30, Madame Arrabella Clifton, Memphis psychic
Madam Arrabella Clifton, the great Astrologer and Planet Reader, who has mastered all the sciences in the gift of prophesy, can be consulted at her office, at Mrs. Hightower's, corner of Commerce and Second streets, where she will be happy to see all who may favor her with their patronage. She is well known as a lady of truth and respectability. Medicine supplied for all curable diseases. Remember the place, corner of Commerce and Second streets
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 30, 1861.
30, News about a new steam-powered fire engine for Memphis
The Fire Steamers—H. Vollintine, Esq., chairman of the council fire committee, has received a letter from A. B. & E. Latta, of Cincinnati, dated March 21, which says: "We are now progressing rapidly with the last engine of yours, and shall not be long now before both are completed. Our chief engineer says these two engines of yours are the finest machines we have ever built yet. All that have seen them are pleased with them. We are of opinion that they will suit your city well. Do not fail to get reels soon, they will be wanted." These engines will be here soon, and then the necessary changes the fire steamers require, must be made. The No. 1 engine home, on Poplar near Main, and the No. 4 engine house, opposite the Commercial hotel on Jefferson street, will be sold to obtain the nine thousand dollars the two engines cost. The insurance companies will advance a handsome loan, by which reels, hose, horses and harness will be provided. To place the whole city under protection of the fire steamers, one of them will be placed north at the No. 6 engine house on Main street; another at the No. 5's engine house, near the Gayoso, and the third in the centre, at No. 3's engine house at the corner of Second and Adam's street. The present volunteer force, or that part of them in the centre of the city, will be rendered useless, and all their members must be allowed the privilege of contesting for admittance into the paid fire department. With a well managed and properly paid fire department, composed of old and experienced firemen, we shall have fewer fire alarms and more efficiency. The skillful, steady and ardent firemen will greatly relish the change. The idea of a paid fire department is a popular one with our citizens, and any who may wish to oppose the program will find small capital to carry on the business with.
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 30, 1861.
30, Relief for the Homeless in Memphis
Home for the Homeless.—We have lying before us a list of the inmates of this excellent institution, from which we learn that eleven women, fourteen children and three men are at the "home." The former as recipients of its bounties; the men are engaged, one as driver, etc., the other two as gardeners, and they are now laying out the grounds in very handsome style, under the superintendence of the matron.
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 30, 1861.
30, A plea for a cemetery for the poor in Memphis
A Potters Field.—To a heart touched with one feeling of that charity, without which all else is but as "the sounding brass and tinkling symbal," [sic] there is something inexpressibly sad in the thought that in a city blessed with prosperity as ours has been, we offer to the friendless, the poor, and the homeless, no shelter where they may lay their head, whether in life or death. Those who find themselves among us without a roof to sleep under, find no place provided for them, as is done in other cities. For the poor who die, there is no potters field where we may bury strangers, as is also usually provided in other cities. We stated a short time ago, and we did it upon official information, that on account of the great expense of funerals in this city, the practice of burying infants in out-of-the-way spots in the suburbs, is quite prevalent. The ordinary charge for burying a negro child is eighteen dollars; of a white one twenty dollars. Such charges are more than many in our midst can afford top pay. We learn from an undertaker that the high charge arises from the great expense that attends obtaining ground for burial. At Elmwood cemetery, to bury white people costs ten dollars for a child, and fifteen dollars for a grown person; the cost for negroes ten dollars, and twelve dollars and a half are demanded. At Winchester cemetery the rates are for white persons nine dollars; for negroes, ten dollars for blacks of all sizes. The Catholics, with a piety that does them infinite credit, are the only persons in the city who have provided the poor with a spot where the dust that once shrouded God's image can be placed, under circumstances that shall not trench upon the purse of penury or violate the honest pride of the poor. They have a burial ground where all of their people can find sepulture for the moderate sum of five dollars. The city used to own a place of burial; when that became filled, the funerals of paupers, that were formerly an expense to the city of five dollars each, rose to fourteen dollars each; so that our city council are guilty of bad economy as well as of an improper regard for the wants of the poor in what they are doing, or rather neglecting to do, in this matter. It will easily be imagined that when to the rates charged for ground in the only spots open to the general public—which charges we should state include the digging and filling of the grave—are as high as stated above, the addition of coffin, carriage hire and services will easily run up the undertaker's charge to eighteen and twenty dollars.
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 30, 1861.
30, Colonel Beatty's Observations on Murfreesboro
This is a pleasant Sunday. The sun shines, the birds sing, and the air stirs pleasantly.
The colored people of Murfreesboro pour out in great numbers on Sunday evenings to witness dress parade, some of them in excellent holiday attire. The women sport flounces and the men canes. Many are nearly white, and all slaves.
Murfreesboro is an aristocratic town. Many of the citizens have as fine carriages as area to be seen in Cincinnati or Washington. On pleasant weed-day evening they sometimes come out to witness the parades. The ladies, so far as I can judge by a glimpse through a carriage window, are richly and elegantly dressed.
The poor whites are as poor as rot, and the rich are very rich. There is no substantial well-to-do middle class. The slaves are, in fact, the middle class here. They are not considered so good, of course, but a great deal better than the white trash. One enthusiastic colored man said in my hearing this evening: "You look like solgers [sic]. No wonder dat you wip de white trash ob de Southern army. Dey ced dey could wip two of you, but I guess one of you could wip two ob dem. You is jest as big as dey is, and maybe a little bigger."
A few miles from here, at a cross roads is a guide-board: "15 miles to Liberty." If liberty were indeed but fifteen miles away, the stars to-night would see a thousand negroes [sic] dancing on the way thither; old men with their wives and bundles; young men with their sweethearts; little barefooted children, all singing in their hearts:
"De day ob jubilee hab come, ho ho!" [sic]
On the march hither we passed a little, contemptible, tumble-down, seven-by-nine frame school-house. Over the door, in large letters, were the words:
The boys laughed and said: "If this is called an academy, what sort of things must their common school-houses be?" But Tennessee is a beautiful State. All it lacks is free schools and freemen.
