Thursday, January 15, 2015

1.15.2015 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        15, Hospital Organizations and Grande Dames in Nashville

The Nashville Hospitals.

With the increasing prospect of an early battle at Bowling Green, and the augmentation of the Confederate forces in Kentucky, the needs of the hospitals at Nashville, continues to increase. We make no excuse for…contributing to the support of the voluntary establishments…devoting themselves in that city to the care of the sick soldiers of the Confederacy….

To guide the contributions of our people aright it may be necessary to state again that there are two associations in Nashville, both under the care of benevolent ladies of that city. Acting without rivalry, and in the most kindly relations, but independently of each other.[1] The division of labor was once thought to be inexpedient, but it is found to work well in practice and to lighten, materially, the toils of superintendence. One of these associations is entitled the Tennessee Hospital Association, of which Mrs. Dr. Shelby is President and Mrs. Leonidas Polk Vice President. The other is the "Soldiers' Relief Society," under the Presidency of Mrs. Felicia Grundy Porter, a lady whose name designates her as daughter of the late Tennessee Senator the famous Felix Grundy.[2] Both societies are composed of Nashville ladies of the best class in society animated by that fervor of patriotic zeal in the cause of independence which has distinguished the women of the South in this holy war. It has been loosely stated, more than once in the press, that all the hospital were under the charge of one of these associations only-but such statements were newspaper inadvertences, and have never been sanctioned by the officers of either.

To have each their separate lines of duty, which do not interfere with each other, and each has in this city an agent fully accredited, through whom contributions may be sent, with perfect confidence, and with equal assurance that they will be gratefully received and faithfully appropriated. Those for the Tennessee Hospital Association, the society of which Mrs. Shelby is President, are under the charge of Mr. J. J. Hanna, at 130 Magazine street. The Soldiers' Relief Society receives contributions here, through Mr. Henry W. Cooper, and for more speedy transactions of such supplies as are best sent by water, Pickett, Wormely & Co. are agents in Memphis

Through either of these sources, what may be sent will be forwarded with alacrity, and dispensed for the good of the cause with thankfulness and faithfulness.

Daily Picayune, January 15, 1862. [3]

        15 to Feb. 25, Fort Donelson Campaign[4]

On January 19-20, 1862, January, Union troops under Gen George H. Thomas decisively defeated the Confederates at the Battle of Mill Springs [a.k.a. Fishing Creek], KY. In this battle Tennessee Brigadier-General Felix K. Zollicoffer was killed. A flanking movement by Union forces began in February when Brigadier-General Ulysses S. Grant, in combination with a U. S. Navy gunboat flotilla under Commodore A.H. Foote, moved against Confederate positions on the Mississippi, Tennessee and Cumberland rivers. A joint attack captured Ft. Henry on the Tennessee River on February 6, 1862, but most of the Confederate garrison retreated to Fort Donelson on the Cumberland. Ft. Donelson was regarded by Confederate General Albert S. Johnston as the principal bulwark protecting Nashville and so all of Middle Tennessee. Another large Confederate force at Bowling Green, KY, threatened by Gen. Don Carlos Buell from the north and by Grant from the south, retreated toward Tennessee to join the defense of Nashville and Ft. Donelson. After a four day siege, Ft. Donelson and its garrison of some 14,000 men were surrendered unconditionally by Generals Gideon J. Pillow and T.L. Floyd to U. S. Grant. Pillow and Floyd withdrew rapidly to Nashville, abandoning their command. Johnston would be forced to retreat from Kentucky and to evacuate Nashville, which would fall on February 25, 1862. The fall of Fort Donelson was a disaster and the first of four major defeats for the Confederacy in Tennessee in 1862.

        15-25, Reconnaissance from Paducah, Kentucky to Fort Henry

JANUARY 15-25, 1862.-Reconnaissance from Paducah, Ky., to Fort Henry, Tennessee.


No. 1.-Brig. Gen. Charles F. Smith, U. S. Army.

No. 2.-Brig. Gen. Lloyd Tilghman, C. S. Army.

No. 1.

Reports of Brig. Gen. Charles F. Smith, U. S. Army.

HDQRS. UNITED STATES FORCES, Paducah, Ky., January 27, 1862.

SIR: On the 25th instant I briefly reported my return on that day. The distance from Callaway to Aurora is by water about 3 miles, by land 6. From the latter place to this it is 40 miles; a good road even at this period of the year, but destitute of water, except in the rainy season. We accomplished the march (46 miles) in three days, an average of 15 miles per day. This is the State road, but is not marked on any map I have seen. It is generally on a ridge of clay and gravel, and is called the Ridge road. Its course is nearly straight from Aurora to Paducah, at no point farther than 10 miles from the river.

My reports...will give all the necessary information about the march, except on one point, outrages committed by the men in killing hogs and poultry; this, despite every precaution taken by myself and brigade and regimental commanders. Horses even were attempted to be carried off. Some men are in arrest for such offenses, whom I shall bring before a proper tribunal for trial. The reason for this is, in my belief, that the company officers have not done their duty. They will not see, if they do not in fact encourage, this misconduct.

The general will pardon me if I venture to make a suggestion in reference to the future. I know nothing about the course of operations to be pursued, but if Union City (which I have always thought to be a strong strategic point) is to be occupied, the most feasible means of supplying our troops there at this period of the year is from here by rail to the State line. Place good engines and wood cars on our road, repair the road as we go, and guard the whole line with a strong force. The distance from the end of the railway to the Columbus road is but 8 miles to be marched, or we can march the 35 miles to Union City from the terminus of the road. I speak of this on account of the extreme difficulty of sending wagon trains for a large force at this period of the year.

I send herewith a rather meager infantry of the march.

* * * *

C. F. SMITH, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.


Paducah, Ky., January 28, 1862.

SIR: I transmit herewith an itinerary of the recent march of this command, which ought to have accompanied my report of yesterday. I spoke of the march from Fulton-the terminus of the railway from this place to the State line-to Union City as 35 miles. It is only 11 miles. From Fulton to the Mobile and Ohio railway by the State line is 8 miles. It is the same distance from Fulton to the Nashville and Northeestern Railway.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

C. F. SMITH, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.



Journal of the march of the First and Second Brigades of the United States forces from Paducah, Ky., to Callaway, on the Tennessee River, and back.

