3, President of the Memphis to Charleston Railroad to Confederate Secretary of War relative to dearth of military leadership in Memphis
Memphis, July 3, 1861
L.P. Walker
When will General Polk be here? His presence is important.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. II, p. 117.
3, Report to the Southern Mothers' Association Executive Committee
To the Executive Committee of the Southern Mothers:
Having been elected by you on the 7th of June, as surgeon of the institution under your charge, I immediately entered upon the discharge of my duties, and herewith have the honor to submit to you this, my first monthly report:
Number discharged 52, sent to private houses 25, in the wards 27, died 2. total 106.
Diseases—Diarrhea 11, dysentary 6, neuralgia 3, constipation 1, contusion 3, fatigue and exposure 9, measles 2, gun shot 3, opthalmia 1, pneumonia 19, intermittent 42, ptyalism 2, congestive chill 2, abcess 1, cut with bowie-knife 1. Total 106.
Of these there were from army of Tennessee 14, Missouri troops 1, 2d Arkansas regiment 91. Total 106.
In examining the above list of diseases, it will be seen that nearly twenty per cent. have been pneumonia. The causes of this are readily explained by the facts attending the trip of the 2d Arkansas regiment, colonel T. C. Hindman, commanding, to Knoxville and back. These troops, fresh from the back woods of Arkansas, unaccustomed to excitements, and actuated by the loftiest patriotism, thought it incumbent upon them to cheer at each flag station, village and town upon the road, both going and coming, until their bronchias became inflamed in the highest degree.
In addition to this, the dust and cinders, the open cars, the heat of the days, the cold nights, the sudden change of the weather while in East Tennessee, insufficient clothing, the want of blankets, and sleeping on the damp earth, rendered their trip everything but one of pleasure. Hence our rooms were filled on their return with fully developed cases of pneumonia. None are so classified that did not present several of the characteristic symptoms and phenomena of the disease. In addition to there, nearly all the cases of intermittent were more or less accompanied with congestion and pleuritic affections of the lungs.
In view of the number of patients and the character of the disease, it affords me pleasure to state that only two have so far proved fatal, and that there is only one man whose case may be regarded as critical. Mr. Gallagher, of the Crocket Rangers, died on the 15th ult., having come under my charge after he had been abandoned by his physician. I immediately called Dr. Hopson in consultation with me, but he had become so prostrated and diseased that our efforts were unavailing to restore him. He died in consequence of secondary hemorrhage. The other, Mr. S. L. Poston, of Capt. Harvey's company, 2d Arkansas regiment, was attacked with pneumonia in Knoxville on the 14th ult., and arrived here on the 17th. His case was complicated with phthisis pulmonalis, and was in the third stage on his arrival here. He died June 23d.
In my attendance upon the sick soldiers under my charge I have been nobly aided by the excellent council and advice of Drs. Allen, Shanks, Holliday, Erskine, Cypert, Wilson, Irwin, and others of the city, and Surgeons Bartlett and Darling of 2d Arkansas regiment. They have visited our rooms as friends and as physicians, and I earnestly hope that each member of the profession will consider himself at all times a welcome visitor to our rooms.
The druggest [sic] and military board of Memphis have aided us by contributions of valuable drugs and medicines, and to them we should return our sincere thanks. I have endeavored to use the strictest economy in the administration of medicines by having them compounded at my rooms, saving valuable time.
It is a source of pleasure to me to bear testimony to the patriotic, self-sacrificing devotion of the different members of the association, who have been engaged in nursing the sick during the last two weeks. Assiduous in their daily vigils, they have accomplished as much, or more, by the tender care of the patients confided to them, than could have been done by any other means. It could not be otherwise. Actuated by the holiest and noblest patriotism they left their splendid palaces to administer to the wants at the bedside of the humble soldier. They have watched over their patients with a devotion and interest that excites the liveliest admiration. Mothers have left the cares and charms of home, to bathe the fevered brow and cool the parched tongue of those who were sons and brothers in the holy cause of defending our sunny South. The zeal and devotion of the "Southern Mothers" displayed at the rooms has extended to the fireside, and they have thrown open their doors, and taken the convalescing to their homes. So far, the demand for them to be thus provided for, has exceeded the supply.
Our thanks are due to Capt. A. B. Jewell, for many acts of kindness, especially in providing us, on several occasions, with good barbers; thereby aiding materially the comfort and appearance of the patients.
I have found it necessary to station sentinels at the front and rear entrances, also at the foot of the second stair case, leading to the Third [illegible] to all, as much as promiscuous visiting interfered with the treatment of the patients. In this connection, I will state to the members of the association, that so long as I have charge of the wards, I will enforce the strictest order and decorum. No "southern mother" shall ever blush at the recollection of ever having crossed the threshold of our rooms. No invalid soldier will ever regret that he was nursed by a "southern mother."
