18, On social life at the Confederate camp of instructrion at Union City
Letter from Union City.
Union City, Tenn., June 13, 1861.
Editors Appeal: I again write to you in order to keep you posted, as near as I can, on our movements, etc….We are having quite a gay time of it here. We are visited every day by the ladies of the neighborhood, and also by the ladies from Jackson, Tenn., some sixty miles distant, and those from Columbus and Hickman, Ky., some ten miles distant, and I reckon some of them are as pretty and interesting as the world affords….There is one thing I will tell you that is something entirely new to the whole world. The Mississippians gave a large party in their camps on day before yesterday. They had some three or four hundred ladies in attendance, from twenty-five to thirty miles distant….
Very truly yours, etc.,
Memphis Daily Appeal, June 18, 1861
18, Report on conversation between Military Governor Andrew Johnson and pro-secession ministers in Nashville[1]
Gov. Johnson Well, gentlemen, what is your desire
Rev. [Edmund W.] Sehon [Methodist] -- I speak but for myself Governor; I do not know what the other gentlemen wish. My request is that I may have a few days to consider the subject of signing the paper. I wish to gather my family together and talk over the subject.
Gov. Johnson--How long a time will your require?
Rev. Mr. Sehon--My wife is at some distance, and my family having recently labored under a severe domestic affliction, I would, if you have no objection...have fourteen days allowed me for the purpose of gathering my family together.
Rev. Mr. [Reuben] Ford [Baptist]--That is not to be understood to be the request of all of us.
Rev. Mr. Sehon--Oh, no, Governor. We have been conversing on the subject, and I did not know but that it would be desirable to have a mutual consultation before we again met.
Rev. Mr. [Robert B.C.] Howell [Baptist]--I did not so understand the brother.
Rev. Mr.[John T.] Kendrick [Presbyterian]--Nor I. We can come as well singly as together.
Rev. Mr. [William D.F.] Saurie [Methodist]--I did not so understand the proposition.
Rev. Mr. Sehon--It was bare suggestion, and the object might have been misapprehended by the brethren.
Gov Johnson--It seems to me that there should be but little hesitation among your, gentlemen, about this matter. All that is required of you is to sign the oath of allegiance. If you are loyal citizens you can have no reason to refuse to do so. If you are disloyal, and working to obstruct the operations of the government, it is my duty, as the representative of that government, to see that you are placed in a position so that the least possible harm can result from your proceedings. You certainly cannot reasonably refuse to renew your allegiance to the government that is now protecting you and your families and property.
Rev. Mr. Elliott--As a non-combatant, Governor, I considered that under the stipulations of the surrender of this city I should be no further annoyed. As a non-combatant, I do not know that I have committed an act, since the federals occupied the city, that would require time[for me] to take the oath required.
Gov. Johnson--I believe, Mr. Elliott, you have two brothers in Ohio.
Mr.[Collin D.] Elliott [Protestant educator]--Yes, Governor, I have two noble brother there. I have seen them on occasional visits for thirty-four years. They have been good friends to me. They did not agree with me in the course I pursued in regard to secession. But I have lived in Tennessee so many years that I have considered the State my home, and am willing to follow her fortunes. Tennessee is a good State.
Gov. Johnson--I know Tennessee is a good State; and I believe the best way to improve her fortunes is to remove those from her borders who prove disloyal and traitors to her interest, as they are traitors to the government that has fostered and protected them. I think, Mr. Elliott, a visit to your brothers in Ohio will prove of service to you.
Rev. Mr. Elliott--I do not know whenever I have been proven disloyal. I am no politician, and never attended by one political meeting, and never but once perpetrated a political joke.
Gov. Johnson--Perhaps not, sir. But your inflammatory remarks and conversation, and by your disloyal behavior in weaning the your under your charge from their allegiance to the government established by their fathers, you have won a name that will never be placed on the roll of patriots. A visit to the North, I repeat, may be of benefit to you.
Rev. Mr. Hendrick--(after reading oath)--I would like a few days' time before I sign this paper, Governor.
Gov. Johnson--How long do you require:
Rev. Mr. Kendrick--Just as you please, Governor. One, two or three days, or a week.
Gov. Johnson--A week from today?
Rev. Mr. Hendrick--Yes, Governor, say a week
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 5., pp. 487-489.
18, "…an odious distinction between classes of the human family has at last been partially removed." One Tennessee Confederate soldier's reaction to the termination of the substitute system
No More Substitutes.
A correspondent in Shelbyville, writing under date of the 27th ult., has the following. According to his showing the substitute business [sic] is at an end. This is a reformation long needed; and now, if the Government will conscript the speculators and extortioners, and place them in front, as the Yankees did the "American citizens of African decent" at Port Hudson, soldiers' families can live, and the country will be better off for the change:
["]Yesterday evening, at dress parade, an order was read from the Secretary of War, directing that no more substitutes will be received into the army, only by the consent of the Generals commanding the various departments. I must confess that I never in all my life witnessed such beaming faces when the order was announced. Approbation of the order was general, and I have yet to find the first man in our brigade who disapproves of it.
