hours. I was, on this account only, compelled to abandon the town and move to forage my command. After I had left the place they attacked my rear guard and harassed me in such manner that I was compelled to cross the river south, which I did at a blind ford, near Ammon's Bridge. My command was diminished on account of the broken-down horses; those I sent to the rear with prisoners yesterday. I will move to my wagons and report my locality as soon as taken. Report states that the party that assailed my rear was commanded by Maj. Smith, and numbered 1,500, being detachments from several regiments brought from Denmark and other places in Tennessee. They are coming from Memphis, and could be cut off east of Collierville. They would not attack me in line. I could not maneuver on account of exhaustion.
JNO. McGUIRK, Col., Cmdg. Third Mississippi Cavalry.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, p. 163.
2, Scout on Little Tennessee River to Franklin, North Carolina
MOTLEY'S FORD, TENN., February 22, 1864.
Lieut. Col. J. S. FULLERTON, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Fourth Army Corps:
I send you this morning 28 prisoners; 15 of them are Indians who came in this morning and gave themselves up. They report that the rest of Thomas' Indians have laid down their arms and disbanded.
The result of the Murphy expedition, under command of Maj. Paine, First Wisconsin, is the capture of 33 men and 5 commissioned officers. I will send them to you to-morrow.
The scout sent up the Little Tennessee went within 20 miles of Franklin. They report none of Longstreet's forces moving in that direction. Thomas' force is at Franklin, and Vance's brigade at Asheville. No corn in that section. They marched 30 miles to get corn enough for 15 horses.
A scouting party of rebels, 40 strong, attacked the picket at Niter Ferry on the other side of the river this morning. Two detachments are in pursuit, and I think will catch some of them. I will not move any part of my command to Madisonville before tomorrow.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
E. M. MCCOOK, Col., Cmdg.
HDQRS., Motley's Ford, Tenn., February 22, 1864.
Col. A. P. CAMPBELL, Cmdg. First Brigade:
The colonel commanding directs that you move your command to-morrow toward Madisonville, leaving sufficient guards at the fords near where you are now encamped and at the gaps through which the road up the Little Tennessee passes and the road to Murphy.
By command of Col. E. M. McCook:
Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. II, p. 448.
2, Attack from Tuckaleechee Cove (Blount County) against Cherokee Confederate raiders at Quallatown, North Carolina. [see January 31-February 7, 1864, Expedition from Maryville to Quallatown, North Carolina above]
2, Williamson Younger confronts thieves in Carroll County
Twelve of Capt. Holt's & Smith's robbers here again today. Drew sabre on me. Drew it over my head several times and swore to kill me. I told him to kill, that I was as well prepared to die as I ever would be. Took of my bay mare worth about $150. Haltered my old Daniel mule but let me have him back by my paying them $10. Some more names: George Nevel, Loss Quinn, one of the Connell's Harve Smith, and one of Capt. Holt's company's robbers. They will not tell their names when I ask them.
"Younger Diary."
2, First Lieutenant Robert Cruikshank, 123rd New York Infantry Regiment, letter home to his wife Mary, concerning the war on the local level [see January 29, 1864-February 12, 1864, "First Lieutenant Robert Cruikshank, 123rd New York Infantry Regiment, excerpts from letters home to his wife Mary, events in the Chestnut Ridge, Boons Hill environs, written February 2-12, 1864, covering events from January 29, 1864 to February 12, 1864," above and February 13-21,1864, "First Lieutenant Robert Cruikshank, 123rd New York Infantry Regiment, letter home to his wife Mary, war events in Lincoln County, February 13 – 21, 1864," below]
February 1, 1865, Skirmish in McLemore's Cove[7]
FEBRUARY 1, 1865.-Skirmish in McLemore's Cove, Tenn.
Report of Lieut. Col. George A. Gowin, Sixth Tennessee Mounted Infantry.
RINGGOLD, February 2, 1865.
After leaving camp yesterday morning I learned that Gatewood[8] was in McLemore's Cove with seventy-five men. I therefore marched up the cove road, I being upon his rear during the evening without letting him know that I was there. I waited for him to camp. About 10 o'clock at night I attacked his camp and made a smash of him, killing a number, capturing several horses, guns &c. I took no prisoners. I was attacked by a squad of bushwhackers to-day. We killed two. I have lost no men, nor had any wounded.
