Sunday, January 25, 2015

1.24.2015 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        24, "Letter from Dover. The Flag Presentation." [see January 8, 1862, "An excursion and flag presentation at Fort Donelson" above]

Dover, January 10, 1862

Mr. Chronicle:-

Thinking that probably your readers have never heard the particulars of the entertainment at Fort Donelson, on the 8th inst., I have taken upon myself the liberty of picking up the "scraps" and telling them.

At about 11 o'clock A.M., your homely [sic] servant reached the camp, where a neat little platform had been constructed by the "gallants" of the 30th, which was covered, and surmounted by "fair women and brave men."

Yours tremendously [sic] secured a position to see and hear, but what was most attractive to sight, was the noble, commanding form of Col. Head, who, I will venture, is as brave an officer as ever bore a commission. The members of the 30th were drawn up in the form of a square around the platform, and presented quite a fine appearance. When the banner which was to be presented to them was unfurled to the breeze the soldiers fixed their eyes upon it, and prepared to look inspiring-the ladies do, bewitching; and all was beginning to go "merry as a marriage bell," when-alas! for moral grandeur-the "sweet baptismal fount from Heaven," which had commenced "sprinkling" the bright banner, [sic] became rather ungentle, in fact boisterous; a general engagement ensued, in which our forces were used rather roughly. Col. Head endeavored to rally his troops, but was compelled to "sound a retreat," which was excused in as "masterly" a manner as the "Grand Army" from Manassas. We took up the "line of march" for Gen Anderson's "headquarters."

In plain words, Col. Head informed us that, owing to the inclemency of the weather, the presentation would take place on the steamer Gen. Anderson; whither we all repaired, with all possible expedition.

We were then entertained by an eloquent, graceful, and truthful address by Miss Winchester, who presented the beautiful colors, which were received by Lieut. Nichols with suitable remarks. We were afterwards addressed by Messrs. Winchester, Bidwell, Lockhart, Turner, and "last, but not least," Maj. Chenoweth, a Kentuckian, whose remarks touched a chord in every heart, which vibrated in unison with his own. I sympathize with you noble soldier, in your exile; for I, too am a Kentuckian, and an exile from my home. How long will my exile last? Oh! how long? With such strong arms and brave hearts as yours, Maj. Chenoweth, to defend our homes, I feel that it will not be long-And although the best blood of that heart be drained, yet the memory of such an one can never die. Even the heart of the stranger (in name [sic]-not in sympathy) will the name ever remain bright.

One of our "dandies in militaire" [sic] being called upon to speak, in his eagerness to escape, precipitated himself into an open state-room. He was surveying his surroundings with evident complacency, when he discovered to his discomfiture, that he had intruded upon a lady, reclining upon her couch in undress.

I have intruded too long, but may I come again? I will be more merciful next time.

Au revoir,


Clarksville Chronicle, January 24, 1862.

        24, J. G. M. Ramsey's complaints and advice to President Jefferson Davis

KNOXVILLE, TENN., January 24, 1862.


President, &c.:

