Sunday, June 21, 2015

6.21.2015 Civil War Notes


            21, Optimism and confidence expressed by one Tennessee Confederate

Nashville, June 21, 1861

Gen. Walker

My confidence is unshaken...The crops on the Arkansas River are Beautiful. No danger now....The provision blockade is nothing: we shall have wheat, corn and beef beyond measure, besides tobacco, sugar, and rice, and the king who can shake the jewels in the crown of Queen Victoria (cotton). Send for General Bragg and the Tennessee troops and thus concentrate talent and big guns and little guns until you strike "fuss and feathers'[1] with consternation. Foreign nations would soon regard their vain boastings as a farce. Cotton, tobacco, wheat, corn, and meat must go into your treasury to sustain our gallant men in the tented field and the heads of departments in control. Fear nothing, success is certain.

With high regard, very truly, your friend,

S.R. Cockrill

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. II, p. 113-114.

          21, "Let us show them that we are as fruitful in expedients to preserve life, as are terrible in avenging our wrongs;" a patriotic appeal to southern women to produce homespun clothing

From the [Nashville] Republican Banner

Provision for the future-"Something for the Women of the South to Consider."

We desire to call the especial attention of our reader and also of our contemporaries of the Southern press, to the important suggestions made in the following letter, written by one of the leading men in the State -- one who fully comprehends our situation, and is as competent as any other to anticipate the future:

Editor Banner: -- I beg to leave to trouble your readers with a few practical, but as I deem them, very important considerations. Tennessee is now fully committed to a state of war with Mr. Lincoln, and had pledged her whole strength upon this issue. The struggle will be arduous and deadly -- perhaps protracted. I am not one of those who fear the final result, but I am forced to look to the ways and means. Some opportunity of knowing our public resources, and the radical change in our relations in trade, brought about by the action of the State, induced me to call the attention of the whole people to necessity of providing future supplies of clothing but the means of domestic industry. There was a time in the history of the State, when nine-tenths of our population were habitually clad in home-spuns. This was necessary, because no other resources were at their command. Now that same necessity is pressing upon us. Few goods have been brought from the North this Spring, owing to our troubles. We are soon to be blockaded on all sides, so that we will be driven to self-reliance. Are we equal to the occasion? I say we are. Our mothers and sisters all over the State, will at once resurrect their wheels and spinning machines and looms, and make them teem with linsey, jeans and domestic, to clothe their husbands and brothers who are fighting the battles of the country, as well as themselves. And let no ladies feel humiliation in turning her hand to his divine task of patriotism, or in being clothed in fair cheeks, the product of her own toil. I would that every man, woman and child in the State, were this day covered with the homely garb of our ancestors! There would be a moral power in the spectacle, but I am not I pursuit of a mere fancy. Where, I ask, are your soldiers to get their supply of clothing next fall, unless it is manufactured at home? It is not that we may want the money to buy with, but the material cannot be imported. We must make it, or the soldiers must suffer -- and now is the time to begin. Let no one wait for another, but let all alike, rich and poor, at once, and without a moment's delay, inaugurate the good work, and the busy hum of their industry. In this way our women can become benefactors, and help us fight the great battle before us. The soldier will bless the beautiful lass who was not to proud to labor for him, while he was toiling and periling life [sic] for his country. But I wish to say a word to the men who remain at home. Make all the leather you can, for it will all be needed. Let not a foot of ground lie dormant but make it yield something for subsistence. Our enemies say they will starve us out -- that we will soon be naked and famishing, and compelled to surrender. Let us show them that we are as fruitful in expedients to preserve life, as are terrible in avenging our wrongs. I say then to all, mothers, sisters, wives and sweethearts, fathers, brothers and sons, beset [?] yourselves without hesitation! Let us all pull together in the glorious work of defending the State against the enemy, and feel that in doing so, we are indulging in privilege rather than performing a task. Messrs. Editors, I merely intended to call attention to these matter of grave moment, and I would thank you to give your brother editors of the Sate a hint to insert this communication in their columns. It may do good.


Nashville, June 11, 1861.

Clarksville Chronicle, June 21, 1861.

          21, "General Orders [,] No. 1."

Adjutant's General's Office

Nashville, Tenn., June 21st 1861.

Commander of the Militia of Tennessee will proceed forthwith to organize, muster and drill their commands preparatory to active service in the field at any moment's call. Each Captain will muster his men once in every month.

The Colonel of each regiment, and in the event of a vacancy in the Colonelship, the Captain of each company will report immediately to this office of strength of his regiment or company, and also the number of rifles, shot guns, muskets, swords, and other weapons of war owned by those subject to military duty, or living within his said command.

It is recommended that all rifles be at once prepared for the use of the Minine ball [sic], and made similar in bore, length, lock and the like, according to instructions which have already been furnished by the military board to the proper officer of every county. [2]

A pair of model moulds will, when they can be prepare, be deposited in the office of the County Clerk of each County.

Commanders will vigilantly see that all vacancies in the offices of their respective commands are filled without any delay.