G. A. GOWIN, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg. Sixth Tennessee Mounted Infantry.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. I, p. 33.
1, Confederate Board of Commissioners for Impressment for Tennessee issues price schedule no. 10[9]
In accordance with the act of Congress to regulate impressment, the following schedule of prices for produce and army supplies, furnished at the usual places of delivery, is agreed upon and published by the Board of Commissioners for the State of Tennessee, to continue in force until altered or revised:
Articles. Description. Quantity. Price.
Apples Dried Per bushel of 28 pounds $3.50
Axes With handles Each 7.00
Do Hand do 6.00
Bacon Sides, corn fed Per pound 1.30
Do Hams, corn fed do 1.30
Do Shoulders, corn fed do 1.20
Beans Per bushel of 60 pounds 3.00
Beef-cattle Gross Per pound 25.00
Brandy Peach or apple Per gallon 3.50
Barrels Flour Each 3.00
Do Molasses do 5.00
Brick Per 1,000 25.00
Chains Trace Per pair 7.00
Corn Shelled Per bushel of 56 pounds 2.25
Do Unshelled Per bushel of 70 pounds 2.10
Corn-meal Per bushel of 48 pounds 2.25
Coffee Rio Per pound 6.00
Candles Tallow do 1.80
Flour. Superfine Per barrel of 196 pounds 30.00
Do Fine do 22.05
Fodder Baled Per hundredweight 2.20
Do Unbaled do 2.00
Hogs,fat Net, per hundredweight 75.00
Do Gross, per hundredweight 60.00
Hogs, unfatted do 50.00
Hay Native grass, baled Per hundredweight 2.25
Do Native grass, unbaled do 2.00
Do Timothy or clover, baled do 3.00
Do Timothy or clover, unbaled
do 2.75
Hides Dry Per pound 1.80
Do Green do .90
Horses First class, artillery Each 750.00
Do Second class, artillery do 600.00
Do Third class, artillery do 450.00
Do First class, cavalry do 750.00
Do Second class, cavalry do 600.00
Do Third class, cavalry do 450.00
Iron Pig, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, average.
Per gross ton 110.00
Do Square or round Per net ton 450.00
Do Flat or band do 400.00
Do Hoop do 550.00
Do Boiler plate do 625.00
Do Serviceable railroad T Per gross ton 210.00
Do Unserviceable railroad T do 100.00
Do Strap rail do 150.00
Kettles Camp, iron Per pound .50
Lard do 1.30
Leather Harness do 3.75
Do Sole Per pound 3.75
Do Upper do 4.50
Lumber Square edged Per hundred 4.00
Do Rough edged do 2.00
Molasses Cuba cane Per gallon 6.00
Do Chinese cane do 3.00
Mules First class Each 600.00
Do Second class do 525.00
Do Third class do 375.00
Oats Baled Per hundredweight .80
Do Unbaled do 1.60
Do Shelled Per bushel of 34 pounds 1.80
Onions Per bushel of 57 pounds 5.00
Pasturage Per head per month 1.50
Potatoes Irish Per bushel of 60 pounds 4.00
Do Sweet do 1.75
Peaches Dried, pealed Per bushel of 38 pounds 5.00
Peas Per bushel of 60 pounds 3.00
Pans Mess, sheet iron Per pound 1.50
Rye Per bushel of 56 pounds 3.75
Rice Per pound .20
Sugar Brown, common do 1.75
Do Brown, fair do 1.90
Do Fully fair do 2.00
Do Prime do 2.35
Do Strictly prime do 2.50
Do Choice do 2.80
Do Extra choice do 3.00
Do Clarified do 3.50
Sugar White clarified Per pound 4.00
Salt Per bushel of 50 pounds 7.50
Socks Woolen Per pair 2.00
Do Cotton do 1.50
Soap Hard Per pound 75
Do Soft do 35
Shoes Army Per pair 15.00
Shovels Long handled Per dozen 80.00
Spades do 80.00
Sheep Sheared Perhead 15.00
Do Unsheared do 20.00
Shucks Baled Per hundredweight 1.50
Do Unbaled do 1.25
Tallow Per pound 1.30
Tea Black do 10.00
Do Green do 15.00
Vinegar Cider Per gallon 1.50
Do Manufactured do .60
Wheat Per bushel of 60 pounds 5.50
Wheat straw Baled Per hundredweight 1.00
Do Unbaled do .75
Whisky Per gallon 3.50
Wool Washed Per pound 4.00
Do Unwashed do 3.00
Wagons Wooden axles, 4-horse Each 350.00
Do Iron axles, 4-horse do 450.00
Do Wooden axles, 2-horse do 250.00
Do Iron axles, 2-horse do 350.00
Quantity Price.
