The Ladies of the South Nashville Hospital are in want of a large quantity of milk for the sick under their care...some one of the many farmers in the county should send a cow to the Hospital, to be kept there....who will be the first to resrpond? There is a fine lot attached to the building by which...the animal would be well taken care of and when no longer wanted could be returned in as good condition as when received.
Nashville Daily Gazette, December 12, 1861.
12, Report of negative reactions to the Confederate draft in Nashville ca. December 6, 1861. [see ca. December 6, 1861, "Report of a draft riot in Nashville above]
The Louisville Correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette writes, under date of the twelfth of December, 1861, the following facts relative to the attempt of the Tennessee authorities to draft soldiers:
"I have news from Nashville to the sixth [Dec. 6th]. Indignation of Gov. Harris' orders to raise troops by draft from the militia was intense, even among the secessionists. The Daily Gazette denounced it in unmeasured terms, declaring that it was worse than Lincoln's call for men to 'subdue the South.' In the fourth ward of Nashville, Capt. Patterson refused to obey orders for conscription, but was afterward forced to obedience by a threat of court-martial. In South-Nashville, on the second inst., a mob of more than one hundred men rushed upon the Governor's officers, and broke up the boxes used in drafting. A fight ensued between the Confederate officers and the people, in which two persons were killed and ten or twelve wounded.
"Gov. Harris was compelled to keep his room at the St. Cloud up to the time my informant left, under strong guard, for fear of assassination by the incensed people. He had received many anonymous letters threatening his life. Col. Henry Calibourne, of the militia, was also afraid to show his head on the streets.
"The writer further states that J. O. Griffith, financial proprietor of the Nashville Union and American, original secessionist, and Hugh McCrea, an Irish original secessionist, were among those drawn for militi[a] service. There wholesale dry goods merchants, Alfred Adams, Tom Fife, and W. S. Akin, had also been selected to shoulder the musket. Some wealthy persons offered as high as two thousand dollars for substitutes."
Cincinnati Gazette, December 12, 1861.[1]
12, Additions to the Confederate armory in Memphis
C. S. Armory.—We visited this busy spot, on Poplar street below Front, yesterday, and found a great addition had been made to the works, and a considerable number of new steam rifling machines added. Under the intelligent superintendence of G. W. Grader, Esq., it is becoming a very efficient manufactory of ordnance.
Memphis Daily Appeal, December 12, 1861.
12, East Tennessee News
Latest news from East Tennessee-Arrest of Brownlow-Knoxville, Dec. 6th.-Dr. W.G. Brownlow, late Editor of the Knoxville Whig, was arrested today by order of Brigadier General Carroll, and committed to jail to await his trial on the charge of treason. Gen. Carroll is pursuing a determined and rigorous policy which is exercising a salutary effect upon the traitors in this section. The arrest of Brownlow will do much to quell their insurrectionary spirit.
There has been some little skirmishing between straggling squads of Lincolnites and our troops above this place, but no outbreak of importance his occurred.
The rebellion in East Tennessee may now be regarded as completely quelled.
Memphis Appeal.
Macon Daily Telegraph, December 12, 1861.
12, Newspaper report on Parson Brownlow's timidity and the exodus of Unionists from West Tennessee
The Federal victory reported through rebel sources in East Tennessee, is probably incorrect, so far as Parson Brownlow is concerned. On the 2nd of Dec. Mr. Brownlow was at Knoxville, when he published a card, saying that he still adhered to his engagement not to engage in hostility against the state authority.
It is reported that large numbers of Union men are fleeingportions of West Tennessee to escape from impressments into the rebel service. They wish to take up arms for the Union, and represent that a like Union feeling is fast growing in their section of the state.
New Hampshire Sentinel, December 12, 1861.
12, Newspaper Report on Continued Unionist Insurgent Opposition to the Confederacy in East Tennessee
The movements of the gallant Union men of East Tennessee continue to afford a matter of unfeigned alarm as well as of daily chronicle to the Secession press. It is a most mortifying consideration that we should derive from secession sources all our intelligence respecting these indications of unabated loyalty to the National Government-a loyalty which has not only refused to blench in the presence of revolutionary violence, but has even survived the apparent desertions of a Government which boast of an army reaching to the number of 660,000. It is greatly to be regretted that of this large force no portion can be diverted to the rescue and defence of the intrepid Unionist of East Tennessee, who have deserved something better than a halter as a rewarded for their persistent fidelity to the national flag. We append from recent Southern journals some very painful intimations under this head:
From the Lynchburg Republican of December 5.
A letter from one of our subscribers, a Colonel in the Confederate service, dated Russellville, Tennessee, December 3 [Tuesday] says that the tories and bridge burned have not all left East Tennessee yet. Since we drove them from the Chimney Top mountains they have collected in Cocke and Hancock counties, where our citizen soldiers have made two unsuccessful attempts upon them. I hope, however, to get them today with my command, and will avail myself of the earliest moment to advise you as to the re. We hung two of the leading bridge burners in Greenville on Saturday [Dec. 1] evening.
From the Knoxville Register of December 4.
