Friday, June 6, 2014

6.7.14 Tennessee Civil War Notes

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7, Tennessee bullets and rifles; experimental ballistics in Nashville
Experiments With the Minnie Ball.
Experiments, says the Nashville Banner, conducted for several days by direction of the military and financial board, demonstrate that the Minnie ball in the Tennessee rifle, with the same charge of powder used with the round ball, has a range and force of three-fold that of the round ball.
A rifle carrying 100 balls to the pound, used with the ordinary sight is, at 300 yards, a most deadly weapon, projecting the ball with greater accuracy and force than the rifled musket. The rifle of larger calibre has greater range and force.
The ball should be of less diameter than the round ball, so as to admit of grater rapidity in loading. The cartridges should be dipped; or if a cartridge is not used, the ball should be dipped in a compound of beeswax and tallow, and a patch should not be used. A rifle thus used may be fired one hundred times without cleaning.
It is thought proper to call the attention of the people of the State to this fact, so that they may know the value of the weapon which all possess.
Newspapers throughout the State will please copy it.
Memphis Daily Appeal, June 7, 1861[1].

        7, Capture of Jackson[2]
JUNE 7, 1862.-Capture of Jackson, Tenn.
Report of Maj.-Gen. John A. McClernand, U. S. Army.
BETHEL, June 8, 1862.
The detachment from my command, consisting of the Thirtieth Illinois, Col. Dennis, Gen. Logan's division, and part of the Seventy-eighth Ohio, Col. Leggett, Gen. Wallace's division, seized Jackson yesterday at 3.15 o'clock p. m., putting a rebel force to flight, taking their dinner, a number of animals, and a quantity of commissary and quartermaster's stores. The detachment is also in possession of both depots and telegraph office.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 10, pt. I, p. 918.[3]

        7, Notice to Memphis populace by occupying U. S. forces relating to restoration of peace, public and private property
Headquarters, Indiana Brigade
Memphis, June 7, 1862.
The undersigned, with his troops, under his command, has taken military possession of this city in the name of the United States, for the purpose of asserting the supremacy of the Constitution and laws of the Union, and restoring peace, protecting public and private property and the lives of citizens. Residents who may have fled their homes are exhorted to return, merchants and others who have abandoned their businesses are requested to re-open their stores and shops, excepting those dealing in intoxicating liquors, who are forbidden to resume that traffic under penalty of having their stock destroyed. The Mayor and Common Council will continue in the exercise of their municipal functions, the military authorities simply co-operating with them in enforcing all proper ordinances, unless some exigency arise rendering it imperative to place the city under martial law. It is hoped and believed however, nothing will occur to render this necessary. Certainly no act of this command shall afford any pretext for the citizens placing themselves in that position. Capt. John H. Gould of the 46th Indiana Volunteers, will act as Provost Marshal until further orders. Maj. John C. Morgan, of the 43rd Regiment Indiana Volunteers will have command of the picket and patrols.
G.N. Fitch, Colonel Commanding Brigade
John H. Gould, Provost Marshal
Memphis Union Appeal, July 4, 1862.[4]

        7, Skirmish at Readyville
JUNE 7, 1862.-Skirmish at Readyville, Tenn.
Report of Col. J. W. Starnes, Third Tennessee Cavalry [CS].
LOUDON, TENN., June 18, 1862.
CAPT.: I have the honor to report that about the 1st of this month I crossed the Cumberland Mountains with 300 men of my regiment, a section of Capt. Kain's battery of artillery, and 80 men under command of Maj. Estes. In accordance with arrangements made with Col.'s Adams and Davis, I moved from Hulbert's Cove to form a junction with them at or near Rutledge's, some 4 miles from Cowen's Depot. On arriving at the point designated I found the enemy passing up the mountain with a force of about 4,500 men, under command of Gen. Negley. Believing I could form a junction with Col.'s Adams and Davis at Jasper before the enemy could reach that point, I recrossed the mountain at night by way of Tracy City. On reaching Tracy City I learned the enemy were already in possession of Jasper, and my command would be entirely cut off from Chattanooga before I could possibly reach there. I determined to shape my course toward McMinnville, by way of Altamont, which I did.
On reaching a point some 6 or 8 miles from McMinnville I learned that a body of the enemy's cavalry were at that place. I immediately moved forward with Capt.'s Thompson's, McLemore's, and D. W. Alexander's companies, overtaking the enemy in Readyville, about 12 miles east of Murfreesborough, capturing 68, killing 8 of their number, and wounding others. I brought the prisoners to the Sparta road, where I thought it expedient to parole them. The party captured was composed of parts of Col. Wynkoop's Pennsylvania regiment, Fourth Kentucky, and about 14 of Andrew Johnson's body guard, under the command of Capt. Ulkhout. The greater portion of the men captured were greatly rejoiced at the idea of being paroled, getting home, and quitting a service with which they were disgusted.
I am gratified to report to the commanding general that during the expedition all the officers and men of my command performed their duty well, and, although arduous, without a murmur.
In making this report I would beg leave to bring to the notice of the commanding general Private Whitset, of Capt. McLemore's company, who acted on one occasion with great gallantry and skill in killing at one shot three of the enemy and a fourth man with the other barrel of his shot-gun.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. W. STARNES, Col., Cmdg. Third Tennessee Cavalry.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 10, pt. I, pp. 917-918.