* * * *

January 21.-Road towards Callaway bad; Callaway-a small place of three or four houses and one mill, not running now-has got a poor landing place. We found here the gunboat Lexington and the steamer Wilson, with forage and provision. The gunboat Lexington went up river towards Fort Henry; chased a small rebel gunboat with two 12-pounder rifled guns, but the rebel escaped; then threw twelve shells into Fort Henry. During the night, frost. Four miles north is Aurora, a small place, with a landing and ferry on the Tennessee River.

January 22.-Brig.-general commanding, C. F. Smith, Brigade Surgeon Dr. Hewitt, and Capt. John Rziha went up the river on the gunboat Lexington to reconnoiter Fort Henry. When our gunboat reached the south point of the island, next to Fort Henry, we could see two rebel steamers depart in great haste. We shelled Fort Henry, and the fort returned our fire with one shot, which must have been a 32-pounder rifled gun. The north side of the fort is a cremaillere line, mounting four 32-pounders. The three other sides are rectangular, mounting two 64 and two 24 pounders. In front cremaillere line is, I should judge, a redan commenced. South of the fort is a large camp. East of the fort is one regiment encamped. From Fort Henry to Fort Donelson, on the Cumberland River, 12 miles; connected by a good road. On the west side of the Tennessee River, opposite the fort, two hills, about 90 feet above river. Fort Henry is strongly built, and I believe well garrisoned. All around the fort abatis, from head of island to the fort, two miles and a half.

* * * *

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

JOHN RZIHA, Capt., Nineteenth Infantry, U. S. Army.

No. 2.

Reports of Brig. Gen. Lloyd Tilghman, C. S. Army.

FORT DONELSON, January 18, 1862--8 a.m.

All quiet this morning; 2,000 infantry and 200 cavalry have landed at Eggner's Ferry and encamped 6 miles out on road to Murray. Have 15 wagons. Their object, I think, is our railroad at Paris.

Gunboats below us have retired again, with transports. All quiet at Dover.


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 7, pp. 73-74

        15, Skirmish at Union

Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.

        15, Confederate depredations in Maury County

….I came home [by way of the] Pulasky [sic] turnpike & passing thru [sic] my woods lott [sic] I find the southern soldiers had burned up my fence from my corner next [to] Rankin to my gate & all got all our hickory cut….very much distroyed [sic] I felt distressed to see it. (It must be borne.)

Diary of Nimrod Porter, January 15, 1863.

        15, A female victim of Federal depredations petitions Military Governor Andrew Johnson for aid

Fountain Head

Jan 15/63

Gov Johnson

Dr Sir – please find inclosed the bill of damage[5] sustained by me (Mary Clendining) and I hope you will have the case investigated immediately for my situation is an awful one[.] Col Case gave orders to all my neighbors not to help me, consequently I am turned out of doors with eight helpless children and not a neighbor darted to turn a hand for me so you can well imagine my situation and for God's sake act immediately and let me know my fate[.] My neighbors are willing to do what they can in my case when they are permitted.

Yours truly Mary Clendining

Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 119.

        15, A Kentucky woman asks Military Governor Andrew Johnson for assistance in finding some of her slaves living in Nashville

Scottville Ky January 15 [1863]

Governor Johnson

Sir I have taken the liberty to write you a few lines in regard to my slaves that are running at large about Nashville; as a gentleman of our Town was on his way to the senate I got him to see General Boyle, for e, and he says you are the gentleman to attend to that and you ought to do it, and as I a as loyal a Lady as there is, and as strong for the constitution and union as any body in the state of Kentucky I think you ought to take measures to return my slaves to me. I never have uttered disloyal sentiments in my life, although I have two sons in the rebel [sic] army, they were persuaded by others not by their Parents[.] nothing left undone on our parts to prevent their going, there are seven there and if you will be so kind as to send them to me or put them where I can get them, I will give you their [sic] names, to wit Gerry, Ben Julia, Marie Bettie and two children all of which have been gone a year, I called to see you before I left Nashville and you did not give me any satisfaction and now I remind you of it again[.] The reason that I am attending to this business myself is that my husband is in such bad health he is not able to do, [sic] it now [.] if you please attend to this and I will reward you in some way, yours with respect,

Fanny Drane

Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 120.

        15, Newspaper report relative to R. V. Richardson's Partisan Rangers' Christmas Day raid on Memphis[6]

From the Chattanooga Rebel 14th

The Situation

On all hands the military situation in the South West, seems to be confined to cavalry practice, partisan raids, and far off skirmishes….

~ ~ ~

Col. Richardson, with his regiment of Partizan Rangers, dashed into Memphis on the 25th ult.[7], pulled down the Lincoln flag, and placed the Confederate flag in its stead-drove out three hundred head of cattle-captured several prisoners and protected the streets so as to enable the citizens to take out an immense quantity of salt and other articles.

The Lincoln forces (which amounted to about two regiments) immediately ran to their fortifications, leaving the heart of the city entirely unprotected, enabling out little squad to do as they pleased.

~ ~ ~

Macon Daily Telegraph, January 15, 1863.

        ca. January 15, 1863, Skirmish in Scott County near the New River settlement: the battle for the bacon[8]


From the Richmond Enquirer, Jan. 20 [1863]

Capt. Thomas Butler has been the hero of quite a gallant little achievement, on the edge of Scott County, Tenn. It appeared that at the New River settlement there had recently been stationed two companies of Federal soldiers, under command of Capt. Noah Doherty, a Tennessee renegade from Anderson County. Capt. Butler, on learning of their presence, at the head of thirty men, started in search of them. On reaching the spot where they varmints [sic] were encamped, Capt. B. demanded the surrender of the whole party, which was responded to by a volley from ten or fifteen muskets. One ball grazed the Captain's lip, and trimmed his moustache in the; most approved style of the tonsorial art. A brisk skirmish ensued, in which six of the Abolitionists were killed, a number wounded and several captured. The remainder took to the woods.

The fruits of this little skirmish were the capture of some fifteen or twenty horses, a like number of Belgian rifles, two or three thousand pounds of bacon, and a like amount of flour, besides the capture of a Captain and eight or ten men.

New York Times, January 25, 1863.