Garret Hall, formerly of Morgan county, Tennessee, but who for some months has been with the East Tennessee Lincoln troops in Kentucky, was arrested in that county on Monday last and brought to this city by Confederate troops. We understand that when arrested he was acting in the capacity of a recruiting officer for Lincoln's army, in Kentucky. He is represented as a desperate man, and in making the arrest he was shot by one of the Confederate party, but, we learn, not severely wounded. Considerable curiosity was manifested by the citizens on his arrival, everybody wanting to get a peep at the "mule."[2] He was lodged in the city jail.
A private dispatch from Knoxville received in Richmond brings information that several skirmishes between the Lincolnites and Confederates near Morristown, with what results not stated. Gen. Carroll, with one thousand of his command, left Knoxville for the infected district.
Daily National Intelligencer (Washington, D. C.), December 12, 1861[3]
12, Pup Tents
We have all seen the long wagon trains that encumbers [sic] our Army on the march and we know how large a part is taken up with bulky tents that usually fail to reach us when we need them worse is rainy weather. Our movements are frequently delayed by the necessity for keeping them under our protecting wing. Morgan and Wheeler the rough riders of the Confederacy are wont to swoop down upon them at unexpected times and places. They are seldom able to carry away the wagons so the torch usually reduces them to blackened piles of scrap iron while the mules gallop away with their captors without a murmur. The grapevine has for sometime been telling us that every man shall be his own baggage wagon and the report was confirmed today when Lieut. Dexter exhibited in camp the newly contrived "Shelter tent" which is to take [the] place of our "Sibleys" and each man is to carry for himself. It is nothing but a strip of canvas 6 X 10 feet which will cover about as much space as a dog house. We therefore call them "pup tents." We are expected to stretch them over a ridge pole and stake them to the ground on each side in the shape of the letter A, and then crawl under them on all fours. We measured Lieut. Weld of Co. E with one of the pup tents and found him too long at both ends and now we are waiting for instructions from the Government how to make him fit. We don't know whether to saw off the ends or to drive them in.
Diary of Lyman S. Widney
12, Scouts from Russellville, Kentucky, to near Charlotte, Tennessee
RUSSELLVILLE, December 12, 1862
Col. J. P. GARESCHE, Assistant Adjutant-Gen. and Chief of Staff:
Capt. Johnson, Eighth Kentucky Cavalry [U. S.], dressed in rebel uniform, penetrated nearly to Charlotte, Tenn. He reports Forrest, with force estimated from 2,000 to 4,000 men, preparing to make a raid into Southern Kentucky. They will cross at Palmyra or Martin's Shoals, between Clarksville and Fort Donelson. The rebel sympathizers will aid them all they can by collecting hogs, cattle, mules, horses and wagons, with salt, flour, and bacon, which their object is to carry out. His report is confirmed by other scouts. They expect to cross the river Sunday morning or that night. Rebels expect to feed Bragg's army from this part of Kentucky this winter.
S. D. BRUCE, Col., Cmdg. Post.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. II, p. 164.
12, General Bragg recognizes Divine Law
GENERAL ORDERS, No. 12. HDQRS. ARMY OF TENNESSEE, Murfreesborough, Tenn., December 12, 1862
Recognizing our dependence on the providence of Almighty God, and mindful of our obligations for his mercies and grace to us individually and as a people, it is our bounden duty, on all suitable occasions, to bow with reverence before His throne, to acknowledge our submission to His moral government, to confess our sins unto Him, "to render thanks for the great benefits that we have received at His hands, to set forth His most worthy praise, to hear His most holy word, and to ask those things which are requisite and necessary as well for the body as the soul."
The encourage and cultivate the affections appropriate to the due performance of these reasonable duties, He has set apart one day in seven, and although it is not at all times practicable to dispense with military duty on the Sabbath, there is an extent to which these duties may be curtailed. Cmdg. officers of all grades are, therefore, earnestly exhorted to issue their orders so as to give to all officers and soldiers an opportunity to attend Divine service that day.
Experience supports the teachings of the Divine law, that one day in seven is regarded as a day of rest for man and beast. Policy, therefore, as well as religious duty, calls upon us to reverence this Divine appointment.
All military duty not required for discipline and defense, or the necessary collection and preservation of supplies, will be dispensed with on the Sabbath, while the enemy is stationary, and every facility and convenience practicable will be afforded chaplains for the celebration of Divine service, and officers and men will be encouraged to attend.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. II, p. 447.
12, Chatty Confederate correspondence from Middle Tennessee
Piquant Letter from Middle Tennessee
To the Editor of the Register:
"Ho! For the mountains!" cried your correspondent, as he mounted his horse and started with a thrill of joy pervading his mind, as he anticipated the pleasures of again visiting the good old land of East Tennessee-that land whose hills and valley and pleasant streams will ever be dear to her true sons (not those whom would murder her sons, widow her daughters, and, if needs be, exterminate her population to please a tyrant and be slaves.) but to her true sons who hold her ever as their Alma Mater, and who view her as the home of the free and the land of the brave. To them she will ever [be] thrice dear-an oasis in memory, wherever they roam and whatever they may pursue.