["]Those that know nothing of the practical workings of the substitute system can form no conception of the magnitude of the evils resulting to the army by its operations. – Thanks to powers that be, the terrible incubus that has depressed the hearts of our brave soldiers has at length been removed, and the soldier at his country's call, who left his penniless wife and children to the cold charities of the world, or to eke out an existence the best way they could – he who has endured privations, sufferings, hunger, thirst, physical and mental agony, for his country's good and welfare – will be rejoiced to know that that which was an odious distinction between classes of the human family has at last been partially removed.
Fayetteville Observer, June 18, 1863.
18, Advertisement for a Slave Auction in Lincoln County
Pursuant to a decree of the County Court of Lincoln county, Tennessee, pronounced at its June term, 1863, in the case of Pleasant Halbert, Admr, and others – Bill of sale of Slaves – I will on Saturday, the 1st day of August next [sic][2] sell to the highest bidder, in the town of Fayetteville, Lincoln county, Tennessee, the following SLAVES, viz: Amanda, aged about 35 years; Martha, about 6 years; and Gordy, about one year, (these will be sold in one lot,) Ann, about 19 years; Tom, about 16 years; Andrew, about 14 years; Josephine, about 10 years; Nancy, about 8 years. The above slaves will be sold on a credit of twelve months, except the sum of 5 per cent on the amount of sale, which will be required in cash. Notes with two or more approved securities will be required of the purchaser, and a lien retained upon said Slaves until the purchase money is paid.
Clerk and Special Commissioner
Fayetteville Observer, June 18, 1863.
18, "A Case of Bigamy."
A case of bigamy was yesterday laid before W. D. Robertson, Esq., the defendants being Isaac M. McCarver and Margaret Flasher, who were married by the Rev. Dr. Goodlit on the 13th of the present month, and arrested under a charge of bigamy on the 16th. The prosecutor is John Flasher. James L. Smith, Esq., appeared for the prosecution, and T. T. Smiley and Robt. Cantrel, Esq., for the defense. Both Flasher and McCarver belong to company G, first Tennessee Light Artillery.
McCarver is a young man, perhaps twenty-five years old, with an open, honest countenance, and prepossessing appearance, tall in stature, and genteel in dress and demeanor. Margaret Flasher is short and stout, much older than her new husband, and without any personal attractions; she appeared in court dressed in white, with red and blue trimmings on her white undersleeves; a surplice [sic] waist, with black ribbon trimming, a gaudy breastpin securing the ends of the ribbon in front. In her hand she held a paper fan, with the letters of the alphabet printed upon the upper end, one letter in each fold. On her lap rested a large silk handkerchief, in color purple, yellow and white, and the picture is completed by the reader fancying her reclining upon the lap and shoulder of her young husband, the pair talking sweet love to each other. After waiting one hour, the trial began, both parties agreeing to try both cases together, McCarver for violating section 4832 of the Code, and Margaret Flasher for a violation of 4839 of the Code.
John J. Rush was the first witness. He testified that he was acquainted with Mrs. Flasher; he also knew John Flasher, knew them in Memphis; has known them about three years or more; they have been living together as man and wife. (Objected to by counsel for the defense and allowed.) Witness had heard Mrs. Flasher declare that she was marries to John Flasher. (Objected to by defence, and allowed.) Was acquainted with Margaret before she was married; they were married the fall before the war commenced, and came here to Nashville together, as man and wife; they always lived quietly and peaceably together; they lived together in camp and she did his cooking while in camp, until an order was issued rejecting females from camps when John Flasher procured a house for his wife and she went to live in it, her husband going to see her frequently. Cross examined by Mr. Cantrel-They were married at Grant's brick-yard near Memphis, in the neighborhood of three years ago; witness had lived in the house with them, both at Memphis and in this city; was not present at the marriage, but is well acquainted with the man who married them; cannot swear they were married, not having witnessed the ceremony; can hardly swear to what he sees at times.
Mr. Smith here introduced the license and the certificate of marriage, and called the attention of the Court to the fact that the defendant Margaret was therein described as Margaret Flasher, her husband's name John Weatherspoon-Was present at the marriage of the two defendants by the Rev. Dr. Goodlett; she answered to the name of Margaret Flasher; knows Dr. Goodlett too be a minister of the Gospel.
Another witness testified to the same effect.
The first witness was re-called, and testified that Margaret was generally known in camp as John Flasher's wife.
Mr. Hines belongs to the same company; Mrs. Flasher was generally understood to be the wife of Mr. Flasher. McCarver enlisted early in February.
Mr. Williams belongs to the same company, knows the defendant; he belongs to the same company also [sic]. Mrs. Flasher passed as the wife of Flasher.
Mr. Davis testified to the same facts; never knew they were not married.
The evidence from the prosecution here closed, Mr. Smith stating his case clearly and briefly. Mr. Cantrel followed, arguing that no other marriage had been proven than that between the two defendants, and that therefore they ought to be acquitted. Mr. Temple followed, on the same ride, taking the same ground, and Mr. Smith closed the argument, all displaying much ingenuity and industry. The Court adjudged the defendants guilty, and required them to give bond of $1000 each for the appearance at the Criminal Court in default, to be committed to jail.
Nashville Dispatch, June 18, 1864.
[1] By June 28 Howell, Sehon, Ford, Sawrie and Samuel D. Baldwin [Methodist educator] were sent to the Acting Provost Marshal McClain and confined in the penitentiary until sent North. This story appears also in the Nashville Union, July 5, 1862.
[2] It is not known if the Tullahoma Campaign interfered with the sale of these slaves.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
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