Hauling per cwt. per mile $0.05
Hire of 2-horse team, wagon, and driver:
Rations furnished by owner per day 10.00
Rations furnished by Government do 7.00
Hire of 4-horse team, wagon, and driver:
Rations furnished by owner do 12.50
Rations furnished by Government do 9.00
Hire of 6-horse team, wagon, and driver
Rations furnished by owner do 15.00
Rations furnished by Government do 11.00
Hire of laborer:
Rations furnished by owner do 2.00
Rations furnished by government do 1.50
Do per month 25.00
Rations and clothing
furnished by Government do 15.00
Hire of mechanics for mechanical purposes;
rations and clothing furnished by Government, per month 30.00
The following enumerated articles to be paid for under the act of Congress regulating manufacturers, to wit: Woolen cloths, drills, flannels, hats, jeans, Osnaburgs, domestic shirting and stripes, sacking and tent cloths, 75 per cent. on the net cost of production.
The undersigned deem it proper to state that the above schedule of prices is adopted in accordance with the maximum schedule of prices agreed upon by the commissioners in convention assembled at Montgomery, Ala., on the 20th day of September (convened by order of the Secretary of War), representing the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee, and are the prices at which alone Government agents can, without violation of the law, impress private property; and for the information of all concerned that section of the impressment act which prescribes the pains and penalties incurred by a violation of its provisions is hereto appended:
SEC. XI. That any commissioned or non-commissioned officer, or private, who shall violate the provisions of this act shall be tried before a military court of the corps to which he is attached, on complaint made by the owner or other persons; and on conviction, if an officer, he shall be cashiered and put into the ranks as a private; and if a non-commissioned officer or private, he shall suffer such punishment not inconsistent with military law as the court may direct.
Extract from General Orders, No. 30, Adjutant and Inspector Gen., dated March 7, 1864:
V. In all cases in which the offer of an impressing officer is refused he will proceed to adjust the price according to the first section of the act above recited; that is, by the judgment of the two loyal and disinterested persons of the city, county, or parish in which the impressment may be made, one to be selected by the owner, his bailee, or agent, and one by the impressing officer. In the event of their disagreement, these two will select an umpire of like qualification. The persons thus selected will proceed to assess just compensation for the property so impressed, whether the absolute ownership or the temporary use thereof be required. If the impressing officer believes that the appraisement is fair and just, he will indorse his approval and pay for the property, and the right in the object impressed will become the property of the Confederate States; but if he does not approve of the appraisement he will decline to approve it, and indorse the reasons for his refusal on the certificate and forthwith report the case to the commissioners appointed under the fifth section of the act to which the act above recited is an amendment; and in the meantime the property will be taken and a receipt describing the property and proceedings for adjustment of the price and the appeal given to the owner. The impressing officer will immediately report the case to the appraisers, with the statement of the quality and condition of the property, and his opinion on the subject.
W. E. TRAVIS, WM. H. SNEED, Commissioners.
OR, Ser. IV, Vol. 3, pp. 1050-1053.
1, Circular Order relative to the organization of home guard companies in South-central Middle Tennessee and Northern Alabama for the purposes of exterminating bushwhackers
TULLAHOMA, TENN. Feb. 1st, 1865
To the people of Coffee, Lincoln, Bedford, Franklin, Marshall, Grundy, Warren and Cannon Counties State of Tennessee, and of Jackson county, Alabama
It is ordered that all the male residents from the age of fourteen (14) years without regard to age, infirmity or occupation is [sic] required in every neighborhood in said Counties shall, within ten (10) days after receiving this order, organize themselves into Home Guard Companies of convenient size, from forty (40) to one hundred and fifty (150), according to the population and convenience of each neighborhood, for the purpose of exterminating and driving out all Bushwhackers, Horse Thieves and other lawless Men, and restoring law and order [sic].
