23, Governor Harris to L.P. Walker, Confederate Secretary of War relative to transfer of the Provisional Army of Tennessee to the Confederate States.
Richmond, July 23, 1861,
Hon. L.P. WALKER, Secretary of War:
I am requested by his Excellency Isham G. Harris, governor, to ask at your hands full and specific instructions for the transfer of the Provisional Army of Tennessee to the Confederate States. The Tennessee troops and those of the Confederate States are not organized alike in all respects, and, consequently, in the transfer the organization of the former may be in some respects interfered with. The governor made such appointments in the general staff for the Tennessee Army (about 22,000 strong) as were deemed necessary for a force of that magnitude. These appointments embrace an adjutant-general, quartermaster-general, surgeon-general, inspector-general, and commissary-general, with suitable and proper number of assistants of each. In the transfer by regiments and battalions will those appointed be displaced or not? If displace, the governor expressed the hope that, as an act of justice to the State and to the appointees, in supplying the force with necessary officers in this branch of the service, they be taken from Tennessee and from his appointees, if it can be done without prejudice to the service. If it shall be decided to be the general line of policy of the appointing power, it will give great satisfaction to the State.
In order to prevent confusion, and to relive the governor from embarrassment and the officers of the general staff from uncertainty, please state the effect of the transfer and the general rule to be observed as to this branch of the service. A large quantity of stores were collected for the subsistence of the Provisional Army of Tennessee, and the same is now on hand. They have been paid for, and constitute part of the war expenditures of the State. The transfer of the army makes it necessary to determine what shall be done with these stores. If they are to be turned over with the army, it us respectfully suggested that arrangements should be made for the purpose. Be kind enough to furnish instructions on this point.
The governor desires that steps be taken to have the debt incurred by the State for the war purposes settled and provided for by the Confederate States, in accordance with the league between the two powers. I submit an aggregate of this debt, with the hope that measures will be instituted for its adjustment.
The extent of the force will make it necessary to appoint several generals in addition to those already appointed. It would be gratifying to the governor if in making the same the appointing power would select Generals Caswell, Sneed, and Foster, appointed by him as generals in the Tennessee forces. He would not make the request if he thought the service would suffer by it.
I am requested to invite your attention to the policy of establishing camps of instruction in East Tennessee. The healthfulness of the climate, cheapness of forage, and proximity to the field of operations all indicate this section of Tennessee as eminently appropriate for camps of instruction. In addition to which, the presence of an armed force will furnish a sense of security to our friends, and tend to suppress unlawful combinations and conspiracies against the Government.
Rifle regiments for twelve months, each man to provide his rifle, to be taken by the Government at value, and converted into minie rifles, are being raised in Tennessee, and it is believed that several thousand troops under this description could be raised if desired by the Confederate Government. The State is able to convert these rifles at the rate of 300 per week into Minie rifles. The State is engaged in the manufacture of guns, sabers, powder, and caps, and if encouraged by some expression of approbation from the Confederate Government would, it is believed, press forward with greater energy.
Enclosed with this letter was the following financial statement showing how much Tennessee had shelled out for stuff for the Provisional Army. I take it then that it was understood by Governor Harris and etc. that the Confederate States was to reimburse Tenn..
G. Gannt
Military and Financial Board
Nashville, Tenn., July 18, 1861
His Excellency Gov. Isham G. Harris:
Sir: The expenditures of this board to date are as follows:
Quartermaster-general's department 918,775.94
Commissary-general's department 522,456.03
Paymaster-general's department 399,600.00
Medical Department 8,500.00
Ordnance Department 362,045.91
Contingencies-special services, expenses of board, &c 12,513. 03
Very respectfully,
F.G. ROCHE, Secretary
OR, Ser. I Vol. 4, pp. 372-373.
23, Private Edward Bradford [C. S.A.] writes to his father
....We are all very busy tonight cooking and packing up for four days' journey. We leave tomorrow morning for Hanesville, East Tenn. We will stop in Nashville a few hours tomorrow and perhaps all night. Tell Ma that is he has not bought the shirts I sent for she will have to let them alone, but if she has them to send them by Uncle Will. Most of the boys are in very high spirits at the idea of leaving, but I don't like it so well, as I don't think we will find another place like Camp Trousdale soon. I and John are very well at present. Give my best love and respects to all the young ladies in the neighborhood and tell them I expect to be with them again about next Christmas as I think everything [the war, i.e.] will be settled by that time.
