April 14-15
15, Governor Isham G. Harris' reply to President Lincoln's request for Tennessee militia to support the Union
Executive Department
Nashville, Tennessee
April 15, 1861
Hon. Simon Cameron
Secretary of War
Washington, D.C.
Your dispatch of the 15th Inst. informing me that Tennessee is called upon for two Regiments of Militia for immediate service is received.
Tennessee will not furnish a single man for purposes of coercion but 50,000 if necessary for the defense of our rights and those of our southern brothers.
Isham G. Harris, Governor of Tennessee
Messages of the Governors of Tennessee, Vol. 5.[1]
14, Excerpt from a Chicago Tribune report on the transport of Federal wounded at Shiloh
The great fleet of over one hundred transports poured into the very heart of Secessia, that which some military medical man terms the "blue mass[2] for the cure of the rebellion." Savannah, in Hardin county, on the east bank of the river, was made Gen. Grant's headquarters, but the bulk of the troops were thrown forward to Pittsburg Landing, twelve miles further up the river on the opposite bank. Savannah is a town of 1,500 inhabitants. (This figure may be too high!) The bluff there is bold and high, the town lying a little back. Dr. Reilly reached Savannah on Tuesday, April 1st. Gen. Grant's headquarters were in the large brick house of Mr. Cherry, on the verge of the bluff, a sound Union man.
There were only three regiments there at that time, the 52d and 53d Illinois, the 52d Indiana, and the troop of Capt. Ned Osband, detached from Col. Dickey's 4th Illinois Cavalry as Gen. Grant's body guard. Gen. Grant daily went up the river on his steamer, the Tigress, to supervise operations at Pittsburg.
We must follow the wounded surgeon on board the hospital steamer City of Memphis, which was filled with the wounded. She took two loads of wounded to Savannah, where excellent hospital preparations had been made, though limited in extent. If Dr. Reilly remained on board and preferred to bring his wound much farther northward for treatment, no one will blame him. "The Grove" is quite another place from a crowded military hospital.
Chicago Daily Tribune, April 14, 1862.[3]
14, A. A. Harrison's (Company D, 4th Regiment, Kentucky Cavalry Volunteers) letter home
Nashville, Tennessee April 14th, 1862
Dear Wife,
I take my pen in hand to write you again. I am well at present and all the boys from Hardin are well. I hope this letter finds you and the rest of the folks well. We are still at this place yet having been here ever since yesterday and I expect we will leave this place tomorrow for some place further south. We have not got arms yet except the old guns that I wrote about in my last letter and no prospect of getting any other kind. So I don't think we will go to where the main army is. But we will be left to guard our bridges or something of the kind. There has been a tremendous fight near Corinth, about 100 miles from here, and the Secesh got badly whipped as usual. They lost 40 thousand men. And our side lost from 15 to 20 thousand. The rebels fought ----- had to retreat and ----- our main army. We are further from the seat of war now than when we were at Bardstown. I was appointed quartermaster sergeant last Saturday. My wages now are 21 dollars a month. I am exempt from all kinds of duty except weighing out the rations to the companies and a good deal of writing although I have a good deal of leisure time. And I have to go to town every day as our camp is about 3 miles from Nashville. Our Colonel was thrown out today and a man by the name of Smith appointed in his place and also one of our doctors was discharged for drunkenness. I think there will be a chance to get a furlough in two or three weeks. Do not go too far ----- back. I would be very glad to see all of you and to stay with you if I could but I will have to be contented until I can come. I send you some more money in this letter. The whole sum of 10 cents. It is what they call southern scrip. This country is full of them of all sizes from 5 cts. to $1.00. And they are both sides are fixing for a big fight at Corinth but we will not be there if they fight very soon. We did hear today that the rebels were leaving Corinth but we don't know whether it is so or not. I am writing this by candle light in the quartermaster's tent. And the bugle has sounded for us to blow out our light. So I must bring my letter to a close. You must not fail to write as often as you can and trust to Providence that we may meet again soon to part no more.
A. A. Harrison
P.S. Tell Lissy if she don't [sic] write to me I sha'nt bring her a beau when I come home. Dear wife I could not write all I want to write in a week. If I could be with you I could find enough to talk about to last a month. But I will have to content myself to writing some of the most important things and leave the balance. I have got a very good office. It is nearly the same as keeping store. I can go where I please, stay as long as I please and sleep as long as I please. I do not have to drill or stand guard or go out on scouting expeditions. In fact I am in very little danger if the whole does not get killed or taken prisoner. We cannot hear of any rebel troops nearer this place than Corinth which is 110 miles from here. Just as currant [sic] here as silver. This is a pretty country here and everything is earlier than in Ky. The trees are all green and now some of the leaves are nearly as large as my hand. The dogwood trees are out in full bloom and other things in proportion. The weather was very hot the day we got here. I thought it was hot enough for July but it has been cooler since until----- getting hot again. There is a lot of corn planted down here and some of it coming up. You must write as often as you can for I would like to hear from you every day if I could. So nothing more at present but remaining your affectionate husband until death.
A. A. Harrison
Absolom A. Harrison Correspondence
14, Special Agent D. C. Donnohue to Secretary of the Interior, C. B. Smith, relative to problems encountered in obtaining cotton seed
Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee
April 14, 1862
Hon. C. B. Smith
Secretary of the Interior
Washington City, D. C.
Dear Sir,
I arrived at this place on the 6th Inst. Just as the fight commenced – have not been able to get the cotton seed aboard the boats on account of the confusion occasioned by the fight and unless our army moves at an early day I will have to change my location and look for more peaceful regions I have an awful supply in this neighborhood if they can only be gotten –
I forwarded the first shipment according to your directions – I fear they will all be planted to [sic] soon – and be lost as cold spring weather destroys the growth of the cotton – Cotton is seldom planted here before the first of May – I will write you again in a few days – I have written some of the incidents of the fight as I witnessed the most of it –
Your [sic]
D. C. Donnohue
Letters of D. C. Donnohue.
14, "We call the attention of the Council to the importance of making all teachers take the oath, female as well as male." Meeting of the Nashville City Council
Resolutions before the City Council, Public Schools, etc.
The resolutions subjoined were laid before our City Council by Capt. Driver, at their meeting on Monday (14th) evening last:
Resolved, That the Mayor of the city of Nashville be, and he is hereby requested and instructed to have the flag of the flag of the United States placed upon all public property belonging to this corporation.
Resolved, That the Board of Education are hereby required during the present week to take the oath of office taken by ourselves and other officers of this city or resign.
Resolved further, That the Superintendent, together with every male teacher in the city of Nashville, shall be, and they are hereby requested to take the oath of allegiance prescribed to us, within five days from the passage of this resolution, or resign their respective positions.
Resolved, That we cordially thank the officers and soldiers of the United States for the unexampled kindness and courtesy hitherto extended to our fellow citizens, and that, as men striving together with them for the re-establishment of the government of our fathers, we pledge them our most sincere and hearty co-operation.
Resolved further, that for hospital purposes and for barracks, the Federal authorities be permitted to have access to hydrants without charge. [emphasis added]
We publish these resolutions for the purpose of giving them our hearty approbation. They are eminently just and proper, and are so expressed as to give no cause of offence to any one who is not a bitter enemy to his country. The resolutions which are of the greatest importance are the two in reference to our Public Schools. Indeed we cannot conceive of any question within the wide range of legislation which so deeply concerns the welfare and proper moral culture of our children, and therefore of the very stability and happiness of society itself, than that which embraces in its scope the education of the young. In Sparta, in Athens, in Rome and the Jewish theocracy, as well as in the enlightened nations of Europe, patriotism and loyalty have been ordered by legislation to be instilled into the minds of the young by those who had charge of their education. A school-room is the last place to be polluted by the step of a traitor to his or her country. We would as soon send a son or a daughter of ours to a gambling house or a brothel to have their minds and morals formed as to a school controlled by a rebel and a traitor. Away with such teachers of the young! We regret that the resolution does not include female as well as male teachers. The omission should by all means be supplied. Of the two we regard female rebel teachers as the most dangerous. A short time before the arrival of the Union troops at this place a female teacher in the Hume School in this city, was in the habit of making her pupils sing a song whose stupidity, wretched rhyme and rhythm, and treason were all alike abominable. Here are two verses of it:
"Oh have you heard the joyful news?
Virginia has Old Abe refused,
Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!
Virginia joined the Cotton States,
The news of which each heart elates
Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!
We'll die for Old Virginia,
Hurrah! hurrah!
Virginia joins the Cotton States,
The news of which each heart elates
Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!
We'll die for old Virginia!
* * * *
Ah! the stars and bars we'll fling on high,
And for our homes we'll fight or die,
Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!
Our cause is right, our quarrel just-
In the God of battles we will trust,
Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!
We'll die for old Virginia,
Hurrah! hurrah!
We'll die for old Virginia.
Our cause is right—our quarrel just—
In the God of battles we will trust,
Hurrah! hurrah!
We'll die for old Virginia.
And so on through four long tedious, dreary, stupid verses of idiotic reiteration. The teacher who would introduce such trash into a school of young children, deserves an immediate discharge on the ground of in competency. We call the attention of the Council to the importance of making all teachers take the oath, female as well as male. And some of them should be dismissed without being required to take the oath. The subject is one of momentous importance. Let the work be done thoroughly and promptly.
The resolutions in reference to the Union officers and soldiers are well merited compliments to their chivalry, generosity and magnanimity. Every word in them is deserved.
Nashville Daily Union, April 17, 1862.
15, Skirmish at Pea Ridge
No circumstantial reports filed.
15, Campbell county Confederates and Bloodhounds
The Dogs of War.
Among the astounding developments of the last few months is the following advertisement taken from the Memphis Appeal. Its brands and ear-marks are well known in this community who have had a chance to read it in papers nearer home:
"Bloodhounds Wanted.
"We, the undersigned, will pay five dollars per pair for fifty pairs of well bred hounds, and fifty dollars for one pair of thoroughbred bloodhounds that that will take the track of a man. The purpose for which these dogs are wanted is to chase the infernal, cowardly Lincoln bushwhackers of East Tennessee and Kentucky (who have the advantage of the bush to kill and cripple many good soldiers) to their tents and capture them. The said hounds must be delivered at Captain Hanmer's Livery Stable by the 10th of December next, where a mustering officer will be present to muster and inspect them.
"F. N. McNairy,
"F. H. Harris
"Camp Grinfort, Campbell co., Tenn., Nov. 16. [1861]
"P.O.—Twenty dollars per month will also be paid for a man who is competent to train and take charge of the above named dogs."
Gallant Col. McNairy! Chivalric Capt. Harris! Brave, noble, manly! Five dollars a pair for "fifty pair of well bred hounds"—fifty dollars for "one pair of thoroughbred bloodhounds that will take the track of a man!" Capt. Hanmer's Livery Stable! Recruiting service most honorable! Headquarters most fitting! Recruits most select; none but well bred and thoroughbred need apply! Time is precious—opportunity short. It is now the 16th of November; by the 10th of December they must be delivered or the door of Capt. Hanmer's Livery Stable will be forever shut! Thrice happy they who come in time—lucky dogs! A mustering officer, kennel inspector awaits your coming, to welcome you into the ranks of the chivalry, the wellbred; the thoroughbred! the flower of our youth! Paradise of caninity! No common dogs there! Curs and spaniels and terriers and pointers and setters and the "bull pups" shut out! They can't come in! Tray, blanche, and sweetheart, be off! Get out tiger! You cuff! twenty dollars a month, secesh money to a competent drill officer! Hardee's tactics, dogmatically displayed! Magnificent corps, fifty pair of well drilled hounds, that is a hundred, rank and file! One pair of thorough bred bloodhounds, that is two, for the staff! One hundred and two dogs, besides Colonel McNairy and Capt. Harris, one hundred and four in all; not counting Captain Hanmer, not the mustering officer, nor the drill master, "competent to train and take charge of the above named dogs!" Go where the field of glory waits you! Not damsels distressed, nor martyred saints, nor the Holy Sepulchre, shall exhaust your noble championship! Yours is a sublimer mission, a far higher pursuit; "to chase the infernal, cowardly Lincoln bushwhackers of East Tennessee and Kentucky!" Fortunate if you catch them; thrice fortunate if they don't catch you! Whatever laurels you win, by Cerberus, save your dog skin! Greatly will your puissant leader value that; if it were not for aught else it will make him a winter cap and some boots to save his own! But the poor, cowardly East Tennesseans, alas! alas! Their offence is rank, it smells! Taking advantage of the rush not only to kill, but to cripple "many good soldiers!" There is no hope for such miscreants and cowardly too, not thorough bred they, not even well bred! common, very! Woe betide them! chased to their tents, captured, dragged to Camp Crinfork, Campbell county and then—horror of horrors! O murderous McNairy, O maddened McNairy; O mighty McNairy; O monstrous McNairy! O marvellous McNairy, O mysterious McNairy, O multitudinous McNairy, O magnanimous McNairy, O mellifluous McNairy, O meritorious McNairy, O merciful McNairy, O Mister McNairy, O McNairy dry so! dog on it, don't!
Ha! do you say you are misunderstood? that you didn't mean the four-footed kind when you advertised for dogs; that when you said fifty pair of well-bred hounds you had an eye to the hundred members of the Legislature; that Capt. Hanmer's stable is nothing more than the building on Capitol Hill; the mustering officer to muster and inspect them, nobody less than the run-away Governor (Eureka, Eureka, Eureka,) the "one pair of thorough-bred bloodhounds," the two chief member of his Military Board (a second Daniel); and the man "competent to train and take charge of the above named dogs," found in the illustrious M ajor General of all our forces. Poor, miserable men of East Tennessee! How wretched is their lot! Well might they say, in view of this calamity impending, if you please, let it be the other kind of dogs!
Nashville Daily Union, April 15, 1862. [4]
15, Free rent in Confederate Nashville
Houses for Rent.