Every male resident of said Counties over fourteen (14) years without regard to age, infirmity or occupation, is required to enroll his name in the Company of his neighborhoods within five (5) days after the organization of the Company, on pain of being considered disloyal and treated accordingly.
Those incapacitated from age, disease, or being cripples, can give their influence, counsel, advice, send information, &c., &c. Only those able for active field duty will be expected to turn out when they hear of Bushwhackers, Guerrillas of Thieves in their neighborhood, or when ordered to do so by their officers, (unless expressly named.)
Each Company will organize by enrolling their names and selecting some men of well known loyalty [sic] as Captain, who must be confirmed by the Maj. Gen. Commanding, and furnished with instructions before he will be empowered to act. The Captain to appoint one first, and one second Lieutenants, five sergeants and eight corporals, and five members to constitute a company court for the trial of all crimes and offenses committed by members of the company. Each company to continue its organization so long as it shall be deemed necessary for the peace and safety of the neighborhood. Each neighborhood failing or refusing to organize a company within ten days after receiving or hearing of this order will be considered disloyal [sic], and treated accordingly. The time having come for all men to take sides, and either show themselves the active friends of the Union and of law and order, or openly join the enemy, inaction on the part of any one will be no longer tolerated. The location, names of officers, and strength of each company, to be promptly reported to these Headquarters when organized, that measures to their arming may be taken, and instructions given.
By Command of MAJ. GEN'L MILROY
Papers of General Milroy[10]
2, Special Orders No. 23 relative to reduction of garrisons on Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad
I. All of the garrisons on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad between Nashville and Duck River bridge, both inclusive, are hereby reduced to twenty men each, except the garrison at La Vergne, which is hereby reduced to twenty-five men. The post garrison at Murfreesborough is not included in this order. The excess of men gained by this change will be organized into a pioneer corps by the commanding officer of the One hundred and fifteenth Regt. [sic] Ohio Volunteer Infantry, who will also place a competent officer to its command. This corps will be stationed at Duck River bridge, and will be used in conducting the defenses of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad between that point and Nashville. It will also be used as a reserve in the event of an attack. Brig. Gen. H. P. Van Cleve will see that this order is communicated to the several garrisons and that is provisions are perfected.
* * * *
By command of Maj.-Gen. Milroy:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. I, p. 632.
2, Letter from Miss Rhoda Inman in Hamilton County to Confederate soldier John G. Carter
Knowing of your extreme anxiety to hear from home I hasten to respond in Sister's stead, to two letters received from you a few minutes ago.
Before proceeding farther, I will relived your anxiety by telling you that she is well, and staying at Ms Cannon's. Mrs. Cannon complained of feeling very lonely and will have Sister to spend a portion of her time with her. Sister has been out there about a month.
The children are all well, Little Rhoda is walking and is a very sweet, sprightly child. Sister has written to you by flag of truce, but from what you say they have not had the good luck to reach you. It may be several days before we have a change to send your letters out to her therefore determined myself to write you immediately. Your brother Peyton was taken through here a prisoner about three weeks ago (Christmas Day, 1864), he was looking very well and was in fine health, your father and Mr. Shadden went out the depot to see him. Mag Shadden has gone to Cincinnati, Ohio, to school.
Sister has received five letters from you since she left Georgia. Johnnie is here with us. He is an excellent child and talks of you a good deal, says frequently when he gets up in the morning, that he dreamed of pa last night.
Annie has gone to school to Miss Nannie Kennedy four or five months since she came home. She is not going now. Mr. Blount is teaching here and has a very large school.
Sister had no difficulty in getting good winter shoes for the children. Sister asked Annie what message she would like to send you, and childlike, her new calico dresses were uppermost. She would like to tell you about her four new calico dresses. Jimmy is extremely proud of his new book.
We had some very kind officers boarding with us last summer. Your father's family are all well. I know sister will write you soon.
I remain
Affectionately yours,
Rhoda Inman
Note: Written across the back of the folded letter was the following: "Recd. At Mrs. Coopers, West Tennessee during the war by Mr. Carter.