Beatty, Citizen Soldier, pp. 122-123.
30, Railroad connections between Nashville and Louisville, and Murfreesboro to Chattanooga rebuilt
Railroad Communication Restored.
Cairo, March 30. The Nashville correspondent of the Times reports that the railroad communication with Louisville is fully restored. The Chattanooga road, which was destroyed by the Rebels in their flight, is fully repaired as far north as Murfreesboro, and is now being stocked from the North.
It has been strongly urged by Govern Johnson to levy a tax on the Secession merchants at Nashville, and its vicinity, to repair the bridges destroyed by Floyd.
Philadelphia Inquirer, March 31, 1862.
30, The trouble with Green Pork
Whose business is it too see that the government supplies of army stores, and especially green pork, are kept in a proper and safe condition?
Green pork just taken from the pickle will suffer deterioration if shipped and warehoused in large masses without being hung up and smoked till it becomes hard and dry: much of it may even be lost with out this precaution. Let somebody look into this matter. The government daily loses by carelessness and unfaithfulness of its agents.-Knoxville Register.
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 30, 1862.[1]
30, Federal Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
Our Real Danger.
From the Selma Republican.
Since the fall of Donelson, and the occupation of Nashville by the Federal soldiery, many of the inhabitants along the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers are reported as having expressed great surprise at the amiable behavior and extreme moderation of the northern generals. On the principle that more flies can be caught with sugar than salt these wolves in sheep's clothing have visited the old women and sold them coffee at six cents per pound, and other articles equally cheap; and on top of this, they have put the finishing stroke of conciliating the disaffected by the plentiful use of soft solder; but we have lost our reckoning in these sniveling Yankees-these wooden nutmeg manufacturers-will so far succeed in combing the wool over the faces of our [citizens about their actions (?)] in respect to the true intent and purpose of this invasion of their soil. In one instance, a little incident of war was related to us, which is doubtless illustrative of the balance:
A widow lady had lost a pig at the hands of the Federal soldiery. She made no mention of the matter, but a northern officer, learning the facts, galloped instantly to her door, with his mouth full of apologies and a five dollar bill in his hand, all of which was freely given to the matron in satisfaction for her missing shoat. It does not require a Solomon to see that this sort of strategy is bound to succeed with certain members of the genus homo, who meekly swallow the sugar-coated ratsbane and hemlock dropped down their throats by the chuckling enemy. There are, too, superannuated grandmothers, whose peculiar temptation lies in a good cup of coffee; and with these appliances, and the gift of gab-for which the Yankees are noted-they will certainly make a breach in the less loyal portions of our common country. Of course the signs of liberality exhibited to our people are deceptive and transitory, while their purposes of proscription are stubborn and unmistakable; but it requires a little time and some thought to appreciate these facts.
The grand spoil contemplated by the aggressive war of the enemy will not, of course, tolerate private marauding, because this policy would obstruct the march of the army, and also obstruct the march of the army, and also abstract that much from the big prize. The object of the Federal government is manifestly to confiscate all of our property, real or personal, and to appropriate the whole southern region to the production of such staples as make the basis of our wealth. The victors are to take actual possession of our plantations, and our people are to be made to toil the support of the northern Vandals. The repression of private rapine invades the nation's prerogative for plunder, and also lessens the expected spoil. The government has yet to put into operation its machinery for the confiscation of southern property and the forcible seizure of persons, who are to be extorted in the matter of rendering their allegiance to the Federal dynasty. These facts are, however, so plain as to need no further amplification. There is but one way to meet the invader-put one kind of hospitality due him, and that is too plain to need specification. We trust the people will prepare for all possible emergencies,[2] and strike down the foe whether he comes with the smiles of Judas, or the intent of an open enemy.
Memphis Daily Appeal, March 30, 1862. [3]
30, Federal Picket Activity Prior to the Battle of Shiloh
From the 10th Regiment.
~ ~ ~
Headquarters, Picket Guard
Near Shiloh, Tenn., March 30, 1862.
Our company (Capt. Sharp's) was detailed on the 26th to go on picket guard, and here we are yet, it being the 4th day. We are but a short distance from the rebel encampment, not to exceed 6 or 7 miles. Of course I do not know their strength, neither do I know own strength, but you may rest assured that the concentration of such immense numbers here, means [a] fight, and I say, God speed the right. The first day we were on picket duty, eight of us on visiting the outposts, came to a house a short distance from the advance guards, and six of us went it, the other two remaining outside on guard. Soon we heard the report of a gun, and on going to the door, we found a lot of rebel scouts, not 100 yards and on horseback. They had fired at the two men we left on guard, then commenced flying like Arabs into the thicket. On the next day Capt. Sharp with 24 men, including myself, started in search of the cowardly rebels. Se scoured the country for miles around, and although we did not see them, we learned on inquiry, that they were a company of 38 cavalry. We finally moved off into a country unknown even to our scouts, Capt. Sharp being in advance of s, sometimes 50 or 100 and sometimes 200 yards ahead of us, in order to give the alarm in case of approaching danger, and just as we were turning our line of march towards Monterey, the Captain hailed a rich planter who informed him that we were only about two miles from that place, and that there was about 3,000 rebel infantry encamped there, besides a company of cavalry, and that we were not about 6 miles from our camp.