I will close by saying to the commanding officers and to the patriotic soldiers of the South that the rooms of the "southern mothers" in Memphis are always open, that they are ready and willing to receive their sick and wounded, and that they will be provided with everything to render them comfortable; that they will be watched over and nursed with the tenderest care by the members of the order, without fee or reward.
Respectfully yours, etc.,
G. W. Curry.
July 1st, 1861
To the Executive Committee of the Southern Mothers:
I herewith tender to you my resignation as surgeon of the institution under your charge.
Highly appreciating the honor you have conferred upon me, and the uniform kindness you have always shown me, I am, respectfully,
Yours etc.,
G. W. Curry, M. D.
"Mothers' Rooms," July 2, 1861
G. W. Curry, M. D., Surgeon of the Society of "Southern Mothers:"
Dear Sir: The resignation of your position in our society having been laid before a called meeting of the association, seventeen members being present, it was by acclamation voted that we cannot dispense with your services in our "Rooms;" we therefore decline to accept the resignation, and beg you to enter immediately upon your duties again, assuring you of our perfect confidence in your skill, our high regard for you personally, and our heartfelt gratitude for the noble and disinterested service you have rendered as in our attempts to alleviate the horrors of war by nursing to the best of our ability the suffering sons of the South in arms for the defense of our homes.
S. C. Law, President.
Mary E. Pope, Secretary.
Memphis Daily Appeal, July 3, 1861.
By way of Louisville we learn that proceedings of the East Tennessee Union Convention have been received at that place. All the counties were represented except Rhea. The following is given as a summary of the declaration of grievances:
It quotes facts showing that the right of free suffrage has been obstructed by a disunion government: that they have been subjected to insults, their flags fired upon and torn down, their houses rudely entered, their families insulted, their women and children shot by a merciless soldiery, and their citizens robbed and assassinated, and that in view of these facts they have resolved that the action of the State Legislature, in passing a declaration of independence and in forming a military league with the Southern Confederacy, was unconstitutional, and not binding upon loyal citizens: that, in order to avoid a conflict with their brethren, a committee be appointed to prepare a memorial asking the consent of the Legislature that the eastern part of the State may form a separate government.
Arrangements are being made for holding and election in the counties of East Tennessee to choose delegates to a General Convention to be held at Kingston.
The Cincinnati Times gives the following as "reliable returns" of the result of the vote on secession in all the counties in East Tennessee, with the exception of eleven:
Union Disunion
Bradley 13-2 507
Carter 1317 83
Grainger 1736 495
Knox 3206 1216
Sevier 1527 60
Sullivan 1586 627
Hawkins 410
Hancock 400
Roane 1000
Washington 389
Anderson 1600
Monroe 247
Jefferson 1500
Greene 2007
Hamilton 400
Marion 150
Cocke 800
Claiborne 1451
Total 20,661 2998
The eleven counties to be heard from will (the Times says) no doubt swell the majority to 25,000
Daily National Intelligencer, (Washington, DC) July 03, 1861
3, General Orders No. 60 relative to suppression of guerrilla warfare in West Tennessee
Headquarters Dist. of West Tenn'
July 3,1862
The system of guerrilla warfare now being prosecuted by some troops organized under authority of the so-called Southern Confederacy, and others without such authority, being so pernicious to the welfare of the community where it is carried on, and it being within the power of the community to suppress this system it is ordered that wherever loss is sustained by the Government, collections shall be made, by seizure of sufficient amount of personal property, from persons in the immediate neighborhood sympathizing with the rebellion, to remunerate the Government for all loss and expense of [confisca]tion.
Persons acting as guerrillas without organization, and with uniform to distinguish them from private citizens, are not entitled to the treatment of prisoners of war when caught, and will not receive such treatment
By order of Major-General U. S. Grant.
Memphis Bulletin, July 18, 1862[1].
3, SPECIAL FIELD ORDERS, No. 148, relative to maintaining Federal control of railroads in West Tennessee
Corinth, Miss., July 3, 1862.
I. The commanding officer at Columbus is charged with guarding the railroad from that place to Humboldt, inclusive; the commanding officer at Jackson, from that place to Grand Junction and Bethel, inclusive; the commanding officer of Memphis, from that place to Grand Junction; the commanding officer at Corinth, to Bethel, Iuka, and south and west as far as the roads are opened, except where they come within the limits of other commands; and the commanding officer at Tuscumbia, from Decatur to Iuka, inclusive. Such officers will be under the general orders of their superiors in brigades, divisions, districts, and subdistricts.