Cavalry Skirmish.—A force of between six and eight hundred Confederate cavalry, during yesterday, came upon and surprised a detachment of Federal cavalry, 69 in number, at the little town of Readyville, twelve miles south of Murfreesboro, killing five outright, and making prisoners of all the others except six, who reached Murfreesboro in safety. The Confederates were a part of Colonel Starnes' command, the Federals a portion of a force which had been sent in pursuit. The surprise was complete, as the Federal cavalry were enjoying their morning meal at the time, totally ignorant of the whereabouts of the enemy. These facts were communicated to us last evening by a citizen of Readyville, who saw the bodies of the slain when brought into Murfreesboro. He is a man of truth, and the information is given as entirely reliable.
Nashville Dispatch, June 8, 1862

        7, The Knoxville Register's war correspondent's report from Middle Tennessee
Army Correspondence of the Knoxville Register.
War Trace [sic], Tenn., June 7, 1863.
Dear Register:- Since my letter, dated Chattanooga, June 2d, your correspondent has "wended his way," and all of a sudden, finds himself at this remarkable front-the popular resort of "reliable gentlemen" from the "oppressors of every land," and the wholesale and retail manufactory of "News, rumors and other items," and the fighting district of Gen. Bragg.
From the fact that I have been here a very short time, I can know but little of the contemplated operations of our army, or the arrangements of the enemy. It does not require, however, more than a glance at the arrangements of our works, and the dispositions of troops to satisfy the most critical that a master hand has been at work, and that "our house is in order," and that when Rosencranz [sic] moves upon Bragg, he will not find him knapping. [sic]
It is reported this morning that the enemy are advancing cautiously and from the activity among our own troops, it is generally credited. That the prospect of an early engagement is probable, is generally conceded.
The troops here are in fine health and spirits, and are eagerly waiting an opportunity to emulate the deeds of their brothers at Vicksburg and on the Rappahannock. I never saw men in better fighting condition, or more cheerful under hardships. Be assured that the gallant Tennesseeans who compose the major part of this army, will make a death stand[5] before the will yield their homes to the vandal's tread, and nobly aided by the brave legions from Georgia and Alabama, they cannot be conquered in so holy a cause by the satraps and cut throats of Lincolndom, whose only incentive to deeds of daring, is pelf and plunder.
This is Sunday, and it would surprise you to see with what unanimity it is observed throughout this army. What a change since I was last here. Then the principal brigade and division review were all had on the Sabbath and hundreds of other unnecessary things were don that might have been better done some other day. Now, all these are dispensed with, and no kind of labor is done on this holy day, and it is regarded as a day of rest, here as elsewhere.
In my last, I mentioned that the 37th Tennessee Regiment was ordered to the front. It has arrived and has been assigned to Brig. Gen. Bates's brigade, Hardee's corps.
Brig Gen.. Stewart, of Cheatham's division, has been promoted to Major General, and will command a new division now being formed.-He is a gallant and dashing officer, and is an honor to the Volunteer State. His division will form a part of Hardee's corps.
As I close this, my ears are greeted by the rumbling sounds of artillery, on the left, probably a skirmish between our outposts and the enemy's.
I will try and keep you posted as far as possible, from this quarter hereafter.
Macon Daily Telegraph, June 15, 1863.