By command of GOV. ISHAM [sic] G. HARRIS, Commander-in-Chief

Clarksville Chronicle, July 19, 1861.

21, Impressions of a Confederate Camp of Instruction near Knoxville. An Extract from the Diary of Eliza Rhea Anderson Fain

The many little exciting incidents in my visit to my sons in Knoxville have not been put down in my little book for want of time upon a weekday. On Tuesday 11th in the evening we went out to the encampment. Colonel Cocke riding on horseback came to the gate first and there we had to stand until a permit from the officer of the day let us pass. As we drove between the tents my eyes turned first to one side and then to the other to see the loved faces. At length they began to appear and never while I live will I forget the cordial welcome of that noble band of volunteers. They all seemed so greatly rejoiced to see us-but the blackest set of sunburnt faces I ever seen together. I felt you now look like you may be able to stand some hardships. Could not sit still every drilling of a company every tap of the drum brought me to my feet. Mr. Haynes made a very nice little speech that evening to the boys and spoke of the noble stand old Tennessee had taken the Saturday before with her sisters of the South. What was in the prospective for her as one of the most richly endowed of all states for manufacturing purposes. She must rise and her noble stalwart sons were then assembled to vindicate her rights and if need be to lay down their lives for the accomplishment of her determination to shake off from the earth the tyrant Lincoln and his bloody minions if nothing else would do. After he got through the Athens (Tennessee) band struck up Dixie in sweet and acceptable order.

~ ~ ~

Fain Diary.

          21, Strong Tea vs. Whisky

An old soldier offers the following excellent advice to volunteers:

"My boys! If any of you have been in the habit of drinking much whisky, quit it! If you continue to drink hard, you are dished – your more sober comrades will bury you. In the service you have to undergo, whisky will kill you with more certainty than the ball and shell. If you are exhausted after a long march, a jorum of strong tea and chunk of stale bread will do more good than all the whisky that was ever concocted. The boatmen of Canada will tell you that. Coffee is not good; but a jorum of strong tea will check a tendency to dysentery and bowel complaint. Soup is good. Much meat is bad in hot whether [sic] ; the less meat the less blood, the less blood, the less load to carry – bone and sinew make the solder, not blood. A light diet may go hard on men of strong appetites; but he that lives soberly and lightly will recover of his wounds quicker, and trouble the hospital less than the man that drinks hard and gorges himself incessantly."

Nashville Union & American, June 21, 1861.

          21, Excerpt from the report of the movements of the 7th Louisiana Regiment through Chattanooga to Knoxville; "…anything but a hospitable reception."

….The route beyond Chattanooga our troops had been fired upon by some of the disaffected in Eastern Tennessee. Powder and ball were distributed among the soldiers…to be prepared for any emergency. At Chattanooga we me with anything but a hospitable reception. True, it was the Sabbath, yet the hotel, and almost every place else in the town refused to sell or furnish us with anything in the eatable and drinking line. Even water was refused. We found the place highly tinctured with abolitionists. The keeper of the railroad hotel, by name Crutchfield, is, as we are informed, very hostile to the Confederate troops, and it was with difficulty that our men were prevented from cleaning out the town. From Chattanooga to this place [Knoxville] we found all the dangerous points on the railroad protected and guarded by an armed force….No Union flags are now displayed in Knoxville….

The [Louisiana] Tigers preceded us and left their marks in almost every place.  Even in this town they amused themselves by greasing and feathering and riding on a rail an unconscionable nonseparatist who refused to sell…anything to them and I find in my stroll through the town their course was highly approved of….

New Orleans Picayune, June 21, 1861


          21, President Lincoln notified about the Confederate evacuation of Cumberland Gap

CORINTH, MISS., June 21, 1862.


The enemy has evacuated Cumberland Gap. Must very soon leave all East Tennessee. Our troops have reached Memphis, and the railroad connection will be complete in a few days.

H. W. HALLECK, Maj.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, p. 44.

          21, Federal troops at Battle Creek (Fort McCook) fired upon by C. S. A. artillery and infantry

HDQRS. UNITED STATES FORCES, Huntsville, Ala., June 22, 1862.


I have news from Col. Sill, dated 21st, 9 p. m., mouth of Battle Creek. He is still confident that the enemy has crossed in large force. He says that for some days a rumor has prevailed that Breckinridge's command was expected to arrive at Chattanooga and that Price was opposite Bridgeport with a remnant of the Corinth army. He adds, "I am quite sure that the enemy has crossed for something more important than my small command." Col. Sill's troops, in moving from Jasper to Battle Creek, were fired upon from across the river by artillery and infantry. I know that the enemy have recently been passing Gunter's Landing in very considerable numbers, moving east

* * * *

O. M. MITCHEL, Maj.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, p. 50.

          21, Skirmish at Rankin's Ferry, near Jasper

No circumstantial reports filed.

          21, Skirmish at Battle Creek

No circumstantial reports filed.

          21, Skirmish at Shellmound

Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.

          21, Skirmish at Powell River

KNOXVILLE, TENN., June 22, 1862.