II. Military officers not assigned to special duty under the superintendent of the railroad are simply charged with the guarding of the roads and trains; in no case will they interfere with the running of the trains, which will be exclusively under the orders of the superintendent, his assistants, and employes. They, however, will furnish details of working parties, under their own officers, on requisition of the superintendent and his assistants, and such working parties will be under the general direction of the latter, so far as the work itself is concerned.
III. Officers in command of railroad guards or of troops in their vicinity will be held responsible for any injury they may receive. All persons found injuring railroads or telegraph lines will be immediately shot down, and all expenses of rearing such injuries will be assessed upon persons having property or living in the vicinity. Particular care will be taken that our troops do not disturb water-tanks or switches, as serious accidents may result. In no case will any one be permitted to wash in the tanks or to draw off the water. To this end no soldier will be permitted on the track unless as a guard or marching under an officer.
IV. No person, unless traveling on military service, will be allowed a free pass. Military freight will always have the preference. The charges for passage and private freights will until otherwise ordered be the same as fixed by former schedules over the same routes. All freight and passage money collected will be used and accounted for as railroad funds.
By order of Maj.-Gen. Halleck:
J. C. KELTON, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, pp. 68-69.
3, Elimination of prisoner visits in Shelbyville
From the Shelbyville News.
Below we publish an important order from Gen. Negley, from which it will be seen that he disapproves of secession sympathizers—whether male or female—visiting the prisoners confined here for the purpose of encouraging them in their secession proclivities, or to help them to certain delicacies, etc., etc.
General Order No. 32.
Headquarters U. S. Forces,
Shelbyville, Tenn., June 30, '62.
Information has reached these Head quarters that a number of persons, male and female, visit and gain access daily to the military prison at this place, holding communication with and furnishing to the prisoners there confined, provisions including delicacies not issued to United States soldiers. This is highly improper, as it encourages the prisoners to persist in their rebellious sentiments;
Therefore, the Provost Marshal is directed to keep a strict guard at the prison, and allow no person to visit the prisoners, to hold conversation with them, or to furnish them with any provision or delicacies whatever, without a written permission from Headquarters, but to furnish them with such rations as the government furnishes to her own troops.
By command of
Brig. Gen. Negley
In calling attention to the above order, I desire to say that the same will be rigidly enforced, and the sentinels will be instructed accordingly.
Jas. Dudley, Provost Marshal.
Nashville Daily Union , July 3, 1862.
3, Report on desertions from Federal forces in Tennessee
Federal Force in East Tennessee.-A deserter from one of the renegade Tennessee regiments informs the Knoxville Register that there is great dissatisfaction among the Tennesseeans in the Federal service. A large number are kept under guard from the apprehension that they will desert. The same authority says, that since the formation of the Tennessee regiments near 1,000have deserted. One regiment numbers only about three hundred strong. The deserter confirms the report given several days since, that the Federal force now in Powell's valley does not exceed 10,000, with perhaps eighteen or twenty pieces of cannon. Col.Sun.
Macon Daily Telegraph, July 3, 1862.
3, Report on the fate of some of Nashville's clerics
A the second special conference of the Nashville clergymen on Saturday, before Gov. Johnson, all declined to take the oath of allegiance. Most of them were sent to the penitentiary, prior to their removal to Gen. Halleck for the purpose of being exchanged for Tennessee prisoners. Many Nashville churches were without pastors on Sunday. Among those sent to durance vile were Rev. Doctors Baldwin, Sehon, and Sawnie, Methodists, and Ford and Howell, Baptists. Rev. Dr. Wharton was allowed some days grace on account of illness. The Rev, Mr. Elliot did not appear. The Rev. Mr. Hendricks is expected to take the oath. Catholic divine services, being loyal, were no t disturbed.
New Hampshire Sentinel, July 3, 1862.
3, War News from Tennessee
~ ~ ~
Jackson's Tennessee Cavalry burned 1,500 bales of cotton on Thursday, Inst., within twelve mile of Memphis.
The vote at the recent municipal election in Memphis was small, no respectable person being a candidate for office
~ ~ ~
A special dispatch to the Advertiser from Jackson, dated June 30, sys Gen. Chalmers has taken Bolivar, Tenn.
~ ~ ~
Knoxville, June 30.-Gen. Buell's army is rapidly crossing the Tennessee river at Florence, and concentrating at Bridgeport, 34 miles from Chattanooga. The enemy crossed with a regiment of artillery at Battle Creek yesterday. Gen. Henry Heth has been assigned to the command at Chattanooga. All is quiet toward Cumberland Gap.