This was the first news from home in 15 months by Jno. G. Carter"[11]
W. P. A. Civil War Records, Vol. 2, pp. 1-2.
2, "There is no salvation except by blood." Excerpt from the Diary of Major-General R. H. Milroy relative to fighting guerrillas in Middle Tennessee
Thursday, February 2, 1865
Tullahoma, Tenn [sic]
[I] started Lieutenant. Col. Stauber of the 42nd Mo. V. I. with an expedition of 300 men today to evangelize [sic] the country between Elk and Tenn [sic] Rivers in Guerrilian [sic] Mo. style-that is by fire and blood. [sic] I have by experience become a firm believer in the doctrine that "There is no salvation except by blood." There is nothing like it for the poisen [sic] which brought on the bushwhacking, robbing, thieving, etc.
I find fire and blood properly administered to be perfect balance. [sic]
Papers of General Milroy, pp. 8-9.[12]
2-7, Anti-guerrilla Federal infantry expedition, Decherd to Salem, Larkin's Fork Post Office, Alabama, New Market, Alabama, and capture and execution of members of Rebel guerrilla chief Captain Child's band in Lincoln County
TULLAHOMA, TENN., February 2, 1865.
Brig.-Gen. GRANGER, Cmdg. at Huntsville or Decatur:
I started an infantry expedition this morning from Decherd, Tenn., to operate in the direction of Salem, Tenn., thence south to Larkin's Fork Post Office, Ala., thence to go west in the direction of New Market, Ala. I will also start cavalry expedition on Saturday [3d] from Fayetteville, Tenn., to operate in the direction of New Market, Ala., to clean out a large and troublesome guerrilla force that harbors in the country south of Elk and north of Tennessee Rivers. Will you please send a co-operating force from Huntsville, Ala., in the direction of New Market, Ala., on Saturday. Please answer.
R. H. MILROY, Maj.-Gen. of Volunteers.
Lieut.-Col. CLIFT, Cmdg. Fifth Tennessee Cavalry:
COL.: The major-general commanding defenses started an infantry force of 300 men, under command of Lieut.-Col. Stauber, Forty-second Missouri Infantry Volunteers, from Decherd, Tenn., this morning. This force will operate in the direction of Salem, Tenn.; thence south to Larkin's Fork Post-Office, Ala.; thence west in the direction of New Market, Ala. The major-general commanding has also telegraphed to Brig.-Gen. Granger to have a co-operating force sent from Huntsville, Ala., in the direction of New Market, Ala., on Saturday. The major-general commanding directs that you send out from Fayetteville, Tenn., on Saturday, the 4th instant, to operate in conjunction with forces from Decherd, Tenn., and from Huntsville, Ala., in the direction of New Market, Ala., all the forces under your command. You will form a junction at or about New Market, Ala., with the co-operating forces, and act in concert with them in cleaning out a large and troublesome force of guerrillas that infest the country south of Elk and north of Tennessee Rivers.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. G. MOHLER, Capt. and Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. I, pp. 632-633.
HDQRS. FIFTH TENNESSEE CAVALRY VOLUNTEERS, Fayetteville, Tenn., February 7, 1865.
Capt. E. T. WELLS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:
I have the honor to report, in compliance with request [sic], that I have met with very good success in killing bushwhackers. Capt. Childs had thirteen men mounted when I came here. He now has only four mounted. I have killed 4 of his worst men, and wounded 2 or 3 more, and captured 9 horses and horse equipments. I have also killed 5 of Mead's men who are considered the most reckless and daring in the country. Col. Mead with the principal portion of his command is at present on the other side of the Tennessee River and is not expected to return for two or three weeks. I obtained this information from Capt. Joel Cunningham and his brother, of Mead's command, who surrendered to me since I came here. I gave the surrender the appearance of a capture and wish it so understood for the present. They have already furnished me valuable information and are aiding me otherwise to clear the country of robbers and thieves. Capt. Joel Cunningham will surrender to me from twenty to twenty-five of his men for whose good conduct he is willing to vouch, but before the surrender is made he will take his men and kill a Texas Ranger by the name of Root and all of his men, ten in number. Three of the most reliable citizens of Lincoln County have pledged their lives and property for the faithful performance of Cunningham's part of the contract, as they consider him reliable when his word is once staked. I think if I can only have sufficient time to put my plans into execution I can clear the country about here of bushwhackers and robbers. There was a meeting of the citizens of Lincoln County at this place yesterday for the purpose of taking steps to retire civil government, which was largely attended, and from the great interest manifested in the matter, I think they are sincerely in earnest this time in wishing for the restoration of the civil laws, and I have no doubt but that they will succeed if my command or some other one can be retained here to give them a feeling of security in the free expression of their feelings.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Respectfully forwarded for information of Maj.-Gen. Wilson, commanding Cavalry Corps.
