Friday, March 13, 2015

3.13.2015 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        13, Confederate patrols between Union City, Dresden, Huntingdon and Lexington

JACKSON, TENN., March 13, 1862.

Gen. POLK:

Cavalry to occupy new line from Union City, Dresden, Huntingdon, and Lexington, and patrol intervening spaces, with pickets thrown out to their fronts. If compelled to retire, to fall back on Trenton, Humboldt, Jackson, and thence to Bolivar.


JACKSON, TENN., March 13, 1862.

Maj.-Gen. POLK:

Dispatch your infantry and artillery by railroad with utmost speed to Bethel Station; cavalry by country roads. Leave regiment of infantry at Union City and one at Lexington, with 500 cavalry on that border.

Report as soon as you begin movement. All possible celerity requisite.


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 10, pt. II, pp. 318-319.

        13, Destruction of Beach Creek Bridge, Mobile & Ohio Railroad[1]

Report of Maj. Charles S. Hayes, Fifth Ohio Cavalry.


SIR: Pursuant to orders received on the evening of the 12th instant I proceeded with my command at 2 o'clock yesterday morning, the 13th instant, and at 10 o'clock a.m. arrived at a point on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad between Bethel and Brown Station, and proceeded at once to destroy the bridge at that place crossing Beach Creek, it being of 50 feet span, with 50 feet of trestle-work on either bank, making 150 feet in all, which I so effectually crippled as to entirely preclude the passage of trains until the whole structure is taken down and rebuilt. I also tore up a small portion of the track on either side of the bridge and trestle, bent the rails, and threw them into the river, or creek. Farther down a small trestle was destroyed. While accomplishing this work a party of rebel horsemen, afterwards ascertained to be a portion of a body known as Robertson's Cavalry Company, came in sight, when, chase being given, two of them were captured, whom I now hold subject to order.

I also have their horses.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

CHAS. S. HAYES, Cmdg. Third Battalion Fifth Ohio Cavalry.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 10, pt. I, p. 10.

        13, Report of Federal landings at Savannah

The Florence Gazette, of yesterday, says:

We learned yesterday that the Federals had landed a large force at Savannah, Tennessee. We suppose they are making preparations to get possession of the Memphis and Charleston railroad. They must never be allowed to get this great thoroughfare in their possession, for then we would indeed be crippled. The labor and untiring industry of too many faithful and energetic men have been expended upon this road, to bring it up to its present state of usefulness, to let it fall into the hands of our enemy, to be used against us. It must be protected. We, as a people, are able to protect and save it. If unavoidable, let them have our river, but we hope it is the united sentiment of our people that we will have our railroad.

Memphis Daily Appeal, March 13, 1862.

        13, Mars in Memphis

Warlike.—The city has a very warlike appearance just now; lamp post committees and street corner lounges are much less numerously attended than they were a week ago, and in every quarter are seen squads of men drilling, while persons in uniform are hurrying to and fro as if they had important business upon their hands.

Memphis Daily Appeal, March 13, 1862.

        13, Skirmish at Holt's Corners, Triune [see March 13, 1863, Confederate Scouts in Middle Tennessee below]

        13, Running skirmish from Eagleville to Rover

MARCH 13, 1863.-Skirmish at Rover, Tenn.

Report of Brig. Gen. John A. Wharton, C. S. Army.

HDQRS. WHARTON'S CAVALRY, Unionville, March 13, 1863--7 p. m.

GEN.: I have the honor to report that the table was turned upon the Yankee cavalry to-day, and they are running. A considerable bevy of Yankee cavalry came down to our picket stand at Rover. Capt. Gordon, of my scout company, skirmished with them from near Eagleville to Rover. Capt. [W. C.] Bacot, a most gallant officer of [A. A.] Russell's regiment (whom I have long known), was out on a scout, and charged the enemy on their flank while they were engaging our men in front. The enemy fled before Bacot, and, with Gardner's company, they were pursued to their reserves, 3 miles, capturing 1 prisoner, of Jeff. [Jefferson C.] Davis' division. Reached Eagleville to-day about noon, from Triune. I think he is on his way back to Murfreesborough; will know to-morrow. Sheridan's division is, from [all I] can learn, at Versailles. This point is important, and I shall concentrate more cavalry here. Please ask Capt. [W. B.] Richmond or [H. C.] Yeatman to send me the latest papers.