Lieut. Col. J. B. McLINN (C. S. A.), Lloyd's Cross-Roads, Tenn.:

COL.: The major-general commanding has received no report from you. He directs that you will inform him immediately how your command is employed, and communicate to department headquarters all important intelligence you may gain respecting the movements of the enemy. You will be active and vigilant, and keep your scouts well out in the direction of the enemy. Maj. Harper who is at or near Maynardville with his command, reports that one of his scouting parties was fired into about 300 yards this side of Powell's River, on the Hurst Ford (Clinch River) road, by a party of about 80 infantry posted on an eminence. They succeeded in cutting of his lieutenants and 4 men, but who may not have been captured.

This occurred yesterday. A large body of Federal troops are reported to have crossed at Rogers' Gap. You must watch all their movements closely.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,


Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, p. 699.

          21, Life in Memphis two weeks after occupation

RUNAWAY NEGROES-Quite a number of Runaway negroes [sic] are being daily arrested by the police.

Police Court-Recorder Moore yesterday morning disposed of nine cases. They were generally of an unimportant nature.

An Intoxicated Darkey [sic] -A darkey [sic] named Bob was punished with twenty lashes[3] yesterday morning by order of the recorder, for becoming intoxicated and rendering himself a nuisance generally.

The ladies attention is called to the advertisement of Passmore, Lide & Marshall, who will sell, this morning, at nine o'clock, a splendid stock of ladies' goods. Those in want of bargains should be on hand, as the good will be sold without reserve.

Hydrophobia-A Rabid Dog Killed on Pontotoc.-A rabid dog was killed while running at large on Pontotoc street yesterday morning. He had bitten no one. This is the first rabid dog that has been reported thus far during the season. How about the dog muzzling law?

Memphis and St. Louis TRADE.-We clip the following from the St. Louis Republican of the 18th: "D. Gallagher, Esq., special agent of the Treasury department, having accomplished at Memphis the object of his visit to that city, arrived here Monday night. He promptly suspended the restriction upon our commerce of which complaint has been made, and yesterday the collector of the port issued permits to our business men to send liberal shipments thither. Permits are denied, we believe only to those who have compromised themselves by known acts or sentiments of disloyalty.

Important Resolution-By the Board of ALDERMEN-What kind of MONEY will be received for CITY TAXES. In consequence of Col. Slack's [Provost Marshal] order prohibiting the circulation of Confederate notes, the board of aldermen have passed the following preamble and resolution which is highly important to tax-payers. It will be seen that the issue of all out solvent Tennessee banks, and those of other Southern States, and the United States notes, will be taken for taxes due the city:

Whereas, the circulation of Confederate States money in this city has been forbidden by Col. J. R. Slack, and, whereas the paying out on receiving said money is now a punishable offense, therefore be it

Resolved, That the city tax collector and wharfmaster be and are hereby instructed to receive in payment of all claims due the city from taxes and other sources the issues of the Bank of Tennessee, Union and Planters' Banks, Bank of West Tennessee, Bank of Memphis and Chattanooga, the issues of all solvent State banks, United States treasury warrants, gold and silver.

Regimental parade.-The eleventh Indiana regiment's dress parade in front of Court square last evening was witnessed by a very large number of citizens. Their evolutions were the object of general admiration. This is said to be one of the most thoroughly drilled regiments in the service. The parade of the twenty-fourth Indiana, also finely drilled, attracted a large concourse of citizens to the bluff.

Sabbath Appointments.-There will be religious services in the Second Presbyterian church, corner of Beal and Main (formerly occupied by Rev. Dr. Grundy) conducted by Rev. Dr. Kibben, chaplain of the eleventh Indiana regiment, at 10 ½ a.m.; and at 4 p. m. by Rev. Samuel Sawyer, chaplain of the forty-seventh regiment of Indiana volunteers.

Opening of the Telegraph Office. The authorities will open the telegraph office today we learn. The line extends along the Memphis and Charleston road, and comes via Nashville. All the dispatches received here recently have come to Cairo and thence to this city by boat.

Railroad Excursion-We learn an excursion train will go out on the Memphis and Ohio road this evening at three o'clock, taking the "Bohemian brigade," yclept[4] reporters, of the Northern journals temporarily sojourning in the city.

The Liquor Order in Chelsea-We learn that notwithstanding the order prohibiting the sale of intoxicating beverages, petty dealers in Chelsea almost openly violate it. This information reaches us from residents of that vicinity. We to rust they will be looked after.

METHODIST Church.-There will be diving services, in the Methodist church, (formerly occupied by Rev. Mr. Harris.) to-morrow morning at 10 ½ o'clock. The chaplain; of the forth-seventh regiment of Indiana volunteers has been requested to conduct the services.

El Dorado BILLIARD SALOON.-One of the most popular resorts in the city is the El Dorado billiard saloon, were our friend Fred Myer holds forth. The saloon is daily and nightly crowded by lovers of the game.