Frederick Bradford Papers, TSL&A.
23, Letter Alleging a Conspiracy to Furnish Arms and Munitions to East Tennessee Unionists
Correspondence of the Louisville Courier.
Arms and Munitions of War-Aid and Comfort in the Tories of East Tennessee-The Conspiracy.
Nicholasville, Ky., July 23
Editors Louisville Courier: For two weeks past quantities of munitions of war and provisions have been passing through this place purporting to be for Cumberland Gap. By minute inquiry I learned that several wagon loads of parched coffee passed through en route for the Gap. In addition to this, arms in abundance have been transported to that section of the State. The Southern Rights party, though not informed of their movements, have great reason to believe these guns and provisions are encouraged by the Union men of this State for the Tories of East Tennessee. I write this note in order to enable you to give information of the proceedings of the Union party of the States. If you think it advisable to give the citizens of Tennessee any information of the present movements you can do so on my authority, and also on that of many other reliable men.
The breezes whisper that the troops from Newport Barracks are to accompany the arms to their destination. Volunteering has been going here, for the same purpose.
Daily Columbus Enquirer, July 31, 1861.
23, Forrest's command burns railroad bridges near Nashville
KNOXVILLE, TENN., July 26, 1862.
Maj. Gen. E. KIRBY SMITH, Chattanooga, Tenn.:
Maj. Harper sends this dispatch:
Gen. Forrest three days ago was within 4 miles of Nashville. He has burned several railroad bridges; captured and killed 125 Federal soldiers; has three commissioned officers captured, and is now at McMinnville.
Maj. Harper is ordered by Gen. Forrest from Crossville back to McMinnville and by Gen. McCown to Athens. He obeys Gen. Forrest's order. The officer bringing the dispatch says the artillery captured was near Bon Air Springs, 5 miles east of Sparta, protected by 75 or 80 Rangers, and that Forrest would make a stand at McMinnville.
H. L. CLAY, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, p. 736.
23, Orders relative to use of Negroes in Federal army hospital in Jackson, Tennessee
Excerpt from SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 142. HDQRS. DISTRICT OF WEST TENNESSEE, Corinth, July 23, 1862.
* * * *
V. The general hospital at Jackson will be allowed to retain such amount of black labor as the surgeon in charge may decide as being absolutely necessary to perform such menial service as should not be put upon soldiers. In getting this kind of labor such persons will be taken as are free by act of Congress if possible, and if not they will be hired from owners at a reasonable rate of compensation, to be fixed by council of administration, and should owners object they will be pressed into service and not returned or paid for until proof of loyalty is shown.
Proper diet will be procured from the surrounding country for the sick, to be paid for at reasonable rates, fixed by council of administration, if acceded to by the citizens; if not acceded to by them, by forced contribution. This order is made applicable to all general hospitals within this district outside of the loyal States.
By command of Maj. Gen. U. S. Grant:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 115.
23, Assessment of damage done by Forrest and others in Middle Tennessee
NASHVILLE, July 23, 1862.
Col. J. B. FRY:
* * * *
The enemy's cavalry is not less than 2,000, and possibly 4,000, and increasing. Bridges on Chattanooga road near this place destroyed and detachments guarding them killed or captured; 80 of those of Second Kentucky came in paroled this morning. A wagon train being sent for Nelson is being followed by the enemy and will be surely captured; also every detachment from here to Nelson's outposts. After that Forrest announced that will come back to attack the town. Our force being menaced on the Louisville road, Col. Boone announced from Gallatin that Richland, 15 miles beyond, is held by 1,000 rebel cavalry, and Col. Boone has detained the train from this place. We cannot send force from Nashville to guard the trains, and I telegraphed Boone if well satisfied of enemy at Richland to send the trains back to town. Also telegraphed Col. Bruce at Bowling Green to send to Boyle for instructions and force. He answered that his own force is 450 men and that it would not be proper to expose the Bowling Green bridges, as it is evident that the enemy are rising rapidly to control our communication and perhaps strike Nashville when they feel strong enough.