Gov. Johnson is frequently visited by poor women of the city, wives of soldiers in the rebel army, who have been thrown out of their houses; and are in rain seeking for shelter for themselves and children. For the benefit of that class of persons we republish several advertisements which have heretofore appeared in our city papers and we trust they will profit by their notice. A hint we trust will be sufficient.
Houses Rent Free.
Nashville, April 22, 1861.
Editors Union and American:
Please allow me to state that I will furnish house room to ten families, whose protectors join the companies and go to the wars now raging, rent free until their return home, or until the close of the war.
W. S. Whiteman.
Rent Free.
I have three small houses, five rooms each, which I will let to the families of those actually in service in fighting Lincoln's hordes, free of rent, till the war closes or till their return.
L. Powers,No. 34 Market street.
aprl25 '61
To Volunteers: I have charge of some 5 or 6 houses, the occupancy of which will be cheerfully given to the families of volunteers, free of charge during the war or period of enlistment.
James Corbitt, Corner Jefferson and Cherry sts. apl26 3t.
Nashville Daily Union, April 15, 1862.
15, Off Limits
We understand that Gen. Dumont is taking care to prevent his officers and soldiers from visiting improper houses in the city, by putting guards around such as the conduct of the inmates inculcate for them to resort to.
Nashville Daily Union, April 15, 1862.
15, The Memphis Vigilance Committee's Business Before the Board of Mayor and Aldermen
Board of Aldermen
Official Proceedings
At a regular meeting of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen held yesterday, April 15, 1862.
~ ~ ~
Ald. Townsend, Chairman, offered the following resolution:
Resolved, by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Memphis, that Mr. Copeland, suspended by the Mayor be, and he is, reinstated in his former position as policeman, the cause of suspension not being sufficient, in the opinion of the Board.
In cognition with the above, the following message was read, and upon motion of Alderman Tighe, referred with the resolution, to the Police Committee and Mayor, with power to act:
To the Honorable Board of Aldermen:
Complaint was made to me by a lady of discourtesy towards her by Policeman Copeland. I deemed it proper to suspend Mr. Copeland until an investigation takes place. I had a conference with Mr. Copeland today, and he refused an investigation and appeared indignant that he should be should be arraigned on account, so he said, of this lady's impure character.
John Park, Mayor
~ ~ ~
Memphis Daily Appeal, April 16, 1862. [5]
15, "We found about five thousand rebels sick and wounded." A letter from the Third Ohio Regiment
Camp Andrew Jackson, Near Nashville, Tenn., Mar. 15, 1862
**We left Bowling Green and marched….That day we crossed the line of Kentucky and Tennessee. Upon arriving at camp, our company had only four men, a small squat out of 93 men. Even our stoutest men gave out, but 1, a small boy, with heavy knapsack always managed to keep up. We laid out that night again, having nothing but the canopy of heaven to shelter us. Persons who have never tried it, can not imagine what an effect it has in making him robust and strong. We left the next morning, and marched 28 miles to a point four miles from Nashville. Loomis' artillery was ordered to the river, to protect our steam boats at Nashville, kept there to ferry us across. The rebels had not all left when the artillery went down-they sneaked up in the night, and burned two of the steamboats.[6] We left next morning and went into Nashville. It took us about three hours before we could cross the river. We found all the bridges burned as usual. Upon our arrival in the town we found all the stores closed, and business suspended, the streets crowded with people, and almost every building had a red flag upon it, which denotes a hospital of the sick. We found about five thousand rebels sick and wounded. The principal diseases that appear to reign in the Southern army are typhoid fever, measles and diarrhea. We only stopped a short time in town. We marched 3 miles out of and are encamped on a beautiful tract of land. We captured about five million dollars' worth of property, such as provisions, &c., which the reels had left, and a citizen informed me that we did not capture one-tenth part of what they had here, as they had a years' provisions laid in store, and to prevent us from getting all, they gave the citizens for miles a round, their smoke houses full of meat, and threw some I the river. We found a cannon buried in the ground about 7 miles from our camp,- A squad of secesh came within four miles out our camp ad took 40 mules and some men, and Gen'l Dumont's horse. We got all the men and mules back and not the General's horse. We took prisoners, killed two and put the others to flight.
**The Graves of the venerable Andrew Jackson and James K. Polk are about 18 miles from our camp. Some of the regiments and artillery went out to see the graves of those two honored men, and fired 22 guns over the graves. They have to most splendid monuments.
**We expect a great fight here before long, we are looking out for rebels that left Manassas to come this way, and show us a fight. The 3d is always ready whenever they are called upon to do their part. I think we will have no little trouble in cleaning the rebels out of Tennessee. The report is they intend to make a stand at Chattanooga, about 120 miles from here.
Columbus Gazette, April 18, 1862. [7]
ca. April 15, 1862, Confederate troops attack Union guerrillas in North Carolina
Fight on Laurel. From various sources we learn that a few companies of Confederate troops were sent from Knoxville the other day to "scour out" Laurel —a somewhat notorious locality in Madison County, N. C., about thirty-five miles North of this town. Laurel is a settlement in the "big mountains," heading close up to the Tennessee line, and for months past has been general headquarters and hiding place for renegades and tories from Tennessee, where they were cordially received and fed by their sympathisers and abettors living in that region. The Confederate troops, as we are informed upon undoubted authority, encountered a body of these tories at Clark's Mills, where a fight ensued, and several of the tories were killed. We shall probably get the particulars of the affair in a day or two.
It is a little singular that our State authorities have never felt called upon to "roust" this den of marauders out of North Carolina. For months past they have been committing outrages upon the citizens of our own State as well as those of Tennessee, and have until now escaped with impunity. We have repeatedly called attention to their outrages, and yet no effort has been made by our State to check them. It is well the authorities everywhere are not as hard to move as our own.—Ashville (N. C.) News.
Daily Constitutionalist [AUGUSTA, GA], April 17, 1862.
14, Lt. A. J. Lacy's letter to his father in Jackson County
Maury Co [sic] Tenn [sic] April the 14th 63 [sic]
Dear Father,
I this evening take the opportunity of droping [sic] you a few lines. I want to see your verry [sic] badly but I dont [sic] expect to at home shortly if ever. We just landed here from Florence, Ala [sic] today about 12 o'clock . Wee [sic] are camped 10 mi [sic] from Franklin on the Collumbia [sic] Pike. There is supposed to be about 10000 [sic] Yankees there. There is about 8000 [sic] Southern Cavalry [sic] here I expect in this neighborhood. The pickets is [sic] fiting [sic] evry [sic] day.
General Forest [sic], General Wheeler, and General Vandorn [sic] General Armstrong and Gn [sic] Starnes is [sic] all here. They had a battle the other day and the Yankees captured General Forest [sic] battery and they recaptured the battery and when they saw that it was a going [sic] to be recaptured they Yankees [sic] shot the Capt [sic] of the battery, Capt [sic] Freeman one of the bravest men that wee [sic] had. Wee [sic] will have a pretty tight time shortly for our commanders is what will fight and they have the men that will fight also [sic].
I will change the subject. If you can Ridley Drapers [sic] coat, send it to me as quick as you can. Uniform buttons is [sic] worth 40 dollars a set here. Write evry [sic] chance you have. I sent you a list of my travels by Parson Witt that is my ramble from the time I left home. If you cant [sic] get that coat try to get the buttons. I must close. This leave [sic] me well and I hope that it will find you enjoying the same.
From A. J. Lacy to Wm Kezia and Elisabeth [sic] Lacy
I dont [sic] expect to be at home before the war ends if I live and if I die I never will be home.
Lacy Correspondence.
14, "We have the medical supplies at the Purveyor's office, but can not have them distributed to the different commands without bottles." Confederate women provide bottles to the Eighth Tennessee Regiment of Tennessee Volunteers
Hd-Qrs Med Dept., 8th Regt. [sic] Tenn. Vol. [sic]
Camp near Tullahoma, Tenn., April 14, 1863
Mr. N. O. Wallace:
Sir – Please permit me to return my sincere thanks, and the thanks of the Dep't, to the following named persons for the valuable contributions of vials and bottles to me for the Medical Department of Wright's Brigade, Cheatham's Division:
Mrs. Thos. Phelps, 8 vials and bottles; Miss Sue Robertson, 12; Mrs. J. S. Bedford, 8; Mrs. Alex Edens, 12; Mark Whitaker, 5; Mrs. James Holman, 3; Mrs. Felix Waggoner, 20; Mrs. Wm. Tulley, 10; Mrs. T. P. Green, 30; Mrs. E. J. Motlow, 25; Mrs. B. H. Berry, 10; Mrs. M. A. Dance, 30; John A. Motlow, 15; Mrs. Thos Shaw, 6; Mrs. S. Hinkle, 7; Mrs. John Bird, 12; Mrs. Mary Price, 3; Miss E. Blythe, 6; Mrs. S. J. Green, 14; Mrs. J. W. M. Dance, 21; Mrs. Wm. Stone, 1; Mrs. Susan Dusenberry, 6 – making the respectable aggregate of 357.
Much good might be accomplished in this way. We have not the glassworks in the Confederacy and can not get the bottles and vials except from our homes, and unless we obtain them or soldiers in the field will suffer for the needed medical supplies. We have the medical supplies at the Purveyor's office, but can not have them distributed to the different commands without bottles.
Nearly all families have bottles and vials throwing around and being broken up – save them by all means, for I fear we shall have to call on the people of Lincoln county again before the war is over, and I am sure I have ever found them ready and willing to do all in their power to aid the soldiers who are battling for the rights of the South. Lincoln county has almost fed the Army of Tennessee for four or five months, and if she has half a chance will be ready to winter the army again next winter.
Go to, my Lincoln – bad name, but a good county, true and loyal to the South.
Very respectfully,
S. E. H. DANCE, Surgeon 8th Reg[iment]'t Tenn. Vols.
Fayetteville Observer, April 23, 1863.
14, Bacon solicited in Knoxville
Subsistence Department,
Knoxville, April 14, 1863
I wish to purchase a large amount of good Bacon. If desired, a portion of salt will be exchanged at the cost price to the government.
Parker Campbell, Captian & A. C. C. S.
Knoxville Daily Register, April 18, 1863.
14, Steadfast Union Women in Confederate Shelbyville
Loyal Women of Tennessee
The Shelbyville (Tennessee) Rebel Banner mourns over the prevalence of Unionism in that section, giving the following facts as evidence:
"Recently, when the Van Dorn prisoners[8] reached this place, and were put into the Court House Square, scenes followed which surprised even those who were aware of the Lincolnite character of the neighborhood. Ladies assembled in wagons and other vehicles from the surrounding country, accompanies by creaking baskets, emitting savory odors of all kinds. Tables were spread in the public square, and the baskets and buckets disgorged their gustatory wealth. Roast turkey, chicken, pig, biscuit, butter, pickles, preserves, cordials, pies, the whole catalogue of delicacies unknown to our army, were spread out in the noonday sun, and greedily devoured by the blue-coated rabble that Van Dorn had taken; all under the management of the Union-loving ladies, who lavished upon them-besides all possible evidences of heartfelt sympathy and admiration-smiles, tears, God-blessings, kerchiefs waving and all that It is not to be denied that most of the Rebel spectators looked on perfectly aghast. The lamp of
Alladdin never produced anything more startling than did this advent of the Van Dorn prisoners in Shelbyville, State of Tennessee.
Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, April 14, 1863.
14-17, The John Waggoner murder trial, an example of civil justice in Civil War Nashville [see January 2, 1863, "Report on the murder of 'Poor Waggoner'" above]
Criminal Court.
* * * *
State vs. Beverly alias Bose Haley – Murder.
It will be remembered that the prisoner is accused of the murder of the Rev. T. J. Waggoner on the 20th day of December, 1862. While the Jury was being empanelled, Will. G. Brien, Esq., counsel for the defence, informed the Court that several of his witnesses were not present, and that he should move for an attachment and forfeiture unless they presented themselves Wednesday morning.
The indictment being read, the witnesses were called and sworn, after which the Court adjourned to this morning at 8 o'clock .
Nashville Dispatch, April 15, 1863.
For the Murder of Rev. Thos. J. Waggoner.
Criminal Court.
Before Hon. N. N. Brien, Judge.
Wednesday, April 15. - The Court met according to adjournment; after the reading of the minutes, the case of Beverley alias Bose Haley, charged with the murder of Rev. T. J. Waggoner, was called up, the first witness examined was:
Thomas Hobson – Was acquainted with T. J. Waggoner; he is dead. Witness lives two miles beyond Mr. Waggoner's residence, on the same road. Between 3 and 4 o'clock on the morning after Mr. Waggoner was killed, a runner came from him. He started from home before daylight, and reached the house of Mr. Waggoner about daybreak. He found then three gentlemen, and the four went to the room where the negroes [sic] slept, and found Mr. Waggoner dead. He was shot in the chin, just under the lip. Witness was the first who took hold of him after he was dead. Mr. Waggoner was killed in December – does not know the day of the month. There were only three white persons living in the house, M. Waggoner, his wife, and his daughter, Mr. Jackson. Mrs. Waggoner had been speechless and helpless from paralysis for some month and is still in that condition. There were several negro servants on the premises. When witness reached the house, he found a horse with cavalry saddle and bridle on, hitched near the front of the house. He appeared to have been hard ridden the night before, having become lathered and his hair rumpled considerably. Witness knows Haley, the prisoner at the bar and supposes he lives in Nashville. The distance between Nashville and Mr. Waggoner's house is seven miles; a man could ride there in thirty or fourty minutes. The house has two fronts. The pike runs north and south. There is a hall on the east front and another on the north front. There are two L's [sic] to the house with a basement under each; in one of these the negroes [sic] sleep. They are all connected under the same roof. Going from Mr. Waggoner's room to where he was killed, was from the road. Near the middle of the floor of the kitchen was a trundle bed; over this Mr. Waggoner was lying dead with his feet on the floor on one side of it, and his face on the floor on the other side. Cross examined by W. C. Brien – Does not know who killed Mr. Waggoner. Direct examination resumed – The horse was brought to town on Sunday morning by Hon Judge Whitsworth and myself. He was put in a stable. Saw Lieut Irwin and Col. Truesdail on the subject. The latter took possession of the horse, saddle, and bridle witness believes.