DEAR SIR: When I wrote you a few days since, amongst other things I told you of simultaneous stampedes of the Union men in the direction of Kentucky. I thought at the time that they had news from that State of which we were entirely uniformed, and forewarned our bridge officers of the necessity of increased vigilance and more guards at the exposed points on the railroads and the provision store-houses, and even suggested the removal of the stores to places of greater security. Large numbers of Tories unarmed and on foot have stealthily withdrawn from nearly all East Tennessee, and are no doubt in the enemy's service, and if the invasion of the border counties is prosecuted further these refugees will come against us; and acting as pilots through that mountain region will endanger several important points. The disaster to Zollicoffer on last Sunday you have already been informed of. The disaster of our forces engaged in that fight are returning home one by one in rapid succession, and from many of them I hear that Crittenden's whole army is perfectly demoralized and refused to serve under him, imputing to his constant inebriation the unfortunate advance of Gen. Z[ollicoffer], and against his own earnest protest. Imputations of a graver character against the loyalty of the Commanding officer are freely spoken of in the camp and believed. I hope this latter is without foundation, but the soldier believe it and assert it, and whether true or false, its effect is the same. His army is disaffected, mutinous, and will never be reorganized under him. And yet these men are brave, patriotic, and loyal, excepting always those of them late Union men and recruited from that party. These can never be trusted till they are subdued. But I fully believe if an officer could be sent here at once in whose experience, loyalty, and freedom from Union associations and sympathies they can repose implicit confidence, the army can be organized and the invasion repelled. I fully believe that this will have to be done or East Tennessee will be invaded and held, the bridges burned again, and our territorial disintegration temporarily effected. Let a competent man be sent here from beyond the influence of Tennessee politic, known to us as of unquestionable loyalty-one who is perfectly sober, who has had experience in arms, who has enterprise as well as courage-and these Tennessee troops now mortified and chagrined at the late disaster and anxious to wipe out the accidental disgrace will rally to his standard and not stop this of the Ohio. Had Zollicoffer not been ordered to make that unwise advance all would have been now right. We should first have a new commander, a stranger to our people by any antecedents and political sympathies with reconstruction, &c., who will reassure our soldiers, stimulate the efforts of our own people, and impart to them a new vitality, and the late defeat will be converted into victory. If you have not yet accepted the resignation of Pillow he will be able to restore order out of this chaos; but I do not presume to suggest for you or the Secretary of War, but I think it no presumption in my to give my opinion that the necessities of the occasion demand the transfer of Crittenden to another field. I would have also suggested Gen. Elzey, with the hope of getting, Col. Vaughn (who is under him) on our frontier. But I hear, too, that he is not sober, and besides you may not be able to weaken your Potomac line. Many of our friends will telegraph you to-day on this subject.

Yours, truly,


P. S.--I understand that Gen. Caswell, of this city, is an applicant for the position of brigadier-general. He does not equal in his claims either Col. Vaughn or Col. Cummings, both of whom have experience and capacity, and are original State's- rights men, and are entirely temperate. Floyd or Pillow I think should come here at once.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. II, pp. 256-257

        24, Skirmish at Woodbury[1]

JANUARY 24, 1863.-Skirmish at Woodbury, Tenn.

No. 1.-Col. William Grose, Thirty-sixth Indiana Infantry, commanding brigade.

No. 2.-Col. John T. Wilder, Seventeenth Indiana Infantry, commanding brigade.

No. 1.

Report of Col. William Grose, Thirty-sixth Indiana Infantry, commanding brigade.

HDQRS. THIRD BRIGADE, SECOND DIVISION, LEFT WING, Murfreesborough, Tenn., January 28, 1863.

SIR: I have the honor to report the part this brigade took in the engagement at Woodbury, this State, on the 24th instant.

According to orders, I left camp near Murfreesborough at 4 p. m. on the 23d, with the Sixth Ohio, Col. [A. C] Christopher; Twenty-third Kentucky, Maj. [T. H.] Hamrick; Eighty-fourth Illinois, Maj. [C. H.] Morton; Twenty-fourth Ohio, Capt. [A. T. M.] Cockerill, and Parsons' battery, Lieut.'s [H. C.] Cushing and [H. A.] Huntington (the Thirty-sixth Indiana absent, at Nashville, with supply train).

We marched that night to Readyville, 10 miles, and bivouacked until 5 o'clock next morning [24th], when, according to the general's order, we crossed the river there and took position on the other side, on the Woodbury pike, our skirmishers feeling their way into the woodland in front, before daylight, where the enemy was known to have been the evening before. The other forces that were to have co-operated with us not being up, we there rested until 8 o'clock, when the general arrived, and we moved forward on the pike toward Woodbury, yet 6 miles distant, where the enemy was supposed to be in force, variously estimated from 1,000 to 6,000. The Second Brigade, Col. [W. B.] Hazen, under the command of Col. [W. H.] Blake, came up and moved forward close in our rear, the Twenty-third Kentucky and Twenty-fourth Ohio, of my brigade, taking the advance, with two companies from each thrown forward as skirmishers on either side of the road.