Second Presbyterian Church-Military possession was yesterday taken of the Second Presbyterian church, corner of Beal and Main streets. It will be used as an army chapel. Services will be held in this church on Sunday.

Gave Way.-The awning on front of Kird's book store, on Main street, gave way yesterday evening while the immense crowd upon it was witnessing the military parade. It let down about three inches. No damage done.

Shocking Affair in North Memphis-A Man Killed While Sitting in Front of a Boarding House.-ARREST OF THE HOMICIDE-MYSTERIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES. A shocking affair occurred at Mrs. Crumley's boardinghouse on the southeast corner of Main and Commerce streets, about eight o'clock last night, resulting in the death of a man named Thomas Brown.

Brown was sitting on the steps in front of the Commerce street entrance of the house, quietly conversing with others. Suddenly the report of a shot was heard in the room to which the door led, and Brown rolled of the step dead, a minie ball having passed through the back portion of his head, tearing it away and coming out the right ear.

As near as could be obtained in the general excitement, the following seems to be the particulars of the affair:

It seems that a short time previous to the tragedy, Brown and a young man named Patrick Quinn, a boarder in the house, had an altercation, which resulted in nothing but a little hard feeling. A few minutes afterward, Quinn was seen with a minie musket in his hand. John McCullough, also a border in the house, states that as soon as he saw the gun in Quinn's hands, he stepped forward, (both being in the room,) and threw the barrel up with his arm. The report instantly followed with the result mentioned above. Another version of the matter leaves it in doubt whether Quinn or McCullough had the gun in hand at the time of the firing, but the surroundings of the case render it altogether probable that the statement of McCullough is correct. His near relationship with Brown, and the non-existence of any feeling so animosity between them, if nothing else, would seem to exculpate him from malicious intent.

Officers Ryan and Bannan soon arrested Quinn, McCullough having gone into another portion of the house. Upon securing their prisoner, they hurried to Esquire Dickinson's office to arrange about an inquest on the body. When they reached the house again McCullough had returned, and was taken charge of. Both were removed to the station house.

At the time our reporter left the scene of the tragedy the coroner's jury had not rendered their verdict, and we are therefore unable to give its result in this morning's issue. The deceased was given in charge of this friend and will be interred today.

Brown was unmarried and boarded with Mrs. Crumley whose residence was his property.

Quinn is a young man, generally regarded as quiet and inoffensive. His business is that of a house-carpenter. McCullough is only about twenty-one years of age and a plasterer by trade.

The affair, created quite an excitement in the neighborhood, and up to a late hour last night the house was visited by large crowds.

Memphis Argus, June 21 1862.

          21, Excerpt from a letter to Andrew Johnson from Absalom H. Markland relative to Union loyalty in Memphis

Post-office, Memphis Tenne.

June 21st 1862

Memphis is beginning to assume a healthy, loyal appearance -- business is reviving and the people look more cheerful. Everything is encouraging to the lovers of law and order....A little nerve and bone liniment freely administered to some rampant individuals & West Tennessee is fully redeemed....

[Provost Marshal] Colonel [James R.] Slack who is in command of the city know how, and when, to turn the screws so as to make loyalty set will on the unruly....

Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 5, pp. 494-495.

          21, Federal army policy relative to return of bondsmen to owners as expressed in West Tennessee

CORINTH, MISS., June 21, 1862.

Col. W. W. LOWE, Fort Henry:

Act of Congress prevents officers from returning slaves to owners, loyal or disloyal. General Orders, No. 3, compels you to turn the negro [sic] out of your camp as you would any other vagrant. Negroes who have given you important information concerning the enemy will be protected. Negroes who have worked for the Confederate Government are free by act of Congress.

J. C. KELTON, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 21.

          21, A hasty Federal assessment of the course of the war in Tennessee

Corinth, June 21, 1862.

Gov. Andrew Johnson, Nashville:

The enemy is driven out of all West Tennessee. East Tennessee will soon be clear of the rebels. Obstreperous women in and about Nashville you can easily manage. The regeneration of the entire State is not far off.

* * * *

H.W. Halleck, Major-General

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 22.

          21, Flag-Officer Davis, U. S. Navy, to Lieutenant Bryant, U. S. Navy, reporting vessel seen in Forked Deer River

U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, Memphis, June 21, 1862.

SIR: The mail boat of yesterday brought me word that smoke of a steamer was observed in Forked Deer River, in passing.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

C. H. DAVIS, Flag-Officer, Comdg. Western Flotilla, Mississippi River.

Lieutenant Commanding N. C. BRYANT, U. S. Navy, Commanding Gunboat Cairo, Fort Pillow, Tenn.

Navy OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, p. 219.


21, Skirmish at Powder Springs Gap [see June 14-24, 1863, Sanders' Raid in East Tennessee above]

No circumstantial reports filed.

          21, Scout from Nashville to Silver Springs

NASHVILLE, June 21, 1863--10.30 p. m. (Received 11 p. m.)