Mrs. Jackson – is a daughter of T. Waggoner, who is dead. His age was 55 years on the 2d day of last July. On the 20th of December last, between the hours and 9 and 1 at night some one came and knocked at the back door. Her father got up and was putting on his shoes when the person outside demanded that the door be opened immediately. His father therefore got a light and opened the door when two men came in and said they had authority to search the house for arms and papers, and demanded that they be produced. My father gave them a box, which they searched, and then went to witness's room which the searched, examining her trunk, and taking therefrom a pocket book. They then demanded that all private papers be produced and threatened to kill my father unless he produced them immediately. Witness then got up and told them they had no papers other than had already been given them, and begged them to desist. They then inquired about other rooms up stairs. Witness told them there were rooms up stirs, containing trunks with her brother's clothes, some wine, jellies, etc. The demanded some wine, and it was brought down, and four or five others came from the outside and drank, they first insisted on my father drinking some to assure them that it was not poison we were giving them. They then went to the bed of which my mother-in-law asleep, and ordered that she should be removed. Witness said that was impossible, and assured them that there was nothing concealed in the bed. Then, they asked witness's father what was concealed in the bed, and he told them his money was there, took it out, and gave it to them – about $370 and begged them now that they had obtained all they wanted, to depart. The person who was most officious pretended to be indignant at the insinuation that they came there for money, and said her father would have to go with them. He had nothing to fear if he was all right," as they would see, that he was properly treated. Said they would send a carriage for witness in the morning. They professed to be Southern troops, and threatened witness's father should have affair trial. Her father then went out to tell the negroes [sic] he was going, and to instruct them to take care of the family while he was gone. As they were preparing to go, one of them missed his horse and accused witness' father of taking him away. Witness then prepared to go out to call the negro man, but was stopped at the door, the candle rudely taken from her, and she was ordered back to her room, one of them saying "she will betray us." Witness soon after heard a shot, and thought she heard her father speak. They all went off, and soon after she heard a horse waling about the house; afterward she heard some one waling about the porch, and directly after discovered it to be John; who told her that her father was dead. Witness then went for Judge Whitworth, and the Judge and another person came to the house. Afterward Mr. Hobson came. Her father, mother, and self were the only white persons in the house. Her mother was helpless. Two soldiers came in, one of whom had a gun; the other remained outside. I know one of them – the one is the prisoner at the bar; he was in the house, representing himself as an officer; he had on a dark overcoat. A week or so after the death of her father, witness went to the jail, for the purpose of seeing if she could identify any one of five prisoners there. They were brought out two and two, and then one. She identified the prisoner the moment she saw him. While at the house, the prisoner said he knew Mr. Waggoner as well as any man, but that her father did not know him; that he also knew witness. Her father had lived there 26 years. The prisoner was not the man who took the candle from her. Prisoner did all the talking –took all the money, and put it in his side pocket. Witness did not miss her money until the next morning. The other man with prisoner felt around the bed, but said very little. Heard Haley speak while in jail, and although he seemed to try to change his voice, she recognized it as that of the person who represented himself to be the officer on the night her father was killed. She noticed officer standing – he was about the same height as prisoner. Her father was killed Saturday night, the 20th of December, in Davidson county. The house is enclosed and is about 100 yards from the public road. There are four or five other houses on the same road before reaching town. Does not know which way the parties came. The horse witness spoke of remained about the house until morning, and is the same that Mr. Hobson saw and brought to town. After leaving the house they went up the pike, from the city – don't know how far. Saw no weapon on the prisoner, but the other man had a gun. Does not know if the Cumberland river was fordable. Prisoner had whiskers and moustache.
Cross-examined by W. G. Brien – Lives seven miles from town. The prisoner had on a dark overcoat – the other had a sky blue overcoat. There were five brought in jail, among whom she recognized the prisoner. This took place about a week or two after the murder. Does not know who the horse belonged to. The prisoner. - tried to change his voice in jail – it was slightly changed. Does not know the precise height of the man, in feet and inches – did not measure him – he was about medium height, the other taller. They were in the house perhaps an hour and a half or two hours – the clock stopped while they were there – saw one of them open and look into it. Witness did not see her father until morning. The pike was rather rough from Nashville to her home.
Mrs. May Waggoner – Knew Mr. T. J. Waggoner; was not in the house at the time of the death of Mr. W., but went there next morning, after the body was removed. He was wounded on the chin; the ball entered there, and came out the back of his head. Heard a report of a pistol shot about 11 o'clock on the night of the murder. Lives a mile and a half or two from there.
Thos. Hicks – Is acquainted with Waggoner; was never at the house, but knew the road, and had been at the plantation – had known him six or seven years. Waggoner went to town frequently. Witness lives about a mile and a half from town, on the pike heading from Mr. Waggoner's house. Remembers the night of the murder, saw Judge Whitworth and Mr. Hobsen coming to town the next morning with a horse. The night before, witness saw eight or twelve men riding out towards Me. Waggoner's between 8 and 10 o'clock - not positive as to the number of men, or the precise time of night; they were riding very fast, faster than on a common lope. He was sitting at the window. He could not describe their dress. The Cumberland river was fordable, as he thinks, at that time; knows it was along in [the] fall. There are six or eight houses between the housed of witness and Mr. Waggoner.
The prosecution here rested, and the defence introduced
Jos. Cheatham, who, being sworn, testified that he knew the defendant Haley – saw him the night before he was arrested; does not know whether it was Sunday night; thinks it was before Christmas. Remembers when Charley Jones[9] was shot, and thinks he saw the prisoner the night before, between 11 and 12 o'clock, he thinks; it was his business to watch him being in the Police Department.
Reddick[10] called his attention to him; Reddick was watching Thatcher's at the time. Witness heard the parties' names who went to Waggoner's, as reported, and thanks he was watching Haley on the night of the murder; was vigilant, commenced watching him at 7 o'clock and continued until between 11 and 12 o'clock; was watching between two and three weeks; heard Haley was arrested, and remarked that he could not have killed Waggoner, as he was watching him.
Cross-examined by Attorney General – Was engaged to watch Bose Haley and his crowd, Haley was the foremen of the gang; was watching him particularly. Thinks Haley was arrested the day after the murder; does not know the night he did not see him – there were very few [days] on which he did not see him; heard he was arrested [illegible] and expressed the belief that Haley could not have committed the murder, as witness was watching him at the very time the murder was said to have taken place. Saw him go into Van Lieu's,[11] 21 Cedar street, and come out, go up Cherry to Union street, then into the alley by the bank, back to Van Lieu's, and staid [sic] there probably three hours; did not see him after he went in, about half after 10 o'clock; never carries a watch – gives the time from his judgment. Does not know the day of the week, or month, this took place, but thinks it was in December – thinks before Christmas. Thinks Haley lived here; has seen him about here six or eight months. Is not acquainted with Waggoner, and does not know if the river was fordable. Haley came here about the time the Federal army came here; he was the ringleader of a crowd. Sometimes he would not leave home. Witness was up almost every night till 12 or 1 o'clock; and sometimes all night. Witness remembers having told Capt. D.,[12] and thinks Ingals, about seeing Haley that night. Saw Haley go into Van Lieu's after 10, and heard his voice as late at 12 o'clock midnight.
J. B. Reddick sworn – Has known Haley since he was four years old – twenty-two years ago. Remembers that on the Saturday night before Christmas he was watching for Dr. Thatcher and others, and employed by the Corporation. On that night he saw Haley, in company with four others, about 7 o'clock, going up Cherry street Haley returned in half an hour, in company with Cheesy; same night saw Haley and Cheesy [sic] come out of Van Lieu's, and go up Cedar street, and across the Square to the City Hotel; they then went toward Market street, and afterward recrossed the Square, and down Cedar street to Van Lieu's, at about 8 o'clock; out again through Cedar street. Returned, and saw Haley at 11 o'clock, standing at the door of Van Lieu's. Did not see Cheesy. Never saw Haley with whiskers. Men sometimes wear false whisker – had a pair on twice that night. Was watching Haley because the Mayor requested him to do so. Van Lieu's house is near Thatcher's. Does not know the day of the month. Did not see him every night, and does not know where he was arrested; missed him off the street, and knew he was arrested, but does not know the day. Saw him almost every night late. Heard of the murder the next day after having seen Haley at Van Lieu's at 1 o'clock. Cheatham did not remain, but came to him frequently. Cheatham said he had been with the party, in disguise. Cheesy is a little over 6 feet high, and thinks Haley is about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches – not so tall as Cheesy. Does not know where Cheesy is – has seen none of the party since the murder; heard Samuels had been sent to Camp Chase. Re-examined by Mr. Brien – Was watching Haley and his party particularly that night, and heard of the murder the next day.
Nelson Lowery sworn – Is acquainted with Haley, his half brother. Does not recollect seeing him on Saturday night previous to Christmas; was tight. Does not recollect the night Charley Jones was shot – was on a pretty big bust about that time.
Mrs. Haley sworn – Is mother of the defendant, who sleeps in her house; slept at home on the Saturday night before Christmas – on that night he was out until 11 or 12 o'clock, then he came home and went to bed; their bed rooms adjoin each other, with a door between them. Had not asleep when her son came home; he did not go out again. Her son never wore whiskers – they were about as large as ever they were. There was any amount of furniture there that night, so that he would have to pass through her room to get out. The furniture was brought here by Martha Reese, when her house was torn down.
Cross examined by the Attorney General - Has lived in Nashville over thirty years; now lives near the old brewery on Cherry street, near Jefferson, near a mile from the Square; does not recollect what time her son came in on Friday, Thursday, or Wednesday night previous to the Saturday named; did not make any interest in nothing the time before they, suppose the Saturday night before Christmas was the 20th. Her son was arrested on Monday. On Saturday night he came through her room to his own. He slept with a lady in the adjoining room her name is Ann Phillips – she boarded with witness; they are not married; witness has no other lady staying at her house. Her brother was in another room; he is sickly, and witness has taken care of him for nine years. The hall leading out of her son's room was fastened up, and filled with furniture. Her son left home about 7 o'clock, and was out four or five hours; does not know where he had been. Her son was raised here. He came home about 6 o'clock on Sunday, and remained home all night. There was a clock in the house; on Saturday night it struck 10 or 11, and was an hour too slow. In reply to a question from Mr. Brien, witness stated that she was uneasy on the Saturday night alluded to because her son was out later than usual, and therefore took notice of the time.
Miss Ann Phillips sworn – Lives on Cherry street, near Jefferson, with Mrs. Haley – is not related to her; was at Mrs. Haley's on the 20th [of] December; the prisoner slept with her there that night; is not married to the prisoner; he came home on that night between 11 and 12 o'clock, and witness slept with him the remainder of the night. He usually knocked at her window, and she would let him in.
Cross examined by Attorney General – has been sleeping with him nearly a year; has not slept with any one else since Bose was put in jail. Witness got up and let him in on the Saturday night, opening the door leading to Aunt Polly's room. Haley slept with her on Tuesday night, but does not know what time he came in, nor on the previous night. Haley was arrested on Monday; does not know what for. He has slept with her every night – only missed two nights in the year; never stayed out later than 10, always came home between 10 and 11; he was not out at all on Sunday night; has known him since she was a child; was raised in this city, and has lived with Mrs. Haley not more than two years.
John S. Wood, sworn – saw a party of men in North Nashville between 8 and 9 o'clock; there were six or seven of them – counted six; they were dressed in Federal uniform, one of them with an officer's overcoat, dark or black; Charles Blake, of Stokes's Cavalry, wore the overcoat alluded to, witness enlisted him in the service; he was from Cincinnati, Ohio, and was about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches height- medium height; the men were all on horsebadk, with Government or cavalry saddles. Blake had no whiskers – always shaved clean – did not notice that night whether he had whiskers or not. Blake deserted that night, with several other members of Capt. Julian's company, same regiment; the last time he heard of him was in Chicago. Wash was young and tall, and had on a sky-blue overcoat; he deserted the same night with Blake. Witness was going towards home when he met the party; had with him a gallon of brandy, some sardines, oysters, a box of cigars, crackers, with them on the corner of Vine and Jefferson streets. Witness asked where they were going, and they told him they were on duty; they had the countersign; it was necessary to have the picket countersign in order to get out of Nashville. I saw six men; Bose Haley was not in that crowd; knew him. Cross examined by Attorney General – Lives a mile and three quarters from the Square – more than a mile – on West Jefferson street, four hundred yards from the corner of Vine and Jefferson streets. Came here with the Federal array; was in Texas in 1858; in New Mexico two years ago, on account of his being a minor; his mother left Texas in 1855 to go to Carlisle, Pa. Ran away from home when 4 years old, and went with the soldiers to California, New Mexico, etc. Served as a teamster, from Leavenworth to New Mexico. Ran away from his mother at St. Louis, where his mother was staying at the time; she came from Brooklyn, N.Y. His father was in the regular army at Jefferson Barracks; does not know where his mother went to from St. Louis, his father died in 1855; thinks his mother was at Carlisle, Pa. when he was discharged for being a minor in New Mexico. Volunteered at Harrisburg, and was 1st Lieutenant in a Pennsylvania cavalry regiment. Was not commissioned in that regiment; left it and joined Stokes's cavalry; was not discharged, only by the Colonel; joined Stokes as a private, and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant, and placed on recruiting service; is not much acquainted with this country; he enlisted Wash and Blake; after they deserted, it was discovered that they were deserters from an Ohio regiment – the 10th; was not recruiting deserters; he married in Nashville the latter part of December 1862; married a sister of Tom Harris; is now in Government employ; left Stokes's cavalry on the 9th of Feb., for disobedience of orders – was discharged. Stokes's cavalry was encamped two miles South of Nashville on Saturday, the 20th Dec. Witness came to town from regiment in an ambulance: either Col. Stokes or Adjutant Murphy gave him the countersign – witness told Blake that he had forgotten it; Blake gave it to him. He was going to have a storm party[13] at Mrs. Carter's – had several ladies and friends for the party – his wife was not there – was not married then – it was a private spree – a storm spree – had the spree. It was about 8 o'clock when he was at the trestle work. Wash was recruited – either before or after Blake; was not on duty; Wash was about the same size as Blake – tall as witness, or very near his height, thinks Blake about as slender as witness, and Wash a slender man; of the others, one was rather small, and the others about medium size; there were several Irish men among them, but could not tell the names of any of the others - he was thinking about his spree and did not trouble himself much about them. Bade them good night and departed; does not know where they went - went toward Dr. Cheatham's. Brought his brandy at Cheatham's corner of Church and College streets; paid $8 for the brandy and $3 for the cigars; does not know who was there. Told Mayor Smith that Samuels and Charley Williams were at the party that night. Samuels did not ask him to give the countersign; does not know that Samuels had it. Did not hear that Charly Jones was killed until the Monday or Tuesday following. He returned to his regiment a few days after to get his clothes add some papers. Was not particularly friendly with Haley – told Attorney General that Haley was a friend of his; spoke to him twice before the murder – nodded to him when they met, like gentleman do, frequently If he said that Haley was a particular [sic] friend of his, he did not remember it; there were six men in all, on horseback, dark colored horses – does not know whether bay; or sorrel – not cream or gray – too dark to see – does not know what kind of horses the others rode. Re-examined by Mr. Brien. There was some difference between Blake and Wash, but does not know how much, in size. Haley had been badly treated by some members of the 1st Middle Tennessee regiment, who wounded him in his head and broke his arm. The evidence will be resumed tomorrow
Nashville Dispatch, April 16, 1863.
