5, Large Unionist meeting disrupted by Confederate soldiers at Strawberry Plains
Cowardly and Inhuman Conduct
We find in the Knoxville (Tenn.) Whig., of Tuesday June 11th], the particulars of a most wanton and unprovoked assault by Southern troops upon a meeting of Unionists at Strawberry Plains, Tennessee. The Whig says:-
We have never witnessed such a scene as we beheld on Wednesday, the 5th instant, at Strawberry Plains, and we hope never to see the like again. The procession of Union men on horseback, about four deep, was half a mile long, variously estimated to contain from eight to twelve hundred men. At the head of each division the Stars and Stripes were floating to the number of six banners. Marching by the Plains, and passing the depot, there was a train of cars having on board some Alabama troops, who, strange to say, remained there with steam up for three hours.
After our procession had passed into the gap of Mr. Meek's enclosure, leading into his grove, where the stand and seats were erected, and where a much larger assemblage, among whom were several hundred ladies and children, were seated awaiting the arrival of the procession at the head of which were Messrs, Maynard, Temple and Fleming, who were to address the meeting, the train started towards us at a very slow rate. Speaking had not yet commenced, though Col. Thornburg was up making some preliminary remarks, as the remnant of the vast crowd were coming in and crowding around the stand. At the suggestion of Mr. Meek, and old man who had served in the war of 1812, and who owned the premises, the few scattering persons still at the gap were urged to come in, and did so, quietly, disturbing no one.
But here we will let Mr. Meek tell the tale just as it happened:-
At the request of Dr. Brownlow and other gentlemen, I walked from the stand down to the railroad, to hurry up our Union men, and urge them not to say or do anything to the train then slowly coming by. One man came within the [line missing from text] closure, quietly, and I was about twenty feet from the fence, inside of my field, the railroad and wagon road passing along close to the fence. There were two men in uniform on the top of one of the cars, each had a revolver in his hand, one of them a stone, which he threw at me with great force and precision, and I barely dodged it. This was followed up by one of them deliberately firing at me. One of them knew me, for he had previously come to the house and asked for water to fill his canteen, which I assisted him in filling, treating him as politely as I know how. This was the commencement of the firing, and it was without provocation whatever. A.K. Meek, Sr.
This was the greatest outrage we have ever witnessed. Why did this train remain for three hours with steam up? And why did the train start as soon as our crowd had assembled around the stand, and move slowly by our meeting, commencing a fire upon us, without any provocation whatever? It looks like a premeditated attack.
The bullets actually whistled over the heads of our crowd around the stand, cutting off leaves and sprigs, to the consternation of the ladies and men. The fire was returned by the Union men, who fired some thirty to forty rifles, besides revolvers, into the cars, but with what effect we have not learned, as the train passed on without halting.
But a wild and terrific scene occurred instantly, by the rush of one thousand men, insulted and infuriated, upon the track, with threats to tear up the track, and to burn the bridge over the Holston. Col. Thornbery, Temple,Dr. Mynatt, Mr. Meek himself, and the editor of this paper, all repaired to the tract, made short appeals to the crowd, and implored them not to disturb the road. With difficulty they were quieted. We are now satisfied that the people can't longer be held off these railroads and bridges.
If they continue to bring men armed and infuriated into the country, stop them in our towns, and along the line of the roads, to fire into crowds of women and children, the people will rise up in their might and demolish the roads. Indeed, we now have but little hope that civil war will be averted. Threats are making as to what will be done with Union leaders after the 8th of June. The people are exasperated, and they will fight to the death, and no leaders we have can restrain them, they ought to do so, which we think is questionable.
The following was presented by Col.. Thornburg and adopted without a dissenting voice:-
We, a large portion of the people of the county of Jefferson, Knox and Sevier, (men, women and children,) who have assembled to-day at Strawberry Plains, to the number of from 3000 to 5000, to consult together for our common good, having been wantonly and without provocation, assaulted during our peaceful deliberations, by a missile thrown and a shot fired from the train of cars in very slow motion by certain troops in the service of so-called Confederate States, do hereby unanimously declare to the world, that while we have ever been and still are ready to comply with every Constitutional obligation of the citizen, we can never be driven or coerced into abject and unmanly submission, and we hereby pledge to each other, our lives, our property, and our sacred honor, in the common defence of ourselves, our firesides, our wives, and our children, from any assault, no matter from what quarter it may come.
2d. That we heartily approve the determined spirit manifested by the East Tennessee Union Convention, held at Knoxville, on the 30th and 31st May, 1861, and we hereby pledge ourselves to the Union men of East Tennessee, that we will cooperate with them in whatever policy they may adopt-their course shall be our course, and their destiny our destiny.
Philadelphia Inquirer, June 13, 1861.
12 – June 5, 1862, U. S. Naval Operations on the Mississippi River against Fort Pillow, including engagement at Plum Point Bend, May 10, 1862
CAIRO, April 12, 1862. (Received 10 a.m., 13th )
The flag-officer left New Madrid at noon with the flotilla and mortar boats en route for Fort Pillow. A large body of troops accompanied.
Senior Officer.
Report of Flag-Officer Foote, U. S. Navy, of the arrival of the flotilla at New Madrid, Mo., en route to Fort Pillow.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, New Madrid, April 12, 1862.
SIR: I arrived here last evening with the flotilla, consisting of gun, mortar boats, tugs, towboats, and transports, and would this morning have proceeded down the river, but am detained for the present by the army, but hope that General Buford's two or three regiments will be ready early to-morrow, in which case I shall proceed down the river to Fort Pillow, or any place where opposition is made to our progress toward Memphis.
I am informed that there are lying about 15 miles from this place, down the river, some seven rebel gunboats, mounted with six and seven rifled and large caliber guns, upon an average; these are the General Polk, Pontchartrain, Livingston, McRae, Ivy, and one other, name not known. It is hardly probable that these boats will make a stand, but will run as we approach them till they reach the cover of their heavy batteries.
The fortifications at Fort Pillow, 80 or 90 miles above Memphis, I am also informed on good authority, consist of a long line of breastworks (some 3 to 5 miles), with a ditch and timber in front or before it, or in face, the fortifications being on top and at the front of steep bluffs and running inland, with quite a number of guns placed along the breastworks at the salient points. There are, or rather were, on the 17th March, upward of forty heavy guns mounted at Fort Pillow, and 1,200 negroes [sic] working on the batteries still, to strengthen this stronghold. The guns mounted are heavy rifled, some five or six 10-inch columbiads, some 8-inch, and remainder 32-pounders. We may also meet with some opposition at Osceola in running down the river, as a battery is said to be planted there.
As General Buford is prevented from accompanying us by General Pope's directions, I shall proceed immediately toward Memphis with the flotilla. General Pope, I believe, designs to follow this evening or to-morrow with quite a large force.
Please excuse this hurried communication, as the mail boat is waiting and we are getting underway.
I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,
A. H. FOOTE, Flag-Officer.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C.
Report of Flag-Officer Foote, U. S. Navy, regarding the movement of the flotilla and transports under Major-General Pope, U. S. Army, to Fort Pillow.
FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, April 14, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to report that on the 11th instant I proceeded with the flotilla from Island No. 10 to New Madrid, and left; that place with all our force on the 12th instant, and anchored the same evening near and just below the Arkansas line, 50 miles distant from New Madrid.
Early in the morning General Pope, with transports conveying his army of 20,000 men, arrived from New Madrid. At 8 a.m. five rebel gunboats rounded the point below us, when the gunboats, the Benton in advance, immediately got underway and proceeded in pursuit and when within long range opened upon the rebels, followed by the Carondelet and Cincinnati and the other boats. After an exchange of some twenty shots, the rebel boats rapidly steamed down the river and kept beyond our range till they reached the batteries of Fort Pillow, a distance of more than 30 miles. We followed them until within a mile of Fort Pillow, within easy range of their batteries, for the purpose of making a good reconnoissance, at considerable exposure, however, but it was not till we had rounded to, and ran some distance upstream, when the enemy opened fire upon us, and then with no effect, their shot, most of them, going beyond us. Having accomplished our object, I tied the flotilla up to the banks on the Tennessee side out of range of the forts for the night.
General Pope, with Assistant Secretary Scott, came aboard at 3 p. m., when it was arranged that the mortar boats should be placed in the morning on the Arkansas shore, within range of the forts, to be protected by the gunboats, and General Pope, with most of his force, should land 5 miles above, with the view of getting his army, if possible, to the rear of the fortifications and make the attack in rear while we should, with gun and mortar boats, attack them in front.
This place has a long line of fortifications, with guns of heavy caliber; their number or the number of their men I have not yet been able to ascertain. The secession feeling here, as I learn from several persons coming on board, is very strong, and they express the opinion that the resistance will be very determined.
3 p. m.-General Pope has returned with his transports, and informs me that he is unable to reach the rear of the rebels from any point of the river above, and proposes to cut a canal on the Arkansas side, which will enable us to get three or four of the gunboats below and thus enable him to cross the river below the upper forts, and thus cut off the batteries. We shall thus have three ironclad boats above and four below, which, I presume, will be all that will be required in case the six gunboats of the rebels make an attack upon either division, as three of our gunboats ought successfully to cope with six of theirs.
The mortars are now firing and have driven the rebel gunboats out of range down the river. I shall continue to keep the Department informed of all movements.
The effect of my wound has quite a depressing effect upon me, from the increased inflammation and swelling of my foot and leg, which have induced a febrile action, depriving me of a good deal of sleep and energy. I can not give the wound that attention and rest it absolutely requires until this place is captured.
I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,
A. H. FOOTE, Flag-Officer.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy.
CAIRO, April 15, 1862. (Received 16th.)
The flotilla has been within three-quarters of a mile of Fort Pillow and then, returning, took up a position 2 miles farther up. The rebel gunboats escaped below the fort.
Ten mortar boats are in position and had opened fire.
This is up to 6 o'clock last evening. General Pope's command occupy the Arkansas side of the river.
A.M. PENNOCK, Senior Naval Officer.
PITTSBURG LANDING, [TENN.], April 15, 1862.
I have ordered General Pope's army to this place, but I think you had best continue the bombardment effort Pillow, and if the enemy should abandon it, take possession or go down the river as you may deem best.
General Pope will leave forces enough to occupy any fortifications that may be taken.
H. W. HALLECK, Major-General.
Flag-Officer FOOTE, Mississippi River.
CAIRO, April 16, 1862. (Received 17th.)
The mortars opened fire on the 14th and soon cleared the river of all vessels, the shells falling in the rebel camp.
The rebel works are strong and extensive, and there will be much labor to get in their rear.
Two deserters came on board the gunboats and say Thomas [B.] Huger is in command at Fort Pillow and Hollins gone below.
A.M. PENNOCK, Senior Officer.
Letter from Major-General Pope, U. S. Army, to Flag-Officer Foote, U. S. Navy, transmitting copy of orders from Major-General Halleck.
HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE MISSISSIPPI, On board steamer J. D. Perry, April 16, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to enclose copy of dispatch this moment received from General Halleck.
I will leave with you two strong regiments, sufficient to garrison Fort Pillow when it is evacuated. I move with my command to-night.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
JNO. POPE, Major-General, Commanding.
Flag-Officer A. H. FOOTE, U. S. Navy, Commanding Flotilla.
Move with your army to this place, leaving troops enough with Commodore Foote to land and hold Pillow should the enemy's forces withdraw.
H. W. HALLECK, Major-General.
Major-Genera] JNO. POPE.
Letter from Major-General Pope, U. S. Army, to Flag-Officer Foote, U. S. Navy, transmitting copy of orders issued to Colonel Fitch, U. S. Army, regarding cooperation.
HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE MISSISSIPPI, On board steamer J. D. Perry, April 16, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to enclose copy of order delivered to Colonel Fitch, commanding Indiana brigade.
I shall leave between 5 and 6 o'clock to-morrow morning.
I am sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
JNO. POPE, Major-General, Commanding.
Flag-Officer A. H. FOOTE, Commanding Flotilla.
HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE MISSISSIPPI, On board steamer J. D. Perry, April 16, 1862.
COLONEL: The main portion of this army will move to-night. You will remain at this place with the two regiments under your command on board two steamers, which will be furnished to you by Brigadier-General Palmer.
Although not under the command of Flag-Officer Foote, commanding the flotilla, you will render him every possible assistance in his operations upon the river, communicating and cooperating with him as may be necessary.
You will continue the examination of the flats and bayous in this vicinity, to determine if it be practicable to cut through to the river a passageway for boats, and if it be found practicable, you will commence the work at once, and will hasten it to completion with the troops under your command.
In case Fort Pillow should be surrendered or evacuated, you will immediately occupy the place with your command.
You will report by letter at every opportunity to the general commanding this army your progress and position, giving a detailed and full account of all matters pertaining to your command, and directed to Pittsburg, Tenn.
By order of General Pope:
SPEED BUTLER, Assistant Adjutant. General.
Colonel GRAHAM N. FITCH, Commanding Indiana Brigade.
Report of Flag-Officer Foote, U. S. Navy, announcing the withdrawal of the forces under Major-General Pope, U. S. Army, for operations in the Tennessee River.
FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, April 17, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to inform the Department that yesterday and the day preceding I had, with General Pope, made such arrangements, by combining our own with the forces of the army, that our possession of this stronghold seemed to be inevitable in less than six days. I had even stronger hopes of this desirable result than I entertained even at [Island] No. 10 till the actual surrender was tendered. Our object then, after leaving a force to garrison the place, was to proceed to Memphis immediately, where, I had good authority for stating, we would have been received without opposition. But the sudden withdrawal of the entire army of General Pope this morning, under orders to proceed directly up the Tennessee River to join General Halleck's command at Pittsburg, has frustrated the best matured and most hopeful plans and expectations thus far formed in this expedition. Two volunteer regiments under command of Colonel Fitch were left here by General Pope to cooperate with the flotilla. While I deeply regret the withdrawal of General Pope's command, I am not at all questioning the propriety and even the necessity of its presence at Pittsburg, and I shall use every exertion, with the force remaining, to accomplish good results.
It is a great object to obtain early possession of this place and Memphis, as ten of the rebel gunboats are now at Fort Pillow and ten others are reported as en route to Memphis and daily expected at that place. It is reported that Commander Hollins left Fort Pillow on Sunday to bring up the heavy gunboat Louisiana, now about completed at New Orleans. With the exception of this latter vessel, however, we have little to apprehend from the other rebel gunboats, according to the representation of the four or six deserters lately coming to us from the gunboats at Fort Pillow. At all events, the Department may rest assured of every exertion being made on our part to accomplish the great work entrusted to this expedition.
I send herewith copies of orders from Generals Halleck and Pope, from which it will be seen, by one from the latter to Colonel Fitch, that, while I am acting under the orders of General Halleck, and the gunboats absent from my immediate command are acting under those of the generals where they are, that even a colonel here is wholly independent of my orders and command. If this be right, I presume that this command is also equally independent of the army, and that I am to govern myself accordingly.
I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,
A. H. FOOTE, Flag-Officer.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C.
Report of Flag-Officer Foote, U. S. Navy, expressing regret at the delay caused by the withdrawal of troops under Major-General Pope, U. S. Army.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, April 19, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to inform the Department that, since my last communication of the 17th instant, we have been occasionally throwing shells into the rebel fortifications from the mortar boats, which have been returned from their rifled guns without producing any effect. Ours have compelled one encampment to remove its quarters; and from several deserters we learn, have otherwise discomfited them.
One or two examinations made by Colonel Fitch, commanding the two regiments left to cooperate with the flotilla by General Pope on withdrawing his army, have been unsuccessful thus far in finding a bayou for our boats and a position below Fort Pillow where a battery can be placed to command the river below. I shall again render him assistance by sending our small boats, in hopes that at a distance farther up the river we may be able to discover a bayou leading into a lake in which water sufficient may be found for our gunboats, with a view of erecting a battery under their protection which will blockade the river below and enable his force, although not exceeding 1,500 men, to come upon the rebels in rear, while, with the remaining gunboats here, we attack them in front.
I am greatly exercised about our position here, on account of the withdrawal of the army of 20,000 men, so important an element in the capture of the place. Fort Pillow has for its defense at least forty heavy guns in position and nine gunboats, six of them, however, being wooden boats, but armed with heavy guns, with a force of 6,000 troops. Our force consists of seven ironclads and one wooden gunboat, sixteen mortar boats, only available in throwing shells at a distance and even worse than useless for defense, and a land force of two regiments not exceeding 1,500 troops. Under these circumstances an attack on our part, unless we can first establish a battery below the fort under the protection of the gunboats, and to cooperate with it after its completion, would be extremely hazardous, although its attempt might prove successful, and even be good policy under other circumstances, but it can hardly now be so regarded, as a disaster would place all that we have gained on this and other rivers at the mercy of the rebel fleet, unless the batteries designed to command the river from below are completed at No. 10 or at Columbus, which I very much doubt. I therefore hesitate about a direct attack upon this place now, more than I should were the river above properly protected, although by it, and loss of time, the rebels may succeed in getting up to Fort Pillow their entire fleet of gunboats. As I stated in my last communication, had not General Pope's army been withdrawn, we have every reason for believing that a plan we had adopted would have insured the fall of Fort Pillow in four days, and enabled us to have moved on Memphis in two days afterwards. It has always been my expectation that a large army would cooperate with the gunboats, and now the fall of Corinth and movement of our troops on to Memphis seem to be essential to our holding this place and reaching Memphis with the flotilla.
I am surprised to see published in the papers that I have informed the War Department that several gunboats are below Fort Pillow, and that Commodore Foote regards its early capture as certain. I have not, of course, communicated with the War Department at all, neither have I ever said anything to warrant any portion of the fabricated notice in the papers.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
A. H. FOOTE, Flag-Officer.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C.
CAIRO, April 19, 1862----10 p. m.
News from the flotilla to 18th, morning. The mortars continued firing to the annoyance of the enemy.
The flag-officer thinks the fort would have been taken in a few days if the army had not been withdrawn.
General Pope's army left to-day, upward bound.
No communication with Cairo by rail nearer than Mound City.
Magazines flooded; ammunition saved and stored in scows and steamers. River rising, and nearly over top of levee.
Let us know in time if flag-officer is to officer the rams building at Pittsburg and Cincinnati.
A.M. PENNOCK, For Flag-Officer.
CAIRO, ILL., April 19, 1862.
On the evening of the 16th General Pope received an order from General Halleck to move his army immediately to Pittsburg Landing, leaving with gunboats force enough to garrison Fort Pillow, if evacuated by the enemy. Our fleet left Fort Pillow next morning at daylight, and will all pass Cairo during this night. Two regiments were left with gunboats. I report fully by mail, and will go up Tennessee, reporting daily by telegraph and mail if possible.
Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War.
Report of Flag-Officer Foote, U. S. Navy, regarding continued bombardment of the batteries at Fort Pillow.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, April 23, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to inform the Department that since my last communication, with the exception of a day or two, when the heavy rains caused the mortars to recoil dangerously on the wet platform, we have been shelling the rebel batteries at Fort Pillow, and most of the time kept their gunboats beyond our range. Colonel Fitch, in command of the 1,200 infantry left here by General Pope, has been examining bayous and creeks with a view of getting guns to blockade the river and prevent the new gunboats from coming up from New Orleans and Memphis; but, as the rebels are in great force, and no tools or conveniences for cutting through the swamps were left by General Pope when his army, so unfortunately for us, was withdrawn, he has made as yet no satisfactory progress.
I am doing all in my power toward devising ways and means preparatory to a successful attack on the forts, and shall continue to do so, but as the capture of this place was predicated upon a large land force cooperating with the flotilla, or its being turned by the army marching upon Memphis; and considering the difficulties of fighting the flotilla downstream with our slow boats, compared with upstream work, the Department will not be surprised at our delay and having made no further progress toward the capture of this stronghold of the rebels. I shall, however, do all in my power to be successful here, and exert myself even beyond my impaired health and strength toward the accomplishment of this great object.
The rebels are strongly fortified on land, and have eleven gunboats lying near, or rather below their fortifications. A resident of the place informs me this morning that thirteen gunboats are now here, seven of which, however, are mere river steamers, with boilers and machinery sunk into hold and otherwise protected, but they carry from four, six, to eight guns of heavy caliber, some of which are rifled. The other boats are iron-plated or filled in with cotton. The large steamer of sixteen or twenty guns, being plated and named the Louisiana, has not arrived, but is daily expected from New Orleans.
I have thus given the Department the best information I can obtain from the most reliable sources from resident Union men and the twelve deserters from the enemy, whose accounts, however, are conflicting, many of them giving fabulous numbers of men, guns, and gunboats. We have not force enough to hold the place if we take it.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
A. H. FOOTE, Flag-Officer.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C.
P. S.-In a picket skirmish yesterday the rebels lost one killed, and one or two wounded, no loss on our side. A. H. F.
Mrs. General Buckner, when here from Columbus, said that there they feared the gunboats, and only the gunboats, and she was anxious to visit them. The rebel papers and prisoners all say that the gunboats demoralize their army.
In Pillow's official report, who says that he and Floyd were in Fort Donelson, and that the gunboats made a most desperate attack upon it, and did the fort great injury, but that the fort sunk two of the gunboats and disabled the other two. The rebels in person and in their papers speak with great respect of the gunboats. An army major told me that we were purposely held back from Nashville that General Buell might take it, although that officer sent for a gunboat, which went off Nashville before he entered the city. General Halleck refers to General Smith taking possession of Clarksville and says not a word about gunboats, whereas three days before, I took possession, hoisted our flag on the forts, and issued my proclamation.
[A. H. FOOTE.]
Pillow's official report was destroyed by mistake. I get this information from Lieutenant Shirk.
Report of Flag-Officer Foote, U. S. Navy, proposing an initiative movement by running the blockade of Fort Pillow.
FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, April 30, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to inform the Department that, from information deemed reliable, the rebels have thirteen gunboats and rams a few miles below Fort Pillow, and that on the 27th instant, at 3 a.m., an attack was contemplated by those boats on the flotilla, and preparations made accordingly. The attack, however, has not taken place. The reason assigned for its delay, or abandonment, as given by several deserters, is that a council of war was held and the rebels concluded the attack was impracticable. We are prepared for an attack at any moment, but unless there is an additional number of rebel gunboats reinforcing them, I question whether the attack will be made. Should it be made, however, our position here is a bad one, as our slow steamers can hardly stem the current, and in grappling with the enemy we should drift under the guns of the fort, which are but 4 or 5 miles below the upper gunboats. In view of this, there are strong reasons for our taking the initiative, and in a dark night, by running the blockade, get below the fort and attack the rebel boats and rams with our seven ironclad gunboats. I should much prefer this course, and our officers and men are ready for the hazardous service, which, if successful, would enable us to turn from below, after destroying the rebel fleet, and attack the fort upstream, and afterwards proceed to Memphis.
On the other hand, the objections are that in running the blockade we might leave one or two rebel steamers behind us, which would come up to destroy our transports, mortar boats, and command the river above us, soon leaving us without coal or ammunition below; and, added to this, we have but 1,200 troops, a portion, or one regiment of which, a military officer of rank informs me, is not in all respects efficient, and thus the force is not equal to holding the place, while we should proceed on to Memphis; and again, if disaster should occur to us, the rebel gunboats would have complete possession of the river or rivers above us, as I believe that No. 10 is [has] not even yet had its guns mounted to command the river, although I have strongly urged it. Had General Pope not been ordered away with his 20,000 troops, we should, before this, humanly speaking, [have] been in possession of Fort Pillow and Memphis, and even had the general left a sufficient number of troops under General Buford, who so effectually cooperated with me at No. 10 and wanted to remain with me with his 2,000 men, we would have been able to do more than we can do now, although Colonel Fitch is an officer of the highest intelligence and gallantry, but wants more men.
The Department will see from this statement the difficulties and embarrassment of my position. My course of action must soon be decided upon, and I shall act with a single eye to what is deemed best, under the circumstances, to insure success in our operations.
I must beg the indulgence of the Department for the appearance of this communication, as I am especially weak and unfit for writing to-day.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant.
A. H. FOOTE, Flag Officer.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C.
Order of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, to Commander Dove, U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. S. Louisville, to report for duty at Fort Pillow or below.
U. S. FLAG STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 10, 1862.
SIR: On the receipt of this order you will immediately get underway with your vessel and make all possible dispatch in reporting yourself to me at this point or below.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Captain, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River.
Commander B. M. DOVE, U. S. Navy, Commanding Gunboat Louisville, Hickman, Ky.
Order of Flag-Officer Davis, U. S. Navy, to the captain of Bell-Boat No. 8.
U. S. FLAG STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 10, 1862.
The captain of the Bell-Boat No. 8 will be pleased to make all possible dispatch in reaching this squadron.
The services of the boat are required for the Government use immediately, and whatever private engagements the boat may have they must be for the present disregarded.
C. H. DAVIS, Captain, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River.
FLAGSHIP BENTON, Above Fort Pillow, Mississippi River, May 10, 1862.
(Via Cairo, Ill., 11th.) The naval engagement for which the rebels have been preparing took place this morning. The rebel fleet, consisting of eight ironclad gunboats, four of which were fitted with rams, came up handsomely. The action lasted one hour. Two of the rebel gunboats were blown up and one sunk, when the enemy retired precipitately under the guns of the fort. Only six vessels of my squadron were engaged. The Cincinnati sustained some injury from the rams, but will be in fighting condition to-morrow. Captain Stembel distinguished himself. He is seriously wounded. The BENTON is uninjured. Mortar boat No. 16, in charge of Second Master Gregory, behaved with great spirit. The rebel squadron is supposed to be commanded by Commodore Hollins.
C. H. DAVIS, Captain, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River pro tem.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary Navy.
Report of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, commanding Mississippi Flotilla pro tem., regarding engagement at Plum Point Bend, above Fort Pillow.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 11, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to inform the Department that yesterday morning, a little after 7 o'clock, the rebel squadron, consisting of eight ironclad steamers, four of them, I believe, fitted as rams, came around the point at the bend above Fort Pillow and steamed gallantly up the river, fully prepared for a regular engagement.
The vessels of this squadron were lying at the time tied up to the bank of the river, three on the eastern and four on the western side, and (as they were transferred to me by Flag-Officer Foote) ready for action. Most of the vessels were prompt in obeying the signal to follow the motions of the commander-in-chief.
The leading vessels of the rebel squadron made directly for mortar boat No. 16, which was for a moment unprotected. Acting Master Gregory and his crew behaved with great spirit; during the action he fired his mortar eleven times at the enemy, reducing the charge and diminishing the elevation.