But away we speed, first through the hills of Elk River,
Where corn is plenty-women fair,
Babies fat and traitors rare;
Where pork is cheap-where hills are high,
And Lincolnites are doomed to die.
Here we rested for the night after taking a romp with the children and a "cornering" of Sis for a spell. But off we go, after a kiss from the children and a sort of one from Sis. 'Twas sort of a scuffle-don't know how it went of-sorter thought we hit her nose-might have been her elbow-but away we went-over the hills and down the valleys-lost our way-lost ourselves-and lost our dinner; but no difference-found them all at last, and found the people all right; women all Secesh, and men nearly all volunteered; met Conscripts coming back, who were discharged by reason of bodily infirmity. Many were the complaints "laid in," but from the way they walked, eat and drink, "contraband" we thought the prevailing infirmities were diseased hearts, (affections,) and weakness of the knees when excited.
Here we are at Elk, opposite Fayetteville; but halt! Here is a camp of cavalry, but all is right, they are not the blue skins, who plundered our country, burnt our country town and played the d___dog generally, according to the rules of civilized warfare, as expounded by old Abe and his minions. No, thank God, it is a few of Morgan's veteran regiments who are resting, and some new battalions drilling. But halt! They may want to see a passport, and nary one had we, not having seen any one to get one from. But we advanced and were allowed to pass by giving the countersign and pass word, which was done by putting right hand in saddle bags, withdrawing it, and saying "take some." "All right-go ahead" "Hello!" cries a half dozen men, "which way?" Aye, yes, it is Col. Malone's battalion from North Alabama. Jim's a brick with a determined set of men, who though but partially drilled, yet have seen service and if so they do not give the Yankees particular scissors, it will be because there is no big hollows.
Who is that noble looking man riding up? It is "Major" Breckinridge, a brave Kentuckian, whose look shows nobility of soul and a determinate will, that would yield life rather than rights.
Who are they down the river? That is Duke's regiment, Morgan's original command; but how different we found them to what we expected, like many others, from their daring [illegible] manly and courteous, with no braggadocio about the, and quiet in their department. You would not suspect them to be the men so desperate in action. But, yes, here's a store. "What do you keep, sir?" "Keep store, sir." "What else?" "Nothing, sir." "What have you for sale?" Nothing at all. I keep nothing but store." And this is the amount of mercantile business in these parts.
So adieu, Mr. Editor; will meet you again soon.
Knoxville Daily Register, December 12, 1862.
12, "His whole influence is thus thrown against the South, the United Synod-aye against the doctrines and teachings of the Bible itself." Pointing the finger at a Unionist clergyman in East Tennessee
From the (Richmond) Christian Observer
Several weeks since we received a communication from a Christian gentleman, giving an account of the efforts of a disloyal party in one section of East Tennessee, and of a sermon by the Rev. Wm. E. Caldwell, in which he justly and severely rebuked the partisans of Lincoln for the evils they are doing by their hostility to their legitimate government. Our correspondent states that in the section of country in which he lives, "thousands have joined the abolition army Quite a number went from New Market, some of them members of the Church!"
Our correspondent speaks of the course of a minister of the gospel, who is one of "the most unrelenting" of all "the staunch Union men in that region." Distinguished for ability and great influence, his example [illegible] of many. His disposition leads him to extremes on controverted questions. Heretofore this minister "has been in the habit of attending political discussions." A parish loner took him to task for being found in political mass meetings, as it appeared unministerial. In reply, he remarked in substance, that if the devil himself had an appointment in his neighborhood, he would be sure to hear him, and if he published a journal, he would be a subscriber, so that knowing his positions, he might be the better able to confront them successfully.
But his views seem to have undergone an entire change in regard to this matter, since the commencement of the war. "He now boasts that he reads no newspaper at all, [sic] and has not read a line in one for twelve months or more!" He has repudiated the organ of his own church; and he will hear no one speak on any subject, if the speaker is loyal to his government. He professes [sic] to be loyal and law abiding!" But alas, for his loyalty! His actions give the lie to any such profession. It is well known that he furnished his sons with an outfit, procured money for them, and sent them, in darkness of the night, with some hundreds of others, in the direction of Kentucky. That expedition has become a part of history. The fugitives were intercepted by our cavalry, some of them killed, some were wounded, and hundreds were taken prisoners; and others escaped within the abolition lines. One of these sons received a wound that will, no doubt, carry him on crutches to his grave.
Did that minister and father, when he had the duty of a citizen to his State, pray for a blessing on those who were traitors to their government in open violation of the teachings of Christ and his apostles?