For the Murder of Rev. Thos. J. Waggoner.
Criminal Court.
Before Hon. M. M. Brien, Judge.
The crowd of spectators was great yesterday and Wednesday, the public seemingly taking a deep interest in the proceedings, and very naturally, for this was a murder most foul and diabolical, one that will long retain a place in the memories of those who know the circumstances of its committal, and which tradition will carry down to posterity with others of like nature and heinousness. Below we resume the evidence taken on Wednesday, for which we had no room in yesterday's issue:
Mr. Van Lieu sworn – Has seen defendant, and remembers the time when Charley Jones was shot; it was on Friday night, about 8 o'clock. Witness saw Haley at his saloon, on Cedar street, the next night, and was in company with him there an hour and a half – say between half-past 8 and 10 o'clock. Charley Jones was killed before Christmas, four or five days.
Cross-examined by Attorney-General – Has been acquainted with Haley for several years; witness keeps an eating saloon, and Haley frequently goes there almost every night; Haley was there the night after Charley was shot; they were laughing and talking, and joking about things; cannot remember if Haley was there on Thursday. Does not remember to have told any one about Haley being at his house on Saturday night of the murder of Mr. Waggoner.
D. H. Bose sworn – Has not heard any of the evidence – saw the prisoner between 7 and 8 o'clock on Saturday, the 20th December, on Cedar street. The clock struck 8 soon after witness saw him.
Cross examined by Attorney General Remembers the circumstance in connection with the killing of Mr. Waggoner; has known Haley for some time – also his family was friendly with them – with Mrs. Haley as much as any woman.
El'r [sic] Horn sworn – Knows defendant – has known him twenty-five years; does not remember the date of Mr. Waggoner's death; about that time witness saw Haley near every night; on one night he saw him with a tall fellow on Cedar street; it was about the time Jones was killed; does not remember whether he saw him on Saturday night before Christmas. In reply to a question from the Attorney General; witness said he thought he saw him on Saturday night before Christmas. In reply to a question from Attorney-General, witness said he thought he saw the prisoner the night Jones was shot.
Richard Wilson sworn – Is clerk in Van Lieu's – heard of the death of Mr. Waggoner two days after it occurred. Two days before this witness saw Haley in the evening. On Saturday night, was very busy, the crowd being very great, does not remember to have seen him.
Cross-examined – Was there the night Mr. Waggoner was killed; does not remember to have been Haley that night. Has known Haley about three years.
S. M. Cross sworn – Cannot say if he saw Haley on the Saturday night before Christmas; is clerk in Van Lieu's saloon; was in there the night after Jones was shot – about 9 or 10 o'clock.
The defence here closed, and the Attorney General called
Thomas Hobson, who testified that he knew the General character of Mary Jackson, and would believe her under oath – she is an excellent lady.
Thomas Hicks testified to the same effect. Three other witnesses were not sufficiently acquainted with Mrs. Jackson to form an opinion.
Capt. Baugh – Was not acquainted with Annie Phillips, nor with John S. Wood – Knew Mrs. Haley – here character was bad – would not believe her under oath. Thought Cheatham's character bad. Would believe Bell Reddick under oath, if he was not interested.
W. H. Wilkinson – Is acquainted with Mrs. Haley – her character is bad – would not her full credit in a Court of justice. Annie Phillips is a prostitute – does not know anything else.
John S. Ingalls – Knows Mrs. Haley – she keeps a house of prostitution; would not believe her under oath.
William Jackson – Knew nothing.
John Chumbly, City Marshal – Has seen Annie Phillips a time or two – does not know her reputation for truth; she lives with Mrs. Haley. Mrs. Haley has a bad character – would not believe here. Knows John S. Wood – would not believe him. Thinks Bill Reddick may be believed.
The above was all the testimony.
The Attorney-General reviewed the evidence for the State, tracing the progress of the party from Nashville to the house of the murdered man; connecting all the circumstances examining the character of the witnesses for the State and for the defence, and maintaining that the straightforward evidence and good character of the witnesses on behalf of the State, entitled them to implicit belief, while the testimony.
Of the witnesses for the defence was much of it unreliable and contradictory.
Wm. G. Brien opened for the defence by answering the arguments of the Attorney-General, and comparing the array of evidence in favor of his client with that introduced by the state for the prosecution. He asked the Jury to reverse the testimony, and suppose that all his witnesses, who had known his client for many years, and some during his whole life, had sworn that Haley had committed the murder – had seen him commit the deed; and this defence, and the guilty go clear. You are to be the judges of the testimony as well as the cause. You are to judge of the witnesses from their manner, appearance, sense, &c. There are several ways to discredit a witness: By the way and manner by which he deposes, by contradicting him, and by calling his neighbors, who, from a knowledge of his general character, could not believe him. The first, as to Mrs. Jackson: Is she to be believed? Her neighbors say her general character is good, and she is entitled to full credit. Then can you believe her and giver her full credit? Then from this, has defendant's witnesses been discredited, or any of them? If any are discredited, you are to disregard the testimony of all such witnesses
The Judge then alluded to the different witnesses in illustration of his meaning, and stated that if a witness was discredited on one point, he must not be believed on any – his entire evidence must go for naught. He quoted numerous authorities, and made everything as plainly as possible, concluding by recommending the Jury to weigh all the facts before them, and bring in a verdict after due deliberation.
The Judge retired at four o'clock, when the Court proceeded to examine the docket, and to declare a nolle prosequi in the case of all persons in jail against whom no indictments had been found. The following were ordered to be discharged from custody:
Wm. Bell, Tom King, Pat Kelly, Pat Robinson, John Maloney, W. S. Tuffy, Harris, a slave, Richard Brown, M. Redmen, M. Barker, N. Ensely, Tom, slave, accused of larceny, Nimrod, a slave, burglary. John Watkins, slave, rape Morrell, slave rape and larceny. Wm. Ryan, murder. Wm Morris, murder and arson. Sam Starling, robbery and arson.
The jury returned into Court at 5 o'clock asking instructions as to the precise time at which the prisoner was seen in town on the night of the 20th of December, as testified to by Messrs. Reddick, Cross, and Van Liew [sic]. The court gave them instructions on that point. Mr. Brien proposed to recall the witnesses, but the Court objected. The jury asked the Judge to read from his notes the information desired. This the Judge decline to do, but proposed to have the notes of the Local Editor of the Dispatch read, if all the parties were satisfied. This was acceded to, but our notes were not in Court, and the jury again retired, until half past five, when they were called into Court and placed in charge of the officers, and the Court adjourned until 9 o'clock Friday morning.
Nashville Dispatch, April 17, 1863.
Friday, April 17 – The Court room was again crowded. The case of Beverly alias Bose Haley was resumed. The Jury came into Court, unable to agree, and were remanded to their room. The Jury again came into Court at half past 4 P.M., and said they could never agree. They were consequently discharged, and the prisoner remanded to jail.[14] We are informed that the jury stood for convicting and eight for acquittal. This is not given as a fact, however, as we have heard a different statement of the case.
Several gentlemen were excused from attendance as jurors by entering a nolle prosecui, and many others by continuance.
The State vs. J. U. Bertrand – Tippling - Found guiltily in one case, and fined $25 and costs. The other case was dismissed.
The State vs. John Huggins – Horse stealing. – This was an action for stealing a mare, the property of Martha Davis. The case was not concluded at the end of adjournment The Court adjourned to 9 o'clock this morning.
Nashville Dispatch, April 18, 1863.
15, Expedition from LaGrange to Saulsbury
No circumstantial reports filed.
15, Confederates destroy railroad track north of Gallatin
No circumstantial reports filed.
GALLATIN, TENN., April 15, 1863.
Brig.-Gen. GARFIELD:
The freight train ran back with the news that the track is torn 5 miles north of here, and the rebels are at the tunnel. Shall leave here in fifteen minutes with 600 men on the cars.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 241.
15, Cumberland River expedition to recover remains of U. S. S. Sidell at Harpeth Shoals and capture of guerrillas
CLARKSVILLE, April 15, 1863.
Brig. Gen. JAMES A. GARFIELD, Chief of Staff:
I have barricaded the ferry-boat Excelsior with hay, and used it as a gunboat. Convoyed fleet above the Shoals with it; recovered the starboard gun from the wreck of the Sidell; dispersed rebel band at the Shoals, who were waiting to fire on unprotected boats. Captured several of the men belonging to Woodward's command.
S. D. BRUCE, Col., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 240.
15, Skirmish near Middleton [see April 13-15, 1863, U. S. forces protect boats on Tennessee River above]
15, Secret Expedition, Carthage to Gallatin [see April 13-15, U. S. forces protect boats on Tennessee River above]
15, Scouts, Franklin on Hardin Pike near Harpeth river, in search of Confederate cavalry
FRANKLIN, April 15, 1863.
It is reported that rebel cavalry are concentrating on Hardin pike, near Harpeth. I have ordered out scouts early in the morning to find out. It is possible they intend to make a circuit of our position, passing between Nashville, Brentwood, and La Vergne, and out toward Lebanon, intercepting and destroying the trains on both railroads.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 240-241.
15, Captured letter to home giving information on the strength of Army of Tennessee
* * * *
Our army at this place is Hardee's corps, with Breckinridge's and Cleburne's divisions; Breckinridge's composed of Adams', Brown's, Preston's, and B. H. Helm's brigades. Helm commands the Kentucky brigade, composed of the Second, Fourth, Sixth, and Ninth Kentucky Regt. [sic]'s, whose loss at the recent battle at Murfreesborough was heavier than any other brigade. It was commanded then by Brig. Gen. Roger [W.] Hanson. Cleburne's division is composed of Lucius [E.] Polk's, Liddell's, Johnson's, and Wood's brigades, making an aggregate of about 19,000 men. Polk's corps (Cheatham's, McCown's, and Withers' divisions) are at Shelbyville, about 15 miles west of this place. The two corps contain about 35,000 or 40,000 effective infantry. Morgan's command is at McMinnville, about 30 miles northeast, with 6,000 or 8,000 cavalry; Wharton's north, toward Murfreesborough, with about 2,000 at Beech Grove; Forrest and Van Dorn at Columbia with about 10,000, operating against Nashville and its envious and very successfully. Thus, you see, our army is not so small as some suppose it to be, nor have I overestimated the figures.
The troops are in good spirits, and are confident of success when an engagement takes place, and, if the weather continues good, we expect it soon, although the enemy have not yet advanced from their stronghold at Murfreesborough. Morgan's (assorted) command are still in Southeastern Kentucky. Pegram has met with indifferent success in his late raid there. The health of our army is good.
Your brother.
[Captain] C. F. SANDERS[15]
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 773.
15, Report to President Jefferson C. Davis on the condition of the Army of Tennessee
RICHMOND, VA., April 15, 1863.
His Excellency JEFFERSON DAVIS, President:
SIR: In obedience to your orders, dated March 12, 1863...I proceeded to...Tullahoma, Tenn., the headquarters of the army [of Tennessee], and...I have the honor to submit the following report:
At Tullahoma I found Gen. J. E. Johnston in command of the army, and reported to him. I stated to him my orders, and offered them for his inspection but he declined to examine them, and very kindly offered me any assistance I might wish in procuring full information as to the condition of the army. He informed me that he had temporary command of the army, during Gen. Bragg's absence with his sick wife at Winchester. I immediately conveyed to Gen. Bragg my intention to pay him my respects before my departure, but was prevented from doing so there by his arrival in Tullahoma, where I had a full conversation with him the day I left. I am indebted to both Gen.'s Johnston and Bragg for their courtesy during my stay, as well as to Gen.'s Hardee and Polk.
On Monday, March 23, I reviewed Lieut.-Gen. Hardee's corps at Tullahoma. I afterward, on the same day, saw Brig. Gen. B. R. Johnson drill his brigade, and witnessed a match or trial battalion drill between the Seventeenth Tennessee Regt. [sic] (Col. Marks) and the Thirteenth Louisiana Regt. [sic] (Col. R. L. Gibson) and Twentieth Louisiana Regt. [sic] (Col. Reichard), consolidated, and commanded by Lieut.-Col. Von Zinken. The Tennessee regiment was remarkable for fine stature, manly bearing, and steadiness of movement, but the rapidity and accuracy with which the Louisianians [sic] executed every maneuver at the double-quick was unequaled.