After advancing about 3 miles, we came to the enemy's outpost, and skirmishing commenced. We advanced, however, cautiously and steadily, driving the enemy within 1 mile of the town, where we found him posted in considerable numbers behind a double stone fence, with a deep ravine in his rear, forming complete protection against our small-arms. My two front regiments, with the skirmishers, gained the crest of some high ground on the road, which off to the left raised to a high hill; the Twenty-third Kentucky on the left hand the Twenty-fourth Ohio on the right of the pike, in line, about 550 yards distant from the enemy behind the stone fences; the Sixth Ohio and the Eighty-fourth Illinois in reserve in rear. Col. Blake now came up and put in position the Forty-first Ohio and Sixth Kentucky to my left, on the high hill, driving the enemy's skirmishers there from as he advanced. At this time a general heavy firing was kept up on both sides all along the line, our men sheltered by the crest of the hill, the enemy by the stone fences, so but little injury was being sustained on either side. I then requested, and the general sent me, two pieces of Capt. [D. T.] Cockerill's battery, under command of Lieut. [N.] Osburn, who soon paid his compliments to the stone fences and those behind them, causing the enemy to retire in confusion, double-quick. We pursued to the farther side of the town. The enemy being all cavalry, could easily move out of our way. He was, perhaps, about 1,000 strong, with no artillery. My forces met no serious injury.

We found that the enemy had lost Lieut.-Col. [J. B] Hutcheson, 1 captain, and 3 men killed open the field (the former in command of the forces at the place), and heard of others being carried off killed or wounded. One we saw mortally wounded left in the town. My men having had so much desperate fighting recently with the enemy, we might well have doubted a desire to again engage him, but I am proud to say every officer and man, with energy and alacrity, moved to the discharge of his whole duty.

Capt. [William] Boden, Twenty-third Kentucky, and Lieut. [I. N.] Dryden, Twenty-fourth Ohio, I noticed as prompt and efficient commanders of the front skirmish lines, and, perhaps, to some one of their men belongs the credit of killing Col. Hutcheson, as he was killed by a Minie [sic] ball at an early stage of the skirmishing.

Allow me to call attention to the want of co-operation of the cavalry that was to have acted with our forces, as the cause of our not capturing the enemy.

I am, your obedient servant,

WM. GROSE, Col., Cmdg. third Brigade.

No. 2.

Report of Col. John T. Wilder, Seventeenth Indiana Infantry, commanding brigade.

HDQRS. 1ST Brig., 5TH DIV., CENTER, 14TH ARMY CORPS, Murfreesborough, January 25, 1863.

SIR: I have the honor to report that at 3 p. m. (23 instant) I received order to move my brigade out the Bradyville pike, to act in concert with Brig.-Gen. Palmer in an attack on Woodbury. The Seventy-second Regt. [sic] Indiana Volunteers being absent escorting a forage train, the One hundred and twenty-third Regt. [sic] Illinois Volunteers was ordered to accompany me.

In accordance with the orders, I moved out the Bradyville pike to Cedar Run, 8 miles distant, and bivouacked until 4 o'clock next morning, when I aroused the men and moved forward as fast as possible, and used proper precaution against surprise. I had learned the 700 of Buford's rebel cavalry had moved toward Bradyville the day before on the same road. I reached there at 8 a. m., and found that the rebels had gone to Beech Grove without stopping. I then sent the cavalry (1,000 strong), under Col. [R. H. G.] Minty, of the Fourth Michigan Cavalry, from Bradyville, to strike the McMinnville road beyond Woodbury. I found no road practicable for artillery leading to Woodbury, except one that goes down a creek and strikes the Woodbury pike 2½ miles from Readyville. After crossing over some very rough hills in trying to reach Woodbury from the south side, I was compelled to go back to the road leading direct from Bradyville to the Woodbury pike, and arrived at the pike at 2 p. m. Having learned 5 miles back that Gen. Palmer had driven the rebels from Woodbury in the morning, and had moved back to Readyville, I then moved up within 3 miles of Woodbury and bivouacked, waiting for the cavalry, which came in at 9 o'clock, having marched 21 miles from Bradyville before reaching Woodbury. They had captured 1 captain and 4 privates of [A.] Buford's cavalry at Woodbury, and fired upon and chased a scouting party of rebels who were loitering about the place.