Lieut.-Col. GODDARD, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.;

Scout returned this afternoon from few miles beyond Silver Spring. No enemy at Silver Spring; 100 reported there day before yesterday. From best information, Capt. [B. T.] Hayden, Seventh Kentucky, commanding party, was satisfied Morgan was not at Lebanon. Main force at Alexandria, or near, 3,000 or 4,000 strong. Scouts of 200 or 300 came down to Lebanon on this side. Brought in 1 prisoner (James Faulkner, first sergeant in Dick [R. C.] Morgan's regiment), whose statement nearly conforms to the above.

R. S. GRAGNER, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 441-442.

          21, "I do say I never imagined people could live so." An aristocrat visits mountain folk near Beersheba Springs

* * * *

Yesterday we rode out to see some of the "mountain people." I do say I never imagined people could live so. One house was clean – but everything seemed to be dropped just where they were done using it, and left there until they wanted to use it again. Somehow I never conceived of anything so wholly untidy and uncomfortable….Mrs. Armfield said these people were the "aristocracy" of the mountain and she took me to see them as a curiosity. The strangest thing to me was that they showed not the slightest embarrassment, but appeared to think themselves all right, and just a good as anybody living. At Walker's we found a young soldier home on furlough and it was astonishing to see how the service had improved him, and how much better he appeared than his surroundings.

War Journal of Lucy Virginia French, June 22, 1863.

          21, Scout from Nashville to Lebanon [see June 21, 1863 – Scout from Nashville to Silver Springs above]

          21, An Altercation at Madame Miller's Bagnio in Memphis

A Vile Den Broken Up.

Last Sunday evening [21st] a difficulty occurred near the bayou, on Auction street, at a vile den of prostitution kept by a woman named Miller. Several soldiers had congregated there, where they were furnished whisky, and all went on merrily for awhile; but a dispute arising between one of the soldiers and a girl, who was an inmate of the house, the controversy [sic] grew hot, and the soldier drew a pistol and fired at the girl, the ball taking effect in the side of her head and passing out behind the ear. The skull was not fractured, and consequently the wound is not dangerous. Either the girl, or another one of the soldiers, fired at the fellow who had fired at the girl without effecting anything. The police were on hand, and, with the assistance of the patrol guards, succeeded in arresting the whole crew, and emptying the contents of the doggery into the bayou.

Memphis Bulletin, June 25, 1863.

          21, "Refugees Departed."

The General Anderson left the wharf yesterday evening, having on board about one hundred refugees from Glendale, on the Memphis and Charleston railroad. They were principally women and children, very few men among them. These helpless families have been driven from their homes by the terrible consequences following Jeff. Davis rebellion.

Memphis Bulletin, June 21, 1863.

          21, "The Salary."

At the election on Thursday it will be for the voters to decide whether the Alderman shall be paid $250 each for their year's services. There are two questions the voter may very properly ask himself in deciding how he will vote on this subject: 1st, Will five dollars a week pay a man of ability for his services? 2d. If a man has no ability, is he worth five dollars a week?

Memphis Bulletin, June 21, 1863.

          21, Ellet's Marine Brigade destroy mills and commissary supplies near Savannah

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from the Itinerary of the Mississippi Marine Brigade for April, 1863.

* * * *

On the 21st, was forced to leave Eastport, in consequence of the water falling rapidly. Landed at Savannah, and sent scouting parties out to burn mills used by the enemy. Destroyed the mills, with large amount of commissary supplies. Captured 3 of the enemy's pickets, and returned without loss.

* * * *

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, p. 279.

          21, "To day a man drove up to the Picket with an old horse and wagon with two quite pretty women in, and wanted to go through…." Frank M. Guernsey's letter to Fannie

Memphis, Tenn

June 21st, 1863

Well, Fannie dear, how do you do.

I have been sitting here in my tent this pleasant evening thinking of home and Thee, and listening to the varied sounds of the camp, as they are borne to my ear by the gentle evening breeze; in one part of the camp is heard the shout and laugh of the boys engaged in some frolic, in another part and directly in front of my tent is a club engaged in singing glees and sacred music, it sounds very good, and brings to my memory the evening I spent with two of my dear friends on the short of our lake, do you remember the time Fannie.

There has nothing hapened [sic] to disturbe [sic] the even tenor of our ways since I wrote you before. Yesterday the Rebs [sic] come a grab game on some of our Cavalry and took quite a number prisoners. They were the fifth Ohio I believe. I understood they were feeding their horses, when they were surprised and taken. There was quite a laughable affair happened on our Picket line to day. There has been strict orders issued to search every one passing out through our lines to see that no smuggled goods pass. To day a man drove up to the Picket with an old horse and wagon with two quite pretty women in, and wanted to go through, they of course had to undergo a search there was nothing found on the man, but from under the crinoline of the fair ones were taken four large revolvers; they were arrested and sent to Camp where a more thorough examination took place by the Hospital matron. She also found four large revolvers, making eight in all, which these pinks of perfection were trying to smuggle through to the Rebs [sic]. They were all loaded and ready for use. I tell you what Fannie, if all women are walking magazines as these were I shall look out, and keep clear of them, for there is no telling when they will explode.

