Wednesday, March 18, 2015

3.18.2015 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        18, Tennessee Confederate prisoners of war at Camp Butler, Springfield, Illinois, take Oath of Allegiance to the United States

CHICAGO, ILL., March 19, 1862.

Col. J. C. KELTON, Assistant Adjutanmt-Gen.

COL.: The Military Board constituted by Special Orders, No. 6, Hdqrs. Department of the Mississippi, beg leave to make their report in regard to the prisoners at present confined at Camp Butler, Springfield, Ill, under charge of Col. Morrison, U. S. Army.

The board reached Springfield on Sunday night and the next day, March 17, proceeded to the camp, some five or six miles from the town. Copies of the oath of allegiance were freely circulated among the prisoners, and each barrack, twenty in number, was visited and such explanations given as the prisoners required.

The character of the oath and the requirement that each one who took it was expected to become henceforward a good Union citizen were fully explained, as was also the necessity of giving a bond in each case of $1,000 as security for the faithful observance of their oath and parole. It was also explained to them that in case of release no prisoner so discharged could or would be allowed to go beyond our lines in Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas or Mississippi, and that any such act would be looked upon as a violation of their oath and punished accordingly.

Slips of paper were then distributed to each barrack with directions that all who desired to take the oath freely and voluntarily should give in separately his name, age, company, regiment, town, county and State, and that those who could not write should have their statements made out by the orderlies respectively in charge of them.

By 10 o'clock on Tuesday, March 18, 1640 separate applications for the oath were presented. These after some labor have been arranged by the board according to States and regiments and the names recorded in alphabetical order. A full report of these details will accompany this letter.

The following summary will show the number of prisoners from each State and regiment who have applied:



30th Tennessee                      651

18th Tennessee                      529

51st Tennessee                       138

3d Tennessee                    9

10th Tennessee                         5

15th Tennessee                         2

31st Tennessee                          1

32d Tennessee                  10

41st Tennessee                         16

42d Tennessee                   1

48th Tennessee                         1

49th Tennessee                         1

50th Tennessee                         2

53d Tennessee                   4

Colms' Battalion Tennessee Infantry   9

Forrest's Regt. [sic] of Cavalry         34

9th Tennessee Cavalry Battalion       14

Maury Light Artillery[1]                      2

Green's Artillery                                 1

[TOTAL]                                    1,430

* * * *

The prisoners of war from Tennessee appeared to be true and earnest in their desire to become loyal citizens, and the board does not hesitate to recommend that all those whose homes are within our lines should be allowed to take the oath of allegiance and return to their families....

* * * *

RICHD. D. CUTTS, Col., U. S. Army, President.

JOHN J. KEY, Maj., U. S. Army.

CHAS. W. CANFIELD, First Lieut., Second Cavalry.

OR, Ser. II, Vol. 3, pp. 389-390.

        18, Tennessee's Confederate Draft Law or "An act to provide for local defense and special service"

AN ACT to amend an act to raise, organize, and equip a provisional force, and for other purposes.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Gen. Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the white male population of the State between the ages of eighteen and forty-five shall constitute the reserved military corps thereof. Said corps shall be organized and called into service, and shall be subject to duty upon the call of the Governor; and this organization of the reserved corps shall continue for and during the existence of the war now being waged with the United States. That all the able-bodied white male population of this State between the ages of forty-five and fifty-five years shall be organized under the provisions of this act into a military corps for the defense of the State; but said corps, or any portion of it, shall not be called into actual service until after all of the reserved corps provided by this act shall have been called into actual service; nor shall this corps be called into actual service for a longer period, at any one time, than six months, nor be transferred, or detailed or drafted into the service of the Confederate States. And after this corps shall be organized they may determine the times and places of their company, battalion, and regimental drills.

* * * *

Passed March 18, 1862

E. A. KEEBLE, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

EDWARD S. CHEATHAM, Speaker of the Senate.

OR, Ser. IV, Vol. 2, p. 679.

        18, The New York Times prognosticates on the course of the war in Tennessee

Operations in Tennessee.