This unexpected information of a large rebel force so near did not disturb us in the least or cast a shadow across the countenance of a single man. After dining with the planter, for which we paid him, we started on towards Monterey to get at a pint where there were cross roads, where we determine to lay in ambush and when an opportunity occurred, see some fun, and in case the enemy coming along should outnumber us and attempt fight, we would return to camp under cover of night. We had scarcely got our positions before we heard the report of gun near the captain, who was about 100 yards in advance, and just over the brow of the hill. On pushing forward we found the rebel pickets spurring their horses in a charge upon our Captain, whom they suppose was alone. Our captain dismounted and joined our company, gave the command to charge in double quick, and every man sprang forward with a will, when the rebels wheeled their horses and hastily retreated, when we retraced our step to camp, where we arrived before dark very much fatigues. This is but a sample of our work each day.
~ ~ ~
Columbus Gazette, April 18, 1862. [4]
30-31, Descent upon Union City [see also August 2, 1861, Description of the Confederate camp at Union City above]
HDQRS. U. S. FORCES OPPOSITE ISLAND NO. 10, MO., March 31, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to report that since I have been in command of the forces at this place, having left but a small number of troops at Columbus and a smaller number at Hickman, Ky., I have learned of daily reconnaissances of rebel cavalry in the vicinity of the latter place, and that two regiments, one of infantry and one of cavalry, were at Union City, who were in railroad and telegraphic communication with Humboldt, where there was a large force.
On the 29th instant I received letters from the commanders both at Columbus and Hickman, each expressing the desire for re-enforcements, the latter, Lieut.-Col. Hogg, proposing that on the arrival of cavalry re-enforcements he must go south of Union City and destroy a trestle bridge and cut the telegraph wire. On the same day I received dispatches from Gen. Strong, at Cairo, who intimated that I should act in the premises on my own judgment. On the same day also I exhibited all my dispatches to Flag-Officer Foote, and suggested to him that if my forces were not required here in aid of his operations for two days I would take a part of them and march on Union City. He heartily concurred.
On the 30th....I...conferred with Capt. Dove, of the U. S. Navy, commanding the gunboat Louisville, and communicated to him my plans. Except [for] the commanders...no one knew my plans.
I gave out to the citizens of Hickman that on the hill in rear of the town I would review all the troops. The people from the country remained to see the review. At 2.30 o'clock p. m. the column got under way with a light train and one day's rations in their haversacks. The march was in the following order: 1st, the cavalry; 2d, the Twenty-seventh Regiment; 3d, the company of artillery; 4th, the Fifteenth Wisconsin Regiment. The march was without a halt for 6 miles on a dusty road, the thermometer at 80 degrees, and we got in advance of the persons whom I thought would be likely to carry the intelligence of our march to Union City. The obstacle we encountered was at Reelfoot River; the railroad and country bridges had both been destroyed, the banks were precipitate, and the crossings miry, but the crossing was made with alacrity. Beyond the route was through a dense woods, flat grounds, and bad roads. At 7 p. m. it was too dark to proceed, so I ordered a halt in a lane. We bivouacked, two companies of cavalry in front, artillery in battery in the lane, the Twenty-seventh on the right, the Fifteenth on the left, and Hutchens' cavalry in the rear. I ordered all the houses in the vicinity to be strictly guarded. I detained every one at Mr. Lawson's (a rebel) house. I learned he had been apprised of our advance by one of his neighbors, and apprehended information had reached Union City.
At dawn [31st] the column moved. It was in the same order as the day before. It was a little over 4 miles to Union City. We had not stopped for breakfast. Before 7 a. m. we were in sight of the rebel camp, at the distance of half a mile. I formed my plan of attack, which was executed as the column marched up in succession. First, Lieut.-Col. Hogg formed his cavalry in front and gallantly led it on. While it was forming in the swampy woods the rebel pickets fired fifteen shots, which was their first notice of our approach. The Twenty-seventh Regiment was next formed in line of battle and led by Lieut.-Col. Harrington over obstacles in perfect order. The company of artillery was led by Capt. Sparrestrom through an opening made in the Twenty-seventh for their passage. While passing to take their position the enemy's cavalry was seen drawn up in line of battle, about 700 in number, opposite Lieut.-Col. Hogg, who opened fire on them with carbines. The rebel infantry was seen huddled in squads, but did not form in line. As the artillery advanced, led gallantly by Capt. Sparrestrom and followed by Maj. Stolbrand, who was suffering from a contusion occasioned by a fall from his horse and unable to ride but full of enthusiasm, Col. Hogg led up his regiment and formed in line of battle on the left, facing the rebel cavalry, which outflanked ours in that direction. Quickly the artillery had attained the hill in full view of both camps, one of which was tents and the other wooden huts, with a parade ground of about 40 acres between them, and opened fire. The whistle of the departing engine was heard, leaving three cars at the depot, and the stampede of infantry, cavalry, loose horses, and citizens was complete. The artillery moved forward, and the cavalry and infantry marched into the camps.
The artillery fired twenty-seven shots. The infantry did not draw a trigger. By my order Capt. Hutchens made a detour to the right and captured 14 prisoners. Lieut.-Col. Hogg, with one company, went into Union City to call the citizens to a conference with me. He found they had run into the woods, with few exceptions. Our work was accomplished. We had surprised the command of Col. Edward Pickett, commanding a brigade of one regiment, the Twenty-first Tennessee Infantry, numbering, as their morning report shows (we captured the books), 616 men, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Tilman, and one regiment of cavalry, commanded by Col. Jackson, all of whom ran before they could see how large a force was attacking them. I ordered both camps to be burned, which was effectually done. Powder exploded in many of the tents. I captured 100 mules and horses and 12 wagons, also a lot of sabers and carbines, which were brought off. I had the telegraph poles next the depot destroyed, and ran the three cars away from the depot, took out the baggage and mail matter, and ordered the cars set on fire. I found provisions and goods in the railroad depot, but concluded not to destroy any useful buildings. Loaded up all the wagons we took with the articles captured and could not bring away more. The troops had not breakfasted, were weary, and had a march of 15 miles before them. In two hours after arriving we marched in the same order we had advanced, except placing Capt. Hutchens' cavalry company as a rear guard. We captured three large flags and two guidons, all of silk, and one of them with elegantly embroidered letters, "Victory or Death." We burned all the baggage, clothing, and provisions, so that if the enemy returned they must have found themselves destitute. I think we destroyed 50 trunks and more than 100 stand of arms.