        7, Burglary in Occupied Memphis
Detection and Arrest of a Notorious Burglar.
Yesterday morning, shortly before day, the sleeping room of Mr. Henry Weatherbee, on Jefferson street, between Main and Second, was buglarioulsy [sic] entered by the notorious Bob Taylor. The room, which is immediately above the saloon of Mr. Weatherbee, has been occupied by this gentleman with his family, an entrance to it being attainable only through another department further front, which was used as the sleeping room of Mr. W.'s servant, so that it was necessary to pass through two doors in entering the first apartment. This was done – the two locks being picked, or turned, by the use of burglars tools. The servant in the first room had not been awakened by the entrance of the thief, and not until he had entered Mr. W's chamber taken a watch and several other valuables from a bureau in the room, and was in the act of rifling the drawers, was his presence known, when Mr. W.'s wife awakening, made the discovery and gave the alarm to her husband. Upon being detected, Taylor made for the street, being followed to the stairs by Mr. Weatherbee, who desisted here and gave the arm from a window, which was heard and heeded by officers Perry and Collins, who immediately pursed the fleeing rogue. The chance was kept up until Taylor reached Madison street, where he was ordered to holt by the officers, not complying with which orders shots were fired at him by Collins which took effect in his left hip, immediately bringing him to the ground. Upon being conducted to the station house, together with the property stolen from Mr. Weatherbee, ….[remainder illegible]
Memphis Bulletin, June 7, 1864.

        7, "How Much Lower?"
We have had to chronicle many a case of downright dishonesty and theft, but never in the course of our journalistic career have we put before the public the quintessence of meanness which we are called upon not to expose. According to late military orders, owners of dogs were compelled to put muzzles upon their canine pets, and all dogs found running the streets without the same would be shot by the Provost Guard, whose duty it was to execute the order. The order in many cases has been complied with and so now we hear complaints almost every hour in the day made by parties who have had the muzzles stolen off their dogs. The wretch [who would] remove the safeguard of poor old [Fido?] after having been placed there by his master, should himself be muzzled, and allowed to walk the streets in no other way.
Memphis Bulletin, June 7, 1864.

        7, Famine relief effort by the Federal army
Brig. Gen. W. D. WHIPPLE, Chief of Staff:
One of the purposes of my visit south has been accomplished, in determining that aid in the shape of corn to the famishing people must be at once furnished or death from starvation must shortly result. Will not the emergency justify you in placing at my disposal at once, say, 5,000 bushels, to be followed, if practicable, by a similar amount in a week or ten days? I will attend to its distribution. Prominent men in Northern Georgia assure me that the State or private subscription shall restore it if required, or secure from loss. I would not be so urgent did not necessity compel me to be so.
H. M. JUDAH, Brig.-Gen.

NASHVILLE, June 7, 1865.
Brig. Gen. H. M. JUDAH, Chattanooga:
Orders have been given to send on 5,000 bushels of corn for issue to starving people.
WM. D. WHIPPLE, Brig.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 968.

        7, Comments pertaining to post-war Memphis
A gentleman who has recently visited the cities of St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, Mobile and Montgomery, called upon us yesterday and gave us a very interesting statement of his observations….
~ ~ ~
In the "Bluff City," he remarked a great change from what he witnessed a short time prior to its occupation by the Federal forces. The magnificent store rooms and warehouses of the city filled with goods and wares, the streets crowded with drays, and the landing lined with steamers. Since the breaking up of the Confederate armies, thousands of paroled officers and soldiers have arrived and passed through Memphis, en route for Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, and West Tennessee. Here they managed to clothe themselves anew, either by their own means or through the aid of friends, and went on their way to rejoicing. Goods were very low, and merchants were compelled to make sacrifices. The cotton speculators also lost heavily, in consequence of the sudden decline of the staple when hostilities ceased. The same state of affairs exited in New Orleans, to a great extent; and both cities present at present no appearance whatever of having been affected by the ravages of war.
~ ~ ~
Macon Daily Telegraph, June 7, 1865,

[1] See also Nashville Union & American, June 4, 1861.
[2] There is little else known about the actual capture of Jackson
[3] This is all the OR has to offer in relation to the successful attack upon and occupation of Jackson by Federal forces.
[4] The issue of the Union Appeal for June 7, 1862, did not survive. The number for July 4 has this, and other orders and notices, in it with the dates they were issued. Thus, the notice for June 7, 1862, was found in the July 4, 1862 number of the newspaper. This is true of many other references, although dates may vary.
[5] Not so. Bragg's entire army was to be chased out of Tennessee by "Rosencranz" in a matter of weeks.

James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN  37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549  FAX

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