When Nashville had fallen, and thereby the rebel centre in Tennessee was pierced, there were but two or three other points of strategic valued in that State for the rebels to defend. Of the first importance were Knoxville, in the eastern part of the State, and Memphis, in the extreme southwestern. The more immediately menaced of these points was Memphis, and to the defence of that place every rebel energy was turned, and every rebel soldier who could be spared was sent. There were but three approaches to Memphis immediately available for our advancing forces. One of these was by the Mississippi River from Cairo; another via the Memphis and Ohio Railroad, for the vicinity of Fort Henry; and the third, but our forces ascending the Tennessee river to the southern line of the State, from thence marching to Corinth, Miss., and there taking the railroad and approaching Memphis in the rear. The first of these routes, that by the Mississippi, the rebels, after being driven from Columbus, proceeded to defend by erecting earthworks at New Madrid, which they mounted with a very large number of guns, and manned by a force eight thousand strong; they also fortified Island No. Ten, a short distance above the former point, stationed a strong body of troops there, and moreover, brought to its defence all the available rebel gunboats on the river, and an iron-clad floating battery; beside these, fortifications were erected at Randolph and other defensible points. To prevent our approach to Memphis from Fort Henry by the Memphis and Ohio Railroad, the rebels held possession of Humboldt on the line of that road, and of the town of Jackson, Madison County, twenty miles north of Humboldt, but on the line of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. The latter position is naturally a good one, and, if properly strengthened, would prevent all approaches to Memphis from the Northeast. Beauregard himself assumed the task of fortifying Jackson and, to make the work still more perfect, he took the counsel of Bragg, who came up from Pensacola to give it, and for other purposes. The other line of approach to Memphis, that by the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, running into the city from the southeast, the rebels guarded by fortifying Corinth, (Miss.,) and by stationing Gen. Sidney Johnston's force at Decatur, (Ala.) – the latter body to enhance the rear of any National force which might ascend the Tennessee River, and from thence attempt to march upon Memphis. These various positions – New Madrid, Number Ten, Humboldt, Jackson and Corinth - formed a grand defensive semi-circle guarding Memphis, and, according to the rebels, blocked our approach in every direction, except by a long march through Arkansas. After having this fortified every route to the menaced town, the rebel newspapers announced its impregnability, and the citizens of Memphis proceeded to work themselves up to a frenzy of terror and apprehension.

The first route to the city we have begun to open is that by the Mississippi. New Madrid, which was the most formidably strengthened position on the river, was assailed in the rear of Gen. Pope last Thursday, and after a day's fighting the rebels fled from it late in the night of that day, leaving an immense amount of ordnance and war material behind them. On Sunday morning last the other of their strongholds in that vicinity, Island No. 10, was opened upon the gunboats of Com. Foote, and though, at the hour of our present writing, we have not yet received news of its fall, it looks as though it could not hold out against the force operating against it. If it should fall (and the announcement of that event may be telegraphed before we go to press,) the Mississippi route will be opened as far down as Randolph, about forty miles above Memphis. That again is a strong position, but from there to that city the defensive works are few and feeble, and we believe that every one of them is at the mercy of our mortar fleet. It is unlikely, however, that we will advance for a few days, any further than No. 10, until forces in another direction are all ready to cooperate.

In regard to the rebel positions on the railroads to the northeast of the city, at Humboldt and Jackson, it looks at present as if Beauregard, Bragg & Co., were not to be directly assailed, but are to be outflanked, as they have lately been at so many other strongholds.