"When God had vouchsafed to give us victory, and our Christian President appointed a day of thanksgiving and prayer, the majority of _____Church desired to observe the day by appropriate public services. But this minister refused to take any part with them in such services! He refused even to read the President's proclamation! His associations are all with the party in sympathy with the abolitionists. In passing through the country, he shuns the elders and ministers of his own denomination, if they are loyal Southern men, although heretofore his best and most intimate friends. He seeks the companionship of tories, although they belong to denominations against whose doctrines he has been pouring out the bitterest invective during all his ministerial life. His whole influence is thus thrown against the South, the United Synod-aye against the doctrines and teachings of the Bible itself.-He is now giving the lie to all his former lie and professions in regard to the slavery question. Much of the disaffection in East Tennessee is chargeable to him. He has co-operated with a few other men in keeping up the union party. Some of the leaders have some over for the South, but nothing moves him. For having shut himself out from all means of information, there is no hope for his changing. I have written so much, thinking it right and proper to publish to the world the leaders in this opposition to our country. If they would come over and join us, I would be the first to take them by the hand and welcome them, and forget the past; when they give themselves up to stupidity and ignorance-glorying in their shame-I feel like putting a mark on them all like Cain of old, so that whoever meets them am know them.
Knoxville Daily Register, December 12, 1862.
12, President of the East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad Company purchases stock
Major Wallace, President of the East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad Company, recently purchased in Knoxville four hundred thousand dollars worth of eight per cent coupon bonds, and the same officer has ordered an additional hundred thousand dollars worth of these securities-making together the handsome investment of half a million dollars for his company. The investment itself, at three percent, will be a great addition to the company.
Georgia Weekly Telegraph, December 12, 1862.
12, Newspaper report relative to East Tennesseans releasing a prisoner in Waynesboro, NC
The Enemy in East Tennessee.
The Charleston (NC) Bulletin says a courier arrived in that place, the other day, in quest of powder, who stated that a Union army of several hundred men in East Tennessee was regularly fortified at the line between Haywood county, North Carolina and East Tennessee. The militia of Haywood county, to the number of two hundred and fifty, with sixty Cherokee Indians, were holding them in check. Runners had been sent to Gen. Kirby Smith, informing him of the condition of affairs and asking for assistance. The Bulletin says the locality of this force is about forty-five miles west of Charlotte and bordering upon the most distant portions of East Tennessee, and that it is probably composed of disaffected men who have fled their homes to avoid the [Confederate] conscription law. About twenty five of them went, the other day, to Waynesville, Haywood county, North Carolina, and demanded the release of a murderer named Franklin, committed at the last term of the Superior Court of that District. The jailor, having no force to resist this demand, was seized and held while the prisoner was released and carried off in triumph. The party represented themselves as from East Tennessee, and said they had a reserve of three hundred armed men to back up their demand and threatened, if resisted, to burn Waynesboro to ashes.
Louisville Daily Journal, December 12, 1862.
12, A note on Confederate conscription near Memphis
Rebel parties continue forcing poor white men in West Tennessee into the ranks. They have been particularly active in the vicinity of Memphis, expecting, no doubt, to get those tinctured with Unionism.
Louisville Daily Journal, December 12, 1862.
12-18, Scouts from Shelbyville and Columbia to Tuscumbia, Alabama, to Waynesborough
JACKSON, TENN., December 18, 1862-5 p. m.
Have just received the following dispatch. My cavalry have been fighting all day:
One of my men arrived just now; left Shelbyville Friday [12th], Columbia Saturday [13th]; went to Tuscumbia; could not get through, and returned to Waynesborough; left there yesterday [17th] at 2 o'clock; Forrest with 2,000 to 2,500 cavalry and five pieces of artillery, left near there Tuesday [16th]. Napier, with from 2,000 to 3,000 and four pieces of artillery, crossing at Carrollville[4] Monday [15th] to join Forrest. They reported that they were to strike Jackson first and Bethel next, their intention being to stop supplies to our army. No infantry has left Shelbyville west, but there was a movement of all forces taking place north; some said they were to go west, but this fact could not be ascertained. No infantry accompanied Forrest to Columbia. The scout that brings this has never yet failed, and I believe his statement. He saw Forrest's cavalry and artillery, but did not see Napier's command, but saw men from Carrollville who did see it.
G. M. DODGE, Brig.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. II, p. 197.
12, Skirmish, Shoal Creek, near Wayland Springs [see December 11-17, 1863, Scout from Pulaski to Florence, Alabama, above]
12, Skirmish at Cheek's Crossroads [see December 9-13, 1863, Skirmishes at and near Bean's Stations above]
12, Skirmishes at Russellville road[5] [see also December 13, 1863, Skirmishes at Russellville below]
HDQRS. CAVALRY CORPS, Bean's Station, December 12, 1863--6.30 p. m.
GEN.: The reconnaissance under Col. Graham upon the Rogersville road came upon the enemy at Mooresburg, drove them back about 1 mile into a position from which he could not dislodge them without bringing on a general engagement. He withdrew his troops this side of Mooresburg. A prisoner from Fifty-first Virginia Regiment states that he left the rebel infantry 8 miles beyond Rogersville last night; they had stopped and were foraging. He states that the principal part of the rebel cavalry were at Russellville.
The reconnaissance to Morristown, under Col. Pennebaker, found no enemy at that place but found their pickets beyond town, on the Russellville road, and drove them in; came upon line of battle, and they retreated up the road.
I am, general, yours,
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 414.
