12, Cumberland mountains health resort opens for the season
Beersheba Springs.—This charming and popular watering place has now opened for the season. We take pleasure in recommending our friends throughout the South who intend resorting to a summer retreat, to try Beersheba. It has superior advantages over any other watering place in the South. It is located on a range of the Cumberland mountains, some 2,000 feet above the level of the sea; is easy of access, being near the railroad, and surrounded by the most magnificent, romantic and beautiful scenery we ever beheld.
The Springs are owned by a company of southern gentlemen who have ample means and intend to make it the watering place of the South. Its accommodations are of the most superb order, and they are prepared to entertain seven hundred guests comfortably. The buildings are large, spacious, and have every comfort and convenience that a watering place can furnish. A large number of neat and elegant cottages, and some splendid houses have been erected, which are occupied during the summer. Families will find this an exceedingly healthy, pleasant, convenient and safe retreat.
John E. Hukill, well known all along our river as the popular steward on the old Bulletin, Ben Franklin, John Simonds, and other boats, is the proprietor. In that line he has no superior on the continent. He understands the business thoroughly, and is with all an agreeable, pleasant and popular gentleman. His premier is the polite and attentive W. A. Hurd, well known to most of our readers. Mr. Edward Parsons, a clever and accommodating gentleman, is the agent of the [illegible]. We would say to our friends if they wish to spend the summer pleasantly and enjoy good health, perched upon a lovely brow of the mountains, go to Beersheba.
Memphis Daily Appeal, June 12, 1861.
12, Report on secession election in Tennessee
THE TENNESSEE ELECTION-We learn from a gentleman who came down from Tennessee on the train Sunday night, that the Secessionists, at the election last Saturday, swept the State by an overwhelming majority for it will go over 100,000. The city of Knoxville, the home of Brownlow and Johnson, went for the Ordinance by a majority. In Chattanooga the vote stood 450 for, and 51 against. No fear whatever that there will be civil war in East Tennessee.-Montg., Confed., 11th.
Daily Columbus Enquirer, June 12, 1861.
12, "The girls were all elated with the 'pomp and circumstance of war,' and called every young man a coward that did not enlist."
Skedaddletown [sic] June 2, 1862.
Mr. Editor: I think it would be a great advantage to the cause which you are so well advocating to re-publish the letter of James Robb,[1] as so few have read it. I took a great deal of pains to read it to many persons, but finally I lost the paper. I should like several copies for distribution. He is evidently a very intelligent and sincere man, an excellent judge of character, and a thorough and observing man of business. The growth of the Great West has been so unparalleled that his statement will astonish almost all of the Southern people. Last year at this time I was very indignant at Lincoln's proclamation, and like all the rest of the South, got into a terrible passion with the Administration. The Slave States are like a band of brothers; one of them a worthless scamp, who the rest all know deserves hanging; but if any one attempts to give him his deserts, they all rush to his assistance and rescue him at the risk of their lives. Before Lincoln's proclamation all were wishing that South Carolina was sunk or annihilated, as she had always been mutinous; but the moment an attempt was made to punish her, the chivalrous South rose in arms to the rescue of the vile member of the family. The fact is Tennessee and Kentucky thought they could walk out of the Union without ever saying to the Government, "by your leave." They ought at least to have shown their gratitude for past favors by bidding a respectful farewell; and even now, after Tennessee has surrendered herself to a superior power that she had not the faintest conception of, she frets, fumes, raves, and blusters, and swears she will never submit. The women (God help them) are worse than the men. They say they would sooner be laid in their graves than live again under the United States administration. Some of them very old, with one foot in the grave, that have lost sons in this unholy war, are ready to sacrifice the remainder; and, with dishevelled hair and eyes flashing with fury and vindictiveness, call upon God to curse the Lincolnites with disease, pestilence, and famine; and the girls who used to be called "angels," are now, with rage and disappointment, transformed into fiends. (What a blessed thing it is that there is no possible prospect of their ever being married, to raise children in their degenerated state.) The amiable creatures grind their teeth, clench their fists, and, with those once called "heavenly orbs" flashing with rage and vengeance, say they would like to tear out the hearts of these soldiers, and grind them under their feet. If now, in their youth and beauty, they will descend to such vulgar epithets as they are in the habit of using, and such brutal anathemas, what will they be when they are old maids, as they surely will be, as all the young men that were worth having are prisoners of war or in the army; many have died a sacrifice and martyrs in what they supposed a glorious cause, and their blood calls aloud for vengeance on the heads of the leaders of this calamitous rebellion. The girls were all elated with the "pomp and circumstance of war," and called every young man a coward that did not enlist. They never took into consideration the chances of their being killed in battle, as they were told that one southern man was equal to twenty Northern men, and that the mere sight of a regiment of Southern men would cause a general stampede of the Yankees. I have no doubt but that the same representations induced many young men who were not very celebrated for courage to encounter the taunts of the brave girls that were so anxious to be men that they might go forth to conquer. A young lady, who was asked by an officer of high rank in the Federal army, if she was a Northern lady, replied in a very pert and insolent manner, that she was a Southern, and always expected to be. He apologized for insulting her, and said that he thought from her looks she was a Northern lady, but as soon as he heard her speak he discovered the "African brogue," and knew that he was mistaken. The officer was afterwards killed in battle. A lady, calling to see her soon afterwards, found her sitting in a deep reverie, and asked her what she was thinking about? I was just thinking whether ______ was in h___. I hope he is. Nearly all of these women (I will not call them ladies), young and old, are members of the Church, and very likely pray that they may be forgiven as they forgive others, thereby calling down a curse upon themselves. Another lady, who was present when the officer was administering the oath to some maimed prisoners who were going home, said if you meet my brothers, tell them to fight for the Southern Confederacy as long as they live; and if you see Morgan, give my love and good wishes for his success, and tell him I would esteem it an honor to kiss his hand.