On Tuesday, March 24, by invitation I accompanied Gen. Johnston to Manchester, 12 miles to the right, and on the next day reviewed the Kentucky Brigade there, commanded by Gen. Helm. These troops afterward went through battalion drill, by regiments, and in the afternoon had a brigade drill. Their performance was rapid, yet precise, their appearance tough and active, and they will compare for efficiency with any brigade in the Confederate Army.
On Saturday, I arrived in Shelbyville, and on Monday, March 30, I reviewed Lieut.-Gen. Polk's corps, by divisions. Gen. Wither's division, composed principally of Mississippians, was the best clad I saw in the army. I was struck by their size and made material bearing. In Gen. McCown's division some dismounted Arkansas and Texas troops showed marks of neglect in many important points. This army is in a high of efficiency, well clad and armed, and marked with every evidence of good discipline, high courage, and capacity for endurance.
There is vast improvement in this army since I inspected it last June at Tupelo; and while great credit is due to the high soldierly qualities of the eminent officers by whom he is surrounded, much is also due to the peculiar talents for organization of the commander, Gen. Bragg, and to his laborious attention to the details of his command. This is not an opinion, but the testimony of all with whom I came in contact. The army lacks no physical element of success.
Attention is called to the two tri-monthly reports of March 10 and 20, furnished me by the assistant adjutant-general, marked B.[16] That of March 20 shows an aggregate of 97,090 men, and an effective total of 49,447 men, of which 15,616 are cavalry. The great accession to the numbers of the army is attributed by Gen.'s Johnston and Bragg to the energy and vigorous system of Brig.-Gen. Pillow and the conscript bureau conducted by him. The fear was expressed that, if his operations were discontinued, the strength of the army would begin to decline. Gen. Bragg estimated the recruits sent forward by him [(Gideon J.) Pillow] at 10,000 and by the enrolling officers at 19 men. He stated that 1,200 men had been obtained in Chattanooga alone. He made some caustic remarks on the camps of instructions, and asked for a vigorous inspection of them.
In the office of Col. Brent, assistant adjutant-general, I found a large number of reports of the battles of Murfreesborough, furnished by brigadier-generals and their subordinates. On inquiry, Col. Brent did not seem aware that it was proper and necessary, to complete the record, that these should be sent to their final depository-the Adjutant Gen.'s Office, at Richmond. I called Gen. Bragg's attention to this fact, and requested Col. Ewell to see that they were forwarded.
The camps were clean and well laid, and the tents made comfortable with many chimneys. The camps will be shifted at the approach of warm weather. There is little sickness; what does exist is chiefly ague and diarrhea.
Particular attention is called to the report of Col. Oladowski, chief of ordnance, marked Exhibit C. Its information is valuable. It shows, 41,673 small-arms in the hands of the army, and 4,206 in depot, from which deduct 600 recently issued. Forty rounds of ammunition are kept in cartridge-boxes, and 60 in wagons with the brigades. There are 125 field pieces of all kinds. Their loss is generally ascribed to the shortness of the scabbards. Complaint was made of certain cartridges for Enfield rifles as being too large, and fouling the guns. Col. Oladowski says these are being rapidly replaced by others. He says they were made at Atlanta, but Maj. Wright, of the Atlanta Arsenal, told me that they were made at Selma. He showed me the report of a board experimenting with them, which pronounced the Atlanta cartridge not too large, not well greased. This he attributes to the smooth surface of the ball permitting the absorption of the grease by the paper. Capt. Finnie, at the Augusta Arsenal, confirmed this statement, and recommended the grooved ball. Deficiency of bees-wax in the lubricator is also a great disadvantage.
The transportation of the army is in tolerable condition, when the difficulties under which it labors are considered. Most of the brigades had good pole stables, and the condition of the animals seemed largely influenced by the care taken in building these. The horses and mules are suffering from the want of long forage, which cannot be obtained. I may here state that the artillery horses are also in bad condition for want of long forage. The cavalry horses are to be doing better, but did not come under my own eye.
The report of Maj. M. B. McMicken, acting chief quartermaster of the army, is filed herewith marked Exhibit D. He states the total number of wagons to be 2,276. He estimates that the forage east of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad will be exhausted by April 12, and west of that road by May 23. Gen. Polk thinks it will last until July. Gen. Hardee's corps is now being supplied from North Alabama. The report states that the army is fully supplied with clothing, and has 6,000 suits in depot, but that shoes are wanted, and requisitions have been made for 10,000 pairs, which will last through April. Maj. Stevenson in his letter to me filed herewith states that 4,000 pairs are in depot. Attention is called to his two letters filed herewith, marked Exhibit E.
Maj. Cunningham clothing quartermaster at Atlanta, informs me that he is employing about 40 shoemakers, and makes 150 pairs of shoes a day, and that with 60 additional shoemakers he could make 500 pairs daily. I examined his establishment. The leather is rolled by machinery, and the sides split likewise, which effects a great saving. The soles are cut out by a machine, and all the sewing done by sewing-machines. The shoes present a neat appearance, and can be sold for $450 per pair. Government agents have been sent into Kentucky with Gen. Pegram to buy leather. I respectfully refer to the letters of Maj. Stevenson and to the communication of Maj. Cunningham, filed herewith, marked Exhibit F, for details of the productions and capabilities of the agencies at work in this portion of the Confederacy. The remark was made to me in the army by observant persons that the clothing was of better material this year than in the winter of 1861--'62. The men were tolerably well shod.
The question of subsistence has engaged Your Excellency's earnest attention. It is the vital one with this army. I had full and free conversations with Gen.'s Johnston, Bragg, Polk, and Hardee on this subject, and am free to say the prospect is very far from satisfactory. I omit the complaints of mismanagement and want of forethought and scope laid at this door or that, and will rapidly sum up the various plans, schemes, or suggestions made, some or all of which might be attempted, with modifications.
Before doing so, however, your attention is called to the report of Maj. Isaac Scherck, acting chief of subsistence, dated March 23, 1863, filed herewith, marked Exhibit G, and the table of rations accompanying it. By these the President will perceive that the army is living from hand to mouth, and drawing largely on the reserves. The ration of the men is corn bread and one-half pound of bacon. They get very little beef, but I heard of no grumbling about the rations. Gen. Polk, thought we could, by enterprise in foraging and by a systematic scheduling of the resources of the country, subsist our army on its present line three months or more. No one else thought it possible for so long a time. The supplies are drawn principally from the counties of Giles, Maury, and Williamson, and he thought by pushing our trains up toward Fort Henry a good deal might be got out. One obstacle is the inability to use Confederate money to advantage. It is recommended to allow the use of State money where necessary, and to send forward molasses, which can be advantageously exchanged, 1 gallon for 8 pounds of bacon, and which bring to our lines, even from beyond the enemy's a supply of bacon and which will bring to our lines, even from beyond the enemy's a supply of bacon which neither force nor persuasion can otherwise obtain. Gen.'s Johnston and Bragg rely chiefly for beef on the cavalry expeditions of Gen. Pegram and Col. Cluke into Kentucky, and on similar forays hereafter.
Gen.'s Polk and Hardee also recommended that Messrs. Sam. Tate and Brinkley [?], of Memphis, should be employed to exchange cotton for bacon. Gen. Johnston desires that some more vigorous efforts might be used to get the corn out of Northeastern Mississippi. Last June I engaged the accumulation of this corn in depots as soon as ready for market. Complaints have been made that the quartermasters are preventing its shipment by using the Mobile and Ohio Railroad for the purpose of speculation. Gen. Johnston complained of the summary manner in which Gen. Pemberton dismissed the complaint, without proper investigation.
Some propositions have been made by individuals in Mobile to take the Government vessels there, which it is said Gen. Buckner does not think necessary for harbor defense, and run in meat. The terms of the proposition are before the Government. Government can certainly use and insure her own vessels as safely and cheaply as citizens can. If these vessels are not needed, they might be very usefully employed in running the blockade.
The communication of Maj. J. F. Cumming, purchasing commissary at large is filed herewith marked Exhibit H. It shows on hand, in reserve, 162,000 pounds dried beef, 247,500 pounds pickled beef, 5,267,855 pounds bacon and bulk pork, 600,000 pounds lard, 1,700 barrels of flour, and 3,000 beef-cattle. He discusses the modes of obtaining supplies. Whatever is resolved on in regard to subsistence must be done with promptness and decision. The question will not brook delay or indecision.
Your Excellency's attention is called to the present lines of our army. Gen. Hardee's corps is at Tullahoma, with one brigade 12 miles to the right, at Manchester and with Liddell's brigade at Wartrace, 17 miles in front, and a brigade at Allisona, in the rear; Gen. Polk's corps is at Shelbyville; Maj.-Gen. Wheeler covers the right and front of the army, with his headquarters at McMinnville, and Maj.-Gen. Van Dorn the left, in front of Columbia. Tullahoma is regarded as the central point, but the greater part of the army is to the left of it. It is not the intention or expectation of Gen.'s Johnston and Bragg to await attack there, unless made in front, and this they do not expect. They believe that Rosecrans will attempt to pass our flank, most probably our right flank; in which case we would go out and attack him.
Gen. Bragg seems to have been governed in his selection of Tullahoma as his chief point of defense by the convergence there of several roads. Gen. Hardee preferred Decherd, as stronger and less easily turned, but Tullahoma having been determined on, under orders from Gen. Bragg, marked out the line of the fortifications. I examined these fortifications, which are a line of slight redoubts extending in a semicircle from the Fayetteville to the Manchester road. Our advantage of ground is not very obvious, although the engineer in charge assured me it does exist, and the earthworks are low redoubts, not flanked by rifle-pits, except for some 20 yards or so. To my eye they seemed too far in advance of the crest of the hills. On the slope an abatis of heavy felled timber extends 1,500 feet to the front of each redoubt, making a zone of that width about 3 or 4 miles in length. The works are either too strong or too weak. They are too weak to rely upon, and too strong to abandon to the enemy. Much labor has been wasted on them, unless they shall be put in condition to be held by a small force against a larger one. Gen. Bragg says heavy entrenchments demoralize our troops, and that he would go forward to meet the enemy, in which case that abatis would be an obstruction, to say the least.
I did not learn from any of the generals of any projected movement or of any battle-field preferred on which to meet an advance of the enemy, but they appeared to have an impression that if the enemy does not advance on us, it will be necessary for us to make an advance, perhaps, into Kentucky with the army, to obtain subsistence. This was not stated, however, in direct and explicit terms.
Gen. Johnston wished your attention called to the matter, before mentioned of the quartermasters in Mississippi, and also to the fact that the limits of his department embraced two armies that could not co-operate, and that he receives no intelligence from Gen. Pemberton, who ignores his authority, is mortified at his command over him, and receives his suggestions with coldness or opposition. The distance prevents his giving orders. He thought the discipline of Gen. Pemberton's army not very good, and wishes a speedy and thorough inspection of his district. He requested me to extend my inspection to that district. I informed him of the limitation of my orders; that you wish for speedy information on the matters already investigated, and that Col. Ives had gone there, though I did not know under what orders. He sent me a letter to you embodying this request, which I file with this report.
These are the results of my observations in the Army of Tennessee.
* * * * [sic]
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
WM. PRESTON JOHNSTON, Col. and Aide-de-Camp.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 757-761.
15, EXHIBIT C of Report to President Jefferson C. Davis on the condition of the Army of Tennessee [see immediately above]
Aide-de-Camp to the President of the Confederate States;
COL.: I have the honor to report the number of arms in hands of troops of this army consist as follows:
Smooth-bore percussion muskets............................. 11,869
Rifled arms of different calibers.............................. 19,942
Total with infantry.................................................. 31,811
Smooth-bore percussion muskets..........................…. 1,363
Rifles of different calibers......................................... 4,649
Carbines of different calibers and musketoons.....….... 1,469
Double-barreled guns...........................................….... 773
Pistols (Colt's pattern)............................................... 1,566
Pistols (percussion single-barreled).....................……..... 42
Total with cavalry...................................................... 9,862
Grand total in hands of army..................................... 41,673
The field artillery consists of-
12-pounder light guns.....................................................………. 16
6-pounder guns........................................................….....……... 40
12-pounder howitzers..................................................….…….... 40
Rifled guns, caliber 3.80-inch, taken at Murfreesborough………. 7
Rifled guns, caliber 3.68-inch, iron, taken at
Murfreesborough........................................................….…….... 2
Rifled guns, caliber 3.30-inch......................................….…..…. 2
Rifled guns, caliber 3-inch (iron)..................................…….…. 11
Rifled guns, caliber 2.90-inch (iron Parrott)..................…..…..... 6
Ellsworth's breech-loading..............................................……...... 1
Independent of the above number of small-arms in hands of troops. 2,166 arms of different calibers are at Tullahoma Depot, and 2,040 arms of different calibers are at Chattanooga Depot. Six hundred of these arms were ordered to be issued to Col. Avery's regiment of cavalry.
The arsenal at Atlanta, I am informed by the Ordnance Bureau, is exclusively adapted to repair arms and furnish supplies for this army. Five hundred arms are weekly repaired at that arsenal.
The ammunition is supplied to infantry-140 rounds to each man- 40 or which is carried in cartridge-boxes and 100 on regimental wagons, in charge of ordnance sergeants, under the superintendency [sic] of ordnance officers of each brigade. The ammunition supplied for the Enfield rifles was found in few instances rather too large. When guns become fouled, after 15 or 20 rounds, it is difficult to lodge the bullet home. The deficiency was reported to the Ordnance Bureau, at Richmond and new supplies are now coming, and exchanges will be made.
The arms, accouterments, and ammunition in the hands of troops on the march are carelessly wasted. On the way from Murfreesborough to this place, nearly four thousand arms were lost. The stoppage of payments on muster-rolls is no means to correct the evil, and unless stringent orders be enacted making commanders of companies directly responsible for the negligence, the evil cannot be corrected. The cavalry is supplied, from time to time, as the necessities may occur, with regard that 40 rounds are in the hands of every man. The cavalry under command of Gen. Van Dorn is supplied with 60 rounds in addition to 40 with the men. The cavalry under command of Gen. Wheeler is supplied with 40 rounds; 60 more will be supplied as soon as received. I have notice of their coming to this place from Richmond Arsenal.