12, Reconnaissance to Morristown [see December 9-13, 1863, Skirmishes at Bean's Station above]
12, GENERAL ORDERS, No. 10, relative to Confederate deserters and the oath of allegiance
In the Field, Chattanooga, December 12, 1863
To obtain uniformity in the disposition of deserters from the Confederate armies, coming within this military division the following order is published:
1. All deserters from the enemy coming within our lines will be conducted to the commander of the division or detached brigade who shall be nearest the place of surrender.
2. Is such commander is satisfied that the deserters desire to quit the Confederate service, he may permit them to go to their homes if within our lines on taking the following oath:
I do solemnly swear in the presence of Almighty God that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States and the union of the States hereunder, and that I will in like manner abide by and faithfully support all acts of Congress passed during the existing rebellion with reference to slaves so long and so far has not yet repealed, modified, or held void by Congress or by decision of the Supreme Court, and that I will in like manner abide by and faithfully support all proclamations of the President made during the existing rebellion having reference to slaves so long and so far as not modified or declared void by decision of the Supreme Court; so helm me God.
3. Deserters from the enemy will at once be disarmed and their arms turned over to the nearest ordnance officer who will account for them.
4. Passes and rations may be given to deserters to carry them to their homes, and free passes over military railroads and on steamboats in the Government employ.
5. Employment at fair wages will, when practicable, be given to deserters by officers of the quartermaster and engineer departments.
6. To avoid the danger of recapture of such deserters by the enemy, they will be exempted from military service in the armies of the United States.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 396.[6]
12, Federal situation report for the Ocoee and Hiwassee River valleys, Benton, Spring Place and Cleveland environs
Columbus, Tennessee, December 12, 1863--7 a. m.
Maj.-Gen. SHERMAN, Cmdg.:
GEN.: Your communication (dated yesterday, 9 a. m.) arrived yesterday afternoon, and found me over the river examining the country at the junction of Hiwassee and Ocoee. Columbus is about 3 ½ or 4 miles above the fork of the two streams, on the Hiwassee, and Benton is near the ford of the Ocoee.
The roads are good and both streams can now be forded with artillery with the greatest ease.
The Ocoee is but a small stream, not more than half the size of the Hiwassee. Until it rains these streams are easily forded.
There is a fine road leading to Spring Place from Benton, and also one leading to Cleveland; in fact, all that country lying south and west of this place can be easily traversed by troops. This neighborhood is rich in corn, wheat, and meat. The rebels have taken considerable, but left quite a good supply for the people.
I have been running only two mills, all I needed; but since the receipt of your letter have started another fine one. It will grind 100 bushels per day, and the grain can be gotten in the vicinity of it for some days.
The guerrillas have been, as I stated before, playing the devil. Several have been caught, and one paid the penalty yesterday.
I have had no cavalry, but have ordered infantry to mount themselves and hunt these fiends out. Some half dozen murders have been committed since I arrived in the neighborhood.
Union and rebel citizens have combined together to assist me in catching them. These devils are composed mostly of paroled Vicksburg prisoners. I have burned out one nest of them, and one of the number killed. They hide in the mountains and slip out at opportune times to commit their outrages.
This is a very strong position to hold, being a defile; the Chilhowee [sic] Mountain protects my left flank perfectly, and there are no fords of importance between this and Charleston.
As to my going from here to Cleveland, it can be done without difficulty, unless the enemy should make a flank movement on me from the direction of Red Clay, where his cavalry now is in some force. This, however, I do not expect. Send over some wagons, and I will give you plenty of meal and flour. Give me shoes, salt, sugar, and coffee.
I have an officer taking a sketch and notes of the country. I will be happy to give them to you when completed.
I am, very respectfully,
JEFF. C. DAVIS. Brig.-Gen. Cmdg. Division.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 389-390.
12, Major-General Gordon Granger asks permission to return to Chattanooga to feed and clothe his men after the Knoxville Campaign
HDQRS. FOURTH ARMY CORPS, Knoxville, Tennessee, December 12, 1863
Maj. Gen. G. H. THOMAS, Cmdg. Department of the Cumberland:
GEN.: I have the honor to report that, in accordance with orders from Maj.-Gen. Sherman, I have moved my troops to this point, and am encamped on the south side of the river, about 1 ½ miles distant.
The relief of Knoxville being the object of the expedition, of which my troops formed a part, having been accomplished...I...request that I be allowed to return to Chattanooga. As is well known, we left the place with scarcely any transportation or supplies....I do not care to enlarge upon our privations or trumpet the gallantry of the brave men under my command who have so cheerfully endured them....We have come here by forced marches, living upon the country as we came. Our men are, many of them, without shoes, blankets, shirts, or overcoats, and entirely destitute of shelter. Nay, even their ordinary clothing is the light blouses and pants of summer wear. Our animals having been starved to almost the last extremity in Chattanooga, are scarcely able to haul empty wagons. We have fortunately been favored with fine weather during our march. Had it been otherwise we could scarcely have reached here at all. The season is at hand when the heavy rains of winter may be hourly looked for, when the roads will be rendered impassable. When this happens all our transportation and artillery must not only be abandoned, but frightful suffering must ensue among the men, who are even now at midday shivering over their camp-fires. At Chattanooga we have some few supplies. We have the huts, which at great pains the men have constructed and which we left, and we have means of communication which in time may partially supply us for the winter, and, in view of these facts, general, I most respectfully, but most persistently and urgently, ask leave to withdraw my troops to Chattanooga while there is a chance that I can.