It gives me great pleasure to speak of the good conduct of all the officers and men under my command. They had been confined for fifteen days on the transports near this place; they marched 30 miles in a little less than twenty-four hours: they slept on the ground; they made no fire; they respected all private property; they obeyed all my orders with cheerful alacrity; they almost fasted until they reached the transports we had left at Hickman, where we arrived at 2.30 p. m. this day; they embarked, and arrived here before night. When did troops behave better? They made but one complaint, and that was that the enemy would not stand. My thanks are due to Lieut.-Col. Hogg, Lieut.-Col. Harrington, Col. Heg, Capt. Sparrestrom, and Capt. Hutchens (I named them in the order of march), and all the officers and soldiers in their commands. With such troops any commander would feel sure of victory. I had but one staff officer with me, Adjt. Henry A. Rust, of the Twenty-seventh Regiment, who exhibited, as he did at Belmont, all the qualities of a gallant soldier, worthy to be a commander.
Lieut.-Col. Hogg had provided me with two trusty guides. His judgment was only equaled by his gallantry. As my place was in front of Island No. 10, to co-operate with our gallant Navy and its war commander, Flag-Officer Foote, I felt compelled to return as soon as the main object was accomplished.
I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,
N. B. BUFORD, Col., Commanding in the Field.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 8, pp. 116-118.
Excerpt from the Report of Thomas A. Scott, Assistant Secretary of War, relative to the attack upon Union City, March 30-31, 1862,
DEAR SIR: I returned to this point Monday afternoon and found all quiet, but there were several small matters in progress, all of which have proved successful.
Before leaving for Cairo on Saturday night Col. Buford, in command of infantry forces, consulted Commodore Foote and myself in regard to the propriety of making a dash upon Union City, to break up the rebel encampment there, which it was believed consisted of one regiment of infantry and one of cavalry. It was left with Col. Buford, as commander, to act as in his judgment seemed proper.
He left Sunday morning by steamers to Hickman with 1,050 infantry, one company of artillery, four guns, and three companies of cavalry; total force, 1,350. Made a splendid movement, arriving within 4 miles of the rebel camps by 8 p. m. Moved again at daybreak and made the attack. At 7 a. m. opened with his battery upon their cavalry, which was formed in line of battle; broke their ranks twice, and the whole camp finally fled in great confusion. Their camps, baggage, stores, &c., were all burned. About 100 horses and mules, with 12 wagons, were brought off, along with such papers and trophies as their transportation would admit of.
Troops returned to Hickman in excellent order, having made the march of 30 miles and completely routing the enemy all within twenty-four hours. It was a very successful and gallant affair. Great credit is due to Col. Buford and his officers and men.
* * * *
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 8, pp. 123-124.
Since my last I have been dodging about, and among other things, have had the extreme pleasure of seeing the clearing out of that pestiferous entrepot of treason, Union City.
It may, perhaps, be recollected that when the National fleet first came down here, it found Hickman in possession of a company of Confederate vagabonds, who plundered, insulted and outraged the citizens of Hickman [Kentucky], under the pretence of serving the Dixie Government. For a week or so after this they held possession of the place, and compelled all who had shown any evidences of satisfaction at the arrival of the national fleet, to leave the town. The gunboat Louisville, Capt. Dove, about this time went up and anchored abreast of the town. This, together with a battalion of the Twenty-second Missouri, under Col. Foster, that took possession of the town, convinced the rebels that thereafter there would be more danger than profit in remaining to insult and plunder the inhabitants, hence, true to their instinct, the sought a less exposed locality.
As I told you in a former letter, Dr. Catlett, and some of her citizens of Hickman last week visited Commodore Foote, and asked reinforced, as they feared that a body of rebels at Union City were being largely reinforced, and might eventually prove troublesome. The request was acceded to, and on Sunday two transports arrived at the levee, bringing up the Twenty-seventh Illinois, under Col. Buford, and the Fifteenth Missouri, [under] Col. Hogg. The thing was managed very quietly, so much so, that no one at No. 10 suspected the destination of the regiments, nor were even the Union citizens of Hickman admitted into the plans of the worthy Commander, Col. Buford. By mere chance I had gone up to town in the morning, and thus was present when they arrived, without suspecting the objects of their coming.
Soon after arriving, Col. Buford gave out that he had come to the town merely to show the people a specimen of National troops; and, furthermore, that, a little after noon, he would treat the citizens to a grand review of all National forces in the town. This information being circulated, aroused the curiosity of everybody, and had the effect to send all who could walk down to the levee to witness the grand display.
Just as soon as they were all there, a battery of six rifled pieces, under Capt. Spastmon, of the Second Illinois Artillery, and some 200 Second Illinois Cavalry, under Lieut.-Col. Hood, that were encamped on the outskirts of the town, quietly limbered and saddled and pushed along the "lower road: in the direction of Union City. An hour or so after they had gone, the forces on the transports were disembarked, and, together with the battalion under Col. Foster, marched around town to the inspiring music of a couple of excellent martial bands. About 3 P. M., conceiving that the cavalry and artillery had obtained a sufficient start, Col. Buford struck for Union City under the pretence of giving the men a little march into the country after their long confinement on the boats. Col Foster remained behind, with orders to allow none to leave the city on any pretence unless the result of the expedition should become known.