Forrest sent a challenge to Miller last night to come out and fight him. The postmaster sent your mails on the 17th, 20th, and to-day. Have just received your dispatch stating you had information.
W. H. SIDELL, Maj.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, p. 204.
23, "General Sherman."
A very laudable curiosity exists among the people of Memphis to know something about Gen. Sherman, and we, therefore, venture on the liberty of introducing him.
General W. T. Sherman, not T. W., is a native of Lancaster, Ohio. He entered the regular army of the United States in the 1846 from the Military academy of West Point in the Third artillery. He was then sent to California, on the first expedition, in advance of Stevenson's regiment, and served there under Kearney and Mason; and was there promoted to a lieutenancy in regular course of promotion. Neither before nor since his entrance into his favorite profession has been a politician, though his brother, John Sherman, the Ohio Senator, is a distinguished one. A soldier in feeling as in practice, W. T. Sherman's sentiments, political sentiments [sic], are pre-eminently conservative. After his return from California he continued in the service two years, and then retired to private life.
About that time he went out to San Francisco as the principal of the Banking House of Lucas, Turner & Co., with one member of the firm, we believe, the General is related to by marriage. In this responsible post, for which his methodical turn of mind admirably fitted him, he remained for nearly two years, returning only to assume a similar position in New York for the same firm, which dissolved about twelve months later.
Lieutenant Sherman then proceeded to Alexandria, in Louisiana, and indulged his inclination by the establishment of an excellent military school, over which he actively presided, with great success, till the inception of the Rebellion. He was then appointed Colonel of the 15th Regiment of United States Regulars. Later on he was appointed Brigadier General of Volunteers, and assisted at the fight of Bull's Run, where, in spite of all his entreaties and heroic example, his brigade would charge backwards. [sic]
Later still we find him prominent among the heroes of Shiloh, exhibiting on that bloody field a degree of heroism and tactical skill which justly won him a Major Generalship. In the eventful interim between Bull Run and Shiloh, General Sherman had charge of the Department afterward occupied by General Buell, and before by General Anderson.
"The other Sherman," as they used to style him at West Point, sometimes varying the appellation to "Yankee Sherman," is T. W., Sherman, a native of Rhode Island. The initial of both are the same, and to some cause confusion; but it can be easily avoided by fixing in the memory that the Shiloh hero places the W first the T second, while "the other Sherman," reverses the order.
Major General W. T. Sherman, the subject of our sketch, is a straight. Soldierly-looking gentleman of nearly six feet in hight [sic] with a light clear eye, and hair of light auburn, almost approaching to red, and beard and mustache of a similar hue. Strict in discipline, but kind at heart, impulsive, nervous, quick, but correct in judgment-he is precisely the man a Bonaparte would make a marshal of, and select among a hundred to lead a Wagram charge, or cross a bridge of Lodi.
Our readers will find him strict as destiny, but equally just.
Memphis Union and Appeal, July 23, 1862.
23, Major-General W.T. Sherman refuses to rescind orders permitting draft age Confederates to remain in Memphis
Dr. E. S. PLUMMER AND OTHERS, Physicians in Memphis, Signers to a Petition:
GENTLEMEN: I have this moment received your communication[1], and assure you that it grieves my heart thus to be the instrument of adding to the seeming cruelty and hardship of this unnatural war.
On my arrival here I found my predecessor (Gen. Hovey) had issued an order[2] permitting the departure South of all persons subject to the conscript law of the Southern Confederacy. Many applications have been made to me to modify this order, but I regarded it as a condition-precedent by which I was bound in honor, and therefore I have made no changes or modifications, nor shall I determine what action I shall adopt in relation to persons unfriendly to our cause who remain after the time limited by Gen. Hovey's order has expired. It is now sunset, and all who have not availed themselves of Gen. Hovey's authority and who remain in Memphis are supposed to be loyal and true men.