~ ~ ~
Daily Columbus Enquirer, July 3, 1862.
3, Report on Martial Law in Knoxville
Knoxville, Tenn., is under martial law. The editor who olds Brownlow's spectre, having experiences its delights in a midnight arrest and a lodging in the guard house, soliloquizes thus upon the order of things:
"We have got martial law, and we feel disposed to return thanks for it-just as Cuffy did. He was a pious negro, and always returned thanks for what he had on his table, but always mentioned his wants also. Some wags who knew that he was short of potatoes, provided themselves with a basketful, and when Cuffy returned thanks for what was on the table, and added, "Mighty good dinner, Mass' Lord, if I only had a few pertaters', down came a shower of the coveted tubers, playing smash with cuff's scant self-ware The pious negro, without changing his attitude, unhesitatingly continued his prayer – 'Dem's 'em, Mass' Lord-only just luff 'em down a little easier next time."
We are very thankful to our government for martial law, but hope they will 'luff down a little easier' next time."
Milwaukee Morning Sentinel, July 3, 1862. [2]
3, Suggestion to establish a female prison in Nashville
The following communication speaks for itself. Now dear, sweet, bewitching ladies, please don't make mouths, or talk saucy any more!
Nashville, July 2d, 1862.
Editor Nashville Union:
Sir: As a citizen of this place, interested in the welfare and happiness of its inhabitants, I think the "powers that be" could do no better than to establish a prison in which to confine female rebels. I believe every other city has been compelled to resort to this measure, and why should Nashville be so far behind other places in establishing these benevolent institutions. Why should the patriotism and good conduct of men be so carefully guarded and watched, and that of our lady friends so woefully neglected? Is it not as important to our country that its women should be instructed in lessons of patriotism and obedience to law, as that the other sex should?
Nashville Daily Union, July 3, 1862.
3, 14, Statements of East Tennessee Unionists taken prisoner as Confederates seeking removal from Federal prison at Camp Chase, Ohio
PRISON No. 3, MESS No. 1, Camp Chase, near Columbus, Ohio, July 3, 1862.
DEAR SIR: I am a prisoner at Camp Chase, Ohio, and I feel myself a loyal man, if I could have hope [helped] myself, but I am here and wish to let you know that I was not persuaded into it, but actually driven in, as all the violators of the Confederacy were, or hung, or imprisoned. I as well as many other Union men of East Tennessee joined a company of Union home guard, gotten up by J. S. Lamb, in the Fourth District of Knox County, Tenn. I drilled with them and expressed my honest sentiments for the Union and Constitution, and for Andrew Johnson, Horace Maynard, [William G.] Brownlow and T. A. R. Nelson. I have the pleasure to announce to you that I voted for the Union three times and would have done so again and again had I had the opportunity; but, alas, we have been overrun by a military despotism that prevailed in East Tennessee for over twelve months; but after the August election had done all that I could at the ballot box for the Union, and J. S. Lamb and some others saw it plain by Governor Harris' and Zollicoffer's proclamation that we were bound to be oppressed. They gathered all they could and made an effort to cross Cumberland Mountains to Kentucky to join the U. S. Army, but we were defeated by the secesh soldiers and several prisoners taken. I got back home and kept myself hid for some time, and though all was over, I was surrounded and notified that those who were engaged in trying to get to the U. S. Army would be hunted up, and if they refused to go into service would be "sent up"-a phrase to mean shooting, hanging, or imprisonment, for they said that they would join the Union Army. I therefore consented to go into a company of sappers and miners, as I was informed it was to work and not to fight, with the intention if I had any chance to escape and get to the Union Army; and four of us boys of the same company had entered into a secret covenant, as soon as we were sure that the Union forces were near enough we would go to them and leave Mr. Secesh. Our names are as follows: J. S. Lamb, Calvin Garrett, William Martin, and myself, Joel B. Crawford. We were taken before we knew they were so near. I send this to you and I wish you as my friend to do the best you can for me. I am willing to take any oath that the War Department may require.
I am, respectfully, yours,
I know most of the above statements to be true, as Crawford is a neighbor of mine.
FROM PRISON No. 3, MESS No. 1, Camp Chase, near Columbus, Ohio, July 3, 1862.