Commander Stembel, in the gunboat Cincinnati, which was the leading vessel in the line on that side of the river, followed immediately by Commander Kilty, in the gunboat Mound City, hastened to the support of the mortar boat, and were repeatedly struck by the enemy's rams, at the same time that they disabled the enemy and drove him away.
The two leading vessels in the middle of the enemy's line were successfully encountered by this ship. The boilers or steam chest of one of them was exploded by our shot, and both of them were disabled; they, as well as the first vessel encountered by the Cincinnati, drifted down the river.
Commander Walke informs me that he fired a 50-pound rifle shot through the boilers of the third of the enemy's gunboats of the western line, and rendered her, for the time being, helpless. All of these vessels might easily have been captured if we had possessed the means of towing them out of action, but the steam power of our gunboats is so disproportionate to the bulk of the vessels that they can accomplish but little beyond overcoming the strength of the current, even when unencumbered.
The action lasted during the better part of an hour, and took place at the closest quarters. The enemy finally retreated with haste below the guns of Fort Pillow.
I have to call the especial attention of the Department to the gallantry and good conduct exhibited by Commanders Stembel and Kilty and Lieutenant Commanding S. L. Phelps.
I regret to say that Commander Stembel, Fourth Master Reynolds, and one of the seamen of the Cincinnati, and one of the Mound City, were severely wounded; the other accidents of the day were slight.
The Cincinnati and Mound City are injured, and must, sooner or later, go up the river to be repaired.
I have the honor to be, your most obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Captain, Commanding Mississippi Flotilla, pro tem.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C.
Report of Commander Walke, U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. S. Carondelet, regarding engagement at Plum Point Bend.
SIR: About half past 6 o'clock this morning the rebel fleet, consisting of eight gunboats, made their appearance, steaming up the river toward our mortar boat and the gunboat Cincinnati. I had all hands called, beat to quarters immediately, and prepared for action. About 6:30 got underway by your order and steamed down the river toward the enemy's leading boat, which appeared to be a ram, intent on running down the Cincinnati.
Being about three-eighths of a mile distant, I opened fire on her with our bow guns. The ram ran into the Cincinnati, striking her on the starboard quarter as she attempted to avoid the enemy's prow, firing her broadside and bow guns into her before and during the collision. Both vessels turned, the Cincinnati heading up the river, and the ram down the river, evidently disabled and unmanageable, as she dropped down without firing a shot, as far as I saw or can ascertain. I kept our bow guns firing upon her until two other rebel gunboats came up, steaming rapidly for the Cincinnati, when I turned our bow guns on them, bringing our port broadside guns to play upon the ram. As the enemy's second and third gunboats approached the Cincinnati, we fired a 50-pound rifled shot (apparently) through the boilers of one of them while running into the Cincinnati, as they exploded immediately, and she dropped downstream, helpless, leaving her consort above us. By this time we had drifted down below the rest of our fleet. Our head being up the river, we kept our broadside and stern guns constantly firing on the enemy's fleet until they retreated out of sight.
We were struck by fragments of an exploded shell; also by two grapeshot, amidships, which appeared to come from the gunboat Pittsburg. She fired several shot just over us and we were at the time more in dread of her shot than those of the enemy, but providentially there were no killed or wounded on board the Carondelet. We expended fifty-seven 64-pounder, 32-pounder and rifled solid shot, and three rifled shells.
Very respectfully, sir, your obedient servant,
H. WALKE, Commander, U. S. Navy.
Commodore C. H. DAVIS, Commanding Mississippi Flotilla.
Report of Second Master Gregory, U. S. Navy, regarding engagement at Plum Point Bend.
MAY 10, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to report that in accordance with your order, I have opened fire from mortar boat No. 16 upon Fort Pillow at 6 o'clock a.m.
After firing five shells the enemy's gunboats rounded the point above the fort in full view and not more than three-fourths of a mile distant. I at once trained my mortar upon them, loaded for that short range, and fired, bursting my shell directly over them. I continued that practice during the engagement that ensued, which lasted about forty minutes, in which our whole fleet of gunboats were engaged as also were theirs.
During the action I received two 32-pound shots through my boat above the deck. Several appeared to go over us. We had no one hurt.
The enemy retired, with what damage I do not know.
I continued to fire after their retreat until 5 p. m., when I received orders to cease firing. I have expended 57 charges during the day.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
T. B. GREGORY, Second Master, in charge of one division of the mortar boats.
Capt. HENRY E. MAYNADIER, Commanding U. S. Mortar Boats on the Western Waters, near Fort Pillow.
Mortar boat No. 16, in charge of Second Master Gregory, participated in the engagement, firing the first shell and continuing the firing during the action. A rebel gunboat, supposed to be the Sumter, came within 60 feet of the mortar boat and fired two 32-pound shot through the iron blinds, and two volleys of musketry, which did not penetrate. The crew of the boat consisted of the second master and 14 men, none of whom were injured.
Respectfully submitted.
HENRY E. MAYNADIER, Captain, U. S. Army.
CAIRO, May 11, 1862.
The rebel gunboats and rams made an attack on our flotilla yesterday morning. Two of their gunboats were blown up and one sunk. The remainder returned with all possible haste to the protection of their guns at Pillow.
WM. K. STRONG, Brigadier-General.
Major-General HALLECK.
Report of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, announcing the death of Fourth Master Reynolds, of the U. S. S. Cincinnati.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 12, 1862.
SIR: It is with great regret that I have to inform the Department that Mr. G. A. Reynolds, fourth master of the U. S. gunboat Cincinnati, died this morning at 2 o'clock from the wound received during the engagement on the morning of the 10th instant.
He was a young man of unblemished character, and distinguished himself during the engagement and while at the closest quarters with the enemy, by courage and devotion to his duty.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Captain, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River.
Hon. Groton WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C.
Report of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, rewarding injuries to vessels, Captain Stembel's wounds, and the valor of Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Hoel, of the U. S. S. Cincinnati.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 12, 1862.
SIR: The gunboats Mound City and Cincinnati were so much injured by the enemy's rams that it was necessary to run them on the banks. When the former was freed from water it was discovered that it was impossible to repair her here; she was therefore sent to Cairo yesterday. The Cincinnati is not yet clear, but I have sent for the necessary means. I am in hopes, when we are able to examine her injuries, that we shall find it possible to repair her with the means in our own hands.
The severity of Captain Stembel's wounds rendered it expedient, according to medical advice, to send him to Cairo.
After he was wounded, the command of the Cincinnati devolved upon Acting [Volunteer] Lieutenant William R. Hoel. I can not praise more than they deserve his high valor and ability. He sets the highest example to those below him, and if it were possible to give him a permanent position worthy of his merits, the Navy would be the gainer as well as himself.
Our scouts report the enemy employed in repairing their gunboats. The present reduced number will probably be increased by additions from below. Flag-Officer Foote thought it might be the intention of the enemy to pass the flotilla and ascend the river, and if they should attempt to do so, such is their vast superiority in speed, that pursuit would be hopeless. Everything indicates an intention on the part of the enemy to come up again; and if there are rams, as I understand there are, being fitted up under the direction of the War Department, at Pittsburg, Cincinnati, or elsewhere, for service in this river, now is the time to make them useful.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Captain, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C.
[Endorsement 1.]
DEAR GENERAL: Can't the rams be hurried?
[Endorsement 2.]
Mr. Watson says that all that can be done to hurry up the rams is already done. Of the two heaviest vessels, one started for New Albany last night and the other will start to-morrow night, guns or no guns. These are the last.
Yours, respectfully,
G. V. Fox, Esq., Assistant Secretary Navy.
Report of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, referring to the position of the flotilla since the action at Plum Point.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 13, 1862.
SIR: Since my communication of yesterday nothing of real importance has transpired.
As a result of the engagement of Saturday the flotilla occupies a position nearer to Fort Pillow than before.
Hoping to profit by this, the enemy, fired mortars and heavy guns during the whole night, but without doing us any injury.
At noon a flag of truce from below brought up Doctor William R. Thrall, U. S. Army, released on parole in exchange for Doctor Yandell of the other side.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Captain, Commanding Western Flotilla pro tem, Mississippi River.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C.
Report of Lieutenant Phelps, U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. S. BENTON, regarding the engagement at Plum Point Bend.
U. S. GUNBOAT BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 11, 1862.
MY DEAR SIR: You will have heard of the fight yesterday morning. Eight rebel gunboats came up to the point, and four or five of them proceeded at once toward the Cincinnati, then covering the mortar boat, one of the rebel boats, with masts, being considerably in advance. Captain Stembel, in the most gallant manner, steamed up, rounded to, and opening fire, stood down for the rebels. As he approached the fire was withheld, the ram striking Stembel's vessel in the quarter and swinging both broadsides to, when, the muzzles absolutely against the rebel boat, a broadside was poured into her, making a terrible crashing in her timbers. The rebel swinging clear made downstream, with parting salute of other guns, in a helpless condition. By this time the BENTON, Mound City, and Carondelet were far enough down, half way at least, to Stembel's assistance to open an effective fire the Pittsburg not yet clear of the bank and the Cairo just sending a boat out to cast off her hawsers. The St. Louis came down pretty well; two rams were making for the Cincinnati and one again hit her in the stern, receiving the fire of the stern guns. That boat struck Stembel twice, doing little damage, but using sharpshooters to such effect as to dangerously wound Stembel and the fourth master, Mr. Reynolds, and one man in the leg. By this time we were in their midst and I had the satisfaction to blow up the boilers of the ram that last hit the Cincinnati by a shot from our port bow 42 rifle. I fired it deliberately with that view, and when the ram was trying to make another hit. Another ram had now hit the Mound City in the bows, and had received the fire of every gun of that vessel in the swinging that followed the contact. We interposed between another and the Mound City and the rascal, afraid to hit us, backed off, when he also blew up from a shot I fired from the same rifle, hitting only a steam pipe or cylinder. All their rams drifted off disabled and the first one that blew up could not have had a soul remaining alive on board, for the explosion was terrific. We could have secured two or three of them had we had steam power to do so, but as it was, saw them drift down helpless under the fort, and one is said to have sunk in deep water. The mortar boatmen acted with great gallantry, firing away to the end. The rebels fired two 32-pounder shots through the mortar boat and two volleys of musketry into her, without hurting a man.
The Mound City had her bow pretty much wrenched off and was run onto the shoal opposite where we had been lying. The Cincinnati ran to the bank below where we laid when you left, and sunk in 11 feet of water.
The Champion, steamer, fortunately arrived, having on board a 20-inch steam pump, and the Mound City is now afloat, but greatly damaged. The Cincinnati will be raised in twenty-four hours. My plan of logs suspended is immediately to be tried. The wounded of the squadron are 5; killed, none. Stembel we hope will recover. He did splendidly; so all did, saving as above stated. The loss of the rebels must be very heavy; their vessels were literally torn to pieces, and some had holes in their sides through which a man could walk. Those that blew up--it makes me shudder to think of them.
I have written very hastily, knowing that you would be anxious to hear and would find excuses for my style and writing, in remembering with what busy circumstances we must be surrounded just now, and I am very nervous from an unwonted amount of exertion and movement. I count off the days, anxious for them to roll around, when you will return, and the Eastport, with some power, come to the squadron with your flag flying.
All hands went into the fight with a will. We have no news from below. Colonel Fitch will land his force in the morning.
This I believe is the first purely naval fight of the war.
May heaven bless you, my dear sir, and restore you to us in health very soon.
Respectfully and very truly, yours,
Flag-Officer A. H. FOOTE, U. S. Navy, Cleveland, Ohio.
Report of Fleet Captain Pennock, U. S. Navy, regarding the engagement at Plum Point Bend.
U. S. NAVAL DEPOT, Cairo, May 13, 1862.
MY DEAR FLAG-OFFICER: Mr. Mitchell has just arrived here on the Pollard with Captain Stembel, who is attended by Doctor Beau-champ, of the Great Western.
I am most happy to be able to state that the captain's wound, although very severe, and causing him a vast deal of suffering, will not prove fatal. The ball entered his shoulder just above the shoulder blade, on the right side, and passing through the neck, came out in the front of the throat, directly under the chin. The surgeon is of the opinion that no arteries have been severed and that no secondary hemorrhage will ensue, particularly as at the present time he is so rapidly improving in his breathing.
The attack, it appears, was not intended to be a general one on the part of the rebels, but merely an endeavor to sink the gunboat guarding the mortar, to cut the latter loose and allow it to drift down with the current and then secure it for their own use. The rebel fleet made its appearance at a few minutes past 7 o'clock on Saturday morning--eight gunboats and rams and two or three tugs.
They made directly for the mortar which had greeted their appearance by a shell which exploded directly over the largest boat. The Cincinnati was guarding the mortar, and immediately slipped her hawser, and stood out to meet them, apparently endeavoring to get below and fight them bow on, but failed. One of the rams then made for her and struck her twice astern, doing but little injury. The other was preparing to assist her when the Mound City came into the fight, thus leaving the Cincinnati but one antagonist. At this juncture Captain Stembel so handled the Cincinnati, and at the same time shooting the pilot of the ram, she veered and struck the Cincinnati on the plating amidship. As she struck a broadside was poured into her from the Cincinnati, which disabled her, and she drifted away from the action and at the same moment Captain Stembel was shot from the deck of the ram; one of the sailors killed the man who shot him immediately. All of the boats were engaged by this time. The BENTON fired into one of them and it is said blew her up. The Cincinnati had received a blow on her starboard quarter, which opened her clear to the shell room, and when the rebels retreated she was run out on the bar, immediately below where the BENTON formerly lay, and where she settled in 12 feet of water. The Mound City received a blow in the bow which damaged her considerably, and she ran her head on the bank and rigged a temporary bulkhead. She arrived here to-day for repairs. As soon as I received word that she was coming I sent for Mr. Hambleton and made arrangements for having her hauled out immediately.