I may say here that the Secessionists in Hickman for the last week have been throwing out hints of trouble from Union City; giving our forces to understand that the gallant chivalry would be in some morning for breakfast in Hickman, after giving themselves an annetite [sic] there before demolishing utterly the Hessians that profaned the sacred soil with their presence.
We pushed on after the cavalry and artillery, and a little after sundown, overtook them about four miles from Union City. It was determined to camp there for the night, and make the attack early in the morning. The men, who had one day's rations in their knapsacks, took a "cold bite" for supper, and then, after posting a strong guard, wrapped themselves in their blankets and lay down on their arms to sleep. No fires were of course allowed, but the night was as warm as the evenings of August in our more Northern latitudes.
About 4 A.M. the troops were quietly gotten in order, and the march resumed. Great caution was observed to present our falling into an ambuscade, which it was more than probable, might be found at any step of our progress. The country is favorable for such an operation. The road, the whole distance from Hickman, leads through a densely wooded country, broken here and there by clearings, on which the wheat and grass were already growing in green and velvety luxuriance.
A small cavalry force kept a short distance in advance, and carefully examined the country on either side of the road as we proceeded. Not the slightest symptom of hostility showed itself till we reached a point about two miles this side of Union City.[5] Here, just where the road crossed the railway, our advance encountered a strong picket force of rebels. Both parties immediately opened at long range; but, after firing some twenty shots the enemy turned and disappeared in a cloud of dust of their own raising as they fled in to give the alarm. The National column immediately pushed on after them so vigorously that they had scarcely given the alarm to the main body ere our men were on them.
Union City is at the junction of the railroads, from Columbus and Hickman, and consists of a depot, a dozen indifferent wooden buildings, the whole situated in a clearing less than a mile in diameter. As we reached this point, we first noticed the white tents of the rebels to the left of the town, and next the rebels themselves, drawn up inline of battle across the road, with his wings extending into the timber on either side.
The column was instantly thrown into line of battle across the road, skirmishers pushed in advance, the cavalry sent off to the left to make a detour and get in the rear of the enemy, while the artillery turned to the right of the road and took position on a little eminence in a wheat field. The battery went into position on a gallop, and almost as soon as I have written it, they unlimbered and opened on the rebels.
Alas for the chivalry! Alas for those brave and chivalrous souls who profess to eat up five-fold their number in Yankees, and to die in the last ditch! The whiz of their first rifled shot affected them unpleasantly – the second made them worse, and then, as the look and saw a regiment of steel coming straight at their breasts, and a force of cavalry creeping around to their rear, and reflected for a moment how unpleasant the sensations caused by bayonet, sabre and cannon-shot, they turned tail and ingloriously fled, without firing a gun!
It would have amused an admirer of speed to have seen these "natural lords of the soil" travel [sic]-to have seen these chivalrous scions-these "dying-in-the-last-ditch" fellows-these warm-bodied, gallant sons of the Sunny South drop their old shotguns, drop their variegated blankets, and shot with straight coat-tails as fast as long legs, and be-threshed and be-spurred horses could carry them, and all this from a force not half their own in numbers! The platform seemed to be, "A fair start, or any start, and the devil take the hindmost," the bull-calf, to which Falstaff was likened, never so ran and roared as did these valiant haters of Yankees-those bowie-knife, whisky-brave, nobly-descended sons of the Huguenots. Jamais arriere [sic] seemed to be their motto of all; and frantic and superhuman were their efforts made by each to bring no disgrace upon so worthy a sentiment.
Some seven individuals, who were swindled in getting a fair start, were cut off by our cavalry, and, their preferring surrender to death, quietly laid down their arms and gave themselves up. These were all the prisoners taken: the balance made good their escape and probably ere this are safe in Memphis, and are rejoicing the hearts of the rebels there by relating how they slew hecatombs of Yankees, and, after demolishing them completely, fell back in accordance with a "previous order."
The haste of the rebels was such in leaving that they left all their tents standing and their personal property untouched. There as a large amount of stores at the depot, but these had been placed on a train several days before, and were run off early Monday morning. The only articles found were the tents and baggage, and a mail-bag full of letters that had apparently just arrived, and had not been distributed.
Our forces advanced, preserving the line of battle, until they reached the centre of the clearing. The artillery was then brought forward, and placed in a position so as to command the country in every direction; after which, guards being stationed, a leisurely examination was made of the town. There were a few people left, who expressed the greatest joy at the sight and success of the Union troops. As a matter of course they were Union-always had been Union-and were only kept from a free expression of their sentiments by the presence of the Southern soldiers. These expressions of loyalty were not taken at par; in fact, I have the assurance that there is not a loyal soul in the whole place, except, it may be, among the negroes [sic].
These came around in great numbers, and seemed mightily pleased at the pageantry afforded by the military gathering. One gaily-dressed female, who is blacker than a stormy midnight, remarked to another ebony damsel in my hearing that: "Dem Yankees is a heap better looking dan de Suthen fellows!" She further remarked that she was "gwine to hev a dress made of red, white and blue," which, of course, would be a compliment of the highest character to the National cause, and, together with black, would afford a highly artistic grouping of colors.
The rebel force holding this place was composed as follows: Twenty-first, Lieut.-Col. Tilman, and seven companies of cavalry, [under] Lieut.-Col. Jackson.
The Twenty-first Tennessee numbered 661 men, and is the regiment formerly commanded by Col. Pickett. The cavalry was commanded by Col. Logwood, but since the affair at Columbus, he, from some cause, had concluded to resign. The entire force, in round numbers, was about 1,000 men. The infantry were well armed, having, in a majority of cases, either minie muskets or French rifles; the cavalry had sabers, carbines, and, generally, navy revolvers.