Hon. HORACE MAYNARD, Washington, D. C.:
We, the undersigned, wish to give you as full account of the cause as possible of our being prisoners in Camp Chase, as we were Union men, as J. S. Lamb has already referred to us as his "Union fellow-sufferers in East Tennessee," by the secesh military despotism that reigned for some time in our country. We know you and our fathers were your warm supporters as well as Union lovers, and so would we have done the same, but William Martin was too young to vote, I did myself, Calvin Garrett. I know you are acquainted with our fathers, Reuben Garrett and Jonathan Martin, that live (Garrett) on the top of Copper Ridge and Martin at the foot of the same, Union County, Tenn., on the road leading from Knoxville to Maynardville, Tenn. We were with Joseph S. Lamb when he started to cross Cumberland Mountains to join the U. S. Army, but as J. S. Lamb has already informed you we were stopped by the secesh army and defeated, but we made the second attempt and again found we could not go through. We got home and were about to be taken. We scouted in the ridges for some time. We were informed that if we would give ourselves up and agree to go into the service we would not be hurt. As we saw no other prospect, by their giving us our choice of company and some time to choose, we agreed to it and put off the time as long as we could and finding no possible way to get out of it we concluded to go into a company of sappers and miners, as we were informed that that company was to work and not to fight. We had concluded to enter that company, and if any possible chance offered, if the Federal Army got close to us, we would desert and go to the Union Army. Four of us boys had entered into that covenant secretly ourselves. The names are Calvin Garrett, William Martin, Joseph S. Lamb and Joel B. Crawford. We would not wish you to publish this to the world, for if we are safely discharged from here our secesh neighbors would kill us secretly. The prisoners, some of them that are here, have threatened, particularly if an exchange takes place, that J. S. Lamb and Martin are to go up, Martin for conducting the Union boys to camp where Lamb was waiting on the sick when I (Garrett) was taken, and for telling them that there were two horses and some Union boys who would be glad to go with them, and J. S. Lamb for going and getting the powder and giving it to them in order as he said to defeat the secesh pursuit; and none of us four ever wish, as you and the War Department may judge, to be exchanged.
We wish to be discharged by taking any oath that the Department may require. We send this to you and wish you to read and lay it before the War Department, and if you can do us any good we will be under all obligations to you.
We subscribe ourselves, your obedient servant,
I know a number of the above statements to be true, and have no doubt of any, for such were common in East Tennessee.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 4, pp. 122-123.
Statement of Joseph S. Lamb, prisoner.
CAMP CHASE, July 14, 1862.
I reside in Knox County, Tenn., ten miles from the city of Knoxville. I am the person to whom the letters of May 12 and July 10, 1862, from Horace Maynard, which are now in my possession, are addressed. I am a Union man and will continue to be as long as I dare speak and have been so all the time. I voted against secession and talked against it a long as I dared. I had a Union flag at home and have yet unless they have gotten in and robbed me of it. About the 1st of June, 1861, I had my likeness taken with the Stars and Stripes across my breast. I was well known at home as a Union man both by Union men and secessionists and can give plenty of references of Union men as to this fact.
After the time of taking my likeness and the election Gen. Zollicoffer, of the rebel army, came to Knoxville and took command and proclaimed that all those of the South should unite with the Confederacy and warning them that they had better never have been born than strike a blow against the South. Afterward, about the 9th of August, I together with Calvin Garrett, William Martin and Joel B. Crawford, now confined in prison with me at Camp Chase, with many others left our homes in Knox and Union Counties and started for Kentucky to unite with the Federal Army, then lying at or near Camp Dick Robinson. After traveling all night and the forenoon of the next day, having arrived at the foot of the Cumberland Mountains and about thirty miles on our journey, our advance was attacked by a squad of secession cavalry under command of Capt. Ashby. We were unarmed. Capt. Thornburg, of our party, was wounded in the neck and he and nine others taken prisoners. We were informed by the mountain pilots that it would be impossible to cross the Confederate lines, they being too closely guarded, upon which we all returned to our homes, narrowly escaping being taken prisoners upon our return.
In about ten or fifteen days afterward there came into my home upon me some seven armed men and arrested me and informed me that the charge was treason. At this time I had a sign on the front of my house on which I had painted "The Union." They ordered me to destroy it; to split it up. I told them I could not do that; that it showed my sentiments and I could not split it up. They swore I should do so and drew their pistols, when one of them said, "that was too hard," and took an ax and split it up and burned it. I was then cussed for a traitor and tory and abused for, as they accused me, supporting such men as Maynard, Brownlow and other Union men; and another charge they has against me at Graveston, Tenn.,[3] was that I in presence of some of their volunteers called for three cheers for the U. S. Army and for Gen. Winfield Scott, whom I served under in Mexico, and further that I had called for three groans for secession. I had called for those cheers and those groans as charged. They cursed my wife the same night they arrested me for saying she did not think the Union men were traitors and tories for maintaining their sentiments; that such a charge should rather go upon the other side.