The troops immediately under my command have killed 18 and captured 12 guerrillas since my arrival here, not counting in a number of men belonging to the Tenth and Twelfth Tennessee who had deserted and become guerrillas of the worst type, who have been captured and forwarded to their regiments.
Respectfully submitted.
R. W. JOHNSON, Brig.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. I, pp. 665-666.
[1] As cited in PQCW.
[2] As cited in PQCW.
[3] Foraging was apparently used in this manner to supply the army and as a way to punish rebellion.
[4] As cited in: http://www.uttyl.edu/vbetts.
[5] Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee places the event on February 2, 1864.
[6] As cited in PQCW
[7] McLemore's Cove is located in Georgia, not Tennessee, although the Official Records General Index, Vol. II, p. 599 places it in Tennessee. According to the Civil War Atlas, map 153, there was a McLemoresville in West Tennessee, between Huntingdon and Trenton. It may be that the skirmish reported took place in Tennessee near McLemore's Cove near the Tennessee-Georgia state line and the officer in charge simply made a mistake.
[8] John P. Gatewood, a guerrilla leader from Polk county.
[9] The schedule of prices is interesting as it indicates the value and kinds of goods that were most in demand in Tennessee by February 1865, only two months before the surrender of Lee. However, it seems that the commissioners did not understand that Tennessee was by this time nearly completely controlled by the Union army which would not feel obliged to enforce any Confederate price control schedule in the Volunteer State. It is likewise doubtful that any Tennessean would take Confederate money this late in the war, and difficult to believe that these men were in touch with reality.
One of the Commissioners, W.E. Travis had served in the General Assembly, in the 30th-33d, and 40th sessions, 1853-1857, 1877-1879, representing Henry, Obion and Weakly counties as a Democrat. He enrolled in the CS army at Paris, Henry County, May 20, 1861, at which time he was elected colonel of the 5th Regiment of Volunteers in the provisional Army of Tennessee; mustered into the Confederate service as 5th Tennessee Infantry, August 9, 1861, with Travis as colonel. He resigned on May 11, 1862, due to ill health and thereafter engaged in recruiting and he was a member of the Confederate Court of Claims. Aside from this there is no other reference to his being on the Office Board Commissioners for Impressment for Tennessee, or for that matter, any reference to the Office Board Commissioners for Impressment for Tennessee. He was brother-in-law to Governor Isham Green Harris.
The other Commissioner, William H. Sneed, served in the 25th General Assembly, 1843-45, representing Rutherford and Williamson counties. In 1853 he was elected as the Know Nothing candidate to House of Representatives. T. A. R. Nelson, in his Secession: or Prose in Rhyme and East Tennessee: A Poem by an East Tennessean (Philadelphia, printed by Nelson, 1864, p. 27) has this to say about Sneed and Travis:
"W.H. Sneed and W.E. Travis, grand commissioners of valuation under the impressment law, fixed the price of corn, in their Schedule No. 1, at $1.85 and $2 per bushel, when it was selling at $5, and other articles in proportion. These gentlemen, of profound erudition and limitless knowledge, actually valued bacon at 35 and 40 cents, and country-made soap at 50 cents, per pound; thus presenting, although the army was half starved, a strong temptation to manufacture all the bacon into soap!" Apparently price schedules 1-9 did not survive the war.
[10] No volume or page number given.
[11] Carter's family was behind Union lines, thus communication with his family was limited.
[12] Papers of General Robert Huston Milroy, Vol. II, Diary of General Robert Huston Milroy 1865, compiled by Margaret B. Paulus, 1965.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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