Most respectfully, general, your obedient servant,

JNO. A. WHARTON, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. 1, p. 146.

        13, Burning of two houses in Eagleville [see March 9-14, 1863, Reconnaissance from Salem to Versailles above]

        13, Report on food supplies for Army of Tennessee

CHATTANOOGA, TENN., March 13, 1863.

Col. B. S. EWELL, Asst. Adjt. Gen. and Chief of Staff:

COL.: Under instructions from Gen. Johnston, I have been for some days past prosecuting an inquiry into the probable prospect of supplying the army of Gen. Bragg with salt meat from the country adjacent to that command, the object of this being mainly, as I understand, to protect the reserve supplies at Atlanta and elsewhere, in the event of a contingency. I hasten to communicate the result of this investigation, so far as I have been able to make it.

Taking the testimony of gentleman of character and credibility, who are familiar with the resources of the country, I should say that in the tier of counties lying to the right and left of the railroad to Shelbyville, from Stevenson, there were supplies sufficient, if energetically collected, to subsist Gen. Bragg's command for certainly two months. The counties of Lincoln, Giles, and Maury are particularly mentioned, Maj. V. K. Stevenson, president of Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, venturing the opinion that the former county alone has a surplus of 800,000 pounds of salt meat. It is suggested that Capt. Moses Cruse, a quartermaster, formerly a sheriff of Lincoln County, would be the most efficient person to send to that immediate locality. He is said to be a person of high character and great industry, and to enjoy a large share of popular confidence. I would respectfully recommend that he be ordered to report to Maj. [J. J.] Walker, Gen. Bragg's chief commissary, for special commissary duty in that section.

It is proper to add that Maj. Cumming, in charge of the subsistence depot at Atlanta, presents rather a gloomy view of his resources. Among other discouraging items, he informed me that he was compelled to make a weekly shipment of 500,000 pounds of meat for the eastern army. Hence it becomes a matter of most serious concern to gather assiduously all the supplies in the immediate front and on the flanks of Gen. Bragg's army. I shall leave to-morrow to prosecute a further inquiry into the prospects of beef-cattle in Central Alabama.

Very respectfully,

A. D. BANKS, Maj. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 688-689.

        13, Confederate scouts in Middle Tennessee

HDQRS. CAVALRY OUTPOST, Murfreesborough Pike, March 13, 1863.

Maj. THOMAS M. JACK, Asst. Adjt. Gen., Polk's Corps:

MAJ.: Lieut. [William G.] Logan, with a small scouting party from Middleton, captured to-day three of the enemy's couriers, on the road leading from Versailles to Salem. The inclosed dispatch* was found on them. Lieut. Logan reports the enemy to be in force at Versailles; also that a large commissary train went up the pike this morning, in the direction of Murfreesborough. My scouts on this pike report but one brigade of the enemy this side of Stone's River.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

JAMES HAGAN, Col., Cmdg. Brigade.

HDQRS., Middleton, March 13, 1863.


COL.: This is a copy of an intercepted dispatch. You will see from it that the Yankees perhaps contemplate an attack on Unionville to-morrow. Lieut. Logan, with 5 men, captured 3 prisoners bearing dispatches-all on Salem and Versailles pike. Still in large force at that place. Have all other scouts on the pike to-night.


JOHN S. PRATHER, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg. Post.

P. S.-Sent the original to brigade headquarters.


HDQRS. TWENTIETH ARMY CORPS, Camp on Stone's River, March 13, 1863.