The artillery is supplied with a number of rounds contained in caisson and limber-boxes of each piece. Besides these, 50 rounds to each piece is to be kept in reserve in Chattanooga Depot.
The supplies of ammunition for rifled guns are limited, by reason of the different caliber of these guns taken from the enemy. The application was made to the commanding officer of Atlanta Arsenal for it.
The scarcity of leather will not permit full supplies of infantry accouterments and artillery harness; the last, being made from rather inferior articles and not properly taken care of, are in short time broken, and those now in service should be replaced in course of a few months.
The ammunition for artillery is supplied of good quality and well prepared. The Borman fuses are preferable to paper, as the first is surer to explode projectiles. The difficulty of premature bursting can be avoided by careful cutting. It is ascertained that during engagements the men often cut them through.
General Orders, No. 67, Paragraph, IV, Series 1862, provides that no able-bodied men will be separated from their regiments and detailed for duty in the ordnance department, &c. The duty of the department is such that an invalid is of no service, and it being impossible to obtain the services of competent mechanics, our only resource is to detail them from the army.
I am informed, from Ordnance Bureau, of the scarcity of lead.
The commanding general of this army has instructed me to procure 12-pounder light guns and exchange them for 6-pounder and 12-pounder howitzers, now in the service. I applied to Col. Gorgas for them. Two batteries of such guns are ordered to be sent to this army. The balance will be forwarded as soon as they can be procured.
The usual 6-pounder and 12-pounder howitzers are complained of as too heavy for the use of cavalry. Gen. Bragg ordered me to make an effort to furnish the cavalry with lighter guns-similar to those used by horse artillery during the Mexican war. I reported the case to the Ordnance Bureau, and received answer that such guns cannot be furnished at present. The commanders of cavalry require rifled guns and, as far as practicable they are supplied to them of the lightest weight.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
H. OLADOWSKI, Lieut.-Col. of Artillery, Ordnance Duty.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 762-763.
15, EXHIBIT D of Report to President Jefferson C. Davis on the condition of the Army of Tennessee [see above]
Lieut. Col. E. J. HARVIE, Inspector-Gen., Gen. Johnston's Staff:
COL.: In obedience to your verbal orders of this date. I have the honor respectfully to make the following report:
There is now on hand in store the following amount of corn:
At Tullahoma............................................ 8,000
At Decatur................................................. 8,000
At Bridgeport............................................ 6,000
At Chattanooga......................................... 3,000
At Dalton...................................................10,000
At Athens..................................................10,000
At Stevenson............................................. 4,000
In addition to the above, the corps of Lieut.-Gen. Polk, at Shelbyville, and Lieut.-Gen. Hardee, at Tullahoma, have on hand, already issued, forage of corn for four days. The cavalry are at present foraging themselves in the country in which they are now operating east of the line of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. The district of country is being rapidly exhausted of forage by Maj. Gen. Wheeler's corps of cavalry and the supply cannot last in that district beyond twenty days from the present date. The country west of the line of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad is now supplying forage for Gen. Van Dorn's corps of cavalry and the animals of Lieut.-Gen. Polk's corps. This district is much better supplied with forage than the district east of road, and, if the posts at Columbia and Shelbyville can be maintained, will furnish forage for Gen. Van Dorn's corps of cavalry and animals of Lieut.-Gen. Polk's corps for two months from this date, the supply being hauled by the wagons of these respective corps. The present source of supply for Lieut.-Gen. Hardee's corps, as well as the accumulation of reserve, is from Northern Alabama, and the counties of Giles and Maury, in Tennessee. The supplies are hauled to the depots at Athens and Decatur by the wagons belonging to this army, and from Decatur are transported to Bridgeport and Chattanooga by two steamboats now in the employ of Government, and from Athens to this point by means of Memphis and Charleston and Nashville and Chattanooga Railroads. From these sources we can have brought here 3,000 bushels per day.
2d. Clothing: The command has been fully supplied with clothing (except shoes), and 6,000 suits are now in depot at Chattanooga. Requisitions for 10,000 pairs of shoes have been made upon the general depots at Columbus and Atlanta, Ga. These will fully supply the wants of this army for next month. The command is at present fully supplied with horse and mule shoes, with arrangements made for manufacture of 150,000 per month for future.
I inclose a consolidated report of field transportation, in addition. There are now on hand in depot at Chattanooga 50 new wagons, with harness. Contracts have been made for manufacture of 150 spring-wagons for ambulances, and 300 four-horse wagons, to supply the deficiency created by wear of our present supply of wagons, which are old and in many cases unserviceable on the rough roads of this section. These wagons and ambulances are being delivered weekly at Atlanta. The want of tire iron has caused some delay in completion of these wagons, but the contractors now promise to complete their contracts by 20th of April.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, you obedient servant,
M. B. McMICKEN, Maj. and Acting Chief Quartermaster.
Consolidated report of the means of transportation of the Army of Tennessee.
Corps or division: Wagons.
Polk's corps...................................................... 890
Hardee's corps.................................................. 753
Wheeler's corps................................................ 284
District of Tennessee River............................... 41
General supply train......................................... 308
Total................................................................ 2,276
M. B. McMICKEN, Maj. and Acting Chief Quartermaster.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. III, pp. 764-765.
15, EXHIBIT G of Report to President Jefferson C. Davis on the condition of the Army of Tennessee [see immediately above]
Tullahoma, March 23, 1863.
Lieut. Col. E. J. HARVIE, Inspector-Gen., Gen. Johnston's Staff:
COL.: I have the honor to report that the army stationed at Tullahoma is supplied up to the 31st instant, and we have the stores on hand to supply the army at Shelbyville up to that time. According to my estimates, we will have on hand on the 1st of April, at our respective depots at Shelbyville, Tullahoma, and Chattanooga-
Flour..................................pounds............. 176,000
Bacon.do..................................................... 36,000
Mess beef..............................do................... 7,390
Molasses.barrels........................................... 150
Rice...................................tierches................ 70
Soap...................................pounds............. 35,000
Sugar..................................hogsheads.......... 100
Vinegar................................barrels.............. 200
Whisky and brandy......................do............. 100
Hard bread.............................pounds.......... 15,000
We receive daily here and at Shelbyville sufficient meal for the current demand, and at the rate of about 15,000 pounds of bacon. We require daily, according to our table of rations hereto annexed-
Bacon.pounds........................................... 35,000
Meal.do.................................................... 87,500
Rice...................................do.................... 3,500
Soap...................................do.................... 1,400
Vinegar................................gallons............ 350
Molasses.do................................................ 522
Salt.bushels.................................................. 44
And have, therefore, stock on hand to supply us with bacon up to the 2d April; rice to the 11th April; vinegar to the 22d April; soap to the 25th April; molasses to the 11th April.
According to our usual receipts, it is fair to estimate that we can supply this army, by our own exertions, with all the meal, vinegar, and soap, and one-half of the meat needed. We will, therefore, requite for the month of April, from the reserve stock, about-
Bacon.pounds............................................ 525,000
Rice.....................................do................... 62,000
Salt.bushels................................................. 1,300
Molasses.barrels............................................ 50
Respectfully submitted.
ISAAC SCHERCK, Acting Chief of Subsistence.
HDQRS. ARMY OF TENNESSEE, Tullahoma, February 1, 1863.
The following ration will govern the issues for the Army of Tennessee until otherwise ordered:
Bacon, to the ration.pounds........................... 1.72
Fresh beef, to the ration.do............................ 1.74
Fresh pork, to the ration.do......................... 1
Pickled or mess beef, to the ration.do......... 1
Salted or bulk pork, to the ration (unsmoked).....do. 3/4
Flour, to the ration.do.................................. 1
Corn meal, to the ration.do............................. 1.74
Rice, to the 100 rations.do........................... 5
Sugar, to the 100 rations.do......................... 6
Molasses, to the 100 rations.quarts.............. 3
Vinegar, to the 100 rations.do...................... 2
Soap, to the 100 rations.pounds.................... 2
Salt, to the 100 rations.quarts......................... 4
Whisky, when specially ordered, to the 100
rations.gallons................................................ 2
When salt meat is used in place of fresh meat, the ration of salt will be 2 quarts to the 100 rations.
By command of Gen. Bragg:
JOHN J. WALKER, Maj. and Chief of Subsistence.
P. S.- Since the above was published, "salted pork" rations were reduced to one-half pound, and molasses issue half of the above rate.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 769-770.
15, Scouts on the Hardin Pike near Harpeth River
FRANKLIN, April 15, 1863.
It is reported that rebel cavalry are concentrating on Hardin pike, near Harpeth. I have ordered out scouts early in the morning to find out. It is possible they intend to make a circuit of our position, passing between Nashville, Brentwood, and La Vergne, and out toward Lebanon, intercepting and destroying the trains on both railroads.
GALLATIN, TENN., April 15, 1863.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 240.
15, Federal scout, Moscow across the Wolf River, east to LaGrange, to Grand Junction-ambush at Saulsbury
Wednesday, 15th-We moved out of camp soon after daylight, and crossed the Wolf River at Moscow, where we have a small force of troops and continued on our march east through LaGrange 10 miles, thence to Grand Junction three miles further on. Thus far our road was over fine country, but going from there it was more hilly and not so fertile. We left the small town of Saulsberry [Saulsbury] on the R. R. about a mile to our left. Two men of Co. "D" (porter and Private Allen) straggled off toward the town . As they neared it a man stepped out from one of the buildings and fired upon them. Porter was shot from his horse, and Allen fled, and reported to Capt. Pitts. He took his company and went to Sualsbury, Porter had been taken into a house and was being cared for. He was shot in the head and was unconscious and could live but a short time and was left there. The man who did the shooting was a strange rebel soldier [sic] passing through the town on his way home[17]....
Pomeroy Diaries, April 15, 1863.
15, "….[T]he man in the moon must hold his nose;" an excerpt from a medical report relative to the hygienic conditions of the Army of the Cumberland in Murfreesboro
Sickness in the regiment prevails to an alarming extent; average attendance at the sick call, 100, perhaps 100 more are not fit for duty. This army of 40,000 men is encamped on a space so small that it is utterly impossible to keep the camps clean. Thousands of dead horses, mules and offal of every description, literally cover the whole face of the earth inside our picket lines; and each emits a thousand stinks, and each stink different from its fellow. The weather for months has been almost one continual flood of rain, and now, as the sun comes up more nearly straight over us, and pours down his boiling rays on this vast, sweltering mass of putridity, the stinks are magnified, multiplied and etherealized until the man in the moon must hold his nose as he passed over this vast sea of filth.
McGee, 72d Indiana, p. 118.
15, George Kryder suffers diarrhea and his regiment ordered to make a five day scout
Camp near Murfreesboro Tenn.
April 15th, 1863
My dear and beloved wife
It is with great pleasure that I take my pen to inform you that I am yet alive but not as well as I was a while ago as I took a very bad cold on our scout to Liberty and I have had a severe cough ever since but it is getting better, but I have a diarrhea at present that makes me feel quite shiftless, but I am still able for light duty in camp.
The Reg. is ordered on a five day scout tomorrow, but I will not go out, as I do not feel well enough, though I hope it will not be so long.
George Kryder Papers
ca. 15-ca. 25, U. S. N. patrol on Tennessee River between Hamburg, Tennessee, and Eastport, Mississippi
MEMPHIS, April 18, 1863.
Lieut. Col. JOHN A. RAWLINS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:
Since closing my last letter, I learn from Oglesby that Capt. Fitch, U. S. Navy, with four gunboats, is between Hamburg and Eastport, as advance of Rosecrans' expedition. If anything new turns up before the boat leaves, I will send it.
Your obedient servant,
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. III, p. 206.
14, U. S. N. gunboat reconnaissance, Memphis to Fort Pillow
No circumstantial reports filed.
HDQRS. SIXTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Memphis, Tenn., April 14, 1864.
Lieut.-Commander PATTERSON, U. S. N., Cmdg. Naval Station, Memphis, Tenn.:
DEAR SIR: It is important that the rebel actual state of affairs at Fort Pillow should be ascertained. The best means for doing this is by reconnaissance made by the gun-boats.
I am of opinion that the enemy will not remain long, and will be much obliged if you will direct such movements on the part of the gun-boats as will ascertain the fact of occupation or abandonment.
Very truly, your obedient servant,
S. A. HURLBUT, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 362
14, "We call the attention of the Council to the importance of making all teachers take the oath, female as well as male." Meeting of the Nashville City Council
14, "We call the attention of the Council to the importance of making all teachers take the oath, female as well as male." Meeting of the Nashville City Council
Resolutions before the City Council, Public Schools, etc.
The resolutions subjoined were laid before our City Council by Capt. Driver, at their meeting on Monday (14th) evening last:
Resolved, That the Mayor of the city of Nashville be, and he is hereby requested and instructed to have the flag of the flag of the United States placed upon all public property belonging to this corporation.
Resolved, That the Board of Education are hereby required during the present week to take the oath of office taken by ourselves and other officers of this city or resign.
Resolved further, That the Superintendent, together with every male teacher in the city of Nashville, shall be, and they are hereby requested to take the oath of allegiance prescribed to us, within five days from the passage of this resolution, or resign their respective positions.
Resolved, That we cordially thank the officers and soldiers of the United States for the unexampled kindness and courtesy hitherto extended to our fellow citizens, and that, as men striving together with them for the re-establishment of the government of our fathers, we pledge them our most sincere and hearty co-operation.
Resolved further, that for hospital purposes and for barracks, the Federal authorities be permitted to have access to hydrants without charge.