They compelled me them to go along with them to Knoxville. There I was informed that the only way to save myself was to join the Southern Army and support the South against invasion. Being advised by my friends I did so, in hopes that the Federal Army would soon come and rescue us, and with the full determination never to fire a gun against the flag that had protected us. I had a choice as to what company I should join and I joined a company of sappers and miners, as I understood that that was a company for labor and not to fight. When I united with the company of sappers and miners I got of my wife a white handkerchief, which I have yet in my possession, remarking to her and intending that if we got in a battle with the Federal soldiers that I would wave that handkerchief as a token. That I knew that would save my life and they would not harm me, for I knew what Federal soldiers were.
I was at Big Creek Gap waiting on and cooking for some sick soldiers about the 21st day of February last, when a squad of Capt. Cross' company, of Second Tennessee (Union) Regt. [sic], came in sight some 200 yards off. I could easily have escaped after I discovered them had I had any disposition to do so. Calvin Garrett was then with me and he could have easily escaped also. Instead of making my escape I was out of doors and immediately started, meeting them walking slowly.
Garrett did not start toward them with me but did not attempt to escape. I and Crawford, Martin and Garrett and previously entered into a secret agreement that if ever we came near enough to the Federal lines that we knew we could make our escape we would do so and unite with the Federal Army. We were all of us taken prisoners the same day by Capt. Cross' company of infantry. Martin and Crawford had been taken before us and Martin piloted Capt. Cross' company to us. We were taken prisoners and have remained prisoners ever since. I understood from members of Capt. Cross' company who took me that Martin said when took him that if they would give him a gun he would go and shoot Lieut. McCauley who was in command of the rebel company. They said Martin also told them that if they would come down a mile further they would get a couple of other boys who would be anxious to go with them, alluding to me and Garrett. About the time they were going to leave after arresting myself and Garrett the thought struck me of some powder, two kegs of rifle and one of blasting powder, being laid away there, and I told them of it, saying that to take it away would defeat the pursuit of the rebel forces; and I think it proved to be so, as I understood that they gathered in force to pursue us.
I am willing and anxious to take the oath of allegiance to the Federal Government and to enlist and fight in the Federal Army till the last gun in fired if I should live or the rebellion is put down, and to support the government of Governor Andrew Johnson. I am a warm friend of William G. Brownlow and Horace Maynard and of Governor Andrew Johnson. I am firmly of the opinion that Calvin Garrett, William Martin and Joel B. Crawford have at all times at heart been Union men, are now, and if released will be good citizens of the United States and I believe they would unite with the Federal Army.
Taken, subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of July, A. D. 1862.
C. W. B. ALLISON, Col., Cmdg. Post, Camp Chase, Ohio.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 4, pp. 217-219.
3, Skirmish at Boiling Fork Creek, near Winchester
No circumstantial reports filed.
Excerpt from the report of Major-General Philip H. Sheridan on operations during the Tullahoma Campaign relative to a skirmish at Boiling Fork Creek near Winchester, July 3, 1863:
* * * *
At 4 o'clock next morning, I marched on Winchester, driving the enemy's pickets. I directed the cavalry to charge a body of about 200 charge, but went pell-mell through the town, losing several men, taken prisoners. The enemy were driven across the Boiling Fork, a small stream about 1 ½ miles beyond the town. Here they made a stand, wounding 4 of Col. Harrison's cavalry. I then directed Gen. Lytle to advance his brigade and drive the enemy from the stream, at the same time halting the other two brigades at Winchester to ascertain if the division of Gen. Davis, which was to support me, had made to crossing of Elk River, and to open communication with Gen. Brannan, whom I expected on my left, at Decherd. Finding that Gen. Stanley was marching on Decherd with his cavalry, and that Gen. Davis had crossed the river, I continued my march on Cowan, where I arrived about 3 p. m., and found that the rear of Bragg's army had evacuated and crossed the mountain at about 11 a. m. Just before reaching Cowan I was joined by Col. Watkins, of the Sixth Kentucky, with about 1,200 cavalry, who was directed to report to me for duty. At this point, in obedience to your orders, I halted my division and went into camp. During the night I learned that the enemy had taken up a position at or near University, on the top of the mountain, about 7 miles from this place, and had covered his front with Gen. Wharton's cavalry brigade.
* * * *
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, pp. 515-516.
3, Winchester occupied by Federal forces under Sheridan
No circumstantial reports filed.
Excerpt from the Report of A. McD. McCook on activities during the Tullahoma Campaign.