15-19, Correspondence relative to charges and countercharges of inhumanity and violations of flags of truce

HDQRS. MORGAN'S DIVISION, McMinnville, January 15, 1863.

Col. G. W. BRENT, Asst. Adjt. Gen. and Chief of Staff, Army of Tennessee.

SIR: I forward you for the consideration of the general commanding the inclosed communication from Capt. Thurston, additional aide-de-camp to Maj.-Gen. Rosecrans, to Lieut. F. Brady, an officer of my command now in confinement within the Federal lines, and beg leave to make the following statements in regard to the matter:

1. On the morning of the 10th instant two ladies came to my headquarters at Smithville and stated that they had received information that a brother of one of the ladies was lying mortally wounded at Murfreesborough. They desired to gain access to him as speedily as possible. In order to effect this it was decided to send them under a flag of truce to the Federal lines and an order was issued to Capt. Quirk, commanding a company stationed at Liberty, to furnish them with a suitable escort. This escort is now held in confinement by Maj.-Gen. Rosecrans.

2. The road pursued by the escort was the public turnpike road between Liberty and Murfreesborough.

3. I was not aware of the agreement entered into between Gen. Bragg and Maj.-Gen. Rosecrans, spoken of in Capt. Thruston's communication, and we have never been informed either officially or privately of any such agreement.

I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

JON. H. MORGAN, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. II, Vol. 5, p. 813.


HDQRS. ARMY OF TENNESSEE, Tullahoma, Tenn., January 17, 1863.

Maj. Gen. W. S. ROSECRANS, Cmdg. U. S. Forces, Murfreesborough, Tenn.

GEN.: I inclose a copy of a letter[9] from Brig. Gen. John H. Morgan in reference to the letter of Capt. Thruston which has been forwarded for my consideration and reply.

It is only necessary for me to protest with all solemnity against your action in the matter as unsustained by any article of war or usage of civilization and as not comprehended in the letter or spirit of my communication with you on the subject. A flag of truce is always entitled to respect, and whenever its bearers are treated as spies it can only be done by the abnegation of all intercourse. In coming to an outpost it may be received or refused, but the bearer cannot be charged with being a spy as until voluntarily within your lines he is not within the limits which define him as such, the definition of a spy being one who is found lurking in or about the camps or fortifications of an enemy. The accused were not in your lines until forcibly carried there by you nor did they propose to enter them.

The proposition by which I limited myself to a particular road while you were in Nashville if strictly constructed now that you are in Murfreesborough would render the bearer of the flag which covers this equally liable to the treatment and charge preferred against the parties whom you hold. The omission to Gen. Morgan of the arrangement is explained by the fact that his is of the nature of an independent commanding, constantly detached and necessarily requiring to be exempted from the operation of such a regulation. Since the communication between us referred to both he and Gen. Forrest have sent and received flags to which no objection has been raised. He respected your "white flag" at Hartsville and spared the lives of your prisoners. More recently in his Kentucky expedition on several occasions he sent flags which were respected although not covering communications from me and against which I have received no remonstrance.

To these expressions of my views upon the injustice and inhumanity of the position you have assumed in the premises I must add that I deem your action unworthy of one occupying your high official position. These unfortunate men are in your power and it is left entirely to your decision whether they shall be the victims of your threats if it will gratify your vindictiveness to sacrifice them without the shadow of cause or if you regard it necessary in order to protect the flag from abuse. Be your own judge, but I shall regret the unpleasant duty which such a course will necessitate on my part.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


OR, Ser. II, Vol. 5, pp. 184-185.


HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Murfreesborough, January 18, 1863.


GEN.: It is with regret that I find myself compelled by a sense of duty to humanity to decline communicate with Gen. Bragg by flag of truce until redress has been made for a violation of the rights of a flag of truce committed by a party of Confederate cavalry on the Murfreesborough pike between La Vergne and Nashville.

The nature of this outrage is explained and the facts set forth in a copy of my letter to Gen. Bragg herewith inclosed[10] marked A, to which I will add that the mother of Lieut.-Col. Hawkins, who applied to go home assured me that her son persistently stated the facts as they are represented, the same trick of going behind a flag of truce and capturing three pickets having been practiced upon us a day or two before, Gen. Bragg having acknowledged it to be wrong and promised to repair it. I confidently expected such apology and reparation of the second outrage, instead of which Gen. Bragg wrote a letter justifying it on the ground of the ignorance of the scouting party of the post that the flag was there and also on the ground that his flag was unlawfully detained, both of which allegations were false, the truth being as will appear in the papers herewith inclosed[11] marked B, C, D and E. And as I must officially regard Gen. Bragg as the responsible author of the statement which he indorsed it is obviously inconsistent with military safety as well as with self-respect to continue an official intercourse with him.

I regret also to state it has been the habit of subordinate officers under your command to degrade flags of truce by sending them on side roads and to remote points on our lines accredited in no proper manner and obviously for the purpose of spying. This is the purpose of spying. This is the common practice of Gen. Morgan. This abuse I appeal to you to stop, as I shall treat every flag that comes in such a way as unlawful and its bearers as spies or as prisoners of war, as the evidence against them may indicate.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

W. S. ROSECRANS, Maj.-Gen., Cmdg.

HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Murfreesborough, January 18, 1863.

Gen. BRAXTON BRAGG, Cmdg., &c.

GEN.: Maj.-Gen. Rosecrans directs me to return your communication directed to him from Tullahoma, dated the 17th instant, in reference to the detention of the bearer of a white flag accredited by Mr. John W. Green, acting assistant adjutant-general, &c., for the following reasons:

When you are officially informed and acknowledged an outrage committed on the rights of a flag of truce on the Murfreesborough pike you returned the three captured without their overcoats and robbed of part of their equipments. When on the very next day you coolly came behind your own flag, borne by Lieut.-Col. Hawkins, and halted at our lines and captured some forty of our cavalry-men in his presence and against his protestations, you neglected promptly to repair the outrage although in principle the same as the former one, but under circumstances far more aggravating, and when your attention was subsequently called to this neglect and you were informed that such reparation would be regarded as a sine qua non to further official intercourse you replied by a communication justifying the outrage and moreover accusing the general's authorities of twenty-four hours' detention of your flag of truce, the justification being a manifest contradiction of acknowledged principles and facts, and the statement concerning the detention false, for which you made yourself responsible by saving that had fully examined the case.