Brig.-Gen. GRANGER, Cmdg. Forces at Versailles:

GEN.: Your letter of March 12 is received, stating that there is perhaps a force of 3,000 of the enemy at Unionville. Gen. Davis has been ordered to communicate with you, and perhaps he will decide to attack the force at Unionville, in which case Gen. McCook directs that you act under Gen. Davis' orders, and support him in all his movements.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. A. CAMPBELL, Maj. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.


A true copy of intercepted dispatch found on the person of a Federal courier, between Versailles and Salem.

JOHN S. PRATHER, Cmdg. at Middleton, Tenn.

CHAPEL HILL, March 13, 1863--Noon.

Gen. POLK, Shelbyville:

GEN.: My scouts in from the front report everything quiet. I still keep scouting parties in every direction from which the enemy are likely to advance. I think if a sufficient number of good, intelligent guides were furnished, I might annoy the enemy considerably at all times, whether they be going or coming, and to that end have written Gen. Wheeler to get a company that was organized in the country between here and Murfreesborough.

Very respectfully,

P. D. RODDEY, Col.

NEAR EAGLEVILLE, March 13, 1863--2 a. m.

Col. P. D. RODDEY, Cmdg. Cavalry:

COL.: This morning at 11 o'clock four companies of Federal cavalry passed from Eagleville to our old camp, and took the dirt road by Oglesby's to the Chapel Hill and Nashville pike, and advanced in the direction of Chapel Hill. A scout of about the same size went down toward Rover.

The citizens say large numbers of infantry are in Eagleville (I will let you know to-night whether it is so or not). It may be that they are going to White's Bridge, and send the scout on the Nashville pike to draw attention.

Very respectfully,


CHAPEL HILL, March 13, 1863.

Gen. POLK, Shelbyville, Tenn.:

GEN.: On my arrival from Unionville, I learn there has been skirmishing between the enemy's cavalry and my outpost, on the Triune pike, at Holt's Corners. Three companies of the enemy present. Maj. [W. A.] Johnson had gone out with four companies to investigate. My scouts report an advance on that pike 2 miles this side of Eagleville at 3 p. m. Nothing from pickets on that road yet. My scouts in from the direction of Spring Hill report everything quiet 10 miles from here, and no report of any of the Lewisburg and Franklin pike.

Very respectfully,

P. D. RODDEY, Col.

CHAPEL HILL, March 13, 1863--11 p. m.

Lieut. Gen. LEONIDAS POLK, Shelbyville, Tenn.:

GEN.: My scouts are in, having left a point commanding a view of the enemy at Eagleville. They report the encampment large, extending toward Rover some distance beyond the junction of the pikes, and reaching considerably north of the junction. Appearance of an extensive camp near Versailles. They returned from my outpost picket stand, on Triune road, to Eagleville. Maj. Johnson followed them beyond the forks of the road at Rigg's. I rather look for them to advance on this place and Rover to-morrow simultaneously.

Very respectfully,

P. D. RODDEY, Col.

HDQRS. WHARTON'S CAVALRY, Unionville, March 13, 1863.


GEN.: Inclosed I send you copy of captured dispatch* that will explain itself. There never was a better opportunity for giving the enemy a good whipping. If Gen. Stewart is ordered to take position at Unionville by daylight, and a supporting force, say Gen. Cheatham's, was ordered to start to-night, it would arrive in ample time; with my cavalry in the rear, we could accomplish much; indeed, I think it worth your presence. Of course, without infantry support, I can do nothing. I visit Gen. Stewart to-night. I await your reply with great impatience.

Most respectfully, general, your obedient servant,

JNO. A. WHARTON, Brig.-Gen.

HDQRS. WHARTON'S CAVALRY, Unionville, March 13, 1863--9 a. m.