The other route to the city, that by the Tennessee River and the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, is the one, apparently, over which our operations are to be conducted. The telegraph yesterday informed us that a formidable expedition had ascended the Tennessee River as far as Savanna [sic], Hardin County, and had already commenced work in the direction of Memphis. The land forces were commanded by Gen. C. F. Smith, who played such a distinguished part in the siege of Donelson, while under him were such Generals [sic] as McClernand, Wallace, Sherman and Hurlbut, who led to action the veterans of the brief but glorious campaign in Kentucky and Tennessee. On arriving at Savanna [sic], a detachment was at once dispatched to destroy the railroad bridge at Purdy, and to tear up the track of the road which connects Humboldt with Corinth. The gunboats, it was said, then proceeded up the river, probably to clear the way for the advance of our troops to the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. When there, by destroying the railroad behind them, they can prevent pursuit of Sidney Johnston's demoralized mob, while by destroying the railroad which connects Jackson with the Grand Junction, they will isolate Beauregard and Bragg, and leave their forces in a position where they can be captured at our leisure. Memphis itself is probably as well defended as the position of the city all allow; and the railroads converging at it from the Gulf States have been undoubtedly brought up every rebel soldier who could possibly be coerced into service. What force may amount to, it is impossible to say; but taking all things into consideration, we judge that it cannot be over twenty-five or thirty thousand men. If, before we advance, Sidney Johnston and Beauregard, should effect a junction of their commands with the rebels at Memphis, there would undoubtedly be formidable army to defend the city. And it is very likely that, now, seeing our line of approach, they will so concentrate their troops, and at Memphis make a grand final battle for the control of the Mississippi River and the southwest. When we meet this force, if at this point meet it we do, it will doubtless be in conjunction with the mortar-floats operating upon the city from the river; and, if these floats now achieve a victory at No. 10, the day of decisive action in the Mississippi Valley cannot be for many days delayed.

New York Times, March 18, 1862.

        18, Arrest of juvenile thieves in Memphis

Juvenile Thieves.—Four girls, the eldest not more than twelve or thirteen years of age, were yesterday afternoon arrested on the landing, each having a sack partially filled with rice, which they had stolen from a tierce, the head of which they had contrived partially to remove. One of them said her mother had sent her out with orders that she must get something. If such things are done from poverty, means should be adopted for relief; if from vice, it must be repressed.

Memphis Daily Appeal, March 18, 1862.

        18, Mr. and Mrs. John Bell attend sick Confederate soldiers in Murfreesboro

A member of the "Hinds Light Guards" writing to the Raymond Gazette, from Murfreesboro', Tenn., thus speaks of the Hon. John Bell and lady:

I cannot close this letter without alluding to the noble conduct of Hon. John Bell and his most excellent lady. Mr. Bell procured medicines and the services of physicians at his own expense, while Mrs. Bell attended about two hundred sick in the Court House, who had no medicine, no nurse, no physician, and nothing to eat-yet she, like an angel of light, came alone among the sick, nursed, fed them, and, whit her husband, secured for them all the medicine the received. About forty of the above mentioned sick belonged to the 22d Mississippi Regiment. I speak of the above, for it came under my own observation for two days during my stay in Nashville Honor to whom honor is due.

Daily Columbus Enquirer, March 18, 1862.

        18, "I am willing by both word and deed to encourage our people to seize it with promptness and rush to the conflict." A Note from the Editor of the Tennessee Baptist

To the Patrons of the Tennessee Baptist.

So sudden and unexpected was the fall of Nashville that I had no time to issue a paper, or even a slip, to apprise my subscribers of my fate or purpose.

I left Edgefield, the place of my residence, early on the Monday morning previous to the destruction of the bridges, and it being impossible to obtain conveyance by either railroad leading south, made the journey to Huntsville with my family in my family carriage, from when I reached this place, the residence of my father-in-law.

Owing to the sudden evacuation of  Nashville, it was impossible to remove any art of the office, books, types or presses, and consequently the paper will remain suspended for the present, and doubtless until the city is retaken.

My business destroyed, my home in the possession of the enemy, and myself a refugee, I feel it my duty to offer my services to my country in this hour of her imminent peril. I have been urged by several prominent citizens of my own State to raise a regiment, battalion or legion of true and tried men willing to bear a PIKE [sic] to thrust the vandal foe from our hearth stones. Believing it to be a most formidable weapon in the hands of men determined to be free. I am willing by both word and deed to encourage our people to seize it with promptness and rush to the conflict.

'Tis Caeser's right, in a crisis like this, to call to the field every man able to bear arms, nor has Christ absolved his ministers from this tribute to Caeser.