The general will forward herewith the communication directed to your official superior, trusting that more enlightened and just views will be taken by him and that there may yet by preserved that respect for the sacred character of a flag of truce which the interests of humanity require. All the general asks is that a flag of truce shall not be used to cover tricks and spying but confined to its legitimate objects--needful and honorable intercourse on great public matters between opposing armies. To prevent individual hardships he directs me to suggest that due notice ought to be given that persons presenting themselves at our line with white flags but without due authority from the superior officer of your forces on any of these lines will be liable to be treated as spies for lurking about our lines and for disgracing the sacred character of a flag of truce.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

HENRY STONE, Lieut. and Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

OR, Ser. II, Vol. 5, pp. 188-189.


HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Murfreesborough, January 19, 1863.


GEN.: I addressed you a letter yesterday in reference to abuses and outrages of flags of truce and the consequent suspension of official intercourse with Gen. Bragg until reparation should be made for a very great outrage by the return of troops captured.

Sincerely desirous of conduction was according to the laws of humanity and civilization and not doubting that my feelings are responded to by yourself, who I have known through mutual friends and admirers in your earlier days, I am induced to address you at some length on two or three other matters of interest to humanity, premising that I have never practiced abuses nor allowed them to be practiced under my command.

1. The cartel requires that the prisoners captured by either party shall be delivered at Aiken's Landing or Vicksburg, or at such other points as may be agreed upon by the commanding generals of opposing armies. Gen. Bragg in violation of this and without any previous notice to me on the subject marched the Hartsville prisoners, robbed of their overcoats and without rations, from Murfreesborough to our lines, they arriving at night in order to force the acceptance of them, thereby cheating us of what is justly due by the provisions of the cartel.

2. The Confederate cavalry are in the constant habit of disembarrassing themselves of the prisoners which they capture by paroling and releasing them whenever they find them, thereby forcing us to accept a delivery at any point which suits their convenience and after a delivery made in violation of the cartel to avoid recapture, in this way attempting to gain credit for prisoners which they probably might not be able to hold and certainly have not properly delivered. By thus violating the agreement they forfeit their rights to the benefit of the capture; were it otherwise they would be permitted to claim the benefit of their own improper action.

3. No lists of these prisoners are ever furnished us. As I shall conformity thereto from the Confederate authorities no such persons can be regarded as prisoners of war, nor will credit be claimed or given for them in exchange, but when prisoners are lawfully taken, assembled, listed and paroled I shall be ready to select a convenient point at which to receive those you capture and deliver to you those whom we capture.

I have also to call your attention to the fact that at the recent battle at Murfreesborough our surgeons who fell temporarily into your hands were in several or all instances robbed of their horses and other private property and that some of them were carried off.

I also regret to state that the bodies of our wounded offices and soldiers were found stripped of their clothing--even the body of Gen. Sill was robbed of its uniform.

The acts of injustice to our surgeons and inhumanity to the dead I am sure you must condemn and in future will be able to prevent. I regret to inform you also that the officers of the regular brigade report that some regiment of your troops approached them on the field wearing our uniforms and bearing our flag.

This has been continually practiced by Gen. Morgan's men. Such conduct is unworthy of a civilized people and I trust that you will promptly put a stop to is as I shall give orders that Confederate troops meeting [us] in battle or lurking about our lines wearing our uniform or bearing our colors shall not receive quarters nor shall they be treated as prisoners of war.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

W. S. ROSECRANS, Maj.-Gen., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. II, Vol. 5, pp. 191-192.

        15, Federal courier line established, Loudon to Kingston and Chattanooga

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpts from the Itinerary of the Second Brigade, Second Cavalry Division (Army of the Cumberland), Col. Eli Long commanding, relative to events in East Tennessee from December 1-28, 1863.

December 15, a line of couriers was established to Loudon and Kingston, and communication opened with Chattanooga in same manner.

* * * *

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 435.

        15, Skirmish near Livingston

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from the Report of Col. John M. Hughs, Twenty-fifth Tennessee Infantry (Confederate), relative to the skirmish near Livingston, Tenn., December 15, 1863.

DALTON, Ga., April 28, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor herewith to submit the following report of my operations in Middle Tennessee.

* * * *

On the 15th December, near Livingston, Tennessee, I attacked, with a portion of my command, numbering less than 100, a detachment of the Thirteenth Kentucky Mounted Infantry [Cavalry], numbering 250 men, under Maj. Hurt, and succeeded in whipping and driving them out of the State, a distance of 18 miles, killing and wounding several and capturing 6. My loss, 2 wounded.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 575.

        15, Skirmish at Bean's Station [see December 14, 1863, Engagement Bean's Station above]

        15, Affair near Pulaski

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from the Report of Major-General George H. Thomas, dated January 15, 1864, covering activities from December 1 to 31, 1863, relative to the affair near Pulaski, December 15, 1863.

* * * *

December 15, a small party of rebels, under Maj. Joe Fontaine, Roddey's adjutant, was captured by Gen. Dodge near Pulaski. They had been on a reconnaissance along the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad and the Nashville and Decatur Railroad. Measures were immediately taken to guard against an attack on either railroad.

* * * *

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. II, p. 125.


PULASKI, Tennessee, December 15, 1863.

Maj. Gen. U. S. GRANT, Chattanooga:

I captured a party of rebels to-day under command of Maj. Jo. Fontaine, Gen. Roddey's adjutant. They have been on a reconnaissance along line of Chattanooga and Nashville Railroad, and along line of this. They tapped the telegraph and took off a number of dispatches, and I guess got pretty well posted. Their orders were to examine thoroughly the railroad between Columbia and Nashville, and also to endeavor to capture a train loaded with prisoners from Chattanooga. They are evidently posted on weakness of force between Columbia and Nashville, and no doubt will endeavor to burn those bridges. I have a man in from Montgomery, Ala., eight days on road. All troops in Alabama picking up conscripts are ordered to Hardee. All men between sixteen and sixty are called out to replace them. Two brigades last of November went through to Bragg. This is all the force that so far has gone up. The boys met large numbers of deserters left since last fight.

G. M. DODGE, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 412.

CHATTANOOGA, December 15, 1863--11.30 p. m.