Lieut. Gen. LEONIDAS POLK, Cmdg., &c.:

GEN.: Immediately upon my arrival here yesterday, I sent a scout in the direction of Eagleville. They returned late last night; reported no enemy at Eagleville, but the forces of Davis, Rousseau, and Sheridan encamped from the forks of the pike (3 miles beyond Eagleville) to Triune. I have read dispatches to you that announced the safety of Van Dorn. The enemy may attempt another raid on this place on their return to Murfreesborough, which I think will take place to-day or to-morrow. I send you two Northern papers.

Most respectfully, general, your obedient servant,

JNO. A. WHARTON, Brig.-Gen.

UNIONVILLE, March [13], 1863--8 p. m.


GEN.: Capt. [W. C.] Bacot has just returned from his scout. The enemy retired in direction of Murfreesborough. They have large wagon trains with them, and they avowed the object of their trip to have been the interception of Van Dorn. I send a scout to Versailles early in the morning, and will be in Shelbyville in the morning on business. I think this outpost will soon be all right. Col. [J. C.] Malone, jr., went to Shelbyville to-day. I send you a Louisville Journal of the 12th, the latest.

Most respectfully, general, your obedient servant,

JNO. A. WHARTON, Brig.-Gen.

EAGLEVILLE, March 13, 1863.

Brig.-Gen. WHARTON, Cmdg. Outpost, Rover, Tenn.:

SIR: The enemy have just left, and are in line of battle about 1 mile distant. Two divisions of infantry and one brigade of cavalry have just evacuated the town as we enter. I have some prisoners. They have gone in the direction of Murfreesborough.

In haste, your obedient servant,

W. S. BACOT, Capt., Cmdg. Detachment.


WHARTON'S HDQRS., Unionville, March 14, 1863.

Lieut.-Gen. POLK:

GEN.: I sent out this morning Capt. Bacot with his company and squadron of Texas Rangers to develop the enemy at Eagleville. The dispatch on the reserve --- show with what success he accomplished his mission. Will dispatch you again to --- and will visit you, or --- to-morrow, the enemy be --- willing.

Most respectfully, your obedient servant,


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 688-692.

        13, "It is a nucleus around which a larger force may be gathered." An excerpt from R. V. Richardson's report commenting on the need to enforce Confederate conscription in West Tennessee

* * * *

During the time (about five months)[2] in which I have been enlisting and organizing my regiment, we have killed about 50 of the enemy, have wounded about 100, and paroled about 700 men.

I believe that a force of 5,000 men can be raised in West Tennessee for the defense of this part of the State through the operations of the conscript law. My command is probably the first and only regiment of partisan rangers organized in Tennessee within the enemy's lines. It is a nucleus around which a larger force may be gathered. In West Tennessee there are large supplies, enough for the sustenance of an army sufficient to defend the country. These are lost to the cause unless a force is raised to defend the country. Here also are horses and mules; these are taken by the enemy whenever he makes a raid. My lines, now limited north by the Big Hatchie, might be extended north, and thus reach a region of country where there are many soldiers away from their commands and many conscripts. I suggest, would it not be well enough to encourage the raising of partisan corps within the enemy's lines, and thus avail yourself of a class of men now rendering no service to theirs country? I have made out a requisition for articles needed, and hope you will approve it and supply us as soon as practicable. Capt. Harrison and Lieut. [N.] McMullen will give all desirable information as to my wants and the exigencies of the service in this region.

Very respectfully,

R. V. RICHARDSON, Col. Comdg. First Tennessee Regt. [sic] Partisan Rangers, C. S. A.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. I, p. 426.

        13-14, Capture of Confederate conscripts near Charlotte[3]

MARCH 13-14, 1863.-Capture of Conscripts near Charlotte, Tenn.

Reports of Col. Sanders D. Bruce, Twentieth Kentucky Infantry.

CLARKSVILLE, TENN., March 13, 1863.

My cavalry found another party of rebel cavalry yesterday near Charlotte, capturing 13 prisoners with horses. Five are new conscripts, who claim to be Union men, and desire to take the oath. Instruct me.


CLARKSVILLE, March 14, 1863.