So soon as it is ascertained that President Davis will accept a regiment, battalion, or even a company of Lancers, for service in the West, I shall offer my services to assist in raising it. To lead or to follow it upon the field.

I have said this much to apprise my patrons throughout the South that I did not "passively submit" in the fall of Nashville,[2]and have by no means despaired of the Confederacy. It is in our power to be free if we only prove ourselves worthy of freedom.

J. R. GRAVES, Editor Tenn. Baptist.

Magnolia, Miss., February 12, 1862.

P. S.-Will the southern press confer a favor that will be appreciated by copying this card, as my patrons are in every Southern State?

Memphis Daily Appeal, March 18, 1862. [3]

        18, Memphis Chamber of Commerce determines to assist the Civil Governor and Provost Marshal to improve city commerce, concentrate goods, make preparations to destroy cotton, and encourage the planting of wheat in place of cotton

Meeting on Change.-In accordance with the call of the Provost Marshal, a meeting was held yesterday at the Merchant's Exchange, J. T. Stratton Esq., in the chair, and John S. Toof, Secretary.

T. A. Nelson, Esq., offered the following resolutions, which were adopted:

Resolved, By the Chamber of Commerce, That in view of the request of L. P. McKissick, civil governor and provost marshal, that the chamber fix a rate of drayage to govern the price to be paid for removing the produce from the city to the depots indicated by the Provost Marshal, the president of the chamber appoint three gentlemen of known experience to confer with the Governor and fix the rate for the service named in behalf of this chamber.

Resolved, That another committee of three, members of this chamber, be appointed to confer with the Governor, etc., and see if his object cannot be as well accomplished, so far as sugar and molasses are concerned, by having all now in the city concentrated at fixed places on or near the batture, and near the river, thereby saving the owners a large amount in expense of hauling.

Resolved, That we fully approve of the intentions of the military authorities to burn or destroy all cotton, sugar, molasses, etc, which is likely to fall into the hands of the enemy.[4]

Resolved, That we recommend to the planters in this region of country to plant no cotton this year beyond what is necessary for the consumption of the country, and to direct their efforts to raising the largest possible crop of grain and such other articles as are necessary to feed our armies and the people of the country.

Resolved, That we have explicit confidence in the patriotism of our people, and that our planters will cordially respond to the spirit of the above resolution

Messrs. C. W. Goyer, J. Sample, and C. H. Dorion, were appointed a committee under the first resolution, and Messrs. F. Titus, W. S. Pickett, and D. H. Townsend, under the second.

The feeling of the meeting was clearly in favor of so placing the produce that it can be readily destroyed in case there should be danger of its falling into the hands of the enemy. The meeting was largely attended, and there was entire unanimity of sentiment.

Memphis Daily Appeal, March 18, 1862. [5]

        18, An East Tennessee Woman's Prescient Apprehensions Concerning a Northern Victory. An Extract from the Diary of Eliza Rhea Anderson Fain

How sad I feel this evening. Tears are falling as I write. The thought has been upon me what if in the providence of God the North shall be successful. We cannot dwell together for the breach is greater than it ever has been. We could not live together in the church and can we after this unholy war dwell together in our political government" I feel never without enslaving and oppressing the larger portion of the South; as poor down trodden Ireland has been oppressed. What is to become of these poor creatures in our midst who are part of our household and for whom we feel such a strong attachment?

Fain Diary.

        18, Federal occupation of Cainsville [see March 20, Action at Vaught's Hill, below]

        18, Tobacco shortage in Nashville

There is not a single hogshead of tobacco in our city and there has been none received here this season. What a sad contrast with the former years of Nashville!....The like has not occurred in the history of our city for the last twenty-five years!

Nashville Daily Union, March 18, 1863.

        18, "By Grape-Vine and Otherwise"

Gov. Harris is at present a denizen of Tullahoma. He occupies a little white cottage on the out skirts of town, where he received his friends in the truest simplicity of style. His apartment will compare favorably with the 'poet's chamber; described by Goldsmith-albeit an occupant of a different figures. It is a well known fact that he is as generally popular in the army, as he is respected by the Generals. Only a day or two ago, I heard of a distinguished officer in command of a department, having expressed the opinion that the dispatches, letter, &c., transmitted by Gov. Harris to Richmond, evince a clearer military sagacity than those of any one connected with the army of the West. Concerning the lodgings of the Governor, let us hope to see him in his older and more appropriate ones in the Nashville State Capitol before a great while.