Maj.-Gen. SLOCUM:

Gen. Dodge captured a party of rebels to-day who have been reconnoitering the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad and were then reconnoitering the Nashville and Decatur Railroad. Caution your troops to keep a bright lookout for such characters. They have tapped the telegraph and taken off messages.

WM. D. WHIPPLE, Chief of Staff.

NASHVILLE, December 15, 1863.

Maj. Gen. U. S. GRANT:

The condition of affairs on the railroad from here to Bridgeport seems to me to demand an immediate and thorough inspection and I respectfully recommend that orders be given to Brig.-Gen. Dodge to make such an examination at once, and report to you the condition of the road, the energy with which repairs are pushed forward, and the urgency of repairs, as well as the administration of the road generally having in view the speed of trains, the frequent and unnecessary delays, the condition and police of the cars, and the matter of fares collected and accounted for. Very many cars have been run off the track and upset, and no attempt to have been made to get them back into service, and I think everything and everybody connected with the road need overhauling.

WM. F. SMITH, Chief Engineer, Military Division.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 414.

        15, Federal Medical Report relative to the Battle of Chattanooga

Report of Surg. Alonzo J. Phelps, U. S. Army, Medical Director.

HDQRS. 4TH ARMY CORPS, MEDICAL DIRECTOR'S OFFICE, Chattanooga, Tennessee, December 15, 1863.

SIR: I have the honor to make the following report of the operations of the medical department of this corps at the battle of Chattanooga:

About one week before the battle we had intimations, not official, but from a reliable source, that a battle would soon take place for the repossession of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge. Accordingly I began to prepare for wounded men by emptying the division hospitals of the milder cases of sickness, and fitted up such other buildings as were placed at my disposal, including the U. S. Gen. Hospital, under charge of Surgeon Salter, U. S. Volunteers.

By the time the battle came off I had good shelter for 1,200 men and beds for 650.

Having very few tents, I had to depend mainly upon buildings for shelter. The most of the regimental hospital tents were captured at Chickamauga, and had not yet been replaced.

The medical officers of each division were assigned to specific duty, and all was in readiness, so far as our limited means would permit, for the fight that opened on the 23d day of November.

The battle was opened by a reconnaissance in force, made by Gen. Wood's [Third] division. It was made at 1 p. m. in the direction of Missionary Ridge. The result of this movement was a brisk fight of half an hour, and the occupation of a low range of hills, a mile distant from our lines. In this affair Wood's division lost about 125 men in killed and wounded.

The wounded were promptly removed to the hospitals in town. Having driven the enemy from this important position, our forces were ordered to halt and make themselves secure.

On Tuesday, the 24th, there was no movement of importance from our front; but about noon Gen. Hooker, upon the right, made the attack upon Lookout Mountain. Among the troops with which he made the attack were the Second and Third Brigades of the First Division of this corps, and, although they were in front of the attacking forces, their loss in killed and wounded scarcely exceeded 100. The wounded were removed with difficulty over bad roads to Kelley's Landing.

On Wednesday, the 25th November, Gen. Sherman, on our left attacked the enemy, and fought until past midday. At about half past 3 o'clock in the afternoon the divisions of Wood and Sheridan, of this corps, were ordered to assault the rifle-pits of the enemy at the base of the ridge, which was distant about three-fourths of a mile. They moved forward steadily, carried the rifle-pits, and halted not until they had stormed and taken possession of the heights beyond. Here, in less than an hour, these two divisions lost over 2,100 men in killed and wounded.

The range was short, and the fire consisted both of musketry and artillery. Not less than forty cannon poured an enfilading fire of grape and spherical case upon the troops as they ascended the ridge, and as they neared the top they were greeted with hand grenades, extemporized by igniting shells with short time-fuses, and rolling them down upon our lines.

Some bayonet wounds were received upon the crest of the ridge; a large proportion of the wounds were severe.

The wounded were promptly removed from the field, so that by 2 o'clock at night it was reported to me that all the hurt were gathered under shelter. The slightest wounded were permitted to go to their regimental quarters.

The operating surgeons, with their assistants, were distributed equally around, and attention was given first to primary amputations. Amputations was recommended in all cases where the articular extremities of the knee-joint were involved by direct impingement of the ball, or by a fracture extending from the bony structure above or below. Fractures of the thigh, as a general principle, were not amputated.

A few days after the battle, the Second and Third Divisions of corps were ordered to Knoxville, Tennessee, where they are now engaged as a reserve for Gen. Burnside's forces.

I wish to speak of the efficient aid that I received from Surg. Francis Salter, U. S. Volunteers, in charge of U. S. Gen. Hospital No. 4.

I wish also to recommend to your favor Surg. W. W. Blair, Fifty-eighth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, division surgeon, Third Division; Surg. D. J. Griffiths, Second Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, division surgeon, Second Division; Surg. A. M. McMahon, Sixty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; Surg. E. B. Glick, Fortieth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and Surg. Francis W. Lytle, Thirty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry.

The following is a summary of the killed and wounded, the nominal lists of which accompany this report:

Command.                     Officers.                 Enlisted men.

                              K    W            K     W            ….A

First Division.....     1     5              18     ..80     …….       104

Second Division....  12   105          123..1,046                  1,286

Third Division.....    14     59           136    792                  1,001

Total...........           27   169            277.1,918                 2,391

K=Killed. W=Wounded. A=Aggregate.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

A. J. PHELPS, Surg., U. S. Volunteers, Medical Director, Fourth Army Corps.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. II, pp. 139-141.

        15, U. S. C. T. recruiting difficulties in Middle Tennessee

COLUMBIA, December 15, 1863.

Maj. Gen. G. H. THOMAS, Cmdg. Army of the Cumberland:

Permit me to make the following report: I started out last Friday, 11th instant, from Calliak's with 100 mounted men of the Eighteenth Missouri, Col. Miller's regiment, under order of Gen. Dodge, commanding Left Wing of Sixteenth Army Corps, to press able-bodied negroes [sic], horses, and mules, leaving one team to each family, the horses and mules to be turned over to Col. Miller, the negroes [sic] to be put in my regiment now forming at this place, and upon arriving here to-day after a five days' hard scout, Col. Mizner, commanding the post, without, any knowledge or consent of me, released 13 negroes [sic] and sent them back to their owners.