I commenced this letter Saturday evening and it is now Monday and it is not finished yet. I got my mouth all made up for a letter from you this morning, but somehow or other it did not come. I guess I shall get it to-morrow morning. Our Col. is sick and gone home again to Wis. the adjutant has not yet returned although his leave of absence expired a week ago, consequently it is folly for me to think of getting home yet awhile, so Fannie you need not hope to see me until the war is closed, which will probably be in about five years. Is not that encouraging? There is some talk of mounting this Regiment. I hope it will be done as I am getting tired of this kind of soldiering. If I have got to fight I want to be at it. I suppose I am rather impatient but I am of such a mercurial temperament that this inactivity is nearly as hard for me as an acting campaign in the field. No news from Vicksburg yet. I guess they are going to make an all summer job of it. The Rebs [sic] are making a desperate effort to throw off the folds which are tightening slowly but surely around them. But my sheet is nearly filled and I have written all I can think of so I will close. Please give my love to all your people, write soon and believe me affectionately yours.

Frank M.G.

Guernsey Collection.

          21, Alleged Confederate spy killed by Union pickets south of Nashville

SUPPOSED REBEL SPY KILLED. – The corporal of the outer picket guard, on the Franklin pike, yesterday shot and killed a man for attempting to escape through the lines. The man was dressed in Federal uniform, and succeeded in deceiving the inner pickets with a bogus pass representing himself as a private of the 14th Indiana cavalry. When he came to the exterior line, he was ordered to halt, three or four times, and not complying, the guard arrested him, and questioned him very closely, but received no reply whatever. His demeanor justifying very strong suspicion the corporal of the guard started with him to the reserve guard for delivery to the Provost Marshal. When they had gone a short distance, the prisoner, seeing a gate open on the right of the road, broke loose and ran; the corporal halted him, and the prisoner not heeding, he fired and killed him almost instantly, the ball passing entirely through the body and ranging near his heart. His body was brought to the city, and is now at Hospital No. 8. The deceased is about forty years of age, five feet six or seven inches in height, large and symmetrical form, weighed probably one hundred and fifty or sixty pounds – dark hair (short) and sandy whiskers or near a year's growth. His features are exceedingly handsome, regular and intellectual, and there is nothing in his appearance showing him to have been a private soldier. There was nothing found on his person that might lead to his identity although the suspicion that he was a Confederate officer in disguise or a professional spy is perhaps correct. Further examination of the clothing he wore may elicit the truth.

Nashville Daily Press, June 22, 1863.

          21, Knocking in Murfreesboro: an entry from the diary of John Hill Fergusson, 10th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Murfreesboro 21st after we got dinner and our little tents struck a great many of our boys went up in town and got pritty [sic] high on bear [sic] the provost guard had orders to arrest [sic] every man in town or send him to his regt they came on a squad of our regt and told them if they did not go right way to ther [sic] regt they would arest [sic] the last one of them our boys after exchanging a few words went to knocking they first nocked [sic] down the Lieutenant in charge and ran the provost guards all over town they abused several of the guards, rather rough. N. Fancher and MySelf went up town in the evening went all around, and the guards they adviseding [sic] in a very friendly way to leve [sic] town as there [sic] orders were to arest [sic] all they could find in town we took there [sic] advice and started off as the day was very warm I drink great dale [sic] of watter [sic] and was very sick in the night

John Hill Fergusson Diary, Book 3.


21, Skirmish near Decatur County

No circumstantial reports filed.

          21, S. P. Carter, Brig. Gen. and Provost Marshal General of East Tennessee seeks permission to reinstate local officials who faithlessly swore allegiance to the Confederacy

KNOXVILLE, [June 21, 1864].

Lieut. Col. G. M. BASCOM, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Department of the Ohio:

COL.: In a communication from C. A. Dana, Assistant Adjutant Secretary of War, to Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman, commanding Military Division of the Mississippi, of 15th April, 1864, in reply to an inquiry from this office of March 22, as to the full meaning of that clause of the amnesty proclamation issued by the President on 8th December, 1863, and which excludes from its benefits "all who are or shall have been civil or diplomatic agents of the so-called Confederate Government," it is stated that postmasters and other State and county officers engaged in the service of that organization are excluded. I would respectfully state that anterior to the receipt of that communication officers of the State of Tennessee and of the various counties were considered as belonging solely to the State organization, as being separate and distinct from those who received their appointments and commissions from the so-called Confederate Government, and many of them were permitted to take the amnesty oath. In East Tennessee quite a large number of the county offices were filled by loyal men, who were elected by the Union voters in order to keep them from falling into the hands of rebel sympathizers, and with the desire of continuing the reins of government in the hands of true men. As I understand the letter of Mr. Dana, even that class of men are excluded from the benefits of the President's offer of amnesty, and can only be restored to their right of citizenship on special application to the President for pardon. In the class mentioned are not a few of the warmest and truest men of the Government in East Tennessee. In this connection I would mention the case of Chancellor S. J. Luckey, of the eastern judicial division of the State, who was elected by the Union vote of East Tennessee over secession opponents, whose loyalty has been patent to all the people, and who was arrested by the rebel authorities under charge of treason after his re-election, and was only released on giving bonds to keep the peace, I should not again trouble the authorities on this subject but for the fact that I imagine they are not fully acquainted with the true position occupied by numbers of Union men in East Tennessee who were compromised in the way and for the reason already mentioned, as well as from the further fact that I have noticed that Judge David D. Patterson, of Greeneville, East Tenn., son-in-law of Governor Andrew Johnson, was one of the Board of Visitors appointed by the President to attend the recent examination of cadets at West Point. Judge Patterson was, at the time of the nominal secession of the State of Tennessee, judge of circuit court of first judicial district of East Tennessee. I understand he took the oath to support the so-called Confederate States, and continued in office until he was re-elected, in March, 1862, and was again qualified, and served on the bench until the occupation of the country by our forces on 1st of September last. An ex-member of the Legislature of the State, a Union man, is the colonel of a Tennessee cavalry regiment, while the colonel of another regiment took the oath repeatedly to support the so-called Confederate States, even while he was a member elect to the U. S. Congress. If such acts do no debar the parties from the rights and privileges of citizenship, or even from becoming the recipients of high honors from the Government, it cannot surely be intended to exclude the sheriffs, constables, magistrates, county and circuit clerks, registers, coroners, &c., from the benefits of the amnesty proclamation of the President. I respectfully request from the major-general commanding the department further instructions, if he deems them necessary, [or a simple reiteration] of those already given, provided they are intended to be received in the light in which, as has been stated, I understand them.

I am, colonel, respectfully, your obedient servant,

S. P. CARTER, Brig. Gen. and Prov. Marsh Gen. of East Tennessee.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. II, pp. 133-134.

          21, Report from Cleveland of capture of a company of Federal soldiers

CLEVELAND, June 21, 1864.

Lieut. Col. G. M. BASCOM, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:

The rebels have all crossed the Connesauga River, according to the latest intelligence. My scouts report hearing of the capture of the company of my regiment at Varnell's Station. I have sent scouts to ascertain truth of the report. The rebels are still about here in force.

H. G. GIBSON, Col. Second Ohio Heavy Artillery, Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. II, p. 134.

          21, "Provost Order, No. 139;" the fixing of prohibition zones and stricter enforcement of liquor regulations in Nashville

The continued and dangerous increase in the liquor traffic of the city, and the consequent drunkenness and disorder growing out of the same render it necessary to impose such restrictions as will remedy the evil.

To remove, as far as possible, the temptations to soldiers and government employees, offered by the sale of liquors in proximity to the government shops and depot, and in the suburbs of the city, where it is most mischievous, and reduce the number of licensed houses, it is ordered-

I. That on and after the first day of July, 1864, no liquors of any kind, fermented, distilled or mixed, shall be sold in that part of the city lying south of Broad street, west of High street, and north of Line street.

II. No liquors of any kind, fermented, distilled or mixed, shall be sold I Edgefield on and after the first day of July, 1864.

III. All licenses and permits for the sale of liquors of any kind, in any place within the city, heretofore issued from this office, will be annulled and revoked on the first day of July, 1864.

IV. Parties who have paid liquor tax under existing orders, in advance of the first of July, 18684, will have the same refunded to them on application to this office.

V. Within the limits assigned in paragraph first of this order, parties known to be responsible will be permitted to sell liquors of all kinds, provided that before the first day of July, 1864, they shall file bonds in this office, in the sum of ten thousand dollars, with good and sufficient sureties, conditioned to conduct their business in accordance with military restrictions; to sell no liquor of any kind to any person already intoxicated; to sell no liquor of any kind, fermented, distilled, or mixed, to any enlisted man or government employee; and to pay in advance a monthly tax of ($30) thirty dollars.

VI. The number of such licensed saloons within the city shall not exceed fifty, and no new saloons will be permitted to be opened.

VII. The proprietors of saloons will be held responsible for the acts of their employees, as respects this Order, and for the good order and quiet of their saloons.

VIII. The penalty of a violation of this Order will be imprisonment in the military prison, forfeiture of license and bond, and confiscation of stock.

By command of Brig. Gen. John F. Miller

John W. Horner, Lieut. Col. 18th Mich. Vol's. [sic] and Provost Marshal

Nashville Dispatch, June 23, 1864.

          21, A Smug Yankee Report on the Plight of Orphans in East Tennessee

Mr. C. C. Tracy, the Western Agent of the New York Children's Aid Society, has returned to that city from his journey to provide homes for the East Tennessee orphans. The Tribune condenses the following facts from his interesting report:

These orphans were the children of the poor and loyal farmers of the Tennessee mountains, and as Mr. T. describes them, the most poor. Wretched, half-starved company he ever saw gathered, even from the miserable dens of city poverty. They were so weak from want of food that many had to lifted into the omnibus. Several of the parents had died of exhaustion and starvation. One little group of three children attracted much sympathy. Their father had been conscripted into the rebel army, and had then escaped to Nashville to join the Union ranks. The rebel neighbors hearing of it, came and burned the man's house and destroyed all he had, and turned the sick mother and her three little ones out of doors. Weak and exhausted as she was, and half starved, she managed to walk some 150 miles to Nashville, and just reached her husband to die in his arms! The father consigned the three children to the Christian Commission and Children's Aid Society and rejoined his regiment, saying, "Now I can fight with free hands."