Chattanooga Daily Rebel, March 18, 1863.

        18, Confederate cavalry hunts Scott County bushwhackers [see also February 7, 1863, Confederates confront bushwhackers in Campbell County above]

We proceeded toward Elk Fork. We came to the place where bushwhackers fired on Col. McKenzie, myself and others on Feb. 7th, and our company left the column and ascended the mountain in two detachments, thinking that we would surround the "whackers" and capture them. We saw some of them on the mountain top before we left the road, but evidently they suspected the maneuver we were on, although we tried hard to keep our movements concealed from them. We reached the top of the mountain some distance on each side of the point where they were seen, and closed in on the spot, but the game was not there. These whackers are hard to catch, as the mountain are rough, and they are well acquainted with every foot of ground.

We burnt the house, which proved to be a bushwhacker's lodge, and moved on after the regiment, but have not overtaken it to night.

Diary of William A. Sloan, March 18, 1863.

        18, Dog tents; an excerpt from the diary of Colonel John Beatty

My brigade is till at work on the fortifications [at Murfreesboro]. They are, however, nearly completed.

Shelter tents were issued to our division to-day. We are still using the larger tent; but it is evidently the intention to leave these behind when we move. Last fall the shelter tents were used for a time by the Pioneer Brigade. They are so small that a man can not stand up in them. The boys were then very bitter in condemnation of them, and called them dog tents and dog pens. Almost every one of these tents was marked in a way to indicate the unfavorable opinion which they boys entertained of them, and in riding through the company quarters of the Pioneer Brigade, the eye would fall on inscriptions of this sort:


General Rosecrans and staff, while riding by one day, were greeted with a tremendous bow-wow. The boys were on their hands and knees, stretching their heads out of the ends of the tents, barking furiously at the passing cavalcade. The general laughed heartily, and promised them better accommodations.

* * * *

Beatty, Citizen Soldier, pp. 231-232.

        18, "…we give them shot and shell on every sid [sic] untell [sic] the hole [sic] of them surrendered." Letter of W. J. Thompson, a private in H Company of the 4th Tennessee (McClemore's) Cavalry, near Columbia, to his family in Marion County