We publish these resolutions for the purpose of giving them our hearty approbation. They are eminently just and proper, and are so expressed as to give no cause of offence to any one who is not a bitter enemy to his country. The resolutions which are of the greatest importance are the two in reference to our Public Schools. Indeed we cannot conceive of any question within the wide range of legislation which so deeply concerns the welfare and proper moral culture of our children, and therefore of the very stability and happiness of society itself, than that which embraces in its scope the education of the young. In Sparta, in Athens, in Rome and the Jewish theocracy, as well as in the enlightened nations of Europe, patriotism and loyalty have been ordered by legislation to be instilled into the minds of the young by those who had charge of their education. A school-room is the last place to be polluted by the step of a traitor to his or her country. We would as soon send a son or a daughter of ours to a gambling house or a brothel to have their minds and morals formed as to a school controlled by a rebel and a traitor. Away with such teachers of the young! We regret that the resolution does not include female as well as male teachers. The omission should by all means be supplied. Of the two we regard female rebel teachers as the most dangerous. A short time before the arrival of the Union troops at this place a female teacher in the Hume School in this city, was in the habit of making her pupils sing a song whose stupidity, wretched rhyme and rhythm, and treason were all alike abominable. Here are two verses of it:
"Oh have you heard the joyful news?
Virginia has Old Abe refused,
Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!
Virginia joined the Cotton States,
The news of which each heart elates
Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!
We'll die for Old Virginia,
Hurrah! hurrah!
Virginia joins the Cotton States,
The news of which each heart elates
Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!
We'll die for old Virginia!
* * * *
Ah! the stars and bars we'll fling on high,
And for our homes we'll fight or die,
Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!
Our cause is right, our quarrel just-
In the God of battles we will trust,
Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!
We'll die for old Virginia,
Hurrah! hurrah!
We'll die for old Virginia.
Our cause is right—our quarrel just—
In the God of battles we will trust,
Hurrah! hurrah!
We'll die for old Virginia.
And so on through four long tedious, dreary, stupid verses of idiotic reiteration. The teacher who would introduce such trash into a school of young children, deserves an immediate discharge on the ground of in competency. We call the attention of the Council to the importance of making all teachers take the oath, female as well as male. And some of them should be dismissed without being required to take the oath. The subject is one of momentous importance. Let the work be done thoroughly and promptly.
The resolutions in reference to the Union officers and soldiers are well merited compliments to their chivalry, generosity and magnanimity. Every word in them is deserved.
Nashville Daily Union, April 17, 1862.
14, Federal cavalry scout sent to Greene County to apprehend Confederate guerrillas
Capt. G. F. HERRIOTT, Cmdg. Left Wing, Third Indiana Cavalry:
SIR: You will send out a scouting party of about 100 men, under the guidance of Col. Fry and Capt. Reynolds, for the purpose of thoroughly scouting the upper end of Greene County, and, if it be possible, to capture the rebel desperadoes under Reynolds, who infest that county. The party of guides will be at your camp at 2 o'clock this afternoon, and your detachment will leave on their arrival. Should you prefer doing so, you can take the detachment yourself, in which case you will notify these headquarters who is left in command of your camp.
By command of Brig.-Gen. Cox:
ED. D. SAUNDERS, Capt. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 353.
14, One Federal Brigadier-General's initial report on the Fort Pillow Massacre
HDQRS. U. S. COLORED TROOPS IN TENNESSEE, Memphis, Tenn., April 14, 1864.
Hon. E. B. WASHBURNE, Washington, D. C.:
MY DEAR SIR: Before this letter reaches you will have learned of the capture of Fort Pillow and of the slaughter of our troops after the place was captured. This is the most infernal outrage that has been committed since the war began. Three weeks ago I sent up four companies of colored troops to that place under Maj. Booth, a most brave and efficient [officer], who took command of the post. Forrest and Chalmers, with about 3,000 devils, attacked the place on the 12th at 9 a. m. and succeeded after three assaults, and when both Maj. and Maj. Bradford, of the Thirteenth Tennessee Cavalry, had been killed, in capturing the place at 4 p. m. We had, all, less 500 effective men, and one-third of whom were colored.
The colored troops fought with desperation throughout. After the capture our colored men were literally butchered. Chalmers was present and saw it all. Out of over 300 colored men, not 25 were taken prisoners, and they may have been killed long before this.
There is a great deal of excitement in town consequence of this affair, especially among our colored troops. If this is to be the game of the enemy they will soon learn that it is one at which two can play.
The Government will no doubt take cognizance of this matter immediately and take such measures as will prevent a recurrence.
It is reported that Forrest will move on this place in a few days. I do not believe it. I am hurried and can write no more to-day. I am feeling dreadfully over the fate of my brave officers and men. Like all others, I feel that the blood of these heroes must be avenged. Forrest will probably try to get out of West Tennessee as soon as he can. We have re-enforcements coming in, and we shall soon be on his track.
In haste, sincerely, your friend,
[A. L.] CHETLAIN, Brig.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 364.
14, "Try them in the dungeon for forty-eight hours with nothing to eat but bread and water; it may serve at least a temporary check upon their wicked life." Juvenile delinquency in occupied Nashville
"Recorder's Court."
* * * *
Twelve boys, arrested by the military on Thursday [14th], were then called up, charged with disorderly conduct and vagrancy. The following are their names: William Taylor, of Baltimore, John Ryan, of Washington, D.C., arrived here three days ago with the eleventh army corps. Jas. McClusky, of New York, came here a few days ago, with the 14th Michigan; Jno. Burns and Joseph Merker, of Louisville, who say they have been driving teams; Charles Henry Anderson, of Philadelphia, who came here with the 15th Pennsylvania cavalry; Hugh Muray, of Michigan; Louis Evans, of Philadelphia; Thomas Moran, Charley Talman, and Edward Wade, of Nashville; and Tom Watts, of nowhere in particular. These boys vary in age from eight or nine perhaps to sixteen, and are about as hard a looking dozen as can well be picked up anywhere. Mr. Cliff, a Government watchman at the Chattanooga depot, deposed that [the] defendants were all the time idling about the depot, day and night. They had taken wagon bodies and fixed up a house to sleep in; they had been in the neighborhood for several weeks-perhaps months. On Thursday they were very troublesome, and witness ordered them away; defendants laughed at him, and he went for the guard, when they began pelting him with mud. Witness has seen them eating on the streets; does not know where they belong. Two or three other witnesses were examined, one of whom said the boys generally slept in wagons [in the] back of the camp; he had caught several of them stealing, and identified four of those present as among the guilty parties. All of them were ordered to the work-house for future disposition. What will be done with them we cannot say, but we would suggest that all who do not belong to Nashville be sent home, consigned to the Mayor or Chief of Police of the town whence the came, who will no doubt see that they are properly disposed of. With regard to our own boys, it is difficult to suggest any plan of reformation under existing circumstances; but we present this as another evidence of the necessity of a house of correction for juveniles. Some of the bad boys of Nashville have very respectable parents, whose hearts are nearly broken in consequence of the disgrace brought upon them by the conduct of their children, who are grown beyond the control of their parents, and roam the city a large, night and day. Something must be done to reform these boys, and that very speedily, or we shall be overrun with burglars, and thieves, and incendiaries, or our own raising. A lodgment in the work-house for a day or two is no punishment to most of them. The fare better there than when sleeping in wagons or in depot sheds. Try them in the dungeon for forty-eight hours with nothing to eat but bread and water; it may serve at least a temporary check upon their wicked life. [Emphasis added]
* * * *
Nashville Dispatch, April 16, 1864.
14, Public health workers in Nashville
The Shovel Brigade [sic] was out in force[18] yesterday, and went through their manoeuvres [sic] with remarkable accuracy, considering the short time they have been on duty. They also marched well, particularly at noon and at 6 P. M. The ebony hammer brigade [sic] are drilled daily on Capitol Hill, by Capts. Dodd and Patterson, reviewed semi-occasionally by Gen. Wright. These forces are intended to operate principally against Small Pox and Pneumonia, two desperate enemies of mankind generally.
Nashville Dispatch, April 14, 1864.
14, Elvira Powers' second day at Small Pox Hospital
A woman and boy died in my division last night. The woman left a little child, eighteen months old, which is inconsolable. The father, a soldier, wishes to take the child away, but was not permitted to do so or to see it, for fear of contagion. It is to be kept to see if the child has the disease. [It did not, and had no scar from vaccination, such queer freaks the disease takes.]
The boy, an Alabamian, told me yesterday he was getting better. He had been sent here with measles, recovered from those, but the small pox did not break out. He died easy, and said he was "going to Heaven." I write his people to-day, via Fortress Monroe.[19] His name was G. B. Allen, of Rockford, Cousa Co., Alabama. One man died yesterday, to whose people I have written to-day. Another died to-day. The mortality here is great said one patient to me:
"People die mighty easy here."
I asked in what way, he meant.
"Oh," he replied, "they'll be mighty peart-like [sic], one minute, an' the next you know, they're dead!"
This is true, and I find so many who were sent here with measles, recover from those, and die of small pox. Sixty cases of measles [sic] were sent to this hospital in one month [sic], as I learn from the lips of the surgeon in charge himself, Dr. F. These are sent by the several physicians of Nashville. The fact itself speaks volumes, but to stay here and see its effects day after day in the poor victims of such ignorance, impress one with a sense of the importance by the medical faculty of distinguishing between the two diseases."
Powers, Pencillings, pp. 42-43.
14, Belle Edmondson's prayer for the Confederate States of America
April, Thursday 14, 1864
….God grant we may humbly receive the blessings which have brightened our little Confederacy, drive this wicked band from our Sunny land, give us liberty and peace-oh! make us a Christian nation-we have suffered, yet we deserved thy punishment, we humbly crave thy pardon, and beseech thy blessings-The night spent as usual with me, sit in the Parlor with Father a short while after Tea.
Diary of Belle Edmondson
14, News from East Tennessee
The Bristol Gazette of the 14th instant says that cars, under a flag of truce, have been running for some days past as low as Greenville, Tennessee They bring up citizens who refuse to take the Yankee oath—among them the families of Dr. Ramsey and Col. Crozier, of Knoxville—and take down all who are hungering and thirsting for it.
Savannah [Georgia] Republican, April 22, 1864.[20]
14, "It is supposed that this unfortunate man was deposited in the cave about the middle of last August by his father…."
Correspondence of the Chattanooga Gazette, April 14.
From Tennessee-A Man confined in a Salt-petre Cave for Two Hundred and Seventy Days.-Graysville,[21] April 14. The people of Parker's Gap were much alarmed yesterday morning by a rumor that there was a human being in an old saltpeter cave near the Gap. The ladies, God bless 'em, ever ready to respond to the call of humanity, hurried to the rescue, but their united efforts were insufficient to extricate the sufferer.
Surgeon Marks, medical director of this division, and Surgeon Powers, of the artillery corps, were sent for, and after a great deal of labor, the poor fellow was taken from his living tomb. He was immediately recognized as John Harrison, Jr. It is supposed that this unfortunate man was deposited in the cave about the middle of last August by his father, who is connected with the mining and nitre bureau of the C. S. A., and that he has remained there ever since. When taken out he was entirely helpless and speechless, and, although youthful, was wholly destitute of hair and teeth. He will not be able to tell the tale of his horrible sufferings for years. How he sustained existence in that "dark, unfathomed cave" for three quarters of a year is a question for the student of physiology to answer.
Parties were immediately sent out to explore the various saltpeter caves in this vicinity, as it is supposed that when the rebels fell back from here a large number of the unfortunates were hidden away in the same manner.
The Daily Cleveland [OH] Herald, April 26, 1864. [22]
14, "I have got with a good mess of boys 8 of us they are not as swearing blackguarding set at all with Stewart excepted."
Prospect Tennessee April 14, 1864
Dear Father
I received your letter last night which is the second one that I have had from you since I left. If I had one each day I should not get tired of opening them & reading them if they are from Iowa they are very welcome visitors but like angels visits few & far between I wrote a letter to you yesterday but after I received this I thought that I must write again I have wrote quiet a number to different persons in the country but have received no answers We get mail here every day It is then taken to headquarters & each company's mail given to that company's orderly& then distributed by him. You Perhaps remember Stewart the man that went with Vanness when he thrashed our grain some years ago he stays in our shanty & is very sick it is probably the measles that is coming upon him if that proves to be the case he will of course removed to the hospital until he recovers. James Campbell & Uriah A Wilson have both had them but they have got about well again I received the postage stamps that you sent me but they were so stuck together that I had to steam them to get them separated they should be doubled face to face to prevent them sticking. You said something about Leonard Parker having sold out did he ever say anything to you about some money that he owed to me for rail making I made him 1880 rails & he only paid me for 1500 when he counted them. There was a deep snow & he did not find them all & he promised if he found the rest he would hand the balance of the money to you I know that the rails are there & he should have paid to you 3 dollars & 80 cents perhaps he has but the next time you write let me know I have got with a good mess of boys 8 of us they are not as swearing blackguarding set at all with Stewart excepted They are quiet the reverse more inclined to study & improve their mental faculties we have had several debating schools in our shanty since we came here, & we study grammar some & arithmetic one of our mess sent to Fowler & Wells & got a couple of Phonographic Books & we are just beginning to see a dawn of sense in that branch We have had them only 4 or 5 days & were entirely ignorant of it all of us so we are not advanced in reading or writing it yet. Altogether we have received the name of the literary squad which sounds blackguarding shanty just below us which is known by the name of Gambling Saloon I have just been down to the guard house & saw one from the aforesaid place with his arms tied & fastened in a standing position & I thought that I would sooner be studying grammar or Frognogra[phy] by which they try to ridicule us than to be in his place for running the picket lines or some other misdemeanor. I am perfectly well & hope that this may find you all the same
Charles B Senior
Co B 7 Iowa Info Via NashvilleTennessee not volunteers but infantry or the letters may go to the 7 cavalry
Charles B Senior
Senior Correspondence.
15, Skirmish near Greeneville
APRIL 15, 1864.-Skirmish near Greeneville, Tenn.
Report of Maj. Gen. John M. Schofield, U. S. Army, commanding Department of the Ohio.
KNOXVILLE, TENN., April 16, 1864.