Several flags and guidons were left behind. One of the latter is marked "C. S.," and beneath this "M.L.D.," either Memphis or Mississippi Light Dragoons. The usual number of shot-guns, blankets and other rebel equipments, were found lying around loose, and were in the case of the first-named, loaded into a wagon and carried off. The blankets were discreetly let alone, as it is very generally well-known fact that rebel clothing is about as full of a certain nameless insect as the rebels themselves are full of chivalry; and superiority to the balance of human kind, especially that portion known as Yankees.
The tents and barracks were committed to the flames, the mail-bag hoisted into a wagon, and soon after, the National column started out for Hickman, which place they reached about 3 o'clock this afternoon. Our arrival was the occasion of no little rejoicing to the Union citizens, and of chagrin to the disloyal. During our absence it was confidently predicted by the latter that we "catch _____" [sic] at Union City; and so certain did some of them feel of it, that they got pretty drunk, so as to have a good start on a big drunk as soon as the news of our defeat arrive.
Thus, on Sunday and Monday did Col. Buford cleanse one of the sinks of treason that will effectually prevent the necessity of a repetition of the treatment. The National troops did not lose a single man. The rebels suffered to the extent of two. One man, had both his legs torn of by a cannon shot, and the other was struck in the breast; both were killed almost instantly.
Soon after our arrival, the Louisville ran up stream and fired a cheery salute, which found an echo among the vivacious huzzas of the land forces, and the sullen curses of the discontented Secessionists.
* * * *
Soon after the arrival of Col. Buford at Hickman, from Union City, stragglers began to come in, who belonged to the army at Union City. They brought with them their arms and other equipments, and profess to be disgusted with the rebel cause. Most of them say they were pressed to enlist. Some thirty of forty have already come in, and their number in the next day or two will probably be increased.
Chicago Journal, April 4, 1862, as cited in the
New York Times, April 5, 1862.
30, Correspondence relative to enforcement of GENERAL ORDERS, No. 43 [see also March 8, 1863, GENERAL ORDERS No. 43, relative to exiling Confederate sympathizers south of Federal lines in Middle Tennessee above]
HDQRS. U. S. FORCES, Nashville, Tenn., March 30, 1863.
Col. STANLEY MATTHEWS, Department of the Cumberland.
COL.: I have the honor to transmit herewith a list of those whom I deem proper subjects for the operation of General Orders, No. 43, Department of the Cumberland. This is composed almost altogether of the names of wealthy or very vindictive rebels who are more properly classed in the woods of the order referred to as those "whose sympathies and connections are such at to surmount all the obligations that arise from their permission to remain within our lines, forbidding them to communicate with the enemy or act as spies against us." I also transmit testimony in some of the cases. I would for the information of the general commanding state that I have in the cases of very poor people coming under the classification of those "whose natural protectors and supporters are in arms against us" been in the practice of giving orders upon wealthy secessionists here to provide for their wants. Much suffering will inevitably ensue to people of this latter class if they are sent South to struggle with the destitution that prevails there and unless they manifest an active desire to aid the enemy I would most respectfully recommend that the policy of making wealthy rebels support the wives and children of those whom they have driven into the Southern Army be confined. The property left be wealthy expatriated rebels here might be made to yield an income for this purpose.
I am, colonel, your obedient servant,
ROBT B. MITCHELL, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 5, p. 412.
30, Arms shipments to Army of the Cumberland
WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington City, March 30, 1863.
Maj. Gen. W. S. ROSECRANS, Murfreesborough, Tenn.:
The Secretary of War directs me to inform you that to-day 1,400 Gallagher's carbines, 150 Sharps' carbines, 226 Smith's carbines, and 500 Burnside's carbines, in all 2,276 carbines, with accouterments complete, have been forwarded to you, directed to Nashville, Tenn. We have on hand 792 sets of horse equipments of the Ranger pattern, 496 of the Grimsley pattern, 2,000 of the ordinary citizens' pattern, in all 3,288 sets of good, substantial, new horse equipments, very suitable for mounting infantry, which can be sent immediately, if you desire it; and in a very short time from 2,000 to 4,000 sets of the new cavalry pattern can be sent to you to mount cavalry. Shall either or both be sent? How many pistols, if any, do you want?
P. H. WATSON, Assistant Secretary of War.
Thanks for the arms ordered. Please send us 6,000 Colt pistols (new pattern), and all the horse equipments mentioned, including citizens' saddles, soon as possible.
W. S. ROSECRANS, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 192.
30, Confederate authorities in East Tennessee encourage emigration beyond Confederate lines
Knoxville, March 30, 1863.
I. To non-combatants and persons exempt from military duty residing within the Department of East Tennessee, desirous of removing beyond the Confederate lines, permits will be granted upon application to the department commander.
II. Applications for passports will be made through the deputy provost-marshal, within whose district the applicant resides, to Col. John E. Toole, provost-marshal for the department, and by him referred to the department commander, who will indicate the route to be traveled.
By command of Brig. Gen. D. S. Donelson:
J. G. MARTIN, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 731.
30, Punishing smugglers, fraud and treason
Army Police Proceedings.
Before the Chief of Army Police, Nashville, March 30, 1863.—
Mrs. John Trainor was arrested under a charge of being associated with her husband in his extensive smuggling operations. She was arrested in Louisville, Ky., and brought to this place.
C. Tavel, a druggist of Louisville, Ky., was arrested in that city and brought to this place, charged with selling Mrs. Trainor a large quantity of medicines to be smuggled South. Tavel admits that he sold Mrs. Trainor one thousand ounces of quinine and two hundred pounds of opium, believing that it was to be thus disposed of, for the sum of six thousand four hundred dollars. The investigation of the Trainor case is developing a most extensive system of fraud and treason.
E. R. Davis, of company D, of the "Anderson Troop," and Charles Springer were arrested at Louisville and brought to this city, charged with being connected with the Trainor smuggling operations. After the taking of testimony Springer was discharged.