She will be ready for service in about four days. Fortunately for us I had sent down the steamer Champion, whose boats have pumps rigged for pumping out sunken vessels, and after she had pumped the water out of the Mound City, and assisted her part of the way up the river, she started back to raise the Cincinnati. I also sent down the submarine bell boat and I hope in a short time to be able to inform you that she is raised. The Louisville has also joined the flotilla. I sent to-day your keys and the letter of General Villepigue by mail.
Trusting that a change of scene and climate may speedily insure your return to the flotilla, I remain, my dear flag-officer,
Very respectfully, yours,
[Flag-officer FOOTE.]
Letter from Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, to Lieutenant-Colonel Hogg, U. S. Army, regarding the services of a gunboat.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 11, 1862.
DEAR SIR: I have had the pleasure to receive your letter of the 9th instant, to which I have given the most careful consideration.
In the action with the rebel fleet yesterday morning two of my gunboats, the Cincinnati and Mound City, were placed hors de combat. The enemy, having still a considerable force, lies below the guns of Fort Pillow and is actively employed in repairing damages. It is possibly his intention to renew the engagement. Under these circumstances I must have the Louisville with me until the Cincinnati and. Mound City are ready, for service. This will be very soon. I will leave you the least possible time without a gunboat.
I am expecting some of Mr. Ellet's rams down the river every moment, and I will send you, if not the Louisville, a vessel that will afford sufficient protection to the post you command as soon as this juncture of affairs is terminated.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Captain, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River.
Lieutenant-Colonel HARVEY HOGG, Commanding U. S. Forces at Hickman, Ky.
Report of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, referring to the condition of the U. S. steamers Cincinnati and Mound City.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 14, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to inform the Department that nothing new has transpired since yesterday.
The vessels containing the requisite means for clearing the Cincinnati have arrived, and we are now at work with every promise of success. I mentioned in my last dispatch that the Mound City had been sent to Cairo. I have since learned that her injuries are more serious than we thought. I hope to be able to send the Cincinnati to Cairo to-day.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Captain, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C.
Personal letter of congratulation from Flag-Officer Foote, U. S. Navy, to Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, on the engagement at Plum Point Bend.
CLEVELAND, May 15, 1862.
MY DEAR DAVIS: I congratulate you and hope that a vote of thanks and passage of the naval bill will make you an admiral for your ready coming to my relief when too ill to do my duty, and making such a glorious fight.
I was interested to find those fellows so plucky, and must confess to some little envy in not being able to have taken a hand in your dashing affair.
I reached here with less fatigue than I anticipated, but was bored by the good people everywhere to speak and show myself. I feel it to be unmerited on my part, this wonderful attention, and it is particularly unpleasant, associated with my leaving to you liability for another fight at any moment.
I am in a great hurry to return and relieve you; my heart is with the flotilla, but I was in a condition wholly unfit to command when I left, and did right in leaving, as the interests of the flotilla required it. I feel rather better, and hope in two weeks to leave for Cairo to join you as soon as possible.
Excuse my incoherent note.
Yours, ever affectionately,
Letter of congratulation from the Acting Secretary of the Navy to Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, forwarding promotion for Acting Master Gregory.
NAVY DEPARTMENT, May 16, 1862.
SIR: Your dispatch of the 11th instant, reporting your successful engagement on the 10th instant, is received.
You have performed your whole duty. The officers and men of the flotilla educated to victory under Flag-Officer Foote have fulfilled the expectations of the Department.
Promote Acting Master Gregory to an acting [volunteer] lieutenant.
I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,
G. V. Fox, Acting Secretary.
Flag-Officer CHAS. H. DAVIS, Commanding (pro tem) the Western Flotilla, Cairo.
Order of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, to Lieutenant-Commander Fitch, U. S. Navy, transmitting order for Captain Maynadier, U. S. Army, commanding mortar fleet.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 16, 1862.
SIR: I enclose herewith an order upon Captain Maynadier, commanding the mortar fleet, for the detail of the crews of the navy howitzers to be landed in the proposed expedition; each howitzer will be accompanied by a seaman from the squadron.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Flag-Officer, Commanding U. S. Naval Forces, Western Waters.
Lieutenant-Commander LE ROY FITCH, U. S. Navy, Commanding Steamer Judge Torrence, Mississippi River.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 16, 1862.
SIR: It is the intention of the colonel commanding to take with him four of the mounted navy howitzers in the proposed expedition, and I will thank you therefore to detail from the mortar fleet a sufficient number of men for crews for these howitzers. This number will be fixed by Lieutenant Commanding Fitch. One man from the squadron will accompany each howitzer.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant.
C. H. DAVIS, Flag-Officer, Commanding U. S. Naval Forces, Western Waters.
Captain H. E. MAYNADIER, U. S. Army, Commanding Mortar Fleet, Mississippi River.
Report of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, regarding condition of injured naval vessels and referring to discussion of plan of attack upon Fort Pillow.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 16, 1862.
SIR: The gunboat Cincinnati left for Cairo last evening. The injury she sustained proved to be much more serious than at first reported. It is reported to me that the repairs on the Mound City are nearly concluded.
General Quinby, from Island No. 10, visited me this morning early, in company with Colonel Fitch, commanding the brigade at this place. A plan of combined operation having for its object the capture of Fort Pillow was discussed and agreed upon. The preliminary steps are now in progress.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Captain, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River, pro tem.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C.
Report of Lieutenant Phelps, U. S. Navy, regarding various matters of interest.
U. S. GUNBOAT BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 17, 1862.
MY DEAR SIR: Since my very hurried letter after the fight the other morning I have absolutely been unable to write.
The Cincinnati was only raised night before last and got off for Cairo.
The bell boat had no crew, and we had trouble about the machine. Mr. Hoel was left alone. One master killed and two sick. We ran the Benton to the stern of the Cincinnati and remained there till she left, and I assisted Mr. Hoel, besides getting logs, chains, railroad iron, etc., with which to secure the boats against rams. We are putting railroad iron about the stem of this boat, which is her weak part. General Quinby is coming down with some artillery, cavalry, and infantry, and a combined attack is to be made on the fort in about three days' time. Everything has been quiet about the fort and where the gunboats lie below. Two of their rams are missing. Deserters say that 108 were buried from their vessels after the fight. A good many deserters and refugees are coming in and passing up to Cairo, some 30 to 50 per day.
We are now anchored across the river a little below where we lay when you left. Captain Dove is here with the Louisville. Now we have the Cairo, Pittsburg, and Louisville to "count" among the six vessels of the fleet. I would rather have either one of the other two than all three. [Commander] Kilty did handsomely in the fight. Neither the Pittsburg nor Cairo got into it, and the St. Louis can hardly be said to have done so. Commander Davis now has got the run of matters very well. The plan of attack proposed is the old one--land on the bluff, open heavy mortar fire, and follow up with attack by gunboats. What the rebel boats can do remains to be seen.
The great craft building in Memphis has been taken up the Yazoo to be finished, and a mechanic from there says it will be fifteen days before she will be ready. We must catch her there before she can be fitted out. I have not time this morning, being so much interrupted, to write about all the little matters of the fleet of which I know you would like to be informed. Suffice it to say that things go much as before. I miss you a great deal, as all do, though, of course, with such a gentleman as Captain Davis there could be nothing but the most agreeable relations. Captain Pennock writes that the Eastport will be ready in thirty days. I trust then you may be entirely recovered and come to realize a little pleasant cruising in what will be the dashing vessel of the fleet. Thirty days make but a little count and will soon pass.
I am, respectfully and very truly, yours,
Flag-Officer A. H. FOOTE, U. S. Navy, Cleveland, Ohio.
Appointment by Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, of Robert B. Smith as fourth master on the U. S. S. Cincinnati, for faithful performance of duty.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER, BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 18, 1862.
SIR: In consequence of the faithful and energetic manner in which you have performed the duties of executive officer of the gunboat Cincinnati since our late engagement, made known to me by the report of Acting [Volunteer] Lieutenant Hoel, you are hereby appointed fourth master of that vessel, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of the gallant and lamented Mr. Reynolds.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Flag-Officer, Commanding U. S. Naval Forces, Western Waters.
ROBT. B. SMITH. Esq., Fourth Master Gunboat Cincinnati, Cairo, Ill.
Report of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, announcing the arrival of reinforcements.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 21, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to say to the Department that General Quinby arrived last evening with reinforcements.
He is employed to-day in a reconnoissance, which is to determine the route to be taken by the troops.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Captain, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C.
CAIRO, May 21, 1862. (Received 22d, 12:15 a.m.)
Advices from flotilla announce probable evacuation of Fort Pillow. The steamer Kennett, which went down with flag of truce with number of prisoners to be exchanged, returned to flotilla without seeing any signs of life at the fort, or as far as could be seen below it. General impression is that enemy has fallen back on Fort Randolph, 12 miles below. Two hours after the Kennett returned, rebel steamer with flag of truce came up from below, took off prisoners from Kennett, and steamed down the river.
H. E. THAYER. Colonel E. S. SANFORD.
Report of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, acknowledging Department's letter of commendation.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 22, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the very gratifying letter of the Department of the 16th instant. Its approval and commendation of the conduct of the officers and men of the Western Flotilla in the naval engagement of the 10th instant will be an additional stimulus to them to perform their duty again on a similar occasion.
In compliance with the orders of the Department, I shall have the pleasure to promote Acting Master Gregory to the rank of acting [volunteer] lieutenant, dating the appointment on the 10th instant.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Flag-Officer, Commanding Western Flotilla.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C.
Semiofficial report of Lieutenant Phelps, U. S. Navy, regarding matters of interest.
U. S. GUNBOAT BENTON, Near Fort Pillow, May 22, 1862.
MY DEAR SIR: * * *
The Mound City is now here ready for service again, and the Cincinnati will be ready in about one week. It is strange how that inevitable month in the case of the Eastport drags its slow length along, never beginning, always one day in advance of present time. To-day's mail informs us that she will be ready in one month; so did the mail on the 22d of April last. General Quinby examined the river bank opposite Fulton to-day, and the guns have arrived to put in battery there, so that by day after to-morrow we may hope to have something doing. The commodore sent Captain McGunnegle down with the party reconnoitering. Seven gunboats are reported at Fulton. They are all, except one or two, strangers to the colonel, those exceptions being the rams, that came up before to attack. All the boats there now are probably rams. Driving those away with a battery, so as not to be in our way while under the fort, is, of course, leaving us free for the main work. Some of the boats are secured to a considerable extent about the bow and stern and all have logs suspended along the sides where there is no plating. We are putting railroad iron on the stern and quarters of this vessel. The rebels have dismounted nearly every gun on their vessels, depending on small arms and rams. Jeff Thompson, the nightmare of every post commander on the Mississippi, is the commander of the rebel fleet just below us, yet the commandant at New Madrid this night lies in an unquiet bed, assured that the immortal Jeff is after him with those naked and starved swamp rats. The Tyler and Lexington are forced out of the Tennessee by low water, and will join the fleet here, being much needed. Will you believe it, application was made for them to remain at Cairo to protect that place, there being considerable apprehension? The Conestoga is to look after Hickman and Columbus and will be within call of Cairo. Affairs go on much as usual with the squadron. Some few changes among the lower officers caused by sickness. Mr. Thomas M. Parker has gone as fourth master to the Louisville. I fear he will fail. Mr. Reed has applied for a master's mateship on board the Great Western. I suggest sending Mr. Henry Wilkins there and keeping Mr. Reed here, as the better of the two for our purposes. Captain Walke I have not seen for several days. Little Thompson is very busy getting his vessel secured, so that when the rebels come around the point again he can pitch into them. Of the Cairo nothing is known except that she was heard of to-day as wanting coal, being about out of that commodity and pretty much run ashore for provisions. The St. Louis, I am satisfied, will now be found up to time everywhere. That hospital boat has not yet come down. It takes so long to do anything. There are a good many sick; in this vessel more than one-tenth.
Very respectfully and truly, yours,
Flag-Officer A. H. FOOTE, U. S. Navy, Cleveland, Ohio.
Order of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, to Lieutenant McGunnegle, U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. S. St. Louis, to assist in army reconnoissance.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 22, 1862.
SIR: You will report yourself this Thursday morning at 7:30 o'clock to Brigadier-General Quinby, commanding the military forces of the United States at this point, to take part in a reconnoissance to be made under his direction at and near Craighead Point, [Ark.].
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Flag-Officer, Comdg. U. S. Naval Forces, Western Waters.
Lieutenant Commanding W. McGUNNEGLE, U. S. Navy, Commanding Gunboat St. Louis, Mississippi River.
Order of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, to Lieutenant Blodgett, U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. S. Conestoga, to assist in army reconnoissance.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 23, 1862.
SIR: On the receipt of this communication you will consider your vessel at present subject to the orders of General Quinby. Any previous orders conflicting with this are hereby canceled.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Flag-Officer, Comdg. U. S. Naval Forces, Western Waters.