I will only say that I cannot allow the personal convenience of even a large class of ladies to influence me in my determination to make Memphis a safe place of operations for an army, and all people who are unfriendly should fortheith prepare to depart in such direction as I may hereafter indicate.
Surgeons are not liable to be made prisoners of war, but they should not reside within the lines of an army which they regard as hostile. The situation would be too delicate.
I am, with great respect, your obedient servant,
W. T. SHERMAN, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 114.
23, "City Council, General Sherman and Col. Slack."
Headquarters, U. S. Forces
Memphis, Tenn. June 20, 1862.
Members of the Board of Aldermen, the Mayor, City Recorder, and all other persons discharging any official duty within the city of Memphis, and under the charter thereof, are required to come before the Provost-Marshal and take the oath of allegiance to the Government of the United States, within three days, or in default there of will be regarded as sympathizing, aiding and abetting rebellion, and will be treated as only traitors deserve.
By order of Jas. R. Slack, Col. Com.
M. P. Evans, A. A. A. Gen.
How many of the present and past Board of Aldermen have conformed to the requirements of this order?
Has S. T. Morgan, a secessionist when Tennessee was Union, taken an oath of allegiance since he voted for the Southern Confederacy, and since he illuminated his house to honor secession processions; and since he signed secession directory's [sic] to force Memphis, then Union, to become rebellious? Has he, we say, taken any oath of allegiance [sic] to the government, that under it he presumes to legislate for a city in which all others are required to take one; or did he, unelected by the people, smuggle into the psuedo-board to avoid taking an oath of allegiance to a government he had sought to shatter?
Has Mr. Alderman Amos ever pledged his allegiance [sic] to the United States since Rebellion became unprofitable? Did he not also, un-elected by the people, smuggle into the Board to avoid taking that oath of allegiance?
Has Samuel Tighe taken an oath of allegiance yet? Has Dr. Merrill? How comes the latter in the Board at all? How comes any of these in the face of the order of Col. Slack? Was not the order published? Was it not kept standing in our columns? Was it ever revoked? Did not Gen. Sherman's order, published yesterday [sic], make clear to the Union men of that Board why in our same issue we wished an investigation of eligibility? Do the gentlemen imagine that, like the ostrich, if they hide their heads in the dirt they cannot be seen?
When it is found Necessary, and is felt to be just in the Government to require an oath of allegiance from the unofficial, can it be believed it should be exacted from those who aspire, and even illegally dare to wield under the United States flag official power and influence after having positively refused [sic] to swear allegiance to that flag, when requested by Colonel Slack then commander of this post.
We, and thousands of others have much mistaken the sense and justice of General W. S. [sic] Sherman if such trickery is imposed on him.
On two different occasions, far removed, we have warned that board of the ineligibility of many of its members, of a sufficient number indeed to render it inoperative. It has persisted in its treasonable evasion of the order which forms the opening of our article. Men in it had refused and would, ay and some will, or say they will, refuse to take the oath of allegiance [sic] expected from all, and yet forsooth they hope to be permitted to remain here and regulate for a city over which W. T. Sherman holds chief authority!
On other [sic] scores that Board is illegal. In a few days we will publish the opinions of some of the leading [sic] counsel[s] in the city on the question; and in the meantime we warn our readers that no contracts made by them, no pretended ordinances passed by them can possibly be considered binding on the City of Memphis, nor is the city even bound to recognize or pay any appointees of their making.
The only legitimate authority now in Memphis is that of Gen. W. T. Sherman and under him the military authorities appointed to various offices; and, thank heaven! About their allegiance and their loyalty to it, hangs no doubt.
The smuggling into the psuedo-board of Messrs. Morgan, Amos, Merrill, and others, unelected by the people, and in defiance of the order of Gen. Slack is most admirable proof of the wisdom of the order itself, and in the late order of Gen. Sherman, we find assurance that such skulking treason will not be tolerated.
It needs no great perspicacity to see what future evil to the best interest of the city would accrue from the continuous action of an illegal Board, whose doing would assuredly lead to endless litigation. Still less foresight is required to conjecture the dangers that might arise to the national cause from the continuance in office of men who "can't take that oath." The troops now here, the position of the city, the presence of General Sherman, all point to the necessity of having no two rulers here, no two codes of laws, no two corps of gens d'armierie [sic] responsible to different authorities. General Butler saw the need of a united rule, and much as we admire his sagacity we have every reason to believe that the wisdom of General Sherman is no wise inferior.