I ask, for information, what is to be done in this case?

THOS. J. DOWNEY, Col. Fifteenth U. S. Colored Troops.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 414-415.

        15, Situation report for Calhoun, Cleveland to Chattanooga line

HDQRS. SECOND BRIGADE, SECOND DIVISION CAVALRY, Near Calhoun, Tennessee, December 15, 1863.

ASSISTANT ADJUTANT-GEN., Division of the Mississippi, Chattanooga:

SIR: I have to report arrival with my command at Calhoun this p. m., receiving upon arrival orders from Maj.-Gen. Sherman to take post on the Hiwassee River, guarding the river and the railroad bridge which connects Calhoun with Charleston.

The Fifth Ohio Cavalry is attached temporarily to my brigade, and Capt. Howland's battalion, Third U. S. Cavalry, detached from it.

My orders require that I shall open by courier communication with Maj.-Gen. Grant at Chattanooga and with Brig.-Gen. Elliott, commanding First Cavalry Division, at Kingston or Loudon.

In accordance with these directions I have established with one regiment a courier-line from Calhoun to Loudon, and thence to Kingston, the officer stationed at the east end of this line to report to Gen. Elliott.

With a second regiment I have formed a line from Calhoun to Chattanooga via Cleveland and Harrison.

A third regiment is stationed at Columbus, on the Hiwassee River, to guard the crossing at that point and the fords above the town.

A fourth regiment, stationed immediately at Calhoun, guards the town and the bridge over the Hiwassee connecting with Charleston. My headquarters I have made on the Hiwassee, above and near the town of Calhoun, and have three regiments of the command encamped immediately about me.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

ELI LONG, Col., Comdg. Second Brigade, Second Cavalry Division.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 416-417.

        15, Skirmish near Kingston and capture of Confederates

HDQRS., Kingston, December 15, 1863.

Maj.-Gen. FOSTER:

Company E of my old regiment that is now down at White's Creek informs me that a body of about 40 rebels made an attempt to cross the river near where they are stationed. They fired into the rebels and took about 14 of them prisoners. About 12 of them succeeded in crossing to the south bank of the Tennessee. They were armed with Colt revolvers and axes. The prisoners say that John Morgan was among those that crossed the river and made their escape.


R. K. BYRD, Col., Cmdg. Post.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 418-419.

        15, Federal operations report for southern Middle Tennessee


Pulaski, Tennessee, December 15, 1863.

Maj. Gen. W. T. SHERMAN,

Comdg. Army of the Tennessee, Chattanooga:

By dispatch from Gen. Grant I learn you are expected at Chattanooga in a few days. I, therefore, report the operations of my command since you left.

We have nearly completed road from Duck River to Elk Mount, putting in some very large structures. I have fortified most of the important points. The command north of Duck River, not commencing repairs of that part of road as expected by you, under orders of Maj.-Gen. Grant, I have put heavy force of mechanics and laborers on that part of the work, and will soon have five large bridges finished north of Duck River, and I trust Duck River bridge will be finished by the 1st of the month. I am now moving my working parties south of Elk River, and with the exception of one bridge will complete that work in first week of January, 1864. The bridge spoken of is 700 feet long and 72 feet high, a sub-trestle, and is a very heavy job. I will put upon it all the workmen I can. Everything appertaining to the road, its running department, &c., was destroyed. I am replacing everything, water-tanks and switches, and have also large working parties getting out wood.

So far as meat, bread, and forage is concerned, I have lived entirely off the country. I have had to haul my small rations from Nashville, the demand toward Chattanooga preventing the supply of cars to me. I have mounted four regiments of infantry from stock taken in this country. I have refitted my trains and artillery and am now in fine condition. The mounted infantry have been employed watching the Tennessee River and the country toward Eastport, and have captured in several skirmishes some 300 prisoners, including 21 officers. The work upon the railroad has been immense, and the running of mills, guarding trains, &c., have kept the command very busy and very healthy.

I have examined this railroad its entire length, and the Memphis and Chattanooga Railroad, from its junction with this, opposite Decatur, to Huntsville. The bridges on that road are entirely destroyed but can be soon replaced. If the command is to hold this country as a protection to its most southerly point, Decatur should be held by our forces. This would also give us a fine point to operate from with our cavalry and mounted infantry. The enemy now have a considerable force there fortified with one full battery, and use it as a point to cross to annoy us. Over Elk and Duck Rivers I have constructed pontoon bridges which will soon be ready for use.

I desire to call your attention to the fact that there are now two separate commands of the Sixteenth Army Corps, using the same designation. At Corinth Gen. Stevenson commands Left Wing, Sixteenth Army Corps, and the troops there are known as the "Second Division, Sixteenth Army Corps." This is the original command of that name, both wing and division. The same designation by two commands is already causing trouble, delay, and the forwarding wrongly of papers, orders, mails, &c. The garrison at Eastport has reported to me until it was moved to Corinth. The One hundred and twenty-second Illinois Infantry, belonging to the Second Division, is very anxious to join the command, and I trust will be allowed to do so.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

G. M. DODGE, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 413-414.

15, Guerrilla attack near Shelbyville

Blood and Fire, p. 44.

        15, Report on the burial of dead during the battle of Knoxville


A Truce-Burial of the Dead.

And now, how sudden the transformation of man from fiend to angel! The agonizing cries of the wounded and dying called ours the better feelings of humanity, and, and on the very spot where an hour before the combatants were struggling in deadly strife, they now commingled in the offices of charity. The wounded in the trenches were first relieved by Captain Swinscox and Lieu tent Benjamin, who went to their immediate assistance with canteens of water and liquor. The trench presented a ghastly sight, with the mangled bodies and pools of blood, while the field beyond was strewn with the same terrible objects.

Colonels Howen and Babcock, of General Potter's Staff, soon after made their appearance with a formal flag of truce, and passed out upon the Kingston or Loudon road, until halted by the enemy's skirmish line. They were met, after a brief delay by Colonel Serrell, of General Longstreet's Staff, when a cessation of hostilities was agreed upon to last until five P. M., to permit the return of the dead who were lying along our lines, and the exchange of the wounded.