Yours respectfully,
Peter Pindar.
Nashville Daily Union, June 12, 1862.
12, Complaints about Confederate military attire in Knoxville
A soldier writing to the Knoxville Register, seriously objects to the construction of the army clothing in his department:
"Here we get them partly run and partly whipped up-as coarse as Bull's hide sewed with grapevine-in two or three weeks they rip all to pieces and are gone and then the soldier must draw again, it takes all the poor soldier's money to keep him in clothes. Is that treating him like white folks?-And here is another abominable thing-the shirt sleeve is left open like a frock sleeve, with no wristbands on it-just like some old nigger wench's shirt.-It is not treating him worse than a nigger? Such a sleeve as that for white folks!
Macon Daily Telegraph, June 12, 1863
12, Seeking relief from guerrillas in East Tennessee
Knoxville Tenn. June 12th 1864
Gov. A. Johnson
Nashville, Tenn.
Dear Sir: - We a portion of the loyal Citizens of Upper East Tennessee, who have heretofore been your personal and political friends, and who have known you from your first advent into political life, and supported you through all of the hard struggles you have had, to the present time, and now when the time of all other times has arrived – when the Sons, Fathers & Brothers of all those who in times passed, have done all they could to elevate you to what you now are, - What should those same friends expect of you when all that is near and dear to them are suffering from oppression? And not a single instance is noted in which you have ever made an effort to releave [sic] us, When [sic] we know full well that you have had, and now possess an influence that if exerted at all on your par, would have long since [sic] been to our advantage.
But instead of this how are the men and regiments that was [sic] raised for the express purpose to protect the upper Counties of East Tennessee been treated. Where are they now? They are guarding the rebel [sic] property of Middle Tennessee. While their families are now exposed to the Rebels, and suffering from their tyrannical rule – being robed [sic] & murdered daily by them. When a few regiments that you could easily spare would most certainly give the releaf [sic] they so much desire.
And now Governor as you have been nominated for the Vice Presidency with Mr. Lincoln for whom all in our State would proberly [sic] vote with pleasure. We therefore take the liberty to inform your that unless you do send us aid and assistance and that soon, Your [sic] name will be sticten [sic] from thousands of tickets in this end of the State. We also furnish a Copy of this letter to the Chicago Times for publication. For as we said before, we cannot see what you [sic] have done for our once happy Country. IF this e fully shown which it can be, you must blame yourself for the Mortification that you will experience from it,
Many Many Very Many
Voters of Upper East Tenn.
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 734.
12, Mrs. Colonel Canfield and the African-American Orphans' Asylum in Memphis
Memphis, Tenn., June 12, 1865.
Eds. Herald:
In your paper of the 24th ult. I saw a short notice of the "Colored Orphan Asylum" of this city, with a slight reference to a Mrs. Col. Canfield. Having been stationed at this place for several months, I have been able to watch the progress of this Asylum, and in some measure to estimate its value. Some of her friends here have repeatedly urged upon Mrs. Canfield the propriety of bringing her work more prominently before the public and asking means to extend it, but she has always shrunk from such publicity.
In a few short months under the wise and loving care of Mrs. Canfield, the Asylum grew from nothing to be one of the "institutions" of the city. Hundreds of poor, neglected and starving orphans have been rescued and cared for. A large proportion of them are the children of negro soldiers who have died in the defence of the government, and as such, have claims upon the loyal benevolence of the North. They are fed, clothed, housed and taught. Suitable homes have been found for very many. Hardly a day passes that there are not applications from people, to take these children to bring up, but a wise discrimination has obliged those having them in charge to say "no" in many instances.
I can assure the benevolent minded that there is no charity more deserving of their aid than this, and that no wiser, safer hands could it be entrusted than to Mrs. Canfield. Hoping that she will receive substantial aid which shall enable her to put the Asylum on a secure and permanent basis and extend its usefulness.
I am her friend and your obedient servant,
[for?] U. S. San. Commission
Daily Cleveland Herald, June 15, 1865.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
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