I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
G. GRANGER, Maj.-Gen., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 391-392.
12, Ban on use of fences for fuel for Army of the Ohio at Knoxville
GEN. FIELD ORDERS, No. 40. HDQRS. ARMY OF THE OHIO, Knoxville, December 12, 1863.
The troops in Knoxville and vicinity having ample facilities for collecting and preparing fuel, commanding officers of divisions and brigades will see that no fences be used for that purpose.
This order is intended to protect the crops of farmers, who will be entirely destitute during the coming winter unless it is vigorously enforced.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Foster:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 394.
12, Federal intelligence report relative to Nathan Bedford Forrest in West Tennessee
CORINTH, December 12, 1863.
Maj.-Gen. HURLBUT, Memphis:
I learn from several sources that Gen. Forrest has ordered all troops in West Tennessee to Jackson, and is organizing for a raid upon the railroad. All the small detachments that were around Purdy and Hamburg have gone to Jackson. The train that passed down to Savannah, I am inclined to think, took down arms and ammunition for Forrest. He has quite a force. Fifteen hundred unarmed conscripts at Jackson, and promised to arm them speedily. I also learn from a citizen from Middle Tennessee that conscripts are being sent across the Tennessee River to Forrest. My opinion is that you will have to prepare for a demonstration from Forrest, who will have at least 6,000 men, perhaps more.
We are having a steady rain to-day which will render all streams temporarily past fording. If expeditions could be projected at the same time from LaGrange, Union City, and Corinth, Gen. Forrest and his command might be effectually disposed of.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 395.
12, "Trouble in Camp;" a controversy about militia uniforms in Memphis
Very great injustice was done by a communication signed "A Member," which appeared in yesterday's Daily Journal. After giving the resolution adopted the other day by the officers of the enrolled militia, relative to memorializing Gen. Veatch about uniforming the companies, the writer veers captiously and unjustly adds the following unnecessary remarks:
"Quite a sensation was produced by one Capt. J. B. Synnott, commander of the Typographical Corps, who moved to substitute the rebel uniform instead of the United States style. We are happy to say, however, that the motion received no second, and consequently no action was taken upon it.
Straws show which way the wind blows, and this speaks rather badly for the society of the Typographical company of this city, who have chosen this man as their leader"--
Carrying the impression that the Typographical Guards are a disloyal company, or something to that effect. As to the matter of the election of Captain Synnott, we would say it was no indication of the sentiments or wishes of the company, as not more than fifteen or twenty of them were present at the time. In fact, the officers were appointed before any portion of the company was regularly enlisted. No opportunity has been given to the company, to our knowledge, to express a preference for any particular man as their commander.
We belong to this company ourself, and have some interest in this matter. A couple of years service in the Federal army should be considered sufficient voucher for our loyalty. Can "A Member" say as much for himself? We know full a score whose antecedents are as clear on the same subject, in the company. Can any other company in the city show a greater proportion of element that has always been loyal to the old flag?
One word with regard to Capt. Synott's remarks: He said nothing about substituting "the rebel uniform," but offered to amend a resolution by substituting gray overcoats in the place of blue. "A Member" is not a member of the Typographical Guards.
Memphis Bulletin, December 12, 1863.
12, "A Scene."
We paddled up on Second street, then splashed along on Main, and waded down on Jefferson, all through the mud and rain. The roads, they were awful, and in outrageous plight, especially at the corner of Washington and White. 'Twas there we saw a lady of portly form and broad, in company with a little gent; both wished to cross the road. He went ahead exploring while she looked on from shore; he sank down to the bottom some half leg deep or more. 'Twas plain it was impossible for a lady of her weight to cross with clean pediments, or that hog to navigate. They stood sometime in confab, discussing what to do; she couldn't get over it, nor go 'round it, and never would go through. Imperatively, however, she must be on to her side; there was no way left to fix it, but somehow to get a ride. They gazed both up and down street, and waited for a dray, but neither cart or omnibus was seen by them that day. They then again consulted, in animated talk, but the upshot of the matter was she couldn't, wouldn't walk.
They gazed again up and down the street, and saw the coast was clear; to their utmost satisfaction, not a soul was near; then straightway on the curbstone stepped this woman dressed in black when stopping down before her, he took her on his back. Remember, he was a small man, and she somewhat weighty-some over a hundred and seventy five pound, many would say eighty. Truly it was amusing to see the comic sight of the big and portly woman, and the little staggering weight. He halted and he hobbled beneath the awkward load, while her feet dangled down behind him, a trailing in the road. He reached the very deepest place in the middle of the street, when the load proved too much for him, he tripped with both his feet. With a monstrous scream and spatter, they both came tumbling down; the mud completely hid the man and plastered o'er her gown. A more used up community we ne'er before did see, than this diluvian couple then appeared to be. We laughed most consumedly at the floundering pair-laughed at her stout understandings[7] a kicking in the air-then retired in good order.
Memphis Bulletin, December 12, 1863.