This morning, having no further orders, I returned to camp at Murfreesborough, reaching here at 4 p. m. It was impossible to reach Woodbury sooner, as there is no road, except a bridle-path for neighborhood convenience in going to mill between Bradyville and Woodbury, entirely impracticable for my artillery. The country is rough and hilly, the hills covered with timber and generally rocky. Even the cavalry could not get across without going 21 miles. Inclosed find a sketch of the country and roads by which I traveled.[2]

The cavalry force had with them a topographical engineer, who will, doubtless, give a sketch of the roads traveled by them. The distance from Bradyville to Woodbury by any practicable route is 12 miles, and 8 miles to Readyville.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. T. WILDER, Col., Cmdg. 1st Brig., 5th Div., Center, 14th Army Corps.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, pp. 18-20.

        24, Anti-guerrilla sweep ordered from Clarksville, between the Tennessee River and Murfreesborough, and the Cumberland and Duck Rivers

MURFREESBOROUGH, January 24, 1863.

Maj.-Gen. WRIGHT, Cincinnati:

Send two strong brigades, two batteries of artillery, and all your cavalry, with the pack animals and saddles, from Louisville, by steamer to Clarksville, there to disembark, and, with ten days' rations, to sweep the whole country from the Tennessee River to this place, between the Cumberland and Duck Rivers. The command should carry 120 rounds of ammunition per man, and have the limber-boxes and caissons filled. Please send balance of Granger's command by steamer to Nashville, to join me here as soon as possible.


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 10.

        24, Report of murder of Negroes by Confederate forces at Harpeth Shoals and the Murfreesboro road


It is reported that the negroes employed as cooks, etc., on the steamboats recently captured near the shoals by the guerrillas, were butchered in the most brutal manner by their captors, who dragged them aside and cut their throats. Our informant states that they "stuck them as if they had been hogs." And yet these rebels talk of the horrors of negro insurrections, while they perpetrate atrocities which wild Congoes or Fejee cannibals never exceeded. Why if anything could inflame the slaves to insurrection, it would be the cowardly and barbarous murder of these fellows on the Murfreesboro road, and at Harpeth Shoals.

Nashville Daily Union, January 24, 1863.

        24, Capture of Union pickets at Love's Hill, near Knoxville

JANUARY 24, 1864.-Capture of Union Pickets at Love's Hill, near Knoxville, Tenn.

Report of Col. William Cross, Third Tennessee Infantry.

HDQRS. THIRD REGIMENT, E. TENN. VOL. INFANTRY, Mossy Creek, Tenn., March 28, 1864.

SIR: In obedience to requirements of existing orders, I herewith report that on the night of January 24, 1864, about 11 o'clock, Capt. John C. Silver, of Company E, and Corpl. John G. Yarnell, Privates Daniel S. Hankins, Abraham Yearout, Samuel Yearout, James M. Hensley, Thomas Yarnell, Shadrach Lee, William H. White were captured by a large force of rebel cavalry, off of picketpost near Love's Hill, 5 ½ miles northeast of Knoxville, Tenn. Sergt. F. H. Dagley and Private John Weeks were also captured, but made their escape some time afterward.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

WILLIAM CROSS, Col., Cmdg. Third Regt. [sic] E. Tenn. Vol. Infantry.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, p. 127.

        24, Skirmish near Tazewell

JANUARY 24, 1864.-Skirmish at Tazewell, Tenn.