Memphis Union Appeal, July 23, 1862.
23, Insuring Alien Loyalty
Foreigners and the Oath.
To avoid prevarication or future cause of offense, we suppose, the authorities either have prepared or will publish the formula of an oath which can be taken by subjects owing allegiance to foreign powers, without constraining an illegal renunciation of the same, which they have no right to make, and which yet will secure the United States Government from any violation on their part, of that strict neutrality to which their Governments stand pledged.
This oath should be one which, while leaving them free in allegiance would undoubtedly bind them to yield no comfort, aid, assistance or information to the wicked rebellion, inflicting such evils upon our beloved country.
Memphis Union Appeal, July 23, 1862.
23, Memphis Confederate Women and the Oath of Allegiance
Memphis, Tenn., July 23.
* * * *
There are some inside phases connected with these matters [all men between 18 and 45 must take oath or leave city] which never come to the knowledge of the people of the North; influences which are vigorously at work now on the hesitating and yielding votaries of southern rights. People know pretty well by this time what the sentiments of the southern women are on this question. They must use their imagination to come up to the reality which exists here in Memphis, where the women have not only invested their hearts in the cause, but are subjected to practical banishment from those in whim their interest is centered. It is not my place to rail against women for exhibiting those characteristics of their nature for which, at home, we would take them to our arms; neither do I conceal my disgust at public and unlady-like exhibitions of spite, of which, I am glad to say, there has been but little here. They are as God made them, firm adherents to the fortunes of their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and we can never expect them to be otherwise, be they of northern or southern birth. People need not be surprised, then, to hear that the feminine population of Memphis is very bitter. They are incorrigible partisans, one and all. The forms of society are still kept up, for there are whole circles which are unbroken, except by the absence of a portion of its male members, and within these the subject is agitated unceasingly and unrelentingly. I must say that, so far as my knowledge goes, I have seen no reason to envy the male secessionists of Memphis. They have much at stake. Property, personal preferences, and natural aversions incline many to remain and become loyal citizens. The female secessionists, on the contrary, have nothing to bind them except their sympathies with the personal investments already made in the southern cause, and they are truly merciless. To the bold and resolute, they are gracious and winning. Words could not proclaim in plainer signification that none but the brave deserve the fair. To the wavering, they are by turns conciliatory and denunciatory. To the recusant, they are ripe with sneers and sarcasms which would make a resolute man grow fierce with indignation, and burn the good intentions of a weaker mind to ashes. Many a man has thus been driven into support of the Southern Confederacy. A young lady I happen to know of took her lover to task as soon as the order was issued, to know which course he proposed to pursue. Her preferences were not a matter of a moment's indecision, for her whole family are in the southern army. When it came to sending her lover there also, a pang crossed her mind, and she hoped with all her heart that the order would be rescinded; but to consent that he should go North, or take the oath of allegiance, she could not. She was young, and beautiful and rich. What a position to place a young man in! Multiply the incident till it includes the whole Southern Confederacy, and, in various modifications, all its young men and women, and you have a fair sample of the social influences everywhere at work.
* * * *
Chicago Times, July 29, 1862. [3]
23, "Rebel Insults."
Why is it that the families of Union men are insulted by the secession rabble that yet infest the city? Why are the wives of the cowardly Secessionists allowed to bawl at the loyal citizen, "Yankee," "Traitor," "Coward." [?] Were we not enough misused before the arrival of our friends? Were we allowed to speak in defense of our cause during the reign of King Jeff.? Were not our tongues bridled with the reins of oppression? Did we dare utter syllable in favor of the Union? And, I ask why are they allowed more liberty by us than they gave us? Does not every one know that when a woman speaks thus she but echoes her husband's sentiments? And when children speak thus they are instructed to do so by their parents? Would it not be well that an order be issued for the arrest of such persons, and let it be obeyed to the letter; and the Union ladies can then walk the streets, or sit on their porches without being insulted. Some declare they would rather see all their possessions in ashes than see the Yankees in possession of the city. Gratify them-take their property from them, and send them from the city. They will, at least, be gratified, and we be freed from a treasonable and dangerous foe; for those that would be willing to burn their own houses would not scruple to apply the torch to their neighbor's.