Camped Near Columbia Tenn March the 18th 1863

Dear father & mother brothers & sisters it is throgh [sic] the kind provi dence of god that I have once more the opportunity of addresing [sic] you a few lines to let you know that I am well at present and I do hope these few lines may find you all enjoying the same like blessing I have nothing very strange to rite I received a letter when Johnithen [sic] Harness came to the CO [sic] that is the only correct nuse [sic] I have had from home since I left I rote [sic] an answer and sent it by male [sic] I cant [sic] tell whether you received it or not I suppose that you hear of all the hard fights we have without me riteing [sic] about them I will just remark that on the 5th day of this inst we faught [sic] one of the hardest Battles that I have ever experinced [sic] the Battle [sic] was faught [sic] at thomson[sic] Station that is betwiet [sic] Columbia and nashville [sic] on the rail rode [sic] believe we faught [sic] from ten o'clock in the morning till three o'clock in the eavening [sic] we whiped [sic] them completely there [sic] cavalry all run off and left there infantry our cavalry then run round in the rear of there infantry then we give them shot and shell on every sid [sic] untell [sic] the hole [sic] of them surrendered I have never heard the report of the kiled [sic] on either side but I no one thing the nomber [sic] that surrendered was five redgments [sic] suposed [sic] to be 33 hundred men beside the kiled [sic] and wounded I was over a portion of the battle ground my self and there was at least too [sic] ded [sic] yankeys [sic] to one of our men these ar [sic] facks [sic] that I seen with my own eyes our brigade under general farrist [sic] and general vandorn [sic] command was the men engaged in the fight on our side the evning force was supposed to be grants army from mississippi [sic] come to reinforse [sic] rosencrance [sic] at murfeysburough [sic] we lost nary man kiled [sic] out of our co [sic] one wounded tilmon boyd [sic] was wounded in the leg but not dangeoursly the rest of the co [sic] or all in tolerble good helth [sic] with the exceptions of some four of five that as wounded they ar [sic] geting [sic] along as well as could be expected I received a letter from James Smith in Capt Deakins co [sic] he rote [sic] that he heard from home a few days before he rote [sic] to me he stated in his letter that you was all well except father and that he was sick I want you to rit [sic] as soon as you get this and let me no [sic] how you ar [sic] all geting [sic] along throug [sic] this lonesom [sic] and trubblesom [sic] world I heard that the soldiers had taken all the corn in the valley there without respect of persons if you hav [sic] anything to live upon rite [sic] that if you have not rite [sic] that rite [sic] the truth let it be good or bad if you have nothing to eat rite [sic] and I feel like I would do you justice my contry [sic] justice and my god [sic] justice to come home and make bred [sic] for you altho I feel like it was my duty to fite [sic] for my home and every other man[.] I have made one draw of money James Richard is geting a discharge and is coming home I will send one hundred dollars by him if you need the money in the way of something to live on use it if not pay it to Jesse Tickett towards my horse tell him to credit the note you will no [sic] how to fix that tell aunt [sic] Bobby Hendix that Samuel come to our co some four or 5 weeks ago and was taken sick in a day or to after he come to the co [sic] he is in the horsepittle [sic] at Columbia he had bin [sic] very bad but is geting well col [sic] Starns [sic] is prmoted [sic] to brigadier general [sic] general forrest [sic] is promoted from brigadier to mager [sic] general I would like very much to see home one time moor [sic] but no chance to get a furlow [sic] now I will just have to grin and barit [sic] thare [sic] is but one general that ever can whip the south and that is general starveation [sic] and I dont think we need fear him for I think he will allways [sic] be on our side so no moor [sic] I Still [sic] remain your Son [sic] until death William Hackworth

The Hackworth Collection[6]

        18, An Encounter with Guerrillas South of Memphis


A couple of orderlies sent out yesterday on business down the Pigeon Road to Nonconnah creek were pounced upon by a band of guerrillas, who took from them their arms and equipment and exchanged their good horses for old hacks, paroled them, and allowed them to return.[7]

Memphis Bulletin, March 19, 1863.

        18, "This place is quite dull now." News from McMinnville


McMinnville, Tennessee, March 18, 1863.

Editor of the Observer:

This place is quite dull now. You can see no prospect of a lively time among the husbandry of this part of the country. There seems to be a great dejection among them. This was seems to have relaxed their energies, but I am in hopes that the bright smiles of peace will soon cheer their dispirited souls.

These bright days seem to make Gen. Morgan restless. You need not be surprised to hear of him going to pay his friends a visit in Kentucky. His presence is doubtless desired at the home of Henry Clay, to straighten up things there. The last account from Colonel Cluke, in Kentucky, was that the Feds were after in hot haste. They were after him with 1800 cavalry and infantry. From accounts, his raid has been a brilliant affair….

I am happy to state that there is much greater satisfaction with General Wheeler than I anticipated. He appears to be a high-toned gentleman, and is not at all disposed to retard the glory of Gen Morgan; but on the other hand, he would add, and would not do anything that would be detrimental to Gen. Morgan's interest.

Dr. T. A. Stanford of Gen Wheeler's staff is also worthy of the encomiums of all true soldiers. He is every way affable and polite. He does not presume that every man is posted with the Army Regulations, and patiently explains all mystified points to those who do not understand them. I trust that the two command will cooperate, and by so doing we can do effective service.

The [Chattanooga] Rebel's correspondent, "High Private," in describing the brilliant scout of "old company E,"[8] omitted to mention the most interesting event of the scout, and is that "old Company E" was captured by Capt. Jones's company of Col. Duke's regiment who were sent to Kentucky on a similar expedition who dismounted and disarmed them before the mistake was discovered. Will "High Private" give a full account of this affair in his next?