We captured a few more rebels to-day. The country is clear. No danger on river. Their whole force has crossed Duck River low down for fear of being cut off.

S. D. BRUCE, Col., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, pp. 146-147.

        13, 15, "They are rank, vile Abolitionists and should be treated a men liable to incite servile insurrection." News and rumors from Confederate Occupied Shelbyville


Shelbyville, March 13, 1863

The Expected Advance.

Editor Observer: In my last correspondence I spoke of the early advance of the Federals, but owing to the incessant rains the roads were in too bad a condition for a move of the least proportions. From present indications I think it possible that a terrible battle may be fought at no very distant day. The weather which is now upon us, accompanied by the cold March winds, tends to dry the roads and make the passable. This is undoubtedly what they have been waiting on. They have had ample time to recruit their ranks – receive additional artillery, and at least 30,000 reinforcements. This is not an exaggeration; for my information is the best. For instance, Seigel, with troops taken from before Washington, 'Leu [sic] Wallace and his division; the scattered forces left to Garrison Kentucky will sum up 30,000. In late Cincinnati papers I notice in the departures of steamers large lists of stores for Rosecranz's [sic][4] army. By this time he has certainly obtained supplies to enable him to push forward. Then why does he not take up "line of march?" There is but on reasonable excuse in answer to this interrogatory, and that is the miserable condition of the roads heretofore. It may appear to a citizen [sic] a very poor excuse [sic], but I have seen the roads so bad that empty wagons would mire, and it would be almost impossible to extricate it. This is in my humble opinion the cause of a delay where so many lives are at stake.


Yankee prisoners to the number of 2,600 arrived here on the 9th inst. [Monday]. They are those captured by Van Dorn at Thompson's Station, and a large portion of four regiments. I conversed with several of them. Hailing from Wisconsin and Michigan nothing more is expected of them, than they, in conversation, expressed. They are rank, vile Abolitionists [sic] and should be treated a men liable to incite servile insurrection. Taking them all in all they are a poor, degraded specimen of humanity. – the privates will be sent off to Richmond for exchange, but the officers in accordance to President Davis' proclamation, will be retained.


Major-Generals Withers and McCown's divisions left their encampment near Shelbyville for the front. McCown went in the direction of Murfreesboro, and Withers that [sic] to Eagleville. As everything relating to army movements is veiled in mystery, it can only be conjectured their intentions. It is the opinion of the "knowing ones" that it is to dispute the advance of Lincoln's myrmidons that are, from all indications, pressing heavily upon our lines. Probably within the net two or three days we may hear of some hard fighting in this vicinity.


I learn from an intelligent member of Van Dorn's cavalry that this dashing officer has allowed himself to be surrounded by three divisions of the enemy. It is through neglect that this was done. The enemy succeeded in taking possession of a pontoon bridge in the rear of the Confederates, thus cutting off their retreat. There is but one guerre resort [sic] and that is to cut his way out, and in this he may lose a number of gallant lives.

I place the greatest credence in the above, for it comes from such undoubted sources that it cannot be disbelieved; but we hope not so bad as reported.


Last week this little town experienced a severe shock of a hurricane. The damage done was considerable. Eakin's Hall and the adjoining block were blown to the ground, and a number of other houses injured. A young man engaged in the telegraph office was badly hurt, but not mortally. There is something strange connected with this, which justly entitles it to be called a phenomenon. All the property destroyed belonged to renegade Union citizens; and the soldiers impute it to a curse sent upon them for traitorous conduct. This may be the case, but we never were inclined to be superstitious.


Lt. Gen'l. Polk, commanding this corps d'armee [sic], has issued an order which in all respects entitles him to praise. In all armies may be found men so mean and degraded as to take advantage of the darkness of night and impose upon peaceable and quiet citizens in such a manner as robbing hen-roosts and stealing geese. Gen. Polk proclaims that it does not behoove men engaged in the glorious cause we are, to thus behave themselves. Fighting for those sacred rights given us by Him – the virtue of our firesides and the gray hairs of our sires, it is degenerate to indulge in such petty work. According to this order a number of good men are forced to suffer from it. Guard lines have been established around each brigade with instructions not to let any one pass without permission from a brigade commander; and if said thieves are caught in the act of stealing shall be punishable by such sentence as a court-martial may inflict.