Lieutenant Commanding G. M. BLODGETT, U. S. Navy, Commanding Gunboat Conestoga, Mississippi River.
Report of Lieutenant Blodgett, U. S. Navy, of receipt of orders.
U. S. GUNBOAT CONESTOGA, Off Hickman, Ky., May 23, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of my orders, dated May 22, 1862. I shall act in obedience to them and inform you if anything of importance transpires.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
G. M. BLODGETT, Lieutenant, Commanding, U. S. Navy.
Flag-Officer C. H. Davis, Commanding Naval Forces, Western Waters.
Report of Lieutenant Blodgett, U. S. Navy, of receipt of orders.
U. S. GUNBOAT CONESTOGA, Off Columbus, Ky., May 24, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to inform you that I have received your communication dated May 23, 1862, placing this vessel under the orders of General Quinby.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
G. M. BLODGETT, Lieutenant, Commanding, U. S. Navy.
Flag-Officer C. H. DAVIS, Commanding Naval Forces, Western Waters.
Report of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, giving the results of a reconnoissance by Brigadier-General Quinby, U. S. Army.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 24, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to inform the Department that the result of General Quinby's reconnoissance is that he considers a greater number of troops than that which he has with him necessary for the success of the operations we have had in contemplation.
He has returned to Hickman with his command, where he will wait for reinforcements.
We have reliable information concerning the enemy's force on shore and afloat. The force on shore numbers about 3,000 men, including a well-trained Louisiana regiment of 1,200 men. The force afloat has recently been increased by the addition of another gunboat or ram.
Since I last wrote the Department, Lieutenant Colonel Ellet has brought down four of the rams, hastily prepared for service. I have no doubt that they will be useful in the event of another engagement.
The Mound City has rejoined the flotilla.
All the gunboats are to be defended forward and aft in their weak and unprotected parts by a framework of cypress logs.
It is far from my expectation that the rebel gunboats will venture to renew the attack.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Flag-Officer, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River, Pro tem.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C.
Letter from Colonel Pitch, U. S. Army, to Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, informing him of the operations of the enemy in strengthening the works at Fort Pillow.
HEADQUARTERS, On board Steamer Henry Von Phul, May 26, 1862.
DEAR SIR: The enemy in Fort Pillow have within the past few days repaired and remounted one battery near the water line, and have a considerable force now at work upon another, which is assuming somewhat large proportions.
These facts I know from personal observation had this p. m. from the shore of the main channel of the river opposite the fort. They may have been previously known to you, yet I deem it my duty to communicate them, notwithstanding the seeming probability from the long silence of our mortar fleet that the policy concluded upon may be to permit the enemy to quietly complete his works.
Yours, respectfully,
G. N. FITCH, Colonel, Commanding Brigade.
Commodore DAVIS, Commanding Flotilla.
Report of Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet off Fort Pillow, ready for aggressive action.
ABOVE FORT PILLOW, May 26, 1862.
I arrived at my fleet yesterday, leaving one of my boats at New Albany, ready to follow in twenty-four hours. The others are all here.
I visited Commodore Davis immediately to obtain his views and offer cooperation. The commodore intimated an unwillingness to assume any risk at this time, but will communicate with me again, after further reflection, touching my proposition to him to run below these batteries and surprise the enemy's fleet and transports before they can escape up the tributaries.
To me, the risk is greater to lie here with my small guard and within an hour's reach of a strong encampment of the enemy, than to run by the batteries and make the attack. I shall, if necessary, repeat the proposition the moment the Switzerland arrives' with the barges I have prepared to shelter the boats. I wish to take advantage of the high water.
CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Colonel, Commanding.
Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War, Washington, D.C.
Letter from Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, to Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, requesting pass for an official messenger.
Colonel Ellet wishes to send the bearer, Mr. Roberts, with a mail and official dispatches to the Secretary of War; and will be obliged to Commodore Davis, if it is compatible with the discipline he has established, to order that a pass from Colonel Ellet shall be sufficient to allow his messengers to go on the mail boats on public business, so as to avoid detention and the necessity of establishing a separate line for his fleet.
Commodore DAVIS.
Letter from Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, to Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, furnishing pass requested by the latter.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 26, 1862.
DEAR SIR: I have the pleasure to send you herewith a pass for your orderly, Mr. Roberts, which I have put in a general form in order that he may make use of it from day to day.
If Colonel Ellet should desire to add a second messenger, a steward, or servant, he can do so upon his own order, which the captains of the mail boats will be required to respect as a sufficient authority.
I have the pleasure to be, colonel, with great respect, your most obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Flag-Officer.
Colonel Ellet, etc.,
Colonel E. will be obliged to make provisions for the subsistence of his orderly, etc.
Letter from Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, to Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, proposing to run below Fort Pillow and attack the Confederate fleet.
STEAM RAM QUEEN OF THE WEST, Above Fort Pillow, May 28, 1862.
COMMODORE: Referring to the suggestion which I submitted when I called on you the 25th instant, for a combined movement with a view to surprise and destroy the enemy's gunboats, rams, and transports, now lying below the guns of Fort Pillow, I beg leave to suggest in addition that, unless such a movement is promptly made, I fear the opportunity for it may possibly be lost altogether.
The river is now in good condition but falling rapidly. Commodore Farragut's fleet is probably advancing, and as it approaches Memphis the rebel steamers of all classes will doubtless seek to hide in tributaries which are now navigable for them to enter, but which, if our advance is delayed, may not be navigable for us when we wish to pursue.
I would be pleased, therefore, if the proposition, after the consideration you have given it should meet your concurrence, to join the whole or a portion of rams under my command to the whole or even a single one of your gunboats, and placing them all under the shelter of barges which I have prepared for the purpose, and hope will very soon arrive, run below Fort Pillow by daylight and attack the rebel fleet wherever it can be found.
The stern-wheel boats which I have provided and fitted up as rams will make excellent towboats for carrying along any amount of coal which may be needed to run as far as we may wish and return.
The importance of this movement is, I think, likely to be very great, in view of the battle which is now daily expected at Corinth. If that battle results in our favor, by occupying the river below and by destroying the rebel fleet, we will deprive the defeated army of its means of crossing the Mississippi and renewing the contest on the other side. If the battle should result in our defeat, we can still afford most valuable service by cutting off the river supplies of the enemy.
Submitting this suggestion again for your consideration, I have the honor to be, commodore, with high respect, your obedient servant,
CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Colonel, Commanding, etc.
Commodore C. H. DAVIS. Flag-Officer of the Mississippi Gunboat Squadron.
Minutes of conversation between Commodore Davis, U. S. Navy, and Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, above Fort Pillow, May 27, 1862.
I proposed an advance of our joint fleets, pass Fort Pillow, surprise and attack the enemy's gunboats, etc., below, and hold the river there.
The commodore would consider it, and did not feel disposed at present to incur any risk. He was apprehensive of a movement below, but in case of disaster the commerce and cities above might be exposed to the rebel gunboats.
May 27.-2 o'clock p. m., received a message from the commodore requesting me to send a boat down the river to protect some mortar boats which had just commenced shelling the enemy. He had sent the Carondelet.
Letter from Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, to Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, proposing mode of attack upon Fort Pillow and Confederate fleet.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, May 28, 1862.
DEAR SIR: I have thought over a great deal the subject of our conversation on Monday morning, and have come to the following conclusion:
It will be most expedient and proper that the gunboats should take the front rank in a naval engagement with the enemy, and that the rams, coming up in the rear, should watch for an opportunity, either to take the enemy in the flank, to assail any straggler, to assist any disabled vessel of our squadron, and to pounce upon and carry off any disabled vessel of the enemy.
The gunboats of the flotilla and the rams bear to each other the relation of heavy artillery and light skirmishers; to expose the latter to the first brunt and shock of battle would be to misapply their peculiar usefulness and mode of warfare.
It is my wish, therefore, in the event of a naval engagement, that the rams under your command should follow in the rear and on the wings of my squadron; particular instructions being given to their captains to profit by every opportunity of assailing a vessel of the enemy's flotilla, or making a prize of one of his disabled boats.
If these directions are agreeable to you, I will thank you to communicate them to the captains under your immediate command; if not, we will confer again upon the subject.
When one or more of the mortar boats go down to take the station for bombardment I will thank you to direct one of the rams to go down also and take a station near them, and to be ready to encounter a sudden dash on the part of one of the rebel rams. But I take the liberty to say, colonel, that the rams, being, as they are, unarmed, incur an unnecessary risk in running under the range of the enemy's guns as the ram now on guard has done this morning, and that it would be a matter of great mortification if any vessel of our combined squadron were to suffer an injury from the guns of the rebels without the means of retaliation.
Very respectfully, your most obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Flag-Officer, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River.
Colonel ELLET, Steamer Queen of the West, Mississippi River.
Letter from Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, to Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, regarding method of cooperation.
QUEEN OF THE WEST, Above Fort Pillow, May 28, 1862.
DEAR SIR: I have just received your note of to-day, touching the subject of our conversation of Sunday morning and the mode in which the rams can best cooperate with the gunboats in resisting an attack by the enemy.
The enclosed communication, which I had written this morning and was about to send to you when I received your note, will explain the current of my own thoughts on the same subject, my view being, as you will perceive, to act as soon as possible, on the offensive. I will be much obliged to you for your views on the suggestions which I have ventured to submit in this note, whenever your conclusion is formed.
I concur in your opinion of the needless exposure of the rams to the enemy's guns, to which you allude, and had myself gone out to forbid it, and to direct them to lie above the mortars which it is their business to guard. But I was myself on board the little tug which subsequently dropped down below Craighead Point, wishing to see the position of the batteries which it may presently be necessary for me to pass by, and to obtain a precise knowledge of the bearing of the channel from the pilots on board.
Allow me to add, commodore, that almost the only efficient service these rams can render is that for which they were specially built, viz.,: to run into the enemy, with good speed and head on, and sink him.
With that view my instructions which I have given have been to wait while we remain here until the enemy advances so far above the Point that he can not refuse the collision and retreat, and then go in, each boat for itself, and strike wherever the blow can be delivered to the best advantage.
I fear it would be unsafe to change this order at this late hour for to-night, but I will be very happy to confer with you fully on the whole subject, so that the orders for the future may be well understood and made as simple as possible.
I am, with high respect, your obedient servant,
CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Colonel, Commanding, etc.
Commodore C. H. Davis, Flag-Officer, etc.
Letter from Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, to Colonel Fitch, U. S. Army, regarding measures for the relief of refugees.
MAY 29, 1862.
COLONEL: It was my intention to have the Conestoga up the river [Mississippi] to afford relief to the refugees along its banks and to bring them to this place [Fort Pillow ?] for protection or for passage to Cairo. But the state of affairs at Hickman and in that vicinity renders it expedient that the Conestoga should remain under the orders of General Quinby.
Under these circumstances it will be necessary to employ a transport for this service, in execution of which I invite your cooperation.
I will put a howitzer on board the steamer Wisconsin or Champion, placing her under the command of Lieutenant Erben, of the Navy, if you will have the goodness to put on board what, in your judgment, will be a sufficient number of troops with their subsistence for a day. You will dispatch her as soon as possible after receiving your reply to this communication.
I have the honor to be, colonel, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Flag Officer, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River.
Colonel G. N. FITCH, Commanding Brigade, Near Fort Pillow, Tenn.
Letter from Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, to Captain Maynadier, U. S. Army, giving information obtained from a deserter regarding mortar practice.
MAY 29, 1862.
DEAR CAPTAIN: A very intelligent deserter came in this morning, who told us, among other things, that the mortar practice had been very good yesterday and the day before and that a piece of one of the bombs had gone through General Villepigue's quarters.
The name of the man about whom Captain Pennock wrote and I spoke to you about the other day is John Driscoll.
Yours, truly,
C. H. DAVIS, Flag Officer, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River.
H. E. MAYNADIER, Captain, Tenth Infantry, Commanding Mortar Fleet.
Report of Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, proposing to move alone against Fort Pillow and Confederate fleet.
MISSISSIPPI RIVER, Above Fort Pillow, May 30, 1862.
Immediately on arriving here, five days ago, I called to see Commodore Davis on the flagship BENTON, and then suggested a joint movement to destroy the enemy's fleet and command the Mississippi below Fort Pillow. The commodore promised to communicate with me again on that subject after giving it further consideration.
Not hearing from him, I renewed the suggestion in a note three days afterward, and was promised a reply yesterday. Up to this time I have not received it. I shall inform him to-day of my readiness to move alone next Monday morning, unless, in the meantime, he should conclude to allow one or more of his gunboats to participate. Delay will be fatal to the usefulness of this fleet.
CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Colonel, Commanding Ram Fleet.
Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War.
Letter from Brigadier-General Quinby, U. S. Army, to Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, regretting inability to cooperate.
COMMODORE: Your favor of the 28th instant was received last evening, and, though I have nothing of importance to communicate, I reply to it thus promptly to express my high appreciation of its kind and cordial tone, and also my unqualified conviction of the wisdom of your policy in remaining in your present position until events further develop themselves.
I deeply regret my inability, as now situated, to cooperate with you effectively. The safety of the different points within my district is of the first importance, and I feel that it would be unwise to withdraw from them, even temporarily, troops enough to aid materially in reducing the rebel works before you. I have both written and telegraphed for reinforcements, and hope that Major-General Halleck can find it in his power to send them. Should he do so, I will call upon you at once and consult upon the place of operation.