Great joy prevailed here on last Saturday on account of the arrival of Col. B. W. Duke, who has recovered from his wound, and has resumed his command, and is ready to avenge the wounds received at Shiloh and in Kentucky….

The famous correspondent of the Louisville Courier, and subsequently editor of the Banner at Murfreesboro, has been with me several days. He expects to resume his paper again soon. As a writer Se de Kay [sic] has a wide-spread reputation, and will present to the public an ably edited journal.[9]

Conscripting is going on bravely here. The scouts bring in twenty or thirty every day. They [conscripts] seem to dislike warring very much, but the harder the fight, the sooner the war will come to a close. Don't fail to send the Observer regular, for I like to hear from your patriotic little village often. Look out for good news from the guerilla [sic] Jack Morgan.


Fayetteville Observer, March 26, 1863.

        18, Report of rape in Williamson county

Yankee Demons.-The Shelbyville, Tenn., Banner says that very recently a foraging party of the enemy, escorted by a command of cavalry, visited the premises of Mr. Anthony in Williamson county. The Colonel, Major and other officer entered the house and indulged in the usual freedom and license. At the same time they permitted a number of negro teamsters to seize the daughters of Mr. Anthony, and ravish these unprotected females. Their mother besought the protection of the officers, but these brutal men only cursed her as a d_____d rebel saying that they understood that the husbands of her daughters were in the Confederate service, and they were being served properly thus to be outraged by a race they had enslaved.

Macon Daily Telegraph, March 18, 1863.

        18, Report relative to position of Federal troops in Tennessee

HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Chattanooga, Tenn., March 18, 1864.

Maj. Gen. W. T. SHERMAN, Cmdg. Mil. Div. of the Mississippi, Nashville, Tenn.:

GEN.: I have the honor to report for your information the following as the position of the troops of the Army of the Cumberland:

The Twelfth Corps (Scolum's) at Fort Donelson, Clarksville, Gallatin, Nashville, and on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad as far south as Bridgeport.

Two regiments of negro infantry and a regiment of Tennessee cavalry on the Northwestern Railroad.

Stokes' Fifth Tennessee Cavalry at Sparta, operating against the guerrillas, who, under Hamilton, Ferguson, Carter, Murray, and Hughs, have infested that country since the war commenced. The Eleventh Corps (Howard's) on the railroad, between Bridgeport and this place.

This place is garrisoned by eight regiments of infantry, one regiment of negro troops (Fourteenth U. S. Colored), one company of siege artillery, and six batteries of field artillery, dismounted. The post is commanded by Brig. Gen. James B. Steedman.

Two divisions of the Fourth Corps, under Gordon Granger, and the Tennessee brigade of infantry, are on detached service with the Army of the Ohio in East Tennessee.

One division (Stanley's), Fourth Corps, is stationed at Blue Springs (5 miles in advance of Cleveland, on the railroad between that the place and Dalton) and at Ooltewah.

* * * *

Two brigades of cavalry are at Cleveland...

The troops occupy strong positions, and are favorably placed to guard the railroad to East Tennessee and the Charleston railroad, so far as occupied.

Signal stations are established in the most favorable position for observing the roads and the country for 6 or 8 miles in advance of the camps, and the officers on duty have instructions to report immediately all movements of the enemy which they observe. I have telegraph and signal communications with every camp, as well as by courier....

* * * *

GEO. H. THOMAS, Maj.-Gen., U. S. Volunteers, Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, pp. 89-90.

        18, "Relief Meeting;" assisting war refugees in Nashville

In pursuance to a previous call, a number of prominent citizens of Tennessee assembled at the office of the Secretary of State at ten o'clock yesterday morning, and organized by the election of Hon. David T. Patterson, President, and John M. Gant, Secretary.