The Third Indiana Cavalry, reconnoitering beyond Greeneville yesterday, surprised a party of rebel cavalry, killed 10 and captured 15, inclosing their leader, Reynolds. Nothing new relative to the movements of the enemy.
J. M. SCHOFIELD, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, p. 669.
The notorious guerrilla Reynolds, and his command, was surprised by a party of National cavalry, near Knoxville, Tenn., and ten of them killed. Reynolds and fifteen others were captured, together with their horses, equipments and arms.
Rebellion Record, Vol. 8, p. 64
15, Report of prisoners of war and deserters received and disposed of, oaths administered to citizens, and sales and issues of rations to citizens during the month of March, 1864.
Chattanooga Nashville Total
Prisoners of war:
Disposed of:
Paroled on oath........……612……….…..41……………653
Oaths administered to citizens:
Allegiance...............……531……… 6,320…………..6,851
Persons.................…. 9,958………..9,958
Respectfully submitted.
J. G. PARKHURST, Col. Ninth Michigan Vol. Inf. and Provost-Marshal-Gen.
[Inclosure No. 2.]
Statement of the number of rations issued to destitute citizens, in the Department of the Cumberland, during the month of March, 1864.
Nashville, Tenn. …………………………………………40,000
Chattanooga, Tenn. (issued half-rations)...........………..106,138
Stevenson, Ala......................................………………….5,330
Murfreesborough, Tenn............................………………..6,912
Clarksville, Tenn....................................…………………..412
Calhoun, Tenn........................................…………………1,906
Gallatin, Tenn. (none issued.)
First Cavalry Division, Department of the Cumberland………340
Lookout Valley, Tenn............................………………….14,314
Whiteside's, Tenn................................…………………….8,854
Shellmound, Tenn..................................…………………..5,469
Bridgeport, Ala.....................................…………………...5,726
Fourth Army Corps, Department of the Cumberland....…….6,100
Twelfth Army Corps, Department of the Cumberland.……...130
Tyner's Station, Tenn..........................……………………18,500
Graysville, Ga................................…………………………400
Rossville, Ga................................……………………….11,302
Ringgold, Ga.................................………………………..1,206
J. C. READ, Capt. and Acting Chief Commissary of Subsistence.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, pp. 17-18.
15, Col. John M. Hughs deceives Federal command in Sparta; one woman's observations about the war on the Cumberland Plateau
....Col. Hughs sent [word] into Sparta that he was coming in to take the oath and bring his whole command, but he did it just to fool the Yankees. I say (I think) he acted the fool; the Yankees stayed several days longer than they would have done. Of course they will never put any confidence in what he says again. He thinks he is so smart. It will take hard knocking to knock the conceit out of him. I do not think the people are faring any better in some instances since the Yanks left than they did before, but it won't do to say. For some people would knock my head off in a minute. I can see as "fur into a grindstone" as any one else, I guess....
Diary of Amanda McDowell, pp. 234-235.
15, Bushwhackers perpetrate murder in Sumner County, in the Goodlettsville environs
On Friday night [15th], the house of Mr. Zebulon P. Cantrell, in Sumner county, about two miles east of Goodlettsville, was attacked by three robbers, and the good old gentleman, while lying on his bed, was shot and instantly killed. The fatal ball came through the window, the villains not daring to face an honest man whose hairs had become frosted by the winters of three score and ten years. Master Richard Cantrell, hearing the shot, leaped from his bed, and from the window fired three shots toward the assassins, when the fled, and have not since been heard from.
Blood, though it sleep for a time, yet never dies
The gods on murderers fix revengeful eyes
Mr. Cantrell was nearly seventy years of age. He was for a long time a merchant of this city [Nashville], in connection with his brother, the late Stephen Cantrell, under the firm and style of S. & Z. P. Cantrell. They will be remembered by the old citizens as occupying the old frame warehouse on the corner of Cherry and Deaderick streets, and afterwards the brick warehouse nearly opposite the wire bridge. For more than 80 [sic] years past he has been a citizen of Sumner county. He preserved his integrity as a merchant, and in all the relations of life, as husband, father, brother, friend, and citizen, he was faithful and honorable. He sleeps in his grave without a blemish on his good name.
Nashville Dispatch, April 17, 1864.
15, "Greene County Auxiliary Relief Association."
In compliance with the recommendation of the "East Tennessee Relief Association," recently addressed to the citizens of the various counties of East Tennessee, to form auxiliary associations, a portion of the citizens of Greene county met at Galbraith's store, in the city of Knoxville, on the 15th inst. For the purpose of organizing an auxiliary association for the relief of the destitute loyal citizens of said county.
Gen. Sam. Milligan was called to the chair, and A. Galbraith was requested to act as secretary.
The object of the meeting being fully explained and understood. [sic]
On motion of Mr. James W. Harold was unanimously chosen President, and W. B. Rankin, Vice President, and James A. Galbraith as Secretary and Treasurer of the Greene county Auxiliary Relief Association.
Geo. Jones, Sr., Geo. M. Spencer, E. B. Miller, J. G. Wilson, and Dr. Wm. West, were appointed Executive Committee, three of whom shall be a quorum to transact business.
Mr. H. B. Baker was appointed as receiving, forwarding and disbursing agent subject to the order of said Committee.
Upon motion the meeting adjourned to meet upon the call of the President, or any five members of the Association.
J. W. Harold, President
J. A. Galbraith, Sec &. Treas.
Brownlow's Knoxville Whig and Rebel Ventilator, April 30, 1864
15, A note on Confederate conscription activities by Forrest's forces in West Tennessee
Jackson, Tenn., April 15, 1864.
* * * *
....There are yet a large number of men in West Tennessee who have avoided the [Confederate] service, and there is but little prospect for adding to our strength by volunteering. Conscription, however, would, I think, give us from 5,000 to 8,000 men, perhaps more. I have not, from constant marches and active operations in the field, been able to do much in conscripting those subject to military duty but design doing so effectively whenever I can with safety send detachments in all directions to scour the country for deserters and conscripts.
* * * *
Nathan Bedford Forrest, Major-General
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, p. 612.
15, "Deserters still come fast – it was estimated a few days ago that the number coming in weekly at this place and Morris Town alone averages over 900."
April 15th 1864,
…We left out camp day before yesterday and are now in all old rebel camp about 2 miles father up the R.R….My partner and myself have a comfortable shebang closed at both ends. My old partner is still in the hospital but I am in hopes that he will soon be able to join the Regiment…We have been together nearly ever since we came out, without falling out which is more than can be said of many other bunkmates. Our Lieut. – Humason has been detailed in the Commissary Dept. at Knoxville very much against his and the company's wishes but such things can't be helped and he had to go. Fawcett is still at home I suppose, and I hope his anxiety for the welfare of this Co. will not bring him back until he is able…We are doing remarkably well without him. I think we haven't a commissioned officer with our Co. now.
Deserters still come fast – it was estimated a few days ago that the number coming in weekly at this place and Morris Town alone averages over 900. More than 2 good sized regiments and the number increases daily. This is very encouraging I think and if we can only hold this point for a few weeks the rebel army of East Tenn. will exist only in name. A good many of the deserters go into our army but the greater portion are tired of soldiering and want to go north. The poor citizens are nearly all leaving this state for Ill. and Ohio as they can't live here until they can raise a crop…
Bentley Letters.
16, Skirmish at Rheatown
No circumstantial reports filed.
16, Federal solution to problem of Confederate refugees in Blue Springs
BULL'S GAP, April 16, 1864.
Maj.-Gen. SCHOFIELD, Knoxville:
The rebel families and surgeons last sent beyond our lines are still at Blue Springs, and do not get any transportation from the enemy. They apply for rations, and also to be sent to Greeneville. The roads are bad, and the former trips were hard on our teams, but I think they should either go back to Knoxville or farther to the front. Have you any instructions?
J. D. COX, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.
KNOXVILLE, TENN., April 16, 1864.
Brig.-Gen. COX, Bull's Gap:
The enemy should furnish transportation for persons sent through the lines from the point where the railroad cannot be used; at all events do not send them to Greeneville until the roads are in better condition. You will have to feed them while they remain with you.
J. M. SCHOFIELD, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 377.
16, "Sales of Real Estate."
There is a good deal of real estate changing hands in the city at present. Those who have a superabundance of greenbacks are investing quite freely. The following sales have been negotiated through the agency office of Messrs. Nelson & Murfree within the last two days:
Store house, No. 3, on the Public Square, 18 by 90 feet, sold to Mr. A. V. S. Lindsley for &13,500.
A small dwelling house on Summer street, a few doors North of Broad, belonging to Mr. M. S. Combs, sold to MR. George Mullins for $3,000.
A small frame dwelling house on the West side of College street, in the eighth ward, lot 35, by 138 feet, belonging to Mr. John Lumsden, sold to Mr. James Hughes for $1,500.
A brick dwelling on Cherry street, in the third ward, lot 32 ½ by 165 feet, belonging to Mrs. R.A.V. Handy of Philadelphia, and others, sold for $75,00.
WE have heard of a number of transactions in real estate in the county, but are not sufficiently posted, nor are we authorized, to give the particulars. There is a greater degree of activity in the real estate market than has been exhibited since the commencement of the war.
The brick dwelling of Jos. R. Ryan, Esq., corner of Gay and Spruce streets, 4th ward, sold to James Hughes.
Nashville Dispatch, April 16, 1864.
14, General Orders, No. 43, relative to the lifting of restrictions on the use of gold in business dealings
GENERAL ORDERS, No. 43. HDQRS. DISTRICT OF WEST TENNESSEE, Memphis, Tenn., April 14, 1865.
Any military restrictions heretofore existing in this district in regard to dealing in gold are hereby removed, and the same is subject solely to the orders and regulations of the Treasury Department.
By order of Maj. Gen. C. C. Washburn:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 356.
14, Skirmish at Mount Pleasant
No circumstantial reports filed.
14, A Bolivar school girl grieves for the Confederacy
....In spite of my resolution to be always happy, this news has cast such a damper over my spirits that I am really sick enough to go to bed. "Oh, Heaven my bleeding country save!" Richmond has fallen. General Lee Surrendered with the whole army. Gens. Fitzhugh Lee and H. P. Hill among the killed. In vain can we search the history of the world from the beginning to find such chivalry and heroism as the Southern people have shown during the long and bloody conflict. Look at Gen. R. E. Lee, J. E. Johnston, N. B. Forrest and all the other officers and soldiers of the Confederacy....Frank got a paper and read us the despatches between Gens. Lee and Grant. Oh that mine head were waters and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep over the fall perhaps of the Confederacy.
Diary of Sally Wendel Fentress.
15, Anti-guerrilla scout from Blue Springs to Allen's Bridge, East Tennessee
No circumstantial reports filed.
HDQRS. FIRST DIVISION, FOURTH ARMY CORPS, Shield's Mills, East Tenn., April 16, 1865.
Lieut. Col. J. S. FULLERTON, Asst. Adjt. Gen. and Chief of Staff, Fourth Army Corps:
Your order to send the teams to assist Tillson is obeyed. Maj. Cox has returned with the Eighty-fourth Regt. [sic] Illinois Infantry. Went to Allen's Bridge, found nothing, but has reliable information that from 200 to 300 guerrillas have their camp and place of rendezvous at Newport, on the French road, about twenty miles from here.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
N. KIMBALL, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 366.
15, Unsuccessful Federal anti-guerrilla scout to Johnston's and Allen's bridge over Chucky River
No circumstantial reports filed.
HDQRS. SECOND DIVISION, FOURTH ARMY CORPS, Blue Springs, Tenn., April 16, 1865.
Lieut. Col. J. S. FULLERTON, Asst. Adjt. Gen., Fourth Corps, Greeneville, Tenn.:
COL.: I have the honor to report that in compliance with the dispatch from the major-general commanding, dated the 15th, I sent the Twenty-fourth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Maj. MacArthur commanding, accompanied by a sergeant and twelve men of the Eighth Tennessee Cavalry, familiar with the country and people, to Johnston's and Allen's Bridge, over the Chucky. The major has reported that five guerrillas of Tulle's band, from Hamilton, Cocke County, Tenn., were at the bridge on Friday last. The party is said to be camped at or near Hamilton, and to number from 100 to 200. Johnston's two sons are said to belong to the band. One of them an officer. Johnston and Allen are represented to be rich rebels. The scout was not successful.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
W. L. ELLIOTT, Brig.-Gen., U. S. Volunteers, Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 366.
[1] Messages of the Governors of Tennessee, 1857-1869, Vol. 5, (Nashville: Tennessee Historical Commission, 1959), photocopy of original between pp. 272-273. See also: OR, Ser. III, Vol. I, p. 81.
[2] "Blue mass" was a mercury compound regularly utilized by physicians for its strong cathartic effect.
[3] As cited in: http://www.uttyl.edu/vbetts.
[4] As cited in: http://www2.uttyler.edu/vbetts
[5] As cited in PQCW.
[6] Most likely a reference to the February 26, 1862 Confederate reconnaissance led by John Hunt Morgan to and about Nashville that included the burning of but one steamboat, the Minna Tonka.
[7] As cited in PQCW.
[8] Perhaps taken at the skirmish between Steedman's command and Van Dorn's command near Franklin, March 5, 1863.
[9] Not identified.
[10] Bill Reddick, apparently a Nashville police officer or private investigator.
[11] A saloon on Cedar street.
[12] Apparently a Nashville police officer or private investigator.
[13] This term's definition is not known.
[14] The outcome of any re-trial is not known.
[15] Cleburne's division: Sanders' Company Tennessee Cavalry (Buckner Guards). See OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 873.
[16] See OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 718 for Return of March 20, 1863.
[17] There is nothing to indicate that the "strange rebel soldier" was apprehended.
[18] The "brigade" was most likely composed of contrabands, engaged in the task of scraping the streets as part of a public health initiate taken by the Army..
[19] A Confederate Prisoner of War exchange point in Virginia.
[20] As cited in: http://www.uttyl.edu/vbetts.
[21] Located in Rhea county.
[22] GALEGROUP - TSLA 19TH CN The rest of the story is thus far unknown.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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