12, Stoneman's command (Gillem's and Burbridge's forces) advances from Beans' Station 10-29 [see December 10-29, 1864 Expedition from East Tennessee to SWVA above][8]
12, Skirmish at Big Creek, near Rogersville [see December 10-29, 1864 Expedition from East Tennessee to SWVA]
12, Reports of Surgeon J. Theodore Heard, Medical Director, Fourth Army Corps, relative to the Middle Tennessee Campaign of November-December 1865
Reports of Surg. J. Theodore Heard, Medical Director, Fourth Army Corps, of operations November 29-30 and December 15-26, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the medical department of the Fourth Army Corps at the battle of Spring Hill and Franklin, November 29 and 30, respectively:
On the morning of the 29th of November the Fourth Corps (three divisions) and the Twenty-third Corps (two divisions) were in position on the north bank of Duck River, opposite Columbia, Tenn. The enemy, or the larger portion of the rebel army, was upon the south bank and confronting our lines. At 9 a. m. the Second Division, Fourth Corps, marched for Spring Hill, accompanied by and guarding all the trains of the army, with the exception of twenty ambulances left with the First and Third Divisions, Fourth Corps, which divisions were ordered to remain with the Twenty-third Corps until dark and then withdraw with the rest of the army. About 2 p. m., the head of column being within one mile of Spring Hill, the general commanding was informed that the cavalry of the enemy was pushing back our cavalry and rapidly approaching the town. The troops were at once pushed forward at double-quick, passed through the town, charged the enemy, checked him, and finally caused him to retire. The division was then placed in position to protect the pike on which the trains were moving. About 4 p. m. the right brigade(Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Bradley) was furiously attacked by what afterward proved to be two brigades of rebel infantry. The attack was continued until nearly dark, when our right gave way toward the pike, followed by the enemy. Fortunately, however, all trains had then passed and were parked north of the town, where also division hospitals were temporarily established and the wounded rapidly cared for. A few wounded were unavoidably lost when the right gave way. One hundred and fifteen wounded were brought to hospital. Shortly after dark orders were given to break up hospitals, load ambulances, and be ready to move with the other trains at a moment's notice. The rest of the army reached Spring Hill about 10 p. m., and continued their march through the town toward Franklin. The hospital and ambulance trains moved at the same time, reaching Franklin at 10 a. m. November 30, without loss, although several times attacked by the enemy's cavalry. The wounded and sick were shipped by rail to Nashville early in the afternoon. The two divisions of the Twenty-third Corps, with the First and Second Divisions of the Fourth Corps, remained south of Harpeth River and entrenched themselves; the Third Division, Fourth Corps, crossed to the north side of the river, and was not engaged in the battle of Franklin.
At about 1 p. m. November 30 the enemy appeared in force opposite our lines. At 3.30 p. m., as it was determined to withdraw at dark toward Nashville, orders were given to send all trains, except half the ambulances of each division, to Nashville. Soon after the trains were fairly on the road the enemy commenced a furious attack upon the entire lines. Six distinct assaults were made, and, by hard fighting, were repulsed, with great loss to the enemy. As soon as the firing commenced orders were sent for the hospital wagons to be parked in the nearest filed, and the tents to be temporarily pitched, all ambulances to return and cross the river. Efforts were then made to obtain a train of cars for the wounded; the commanding general, however, did not deem it best that one should be telegraphed for. Owing to the intense darkness and imperfect provision for crossing and recrossing the river, the movements of ambulances were necessarily retarded. The wounded were collected at hospital as rapidly as possible. The town was thoroughly searched for wounded. Orders were issued for the withdrawal of troops at 12 o'clock. The ambulances worked constantly until 11 p. m., and were then loaded to their utmost with wounded collected at hospitals. Such slight cases of disease as remained were loaded upon arm wagons. The hospitals and ambulance trains were the last to draw out, and were closely followed by the troops; 550 wounded were brought off. From all that can be ascertained it is probable that from 75 to 100 wounded of this corps were left in the hands of the enemy. Many rebel wounded fell into our hands, but were left for want of transportation. The ambulance train reached Nashville at 9 a. m. December 1, and the wounded were placed in general hospital. The following casualties occurred in the ambulance corps of Fourth Army Corps.[9]
List of wounded and tabular statements of wounded have already been forwarded.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. THEO. HEARD, Surgeon, U. S. Volunteers.
Surg. GEORGE E. COOPER, U. S. ARMY, Medical Director, Department of the Cumberland.