HDQRS. TWENTIETH ARMY CORPS, Winchester July 10, 1863
* * * * *
At daylight on the morning of the 3d of July, Sheridan entered Winchester, driving the enemy's cavalry from the town, and pursuing toward Cowan Station, on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. His division arrived there at 3 p. m., and went into camp. Davis' division crossed Elk River on the morning of the 3d, and marched upon Winchester, where it was encamped, the division garrisoning the town, Gen. Davis in command. The headquarters of the Twentieth Corps reached Winchester at 3 p. m. on the 3d.
* * * *
A. McD. McCOOK, Maj.-Gen. U. S. Volunteers, Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, p. 467.
3, Scouts from Memphis
JULY 3, 1863.-Scouts from Memphis, Tenn.
Report of Col. David Moore, commanding Brigade.
HDQRS. FOURTH BRIG., FIFTH DIV., SIXTEENTH A. C., Memphis, Tenn., July 4, 1863.
CAPT.: I sent heavy patrols out last night, as ordered, on Hernando and Horn Lake roads. The patrol on Horn Lake road went out 10 miles and returned, reporting no enemy. The one on Hernando road was fired upon 2 miles south of Nonconnah Creek. The fire was returned, killing one of the enemy's horses. The enemy then fled, pursued by the patrol to within 2 miles of Horn Lake, when, having been ordered to go but 10 miles, they returned, bringing no prisoners. The rebels were about 15 strong.
I have the honor to be, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
DAVID MOORE, Col., Commanding Fourth Brigade.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. II, p. 518
3, Skirmish near LaGrange
No circumstantial reports filed.
Mayor's Office
Memphis, July 3, 1864
Pursuant to orders from the Mayor General Commanding District of West Tennessee, the owners or lessees of all houses, sheds, enclosures or vacant lots in the city of Memphis, are hereby notified to immediately remove all grass, weeds, and rubbish from the sidewalks and gutters fronting their premises, and to fill all holes in their lots or ground in which water may collect.
Flatboats must be kept free from stagnant water, or removed without the city.
On Monday, July 18, 1864, and on each succeeding Monday, the loose dirt in front of each home or lot shall be cleaned by the owner or lessee thereof to the middle of the street, and piles made of the dirt near the edge of the gutters, when it will be the carted away at the expense of the city.
The police force, the street commissioner and wharf master are charged with this enforcement of this regulation, and they will arrest and carry before the recorder of the city all delinquents for such fine or other proceedings as the offense may deem it.
T.H. Harrison, Lieut. Col. and Acting Mayor
Memphis Bulletin, July 10, 1864.
3, Letter from Pulaski
Letter from Pulaski, Tennessee.
Camp at Pulaski, Tenn.
July 3rd, 1864.
EDITOR SENTINEL:-Thinking you would like to her from this benighted place I write you a few lines.
Pulaski, in Giles Co., Tennessee, is a very pretty place, and besides very healthy. It is in the south-western part of Tennessee, on the line of railroad running from Nashville to Stevenson. It is not a very important military post, but keeps the railroad from being destroyed. There are present some-troops here, and a batter of ten guns, twenty pounders, and I think if Forrest tries to come in here he will be fooled. Forrest and Roddy are reported to be at Decatur, a distance of 30 miles. Some of the cavalry paid him a visit about a week ago, but he did not receive them in very hospital style.
Brigadier General Starkweather is in command here at present, and he does not give the rebels much mercy. I hope he may stay here some time.
No more at present.
Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, (Milwaukee, WI) July 12, 1864. [4]
June 23, 1864, Report of Murder and a Lover's Revenge in Overton county. Pistol Packin' Momma
From the Nashville Times.
Romance of the War in Tennessee-A Young Woman Shoots a Guerrilla to Avenge the Murder of her Lover.
The following simple and unvarnished story has hardly a parallel in the pages of fiction.-Its strict truth is beyond question:
Near Murfreesboro, June 28, 1864.
To the Editor of the Times:
The original of the following letter is in my possession. The events so graphically narrated transpired in Overton county, Tenn. I knew Dr. Sadler from a small boy. The man who killed him for no personal grudge, but on account of his sentiments. I have no personal acquaintance with the young lady, but have the highest authority for stating that she is a pure, high minded girl, the daughter of a plain farmer in moderate circumstances. It only remains to state that Peteet was killed January the 30th [1864] and Gordenhire February 4, 1864, so that the vengeance they invoked has overtaken all three of the murder of M. G. Sadler.
John W. Bowen.
Martin's Creek, April 30, 1864.
Major Cliff: According to promise I now attempt to give you a statement of the reasons why I killed Turner, and a brief history of the affair. Dr. Sadler had, for two years previous to his death, seemed equally as near and as dear to me as a brother, and for several months nearer than any person-my parents not excepted. If he had not, I never would have done what I did-promise to be his.