In the 11th regiment of Tennessee infantry quite an amusing ceremony took place. A happy trio entered an arena as follows – a fictitious preacher and a man and a woman; said man and woman wishing to enter the circle of married felicity. The inimitable Richard B. personified the character of parson for the occasion and did it to perfection. As for a description of the couple, it is unnecessary, for they are not worthy of it. Suffice it to say that she bore not the semblance to Venus; and at the conclusion, "wedded for two years or during the war," was received with immense applause by the boys witnessing the performance; and the living husband took his "extra rib" under his arm and has gone to parts unknown. It may probably be to the author as it was to this hero – Honi soit qui mal y pense is a truthful old proverb. More anon.


Shelbyville, March 15, 1863

Editor Observer: - Since my last letter of the 13th inst. communicating the surrounding of Van Dorn 's cavalry, I write to inform your readers that his entire force have made their escape – crossing the river six miles below this [point?] In the retreat he lost nothing [illegible] valuable papers of importance [sic] were found on their persons, as to the movement of the Yankee army. – They corroborate the statement that Siegel's army has arrived as reinforcement to Rosecranz [sic]; also a large force from Kentucky.

For information of the timid, I will add that we are not far behind the wily Federal as regards an additional force. And in the next battle, we trust to vanquish the foe from the soil of Middle Tennessee. At least all are confident and waiting eagerly for the fray.

R. S. S.

Fayetteville Observer, March 19, 1863.

        13, Skirmish at Cheek's Cross-Road

No circumstantial reports filed.[5]

        13, Skirmish at Spring Hill

No circumstantial reports filed.

        13, Federal reconnaissance, Morristown to mouth of Burt Creek

No circumstantial reports filed.

MORRISTOWN, March 13, 1864.

Maj. Gen. J. G. PARKE, Cmdg. Ninth Army Corps:

SIR: The commanding general directs that Klein's cavalry be ordered to make a reconnaissance this evening toward the mouth of Burt Creek, to ascertain whether any changes have been made in the enemy's position or force. Col. Klein is supposed to be at Springvale (or McFarlane's), where he was ordered to take position this morning, and where, after his reconnaissance, he will remain for the night unless otherwise ordered.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. D. COX, Brig.-Gen., Acting Chief of Staff.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 61.

        13, First Lieutenant Robert Cruikshank, 123rd New York Infantry Regiment, letter home to his wife Mary, camp routine on Sundays

Camp 123rd Regt. [sic], N. Y. S. V.

Elk River, Tenn.,

Mar. 13, 1864.

Dear Wife,-

This is Sabbath evening and all are quiet in Camp. I have had the day all to myself and have enjoyed the quiet. We do not have the quiet you do, as we have our regular work to attend to. I can get along with the regular work but when extra work is put onto us because we have a short time for rest, I do not like it.

Every Sabbath morning the men must dress in their best, black their shoes and with gun and accoutrements as clean and bright as they can be made, fall in line at nine o'clock for inspection. After this is over the sanitary condition of the Camp is looked after. If the Company street has not been properly swept and cleaned, it must be done over again. Every tent is inspected to see if there is anything that would cause disease or injure the health of the inmates. The above is regular work and I think it is right to look after the health of the men. Some of them would keep everything clean and in order and others would not. But if they know they must do it themselves before inspection or do it afterward under the direction of an officer or perhaps be sent to the guard house for punishment, or if in the habit or neglecting their work they are marched where all in Camp can see them, with a large stick of wood on their shoulders like a gun, it will not be neglected the second time. One man kept himself so filthy I made a detail take him to the creek and wash him and put clean clothes on him.