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the medical department of this corps during the battles of December 15 and 16 near Nashville, Tenn.:
On the morning of December 14 orders were received to be ready at 6 a. m. December 15 to move upon the enemy's position. The hospitals of this corps, which, since the 2d of the month, had been located near the city on the Franklin pike, were ordered to be broken up and the hospital train to be parked on the Hill borough pike, there to remain until further developments; the sick were transferred to general hospital. At 7 a. m. December 15 the troops of this corps moved out by the Hillsborough pike in front of the line of works occupied by them during the two weeks previous, and formed as follows: First Division on the right, connecting with the left of Maj. Gen. A. J. Smith's command; Second Division on the left of the First; and the Third Division on the left of the Second and somewhat retired. The hospitals of the corps were at once established directly on the Hillsborough pike, and about a quarter of a mile in rear of the line of works. The site selected was the lawn in front of a large brick house; water was abundant and good. Detachments from each division ambulance train were close in rear of the troops; the remaining ambulances were parked in rear of the works and ready to move out when required; the stretcher men were with their respective regiments. During the fighting of the 15th ultimo the line of this corps was advanced nearly two miles. The loss in wounded was not severe, being only 203 men. The wounded were promptly removed the field and cared for at division hospitals. After dark, the fighting having ceased and all operations and dressing having been attended to, the wounded were transferred to general hospital. As the position of the corps had now changed from the Hillsborough pike to the Franklin pike, the hospital trains was ordered to be loaded and ready to move at daylight on the 16th ultimo.
On the morning of the 16th ultimo the position of the troops of this corps was as follows: The Third Division on the left of the Franklin pike, connecting with the right of Maj.-Gen. Steedman's command; Second Division in center; and the First Division on the right, connecting with the command of Maj. Gen. A. J. Smith. The hospitals were located on the right and left of the Franklin pike at "The Springs," about two miles in advance of the old line of works; the ambulances were near the troops. The fighting of to-day was much more severe than that of yesterday, although the casualties were wonderfully slight. Four hundred and ninety-five men of this corps were wounded and taken to hospital. Shell wounds were of more frequent occurrence than on the previous day. At night the wounded, after being attended to, were ordered to be transferred to general hospital and the hospital trains to be leaded and ready to move at early day, either for the establishment of the hospitals near the troops in the event of another battle, or to be ready to follow the corps in case, as was probable, the enemy should retreat.
The medical and ambulance officers of the corps deserve great praise for the faithful and efficient manner in which they performed their arduous duties. With little or no rest for fifty hours, they yet cheerfully and fearlessly continued at their posts. I can truly say that I have never seen wounded more promptly removed from the field or better carried for in division hospitals.
Medical and hospital supplies were abundant and rations plenty. There were no casualties in the ambulance corps or among medical officers.
The following number of wounded of other commands was received into hospitals of this corps, viz.,: Rebels, 15; Twelfth U. S. Colored Troops, 2; Thirteenth U. S. Colored Troops, 40; Fourteenth U. S. Colored Troops, 1; One hundredth U. S. Colored Troops, 3; total of other command, 61.
Inclosed are lists of rebels wounded received into hospitals of this command.
The battle reports of division hospitals have been forwarded.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. THEO. HEARD, Surgeon, U. S. Volunteers, Medical Director.
Surg. GEORGE E. COOPER, U. S. Army, Medical Director, Department of the Cumberland.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, pp. 174-177.
12, "Two More Soldiers Shot."
Two Indiana soldiers were shot, and one of them killed, at a house of ill fame on College street, yesterday afternoon. The two women occupying the apartment where the men received their wounds, were arrested and taken before Capt. Moshier the Chief of Military Police. The statement of one of these women, Emily Elizabeth Clinton, is to the effect that her man's name is John Moore; that she was born in Missouri and raised in Hamilton county, Tennessee, that the two men who were shot entered the house yesterday afternoon, and sat by the fire about fifteen minutes when a soldier rode up and threw rocks at the door, or knocked with his pistol or gun; that one of the men went to the door and asked "What you want, friend?" when the soldier on horseback asked if there was any one in the house belonging to the Tenth cavalry. The man at the door replied "No; there are only two Indianians [sic] here." when the soldier fired and the man fell; he fired again, and shot the other man in the cheek. Witness ran out, and seeing the soldier stopped her as she was running around the house; jerked the pistol from him, pulled off the caps, and threw the pistol away; does not know where the pistol is; it was a six-shooter; the man had on an overcoat and hat, with sabre, sword and pistol; they were all sitting before the fire when the soldier rode up to the door; the man who was shot through the cheek was named Sam; witness had seen him only before; had never seen either of the other two before. Mary Kelly, the other woman arrested, denied all knowledge of the men, and related about the same tale as to the shooting. Capt Moshier made a searching examination, and believing the woman knew more than they were willing to tell, he committed them both to jail. The body of the dead soldier was removed, and the wounded man was removed to Hospital No. 3
Nashville Dispatch, December 13, 1864.
[1] As cited in Rebellion Record, Vol. 4. p. 25.
[2] Most likely a stubborn, intractable person, as in "stubborn as a mule."
[3] TSL&A, 19th CN.
[4] Carrollville, in Wayne County, no longer exists. Carrollville Hill , to east and directly across Ross Creek from Clifton is all there is left to indicate the town's existence.
[5] Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee refers to this as an action.
[6] Those who wished to leave the Confederate army were required to take an elaborate oath, which was not included in this citation. One such oath is found, however, in the April 2, 1864 number of the Memphis Bulletin, as seen below.
[7] That is, her legs.
[8] Not referenced in Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee. This had been dated as taking place from December 12 to December 29, 1864. See CAR, p. 46.
[9] Nominal list (omitted) shows 1 killed, 3 wounded, and 1 missing.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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