The men who killed him had threatened his life often because he was Union man; they said he should not live, and after taking the oath they arrested him, but Lieut. Oakley released him at Pa's Gate. He stayed at Pa's till bed time, and I warned him of the danger he was in, told him I had heard his life threatened that day, and that I felt confident he would be killed if he did not leave the neighborhood and stay off until these men became reconciled. He promised to go; said he had some business in Carthage and would leave. He promised us he would leave the neighborhood that night, or by daylight next morning, and we felt assured he had gone. But for some unaccountable reason he did not leave. About 4 o'clock P. M. next day news came to me at Mr. Johnson's, where I had gone with my brother, that Dr. Sadler was killed. I had met Poteet, Gordenhire and Turner on the road and told my brother there that they were searching for Dr. Sadler to kill him. Sure enough they went to the house where he was and strange to me, after his warning, he permitted them to come in. They met him, apparently perfectly friendly, and said they had come to get some brandy from Mr. Yelton, which they obtained, and immediately after drinking all three drew their pistols and commenced firing at Sadler. He drew his, but it was snatched away from him; he then drew his knife, which was also taken from him. He then ran round the house and up a stair-way, escaping out of their sight. They followed, however, and searched till they found him, and brought him down and laid him on a bed, mortally wounded. He requested some of his people to send for Dr. Dillin to dress his wounds. It is strange to me why, but Sadler's friends had all left the room, when Turner went up and put his pistol against his temple, and shot him through the head. They all rejoiced like demons, and stood by till he made his last struggle. They then pulled his eyes open and asked in a loud voice, if he were dead. They then took his horse and saddle, and pistols, and robbed him of all his money, and otherwise insulted and abused his remains.
Now, for this, I resolved to have revenge. Peteet and Gordenhire being dead, I determined to kill Turner, and to seek an early opportunity of doing it. But I kept my resolution to myself, knowing that I would be prevented. I went prepared, but never could get to see him.
On the Thursday before I killed him, I learned he was preparing to leave for Louisiana, and I determined he should not escape if I could prevent it. I arose that morning, and fixed my pistols so that they would be sure fire, and determined to hunt all that day. Then sitting down I wrote a few lines so that if I fell, my friends might know where to look for my remains. I took my knitting, as if I were going to spend the day with a neighbor living on the road towards Turner's. It rained very severely, making the roads muddy, so that I became fatigued and concluded to go back and ride the next day, or Saturday. But Ma rode my horse on Saturday, and left me to keep house. We had company Sunday, A. M., so that I could not leave, but the company left about noon, and I started again in search of Turner. I went to his house about two and a half miles from Pa's. I found no one at home, and therefore sat down to await his return. After waiting perhaps, one-and-a-half-hours, a man came to see Turner, and not finding him, he said he supposed he and his wife had gone to Mrs. Christian's, his sister-in-law, who lived about one-half mile distant.
I concluded to go there and see, fearing the man would tell him I was waiting and he would escape me. I found him there, and a number of other persons, including his wife, and father and mother. Most of them left when I entered the house I asked Mrs. Christian if Turner were gone. She pointed to him at the gate, just leaving. I looked at the clock and it was 4½ o'clock P. M. I then walked out into the yard, and as Turner was starting called to him to stop. He turned I fired at the distance of about 12 paces, and missed. I fired again as quick as possible, and hit him in the back of the head, and he fell on his face and knees I fired again and hit him in the back, and he fell upon his right side. I fired twice before, only one of these shots taking effect. By this time I was in five steps of him, and stood and watched him till he was dead. [emphasis added] I then turned round and walked toward the house and met Mrs. Christian and her sister coming out. They asked me what I did that for. My response was, "You know what that man did the 13th of December last-murdered a dear friend of mine. I have been determined to do this deed ever since, and I shall never regret it." They said no more to me, but commenced blowing a horn. I got my horse out and started home, where I shall stay or leave when I choose, going where I please and saying what I please.
Chattanooga Daily Gazette, July 3, 1864.
3, Lifting of martial law in Memphis
Memphis, Tenn., July 3, 1865.
[Extract III]
Extract I, Special Orders No. 70, and Extract I, Special orders No. 83, series of 1364, from these Headquarters, are hereby revoked, and the officers appointed by them will cease to exercise their functions after this date.
They will also turn over to the officers elect all books and papers pertaining to their several offices.
By order of Major-General Jno. E. Smith
Davis, History of the City of Memphis, p. 47.
[1] See also: Memphis Daily Union, August 27, 1862
[2] TSL&A, 19th CN
[3] Unknown.
[4] TSL&A, 19th CN.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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