Joseph Winburn and Milton Kellogg, were arrested under a charge of aiding John Trainor in smuggling. Winburn was paroled for the present.
Dr. Chas. H. Dubois and Mrs. M. E. Trousdell were arrested at the City Hotel charged with aiding John Trainor in smuggling. They are ordered to be sent to Alton, Ill.
Nashville Dispatch, March 31, 1863.
30-31, Confederate scout from Unionville to Murfreesborough
HDQRS. WHARTON'S CAVALRY, Unionville, March 31, 1863--6 p. m.
Lieut. Gen. LEONIDAS POLK, Cmdg., &c.:
GEN.: A scout from the rear of Murfreesborough has just returned. They learned but little, save a very large number of ambulances had lately arrived at Murfreesborough. I sent Lieut.-Col. Ferrill, with six companies of Texas Rangers, on a scout this morning toward Eagleville. They met a body of Yankee cavalry 1 mile this side; charged them, captured 4 and mortally wounded 2. They were all mounted infantry. I expect to move a portion of my command soon around to Lebanon. I am under obligations for late papers. I send you some late Northern ones and the message of the Governor of Indiana.
Most respectfully, general, your obedient servant,
JNO. A. WHARTON, Brig.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 731-732.
30, "Out on Bail;" violation of oaths of amnesty and allegiance in Nashville
Harvey Adkins, who was arrested in Edgefield, a few days ago, charged with the violation of his oath of amnesty, was released from custody on Monday under $5,000 bonds to appear before the Provost Marshal when called for.
Messrs. Alexander and Allen, lately arrested for a violation of their allegiance were liberated yesterday on giving bonds in $5,000 for their appearance every ten days before the Provost Marshal.
Nashville Dispatch, March 30, 1864.
30, "Sent to the Penitentiary."
Mrs. Doctor Helfer and Mrs. Catherine Mahan were arrested on Monday for selling whisky, and sent to the Penitentiary.
John Cunningham, of Kentucky, Surgeon C. S.A., was sent for Clarksville to the headquarters on Monday, and subsequently sent to the Penitentiary by Col. Horner, subject to Gen. Rousseau's orders.
Nashville Dispatch, March 30, 1864.
30, "The Powder Magazine." [6]
Weak nerves have been sadly shattered periodically for the past eighteen months, by every fire and every thunder storm, by every alarm, and by the reading of accounts of every explosion, by the possessors of said weak nerves, who could not forget that we had in our midst a volcano, waiting to be "touched off," to consign all living creatures in Nashville and vicinity to kingdom come. We are rejoiced at being able to inform these persons that their fears will soon be set at rest; that the large magazine which has been for some time under process of construction, is rapidly approaching completion, and will be, when finished, the most capacious and most thorough magazine in the country. The magazine was planned and built by Lieut. Willet,[7] of the 38th Illinois, and is thus described by the editor of the Times:[8]
The magazine is built on the site of the old city hospital which was destroyed by fire in February, 1863, and is situated in the centre of a yard of eight acres, which is surrounded by a stone wall. When completed it will be bomb-proof, and will be covered with at least two feet of earth. The magazine is over two hundred feet long and sixty five feet wide. It is lighted by means of reflecting lamps, which are placed in fire proof chambers outside of the structure, the light passing through windows into the magazine. It is thoroughly ventilated, having fourteen ventilators, besides high and large double doors at each end. There is an air space all around the lining, flooring and ceiling, and the ground, walls and roof. This space connects all around, and is also provided with ventilators, so that dampness cannot reach the magazine. Besides these are large drains running under the entire work. A branch railway is being built to connect the magazine yard with the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, and is nearly finished. The structure has been named "Magazine Granger," in honor of the immense quantities of powder and fixed ammunition, which has for a long time jeopardized the lives of our people and the existence of the town, has been transferred to the structure above mentioned.
Nashville Dispatch, March 30, 1864.
30, Confederate smuggling in Shelby County
March, Wednesday 30, 1864
It seems I can never go to Memphis without some disagreeable arrangements and sayings. I was greatly disappointed in my trip. Tate and I went together. I stoped [sic] at Mrs. Facklen's on Union St.-she went on up to Cousin Frazor's in the buggy-Mrs. Facklen and Mrs. Kirk in great distress, old Hurbbut [i.e., Gen. Hurlbut] gave her ten days to abandon her house, she took an old Yankee Officer, his Wife & two children to board with her, hoping he would recall the heartless order to make her and her little children homeless. I did not smuggle a thing through the lines, except some letters. Mr. Tommery gave me a permit to bring 2 Gals Whiskey and 5 bbs Tobacco-which I got home safely. Frazor came out in the buggy with me, Cousin Mat and Tate came together, we did not have any trouble at all-they all sat up very late in the Parlor, I came to my room early. Jim and Mr. Pugh came with me to try my whiskey-which they pronounced very good.
I received a letter from Mrs. Moses today-and am really distressed she did not receive the last I forwarded to her. Forrest is having his own way in Kentucky-God grant Eddie may be safe.
Diary of Belle Edmondson.
30, A Report of a Practical Joke in Newport
A Laughable Affair.
A correspondent of the Southern Confederacy writing from Newport, Tenn., relates the following:
A laughable affair took place yesterday evening at Mr. Jack's not many miles from here, that was fun for the boys, but death to the officers engaged. During the evening quite a party of young ladies and officers of the Division met the aforesaid gentleman's, just outside the picket lines, for the purpose of having a social party and a good time generally; but alas! for the mutability of human affairs—they found out, (as the sequel will prove,) that
"Pleasures are like poppies spread,
You seize the flower—its bloom is shed—
Or like the snow falls in the river,
A moment white—then melts forever."