The De Soto has just arrived with your second note and the Mr. Jones, escaped from Fort Pillow. His statements are evidently colored by his feelings and his desire to have his persecutors punished. As he was a close prisoner while at Fort Pillow, he could have had but little opportunity to judge of the strength of the works and the number and disposition of the rebel forces. I am disposed to take his statements with some abatement.
The package of tea was duly received, for which, and your instructions to the captain of the B. to accept my passes, you will please accept my heartfelt thanks.
I am, commodore, with high respect, your friend and obedient servant,
Commodore C. H. DAVIS, U. S. Navy, Commanding Western Flotilla, Fort Pillow, Tenn.
Letter from Colonel Fitch, U. S. Army, to Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, regarding a rumor of the proposed evacuation of Fort Pillow.
MAY 31, 1862.
SIR: Please examine these men, this morning from the fort. According to their statement the fort is about to be evacuated to-day or to-night, although such statements do not accord exactly with the further statement that General Price is expected there. I propose to have the reported expected arrival of four transports to-day watched, and shall myself go down to take a look at Island 34, where the presence of a party was yesterday reported. I will send another small party around Craighead Point to opposite the fort.
G. N. FITCH, Colonel, Commanding.
Commodore DAVIS, U. S. Navy, Commanding Flotilla.
Letter from Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, to Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, regarding an intended attack upon Confederate gunboat.
DEAR SIR: I am just now informed that a rebel gunboat is lying opposite the point on the Tennessee shore. I propose, therefore, to send down a little tug and try to bring her within reach of a couple of rams which I will hold in readiness in the bend on the Arkansas side.
Yours, very respectfully,
CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Colonel, Commanding, etc.
Commodore C. H. DAVIS. Flag-Officer, etc.
Letter from Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, to Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, stating his intention of running the batteries of Fort Pillow.
MISSISSIPPI RIVER, Above Fort Pillow, June 1, 1862.
COMMODORE: I am very anxious, for the reasons already submitted, to avoid further delays; and I am therefore preparing to run below Fort Pillow, in accordance with my previous suggestions to you, weather permitting, at early dawn next Tuesday.
The hope of obtaining the support of at least one gunboat has induced me to postpone this expedition from day to day, being not only deeply impressed with the influence which the presence, bearing, and example of a portion of your brave command would have on my raw recruits, but also with a sense of the substantial addition to the strength of my fleet, which the guns of a single armed boat would afford. But should you not deem it expedient to allow even one gunboat to share this enterprise, permit me to say that I would be very much gratified to have on board my vessels, as volunteers, the company of a few of the gallant gentlemen and brave men of your command, for the sake of the example alone which all connected with the Navy are sure to offer whenever the opportunity is presented to them to engage in a daring and patriotic enterprise.
I remain, commodore, with high respect, your obedient servant,
CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Colonel, Commanding, etc.
Commodore C. H. DAVIS, Flag-Officer, etc.
Instructions of Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, regarding proposed attack upon Confederate gunboat.
A rebel gunboat or ram is reported on the Tennessee shore below Craighead Point. Lieutenant George E. Currie will go on board the tender Dick Fulton and take command of Lieutenant Hunter's detachment and direct Captain Cadman to drop down toward the rebel boat, but well off from the point, the object being to incur as little risk as possible from the fire of the fort, though enough, if the position of the rebel boat permits it, to induce her to endeavor to capture the Fulton.
Lieutenant Currie is instructed to drop down stern foremost when nearing the point, so as to be always ready to retreat. He will move on his retreat so as to expose the pursuing steamer to an attack from the Queen of the West, the Lancaster, the Lioness, and the Horner, which will be kept in position in the bend on the Arkansas side, far enough above the point to enable them to gain headway at the moment of collision.
Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet, who will command the Lancaster, Lieutenant Crandall of the Lioness, and Lieutenant Davis on the Horner, will all act in accordance with their instructions, and judge by the motions of the Queen, which will be the flagship in this movement, when to make their attack.
If either boat should be disabled she should anchor at once, and it will be the duty of the others to bring her off.
[C. ELLET, Jr.], Colonel, Commanding.
Letter from Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, to Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, extending good wishes for success.
BENTON, June 1, 1862.
DEAR SIR: I have received your note proposing to bring a rebel gunboat within reach of your rams. I heartily wish you all possible Success.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Captain, Commanding Western Flotilla.
Colonel CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Commanding, etc.
Letter from Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, to Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, declining cooperation.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, June 2, 1862.
SIR: I have received your letter of yesterday. I decline taking any part in the expedition which you inform me you are preparing to set on foot to-morrow morning at early dawn.
I would thank you to inform me how far you consider yourself under my authority; and I shall esteem it a favor to receive from you a copy of the orders under which you are acting.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Captain, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River.
CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Colonel, Commanding Ram Fleet, Mississippi River.
Letter from Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, to Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, commanding Western Flotilla, stating his view of their relations.
MISSISSIPPI RIVER, Above Fort Pillow, June 2, 1862.
COMMODORE: I have received your note of this morning, informing me that you decline taking any part in the expedition I have been preparing to set on foot to-morrow morning at early dawn, and requesting me to inform you how far I consider myself under your authority, and also desiring me to furnish you a copy of the orders under which I am acting.
While regretting sincerely your indisposition to cooperate in a movement against the enemy's fleet, lying within easy reach, I take great pleasure in giving you all the information you ask for.
I do not consider myself at all under your authority. My fleet was fitted up under the orders of the War Department, and was sent forward in great haste, in the hope that it might be here in time to contribute to avert such a disaster anticipated at the Department as that which recently befell two of the gunboats when assailed by the rebel rams.
I will, with pleasure, send you such portions of my instructions as have any relation to my duties here to-morrow morning, merely stating to you now that it is the expectation and intention of these instructions that I shall not move against the enemy without your concurrence, provided you consider the particular movement which I propose as bearing hurtfully upon the general operations which you are conducting.
In that case it is intended that your disapprobation shall restrain me. But I do not understand that you are to be held in any way responsible for my operations, or are at liberty to interfere with them if they merely involve hazard to my own command.
Should you have received any instructions at all conflicting with these I would be obliged to you to inform me of the discrepancy.
In the meantime, permit me to say that I came here to do good service, and for nothing else, and to that end I shall waive all question of your right to indicate to me any attack proper to be made; and will respond to your call with the utmost, alacrity, and give you as instantaneous and complete use of my whole force as if you had the right to command it.
I trust, therefore, that no question of authority need be raised. It is my intention to continue, as I have done, to communicate all my plans to you in advance, and to keep prepared to aid in the execution of all yours as soon as you deem it proper to intrust me with them; to do nothing contrary to your wishes, but to move against the enemy the moment you intimate that you are yourself ready, or that my advance will not interfere with your own programme.
I continue, commodore, with high respect, your obedient servant,
CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Colonel, Commanding, etc.
Commodore C. H. DAVIS, Commanding Western Flotilla.
Letter from Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, to Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, regarding the spirit of his instructions from the War Department.
STEAM RAM SWITZERLAND, Above Fort Pillow, June 3, 1862.
SIR: My instructions received from the honorable Secretary of War run through various dispatches, the greater portions of which are wholly irrelevant to the points which now interest you.
In a dispatch dated April 25, the honorable Secretary uses this language:
It is unnecessary to say, except to guard against misapprehension, that the expedition must move upon the enemy with the concurrence of the naval commander on the Mississippi River, for there must be no conflicting authorities in the prosecution of war. If any doubt should arise in your mind and you need further instructions, please telegraph, etc.
A part of my reply to this dispatch, of the same date, April 25, I will also quote, as the best means of showing you the spirit of my instructions:
The clause in your instructions requiring the concurrence of the naval commander on the Mississippi might embarrass me much. That officer might not have confidence in my mode of warfare. My purpose has not been to remain with the gunboats, or even to show my fleet there, until ready to push on, pass the batteries, drive my rams against the enemy's armed vessels and transports wherever they can be found, relying much on the suddenness and audacity of the attack for its success.
I fear that the naval commander might not concur in the propriety of such a movement, which is not in accordance with naval usage, and that he might compel me to lie idle above some fortified position until the flood abated, and the opportunity to surprise the enemy in my own way would be lost.
I trust you may think proper to reconsider this limitation of my authority, and leave me free to act on my own judgment, but of course with respectful deference to the gallant officer in command on the Mississippi, by whose good advice I certainly shall not fail to profit.
In response to this, April 26, the honorable Secretary uses the following language:
The peculiarity of the enterprise which you have undertaken induced the expression "concurrence," instead of placing you distinctly under the command of the naval commander. There ought not to be two commanders on the same element in war operations. But, as the service you are engaged in is peculiar, the naval commander will be so advised, and will be desired not to exercise direct control over your movements, unless they shall manifestly expose the general operations on the Mississippi to some unpardonable influence, which is not however anticipated.
The expression, "unpardonable influence," is doubtless a telegraphic misprint, but means some irreparable injury.
From this you will be able to gather the spirit of my instructions, which contemplate an advance beyond these fortified positions, whenever I may think it practicable or advisable to go by, with the single reservation that I must respect your objection to the movement, if, in your opinion, the success of your general operations will be jeopardized by that which I propose to undertake.
I remain, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Colonel, Commanding Ram Fleet.
Commodore C. H. DAVIS, Flag-Officer, etc.
Report of Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, of proposed attack on Confederate gunboat.
ABOVE FORT PILLOW, June 3, 1862.
I am about to move with two of my boats against a rebel gunboat lying under the guns of Fort Pillow. An exaggerated view of the powers of these rebel rams has spread among my fleet from the gunboats, and I feel the necessity of doing something to check the extension of the contagion.
I am fully impressed with the hazards of this enterprise, but I deem the object sufficient to warrant the movement. I will take command of the Queen. My brother, Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet, will follow with the Monarch, so as to double the chance of reaching the rebel boat.
I wish you to understand, however this enterprise may turn out, that it is not a rash act, but one which I have deliberately contemplated with a definite and sufficient object.
I wish also to place on record the fact that for whatever ill befalls this fleet you are not responsible, for you have given me from the commencement all the support and aid which it was in your power to contribute. I shall take volunteers only on both boats.
[C. ELLET, Jr.], Colonel, Commanding.
Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War.
Letter from Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, to Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, regarding results of a reconnoissance.
STEAM RAM SWITZERLAND, Above Fort Pillow, June 3, 1862.
SIR: I sent out a small party last evening under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet, and accompanied by a detachment from the command of Colonel Fitch, and also by several pilots from this fleet, with a view to ascertaining whether the rebel gunboat was still lying off the point and in a position where I could reach her with one of my rams without exposing her too long to the enemy's batteries.
Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet has reported to me that the gunboat had left, and that he then allowed two of his men to go over to a tow-head where they could examine the fortifications on the opposite shore at closer view. The conclusion at which he arrived, from what he and his party saw, was that Fort Pillow is being evacuated.
I propose to send out another party to-day, if the weather is clear enough for observation, to go farther down the river, with a view to ascertain whether the enemy's fleet may not have also evacuated, and if it has not, what facilities its position presents to assail it, intending, if the report should justify the advance, to move immediately against it.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Colonel, Commanding.
Commodore C. H. DAVIS, Flag-Officer, etc.
Letter from Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, to Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, defining the relations between them.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Off Fort Pillow, June 3, 1862.
COLONEL: I have had the honor to receive your letters of the 2d and 3d instant, the latter containing a copy of the instructions of the War Department defining your position.
I understand from these instructions that your vessels are not under my control, that I am not responsible for their movements, and that your undertakings do not necessarily require my concurrence or approval.
On your arrival here I communicated to you a general outline of the plan of operations agreed upon between General Quinby and myself, and when the time arrives for putting it into execution I shall have the pleasure to make you acquainted with all the details, and to invite your cooperation. In the meantime I have no desire to oppose or circumscribe your movements. My opinion is unfavorable to your attack, as I understand it, but your mode of warfare is novel, and the service is peculiar; and under the circumstances of the case I willingly defer to your judgment and enterprise.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Flag-Officer, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River.
Colonel CHARLES ELLET, Commanding Ram Fleet, Mississippi River.
P. S.-I shall wait with interest to hear the result of your reconnoissance of to-day.
Letter from Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, to Colonel Fitch, U. S. Army, informing him of the continuance of the reconnoissance.
DEAR SIR: I think it most prudent to let you know that I have just sent out a very small party to start below the open field, near the cabins, and move down the levee toward Fulton, to continue the reconnoissance commenced yesterday. I give you this information to guard against any mishap from the possible meeting of your scouts and this little party if you should have any out.
Yours, truly,
CHARLES ELLET, JR., Colonel, Commanding.
Colonel G. N. FITCH.
Report of Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, regarding the expedition against the Confederate gunboat.
MISSISSIPPI RIVER, Above Fort Pillow, June 4, 1862.
SIR: For the purpose of testing the temper of a doubtful crew and ascertaining the strength of the enemy's position, I determined yesterday to take the Queen of the West and try to reach a rebel steamer lying around Craighead Point under the guns of Fort Pillow.
The captain, two out of three of the pilots, the first mate, and all the engineers, and nearly all the crew, declined the service, and were allowed to go off with their baggage to a barge.
Hastily forming a new crew of volunteers, I took command of the boat and directed Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet to follow in the Monarch at supporting distance. The captain, David M. Dryden, and all the crew of the Monarch stood at their posts. The rebel steamer slipped lines and escaped before I could reach her. The firing of the fort was it short range, and quite brisk, but I think only revealed about seven or eight guns, corresponding with the count previously made in two land reconnoissance by Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet. My boat was not hit. While the strength of the rebel batteries seems to be greatly overrated, their fleet of rams and gunboats is much larger than mine. It consists of eight gunboats, which usually lie just below the fort, and four others at Randolph, a few miles farther down.