The President announced the object of the meeting to be, to devise some means for the relief of those families who have been driven from their homes by the devastations of the war, and are temporarily residing in this division of the State. After a short time spent in mutual consultation, the Hon. Horace Maynard Offered the following resolution which was unanimously adopted:

Resolved [sic] That the President, Secretary Jos. S. Fowler, Gen. Alvin C. Gillem, H. Maynard, J.R. Dullin, S.C. Mercer, and J. M. Hinton, be a committee to receive clothing, provisions, money, and other means for the benefit of the many refugees now in this vicinity and constantly arriving; and see that the same are properly disbursed; also to provide temporary shelter and employment for such as are destitute in respect to either.

After the adoption of a resolution requesting the city papers to publish these proceedings, the meeting adjourned.

David T. Patterson, Pres't.

John M. Gaut, Sec'y.

Nashville Dispatch, March 18, 1864.

        18, "Our City Fathers Brought Up at Last;" General S. A. Hurlbut censures Memphis municipal government for failure to take action on crime and sanitation

A called meeting of our very worthy Board of Mayor and Aldermen was held at their usual place of gathering, under the persuasive request of General Hurlbut, who appeared among them and stirred up their stagnant intellects in a quiet, genteel manner. The first subject he touched upon was one which has become so common that people who have business in the streets at night expect to get robbed any how, and make up their minds for it. The General said that garroting and robbery were growing up as recognized institutions, and he would request the refulgent Fathers to throw the scathing glances of their beaming countenances upon such practices and scorch them like dried chaff. The sly look which he cast around the room convinced him that there was more than one warming-pan phiz[10] [sic], and the suggestion of the scorching process was, we think, peculiarly happy. The next point he alluded to was one upon which the press has rung the changes so often that it began to despair of anything being done until pestilence had made its appearance in the city. So little did Hurlbut think of the removal of dead animals-a task which has hitherto been considered herculean [sic]-that he intimated pretty plainly that if our rulers could not accomplish this duty, he thought he could find those who were capable of performing the work. Some of the Alderman attempted to get up the usual fuss of regulations and ordinances, but that hard headed old worthy, [Alderman] Mulholland, told them that there was a great [illegible] many ordinances which are dead letters, and they should put in force what they had already on the minute-book. The [remarks?] of the General were so far repeated as to have a committee appointed drawn from each ward to device a plan for the proper carrying out of this work, and [most likely?] some [means for providing for the levy of] taxation [?] [to enhance the] sanitation and salutary medical [?] [conditions for] Memphis' people can present their plan on Saturday night [?], at three o'clock.[11]

Memphis Bulletin, March 18, 1864.

General Hurlbut made a speech to the Common Council of Memphis on the 17th, in which he threatened that if they did not clean the city he would stoop the collection of taxes and do the work himself….

Pittsfield Sun, March 24, 1864.

        18, Carrion Road

The Chattanooga Gazette states that between the point of Lookout Mountain and Bridgeport, down the Valley of the Tennessee, lie twenty five miles of dead mules in one continuous string.

Daily National Intelligencer, March 18, 1864. [12]


[1] This was a Kentucky battery.

[2] No, but he did bravely run away.

[3] As cited in PQCW.

[4] This is telling of a definite recognition on the part of civil and military authorities that the end of Confederate rule in Memphis was not long in coming. Otherwise they would not have made plans to burn food stuffs and cotton "likely to fall into the hands of the enemy."

[5] As cited in PQCW.

[6] As cited in: This is a letter written by William Hackworth on March 18, 1863 while camped near Columbia, Tennessee. He was a private in H Company of the 4th Tennessee (McClemore's) Cavalry which was part of Bedford Forrest's Cavalry. He was born February 22, 1840 in Marion County, Tennessee (about 35 miles east of Chattanooga). He died February 16, 1929, and is buried in Condra Cemetery in Marion County. One of his brothers, Levi Hackworth, is listed on the muster rolls of the 35th Tennessee Infantry. Courtesy of Bill Thompson Used with permission of

[7] This event is not registered in either the OR or Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.

[8] Not found.

[9] No issues of the Murfreesboro Banner are known to be extant.

[10] Probably slang for "physic," or laxative.

[11] Parts of this article are illegible.

[12] TSL&A, 19th CN


James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

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