When he returned the men pretended they did not know him and when introduced by the men who had washed him, they all shook hands with him, congratulating him on his good appearance. He has not had to be washed the second time. There is no shirking here.

I am in very good health and my throat is well again.

With love to you and Ella,

R. Cruikshank.

Robert Cruikshank Letters.

        13, Belle Edmondson pines for a lost love

March, Sunday 13, 1864

Hopes, what are they? Beads of morning

Strung on Slender blades of Grass,

Sweet is hope's wild warbled air

But oh!-its echo is despair!

Today is the first anniversary of the happiest day in my life-just one short year ago, twas then on Friday morning, he came for me to walk on the hill to listen to the echoes of our triumph at Fort Pemberton (Greenwood)-I rushed on to meet my fate, oh! God that it had never overtaken me-yet tis the brightest spot in my sad life-his love-in reviewing my diary for '63 I find in this day a quotation from Raphael which has indeed found its moral. Oh! who in the course of his life has not felt some joy without a security, and without the certainty of a morrow. Time hath power over hours, none over the soul. Time had power over his heart, yet none over my true and holy love. Today he wooes [sic] the daughter of a more sunny clime-Miss Sallie Anderson of Mobile, may she never know the pangs of a deceived heart-I have spent the day alone in my little room, finished the book of John-bright and beautiful, though rather cool. Laura and Bettie went to Mrs. Wilson's, all the whole family walking and enjoying themselves-tis just four o'clock-I will wait until after Tea to finish. I sat in the Parlor with the Father after Tea. Laura and Bettie spelled at Baker tonight-No Beulah or Tip-Laura & I alone. Oh! my heavenly Father humble my heart, and give me Christian patience.

Diary of Belle Edmondson

        13, Removal of Dead Horses; the Federal Army's battle for Public Health in Nashville

Provost Orders, No. 52

Office Provost Marshal

Nashville, Tenn., March 13, 1864

The practice of deposing the carcasses of dead horses and mules within the limits of the city, is in violation of all sanitary regulations, and is strictly prohibited.

All such dead animals will be hauled to a point on the river bank, below the Government corrals, and thrown into the river.

Any soldier, citizen, or Government employee leaving such dead carcass within the city limits, or within one half mile of the same, or any owner of such dead animal neglecting to have it hauled away, will be arrested and imprisoned.

By order of Brig. Gen R. S. Garner

John W. Horner, Lieut. Col and Pro. Mar.

Nashville Dispatch, March 19, 1864.

        13, "The Lord is now judging us for it." The Sin of Race Mixing and the Fortunes of the Confederacy. An entry from the Diary of Eliza Rhea Anderson Fain

Have enjoyed a precious privilege today of going to the house of God and hearing from our loved minister precious truths. The North has departed from the Bible, she has set it aside for a higher she found it confliction with her with her views on the subject of slavery. Their misguided zeal and sympathy for the poor African has entailed upon their country one of the most cruel, the most bloody, terrible wars that any people have ever known. While the South by her disregard for the commands of the high and holy one have provoked his wrath. The terrible sin of amalgamation has gone up before the great and holy one, until he has poured out upon us the fierceness of his wrath. This sin has for years been a great trouble to me. I have been so grieved at the thought of the white man enslaving his own flesh and blood-of changing the race of being whom God in his providence and for reasons known to himself seems to have set apart as servants for the descendants of Shem and Japheth.[6] We of the South have sinned in not speaking against this sin, as we should have done. The lord is now judging us for it.

Fain Dairy.

        14, Skirmish at Bent Creek

No circumstantial reports filed.

        14, 5th U. S. (Tennessee) Cavalry ordered to impress horses in White, Jackson, Van Buren and Overton counties


Nashville, Tenn., March 14, 1864.