Two other bright little creatures were in a house on Chickamauga creek, during the great battle, and took refuges in a cellar. They had been told that the Yankees would murder them, but they found themselves very kindly treated, of course. Their mother had probably died of want of food, and the father fell in the Union ranks. One woman, with two children, had been "raised" in South Carolina, but her husband was conscripted in Tennessee, and had run away to our forces and had been killed. Mr. Tracy describes them all as remarkably good looking, with blonde features, but thin and weak from want and suffering. As they journeyed on in Ohio to their places of destination, they were delighted beyond measure at the thriving looks of the country. On said: "Why, in my country there isn't so much a chicken or fence left-everything swept clean off; but here, the further north we go the better it is." The most unbounded sympathy was shown them everywhere. In one town where the party stopped all the ladies gathered together, fed and washed and clothed the poor orphans, and took them to their own homes.

They were speedily provided with the very best places in families, more as children adopted than servants. Nothing was spared to make them comfortable, and therein that free and intelligent Western community, from the miseries of war, they will grow up happy and useful. Out of the whole company of thirty, only one or two could read, though some of the girls were 14 or 15 years old. There would have been over a hundred but for a report spread by the secessionists that "they were to be sold as slaves in Ohio."

It is not unlikely that others will desire to be removed by the Children's Aid Society when they; hear of the success of these.

The suggestion of this most charitable and practical movement to cure some of the sad ills of war in our country, is due to that excellent organization, the Christian Commission.

The Daily Evening Herald, June 21, 1864. [5]


          21, Bushwhackers vs. Brigadier General E. L. Paine in Middle Tennessee

Brig.-Gen. E. L. Paine is settling the bushwhackers who have been unsettling Middle Tennessee so long, had having killed about 75 last week. He had nine shot on the public square in Lynchburg, Lincoln county, and several in Fayetteville. Among the number that had been killed was one Massey, who is said is a Brigadier-General C. S. A. He superintended all the guerrilla operations in Middle Tennessee. General Paine told the citizens if they wanted to fight the Government to go and join the rebel army under Joe Johnston. He further told them if they staid inside the Federal lines they might think secesh, feel secesh, die hating the government, and go to h__l hating it, but they should neither talk treason nor act it. If they did, he told them he would make them houseless, homeless and lifeless, as he had determined to kill every bushwhacker that he caught. The 5th, 10th and 12th Tennessee cavalry were with Gen. Paine, and did the handsome for the bushwhacking rebs. The 5th still remember the "calf killer" massacre[6], and are avenging it terribly.

Chattanooga Daily Gazette, June 21, 1864. [7]

          21-22, Scouts, Big Creek Gap, Tazewell Road

JACKSBOROUGH, June 21, 1864.

Brig.-Gen. AMMEN:

Scout has just returned; reports that there are about 75 or 100 rebels one mile above Big Creek Gap encamped. There are 150 rebels coming in on Tazewell road. Their object I understand [is] to make an attack on this place. The men above Big Creek Gap are armed very poorly and have a number of horses. Will start a scout out Tazewell road immediately. Do not think they will make an attack until night.

H. FULTON, Capt., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. II, p. 134.


[1] General Winfield Scott, head of the U. S. Army


[2] Apparently these instructions have not survived.

[3] 40 lashes were considered to be a death penalty.

[4] "Named" or "called."

[5] TSL&A, 19th CN.


[6] On the 22nd of February 1864, Captain John M. Hughs, Twenty-fifth Tennessee Infantry (C. S. A.) "met a party of 'picked men' from the Fifth Tennessee (Yankee) Cavalry, under Capt. Exum [on Calf Killer Creek]." The 5th cavalry, according to Hughs' report, had earlier "refused to treat us as prisoners of war, and had murdered several of our men whom they had caught straggling from their command." The fight at the Calfkiller creek was a desperate one, the Confederates being greatly outnumbered 110 to 60. According to Hughs, the "fighting on our part was severe in the extreme; men never fought with more desperation or gallantry. Forty-seven of the enemy were killed, 13 wounded, and 4 captured; our loss was 2 wounded." Hughs was a recruiter for the Confederate army and found himself cut off from the 25th.OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, pp. 55-57. This was apparently the "calf killer" massacre. Hughs' forces were not regular army troops, but local men under his command. The 5th evidently killed without delay anyone they chose to identify as a bushwhacker, seeking revenge for the "calf killer" massacre.


[7] TSL&A, 19th CN.


James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214


(615)-532-1549  FAX


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