Memphis Union Appeal, July 23, 1862.
23, "The Oath."
Mr. Editor: Can you inform me why I, who have never borne arms, never aided or abetted the present causeless and nefarious rebellion, who have ever been loyal to the old flag should be requested to take an oath of an allegiance I have never violated or disclaimed, while men who armed rebels, pleaded for rebellion and spoke treason are not required to take such oath, and yet fill all offices?
Memphis Union Appeal, July 23, 1862.
23, Haphazard enforcement of the Oath of Allegiance in Memphis
The Oath Again. – Mr. Editor: Why am I, a man in the humble walks of private life, asked to swear allegiance to the United States, when aldermen are permitted to refuse to do the same, and still hold office of trust and influence?
A Mechanic.
Provost Marshall's Office. – Yesterday was a very busy day at the Provost Marshal's. One hundred and twenty-four, mostly youths, received permits to cross the lines: two hundred and thirty-four persons took the oath of allegiance. Thus the work progresses.
Memphis Union Appeal, July 23, 1862.
23, Mule Carcass in Memphis
Nuisance. – On Shelby street, near Trezevant, a dead mule has been lying forty-eight hours. Whose duty is it to have it removed? Why is it not attended to?
Memphis Union Appeal, July 23, 1862.
23, "None of the wounded have died tho, several were shot through the lungs." Excerpt from Surgeon William M. Eames' letter to his wife in Ohio relative to news of the military hospital in Murfreesboro
Union Coll. Hospital
July 23 1862
Dearest Wife,
* * * *
Last night (22nd) our men were expecting an attack all night & lay upon their arms but no rebels came. They wont [sic] come while we have two Reg'ts & two good batteries here I assures. Gen. Nelson commenced to fortify back of the Depo [sic] yesterday & called for all the Negroes in town to help about it. The citizens were obliged to send in their darkies with shovels & pickaxes & they are busily at work making the redout [sic]. We have got our niggers [sic] back & have plenty of out door help now to keep our wood pile good & draw our water, etc., etc….We have now 163 men in Hospital & more coming in all the time. The wounded are doing very well & the sick as well as could be expected. No deaths for several days. None of the wounded have died tho, several were shot through the lungs. We have been on half rations for several days & the men growl sadly. The R. R. bridge was burned above here & the cars cannot come down with provisions & I suppose that explains Dr. French's absence so long. Am afraid the rebels captured our mail [sic] – I can stand it I suppose if they have but I would rather get a letter or two from you than anything else I can think of at present.
* * * *
We have but few calls now from citizens & no one seems to care for the sick & wounded – or they are too busy thinking of their own affairs. They are really in a bad condition in the place & have nothing to do but submit to a military rule for a while. Many of the citizens are in close confinement - & the rest are not permitted to go abroad at all. They will soon see the folly of encouraging these raids [sic] of the rebel cavalry – It wont [sic] work.
* * * *
Yours as ever,
Wm. M. Eames
William Mark Eames Papers
23, "Military Hospitals Chap XII
The Prison Hospital.
The Prison Hospital is not numbered; it is located in the Second Baptist (Dr. R. Ford's) Church, on Cherry street, beyond South Union, a few hundred yards South of the Howard High School. There are two wards in the building, both large rooms, and both above ground, well lighted and ventilated, and very clean and comfortable, the hospital being well stocked with everything needful for the comfort of the patients. Indeed, in this respect we think it excels man others, but we may be mistaken as in this hospital we find more seriously wounded men than in other, and the various modern contrivances for easing of pain and relieving the discomforts of the bedfast, may have come more prominently before our eye.