The ambulances from both sides now met on the Rebel line, where they were buried by their late comrades. The officers commingled, from generals down to lieutenants, and so also did the soldiers until their officers ordered them back to their respective places. Nearly a hundred of the Rebel wounded had been carried into the city and cared for at the hospital of the Ninth Corps. By direction of Dr. Wilder, our ambulances with some of those of the Rebels, driven by Union soldiers, went back into the city, obtains such of the wounded as were not beheld as prisoners of war, and delivered them on the dividing line, when our ambulances, drivers being exchanged in turn, went within the Rebel lines and obtained our wounded. So much delay ensued in doing all this that the truce was extended beyond seven o'clock, the opposing officers still remaining together, chatting in the most agreeable manner upon every topic which suggested itself. Finally the last wounded Union soldier was obtained, the last ambulance returned within our works the officers of the contending armies who had mutually found and greeted many old friends and classmates, shook hands and with the utmost cordiality and parted. In a few minutes the firing of the muskets indicated the resumption of hostilities.

Philadelphia Inquirer, December 15, 1863.

        15, Guerrilla attack on President's Island, Memphis

[A] gang of guerrillas landed on the south end of President's Island, and passing the residence of a white man, stopped before the cabin of a negro [sic] and called upon him to open the door. To the question from the inmate 'Who's dar?' they replied that they were friends, and speaking softly requested him to make no noise, but open the door at once. Looking through the window, the negro [sic] was able to see that by the general contour of the nocturnal visitors, that they did not belong to the island, and the truth flashing upon him at once he discharged a musket among them. One of the group fell. The other picked him up and made...strides toward the river.

Memphis Bulletin, January 17, 1865.

        15, Notification of the death of Confederate soldier Peter L. Critz at the battle of Franklin

Tupelo Station, Miss.

January 15, 1865

Mr. A. Critz-Sir:

It is with much regret that I seat myself this afternoon to announce to you the death of your son, Peter L. Critz. He was killed at Franklin, Tennessee, while charging the enemy's works. We had taken one line of works and were fighting with bayonets the second line, and Peter was on top of the works when he was shot. He had in his pocket a very fine pipe with his name engraved on it which he said he was saving for his Father. He was shot through the pipe, through the heart, and through the neck, and never did a more gallant officer fall by the ruthless hand of the invader.

Peter was in command of our company when killed. We lost all of our company there except myself and James Reynolds. Reynolds lost his right arm, and I was wounded in the left leg with two balls. I am now almost well. We all feel at a loss without Peter. We had elected him Captain of our company. He has left a great many warm friends in the regiment to mourn (his) loss. None of his things were saved on account of none of his company being there to see it. One of the infirmary corps told me that he buried Peter and Mrs. Koemegay's son together and that they were buried decently. We lost a great many good men there. Our brigade now numbers only one hundred and fifteen men. We went into the fight with five hundred men.

I would have written sooner, but this is the first opportunity I have had of getting a letter off. I will close now.

Yours most respectfully,

R. G. Phillips, Co. B 24th Mississippi Regt. [sic] Brantley's Brigade

Peter L. Critz Correspondence.[12]

        ca. 15 – May 23, Activities of the Third Tennessee Cavalry.

We remained at Edgefield near a month, having but little to do. During this time a snow fell to the depth of several inches. This was a source of fuel for some of the boys, while others rejoiced when it was gone. On one occasion the snow-balling was lively, some twenty on a side formed just above the camps and with their leaders began a skirmish. James McColly of Co. "A," was a leader on one side. The boys on the other took their position and were holding it, leaving McColly to make the attack. He advanced cautiously awhile, then commanded a charge and raising a yell his men followed him. McColly was foremost and charging rapidly when a huge snow ball from the side of the assaulted party struck him in the face, covering his eye. It knocked him down, and his body was scarcely on the ground until some of his comrades, desiring to carry out the appearance of a battle, picked him up and carried him off as one of their wounded. He was pretty badly hurt.

Down in the camps another scene was being enacted. Lieutenant Oliver Henry was an old man, but very strong. Generally he was a lover of fun, but this sport required too much action for one of his age. Some of the younger men were picking at him, and occasionally would hit with a ball to hear his remarks and watch his actions. Lieutenant James M. Wade threw a ball or two at him, then dodged behind a tree, which was on a line with the tent occupied by Capt. E. Goddard. Lieut. Henry watched his opportunity and made a ball as hard as he could press it, then filled it with water and pressing it hard, it was like a ball of ice, hard and heavy as a rock. He then watched his opportunity and threw at Wade with great force. Wade dodge behind the tree and the ball struck Captain Goddard's tent, our right through the canvass like a gunshot and struck a bottle of ink that was sitting on the desk where Goddard was writing, burst the bottle to atoms and splattered the ink over everything around it.

On the 20th of February, 1865, we moved to Pulaski, Tennessee, where we were assigned to duty as provost guard. We were rejoiced to find Captain W. F. Beach here with his battery. His command seemed to be part of our own, because we were so long brigade together. Our camps were situated in a little flat section of ground west of the town, and were kept in excellent condition. The boys behaved well so we had no guarding or other duty to perform except the police duties of the town.

An amusing little incident occurred here which will not be out of place. We had strict orders forbidding firing guns or pistol in camps, and the orders were very well kept; yet when anything out of the kind did occur, the officers looked after it themselves. One day everything was perfectly quiet, when suddenly, a very loud report was made along down in some of the tents. I chanced to be at leisure, so I ran down to catch the offender. Finding the tent with the door flaps down, but not tied, I opened it, and there sat a single occupant, pale and trembling, holding a little brass apparatus in his fingers. I spoke rather authoritatively, demanding, "who fired a pistol there?" His voice trembling, he replied, "nobody!" Then holding up the brass artillery match, for such it was, he replied: "I found this thing, and did not know what it was, so I stuck it to the fire and that d____d thing went off!" His punishment was severe enough. I was forced to laugh in his face, and went off, allowing him to study out the principles of combustible materials alone.

On the 4th of April the news of the fall of Richmond reached us. It was a glad day, a day of rejoicing. On the 7th news came that Sheridan had fallen on Lee's retreating columns and captured thousands of prisoners, among whom were a number of general officers and a quantity of artillery.