Commodore Davis will not join me in a movement against them, nor contribute a gunboat to my expedition, nor allow any of his men to volunteer so as to stimulate the pride and emulation of my own. I shall therefore first weed out some bad material and then go without him.
CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Colonel, Commanding, etc.
Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War, Washington, D. C.
Report of Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet, commanding steam ram Monarch, regarding the part taken by that vessel in the expedition against the Confederate gunboat.
SIR: I have the honor to report to you that, in accordance with your instructions received yesterday, the steam ram Monarch was got underway immediately after the Queen of the West started and followed her down the river, keeping at such a distance as not to impede in any way the action of the Queen and vet near enough to afford assistance or protection if she should be fortunate enough to engage the enemy in action. The Monarch was held in this position until she had been for some minutes in fair range of the enemy's batteries, and until the enemy's gunboat, toward which you were directing the Queen, was observed to have made good her retreat, and the Queen was rounding to return upstream. I then ordered the Monarch to be put about and returned unharmed through the enemy's fire to our former anchorage.
It affords me great pleasure here to state that not one man on this boat, from the first master to the cabin boy, accepted the offer to remain behind if they did not like the expedition; every man went. And it is but justice here to say that each one acted coolly and prudently in his own department, and did his duty manfully and well, handling the boat under the enemy's fire with as much coolness as if on a holiday excursion.
Most respectfully submitted, etc.
Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding the Steam Ram Monarch.
Colonel CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Commanding Steam Ram Fleet.
Report of Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, regarding the appointment of engineers.
MISSISSIPPI RIVER, above Fort Pillow, June 4, 1862.
SIR: When all the engineers of the Queen declined the hazard of the expedition of last evening two young men from my military guard offered to handle the engines and run the boat wherever I wished to take her, and did so coolly and skillfully.
I trust that I have not exceeded my authority in detailing R. L. Groomes and W. W. Jackson, both privates of Company G, Sixty-third Illinois Regiment, and giving the first the position and pay of chief, and the second the position and pay of first assistant engineer, for which they have licenses. I must have men who will stand by the engines and wheel under all circumstances. Not one of the soldiers on board hesitated to share the fate of the steamer.
CHARLES ELLET, Jr. Colonel, Commanding, etc.
Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War, Washington, D.C.
FORT PILLOW, TENN., June 5, 1862--4:30 A.M.
Arrangements were completed for a combined assault on the fort at 7 a.m. at a weak and accessible point, but the works were abandoned last night, and the guns and commissary stores destroyed. We are in possession, but propose proceeding to-day toward Memphis. I report by mail.
G. N. FITCH, Colonel, Commanding Brigade.
Major-General POPE, commanding District of Mississippi.
Report of Colonel Fitch, U. S. Army, regarding an extended reconnoissance.
FORT PILLOW, TENN., June 5, 1862-- 4:30 a.m.
On June I a laborious reconnoissance was made, which developed the fact that behind Flower Island, parallel with the chute between that island and the main shore, an approach to Fort Pillow could be made by infantry to Cole [Cold] Creek, within 30 yards of the enemy's outer works and near the junction of the creek and Flower Island chute.
* * * *
The following morning this reconnoissance was renewed and its results verified, and it was also ascertained that at the point where Cole [Cold] Creek could be crossed not a gun from the batteries could be brought to bear, while the ridges in the rear of and overlooking the fortifications would enable our infantry to approach and command them.
On the third morning three companies of this command, under Major Bringhurst, of the Forty-sixth Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, was ordered to open a road parallel with the chute, secreted from observation by the timber on Flower Island and the mainland. * * * Unfortunately, four of Colonel Ellet's rams, not knowing this detail had been sent forward, dropped around Craig head Point, for the purpose of observation, and were fired upon by the enemy, and the shot overreaching the boats, fell in the vicinity of the working party in the woods, whereupon the major commanding deemed it prudent to retire and abandon the work.
It being too late after this unfortunate movement to do anything more that day, Captain Schermerhorn, of the Forty-sixth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, was ordered the next morning, with a detail from that regiment and the Forty-third Indian a Volunteers, to finish the contemplated works. This he promptly accomplished undiscovered by the enemy. * * * All the troops were ordered on board the transports the same evening, with the intention of surprising and storming the fort, and all arrangements perfected for having a combined attack between the land forces and the gunboats last evening; but appearances, as well as the statement of a deserter last evening, made us apprehend that the enemy was evacuating. Therefore, instead of marching by the contemplated route, I dropped down at 3 a.m. with a small party on one of the transports (the Hattie Gilmore), preceded by open rowboats, containing Captain Sill and Lieutenant Troxell, with a few men. We dropped directly but cautiously toward the fort, and found our apprehensions verified. The enemy was gone, having left at about 1 or 2 o'clock this morning. * * * The Hattie Gilmore, in passing the ram fleet and BENTON, gave notice what her signal would be if the enemy had left and what if they remained, and was followed very soon by Colonel Ellet's rams, and after an interval by the gunboats and the other transports, the signal that there was no enemy in sight having been given.
I am not able to state at this time the amount of property in the fort, but my impression is that it can not be properly garrisoned without a new armament and a corps of artillerists. For all practical purposes one or two gunboats would be more effective than my command of infantry, I propose, therefore, to proceed directly toward Memphis this p. m., leaving one company here to collect the property. Captain Davis, commanding flotilla, leaves also one gunboat, I await orders.
Yours, respectfully,
G. N. FITCH, Colonel, Commanding Brigade.
Major-General JOHN POPE, Commanding District of Mississippi.
Report of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, transmitting copy of a delayed dispatch announcing the evacuation of Fort Pillow.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Memphis, June 12, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to transmit to the Department a copy of a telegraphic dispatch which I sent from Fort Pillow, but which, through a misapprehension of the captain of the mail boat, was not delivered.
I received this morning your telegraphic dispatch of the 10th, which I have answered by telegraph.
A division of the squadron, under Commander A. H. Kilty, was on the point of sailing for White River to form a junction with General Curtis, but will now be delayed until Colonel Fitch can prepare the commissary transports to accompany it.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Flag Officer, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River, pro tem.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Fort Pillow, Thursday morning, June 5, 1862.
Fort Pillow is evacuated; the last of the rebels left between 1 and 2 o'clock this morning.
The artillery and commissary stores are mostly destroyed. Preparations were set on foot for a combined attack which was to have taken place on Wednesday morning, but was unavoidably postponed until this morning, when it was anticipated by the retreat of the enemy.
I am making preparations for moving down the river with the greater part of my force, accompanied by transports having on board Colonel Fitch and his brigade.
C. H. DAVIS, Captain, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C.
Report of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, announcing the evacuation of Fort Pillow by the Confederate forces.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Fort Pillow, Thursday Morning, June 5, 1862-8 a.m.
SIR: I have the honor to inform the Department that on Tuesday Colonel Fitch communicated to me the result of an important reconnoissance on the Tennessee bank of the river, which he had just completed. This reconnoissance led to the discovery of a mode of approach to an unguarded point of the enemy's works, laid open by the falling of the water, but the construction of a floating bridge over Cole's [Cold] Creek and other similar preparations were necessary for the passage of the troops.
It was agreed between us that a combined attack should take place on Wednesday morning as soon after daylight as possible, but an unforeseen occurrence, by interrupting the construction of the bridge, compelled us to postpone the attack until this morning.
Yesterday, however, the works at Fort Pillow were abandoned by the rebels, the last of whom disappeared between 1 and 2 o'clock this morning.
We are now in possession of the works, where we find the artillery and a great amount of commissary stores destroyed. I am not yet informed whether any of the great guns remain uninjured.
I am moving down the mortar fleet, the ordnance and store vessels, towboats, barges, etc., and preparing to proceed down the river.
Colonel G. N. Fitch, at the head of the whole or a portion of his brigade, will accompany the squadron in his own transports.
It is our intention to occupy Memphis with the least possible delay.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Captain, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi River.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C.
WASHINGTON, [D.C.], June 5, 1862.
I have a dispatch from Colonel Ellet, commander of the ram fleet at Fort Pillow, dated at that place yesterday. He informs me that he has been there a considerable time, and has made repeated applications to Captain Davis, commander of the gunboats, for leave to attack the enemy's fleet, but has been uniformly refused. Captain Davis not only refuses to join Mr. Ellet or give him the protection of a single gunboat, but also refuses to allow Ellet to attack on his own hook, nor will he allow any of his force to volunteer with Ellet. I regret the President would not place the fleet under your command. Ellet, however, made one demonstration, but the rebels slipped anchor and escaped. He says the strength of the rebel batteries is greatly overrated. He declares his intention to go on without the gunboats.
EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War.
Major-General HALLECK, Corinth.
FORT PILLOW, June 5, 1862. (Received 11.40 p. m. 8th.)
On my return to Fort Pillow I found the gunboats moving down the river. I presume that there will be no further obstacle unless we encounter one at Memphis.
CHAS. ELLET, Jr., Commanding Ram Fleet.
Report of Colonel Ellet, commanding Ram Fleet, announcing the evacuation of Fort Pillow.
SIR: To my mortification the enemy evacuated Fort Pillow last night. They carried away or destroyed everything of value. Early this morning Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet and a few men in a yawl went ashore, followed immediately by Colonel Fitch and a part of his command. The gunboats then came down and anchored across the channel.
I proceeded with three rams 12 miles below the fort to a point opposite Randolph, and sent Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet ashore with a flag of truce to demand the surrender of the place. Their forces had all left, two of their gunboats only an hour or two before we approached.
The people promised to respect the flag which Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet planted.
The guns had been dismantled and some piles of cotton were burning. I shall leave Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet here in the advance and return immediately to Fort Pillow to bring on my entire force. The people attribute the suddenness of the evacuation to the attempt made night before last to sink one of their gunboats at Fort Pillow.
Randolph, like Fort Pillow, is weak, and would not have held out long against a vigorous attack by water.
The people express a desire for the restoration of the old order of things, though still professing to be secessionists.
CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Colonel, Commanding.
Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War.
CAIRO, June 6, 1862.
Dispatch boat just arrived; reports the evacuation of Fort Pillow and occupation by our troops. Most of the flotilla had passed below Randolph.
A.M. PENNOCK, Commander, etc.
Hon. G. WELLES, Secretary Navy.
Report of Lieutenant Thompson, U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. S. Pittsburg, regarding condition of affairs in Fort Pillow after evacuation.
U. S. GUNBOAT PITTSBURG, Off Fort Pillow, Tenn., June 8, 1862.
SIR: I find, on examination of the works here, the rebels have done but little damage to the works before they left, and they are in a good condition to be occupied by either party. Some of the guns are I differently spiked, others are not spiked at all, the carriages having only been fired.
In the fort are carriages upon which, for ordinary use, the guns can be easily mounted, and will effectually command the channel.
I respectfully request to know if I shall spike the guns.
There is also scattered about the works a large quantity of shell, grapeshot, etc., which can be easily removed by teams.
I learn many of those residing back in the county are violent secessionists, and several farmers have come in requesting permission to go up the river to avoid guerilla bands they say are organizing.
I hear of a man residing some distance in the country endeavoring to get a band organized.
One or more guns could easily under cover of night be mounted, or with musketry from behind the earth works, hills, etc., they could suddenly at night annoy considerably our transports, and before I could bore through the embrasures, etc., to harm them, they could retreat to a place of safety.
I would respectfully state I am of the opinion to occupy, their works will tend much to avoid annoyance to our transports, give an asylum to those that love the Union, and keep the back country quiet.
I learn the rebel authorities have had small bands roaming through the country destroying cotton, etc., to avoid its failing into our hands.
Of those coming in to go up the river is an individual who has furnished information to the squadron. He says he has been posted on their blackboard and has to secrete himself in the woods until he can get his family ready to leave. I respectfully request to know if conveyance will be afforded for those desiring to leave, and what answer shall I give them.
I have two and a half days' coal, full steaming, on board and request to know where I am to get coal.
In obedience to your orders, I secured the anchor and cable which was used for the coal barges and have it now on board. It is of considerable weight, and I would like to dispose of it as soon as convenient.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
EGBERT THOMPSON, Lieutenant, Commanding.
Commander CHARLES H. DAVIS, U. S. Navy, Commanding Western Flotilla.
P. S.-Two deserters, representing themselves from the rebel army at Memphis, have come on board, requesting to go up the river. I will forward them by the first boat.
Report of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, transmitting report after examination of the works at Port Pillow by Lieutenant Phelps, U. S. Navy, and Colonel Pitch, U. S. Army.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Memphis, June 15, 1862
SIR: I have the honor to inform the Department that I requested Lieutenant Commanding S. L. Phelps, of this ship, to employ a part of our brief stay at Fort Pillow in making a rapid inspection of the works, in company with Colonel Fitch, and I have the pleasure to transmit herewith, for the archives of the Department, the report containing his description of their extent and strength.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,
C. H. DAVIS, Flag-Officer, Comdg. Western Flotilla, Mississippi River, pro tem.
Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C.
U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Fort Pillow, Tenn., June 5, 1862.
SIR: In conformity with your directions I made a hasty examination of the works at this point, only, however, having time to pass over the more prominent portions.