The interesting features in this hospital, to us, was the great care and attention bestowed upon the patients -- Confederates and Federals alike -- who are mixed up with each other most admirably. Side by side the Federal and Confederate soldier eat, and sleep, and chat, and play, and comfort each other, and nurse each other, with that care and attention, sad heart-felt sympathy, which are always to be found prominently in the brave heart of the soldier. This hospital is not as some suppose, exclusively for Confederate prisoners, but for all military prisoners. All the Federals, we believe, have been guilty of mere petty offences, such as being out with a pass, exceeding by a few hours the limit of their leave of absence, attempting to break from the guard, and such like. The kind and affectionate manner in which each patient is addressed by the Surgeon in Charge as well as other officers, and the confidence and great respect which the patients entertain for them, is very striking and truly gratifying to the sympathizer with human sufferings. And here, indeed, is room for sympathy. Ghastly wounds of all descriptions are visible in every direction. Here are several who lost an arm, amputated close to the shoulder; many others a leg; many whose bones have become again unified but leaving one limb much shorter than the other; some deformities; some having lost an eye. Our attention was called to one interesting case, where a Confederate was struck by a minie [sic] ball on the second finger of the right hand, which was broken, and the ball lodged in the fleshy part between the thumb and index finger, a portion of the ball being cut off by coming in contact with his musket, and entering his right eye, which he has lost, and a buckshot entering his neck, and lodged there, and where it remains, just under the skin, but causing him no pain or uneasiness.
Another interesting case is that of an intelligent little boy -- a mere child, -- pretty and delicate, not yet fifteen years old, named John Taylor, of Chattanooga. He was wounded and taken prisoner some time ago, and is now doing very well. He seems to be quite at home, but would much like to obtain permission to stroll about town a little every fine day until he is well enough to be exchanged [sic].
Capt. King, of Louisiana, is also here, badly wounded in the right thigh. The Surgeon informed us that he has suffered severely, but uncomplainingly, for a long time, and several times feared he would lose him; but is not doing well, and likely to recover.
All inmates of this hospital are received from Col. Martin, the Provost Marshal, and to him returned or accounted for.
Among the other inmates were two lunatics, one of whom was sent to the Lunatic Asylum while we were at the hospital; the other is the one who was formerly in the Penitentiary -- a quiet, inoffensive man, who sits in one position all day, eats well, never talks, sleeps well, and takes not the slightest notice of any person or thing. The one who was sent away urgently requested our company to town, and insisted on getting himself ready immediately.
There are many other interesting cases here, which we may allude to hereafter, in another chapter. For the present we must concern ourselves to a statement of a few general facts connected with the hospital.
The following are the names of the officers of the Prison Hospital:
Surgeon-in-Charge -- T. G. Hickman, Acting Ass't. Surg. U. S. A.
Chaplain -- Rev. Mr. Poucher.
Steward-Jas. Yerkes.
Sergeant of the Guard-John McFarland, 19th Ill. Vols.
Ward Master-Alfred Hemmings.
Matron -- Mrs. Foster.
Druggist-John Foley.
There are thirty men detailed to guard this hospital under Sergeant McFarland. Six nurses, three cooks, six colored females, and six colored males are employed. There are in the building, for patients, 100 iron cots, 25 of which were occupied on the night of the 19th, but eleven of the Confederates were removed on the 20th, with a view to an early exchange.
There is no regular chaplain belonging to this hospital, but Mr. Poucher visits the patients occasionally, and administers religious consolations to such as desire it. There are not regular religious services. The Sanitary Commission has furnished books on several occasions for the use of the inmates, and the Surgeon informs us that the patients feel grateful to Mr. Crawford for his kindness in this respect.
The bath-room contains only one tub, but that proves sufficient under existing circumstances, there being few able to avail themselves of the luxury of sporting in a large and well filled bath tub. Dr. Hickman encourages a desire to bathe frequently.
For amusement and pastimes, chess, checkers, dominoes, and, we presume, a social game at euchre, are indulged, beside reading and writing.
The officers are on the first floor at the West end of the building; and in a small building in the rear, are the laundry and the room for cooking the delicacies for those unable to bear hospital fare with convalescents. The kitchen is on the north side of the building, and the dining room is a very comfortable one, in which meals are served to guards and convalescents at 7, 12, and 6 o'clock.