Reports of Brig. Gen. Theophilus T. Garrard, U. S. Army, commanding District of the Clinch.

CUMBERLAND GAP, January 24, 1864. The enemy attacked Tazewell at 3 o'clock this morning. Col. Kise, commanding post Tazewell, telegraphs to me now at 6 a. m.: "The enemy is advancing in large force on the Big Springs and Bear Creek roads, coming from the Clinch." I have sent the Ninety-first Indiana Infantry to Powell's bridge, and ordered Col. Kise to fall back on Powell's bridge if he is satisfied of the enemy being in large force.

T. T. GARRARD, Brig.-Gen.

HDQRS. DISTRICT OF THE CLINCH, Cumberland Gap, Tenn., January 25, 1864.

GEN.: I have the honor to report that on the 24th instant, at 3 a. m., the enemy, 600 strong, attacked our forces at Tazewell. About 100 made a dash upon the town, but were repulsed.

All is quiet now, and from returning scouting [parties] I learn that there is no enemy nearer than within 2½ miles of Jonesville, where a force was found, number not ascertained.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

T. T. GARRARD, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg. District of the Clinch.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, p. 127.

        24, Anti-guerrilla patrol near Russellville

HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF EAST TENNESSEE, Russellville, Tenn., January 25, 1864.

Capt. T. H. OSBORNE Cmdg. Scout:

I am obliged to you for the information you give of the movements of the enemy against our trains. Do all you can in your vicinity to check them, and give us further information. Brig. Gen.

A. E. Jackson is above in the country, with his brigade, operating against the bushwhackers. Please send him the accompanying note. The lieutenant-general commanding desires that he should protect our trains there, as well as capture any parties that he may encounter.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

G. M. SORREL, Lieut.-Col. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. II, pp. 610-611.

        24, "Joe White to the Ladies!"

The Ladies of Nashville have shown so much liberality and patronage to Mr. White that he has been induced to partition of a Private Entrance, [sic] leading from the side door to the Ladies' Saloon, the only one in the city. He has newly fitted up his Barber and Sitting Chairs for the accommodation of his customers. He will also keep on hand the finest Pomade, Bay Rum, and Perfumeries.

Joe White, No. 37 Union Street

Nashville Dispatch, January 24, 1864.

        24, "The unchecked spread of this disease necessitates this regulation, which will be strictly enforced." U. S. Army fights small-pox

General Orders, No. 4

Headquarters U. S. Forces

Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 24, 1864

I. *** All cases of small-pox, citizens or soldiers, will be promptly reported to Acting Assistant Surgeon A. D. White, at his office, in the Bostick house, a large brick building on the Charlotte Pike, by whom they will be conveyed to the small-pox camps and treated.

The unchecked spread of this disease necessitates this regulation, which will be strictly enforced.

Commanding Officers and Surgeons of Regiments will be held responsible for its execution in their regiments

By command of Brig. Gen. R. S. Granger

Nashville Dispatch, January 29, 1864.

        24, First Lieutenant Robert Cruikshank, 123rd New York Infantry Regiment, letter home to his wife Mary

Camp of the 123rd Regt. [sic], N. Y. S. V.

Elk River, Tenn.

Jan. 24, 1864.

Dear Wife,-

It is Sabbath evening. We have had a lovely day, almost as warm as a May day at home. There is no frost in the ground and the sun shines so warm I have had no fire in the stove today and have had my coat off the most of the time. In the early morning I hear the robins singing in the woods not far away.

I enjoy this climate and if the society was the same as at home I should enjoy living here. There are too many ifs in the way to think of it now, or of your moving down here right away. I may find a better place before I get home. When I do I shall write you all about it. I shall want a place where there is a church and a school. We seldom see either here. I believe the majority of the people never saw a schoolhouse or church.

As I have no news to write I will close.

With love,


Robert Cruikshank Letters.


[1] Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee lists this as an action.

[2] Not found.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-770-1090 ext. 115

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