The outer line of entrenchments, flanking upon Cold Creek, at a point some 600 yards above the water battery, ascends the bluff in an irregular zigzag, to a prominent and narrow ridge lying between the Hatchee [sic] River and the Mississippi, whence it trends away, at a sharp angle, along the ridge in the direction of Fulton and flanks upon the bluffs on the Mississippi above that landing, making a circuit of from 4 to 5 miles.
These lines consist of a heavy embankment, planked upon the inner face, with a dry ditch of an average of 8 feet depth and width. Considerable numbers of pieces of artillery have once been mounted along this extended line. An abattis of fallen timber is cut without the entire length.
There is an inner line of works of similar construction, though not of one unbroken circuit as in the case of the outer line, and altogether it is estimated the entrenchments are 10 miles in length.
The entire land embraced within the circuit of these works is exceedingly rough and broken, sharp ridges, deep gorges, and valleys, with small spring runs, traverse it in all directions, while the greater part of the surface is covered with a heavy growth of timber. There are prominent points along the inner line of defense from which artillery swept the outer works, while the entrenchments and rifle pits were disposed to enfilade and command the approaches effected by the broken surface.
Two crescent batteries are also erected near the summit of the river bluffs to assist in the landward defenses.
The water batteries are constructed at the base of the bluffs in the face of it, and in the gorges by which it is broken. The water battery proper consisted of ten guns, but was much injured in the late flood. A heavy columbiad was mounted in a casemated work constructed in a ravine higher up the river and above the level of the ten-gun battery. This work is destroyed by fire. To the left and higher up is a sunken battery of six heavy guns, and still higher up is a 10-inch columbiad occupying another ravine and sweeping over a large arc. On the river below the ten-gun battery, and constructed by excavation from the bluff at some elevation, is a bastioned work of six heavy guns in front and several flanks. In this is a 13-inch mortar, burst. Still higher up on the bluff are other columbiads, mounted mostly in works across ravines and in batteries of one and two guns.
Single guns (32-pounders) are also placed in position along the bluffs to as far as Fulton, 3 miles below the fort.
These works are constructed and disposed with great skill and with vast labor; but a fatal mistake had been made in the depression that could be given the guns in all save the water battery, since, in a moderate stage of the river, our boats could have hugged the shore and passed under their fire.
I will here mention that Colonel Fitch, commanding Forty-sixth Indiana Regiment, had constructed a road through swamps on the upper side of Cold Creek, where no such attempt seems to have been anticipated, and had made preparations for crossing the creek and entering there within the lines while the fleet should open fire in front. From thence he could easily have captured, by a rear attack, the crescent battery on the bluff above, after which the different river batteries would have been entirely exposed to his riflemen, firing from above and in rear. The movement was made in accordance with this plan, adopted and prepared for during several previous days, but the rebels had fled from the works during the night, burning everything in their power.
I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,
S. L. PHELPS, Lieutenant, Commanding, and Acting Fleet Captain.
Flag-Officer CHAS. H. DAVIS, U. S. NAVY, Commanding (Pro tem.) Flotilla Western Waters.
Extracts from diary of Captain Davis, U. S. Navy, commanding Western Flotilla, pro tem., May 13 to 31, 1862.
May 11, [1862].-The enemy came up yesterday in very gallant style; the vessels were commanded by spirited fellows, who had evidently made up their minds to take it at the closest quarters and in the roughest way. We had scouts out yesterday, and we find that they are hard at work repairing damages, though only six of their gunboats were in sight. These gunboats of the rebels were built, I believe, by individual subscriptions; and Colonel Fitch, the military commander here, had in his hands day before yesterday two numbers of a Memphis paper in Which the severest comments were made upon the inefficiency of their commanders. Colonel Fitch said, when he told me of it, that he thought they would be stimulated to some effort of a desperate nature.
It is evident that the public opinion, such as it may be, demands some effort, some display of earnestness and determination, on the part of these people, who have collected a force without, at first, any apparent purpose of using it. I have no doubt we shall have another fight soon if our gunboats do not come up the river, or if Corinth and Memphis do not fall.
If the Cincinnati and Mound City were not so completely crippled, Colonel Fitch and I would be already engaged in the execution of a plan for reducing Fort Pillow, of which he is the author, and which I found on the tapis when I came out. As it is we must wait for several days.
May 21, [1862].-General Quinby came down last evening with reinforcements, and last night we had a council of war. According to the best information, they (the rebels) have very few people now at Fort Pillow. The story is that they have gone down to Randolph....Their gunboats are not in their usual anchorage. Our plot is a good plot. We require a little luck to carry it out successfully.
There are at Cairo and St. Louis, on the stocks and unfinished, vessels that would make us perfect masters of the river and everything in it. But they will not be finished till the war is over. Is not this truly provoking?
* * * *
I can not tell what damage I did to the rebel fleet. Two of their vessels dropped out of action, enveloped in steam and smoke, in the first fifteen minutes, and one appeared to sink as she rounded the point. The information given by the refugees (who are numerous) is that she was kept afloat twenty-four hours and then sank, and that we killed 108 of the rebels. This is the least estimate; others give more.
I am doing nothing just now. General Quinby, after reconnoitering the ground, came to the conclusion that he had not men enough to undertake the combined movement we had agreed upon, and he has gone back to wait for more. * * *
May 28, [1862].-A party of deserters from the fort came in day before yesterday and another yesterday. They agree in the number of troops, etc., and also in portraying the condition of the rebel soldiers as one of suffering from want of good and sufficient food, and of general disgust and discontent.....
May 29, [1862].-I have now an addition of five or six rams to the squadron, and the gunboats have received the protection of cypress logs and iron rails in their weakest parts. If I could get at them (the enemy's fleet), I should make the attack myself, and my own anxiety is now, not to avoid, but to renew the fight clear of the guns of Fort Pillow...
I am sending a steamer up the river to-day to pick up the poor refugees, who stand on the banks begging our mail boats to take them on board with their families. * * *
May 31, [1862].--Fort Pillow has neither been evacuated nor reinforced. We know its status pretty well from day to day (the deserters are frequent), and to-day is the first time we have had any intimation of a movement looking toward evacuation, and to-day we receive intelligence, which we think reliable, of the evacuation of Corinth. Our scouts are always on the alert.
Of one thing be assured, that, if ever I get near that rebel fleet again, I shall destroy it, unless they anticipate me themselves.
June 3, [1862].- * * * There has been a little skirmish between two scouting parties, in which a rebel officer was killed; and further, there have been some movements during the night and during the two previous days, indicating an intention on the art of the rebels to evacuate. * * * If General Quinby were here we would try to anticipate their movements.
June 5. [1862].-Colonel Fitch discovered several days ago a weak and assailable point by which he proposed to attack the enemy's works by land while I encountered the batteries in front. It was agreed between us that this should come off yesterday morning, but a foolish movement of Colonel Ellet prevented it in a way that could not have been foreseen. The movement was then to have been made this morning, as soon after daylight as possible. But the rebels retreated yesterday and last night, after, as usual, destroying everything. * * * These works are very extensive and very strong....
I am now lying under the batteries of Fort Pillow, waiting for Colonel Fitch to return from some examinations he is making. As soon as he comes back we will make our preparations for going down the river. I do not believe that there is any force at Randolph. If not, there is probably no interruption between here and Memphis, except, perhaps, the enemy's gunboats, and they would detain us but a short time.
Report of Brigadier-General Thompson, C. S. Army, regarding the operations of the enemy.
C. S. RIVER DEFENSE SERVICE, Gunboat General Bragg, Sunday, May 4, 1862--3 p. m.
GENERAL: We are patiently awaiting the turn of events, and do not see much prospect for a fight at the present time. The enemy have changed their position since I came here, and keep their gunboats on each side of the river in a position to command a long stretch, where we can not reach them without being under a cross fire for from forty to fifty minutes. They have twelve mortar boats, but never have more in position than two, which fire at irregular periods during the day, but are towed away each night. We have eight boats of the river-defense fleet here. The navy boats are dismounting their guns. We are doing a good service by keeping the enemy at a distance from Fort Pillow, but I have not the confidence in the fleet which I was led to expect by the representations made me. The majority of these boats are not fast enough to catch a retreating boat, but any that may pass Fort Pillow are at our mercy, and should any of their boats be imprudent enough to lie at the point they occupied when we came here, we can sink them with our three fast boats. We will wait and watch and hope.
Yours, most respectfully,
M. JEFF THOMPSON, Brigadier-General, Missouri State Guard Commanding Marines and Gunners.
Major-General G. T. BEAUREGARD, C. S. Army, Corinth, Miss.
Already answered as follows: "Hope ere long you will be able to test with success the efficiency of your boats, which are now the last hope of closing the river to the enemy's gunboats. Should you not have speed enough against the boats upstream, I hope you will be able to destroy those of the enemy reported to be coming up from New Orleans.
Navy OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pp.4 54.
5, The cost of living in occupied-Nashville; "...the laboring classes have been ground to the earth, almost, beneath the oppression."
The people of Nashville, for fifteen months past, have been the helpless dupes of every countryman that could obtain access to the city with a wagon-load of market stuff. During all this time, prices have been fabulous in the extreme, and the laboring classes have been ground to the earth, almost beneath the oppression. Never before were our men of small means so harassed by all-devouring prices for articles necessary to sustain life. In the hands of merciless harpies, they have been forced to abandon every luxury, and live on the scantiest rations, with no preparations for "a rainy day." This state of deprivation is traceable to many minor causes, but all dependent upon the prime one which has made Tennessee the theatre of war. At last, our stinted people are experiencing relief. Marketing is coming down to a point of reason, as a sequence of the augmented facilities offered countrymen and hucksters, for bringing in supplies. The leading articles for table use have undergone a reduction; for instance, butter is sold at 30 cents, eggs at 20 cents per dozen, spring chickens from 30 to 50 cents each, while vegetables of every variety are as cheap as could be expected. Beef is yet scarce, and rules high, from 12 ½ to 25 cents per lb [sic]; no improvement in this article can be anticipated, as the immense consumption by the armies place marketable beef out of the reach of butchers, except in small purchases. The country around us is teeming with vegetables and poultry, better, eggs, etc., and it is to be hoped that nothing may occur to place us on the verge of famine as we have lately escaped.
Nashville Daily Press, June 5, 1863.
5, "New Building."
We are glad to note that our fellow-citizen, John Johnston, Esq., has resumed the erection of his new building on Cedar street, nearly opposite his present place of business. He designs it as a wholesale and retail liquor store of the first class, and we trust it may reach completion at an early day, as it is to be of splendid architecture. Contrary to all precedent in the history of Nashville, this, we believe, is the only business house in course of construction in the city. We present a very unenterprising appearance, as a populous city, compared with some of our neighbors.
Nashville Daily Press, June 5, 1863.
July 5, 1865 - Amos L. White murdered in Henry County
Murder of Amos L. White, a native of Rhode Island, in Henry County, Tenn.-On the 5th of June, about midnight, four armed men, disguised with blackened faces, entered the house of Mr. Amos L White, in Henry County, Tenn., and demanded $10,000 booty as a ransom for his life. As so large a sum could not be found by them after a thorough search, they seized Mr. White and dragged him from his bed, carried him a short distance form the house and shot him dead, three bullets entering his body. What conversation passed between these fiend assassins and their victim is unknown, as Mrs. White, his wife, who started after them, was driven back upon peril of sharing the fate of her husband. Mr. White is a planter, and had resided in the area but a few years. He was raising corn and one hundred acres of cotton. He was born in this State [Rhode Island], was the son of John White, and was about 42 years of age. He resided several years in Johnston, and was educated in the manufacturing business at Simmonsville, under the guidance of Benjamin Piroe, Esq. After becoming prepared for the management of a mill, he and his family removed to Bahia, Brazil, where he was engaged in cotton spinning for about two years, when he returned to his native State and took charge of the Simonsville mills for a short time. Thence he removed to Barnesville, Ohio, where he built a mill and engaged in the manufacture of wick, twine, yarn, batts, bags and wadding.. The business was very successful and his mill was the only one of the kind in the vicinity, and the articles were readily taken home for consumption. He removed thence to Tennessee where he was brutally murdered.
His reputation was unspotted, his character without stain. He was genial in his intercourse, and much loved and esteemed by all who knew him. Many there are who will mourn his untimely death. He leaves a wife and five children. Two of them were in this city attending school at the time of their father's death; the other three-one an infant a week old-were at his home in Tennessee.
The body of Mr. White has been brought to this State, and buried by the side of friends him Burrillville.-Providence Journal, June 30.
New York Times, July 3, 1864.[1]
5, 1865 - A Carroll County resident on emancipation
It is an old adage there is luck in seizure but the reverse comes up, there is danger in delay. Well this is it: I have thought for several years I would like to live in a country where slavery did not exist and I used to talk about moving to a free state. But all the free states lying North [sic], and consumption being hereditary in our family, I thought it best not to move North [sic]. It seems now I am about to get to a free state without moving. I am an emancipationist and have been from boyhood, but I am opposed to the way in which emancipation is now seemingly to be brought about. Several things have operated to cause me to be an emancipationist. First, the cruel treatment I have seen in some sections of country. This had a powerful effect on me when a boy. I was quite a close observer. Second, the bad effect slavery has on the white population of the slaveholding states. Third, I have doubts about the right of holding slaves in any such way as the Negroes have been held. I think the great national wrong has been in not having them taught. There might be volumes written on this subject.
"Younger Diary."
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
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Nashville, TN 37214
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