The Commissary is abundantly stocked and in addition to the ordinary supply furnished by government, Dr. Hickman informs us that he is indebted to Dr. Reed and Mr. Robinson, of the Sanitary Commission, for liberal grants from that organization. The Dispensary and Linen room are also abundantly stocked with everything needful, or likely to be needed.
Good order, cleanliness, and quiet, prevail throughout this establishment, and the intimacy and familiarity existing between doctors and patients, betokens a confidence and good understanding between all parties.
The friends of Sergeant McFarland will regret to learn that he is very sick, and has been for some time. He is recovering, however, and hopes soon to be able for active duty.
Nashville Dispatch, May 23 1863.
23, A Confederate Kisser's Court Martial in Tullahoma
Tullahoma, Tenn., May 23d, 1863.
* * * *
A Lieutenant in our brigade is in arrest, and will be tried by court martial, for hugging and kissing a woman on the cars in the presence of other folks—of both sexes.
Mobile Register and Advertiser, May 30, 1863.[4]
23, "My Brigade has done a great deal of work since it has been here-among other things built a fort called Fort Rains in honor of Brigadier General Rains who was killed at Murfreesboro." H. D. Clayton in Tullahoma to his wife
Tullahoma, Tennessee
23 May 1863
My Dear Wife,
I received orders to go to the front. I start with my command for Wartrace to which place you will here after send your letters. I enjoyed the things you sent me by Ned very much-they were all so nice. I did not need the shirts but since you have sent them they are so nice I will wear them for your sake. I will send the trunk home the first opportunity and in it such clothes as I think I can spare. I want to keep as few on hand as I can make out with, preferring to get them from home as I need them.
My Brigade has done a great deal of work since it has been here-among other things built a fort called Fort Rains in honor of Brig Gen Rains who was killed at Murfreesboro. Is it 125 yards across. The ditch is twelve feet wide and eight deep and the dirt makes a wall eight feet high, and has twelve cannon in it. We have cut down the trees on one thousand acres of thick wood land.
Being quietly situated during the past week and hoping to come across "The Strange Story," Bulwer's last novel, I read it and was rather pleased with it. If you ever get it please read it and write to me what you think of it. If you can keep from becoming too much interested in the war story to enjoy the beginning I think you will like it. I expect Mr. Tompkins has it as you can buy it in Eufaula. Do not read it however if you have any objection to doing so, though I do not think there is anything in it objectionable.
I hope you have received my last letter and answers that hint about coming to see me. If we live we will make arrangements for you to spend July or August one or both with me. Don't you think you can do so without home interests suffering too much? I want to see you again-- enjoyed very much the few days I was with you recently as I hope you did also.
Write to me often.
Dear Wife, I am your devoted Husband.
H.D. Clayton
23-24, Expedition from Memphis to Hernando, Mississippi
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. II, p. 429, 432.[5]
24, Skirmish at Collierville
JULY 24, 1864.-Skirmish near Collierville, [6] Tenn.
Report of Lieut. Col. Lorenzo D. Durbin, Forty-sixth Iowa Infantry.
HDQRS. DETACH. FORTY-SIXTH Regt. [sic] IOWA INFANTRY, Camp Lookout, Tenn., July 30, 1864.
SIR: In compliance with the Army Regulations, I herewith transmit a report of a skirmish had Sunday, 24th instant, by a squad of sixteen men of my command with thirty guerrillas, twenty miles east of Memphis, on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, near our camp, in which I had 3 men wounded--Capt. Wolf, of Company I, and Privates Leonidas Brown severely, and John Diltz slightly, and 4 taken prisoners, viz.,: Sergt. James Thompson, Privates John Duncan, William Hall, and F. M. Brown, with a loss to the guerrillas of 2 killed and 3 wounded; among the latter was their chief.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
L. D. DURBIN, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg. Detachment.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I, p. 361.
[1] Not found.
[2] Not found.
[3] As cited in: http://www.uttyl.edu/vbetts.
[4] As cited in: http://www.uttyl.edu/vbetts.
[5] The expedition originated in Memphis and all action took place in Mississippi
[6] Collierville is consistently misspelled in Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee as "Colliersville."
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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