Col. WILLIAM B. STOKES, Cmdg. Fifth Tennessee Cavalry:

SIR: Your favor by Lieut. Carter is received. Your have no idea of the demands made upon our Government for horses to remount our cavalry. No one Government--not all the Governments of the world--could keep so much cavalry mounted while animals are so recklessly destroyed. You know I will gladly aid you at all times in every way that I can to keep your command in good shape, but horses are absolutely out of the question. You must find and take them in the country you traverse. Horses cannot be bought at the North at any reasonable rate, and but few can be had at any rate whatever. If there are not horses enough where you are, we will have to move you to where they can be obtained. I am informed that there are still many serviceable animals all through White, Van Buren Jackson, and Overton Counties. These must be taken with out exception, until you are fully provided. Endeavor to feed well and insist upon the very best kind of grooming. Our cavalry will share in the coming campaign just in proportion to the nursing they will bestow upon their horses, for it is a question of horses, not men, and none can except new mounts by purchases made north.

As to arms, I will do my best to secure you the best at the earliest possible moment. I am endeavoring to get a depot of cavalry arms, ammunition, and equipments established here for the prompt supply of all these things.

Galbraith was ordered to join you with all the he had with him, and I will endeavor as far as possible to keep your whole regiment at all times within immediate control.

Now, "pitch in," colonel, and help yourself to horses; "keep your powder dry" and give the guerrillas "thunder" wherever you can fired them.

Yours, always,

WM. SOOY MITH, Brig. Gen., Chief of Cavalry, Mil. Div. of the Mississippi.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 70.

        13, The case of the unwed widow and the recovery of an unfaithful husband in Memphis

A Boarding House Incident.- It is reported that among the ladies of Memphis who object to being considered the keepers of boarding houses, but for a liberal compensation take a few respectable ladies had gentlemen as members of families, is a widow with some pretensions to good looks and with very stylish notions. This attractive lady has as a member of her family, a handsome and carefully gotten up gentleman, who had resigned his commission from the army, and devoted himself to social enjoyment. It was rumored that he and the widow were about to marry, and everybody thought it was a very suitable match, except that the lady had been quite secesh, and the gentleman being from the northwest was supposed to be a little of an abolitionist. Thus matters stood, when on last Monday [13th] night the widow and her admirer, having paid a visit to the Vincent's for supper, retuned home in the best of spirits. How long they sat in conversation, no one knows, but some time after midnight a good looking, but plainly dressed lady, who had come down the river on the steamer Belle Memphis, and had, it appears, been some time prospecting in the widow's premises, knocked at the widow's chamber. How she got in the house no one knows. Perhaps she bribed the servants; but, somehow, in she got and knocked at the widow's door until it was opened, when in she sprang, just as an exit was made from a window. The widow says it was a cat that jumped out. However this may be, the strange lady found, safe in his bed, her husband, for it turned out that she was the wife of the Northern gentleman whom the widow was supposed to marry. The next morning the husband and wife left Memphis w2ithout bidding adieu to the widow, who has very little to say about the matter.-Memphis Bulletin, 18th

New Orleans Times, March 28, 1865.


[1] Beach Creek Bridge was located between Bethel and Brown Station, in West Tennessee, most likely in Carroll County.

[2] ca. November 1862 – March 1863.

[3] Not mentioned in Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.

[4] This misspelling of Rosecrans name may have been intentional, an attempt to discredit him by Confederate authorities by association with the Jewish community. There is no proof of this, however.

[5] Called an "action" by Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.

[6] Many Bible historians contend that the three offspring of Noah, Shem, Japheth and Ham, were responsible for formation of the races. Shem stayed in the Middle East; his descendants include the Hebrews, Persians and Assyrians. The descendants of Japheth wandered into Europe and parts of Central Asia. The Greeks, Romans, Spanish, Celts, Scythians and Medes were Japheth's descendants. The issue of Ham incorporated the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Canaanites, Phoenicians and Hittites. Ham's descendants appear to be the first to fill the earth, and were the early settlers of Africa, Asia, Australia, the South Pacific and the Americas.


James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456

(615)-532-1549  FAX


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