No sooner had they commenced to amuse themselves according to the bent of their inclinations—some to playing cards, others to courting slyly in corners upon easy sofas, while the balance of the party were all attention to the warbling sweetness of a fair Miss, who was doing up in appropriate style on the piano, "When this Cruel War is Over," their whole enjoyment was upset by a party of mad wags of the 8th Texas Cavalry.
Learning of the party, some fifteen or twenty of them not having a proper fear of military law before their eyes, and moved and instigated by the power of fun loving mischief, determined to give them a scare and have some fun at the expense of the officers.
Accordingly, they set out from camp, and reaching the road a quarter of a mile ahead of the house, they sent one of their number a hundred yards ahead, to personate a rebel, then putting spurs to their steeds, they dashed down the road after him, shooting and shouting, "Stop! you d____d rebel; stop!" The ruse had the desired effect. A servant heard them coming—rushed to the door, exclaiming: "The Yankees! The Yankees are coming!"
The officers had heard the firing, and no sooner the word Yankees escaped the negros' [sic] lips than they all made a frantic rush for the door, overturning in their "hot haste," music stands, card tables, chairs, sweethearts, and everything else that stood in the way of their exit, reaching which, they struck a bee line for the woods and camp, tumbling over ditches, and fences, and lastly the crowning fear, plunging in and swimming Pigeon River, leaving behind in their hurry, pistols, horses, overcoats and hats. Nor did they halt until they reached camp, where they found the second brigade of Colonel Dibrell's Division drawn up in battle array, having been alarmed by the firing, to whom they unfolded a terrible tale of raiders. The next morning the true story leaked out to the extreme mortification of those engaged, but to the edification of the Court.
Montgomery Weekly Advertiser, March 30, 1864.[9]
30, Confederate Senator Gustav Foote's wife denied permission to return to Nashville
Nashville March 30, 1864
Hon. E. M. Stanton
Sec War
Mrs. Senator Foote obtained a pass to go South with the understanding that she was not to return & I think that she ought to remain there at least till the Close of the rebellion[.] Oaths or paroles will have but little influence over her[.] Senator or Representative Foote [and] wife will do us a great deal less harm in the South than they will in Nashville[.]
Andrew Johnson Mil[.] Gov [.]
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 657.
30-April 1, 1864, Reconnaissance, Lookout Valley to McLemore's Cove
MARCH 30-APRIL 1, 1864.-Reconnaissance from Lookout Valley, Tenn., to McLemore's Cove, Ga.
Report of Col. Adolphus Buschbeck, Twenty-seventh Pennsylvania Infantry, commanding brigade.
HDQRS. FIRST Brig., SECOND DIV., ELEVENTH CORPS, Lookout Valley, Tenn., April 5, 1864.
COL.: I have the honor to report that, in accordance with orders received from headquarters Eleventh Army Corps, I left camp on the morning of March 30 with two regiments of infantry and 50 mounted infantry. Encamped that night between Trenton and Crawfish Creek, with scouts ahead as far as Crawfish Creek. Left camp March 31 at daybreak, took possession of Johnson's Crook, keeping the roads to Lebanon and La Fayette well guarded. Went through Cooper's and Stevens' Gaps, and visited McLemore's Cove. Was on the mountain ridge, but could perceive nothing of the enemy.
Loyal citizens informed me that only a few rebel scouts have been seen there lately. After having reconnoitered the country well I marched at 4 p. m. back toward Trenton; encamped near Crawfish Creek; broke camp at daybreak April 1, and arrived here in the afternoon.
I am, colonel, respectfully, your obedient servant,
A. BUSCHBECK, Col., Cmdg. Brigade.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, pp. 654-655.
30-April 1, 1864, Federal expedition, William's Landing to Purdy
No circumstantial reports filed.
Williams' Landing, Tenn., March 29, 1864.
The troops of this command will march at 5 o'clock a. m. on the 30th instant for Purdy, the First Brigade in advance. Forty rounds of ammunition must be carried by each man and 20 rounds per man must be carried in wagons. Three days' rations will be carried in haversacks. Only one wagon and two ambulances per regiment will be allowed. As much forage must be carried as possible with the limited transportation, as the country is supposed to contain but little.
The troops must march in readiness for battle, as the enemy may be expected at any moment after leaving our present camp.
By order of Brig. Gen. James C. Veatch:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 190.
30, Sinking of the transport Mattie Cabler
Order of Acting Rear-Admiral, Lee, U. S. Navy, to Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Wells, U. S. Navy, in case of a call from the quartermaster at Nashville for assistance in raising the transport Mattie Cabler.
MOUND CITY, April 1, 1865.
SIR: The transport Mattie Cabler, I am informed by Quartermaster Garland Donaldson, was sunk in the Cumberland 22 miles below Nashville on the 30th ultimo. If the Army quartermaster telegraphs for the services of the Little Champion, as I momentarily expect him to do, send her to the Cumberland to render all practicable assistance, delivering the enclosed order to her commanding officer, and inform Commodore Livingston that I desire her to render this service, or show him the order.
Respectfully, yours,
S. P. LEE, Acting Rear-Admiral, Commanding Mississippi Squadron.
Acting Volunteer Lieutenant F. S. WELLS, Commanding U. S. S. Kate, Mound City.
Navy OR, Ser. I, Vol. 27, p. 130.
[1] As cited in PQCW.
[2] No doubt the people assumed the Confederate government would have prepared for all possible emergencies. Instead it was grossly incompetent.
[3] As cited in PQCW.
[4] As cited in PQCW.
[5] i.e., to the north.
[6] Contemporary schematic drawings of the powder magazine are located at the Tennessee Division of Archaeology.
[7] Unidentified. No mention is made of him in the OR.
[8] Probably the Nashville Daily Press and Times
[9] As cited in: http://www.uttyl.edu/vbetts.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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