It was a time of good feeling. The confederacy [sic] was tottering and falling as rapidly as it had risen. Some us who had been driven from our homes [in East Tennessee] began to feel that we would soon be home again. Drooping spirits revived and it was indeed a happy time. The good news continued to come in until on Sunday, the 16th of April, rejoicing was turned to mourning, gladness to sorrow, and laugher to weeping. The sad news of the assassination of good president came to us. On Monday the day was observed with great solemnity. The stores, salons and other places of business were closed, camps were still, everybody mourned. At sunrise one of Capt. Beach's guns was fired, and every half-hour through the day a gun was fired until sunset. It was a sad, a sorrowful day.

After this we had been relieved from provost duty by an infantry regiment of twelve months' men, and our camps were moved to the top of high ridge east of the town. On the 27th of April news came to me that the Sultana had blown up on the Mississippi river with our prisoner comrades on board, and many of them were lost. This brought bitter sorrow into the camps of the Third. Some of us slept none that night, it appeared as if death was eagerly praying upon those dearest to us while the skeleton of a confederacy was tottering and falling to pieces. First, the president whom we had learned to love and almost idolize, was cruelly assassinated. Next, our own comrades, while returning from prison and dreaming of home and loved ones were buried beneath the turbid waters of the Mississippi.

* * * *

On the 23d of May our camps were again moved two miles below Pulaski, on the west bank of Richland creek.

Dr. Souers and the writer had had a hard time in money matters. We received no pay for over a year, and, consequently, were very short again, while our brother officers, who had been captured, were not well off enough to lend to us. The boys found that Richland creek was full of fine cod-fish [sic] and a number of bark baskets were made to catch them. We had one made, and by this device kept up a supply of meat for some time. Next, the boys found a number of peals in the mussel shells which abounded in the creek, and sold them at a good price. The two officers who had been so long without pay, concluded that there was a chance for them in the pearl business; so with a wooden musket and two hatchets, they went along the banks to where they were not likely to be discovered, waded into the creek and soon gathered about a half bushel of mussel shells, then taking them to a stump, sat down and cracked them open. Not a pearl was to be found! Disappointed and disgusted, they returned to camp with boasting, and saying but little about the pearl business.

Knoxville Daily Chronicle, February 24, 1880.


[1] It seems curious the newspaper article would mention there was no rivalry between Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Polk. Why mention it if it weren't so? Likewise, consolidating the two organizations would have been more efficient.

[2] Felix Grundy, 1777-1840.

Felix Grundy, congressman, U.S. senator, and Democratic leader, was born in Virginia but first rose to prominence in Kentucky politics. After his admission to that state's bar at age twenty, Grundy was elected to a state constitutional convention in 1799 and served in the legislature from 1800 to 1805. In 1806 Grundy was elevated to a seat on the Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals; soon afterward, at age twenty-nine, he became the state's chief justice. Dissatisfied with judicial work and its meager salary, he resigned the position after only a few months. In late 1807 Grundy moved to Nashville, where he quickly established himself as one of the West's most effective criminal lawyers.

Despite the success of his law practice, politics eventually lured Grundy back into the public arena. From 1811 through 1814 Grundy served in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he ardently advocated and supported the war against Great Britain. Five years after his resignation from the House, Grundy was elected to the first of three terms in the Tennessee General Assembly as a champion of public relief for those suffering from the financial Panic of 1819. As a legislator, Grundy introduced the bills that stayed the execution of debts and created the state-owned Bank of Tennessee. After serving on a commission to settle Tennessee's boundary with Kentucky, Grundy returned to the legislature to play an influential role in modifying Governor William Carroll's plan to compel Tennessee's banks to resume specie payments. In 1827 Grundy sought to return to Congress, but John Bell defeated him. Nevertheless, in 1829, the assembly elected Grundy to the U.S. Senate to fill the seat vacated by John Eaton's appointment to President Andrew Jackson's cabinet.

Although he and Jackson were never on intimate terms, Grundy quickly emerged as one of the president's principal defenders in the Senate. His states' rights sympathies and his friendship with John C. Calhoun initially led him to support Calhoun's theory of nullification, but he remained loyal to the president when he learned of Jackson's condemnation of the doctrine. Grundy strongly defended Jackson's "war" against the Bank of the United States, and by 1834 he was widely recognized, with James K. Polk, as a leader of Tennessee's Democratic Party. Grundy's prominence made him a particular target for the rival Whig Party. A Whig majority in the legislature in 1838 attempted to force Grundy's resignation, first by electing Ephraim H. Foster as his successor before the expiration of his term, and then by instructing him to oppose President Martin Van Buren's proposal to create an Independent Treasury System. Although Grundy at first refused to resign, he left the Senate later that year, when Van Buren appointed him to the cabinet as attorney general.

Grundy faithfully served Van Buren in the cabinet, primarily as a political advisor, but he anxiously returned to the Senate in December 1839 after a newly elected Democratic legislature forced Foster's resignation. Over the summer of 1840, he traversed East Tennessee speaking in favor of Van Buren's reelection. This tour severely strained his health, however, and he died in Nashville in December 1840.

Jonathan M. Atkins, Berry College. 

[3] As cited in PQCW.

[4] Because the Fall of Fort Donelson falls into the category of a major campaign it will not be annotated here. There are books and accounts enough to reference should the reader wish to know more. The reader may also wish to seek out the OR, Ser. I, Vols. 7 and 52, Ser. III, Vol. 1, Ser. IV, Vols. 1-2 and the Atlas for primary source material for this campaign. Nevertheless, the importance of the Fort Donelson campaign requires some description.

[5] According to the editors of the Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 119, fn2: "This included an eighteen by twenty-two foot frame dwelling house $500; a sixteen by eighteen-foot log kitchen, $250; a twelve by fourteen-foot smokehouse; $75; three feather beds and clothing, $40; one bedstead, $5.00; one looking glass, $2.50; books, $10; and $500 pounds of bacon, $40; a total of $77.50." As cited from the Library of Congress Johnson Papers.

[6] There is no reference to this event in the OR nor do Memphis newspapers indicate that such a raid took place in Memphis, or elsewhere in West Tennessee.

[7] December 25, 1862.

[8] Because this event is listed neither in the OR nor Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee it is identified as a skirmish.

[9] Not found.

[10] Not found.

[11] Not found.

[12] As cited in:

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

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